i$% ry F tzS I-:5,& xug*j: ' ' I l.'i ,r-: r,) ) ,- )) )

Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

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F tzS I-:5,& xug*j:

' ' I l . ' i, r - : r , ) ) , - ) ) )

Page 2: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi circle the correct answer.

fin ond Claro ,, . , o horror movie.Suddenly, the phone rong.

a wos wotching

b were wotching

c wotched

d wotch

There were mony children on thebeoch. Some sondcostles.

a is moking

b ore moking

c were moking

d wos moking

When I first __, - , him, he wos verypolite.

a wos meeting

b meet

C met

d were meeting

Som , ,, o big coke for lunch whenI went out.

a eots

b eot

c hod eoting

d wos eating

Ben .,..,. cl stronge noise more thontwice lost night.

a wos heoring

b heors

c heor

d heord

Henry the roce, but he felldown.

a leod

b leods

c wcrs leoding

d is leoding

Anno could not onswer the phone.She o both.

a wos toking

b took

c tokes

d toking

Whot when I colled?

a did you doing

b were you doing

c did you did

d were you did

Page 3: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book


ffi Complete each dialogue using the correct form of the verb given.

1 Tim: Where were you going when I sow you yesterdoy?

Max: We ,-,- , - (go) to the museum'

2 Pqul: Whot wos Wendy doing when she cut her finger?

Gina: She ---. - (cut) poper with o shorp knife'

3 Jqke: It . *,_ ._ . * (roin) heovily when I woke up ot midnight.

Kim: Are you sure? How come the roods are dry this morning?

4 Ninq: My friend's boby sister is wolking now.

Liso: Reolly? She ___, ---,,, (crowl) lost time I sow her.

5 Pete: He did not study ot oll lost night.

feff: I know. He ond I (ploy) on online gome oll night'


Correct the mistake in each sentence.was

1 Tell me whot he^doing at 7:3O lost night.

2 Were you get uP lote this morning?

3 Tino wos hoveing dinner with her mother when I dropped by to osk obout homework'

4 Lynn ond I wos studying for the exoms while our clossmotes were out shopping.

5 My sister did not going to school lost week becouse she wos sick.

5 Simon is hoving o greot time in Howoii when he colled me.

7 My boby brother wos slept in the crodle while I wos doing my homework'

Page 4: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

G a,r.le the correct answer.

Som tr;( wos going / went ) to comp lost summer ond hod o greot time.

He especiolly liked seeing wild onimols ot the comp. One time he sow thot o few

robbits {z}( were hopping / ore hopping ) oround the compsite. He tried to cotch one

but the robbits {3}( ron / ore running ) owoy when they sow him. Then he noticed

thot o deer {*}( climbed / wos climbing ) the fence to get inside the comp.

He qsl( wos going / went ) over to see the deer when his teocher colled him.

F, aorrect the seven mistakes in the passage.

fohn were hiking in the mountoins with his closs. He wos excited becouse it wos his

first time to go hiking. It wos hord work, but he did not looking tired ot oll. In foct,

he wos smile os he wolked. Four hours loter, he ond his clossmotes were reoching

the top. The view wos beoutiful!

While his clossmotes will odmiring the view, fohn wos wondering oround toking

pictures. Suddenly, he reolized thot he wos olone ond storted to wolk bock. But he

could not flnd his woy bock-he wos lost! He ponicked ond storted shouting for

help. But no one come. fohn wos sitting on o rock ond is thinking obout whot to

do when he sow thot somebody come toword him. It wos his teocher!

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h# Look at Sally's and John's camp schedules for yesterday. Then write aw paragraph comparing their activities. Use the past continuous.

Sally's schedule fohn's schedule

6:30 get up7:3O hove breokfost8:O0 pick up trosh olong the streom10:00 go roftingI2:OO hove lunch2:OO survey wild plonts

6:30 get up7:3O hove breokfost8:OO meet with teommotes9:00 go rock climbing72:OO hove lunch2:OO visit o shelter for iniured wild


Page 6: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

you met fennifer before?

a Did

b Were

c Hove


I do not know how to use in-lineskotes. I them before.

a hove never tried

b do not wont to try

c wcls not tried

d leorned

her homework yet?

a Hove not she finished

b Hos she finished

c Hos she finish

d She hos finished

Annie ond I in Conodo twoyeors ogo.

a hove lived

b lived

c wos living

d did not lived

The weotherstorted roining.

a wos

b did

c hos been

d hove been

Hove you ever


b been

c visited

d went

cool since it

to Europe?

Solly Tony for two yeors.

a known

b hos knowing

c is knowing

d hos known

I , , -, speoking English when I firststorted leorning it.

a do not hove liked

b was not liking

c did not like

d hove not liked

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ffi Rearrange the words given to complete the dialogues.

1 Deon: How long _-,,,_, (you / been / hove) in conodo?

Gino: For olmost three Yeors'

2 Tony: How mony times (opplied I youi hove) to

this comP?

Liso: Three times.

3 Mike: There were not mony trees in this town lost yeor, but look now!

Nina: Yeoh, (hos I 1t I changed) o lot'

4 foke: Are you soying (seen 1ne lhos not) Tim for

three yeors?

Kim: I know. It is unbelievoble!

5 Tino: (you / have lheord) thot our comp hos been


Poul: No, I hove not.


W Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 The students hos followed the comp sofety rules, so no one hos been hurt so for'

2 My dod hove known Mr. Lee for two yeors.

3 My mom ond dod hove finishing pocking.

4 I hove not go hiking becouse I hurt my leg yesterdoy'

5 She not done ony volunteer work so for.

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W Complete the passage using the correct form of the verbs given.

be ogree find join look surf

Louro ond Koren {r} best friends for yeors. They go to the

some comp every summer. This yeor, they wont to go to o comp thot promotes

in magazines ond newspopers

but {s} nothing so for.

One doy, Louro sees on odvertisement obout o noture comp while she

{4} the Internet. It is cl comp where people con

enjoy sports, such os hiking ond rofting, ond porticipote in o noture-protection

compoign ot the some time..Louro reods the comments from people who

{s} before. Most of the comments ore positive. Loura quickly

colls Koren ond tells her obout the comp. They both tol _ to go.


q# Correct the five mistakes in the diatogue.

Lquro: Koren, hos you seen the first-oid kit?

Karen: Yes. And I hove olreody pock it. Whot do you hove on your list?

Louro: focket, boots ond comero. Oh, ond mosquito repellent, but I not find it yet.

Koren: I think I wos seeing it on the shelf obove the kitchen counter.

Lquro: OK. I will get thot loter. By the woy, hove you seeing my sunblock?

Kqren: Check your bockpock.

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q# Read Lisa's email and write a reply. Use the present perfect.

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ffi Circle the correct answer.

Wow, look ot those

a present

b presents

c one present

d some presents

There ore someWhose ore they?

a coins

b juice

c money

d book

I would like to hove

a o piece

b o slice

c o gloss

d some

My teocher gove mehow to study better.

a mony

b much of

c o few

d some

on the toble.

of milk.

odvice on

Reoding book every doy is ogood hobit.

a some

b much


d mony

We connot live without

a oir

b oirs

c on oir

d mony oirs

I weor becouse I hove pooreyesight.

a gloss

b some gloss

c o glosses

d glosses

I om hungry. Con I hove o ?

a breod

b cookie

c piece of cokes

d cheese

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W Match the two parts of the sentence.

1 There ore o couple of . . shoes for my birthdoy.

2 He hos Some . . postcord to my friend.

3 There is o . . pionos in the music room.

4 Mom bought me o poir of . . fruit in his bockpock.

5 I sent o . . big pie on the toble.


ffi.1# Correct the mistake in each sentence.%tr

1 There ore some informotion obout the porty on the cord.

2 We do not hove o time to prepore dinner.

3 I need some beefs for the soup I om moking.

4 You should eot some vegetoble to keep you heolthy.

5 I like leorning on English.

6 I wont o piece coke for dessert.

7 Golds is expensive ond so ore diomonds.

8 Swimming is good woy to keep fit.

9 I wish you good lucks on the exom.

10 There is o lot of bononos in the bosket.

11 I drink o of oronge juice every doy.

12 My grondmo lives in the country where she keeps o few chicken.

13 Would vou like to listen to some musics?

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ffi Circle the correct answer.

Yesterdoy wos my birthdoy. My dod, mom qnd I went to {r}( o / on ) populor

restouront for dinner. We ordered o shrimp solod, three servings of tzl( steoks /

steok ), three fgl( gloss / glosses ) of fruit punch ond o big t*l( chocolote / chocolotes )

coke. We woited for olmost qs;( some I an) hour to get our food! Until our order

orrived, oll we had to eqt were o few pieces of {e}( breods / breod ). we were so



ffi Complete the dialogue using the phrases given.

obog of I aborof / ob i r thday I a lo tof / opresent / somesugor / somefru i t

feon: Hey, Kotie! Why ore you so quiet? Whot ore you thinking obout?

Kote: I om thinking of {l} , , for my mom. Her birthdoy is coming.

feon: How obout moking {?}* --_,,,_ coke?

Kote: Well, I om not good ot boking.

feon: It is not thot difficult. I con help you if you wont.

Kote: Reolly? Thonks! Whot do we need?

feon: Well, we need {s},,,,, __ flour, butter, milk, eggs ond whipping

creom. We olso need {*} . such os strowberries or gropes.

Kqte: rhot wilt cost me {s} --;:;.y. I only hove $10.

feon: Oh. Well, we con moke chocolote cookies insteod. We need

{6} , butter, flour ond tv}

Kote: OK, we will moke my mom chocolote cookies, then. Thonks!


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Read the recipe for chocolate cookies. Circle the countable nouns andunderl ine the uncountable nouns.


o 1 cup butter

o 1 cup sugor

. 2 cups flour

. 2 eggs

. 1 bor of chocolote

o 1 cup roisins(optionol)


Pre-heot the oven to 350'F. Put the butter, sugor ond

eggs in o bowl, ond stir them thoroughly. Add the

flour ond mix well to moke dough. Blend in melted

chocolote ond roisins.

Put the dough into o squeeze bottle. Prepore o

boking troy ond put foil on the troy. Squeeze the dough

onto the foil. Boke the cookies in the oven for 15 minutes.

or until golden brown.

Remove the boked cookies from the oven. Serve them on

o plote.

.&kq# Write your own recipe for a food item.

Ingredients: Instructions:

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ffi Circle the correct answer.

I wos up lote lost night studyingmoth, so I ,_ _,_, very tired todoy.

a felt

b feel

c fell

d feeling

He serious. Whot is the motterwith him?

is looking like


Iook like




This cokeonymore.

a do not toste

b toste

c is tosting

d does not toste

This piono stronge. I think itneeds tuning.

a looking

b sounds

c sound

d looked

good. I connot eot it

The sky isroin soon.

a getting

b gets

c Aotd get

dork. It is going to

He wos dressed os Droculo, but hefunny rother thon scory.

wos seemrng



is seeming

The girls -- , the food now. Theyseem very pleosed with their cooking.

a ore tosting

b tostes

C ore tosted

d tosted

You _--, _ your fother when he wosyour oge.

a look

b seem

c oppeor

d look like

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.&W Underl ine the l inking verb in each sentence.

1 There seems to be o secret between them.

2 I know this sounds stronge, but I think there is o giont in the bockyord!

3 All the opples in the bosket toste rotten.

4 Most of the students oppeor willing to help with the project.

5 The singer seems nervous-she is usuolly better thon this.

5 You look worried ond scored.

7 His stories sound very imoginotive.

8 I feel cold despite the hot weother.

Rearrange the words given to make a sentence.

1 Hove you seen the new Horry Potter movie?

(people / it / seem / like / o lot of / to)

2 She hos hod her hqir cut.

(different / looks I she ltotolly)

3 I do not think students will like this soup.

(on ion / i t l t os tes /o f )

4 Whot is thot in your hond?

(lemon / smells / it / fresh / like)


(the ployers / do i look I not lexcited) Whot is wrong with them?

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ffi Circle the correct answer.

Do you trt( feel I want ) to moke your birthday party unforgettoble? Then hove o

mogic porty! We ot Mogic House provide greot mogic shows onytime, onywhere.

Get ready for our amazing tricks-o white robbit disoppears ond then reoppeors,

o torn-up cloth i*l( seems / tostes ) suddenly whole ogoin ond the mogicion

{3}( oppeors / disoppeors ) to wolk through o woll! Do these tricks {el( sound /

oppeclr ) impossible to you? Coll 555-8899 for o free demonstrotion!


W Find and underline the five action verbs that function as linking verbs.

The school ouditorium wos crowded with teochers ond students. Everyone wos

whispering-o lot of students looked confused os to why they hod been colled to

the ouditorium on hour before closses were to end. After o few minutes Mr. Bonner,

the principol, oppeored onstoge. Everyone wos looking up ot him, woiting for his

onnouncement. Mr. Bonner looked uncomfortoble. Then he told us thot the costume

donce scheduled for next week hod been conceled.

Everyone turned quiet. They could not believe whot they hod iust heord.

Arrongements for the school donce hod been mode, ond most of the students hod

bought their costumes. Then everyone storted tolking. Mony of them felt ongry.

Others oppeored too disoppointed to.soy onything.

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W Correct the six mistakes in the diary entry.

June 1, Sat .

I went to on oir show with my fomily. It wos held to celebrote Children's Doy. The oir

field were seemed pocked with tens of thousonds of people. All of the people Iooks


The emcee briefly tolked obout the highlights of the oir show. Shortly ofterword, two

jets were oppeored in the oir, rooring like thunder. They like two eogles.

The best port of the oir show wos when the jets emitted colored smoke. The sky looked

obout o huge sheet of blue poper, ond the two jets oppeored to be decoroting it.

It wos tosted fontostic!


W Write about a past event that you enioyed. Use different linking verbs.

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ffi circle the correct answer.

I hod studied , so I got o perfectscore on my moth test.

a hord

b very hordly

c hordly

d very

My mom looked ot me . I feltuncomfortoble.

a ongry

b ongrily

c friendly

d coreful

Solly is o ,,-, _, student. She neverhonds in her homework lote.

a hord-working

b steodily

c very

d well

The weother this summer woshumid.

o very




8 There wos snowstorm lostnight.

a o terribly

b o bodly

c o heovily

d o terrible

My dod is o , . driver. He hosnever broken ony troffic lows.

a bodly

b coreful

c well

d corefully

I connot see very without myglosses.

a hordly

b well

c fostly

d goodly

Relotive to its size, no other creoturecon jump thon the fleo.

a high

b lively

c higher

d live


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W Circle the word which the underlined adiective or adverb describes.

1 The topic wos so interesting thot we did not wont the closs to end.

2 My brother mokes our porents ongry becouse he behoves bodly.

3 I orrived lote todoy, so I hod to help cleon the clossroom ofter school.

4 He felt reollv upset becouse he did not get into the soccer teom.

5 The students seemed sotisfied with the trip.

6 The spectoculor scenery left them speechless.

7 The closs wos disoppointed when the trip wos postponed becouse of the bod weother.

8 This book wos written well, olthough some topics ore difficult to understond.

ffi Circle the correct answer.

1 foke: How ore you?

Kim: I om ( well / good ). Thonks for osking.

2 Tony: Are you interested in clossicol music?

Liso: No, not reolly. I think it is ( bored / boring ).

3 Ginq: She did not know the onswer so she mode o ( corefully / coreful ) guess.

Deon: I know! She wos lucky it wos the right onswer.

4 Nino: Don got the oword ogoin.

Mike: He deserves it. He works ( incredibly / incredible ) hord.

5 Poul: These pictures ore quite ( bod / bodly ).

Tina: Thot is becouse they are more thon L00 yeors old.

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ffi Circle the correct answer.

]un-Hong ond his fomily went to o beoch resort for summer vocotion. Thev were

stoying at o *lt( beoutifully / bequtiful ) cottoge by the seo. When they orrived ot

the resort, it wos o 4a3( bright / brightly ) sunny doy. They thought the beoch looked

1r1( perfectly / perfect ). They 4*tr( quickly / quick ) put their bogs in the cottoge,

chonged into their swimsuits ond went for o swim. They hod not been swimming

long when the sky grew dork oll of o sudden. There wos o {s}( strong / strongly )

wind ond soon it wos roining {e}( hordly I hc.rd). }un-Hong ond his fomily got out

of the woter ond ron bock to the cottoge. They woited for the roin to stop, but it did

not stop until the next doy.


W Correct the seven mistakes in the passage.

I invited my friends to my grondpo's form. When we orrived, we went to the olds

born where the horses were kept. I proud showed my friends the horse thot Grondpo

gove me for my birthdoy this yeor. At first, she would not come closely to us, so I

took out some corrots ond opples. When she sow the food she slow come over to

us. She looked hoppily os we fed her. My friends ond I then went for o wolk oround

the form. It hod been roining in the morning so the ground wos reol wet. fim ond

Ann both slipped mony times ond they ended up covered in mud from heod to toe!

It wos very funnily.

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W Circle the adiectives and underline the adverbs.

Hi! I om Kristino ond I om from Venezuelo. One of the greotest ottroctions in my

country is Angel Folls. It is the highest woterfoll in the world. lt is 979 meters high

ond its woter drops continuously. It is hord to imogine how beoutiful it is without

octuolly being there. One woy to oppreciote its beouty is to toke o boot trip to the

foot of the folls. You will not be oble to resist diving into one of the logoons-you

will feel very reloxed. I suggest thot you set up comp ond stoy overnight. At down,

climb to the lookout. Wotch the sun rise gloriously ond cost o golden light on the

folls. It looks amazing!

Write a paragraph about a tourist attraction in your country. Use differentadjectives and adverbs.

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q*P Circle the correct answer. Note that x means no article is needed.

Solly tokes piono , lessons onceo week.

a c l

bc rn


d the

French ore fomous for theirwine ond food.




d The

Why ore you so eoger to go toNetherlonds?




d the

It is soid thot cors ore one ofthe moin couses of oir pollution.




d the

We will go on o picnic withWilkinsons. They ore oll so friendly.




d the

I hove friend who lives inConodo.




d the

Hove you exploredport of this island?




d the


Are you in _ Mr. fohnson'sEnglish closs?




d the


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lnsert or cross out the article the where necessary.

1 I do not like cucumbers ond pickles in this supermorket.

2 We must drink severol glosses of the woter every doy to stoy heolthy.

3 Kongoroos live in wild in Austrolio.

4 I connot understond history of medievol Europe.

5 We ore thinking of subscribing to the mony newsletters.

5 We ore plonning to explore Amozon River.

7 Do you think we ore in right ploce?

8 Mr. Lom wos elected to be the our new principol yesterdoy.


W Write the article fhe where necessary. lf no article is needed, write X.

1 Mark: How is weother in New York?

Chris: It is terrible. It hos been roining for Iost three doys.

2 Poul: Con you tell me whot longest river in United Stotes is?

Mike: Of course. Mississippi River.

3 Ginq: Is there o librory here?

Lisa: Sure. building on your left is one of biggest librories in


4 [oke: Whot is Stroit of

Nino: It is o norrow strip of seo between


United Kingdom ond Fronce.

5 Kim: I om skipping *,,,,,,_,_ soccer proctice todoy. I do not feel well.

Tony: Hove you seen doctor?

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* circte the correct answer.

Nancy: Hove you ever read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz? It wos written by

tll( the / X ) Americon outhor L. Fronk Boum.

Maggie: Yes, I hove. It is {z}( o / the ) wonderful story. When I wos youngr

I wished I could trovel to o mogic world like tst( an lX ) Dorothy.

Nancy: Me, tool Which of tsl( X / the ) chorocters do you like the most?

Moggie: I like the wizord. I think he is tsl( the / on ) amazing chorocter.

Noncy: So do I. Oh, ond I like tol( the / X ) cowordly lion, too.

Moggie: Hey, do you remember ty)( the / o ) nome of the stote where Dorothy lived?

Nancy: Let me guess. It wos.{s}( the / X ) Konsos, wosn't it?

Moggie: Yes, it wos. Do you know {s}( o / X ) its nicknome?

Nancy: I do not hove ony {1s}( X i the; ideo. Tell me.

Moggie: It is colled t11)( o / the ) Sunflower Stote.

Nancy: Thot is o good nicknome for {la}( the / X ) Konsos, I think.

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W Correct the five mistakes in the advertisement.

Hove you olwoys wonted to climb o pyromids of Egypt? Hove you olwoys dreomed

of seeing Greot Sphinx of. Giza? Well, here is your chonce! Visit our website ot

www.yourtrovelzl.com ond toke our quiz. Whoever gets oll 5O questions right will

be included in our online roffle for a LO-doy trip to the Egypt, oll expenses poid!

Here ore some of the questions you need to onswer:

. Whot is the copitol of the Egypt?

o Whot wos built to guord the pyromids?

. Whot wos copitol of oncientEgypt?

, Egypf

s.r&q# Write an advertisement about your city or town. Use articles where


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ffi circle the correct answer.

to turn off the oir conditionerbefore you leove.

a Remembered

b Remembering

c Forget

d Do not forget

,,_, or you will cotch o cold.

Put on your coot

Puts on your coot

Putting your coot on

Putting on your coot

while the boby is sleeping.

Does not moke o noise

Do not moke pleose o noise

Does not moke o noise

Pleose do not moke o noise

Welcome to my porty. yourself.There is plenty of food.

a Pleose help

b Help pleose

c Helping

d Does help


It feels o little hot. the fon.

a Pleose turn on

b Will you turn on

c You do not turn

d Pleose turn off

whot you sow yesterdoy. I omcurious.

a Describes

b Soy me

c Tell me

d Spoke

comploining. The food is notthot bod.

Do not stop

Not stop

Stops to


you will get better grodes.

Study horder or

Study horder ond

Study horder when

Study horder but








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ffi Rearrange the words given to make a sentence.

1 -, - (to I go lbed I right / now)It is olreody 1i ;;.Loa

2 Hove you finished listening to my new CD?

(to / pleose / before / bock I It I give I me I Soturdoy)

3 __ (tell / do not I anytbing / me)obout the new Horry Potter movie. I om wotching it tomorrow.

(to / never / speok / strongers)It could be dongerous.

(the / stroight I you / reoch / until / stoplight / go) ond then turn right.

5 You hove o fever. (o rest / todoy /toke)

7 ,,_ (your i toke / seot) The exom isobout to stort.

(belongings / toke care I your i of)There ore mony thieves in this oreo.


W Match the sentences. Write the letter.

a-__.) |1 The scory dog is sleeping. L_J I a Pleose do not moke ony noise.

2 You ore lote for school. D I b Cleon your room right now.

3 Are vou lost? D I c Get up now.

4 The bench hos just been pointed. tr | d Tell me where you wont to go.

5 There is so much food. tr | e Do not sit down.

6 Look ot the mess. L_j I f Hove more chicken ond spoghettl.

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q# Complete the dialogue using the imperatives given.

buy the tickets for next week / get under the roof /

be coreful I run / wotch Horry Potter

Min-Yi: ]ohn! Whot ore you doing there? It is roining! Come here ond

{1 }

fohn: Hey, Min-Yi! I om woiting for o friend. We ore going to see o movie.

Whot obout you?

Min-Yi: I om woiting for the bus. Whot movie ore you wotching?

fohn: We do not know yet. We ore hoving o hord time choosing between

Transformers ond Harry Potter.

Min-Yi: I hove seen both of them. {z}

It is much better thon the previous ones.

fohn: Reolly? I heor Transformers is olso good.

Min-Yi: It is not bod, but Harry Potter is more entertoining, I think. But I heord this

week's tickets ore sold out.

[ohn: Whot? Are you sure?

Min-Yi: Yeoh, my brother told me. He is wotching it tomorrow, but he bought his

ticket lost week.



So it is useless to go now ...

Well, not reolly. Go onywoy ond {s}

fohn: You ore right. Hey, thot is your bus! {*} -

It's obout to go. (s)

Min-Yi: Thonks. Good luck on the tickets.

fohn: See you.

Page 29: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book


W Correct the six mistakes in the passage.

Going to the movies con be expensive ond disoppointing if the movie turns out to

be not worth wotching. Here ore some tips to get better volue for your money.

Tokes o look ot the reviews of the movies you wont to see. The reviews will guiding

you in choosing o movie. You con reod reviews in newspopers or movie websites.

Seeing movies in the morning becouse it is cheoper-you poy only holf the price.

Going to the movies os o group is qlso good becouse you con get o discount.

Gothered ot leost 20 people who wont to see the some movie. Invite your fomily

ond friends. Asking your friends to get their other friends to come. Not only will you

hove more fun, you will olso soves money for other movies you wont to see.

Read the tips on what to do and what not to do in a conversation.Write three more tips for each.

Tips on Good Conversotions

Whqt to do I wtrot not to do

o Try to look into the person's eyes. | . Don't top your fingers while listening.

. Ask o question ofter the person finishes I . Don't look down, oround or ot othertolking. I people.

Page 30: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

She worry obout him. Helooked heolthy.

a do not hove to

b did not hove to

c must

d must be

Solly ,,, study horder to poss thenext exom.

a hove to

b will must

c don't hove to

d will hove to

Min-Ho hurt his leg yesterdoy.He stoy ot home todoy.

a hos to

b hove to

c must to

d must not

ovoid toking tests. It is portof our life os students.

a oble to

b hod to

c connot

d did not hove to


You go to the party if you don'twont to.

a don't hove to

b hove to

c must not hove

d connot

The building burned downquickly, but everyone . - escopeunhormed.

a must not

b ore oble to

c must

d wos oble to

wolk home lost night?

a You hod

b Don't you hove

c Did you hove to

d Hove you

I follow the lecture. It is toodifficult for me to understond.

a con

b must not

c ctm not oble to

d hos to


Page 31: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

1 People ( hove to / con ) speok in the librory only if they keep their voices down.

2 You ( connot I can ) borrow my books if you wont.

3 You ( don't hove to I have to ) show your student ID when you check out o book or

video from the librory. Your librory cord is enough.

4 People ( is oble to / con ) cross the street when the signol is green.

5 Does she ( hos to / hove to ) weor o uniform of school?

5 You should ( con / be oble to ) reod ond write in English to toke this workshop.

7 I ( connot / could not ) speok English five yeors ago, but now I con.

8 We ( must / don't hove to ) go to school tomorrow. It is o notionol holidoy.

Rewrite each sentence using the correct form of have to, don't have to orbe able to.

1 She held o porty despite the bod weother.

I h g rye e,e,q' ggq bgld gpe r!y_g e_s p_K g3; ln q hg d we a r h e r.2 It is necessory thot you hond in your homework on time.

3 They crossed the river by boot without trouble.

4 It wos not necessory for him to worry obout getting good grodes.

5 It is not necessory for me to get up very eorly in the morning.

6 It wos necessory for us to stoy up oll night to finish our project.

Page 32: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

Compf ete the dialogue using the correct form ol have to, don't have fo orhe able to.












No, you qr1

But, Mom,

do it now.

Mom, con I go out with Lily to see o movie?

do vour homework.

I con do my homework loter!l {e}

Do not put off onything you con do now. Thot is o bod hobit. When I wos

your oge, I olwoys did my homework without deloy-ond without being

told! Your grondmo Estr osk me.

OK, OK! I will do it now. But con I go out when I om finished?

Uh ... whot obout your science project?

I om not worried obout the project. I still hove two weeks.

I {e} submit it on time.

Thot is whot you soid obout your English project. And then you

{5} _,_-* stoy up lote for three nights to get it done.

Thot will not hoppen ogoin, I promise.

OK, do your homework now. You con go out when you ore finished.

Thonks. Mom!

Page 33: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

Read Jun-Hong's letter. Then write a reply using the correct forms ofhave to, don't have to and be able to where necessary.

Deor Wise Advice,

I wont to be o writer somedoy. My dreom is to write fontosy stories like HorryPotter ond The Chronicles of Nornio. I con moke up o story quite well. I hovewritten o few stories ond my friends like them. I hove to odmit thot I om not ogood writer yet. But I om sure I will be oble to write o greot story one doy. Here ismy problem-my mom olwoys soys I hove to stop writing ond study horder. Shesoys thot writing is not o stoble job-l think my mom wonts me to be o doctor-ond thot I should focus on moth ond science. She olso says thot I will not hove toworry obout money if I become o doctor. Whot should I do? Do I hove to give upmy dreom? I reolly believe thot I will be oble to moke o living os o writer.


Page 34: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

My grondpo , 80 tomorrow.

a turn

b turns

C turned

d hos turned

I the concert tonight. Do youwont to come olong?

a will not go to

b will going to

c is going to

d om going to

Before Solly , to schooltomorrow, she will coll you.

a will go

b going to go

c goes

d going

The exom ot 10 o'clock in themorning. Do not be lote.

a storts

b does not stort

c storting

d stort

Whot time ,, your troin leovetomorrow?


b sholl

c i s

d does

We , , loter to study fortomorrow's exoms.

a met

b ore meeting

c meets

d meeting

There o flight to Tokyo ot5 o'clock tomorrow ofternoon.

a i s

b ore

c will not

d wil l is

Whot next Fridoy?

a you do

b you ore doing

c do you do

d ore you doing

Page 35: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ldentify the time of action for each underlined sentence. Write Presentor Future.

1 I om toking bollet lessons this month. I om doing well.

2 My dod ond I ore leoving for London next month to_yE

grondporents. I om so excited.

3 My fother's birthdoy is next week. I om giving him o blue sweoter.

4 I om exhousted. I om going to bed eorly tonight.

5 I om plonning mv birthdoy portv. It will be held ot the new pizza

restouront downtown.

6 I om meeting Mr. Johnson ofter school todov. I think he wonts to

tolk to me obout my coming lote to closs.

7 Summer vocotion storts next week. I om so hoppy.


W Complete the sentence using the correct present form of the verb given.

1 Tommy _ -" (ploy) tennis with his cousin on Soturdoys.

2 The bus (leove) ot 7 o'clock every morning.

3 The porty (stort) ot 3:30.

4 Min-Yi ond fun (go) to o concert tonight.

5 Jock (leove) for Hong Kong on October 25th.

5 fenny's ort closs olwoys (end) ot 11:30.

7 Ben _* (spend) this weekend with his grondporents.

Page 36: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.





My tooth {lt( will oche / is oching ).

Hove you seen o dentist?

No, not yet. I txl( sow / om seeing ) the dentist on Fridoy.

Thot is two doys from now! We fsl( hove / ore hoving ) o dentist here ot

school. You should go ond see him.

Oh yeoh, I forgot obout thot. You ore right, I think I should go. Woit ... Do

you heor that? The bell {A}( is ringing / will ring ). I think we hod better get

to moth closs. It {s}( storted / storts ) in o minute.


Annie: No, you ore in poin. Go. i will tell Mr. Lam thot you {6i( ore going / go ) to

the clinic. He will understond.


ffi Correct the six mistakes in the passage.

The Writers' Club plonning to write o story in reloys. How this works is severol writers

will toke turns writing the whole story. The story will be obout oliens from onother

plonet. Writing stort in the lost week of fuly ond ended in October.

Min-Yi is o member of the club. She is excited obout the reloy ond wonts to

porticipote, but she hos o problem. She is comp in September. She thinking of telling

her mom obout not going to comp this yeor, but she connot moke up her mind. She

hos to decide soon though, becouse tomorrow she meet the comp counselor.

Page 37: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

Read Julie's email and write a reply. Use the simple present or presentcontinuous to talk about future actions where necessary.

Hi there!

Guess whot? A cortoon mogozine is publishing my cortoons! I om leoving forLondon tomorrow to sign the controct. My porents ore going with me. We aretoking the sleeper troin to London. It leoves ot 6:0O o.m. I om so excited! Mycortoons will oppeor in the rnagazine storting next month.

Mom ond I ore going shopping todoy to buy some things for the trip.



Page 38: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

Some tests ore others.

a very difficult thon

b much difficult thon

c more difficult thon

d too difficult thon

He speoks EnglishChinese.

a best thon

b better thon

c more better thon

d well thon

I think English is on ,thon science.

a more eosily thon

b more eosy thon

c eosier

d eosilier thon

I speok


I think the gordener is thechorocter in the movie.

a more scoriest

b most scory


d scoriest

The blue knight isknight.

a not os brove

b brover

c brover thon

d the brovest

This beoch iswent to lost yeor.

a more cleon

b cleonier

c the cleonest

d cleoner

os the red

thon the one we

Solly is Yin. They were born onthe some doy.

a older thon

b not older

c os old os

d not os young

]enno is the

a kindest

b kinder

c kind

d most kind

person I know.

Page 39: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

Complete each sentence using the comparative or superlative form of theword given.

1 Thot is (ridiculous) excuse I hove ever heord.

2 My new bed is greot! It is -, _,_--. (comfortoble) thon the old one.

3 This movie is ,, (foscinoting) of all the movies I hove seen

this yeor.

4 We ore lote. Pleose wolk o bit (fost).

5 Of oll the speokers, Mr. Smith wos (boring). I olmost fellosleep!

6 feon is o (good) soccer ployer thon her brother.

Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of thewords given.

tosty interesting successful expensive pretty smort

1 This neckloce is

2 This pizza is not thot one.

3 Tommy is.-_-----_-- fohn. Tommy gets better grodes.

4 I think history is , of oll my subjects.

5 This yeor's party wos not - lost yeor's. Fewer people come.

5 I like this dress. It is the one I wore to the donce lost yeor.

Page 40: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

Diqnq: Where ore you going, Hung?

Hung: I om going to the bookstore to buy the tnl( lote / lotest ) Horry Potter book.

Diona: You should try e-books. They ore {*}( the cheopest / cheoper ) thon poper

books. They ore {:}( not os / more ) convenient, too. You do not hove to corry

onything with you, except your PDA or phone.

Hung: I know, but reoding on o screen is not {4}( os comfortoble os / the most

comfortoble ) reoding on poper. My eyes hurt ofter o while. Also, I do not

think e-books ore {F}( more / mostly ) convenient. If you get on e-book on o

CD-ROM, it meons you hove to corry o loptop oround with you!

Dionq: Well, thot's true.


ffi Correct the seven mistakes in the passage.

Spider-Mon movies ore greot! I think they ore one of the more entertoining

superhero series of oll time. I like Spider-Man 3 the better. In Spider-Man 3, everything

is going best for Peter Porker-the people of New York City love him. But there ore

more chollenges focing him. A stronge olien creoture hos ottoched itself to his suit-

it mokes Peter more powerful but it olso mokes him uncoring ond unforgiving. He

olso gets most ongry more eosily thon before. Becouse he hos chonged, he ends up

hurting the person he loves the more-Mory fone. To moke things bod, three new

villoins come olong to try to kill Spider-Mon. One of them is Peter's former best of

friend, Horry.

Page 41: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

Read the movie guide. Then wri te an email to your fr iend asking him/herto watch one of the movies with you. Use comparative and superlativeadjectives.

TransformersTwo clons of robots-thegood Autobots ond theevil Decepticons-dobottle on eorth. The robotscon chonge into voriousobjects, such os cors, trucksond oirplones.

Spider-Man 3As Spider-Mon fights newenemies ond temptotions,o stronge block creotureottoches itself to him ondmokes him turn from goodto bod.

Fantastic Four: Riseof the Silver SurferThe Fontostic Four try tosave the Eorth from beingdestroyed by the powerfulSilver Surfer ond their oldenemy Dr. Doom.

pG-13'. rl: ' , . ' , , ' l . .,...,]: l :,:,,:.: l l :. ' , l . l ..,

-g +. )5i )^J-+ t( =l

Page 42: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer,

foke: do you like your newschool?

Kim: I like it very much.





Greg: -- , is going on?

Anq: Tim is hurt. He slipped on hiswoy to closs.

a Where

b Who

C How

d Whot

Gino: ore you loughing ot me?

Deon: Your hoir looks funny todoy.

a Where

b Whot

c Why

d Who

Ninq: ore the Olympic Gomesheld?

Mike: Every four yeors.

a Who

b How often

c Where

d Whot


Tony: do you usuolly procticesoccer?

Liso: After school, oround 5 o'clock.

a Where

b Why

c How often

d When


leff: I do not know. I will osk theclerk.

a How much

b How expensive

c Why

d Where

Pete: helps you with yourhomework?

Lily: My mom.

a Whot

b Who

c When

d How

Pqul: does your fother do?

Tina: He

a Whot

b Who

C How

d where

is o troin driver.

does this book cost?

Page 43: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Write a question for each underlined word/phrase.

1 Mory goes swimming ot the sports center every doy to stoy heolthy.

a kv!ef_* do_gglyffry_g_q ?y1j1ryrngi


2 Min-Yi opened o sovings occount ot the Town Bonk yesterdoy.



3 Hyun-Shik likes to go fishing. He goes fishing three times o month.



4 Anno wos shopping with her friends yesterdoy when Mory colled.



Page 44: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Complete the FAQs for a website using the questions given.

Why con't I log in?

Whot is BBCode?

Whot ore smileys?

How do I chonge my settings?

How do I prevent my usernome from oppeoring in the users online list?

o,o,@ @http://www.wazzupi. v

Wazzup !



Hove you registered? You must register to log in.


In your profile, check the "Hide your online stotus." option.

All your settings ore stored in the dotobose. To chonge them, click the link toyour profile.

BBCode is the longuoge used to formot posts on the messoge boords.

Smileys, or emoticons, ore smoll grophicol imoges which con be used to expressfeelings.

If you hove more questions, pleose contoct us of [email protected]


tr V

Page 45: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

Hi. I om hoving trouble getting my e-pet to recognize my commonds. lrt( How /

Whot ) con I fix thot? Also, when I tronsfer o new progrom to my e-pet, it does

not work. tet( How I Why ) is thot? Pleose help.

Also, could I hove the phone number of your service shop?

tat( Which / Whot ) is the oddress ond tq)( when / where ) is it open?



Read the advertisement for a bike. Then write an email to get moreinformation about the bike.

Page 46: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

& Circle the correct answer.

I sow him put the books thetoble.


b for

c i n

do f

Butterflies ore flying from flowerflower.

ac l t

b to

C in


My cousin is the one white,sitting under the tree.

ao t


c to

d in

This new gome comesupgrode. Let's buy itl


b with


do t

o free

Who is that mon stonding thedoor? He looks fomilior.

a to

b in



The mother held her child tightlythe hond os they crossed the

busy street.

a with

b in


d to

He goes up the mountoinweekends.


b with

c to


You ore wrong. I do not ogreeyou.

a with

bo t

c to



Page 47: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Circle the correct answer.

1 I om going to visit my best friend ( ot / on / in ) Tokyo next week.

2 I reod on orticle ( with I in I crt) a magazine obout the importonce of o good diet.

3 I completely forgot obout my homework. I hove to hond it in ( to I by / ot ) next Mondoy.

4 Mozort storted his coreer os o composer ( on I in / ot ) the oge of five.

5 Do you know thot girl? The one (by I with / ot ) the blonde hoir?

6 She is ( on / to / in ) the phone with her clossmote.

7 ]ohn ond Mory ore hoving o greot time ( at I by / on ; the circus.

8 I uplooded the photos of our trip ( ot / with / to ) my blog.


W Complete each sentence using the correct preposition.

1 I wont to live in o house the river.

2 We must finish this project .,_-, next Mondoy.

3 You need to put o mork here ,_, ,- red so you will not forget.

4 He left the money top of his books.

5 I forgot to tell Mom I wos going to the librory _ _ _,_ Ello.

6 The mogicion does some amazing tricks his show.

7 The Wilsons were vocotion.

8 Soroh hos been Europe three times.

9 I wont to show you something, so pleose come _.,_,,,,,.. me.

10 I know o foster woy to get the beoch. Follow me!

Page 48: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book

ffi Complete the article using the correct prepositions.

Haley's Academy Events g'-**:* -* ''-*/

Get reody for Fomily Doy!

The onnuol Holey's Fomily Doy will be held ell

from 11:00 o.m. {a} 5:3O p.m. {a} ,

students ond their fomilies ore invited {s}

get on invitotion cord ond lunch coupons.

This yeor's theme is "The Old West." Pleose come {s}

costumes. There will be a prize for the best costume.

We request thot everyone orrive {a} 11:00 .

Soturdoy, Moy 10,

, , the Glory Holl. All

ottend. Eoch fomily will


cord {r} the gote ond keep it

Present your

you ot oll




W Correct the six mistakes in the dialogue.

Abby: fohn, wos it you who uplooded the pictures in our school website?

Benii: Yeoh, why?

Abby: Some pictures look totolly different from the others. Whot hove you done

in them?

Benii: Nothing. I om studying photography, so I tried toking photos by different

ongles ond depths.

Abby: Oh, OK. By the woy, who is the girl ot the red dress?

Benii: The girl singing in the stoge? Thot is Min-Yi.

Abby: She looks so beoutiful-like on octress to TV!

Page 49: Boost Grammar 2 Practice Book


W Read George's email and write a reply. Use different prepositions.

: ]: I

.W.,Hi there!

I om on vocotion with my fomily in Scotlond ond I om hoving o greot time.Yesterdoy, we went to the fomous Edinburgh Festivol. It wos pocked with people!We sow o colorful porode. There were olso internotionol performers, such osdrummers from Chino, o bond from South Africo ond o donce group from Indio.

I hove uplooded some pictures to my blog. There is one of me with o doncer. Do

check it out. I will uplood more photos when I get the chonce.

