Booklet Global Education

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Booklet Global Education

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Programul Global Education reprezintă mediul optim de dezvoltare pentru tine ca și

tânâr cu inițiativă , pasionat de educare! Te provocam să faci o schimbare în educația celorlați prin

aportul personal în mediul global. De asemenea vei câștiga experiență profesională prin implementarea

metodelor non-formale de predare, crearea unui mediu divers de învățare pentru tineri.

Programul ţi se potriveşte dacă eşti …

Student sau absolvent recent de facultate/master

Un bun vorbitor de limba engleză

Un tânăr aspirant de a deveni profesor

Adaptabil la un mediu internațional divers

Și daca ai cunostințe în…

A preda limba engleză

A dezvolta abilitati și aptitudini

Interacțiune culturala

Consultanță educațională și de carieră

Ce vei câștiga:

Experiență de muncă internațională

Deprinderi teoretice și practice

Impact asupra dezvoltării personale și profesionale

Noi perspective multiculturale

Acces gratuit la diferite seminarii și training-uri de pregătire

Prieteni din toată lumea

Vei învăța cum să:

Ai o minte mai deschisă cu privire la alte culturi

Iți imbunătățești performanța prin gasirea de soluții

Profiți de relațiile cu celelalte persoane din alte culturi prin a invăța lucruri noi

Contribui la dezvoltarea celorlalți prin împărtășirea experienței și cunoștințelor tale

Iți dezvolți aptitudinile de persuasiune

Iți dezvolți aptitudinile de prezentare și vorbit în public

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Ashoka Austria

AIESEC VIENNA UV, AUSTRIA Ashoka is leading a profound transformation in society. In the past three decades, the global citizen sector, led by social entrepreneurs, has grown exponentially. Just as the business sector experienced a tremendous spurt in productivity over the last century, the citizen sector is experiencing a similar revolution, with the number and sophistication of citizen organizations increasing dramatically. Job Description Cross-departmental function Searching and selecting new fellows Developing public relations and communication campaigns and scaling Ashoka's visiblity trough social media tools and website development Work Information Business Administration Cultural Education Communication & Journalism Payment Salary in US $250 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 18.10.2012 Internship Latest Date 28.02.2014 Backgrounds Business Administration Event Management Bilingual and Cross Cultural Education Languages Excellent English German Preferred

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Careers International specialises in bringing top talent together with top employers. We do this globally and with speed, ease, transparency and optimal use of the web. Companies trust our recruitment innovation – and our results. Job Description Research Specialist Social Media Supporting Recruitment Consultants and Event Managers in the attraction of candidates for recruitment projects or recruitment events Supporting in the design of online events, especially regarding relevant content, which is of interest for a specific targetInvolvement in international Career Events Housing allowance: 500 euros Lunch vouchers: 6 euros/day Background in HR/Marketing Payment Salary in US $1000 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 28.01.2013 Internship Latest Date 31.01.2014 Backgrounds Communication & Journalism Human Resources Recruitment and Allocation Presentation skills Leadership skills Languages Excellent English German Required

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YAZIGI INTERNEXUS AIESEC CHAPECO, BRAZIL Yázigi's commitment is to train citizens. The school offers education that goes beyond the classroom, teaching here is fun, varied and full of new experiences, like all travel must be. Yázigi is located in Erechim a city that is about 120km from Chapecó. Is really close to the LC and there is buses everyday so the intern can come very often to Chapecó. Job Description Pedagogical area Working as an English teacher for all levels (children, youth and adults of all ages). Working on special projects at school as teacher preparation, preparation of lessons. Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $530 Organisational Preferences Minimum Duration 21 Weeks Maximum Duration 21 Weeks Backgrounds Cultural Education Teaching & Language Education Child (Youth) Education Foreign Languages Education Language Teaching Languages Excellent English Good Portuguese

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Careers International specialises in bringing top talent together with top employers. We do this globally and with speed, ease, transparency and optimal use of the web. Companies trust our recruitment innovation – and our results. Job Description Research Specialist Social Media Supporting Recruitment Consultants and Event Managers in the attraction of candidates for recruitment projects or recruitment events Supporting in the design of online events, especially regarding relevant content, which is of interest for a specific targetInvolvement in international Career Events Housing allowance: 500 euros Lunch vouchers: 6 euros/day Background in HR/Marketing Payment Salary in US $1000 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 28.01.2013 Internship Latest Date 31.01.2014 Backgrounds Communication & Journalism Human Resources Recruitment and Allocation Presentation skills Leadership skills Languages Excellent English German Required

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SKOLA SOUKROMA MATERSKA AIESEC BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC Job Description Kindergarten teaching team Direct working with children. You will be full time teacher for teaching english in classes max with 15 children to the age of 6. Playing with children. Preparing special games and fun. Taking care of children, solving problems and educate them. Work Information Field of Work Cultural Education Payment Salary in US $600 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.09.2012 Internship Latest Date 30.06.2013 Backgrounds Introductory Cultural Education Social Sciences Sociology Teaching & Language Education Introductory Teaching Linguistics Languages Excellent English

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COLEGIO BRITANICO INTERNATIONAL AIESEC UNINORTE, COLOMBIA Job Description Languages The intern will give english classes for students, teaching at British School, one of the biggest private school at colombian north coast. He/she will support conversation classes for teachers. Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $900 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.08.2012 Internship Latest Date 07.06.2013 Backgrounds Bilingual and Cross Cultural Education International Education Teaching & Language Education Child (Youth) Education Linguistics Languages Native English

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York Kindergarten

AIESEC CUHK, HONG KONG Job Description Kindergarten Prepare teaching materials Care for children. Facilitate the existing teachers. Help teach children in English Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $1868 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.08.2012 Internship Latest Date 30.06.2013 Backgrounds Teaching & Language Education Advanced Teaching Introductory Teaching Leadership skills Language Teaching Languages Native English

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KINDSVILLE AIESEC BANDUNG, INDONESIA Gymboree is a creative mix of learning, fitness, positive parenting and fun. Based on proven principles of early childhood education, educational psychology, physical and occupational therapy, dance, recreation and fitness. Job Description Education (0-6 years old) Teaching English for a very young learner (with interactive & fun approach for young children) Assessing students' ability in learning English (grading their tasks, having daily conversations with them) Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $325 Organisational Preferences Minimum Duration 13 Weeks Maximum Duration 14 Weeks Backgrounds Teaching & Language Education Introductory Teaching Subjects Education Language Teaching Languages Excellent English

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AIESEC DOSHISHA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN Job Description KINDERGARTEN To help a kindergarten teacher in a 30 kindergartners class To play with kindergartners outside To teach your country culture and tradition to kindergarteners Work Information Field of Work Cultural Education Payment Salary in US $1558 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 10.04.2013 Internship Latest Date 25.07.2013 Backgrounds International Education Introductory Cultural Education Language Teaching Languages Good English Basic Japanese

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Laboratorios Silanes S.A. AIESEC UP, MEXICO Job Description Communications- HR Support the entire HR area in all of the core processes. Elaborate internal newsletters in a creative way Work Information Human Resources Payment Salary in US $783 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 15.02.2013 Internship Latest Date 15.03.2014 Backgrounds Introduction to Communications Human Resources Information Technology Presentation skills Leadership skills Languages Good English Spanish Required

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ACORD PLUS SCOALA DE ENGLEZA MOLDOVA, MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF Education training institute focused on English programs for students to learn English language. The English language school where you can attend a relaxed atmosphere and dynamic professional teachers. Job Description English Language Organize and provide lesson plans according to topics to be studied with in the deadlines approved by School Director. Work information Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $470 Organisational Preferences Minimum Duration 10 Weeks Maximum Duration 12 Weeks Backgrounds Foreign Languages Education Language Teaching Leadership skills Languages Native English

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3Way AIESEC TORUN UMK, POLAND Job Description Language Education - Department of English. Basic task is to teach children, teenagers and adults English for the direct method based on the books Direct English. The meeting will be based on games,watching movies in English. Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $412 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.10.2012 Internship Latest Date 30.06.2013 Backgrounds Cultural Education Introductory Cultural Education Teaching & Language Education Foreign Languages Education Advanced Teaching Computer Internet User Skills Language Teaching Languages Native English Good French

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Santa Paula Languages School AIESEC MALAGA, SPAIN Start up provides foreign language classes in a innovative way which revolutionizes the classic way to learn. Job Description English teaching Preparing classes and correcting students work Communication with students Private English classes Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $300 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 10.01.2013 Internship Latest Date 09.01.2014 Backgrounds Cultural Education Bilingual and Cross Cultural Education Teaching & Language Education Subjects Education Languages Excellent English Good French Spanish Required

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Diction AG Proofreader/ Translator

AIESEC ST GALLEN, SWITZERLAND Job Description Either French or English department Proofreading different kinds of text together with a team colleague. Translating text from German into English. Work Information Field of Work Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $2000 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.02.2013 Internship Latest Date 01.06.2014 Backgrounds Bilingual and Cross Cultural Education Automotive Engineering Teaching & Language Education Foreign Languages Linguistics Language Teaching Languages English Required French Required

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Eastern Mediterranean Doga College AIESEC EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN, TURKEY Job Description Education Intern will be responsible teaching French all levels. Intern will be responsible from minimum 10 students and advising them. Work Information Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $1500 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.09.2012 Internship Latest Date 01.09.2013 Backgrounds Cultural Education Teaching & Language Education Child (Youth) Education Foreign Languages Education Linguistics Subjects Education Languages Native French

Excellent English

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ASL KNIGHTS AIESEC KHARKIV, UKRAINE Job Description Teaching of English Language Organizing and conducting interesting classes of English language for groups of students (with high level of English). To create and provide different out-of-school initiatives and activities for participants. Work Information Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $200 Organisational Preferences Internship Earliest Start Date 01.08.2012 Internship Latest Date 30.11.2012 Backgrounds International Education Teaching & Language Education Linguistics Languages Native English

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THE GLOBAL CHILD AIESEC BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY, HUNGARY In today's global environment cultural understanding and knowing foreign languages becomes of much higher importance than before.. Our trainees can be a part of an especially adaptible environment, where they work with kids from kindergartens, and therefore they can direclty have an impact on tomorrow's society. Job Description Neverland Childcare Internship You will take care of children and help them in everyday things (dressing, eating, playing). You will hold English sessions every day for that you will need to prepare yourself (materials and help is partly provided) Work Information Teaching & Language Education Payment Salary in US $515 Internship Earliest Start Date 27.08.2012 Internship Latest Date 31.08.2013 Backgrounds Cultural Education International Education Bilingual and Cross Cultural Education Teaching & Language Education Languages Native English

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