BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee Room No. 4) NOTE: Group Meetings at 1.15 p.m. A G E N D A PART ONE 1. Urgent Items To note any items which the Chairman considers to be of an urgent nature. 2. Delegations To receive notice from Members who may wish to move any delegated matter non-delegated and which will be decided by a majority of Members present and voting at the meeting. 3. Admission of Public and Press To consider whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the agenda. 4. Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting). Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests.

BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee

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Page 1: BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee



Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee Room No. 4)

NOTE: Group Meetings at 1.15 p.m.



1. Urgent Items

To note any items which the Chairman considers to be of an urgent nature.

2. Delegations

To receive notice from Members who may wish to move any delegated matter non-delegated and which will be decided by a majority of Members present and voting at the meeting.

3. Admission of Public and Press

To consider whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the agenda.

4. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and/or co-optees of interests in respect of items on this Agenda.

Members are reminded that, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, they are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. (It is a criminal offence not to declare a disclosable pecuniary interest either in the Register or at the meeting).

Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registrable or other interests.

Page 2: BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee

5. Confirmation of Minutes

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 28th November, 2018.

5 - 30

6. Apologies for Absence/Attendance of Substitute Members.


(D) 7. Council Finances Quarter 2 2018-19

31 - 36

(D) 8. 2019-2020 Holiday Dates

37 - 40

(R) 9. ECO Flexibility Statement of Intent

41 - 50

(D) 10. 76 Duke Street, Barrow

51 - 54

(D) 11. Unit 9 James Freel Close, Barrow

55 - 58

(D) 12. Tender Award - Harding Rise (Plot No. 1)

59 - 64

NOTE (D) – Delegated(R) – For Referral to Council

Membership of Committee

Councillors Pidduck (Chairman)Sweeney (Vice-Chair)BarlowBigginsBrookCassellsHamiltonMaddoxMcClurePembertonRobertsWilliams

Page 3: BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee

For queries regarding this agenda, please contact:

Jon HuckDemocratic Services Manager01229 [email protected]

Published: 11th December, 2018

Page 4: BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee

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Meeting: Wednesday 28th November, 2018at 2.00 p.m.

PRESENT:- Councillors Pidduck (Chairman), Sweeney (Vice-Chairman), Biggins, Barlow, Brook, Hamilton (Items 1 to 7 only), R. McClure, Maddox and Pemberton.

Also Present:- Phil Huck (Executive Director), Sue Roberts (Director of Resources), Janice Sharp (Assistant Director - Housing) (Items 1 - 7 only), Jon Huck (Democratic Services Manager and Monitoring Officer) and Sandra Kemsley (Democratic Services Officer).

64 – Delegations

It was noted during consideration of Agenda Item 7 - Housing Management Forum Recommendations (Dwelling and Garage Rents 2019/20) (Minute No. 72) denoted as delegated on the agenda that the decision of the Committee would be referred to Council for consideration.

65 – The Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 and Access to Information (Variation) Order 2006

Discussion arising hereon it was

RESOLVED:- That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 1 (Minute No. 71) of Part One of Schedule 12A of the said Act.

66 – Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 24th October, 2018 were agreed as a correct record subject to Minute No. 60 - Housing Management Forum Recommendations (United Utilities Contract for the Collection of Water Charges) being a delegated item.

67 – Apologies for Absence/Attendance of Substitute Members

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D. Roberts and Williams.

Councillor W. McClure had attended as a substitute for Councillor D. Roberts for this meeting only.

68 – Housing Management Forum: Recommendations

The recommendations of the Housing Management Forum held on 1st November, 2018 were submitted for consideration.

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Agenda Item 5

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N.B. The Minutes are reproduced as Appendix 1 to the Minutes of this meeting.

RESOLVED:- That the recommendations of the Housing Management Forum be agreed as follows:-

Permission to Cross Access Roads to Council-owned Garages

1. To agree that permission should not given to use an access road provided to Council-owned garage sites; and

2. To agree that notice signs be erected advising the land is private and the access road is used to access Council-owned garages only.

Procure Plus Contractor Selection Report - Update

To agree the recommendations and outcomes of the direct call off and mini competition reports provided by Procure Plus to appoint the following Contractors for the period 1st April, 2019 to 31st July, 2023:-

● Painting Improvements – George Jones and Sons;● Heating Improvements – Sure Maintenance;● Window and Doors – Richmond Joiners and Builders Ltd;● Electrical Rewiring and Testing – Keith Wilson Electrical;● Re-Roofing Works and External Works – DLP Services (Northern) Ltd; and● Aids and Adaptation Works – DLP Services (Northern) Ltd.

Stock Condition Survey

1. To agree that Officers would progress the provisional appointment of the No. 1 ranked surveying company in line with the Procure Plus Holdings mini competition issued on 23rd October, 2018 and the delivery timetable outlined in the report; and

2. To agree that Officers retrospectively provide Members with a detailed report of the mini competition results at their meeting to be held on 17th January, 2019.

Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Staff

1. To note the content of the report; and

2. To agree to adopt the Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Staff to create a safer workplace and send out a strong message that domestic abuse was unacceptable.

Scrutiny - Sign-up Packs

1. To note the content of the report; and

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Agenda Item 5

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2. To agree the Tenant Scrutiny Working Party process through to Stage 4 with a further report being submitted once the sign-up packs have been agreed and ready for implementation.

69 – Budget Timetable and Assumptions

The Director of Resources’ report set out the 2019-2020 budget timetable and assumptions.

RESOLVED:- To note the 2019-2020 budget timetable and assumptions.

70 – Council’s Performance Framework

The Executive Director informed the Committee that the Council had reviewed the Council’s Performance Management Framework to support the delivery of performance objectives to help the Council Plan’s priorities.

The Council’s Priorities for 2017 - 2020 were:-

1. Local Economy - Developing the local economy to secure a long term future for all our community;

2. Town Centre - A strong and vibrant town centre;

3. Health Inequalities - Closing the gap on health inequalities;

4. Housing - Providing a greater choice of good housing and regenerating the oldest and poorest quality housing in the Borough;

5. Services - Providing efficient and effective services

The performance framework sets out the structure and timetable for monitoring and reviewing progress against the Council Plan’s objectives.

A number of performance indicators had been identified that would be monitored on a regular basis and report quarterly to this Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The indicators were considered by the Committee.

RESOLVED:- To approve the Council’s Performance Management Framework.

71 – Establishment Matters

The Director of Resources’ report set out the establishment changes introduced to accommodate the Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services insourcing.


1. To note the posts created following the Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services insourcing; and

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Agenda Item 5

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2. To note that the establishment delegation assigned to the Director of Resources in July 2018 had ended.



72 – Housing Management Forum: Recommendations

The recommendations of the Housing Management Forum held on 13th September, 2018 were submitted for consideration.

N.B. The Minutes are reproduced as Appendix 1 to the Minutes of this meeting.

RESOLVED:- That the recommendations of the Housing Management Forum be agreed as follows:-

Dwelling and Garage Rents 2019/20

To recommend the Council:-

1. To note the information in the report;

2. To note the information regarding rents on dwellings for the coming financial year; and

3. To agree to the proposed increase in garage rents of 2%.

73 – Members’ Allowances Scheme – Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP)

The Director of Resources reminded the Committee that a Council can amend its scheme of allowances as long as any proposals were in accordance with the regulations governing Members’ Allowances and the Council had considered the views of its IRP on the proposals.

The adopting of an allowances scheme for Members was a function of the Council (Article 4.02 of the Constitution).

The Council’s Members’ Allowances Scheme along with the Mayoral Personal Allowance had last been reviewed in 2015. The current scheme expired on 31st March, 2019.

The Scheme of Allowances sets out the rates payable to Members for Basic, Special Responsibility, Travel and Subsistence, Co-optees and Dependents’ Carers’ Allowances. Where reference was made to reasonable expenses the Executive Director would use the County Council’s guide to reasonableness.

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Agenda Item 5

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The Independent Remuneration Panel met on 30th October, 2018 and made the under-mentioned recommendations as follows:-

Recommendation No. 1

That the present amount of basic allowance (£2,522.04) remained unchanged but continued to be subject to annual adjustments in accordance with the increases applying to Employees from annual national salary awards as referred to in recommendation No. 5.

Recommendation No. 2

(i) That the following Special Responsibility Allowances be paid by applying the multipliers shown to the basic allowance.

Special Responsibility Multiplier £

The Leader of the Council X 6 £15,131.64Deputy Leader of the Controlling Group X 2.5 £6,304.92Leader of the Opposition X 2.5 £6,304.92Chairmen of the Executive, Planning and Licensing Committees

X 2 £5,043.96

Chairmen of the Overview and Scrutiny and Audit Committees

X 1.6 £4,035.12

Chairman of the Housing Management Forum X 1.6 £4,035.12Vice Chairmen of Committees and the Mayoral Personal Allowance

X 1.2 £3,026.40

(The above amounts were inclusive of the basic allowance but should be subject to annual adjustment in accordance with the increases applying to employees from annual national salary awards).

(ii) That no Member should be entitled to be paid more than one Special Responsibility Allowance at any one time and in the event that a Member undertakes more than one Special Responsibility at a time, then the entitlement shall be to the Special Responsibility Allowance with the highest rate.

Recommendation No. 3

(i) Public Transport – Reimbursement of actual costs;

(ii) That travelling allowance be paid in respect of relevant duties approved by the Council under Regulation 8 (2003 Regulations) as follows:-

For a Car

Engine Size Inside the Borough

Outside the Borough

After 8,500 miles

451cc to 999cc 40p per mile 40p per mile 13.7p per mile1000cc to 1199cc

40p per mile 40p per mile 14.4p per mile

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Agenda Item 5

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1200cc to 1450cc

40p per mile 40p per mile 16.4p per mile

(iii) The rates in (ii) above may be increased by a sum 5.0p per mile for each passenger up to a maximum of four passengers, to whom a travelling allowance would otherwise be payable;

(iv) Members shall be entitled to claim the following allowances for use of their own motor cycle for any duty approved by the Council under Section 8 of the Regulations:-

Engine Size Price per mileAll Engine Sizes 30p per mile

(v) The rates in (ii) and (iv) above should mirror that paid to Officers of the Council and adjusted accordingly upon any amendments made to Officer’s rates.

(vi) That no allowance be paid in respect of the use of pedal cycles;

(vii) That the actual and reasonable costs of meals and/or accommodation be paid subject to prior approval being sought from the Group Leader; and

(viii) That a maximum Telephone and Broadband allowance of £20 per month be paid.

Recommendation No.4

A Child Care and Dependent Carers’ Allowance shall be payable based upon reimbursement of actual receipted costs up to a maximum of £10 per hour for up to 10 hours per week, subject to prior agreement by the Director of Resources, in respect of Child Care for children up to the age of 14 or in the case of severely disabled dependents, the dependent was to be certified by a Medical or Social Services Practitioner as requiring attendant care. The allowance was payable to any Member who incurred expenditure whilst undertaking the qualifying duties specified in Schedule One. The allowance would not be payable where the care was provided by a member of the claimant’s own household, nor where the care was already being paid for by another agency.

Recommendation No.5

(i) That annual adjustments be made to the basic allowance and special responsibility allowances so as to increase such allowances from 1st April, 2019 and annually thereafter in accordance with the increases applying to Employees from annual national salary awards;

(ii) That annual adjustments be made to travelling allowance from 1st April, 2019 and annually thereafter to fully reflect the rates of reimbursement to Officers of Barrow-in-Furness Borough Council; and

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Agenda Item 5

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(iii) That the provision for adjustments referred to in (i) and (ii) should apply for a period of three years.

Recommendation No.6

(i) That the Mayoral Personal Allowance remained in line with the Vice-Chairmen of Committees (x 1.2) Special Responsibility Allowances Multiplier;

(ii) That the Allowance be paid equally, every quarter in advance;

(iii) That annual adjustments be made to the allowance so as to increase from 1st April, 2019 and annually thereafter in accordance with the increases applying to Employees from annual national salary awards; and

(iv) That the allowance of the Mayor was over and above any entitlement as a Member.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council to unanimously accept the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel for inclusion in the scheme.

74 – Revised Planning Enforcement Document

The Executive Director informed the Committee that the current Planning Enforcement Policy was outdated and did not reflect new national guidance or the current resources available to the service. A new policy was needed if Enforcement was to have suitable transparency and remained a robust service. The Committee considered the draft policy that had been agreed in principle by the Planning Committee in August. Following a six week consultation period there had been no objections to the proposed new policy.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council:-

1. To adopt the Planning Enforcement Policy; and

2. To delegate to the Development Services Manager (Planning) after consultation with the Assistant Director (Regeneration & Built Environment) any non-material amendments or minor changes to the document.

75 – Right to Buy - Deed of Postponement Calculations – Policy Amendment

The Principal Legal Officer’s report informed the Committee that the Council was under a duty to sell a Council house to a qualifying tenant including a ‘discount’ on the open market value of the house. The Council secured the discount as a tapering charge against the property if it sold within five years. The Council may agree to additional borrowing against the property, to fund home improvements for example, through a deed of postponement. The purpose of the report was to approve the basis for calculating the remaining equity in a property when considering an application for a deed of postponement.

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Agenda Item 5

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RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council:-

1. To approve the basis for calculating the equity in a property; and

2. To agree that the procedure be amended accordingly.

76 – Licensing Committee – Review of Statement of Gambling Policy

The Executive Director reminded the Committee that the Gambling Act 2005 required that the Council developed, consulted on and published a statement of the principles that they proposed to apply in exercising their functions under the Act during the three-year period to which the policy applied.

The report confirmed that the consultation on the revised Statement of Gambling had been undertaken, nationally between February and April 2018 and locally from 20th September to 18th November, 2018. No comments or objections had been received.

The revised draft Statement of Gambling Policy 2019-2022 was considered by the Committee, prior to being ratified at Full Council.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council to approve the Barrow Borough Council - Statement of Gambling Policy for 2019-2022 and adopt as Borough Council Policy.

77 – Disabled Facilities Grant – Policy Review

The Executive Director reminded the Committee that a revised policy for grants for disabled adaptations had been adopted in 2017. The aim of the revised policy was to provide assistance to more people. Whilst the policy had been successful in its principal aim, the operation of the new policy had highlighted the need for further changes to improve delivery of grants further.

The Barrow Disability Minor Works Grant at the time the new policy was introduced had allowed for a wetroom and a straight stairlift on the same grant. As costs had risen in the past 12 months, it was becoming increasingly difficult to provide that common combination of work for less than £5,000.

Clients had a choice of contractors, and many opt to obtain quotes from two particular large, well-known local firms. Both of these contractors were currently quoting near to or above £5,000 for wet rooms.

It was recommended that the threshold for the Grant be increased to £7,500. Furthermore it would be more straightforward to introduce a policy that the first £7,500 of any grant would always be paid by the Council. It was proposed to allow clients to elect to pay the costs over £7,500 if they wished to do so without undertaking the means test.

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Agenda Item 5

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In addition to changing the grants policy, the Council has this year offered additional support to the Occupational Therapy service within Adult Social Care at Cumbria County Council. Funding had been provided to allow for a 0.6 FTE post to be supported for 12 months (i.e. the whole of 2018). That exercise had appeared to be successful, with over half of all referrals coming from this seconded post. It was now proposed to increase that to a 1 FTE post.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council:-

1. To increase the non-means tested amount of grant to £7,500;

2. To agree that when the anticipated cost was over £7,500, and a DFG means test was required, allow the first £7,500 without contribution or allow the client to elect to pay any amount over £7,500 without undergoing the means test; and

3. To continue the seconded OT post during 2019, and the increase the funding available for the necessary agency staff to £60,000.

78 – Health & Safety Policy Statement and Management Arrangements

The Executive Director informed the Committee that the Health & Safety Policy Statement and Management Arrangements was the policy document setting down the Council’s health and safety aims, and the management structure and responsibilities to achieve these. It had been reviewed and approved by the Health & Safety Management Board on 7th November, 2018. A copy was considered by the Committee.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council to approve the Health & Safety Policy Statement and Management Arrangements Policy.

79 – Change to Council Constitution – Planning Committee

The Executive Director reminded the Committee that the Planning Committee reports no longer contained the full responses from neighbours, following consultation.

The existing Constitution within the Code of Conduct for elected Members and Officers dealing with planning matters, stated under Part 6 “OFFICER REPORTS TO COMMITTEE” section 6.1: “Officers’ written reports to Committee shall be accurate and provide all relevant Information. They shall include verbatim record of consultations and individual representations…”

It was possible in some cases that neighbour responses may include personal information either about the applicant or may enable the author to be identified, both of which were potential data breaches. Redacting such information from the response was time consuming for Officers and could lead to responses being disjointed or meaningless.

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Agenda Item 5

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Responses were now summarised into subject areas, which had been agreed by the Monitoring Officer and the Committee Chair prior to being introduced.

The full responses were kept on record in case Members wished to see them, and then subsequently deleted in accordance with the Data Protection legislation, once the time frames for judicial review and appeal had elapsed.

Planning Committee Members had found the new procedure to be extremely useful in focussing attention on the main issues raised by applications.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council to amend the Constitution to take account of how the Planning Committee now received summarised neighbour responses within the Planning Committee report as follows:-

“The officer’s report must accurately reflect the consultation responses and representations received. They should have a reasoned assessment of the proposal in relation to the Development Plan, to relevant national policies, to the site or related history, to any other material considerations, and have a justified written recommendation”.

80 – Fostering Policy

The Director of Resources informed the Committee that Cumbria County Council had operated a ‘Fostering Friendly Employer’ scheme that promoted businesses and local authorities who had signed up to their scheme. The aim of the scheme was to encourage employers to enable foster carers to balance their work and caring responsibilities. The benefits to the Council as an employer included demonstrating corporate social responsibility, showing a commitment to staff and the local community, and helping Cumbria County Council’s work to recruit more foster carers for the young and vulnerable in the community.

The policy would offer eligible employees paid time off and flexible working to attend training and meetings. A copy was considered by the Committee.

RECOMMENDED:- To recommend the Council to approve the Fostering Policy.

The meeting closed at 3.10 p.m.

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HOUSING MANAGEMENT FORUM Meeting: Thursday 1st November, 2018 at 2.00 p.m. PRESENT:- Councillors Hamilton (Chairman), Blezard, Brook and McEwan. Tenant Representatives:- Mrs M. Anderson, Mr J. Christie and Mr A. McIntosh. Officers Present:- Janice Sharp (Assistant Director - Housing), Paula Westwood (Democratic Services Officer - Member Support) and Sandra Kemsley (Democratic Services Officer). 20 – Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th September, 2018 were taken as read and confirmed. 21 – Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mr D Barlow and Tenant Representative, Ms L Craig. 22 – Permission to Cross Access Roads to Council-owned Garages The Assistant Director - Housing submitted a report advising Members that she had been approached to formally acknowledge the right of a Resident to use an access road to a Council-owned garage site. The Resident making the request owned a property which adjoined a block of garages. They had applied and been granted planning permission to build a garage in their rear garden, and gain access to the public highway via the access road to the garage site at the rear which runs along their garden. Access to the garage was not a matter for the planning application. Clearly, the Resident had sought permission to construct the garage, however, they had not sought permission from the Housing Service to use the access road to access the public highway. This matter had been raised during the process of the Resident looking to sell the property, when it was evident they had no right of access over the road in question. Subsequently, there had been a request to grant a Deed of Easement which had been declined, as providing that permission could potentially restrict the Council’s options in the future should a decision be made to look for an alternative use of the garage site. The purpose of the report was to establish the principle of how future requests would be dealt with.

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The Housing Service had in the region of 50 garage sites through the Borough. There was a variety of different designs and access arrangements to the garages depending on the original design. Whilst periodic site inspections had been carried out, monitoring of issues such as third party use of the access roads had not been included. This had only been highlighted as an issue during the conveyance of the property as mentioned above. There could be the situation that Residents had created access in other localities, in some cases, in the past, on the sale of Council houses when it had not been appreciated that public footpaths and even roads were, in fact, unadopted. As the issued has not come to light in such cases, the Council would have little choice but to grant a Deed of Easement should the case arise. A Deed of Easement should be used where the Council grants a right of way in perpetuity, and should contain provisions for maintenance contributions; other provisions can be included, for example restricting the use to non-commercial vehicles. With regard to the access roads in question, they would remain the responsibility of the Housing Revenue Account to maintain. The Assistant Director - Housing considered it would be impractical to attempt to reverse what had gone on before. As such, she suggested any future requests should not be supported and suggested that arrangements be made for the Mobile Caretaking Unit to erect notice signs clearly stating the land is private and the road is to be used for access to Council-owned garages only. RECOMMENDED:- 1. To agree that permission should not be not given to use an access road

provided to Council-owned garage sites; and 2. To agree that notice signs be erected advising the land is private and the

access road is used to access Council-owned garages only. 23 – Procure Plus Contractor Selection Report - Update The Assistant Director - Housing submitted a report advising Members of the outcome of the direct selection and mini competitions recently completed with regard to the appointment of suitable Contractors to undertake housing improvement works in line with the 2018 Procure Plus framework. It had been noted that at the meeting held on 13th September, 2018 Members had agreed to undertake a series of direct call off or mini competitions in line with the guidance provided by the procurement team at Procure Plus. The new Procure Plus framework would be operational for a four year period that would end on 31st July 2023.

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Copies of each work stream report from Procure Plus had been provided to allow Members to consider the appointment of suitably qualified Contractors to carry out work to Council housing assets between 1st April, 2019 and 31st July, 2023. Direct Call off Procedure This procedure allowed the Council to directly select a Contractor within a particular work stream taking account of the Contractor’s original framework submitted costs (40% weighting) and quality (60% weighting) submissions in line with the Official Journal of the European Union notice reference – 2017/S 184-376396. Procure Plus had carried out a detailed review of suitable Contractors available for selection. Eligible Contractors had been ranked on the basis of the overall assessment of cost and quality. Procure Plus had conducted a direct call off exercise for the following work streams:-

Painting Improvements (Lot 13);

Heating (Lot 3C); and

Windows and Doors (Lot 5D). Painting Improvements Details of the companies available for selection from Lot 13 were as follows:- A. Connelly; B4Box; Bell Group UK; DLP Services (Northern) Ltd; Emanuel Whittaker Ltd E. R. Williams (Painting Contractors) Ltd; ForWorks (City West Works); George Jones; Holden Building Solutions Ltd; Jackson, Jacksons & Sons Ltd; Mears Ltd; Mitie Property Services; Novus Property Solutions Ltd; Seddon Construction; and Wright Build Ltd Procure Plus had concluded that George Jones were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of the overall scores had been detailed in the report. Heating Improvements Details of the companies available for selection from Lot 3C were as follows:-

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Page 18: BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE · 2018. 12. 20. · BOROUGH OF BARROW-IN-FURNESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting, Wednesday, 19th December, 2018 at 2.00 pm (Committee

A. Connelly; AFM Gas Services; CPH Northern Ltd; Engie Regeneration Ltd T/A Keepmoat Regeneration; G&M Heating Utilities Ltd; Herbert T. Forrest Ltd; Holden Building Solutions; Kier Services Ltd; Liberty Gas Group; Mears Ltd; Mitie Property Services; Seddon Construction; Sure Maintenance Ltd; Warmer Energy Services Ltd; and Wates Construction Ltd T/A Wates Living Space. Procure Plus had concluded that Sure Maintenance Ltd were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of the overall scores had been detailed in the report. Window and Doors Procure Plus had carried out a detailed review of suitable Contractors available for selection from Lot 5D and had concluded that Richmond Joinery and Builders Ltd were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of overall scores had been detailed in the report. Mini Competition Procedure This procedure allowed the Council to evaluate Contractors using a pre-defined assessment criterion:

Written Quality Submission - This section of the assessment contributes 70% to the total mark.

Costing Document - This section of the assessment contributes 30% to the total mark.

Eligible Contractors were ranked based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. Procure Plus had recommended the Council considered appointing the following work streams using the “Mini Competition” procedure:-

Electrical Rewiring and Testing;

Re-Roofing works and External works; and

Aids and Adaptation works.

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Electrical Rewiring and Testing Members had been requested to review the full content and recommendations of the “Mini Competition” report provided by Procure Plus reference P180098 (MCPM), a copy of which had been available in the Members’ area. The Procure Plus report had identified eligible Contractors under “Lot 4C of the framework”. All eligible Contractors had been contacted about the mini competition. 10 Contractors had expressed an interest in bidding for the work stream. 2 Contractors declined the offer and the following 8 contractors had submitted a valid bid:-

• Complete Electrical (UK) Ltd; • Herbert T Forrest Ltd; • Holden Building Solutions Ltd; • Kier Services Ltd; • Mears Limited; • Mediastone Limited t/a Logic Group; • Mitie Property Services; and • Seddon Construction.

Procure Plus had concluded that Keith Wilson Electrical were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of the Contractor’s scoring matrix had been detailed in the report. Re-Roofing Works and External Works Members had been requested to review the full content and recommendations of the “Mini Competition” report provided by Procure Plus reference P180100 (MCPM), a copy of which had been available in the Members’ area. The Procure Plus report had identified eligible Contractors under “Lot 6B of the framework”. All eligible Contractors had been contacted about the mini competition. 12 Contractors had expressed an interest in bidding for the work stream and the following 4 Contractors had submitted a valid bid:-

BAAS Construction;

DLP Services (Northern) Limited;

Jacksons & Sons; and

Mitie Property Services. Procure Plus had concluded that DLP Services (Northern) Ltd were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of the Contractor’s scoring matrix had been detailed in the report.

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Aids and Adaptation Works Members had been requested to review the full content and recommendations of the “Mini Competition” report provided by Procure Plus reference P180099 (MCPM), a copy of which had been available in the Members’ area. The Procure Plus report had identified eligible Contractors under “Lot 9B of the framework”. All eligible Contractors had been contacted about the mini competition. 11 Contractors had expressed an interest in bidding for the work stream and the following 5 Contractors had submitted a valid bid:-

BAAS Construction;

DLP Services;

Wright Build;

Top Notch; and

WRPS Ltd. Procure Plus had concluded that DLP Service (Northern) Ltd were ranked No. 1 Contractor and were the most economically advantageous Contractor based on their overall assessment of cost and quality. A summary of the Contractor’s scoring matrix had been detailed in the report. RECOMMENDED:- To agree the recommendations and outcomes of the direct call off and mini competition reports provided by Procure Plus to appoint the following Contractors for the period 1st April, 2019 to 31st July, 2023:-

• Painting Improvements – George Jones and Sons; • Heating Improvements – Sure Maintenance; • Window and Doors – Richmond Joiners and Builders Ltd; • Electrical Rewiring and Testing – Keith Wilson Electrical; • Re-Roofing Works and External Works – DLP Services (Northern) Ltd; and • Aids and Adaptation Works – DLP Services (Northern) Ltd.

24 – Stock Condition Survey The Assistant Director - Housing submitted a report updating Members on the progress made to date with regard to the planned stock condition survey in 2019/20. It had been noted that at the meeting held on 14th June, 2018 Members had agreed to appoint a suitable surveying company via the Procure Plus Holdings framework to carry out a 100% survey of the Council’s housing stock and related assets. Progress to date She advised that Officers had explored the opportunity to appoint a suitable surveying company and that a Mini Competition had been issued to the following companies on 23rd October, 2018:-

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• Pennington Choices Ltd; • Elvet Construction Consultants; and • Michael Dyson Associates Ltd.

The closing date for tenders was midday on 6th November, 2018. Officers aimed to review and score the submissions in conjunction with the procurement team at Procure Plus and expected to be in a position to recommend a suitable Contractor by 16th November, 2018.

The next meeting of the Housing Management Forum was scheduled to take place on 17th January, 2019 and, as such, there would be a three-month period where mobilisation and preparation work would need to be progressed.

Officers sought Members’ approval to progress the appointment of the No. 1 ranked Contractor before the meeting on 17th January, 2019 to allow fulfilment of the programme outlined below:-

Submit Priced Schedule 6th November, 2018

Score and provisionally appoint surveying company 16th November, 2018

Agree survey form, schedule of rates, life cycles, etc. 21st December, 2018

Provision of impressionistic study report (first milestone) 31st January, 2019

Commence site surveys 28th February 2019

Completion of site surveys (third milestone) Early June 2019

Provision of draft report (fourth milestone) Late June 2019

Provision of final report Early/Mid July 2019 RECOMMENDED:- 1. To agree that Officers would progress the provisional appointment of the No. 1

ranked surveying company in line with the Procure Plus Holdings mini competition issued on 23rd October, 2018 and the delivery timetable outlined in the report; and

2. To agree that Officers retrospectively provide Members with a detailed report of

the mini competition results at their meeting to be held on 17th January, 2019. 24 – Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Staff The Assistant Director – Housing submitted a report providing Members with a copy of the Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Staff. She advised that the Housing Service had a ‘zero tolerance’ position on domestic abuse and was committed to ensuring that any member of staff who was a victim of domestic abuse had the right to raise the issue with their employer in the knowledge they would receive appropriate support and assistance. The Housing Service had domestic abuse champions who were experienced in dealing with victims of domestic abuse to offer support and guidance.

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The Housing Service also works in Partnership with Women’s Community Matters (WCM) who offer advice or guidance about anything from available benefits to help with experiences of the criminal justice system. WCM could also help to signpost and support without judgement or comment. By developing an effective Policy and working to reduce the risks, the Council would create a safer workplace and send out a strong message that domestic abuse was unacceptable. For the purpose of this Policy, domestic abuse was defined as:- “Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners of family members regardless of gender or sexuality”. The abuse could encompass, but was not limited to:






Coercive control; and

Harassment. The Housing Service acknowledged that whilst it was mainly women who experienced domestic abuse, the Policy applied equally to men who needed advice or support. In support of the Policy anyone who was experiencing or had experienced domestic abuse could raise the issue in the knowledge that the matter would be treated effectively, sympathetically and with confidentiality. This Policy applied to staff in all teams across the Housing Service. It was noted that the Housing Service would promote and publicise the Policy and information about domestic abuse and the resources and support available for survivors across the service and in other places when and where appropriate. Support would also be provided to employees involved in domestic abuse, confidentially and safety would be prioritised. RECOMMENDED:- 1. To note the content of the report; and 2. To agree to adopt the Domestic Abuse Policy for Housing Staff to create a safer

workplace and send out a strong message that domestic abuse was unacceptable.

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25 – Scrutiny - Sign-up Packs

The Assistant Director - Housing submitted a report providing Members with an update on progress with the Scrutiny review of the tenancy sign-up packs. The Tenants Scrutiny Working Party had agreed the scope and timeframe of the project based on a four-stage approach as follows:-

• Stage 1: Fact finding; • Stage 2: Further investigation, compare and challenge; • Stage 3: Analysis and recommendations; and • Stage 4: Implementation and review.

In line with the agreed scrutiny process, further meetings would be held to look at updated health and safety information relevant to tenancies to be included within ‘sign-up packs’.

A further report would be drafted for information on the final updated ‘sign up packs’ prior to implementation.


1. To note the content of the report; and

2. To agree the Tenant Scrutiny Working Party process through to Stage 4 with a further report being submitted once the new sign-up packs had been agreed and ready for implementation.

26 – Dwelling and Garage Rents 2019/20

The Business Support Manager submitted a report setting out the proposed rents for 2019/20 for both dwellings and garages in preparation for year end and running rent review through CX and also in preparation for the HRA budgets for the coming financial year.

She advised that 2019/20 marked the final year of the Government’s current rent policy of reducing social rents by 1%. That, combined with increased sales of Council property through Right to Buy, had resulted in reduced income for the HRA as identified in previous reports.

It was understood from consultation papers published in September 2018, that the Government would allow social rents to be increased by CPI plus 1% from 2020/21 onwards. Whilst that was positive in terms of generating income, the continued sale of Council properties through Right to Buy and general increased costs/inflation would remain a challenge for the HRA.

The Council therefore needed to remain focused on controlling expenditure and looking at ways to generate income wherever possible. The proposed increase in garage rents was one area where increased revenue could be generated. The Business Support Manager advised that she would be looking to progress the introduction of leasehold administration charges, which had been agreed at the HMF in January 2018.

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Dwelling Rents The effect on rents* of the 1% reduction was as follows:-

52 Weeks 48 Weeks

Average rent decrease over 48 weeks 0.80p

2017/18 £75.36 £81.65

2018/19 £74.58 £80.79

2019/20 £73.83 £79.99

2020/21 CPI + 1% CPI + 1%

*Based on average rent Garage Charges The Council had discretion to set appropriate rents for garages. The current years increase by 2% did not appear to have affected the ability to let garages when they become vacant and had not had any other obvious adverse effects. It was therefore proposed to increase garage rents for 2019/20 by 2% again.

No 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Increased Revenue 2019/20

Garage rate 1 27 £7.10 £7.24 £7.38

£4,511 Garage rate 2 451 £9.79 £9.99 £10.19

TOTAL 478 £221,135 £225,646 £230,157

RECOMMENDED:- 1. To note the information in the report; 2. To note the information regarding rents on dwellings for the coming financial

year; and 3. To agree to the proposed increase in garage rents of 2%. 27 – Planned Investment and Planned Maintenance 2018/19 Expenditure The Assistant Director - Housing submitted information relating to the Planned Investment and Planned Maintenance Programme for 2018/2019. The information is attached at Appendix A to these Minutes. RESOLVED:- To note the information.

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28 – Performance Information Report The Assistant Director - Housing submitted information relating to the Housing Performance Indicators for 2018/2019 in comparison with previous years. The information is attached at Appendix B to these Minutes. It had been noted that the information available had been limited due to the implementation of the new CX system and that it was anticipated that more comprehensive information would be available at the meeting in January RESOLVED:- To note the information. The meeting closed at 2:20p.m.

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Funding Available EXPENDITURE


Weekly Available

Gross Comm. as a % funds available

Tenant Demand Repairs £1,346,426 £510,169 £25,893 38%

Voids £513,472 £428,718 £9,874 83%

Gas Servicing £302,106 £158,171 £5,810 52%

Decoration Vouchers £30,000 £13,974 £577 47%

Environmental Impmts £5,000 £3,905 £96 78%

Disabled Adaptations £100,000 £33,229 £ 1,923 33%

Electrical Testing £61,000 £50,854 £1,173 83%

Door Entry Maintenance £19,176 £510 £369 3%







Lease-holders affected


Procure Plus Holdings

£450,000 £4,430 1.7.2018 31.3.2019 DLP Roofing




Procure Plus Holdings

£200,000 £ - 1.8.2018 31.3.2019 TOP NOTCH DUE FOR COMMENCEMENT IN NOVEMBER 2018



Procure Plus Holdings

£320,000 £ 1,661 1.7.2018 31.3.2019 DLP Roofing WORKS ON SITE Yes


Procure Plus Holdings

£120,000 £7,428 1.9.2018 31.3.2019 DLP Roofing WORKS ON SITE No


Procure Plus Holdings

£150,000 £ 2,544 1.8.2018 31.3.2019 DLP Roofing WORKS ON SITE Yes


Procure Plus Holdings


£29,166 1.10.2018 31.3.2019 K WILSON WORKS ON-GOING Yes


Procure Plus Holdings


£37 1.9.2018 31.3.2019 GEORGE JONES




Procure Plus Holdings


£44,727 1.10.2018 31.3.2019 CUMBRIA ROOFING



REWIRES Procure Plus

Holdings £306,000

£46,212 1.7.2018 31.3.2019 K WILSON WORKS ON-GOING No

BATHROOMS Procure Plus

Holdings £207,000 £321 1.7.2018 31.3.2019




HEATING Procure Plus

Holdings £420,000

£290,217 1.7.2018 31.3.2019 AFM GAS Ltd WORKS ON-GOING No

PAINTING Procure Plus

Holdings £180,000

£62,779 1.6.2018 31.3.2019 G JONES WORKS ON-GOING Yes

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Arrears & Collection- Dwellings (exc. Dispersed) Actual

2016/17 Actual

2017/18 Qtr. 1

2018/19 Qtr. 2

2018/19 Current

YTD Qtr. 3

2018/19 Qtr. 4


£ Rent & Service Charges due (Including empty properties)

£ Rent loss due to empty dwellings (voids)

£ Rent collected from Current Tenants

£ Rent collected from Former Tenants

Total Rent collected as % of rent due

£ Current Arrears

£ Former Arrears

£ Write Offs (Gross) £98,187 £71,297 £17,114 £42,896 £60,010

No. tenants evicted for rent arrears 25 19 4 3 7

£ Rent Arrears UC claimants

Arrears & Collection - Other Properties

£ Rent arrears Dispersed (Homeless)

£ Rent arrears Garages

£ Rent Arrears Shops

£ rent loss due to empty Dispersed (Homeless)

£ rent loss due to empty Garages

£ rent loss due to empty Shops

Voids & Lettings (General Needs)

Total Dwellings

Total number of re-lets 248 255 28 79 107

% of re-lets accepted on first offer 68.1% 63.1% 53.6% 62.0% 59.8%

Number of re-lets that underwent Major Works 94 84 8 21 29

Average relet time in days (Standard) 42 44 46 54 52

Average re-let time in days (Major Works) 73 74 61 74 71

Average re-let time in days (all re-lets) 53 54 50 60 57

Number of units vacant and available for letting at period end

Number of units vacant but unavailable for letting at period end

No.Tenancies terminated

Tenancy Turnover %


Number of new anti-social behaviour cases reported

Number of closed successfully resolved ASB cases

Number of closed unresolved anti-social behaviour cases

Repairs & Maintenance

Average number of calendar days taken to complete repairs

Percentage of repairs completed at first visit

% all responsive repairs completed on time

Number Repair Orders completed

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Average Responsive repairs per property

Appointments kept as a percentage of appointments made

Major Works & Cyclical Maintenance Actual

2016/17 Actual

2017/18 Qtr. 1

2018/19 Qtr. 2

2018/19 Current

YTD Qtr. 3

2018/19 Qtr. 4


Percentage of dwellings with a gas safety certificate renewed by anniversary

Percentage of homes that fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard

*Average SAP rating of dwellings at end of year (based on RD SAP 9.83)

Homelessness FROM APRIL 2018

Average days in temporary (dispersed) accommodation

77 58.8 37 42 48

Average days in B&B accommodation 62 5.81 1.4 1.6 1.5

Number of triage assessments


able to


vide as n

ew co




ue to



136 140 276

Number of Homeless Prevention cases opened 46 39 85

Number of Homeless Relief cases opened 29 38 67

Number that falied to attend appointments Can provide from Qtr. 3

Number of Successful Prevention cases 22 29 51

Number of Successful Relief cases 9 27 36

Number cases closed without succesful outcome 6 16 22

Number of decisions made that main housing duty is not owed

3 4 7

Number owed the main housing duty (final duty) 1 0 1


Average permanent employee headcount 53 43 48 47 47

Number of leavers 0 9 1 1 2

Ave. working days lost / sickness absence 13.1 11.3 9.1

Customer Complaints

The number of Stage 1 complaints upheld in the year

4 3 0 awaiting info

Water Charge Collection

Total number of direct debit payers

Number of rent agreements where a water support tariff or help to pay scheme is in place

562 552 not available

606 606

Housing Register

Cumbria Choice Register- Qtr. Reporting will be

number of new apps, annual/YTD figure will be

total number of apps 1186 1127

179 new apps

171 new apps


Housing Stock

Houses 1223 1205 1203 1196 1196

Flats 1221 1218 1216 1216 1216

Bungalows 156 156 156 156 156

General Needs Dwellings 2600 2579 2575 2568 2568

Dispersed 12 13 15 16 16

Homeless (Cold Weather Provision) 1 0 0 0 0

New Lives Project 2 2 2 2 2

Adelphi Court 12 12 12 12 12

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Total Dwelling Stock 2627 2606 2604 2598 2598

Community Centres 5 5 5 4 4

Leaseholds 212 215 215 216 216

Garages 504 504 504 504 504

Shops 19 19 19 19 19

TOTAL PROPERTIES 3367 3349 3347 3341 3341

RTB & Land Values Actual

2016/17 Actual

2017/18 Qtr. 1

2018/19 Qtr. 2

2018/19 Current

YTD Qtr. 3

2018/19 Qtr. 4


£ Houses £1,170,02

5 £779,460 £64,200 £331,590


£ Flats £87,820 £47,700 £0 £18,000 £18,000

£ Bungalows £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

£ Land £0 £0 £0 £0 £0

TOTAL £1,257,84

5 £827,160 £64,200 £349,590


Sold 2017/18 Sold YTD

18 7

3 0

0 0

0 0

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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Director of Resources


Title: Council Finances Quarter 2 2018-2019

Summary and Conclusions:

This report sets out a summary of the Council finances for the period ended 30th September, 2018. The report includes the General Fund, the Capital Programme, Treasury Management, Reserves and Balances and the Housing Revenue Account.


To note the report.


A. General Fund Revenue Budget

The General Fund budget for 2018-2019 was last reported on 5th September, 2018, as £10.52m including the use of £1.85m of earmarked reserves.

The budget has increased by £25,450 for new burdens funding received in relation to the benefits service and this will be spent in 2018-2019. The budget is currently £10.55m including the use of £1.91m of earmarked reserves.

The increase in the estimated use of earmarked reserves is £55k:

Implementation of the Budget Strategy £149k; Grant released for matching expenditure £15k; Less external interest earned on temporary deposits (£43k); Less private sector housing condition survey moved to 2019-2020

(£50k); and Budget variations (£16k).

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Expenditure and Funding Analysis

The budget and net expenditure are monitored against divisions to be consistent with the presentation in the Statement of Accounts. The in-year monitoring is service based and covers direct costs and direct income; the items therefore excluded from the analysis include treasury management, capital accounting, support/central service allocations, pension deficit funding and the estimated contribution from earmarked reserves to fund those items added to individual divisions throughout the year; these total £6k with £10.55m being the net direct costs budget.

The current budget includes earmarked reserves added to budgets for the year and the actual spend where that has occurred.

Division Current budget Actual spend ProportionResources £3.63m £2.48m 68%Community £3.55m £2.13m 60%Regeneration £0.80m £0.25m 31%Central £2.57m £1.33m 52%Total £10.55m £6.19m

For a half of the year the proportion is expected to be around 50%; this won’t be exact as profiles vary between items. The same data presented as a subjective analysis provides the following profile:

Item Current budget Actual spend ProportionStaff costs £6.27m £2.63m 42%Transport £0.10m £0.04m 40%Property £2.58m £1.31m 51%Supplies & services £3.96m £2.09m 53%Contracts £5.07m £2.89m 57%Benefits £18.44m £8.46m 46%Benefits grants (£18.33m) (£8.03m) 44%External income (£7.42m) (£3.20m) 43%Savings (£0.12m) - -Total £10.55m £6.19m

There is an exceptional variance in external income and the current budget for income will not be realised by an estimated £0.4m, this includes the loss of crematorium income which is supported by reserves and other service income. There are also variances in overall staff costs and within external income relating to the Park Leisure Centre budget which is currently being adjusted to reflect the mid-year contracting out.

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B. General Fund Reserves

The General Fund earmarked reserves at 1st April, 2018, were £8.67m and are currently estimated to be £6.76m by 31st March, 2019. There are a number of one-off items and events that will also require support from earmarked reserves that are not yet estimated:

Items included in the original budgeto Realisation of Budget Strategy savings assumed from Revenues

and Benefits, Park Leisure Centre, Forum and others;o Continuance of Budget Strategy savings achieved to date.

Items not fully included in the current budgeto Costs of Budget Strategy associated with Revenues and

Benefits insourcing, Leisure Centre outsourcing and other Budget Strategy transformations;

o Loss of income from cremators replacement project.

The costs associated with achieving the long term Budget Strategy savings are not fully incurred at this time and further earmarked reserves will be used by 31st March, 2019.

C. Commercial Properties

The commercial property rent income for 2018-2019 is budgeted to be £1.31m; the changes in quarter 2 will generate an additional £28k for the year.

D. Capital Programme

There are no changes to the Capital Programme to report. The Capital Programme out to 2020-2021 will be presented with the budget proposals.

E. Treasury Management

The Council’s existing borrowing of £38.48m is all fixed rate PWLB loans maturing over the mid to long term. The debt belongs to the General Fund £13.38m and the HRA £25.1m. One HRA loan for £1m matures during 2018-2019. The total interest on the loans is £1.44m for the year with each loan having interest payments at six month intervals. The limit for external debt for 2018-2019 is £55m and this has not been exceeded.

The interest receivable on matured temporary surplus cash deposits for the period ended 30th September, 2018, is £84k; the budget for external interest earned has been increased by £43k for the year to be £170k. As at 30th September, 2018, the Council’s funds were placed with:

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Financial Institution DepositedCambridge Building Society £2mMonmouthshire Building Society £3mNational Counties Building Society £3mNewcastle Building Society £4mNottingham Building Society £1mPrincipality Building Society £3mProgressive Building Society £2mFixed term deposits £18mHSBC overnight deposit account £2.24mTotal funds £20.24m

F. Budget Strategy

The Budget Strategy aims to eliminate £2.73m from the core budget over the financial years 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.

As at 31st March, 2018, £0.93m had been achieved; a third of the saving required taking half of the strategy life to achieve. This is a much slower pace than the earlier Budget Strategy which was front-loaded; this time the weighting is towards the end of the period, with some savings now not being fully realised until 2020-2021.

The budget for 2018-2019 is based on a cumulative reduction in the core budget of £1.77m and the main items involved in achieving this are the Revenues and Benefits insourcing, the Leisure Centre outsourcing and the Forum subsidy reduction. If the savings reach £1.77m by the end of 2018-2019, this leaves just under £1m to be achieved in 2019-2020, however, as mentioned above some of the savings will now move into 2020-2021.

The Budget Strategy will be reviewed in December 2018 and will consider the savings and reductions achieved, those not yet achieved, those which may not be achieved at all or not fully achieved, together with any other areas of spend or income that have an impact on future finances; permanent changes to the core budget.

G. General Fund Balance

The General Fund balance has been risk assessed as £2.3m and is projected to remain as £2.3m at 31st March, 2019.

H. Housing Revenue Account

The Housing Revenue Account budget was set as a balanced budget for 2018-2019.

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The HRA earmarked reserve at 1st April, 2018, was £1.27m and is estimated to be £1.49m by 31st March, 2019. Since the original budget was set the net movement in reserves is an addition of £25k; this position may change by year-end.

The future finances of the HRA will be considered as part of the Budget Strategy review.

The fund balance at 1st April, 2018, was risk assessed as £1m and is projected to remain as £1m at 31st March, 2019.

(i) Legal Implications

The recommendation has no legal implications.

(ii) Risk Assessment

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(iii) Financial Implications

The financial implications are set out in the body of the report.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

Background Papers


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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Director of Resources


Title: 2019-2020 Holiday Dates

Summary and Conclusions:

This report sets out information to assist Members in their decision regarding Christmas and New Year working arrangements for 2019-2020.


Members’ instructions are requested.


As reported on 24th October, 2018, the Christmas and New Year holidays fall as follows based on the current scheme for Council Days:

Christmas and New YearWednesday 25th December 2019, Christmas DayThursday 26th December 2019, Boxing DayFriday 27th December 2019, Council DayMonday 30th December 2019, Council DayTuesday 31st December 2019, annual leave or flexi-day to be takenWednesday 1st January 2020, New Year’s Day

Members deferred the decision to set the Council Days at the meeting on 24th October, 2018. This report sets out information to assist Members in their decision regarding Christmas and New Year working arrangements for 2019-2020.


The services that are currently included in the Christmas and New Year pattern noted above are those in the Town Hall and the Revenues and Benefits Service.

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All external venues operate during the Christmas and New Year period as standard. The Town Hall based services with out of hours or emergency requirements also operate during the Christmas and New Year period as standard (homelessness, housing maintenance, building control and public protection).

The main contracted services of Waste Management and Grounds Maintenance operate over Christmas and New Year.

The Revenues and Benefits Service has not operated during Christmas and New Year for a number of years. A limited customer service function has been offered as obligated under the terms of the contract.

For 2017, 4 agents were available for 4 hours each of the 3 days that the Town Hall and Revenues and Benefits Service were closed:

Revenues and Benefitso Day 1 – 20 calls (average call time not available)o Day 2 – 37 calls (average call time 4 minutes)o Day 3 – 43 calls (average call time 1 minute)

Customer Serviceso Day 1 – 43 calls (average call time 2 minutes)o Day 2 – 73 calls (average call time 2 minutes)o Day 3 – 60 calls (average call time 2 minutes)

The Revenues and Benefits calls would generally be a mixture of checking Council Tax balances, checking on Housing Benefit claims and advice on providing claim updates in writing. There is no emergency nature to the services provided, services are date driven and processes such as housing benefit payments are run ahead of need and submitted for the break period.

The Customer Services calls were largely regarding bin collection days which alter over the Christmas period; these are published. Urgent or emergency customer requests would go through the out of hours service and would not be dealt with by Customer Services; these are matters resolved by direct services and not Customer Services at any time.


To obtain a view from staff regarding the continuing arrangements or removing the fixed Council days, a poll was carried out from the staff that this affects. The following options were polled:

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Option AThe current arrangements of two fixed Council days and a day of leave or flexi continues and the Town Hall/Revenues & Benefits Service is closed for business between Christmas and New Year with only emergency services in operation.

Option BThe Town Hall/Revenues & Benefits Service opens between Christmas and New Year with normal operational requirements; normal staffing levels and full services available. The two Council days will be added to annual leave on a pro rata basis.

The poll ran on Outlook using vote buttons (Option A or Option B) and employees without email access or on long term sick leave were sent a paper voting form.

Altogether 205 staff were polled and the result will be provided verbally at the meeting.


This report seeks to provide information in relation to the demand for services during the Christmas and New Year break. Also, as the Christmas and New Year break is a longstanding local arrangement, staff have been polled to provide Members with their view as part of the consideration.

Members are asked to decide if the Council Days will be fixed as Friday 27th December and Monday 30th December for 2019, with staff required to take annual leave or flexi for Tuesday 31st December. Or to open the Town Hall and Revenues and Benefits Service for those 3 days with normal operational requirements; normal staffing levels and full services available; the 2 Council days will be added to annual leave on a pro rata basis.

(i) Legal Implications

The recommendation has no legal implications.

(ii) Risk Assessment

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(iii) Financial Implications

The costs of opening the Town Hall and the Revenues and Benefits offices have not been calculated.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

The recommendation has no significant implications.

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(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

Background Papers


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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Executive Director


Title: ECO Flexibility Statement of Intent

Summary and Conclusions:

The Government has widened the eligibility of existing Energy Company Obligation (ECO) schemes to allow a proportion of eligible households to be identified using criteria adopted by the Local Authority.

It is proposed to take advantage of this widening of the scheme and to adopt local eligibility criteria.


To recommend the Council:-

1. To adopt the Statement of Intent attached as an appendix to the report;2. To delegate approval of future changes to the eligibility criteria set out in

the Statement of Intent to Executive Committee; and3. To delegate approval of any Warm Homes Fund consortium bid the

Executive Director after consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Executive Committee.


1. The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a long-standing obligation on energy suppliers aimed at helping households to cut their fuel bills and reduce carbon emissions. The obligations of energy companies under ECO are normally delivered by the installation of energy efficiency measures such as insulation. Until recently the eligibility criteria for the various ECO schemes were set nationally.

2. The most recent extension to the ECO scheme has allowed up to 10% of measures to be installed in households declared eligible by the local authority in support of their local priorities. This is known as ECO flexibility or “ECO Flex”.

3. For the local authority to take advantage of this ECO Flex, it must publish a “Statement of Intent”. This is a public declaration of how it intends to identify eligible households.

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Agenda Item 9

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4. Discussions have taken place with other local authorities in Cumbria about participating in other energy efficiency initiatives, and ECO Flex could play a useful part in this.

5. To facilitate this, it is proposed that the Council adopts the ECO Flex Statement of Intent attached as an appendix to this report.

6. Members should note that at present we are not in a position to start delivering energy efficiency schemes, as there are various procedures that would need to be put in place, possibly including a wider review of the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy. Any developments will be reported to Members in due course. However, it is considered that this approval of the Statement of Intent is a necessary pre-requisite to putting these schemes in place.

7. In addition to ECO Flex, funding is available through the Warm Homes Fund. This could in principle provide funding for new gas boilers and first time central heating systems. Discussions are taking place with other districts in Cumbria about the possibility of a consortium bid for this fund. At the time of writing, insufficient detail is available to make a specific proposal for Members. However, I do believe that there would in principle be significant benefits to acting in consortium, and would ask that you give authority to participate in such a bid, subject to consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Executive Committee.

(i) Legal Implications

The recommendation has no legal implications.

(ii) Risk Assessment

The recommendation has minor implications.

(iii) Financial Implications

The recommendation has no financial implications.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

The recommendation has no implications.

(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

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Background Papers

ECO Flex guidance published at:


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Agenda Item 9

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Barrow Borough Council ECO Flexible Eligibility Statement of Intent

Local authority: Barrow Borough Council

Publication Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Version number: V1

Publication on web site: barrowbc.gov.uk/


This statement sets out Barrow Borough Council’s flexible eligibility criteria for the Energy Company Obligation (ECO3) scheme from October 2018 – March 2022. This is a government initiative to allow a more flexible approach to enable more people to benefit from energy company grants. These grants can go towards insulation and heating measures including cavity wall and loft insulation, replacement oil boilers and new gas central heating systems. The local authority must publish a statement of intent defining how they are going to identify “eligible” households and the criteria on which properties and households can be subject to a “declaration” for inclusion in any schemes.

The flexible eligibility component will sit alongside the current main ECO scheme and is able to support those who have previously fallen outside of the criteria. A percentage of Energy suppliers ECO funding may be available to support Local Authority designed schemes to target two main categories of private sector housing tenure:

a) Households in fuel poverty b) People living on a low income and vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold


This policy will support the Borough Council’s Council Plan:

i. Priority 3: Closing the gap on health inequalitiesii. Priority 4: Providing a greater choice of good quality housing and regenerating

the oldest and poorest quality housing in the Borough

Fuel poverty in England is measured using the Low Income High Costs (LIHC) indicator. Under the LIHC indicator, a household is considered to be fuel poor if:

they have required fuel costs that are above average (the national median level) were they to spend that amount, they would be left with a residual income below the

official poverty line

In the experience of the Council’s private sector housing service when investigating complaints, Excess Cold consistently comes out as the most common and significant hazard. This is often accompanied by Damp and Mould Growth. Both of these hazards are caused by a lack of affordable heating and poor insulation.

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Agenda Item 9Appendix 1

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Some residents may have more sedentary lifestyles that require higher room temperatures or those living in poorly insulated homes, or with lower income, are hit hardest by rising fuel prices. There is a need to ensure that there is a fall back for those residents whose heating fails during the coldest periods of the year.

However, recent figures indicate that more and more working families are being drawn into fuel poverty as well, and this needs addressing. With more people living in private rented accommodation, there is a need to address conditions in the private rented sector, which consistently has the worst levels of thermal efficiency and the most inefficient heating systems.

The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015 place obligations on private landlords

From 1st April 2018, a landlord of a private rented property with an EPC rating of F or G must not grant a new lease or renew an existing lease of that property until works have been carried out to improve the energy efficiency to a rating of E or above.

From 1st April 2020, a landlord of a domestic private rented property with an EPC rating of F or G must not continue to let the property until works have been carried out to improve the energy efficiency rating to an E or above.

Using a combination of enforcement and encouragement will help drive the delivery of these improvements to the housing stock.

The Borough Council currently has a limited discretionary housing grants programme. The eligibility criteria for ECO flex will therefore aim to prioritise homes that have the poorest housing efficiency that may not qualify for discretionary housing grants. It will also aim to support any other current local initiatives to ensure that the widest amount of households benefit from the scheme.

Referrals made under ECO flexibility will be subject to the same market conditions as wider ECO energy efficiency work and so declarations that the local authority make do not guarantee that the measure will be viable. The final decision on whether a household receives an ECO measure is made by the energy suppliers or their contractors as the final decision will depend on:

a) the survey carried out by suppliers/contractors and installation costs calculated,

b) the energy savings that can be achieved for a property and c) whether suppliers have achieved their targets or require further measures

to meet their ECO targets.

1. How the Local authority intends to identify eligible households

ECO flexible eligibility is available to private sector households including owner occupiers, private landlords and private tenants in line with the Government’s guidance.

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All potentially eligible households should apply through Barrow Borough Council or one of their approved ECO installers to ensure that any households that do not meet ECO flex criteria can be assessed for eligibility under the any other relevant programme.

Barrow Borough Council will check their eligibility for standard ECO scheme, ECO flex criteria and eligibility for other programmes. Sometimes a contribution is required by the customer towards the ECO measure and it will be explored whether this may be met via a local grant.

2. Energy Company Obligation – Barrow Borough Council Flexible Eligibility Criteria

To qualify households should match 1 or more of the options below

Qualification CriteriaYou must own your own home or rent from a private landlord (private sector households only)

Option ALow Income & in receipt of benefits

Households in receipt of:~Housing benefit/Local housing allowance ~Council Tax Reduction benefit or second adult rebate (means-tested)~Tax Credits~ Pension savings credit~Any other means-tested welfare benefit *(NOTE: most households in receipt of another welfare benefit will now qualify under main ECO)

Option BLow Income and NOT in receipt of benefits

Households who are not in receipt of benefits should have a total net household income not exceeding the following thresholds per annum including pensionable and/or employable income:~ £26,000 per annum

Option CLow Income AND property inefficiency

Households who are not in receipt of benefits should have a total net household income not exceeding the following thresholds per annum including pensionable and/or employable income:~ £26,000 for 1 or 2-person households~ £32,000 for 3-person households~ £38,000 for 4+ person households

ANDHave an inefficient property by having:Either:~ an EPC of D, E, F or G OR~ no mains gas central heating (including rural non-gas properties and properties without mains gas central heating)

Option DPrivate rented property with an EPC of E, F or G**

Households that have a valid private rented tenancy of at least 6 months or private landlords who will commit to renting properties with an EPC of E, F or G

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Option EProperty inefficiency and viable for mains gas connection

Households that have an inefficient property rated EPC of D, E, F or G OR~ no mains gas central heatingAND ~ viable property for Fuel Poor Network Extension Scheme (FPNES)

Option FLow income and vulnerable to the effects of the cold

Households who are not in receipt of benefits should have a total net household income not exceeding the following thresholds per annum including pensionable and/or employable income:~ £26,000 for 1 or 2-person households~ £32,000 for 3-person households~ £38,000 for 4+ person households

AND have a member of the household with one of the following characteristics:~ Aged over 60~ Children under 5 & pregnant mothers~ Respiratory disease (COPD, Asthma)~ Cardiovascular disease~ Mental illness~ Substance misusers with medical prescription~ Dementia~ Immuno-deficiency diseases~ Cancer and under treatment~ Limited mobility~ Learning difficulties~ Diabetes~ Contribution based ESA

*NOTE: If you receive one of the following benefits you will qualify under main ECO3: Pension Guarantee Credit, Income-related ESA, Income based JSA, Income support, Working and Child Tax Credits, Universal credit, Armed forces independence payment, Attendance allowance, Carer’s allowance, Disability Living allowance, Severe disablement allowance, War pensions mobility supplement, Industrial Injuries disablement benefit, Personal independence payment, Constant attendance allowance.

** Some measures are not available to private rented properties under ECO depending on the EPC rating.

Details of scheme requirements for Solid Wall In-fill projects

In addition, a proportion of non-fuel poor homes (in-fill) will be allowed for solid wall insulation projects if:

~ 66% of occupiers of blocks of flats, terraces, adjacent properties are fuel poor/low income and vulnerable to cold or

~ 50% of occupiers of semi-detached houses or bungalows and two premises buildings are fuel poor or low income and vulnerable to cold.

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Ofgem has issued guidance on its administrative requirements for in-fill.

Barrow Borough Council reserves the right not to issue declarations where installers have not been approved by The Borough Council. Installers should have signed and comply with our data-sharing agreement.

3) Governance

Responsible Officers

The officers below will be responsible for signing Declarations on behalf of the local authority:

Job Title: Chris Jones – Property Services Group Manager

Telephone: 01229 876351 email: [email protected]

Job Title: Steve Solsby – Assistant Director of Regeneration and the Built Environment

Telephone: 01229 876359 email: [email protected]

4) Referrals

Referrals for consideration under ECO Flexible Eligibility can be received by Barrow Borough Council via Homelife Carlisle Home Improvement Agency by the following:

Tel: 01229 876543 or email: [email protected]

Referrals will also be encouraged from local referral routes and partners as well as by potentially eligible households as identified by approved suppliers.

5) Evidence, monitoring and reporting

The Borough Council’s private sector housing team will administer the scheme and identify eligible households via application process. The Property Service Group Manager will oversee the process of identifying eligible households under flexible eligibility.

The eligibility information will be stored securely in line with the Council’s data protection policy, Information Commissioner’s Office Data sharing Code (legislation) and BEIS guidance. The Borough Council will issue declarations to its suppliers and/or delivery partner(s) setting out those households that are eligible. The delivery partner(s) will pass this information onto their ECO supplier according to the ECO application process.

The following summarises the information to be collated to confirm eligibility:

The EPC if already present Self-declaration verification form Evidence of household income Evidence of health condition / vulnerability including current prescriptions Evidence of private rented property where neccessary

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Declarations will include the following information: whether eligibility criteria are low income & vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home (LIVC) or in fuel poverty (FP) and the proportion of households that met this criteria on any solid wall insulation projects that include “in-fill”. The application form gives information to applicants on what checks may be carried out and penalties to deter and prevent fraud.

Monitoring of ECO Flexible Eligibility will be carried out by the private sector housing team.

Home visits will be arranged on a random basis to check quality of works as agreed in the application process. Customer satisfaction will also be monitored by the use of follow-up customer satisfaction questionnaires.

The energy supplier that provides ECO funding is still required to collect evidence required by Ofgem as stated in BEIS guidance documents.

6. Signature

Phil Huck

Executive Director


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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Commercial Estate Manager


Title: 76 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness

Summary and Conclusions:

The report details a proposed sale of 76 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness.


1. To note the report; and

2. To authorise the Commercial Estate Manager to proceed with the sale of 76 Duke Street, Barrow on the terms reported.


The Council own the freehold of 76 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness as shown hatched at Appendix 1.

Approval to dispose of the property was granted by this Committee on 27th June, 2018.

Since obtaining approval to dispose of the asset the Commercial Estate Manager has been in discussions with CancerCare North Lancashire and South Cumbria. A provisional sales figure of £70,000 has been agreed.

Although the property has not been formally marketed it is considered that a disposal to a charitable organisation such as CancerCare would benefit the town and people of Barrow. The Commercial Estate Manager, therefore, seeks approval to dispose of the property directly and exclusively to CancerCare North Lancashire and South Cumbria at the agreed price.

(i) Legal Implications

The recommendation will result in a freehold disposal of property

(ii) Risk Assessment

The recommendation has no significant implications.

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Agenda Item 10

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(iii) Financial Implications

A capital receipt of £70,000 to the Council.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

Background Papers


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Scale 1:1250.0

Created 23.05.2018


76 Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness

Sale Plan

This copy has been produced specifically to enable the undertaking ofstatutory and regulatory requirements imposed on Barrow BoroughCouncil. No further copies may be made. Copyright belongs to the

following.(c) Crown Copyright and database right 2018. Ordnance SurveyLA100016831


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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Commercial Estate Manager


Title: Unit 9 James Freel Close, Barrow-in-Furness

Summary and Conclusions:

The report details a proposed letting of Unit 9 James Freel Close, Barrow-in-Furness.


1. To note the report; and

2. To authorise the Commercial Estate Manager to proceed with the letting of Unit 9 James Freel Close, Barrow on the terms reported.


Unit 9 James Freel Close, as shown on Appendix 1, is a large industrial warehouse building situated on Phoenix Business Park and formerly occupied by Cumbria Karting.

The overall size of the building is 5062sq.m although, due to an internal partition wall, the unit is divided into a 4299sq.m section and a 763sq.m section.

The Sofa Group Limited currently occupy the larger section of 4299sq.m under licence. Following discussions concerning the Sofa Groups continuing occupation of the unit the following main lease terms have been proposed:

Term 3 years from 1st January, 2019Rent £70,000pa excluding VATOutgoings The Tenant to be responsible for all out goings including non-

domestic rates and all utilitiesRepairs The Tenant to maintain the current state and condition of the

property with no obligation to improve the condition

The proposal is for the larger section of the building (4299sq.m). The smaller section (763sq.m) will remain unoccupied until the Tenant can (with the approval of the council) remove the internal partition wall. If and once the internal wall is removed a new lease and new terms will be proposed.

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Agenda Item 11

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The Commercial Estate Manager now seeks approval to formally agree the proposed letting as detailed and complete legal documentation accordingly.

(i) Legal Implications

The granting of a legal leasehold interest.

(ii) Risk Assessment

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(iii) Financial Implications

A rental income of £70,000pa.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

The recommendation has no significant implications.

(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

Background Papers


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Scale 1:2500.0

Created 27.11.2018


Unit 9

James Freel Close Barrow

This copy has been produced specifically to enable the undertaking ofstatutory and regulatory requirements imposed on (c) Crown Copyright

and database right 2018. Ordnance Survey LA100016831


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Part One


Date of Meeting: 19th December, 2018

Reporting Officer: Assistant Director (Regeneration and Built Environment)


Title: Tender Award - Harding Rise (Plot No.1)

Summary and Conclusions:

There is an identified need in the Borough for managed office space. The proposed office development is located on Barrow Island and forms part of the Barrow Island Growth Zone and more specifically the Waterfront Business Park detailed in the Barrow Port Area Action Plan. The report requests approval to award the JCT Contract to Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd.


To agree to award the Contract to Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd utilising a JCT Standard Building Contract With Quantities (SBC/Q) 2016 to construct the managed workspace for Tender Sum of £3,539,290.


The site is known as Plot 1 (purchased by the Borough Council on 17th May 2018) situated at the western end of the Business Park area, approximately one mile south of the Town Centre. Harding Rise is immediately in front of the site with open views out over Walney Channel.

The recent history of the whole of the area including Plot 1 is derelict brown field land, but the area has been subject to remediation works carried out by Cumbria County Council. These works included the provision of a new access road to the Barrow Island area together with new service roads and other infrastructure including foul and surface water drainage, services installations and landscaping.

The site (along with two other plots) has been the subject of a separate planning application (2017/9005) which recently involved removal of the existing topsoil layer and capping the site with stone which included changing the levels across the whole site.

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The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, in a letter dated 5th October, 2018, approved in principle the award of European Regional Development Fund grant (£2,313,064), towards the Waterfront Gateway Managed Business Centre, supporting local economic growth. Following tender returns, where the construction contract is lower than estimated, the ERDF contribution would be reduced. The formal offer of funding applies once the Funding Agreement has been executed by both parties. The Councils own approved Capital Programme is providing the necessary match funding.

An open tendering procedure was conducted via ‘The Chest’, the North West’s Local Authority Procurement Portal. The tender documents stipulates an on site contract period of 46 weeks (including Easter Break and Public Holidays) with planned commencement on Monday 4th February, 2019.

Contractors were requested to complete and submit the following documents with their tender:

- Form of Tender- BQ Final Summary- BQ Bill Nr. 3 Summary- Collusive Tendering Certificate- Certificate of Intention to Execute a Performance Bond- CDM Regulations Declaration

The following tenders for the New Managed Office Building at Plot 1 were received and opened by the Chairman of the Executive Committee on Friday 23rd November, 2018.

In alphabetical order:

Contractor A £3,496,057.00Contractor B £3,718,323.33Contractor C £3,971,763.00Contractor D £4,054,873.51Contractor E £4,238,792.05Contractor F £4,893,314.00

Having submitted the lowest Tender (£3,496,057.00) Contractor A - Thomas Armstrong (Construction) Ltd were requested to submit a fully priced copy of their Tender Bills of Quantities, together with an outline programme of works, for examination by the Chartered Quantity Surveyor.

Following the Quantity Surveyors detailed review and in line with JCT tendering practice principle in relation to obtaining clarification(s), the final tender sum was amended to £3,539,290.00. Whilst Thomas Armstrong have elected to increase their tender sum, it is still significantly lower than the next lowest tender of £3,718,323.33.

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The intention is for the development to act as a gateway building to the Waterfront Business Park and provide a catalyst for further development on the wider Business Park area.

The new office building will provide managed business space together with associated access road and parking at the Waterfront Business Park, Barrow-in-Furness. Planning Approval was granted for the new office development on 6th March 2018.

The project will provide managed workspace and grow on space consisting initially of 1494 sq.m (16,081 sq. ft.) of flexible office space, with the building broken into blocks linked by nodes which reduce the overall mass of the building. The two-storey building will have east and west elevations approx. 8.5 metres high, while the north and west elevations which face the car park will be 7.2 metres.

The plan of the building has been designed and carefully laid out to permit natural ventilation throughout which, in conjunction with other design features will enable it to achieve a BREEAM rating of 'Very Good'.

The policies and design guidance set out in the Barrow Port Action Plan have been taken into account and have influenced the design of the overall site layout.

Key considerations during the design development of the site and building layout:

The prominent location of the site, which is the first development site viewed when entering the Waterfront Business Park area on Harding Rise when travelling south from the Town Centre;

The panoramic views in the south east, south and south west from the site over the Walney Channel, Walney Island and beyond to the open sea;

The linking node provides a visual break between the two blocks and their function is to provide a communal entrance, circulation and meeting spaces between the blocks. To aid navigation of the building and identify entrances a light, transparent structure has been introduced to these elements with the inclusion of individual picture windows to the first-floor meeting rooms.

Due to the orientation of the elevations a large roof overhang together with brise soleil have been incorporated to provide solar shading to the building. As well as meeting a function requirement, these elements together with their supporting structure, also provide visual interest and help to break down the mass of the building frontage.

The building will have level access and will be compliant with Part M of the Building Regulations and will include Disabled Toilet Facilities and a passenger lift.

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Vehicle parking including mobility spaces, bicycles and PTWs areas have been arranged around a circular roadway, which will accommodate anticipated service vehicles. The hard landscaping finishes will include tarmac to road areas and permeable set pavers to parking areas.

It is anticipated that the soft landscaping will be simple low-level planting, suitable for the maritime environment. Planting will be around the parking areas together with the buffer zone between the footpath on Harding Rise and the front of the building. The areas of the site outside of the parking areas and the zone immediately in front of the outward looking elevations are anticipated to be more natural with coastal flora.

The Council is grateful for the complete support provided by two essential partners, Furness Economic Development Forum (FEDF) and the Economic Programme Officer at Cumbria County Council (CCC). The successful Outline and Detailed bid for European Structural and Investment Funds (Investment Priority 3C) could not have been realised without the full support provided by FEDF, Cumbria County Council (CCC) and the whole professional team of people involved throughout 2017 and 2018.

(i) Legal Implications

The formal offer of European funding applies once the Funding Agreement has been executed by both parties. The JCT Building Contract will be signed and sealed following approval.

(ii) Risk Assessment

The project shall be programmed and managed safely following a hierarchy of risk control and safe systems of working. The hierarchy shall be based on elimination, reduction, control and personal protection as a minimum. Information on significant risks identified during the design have been provided within the pre-construction information.

(iii) Financial Implications

The recommendation has no financial implications. Funding is contained within the Councils capital programme. An additional allowance for contingencies is contained within the Contract sum, which is within the available capital funding.

(iv) Health and Safety Implications

A Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan will be produced by the Contractor before commencement for approval by the Councils CDM-C advisor. Baker Mallet will perform all duties under Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Notifiable works, covered by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015). The construction phase plan will identify arrangements for controlling significant site risks.

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(v) Equality and Diversity

The recommendation has no detrimental impact on service users showing any of the protected characteristics under current Equalities legislation.

(vi) Health and Well-being Implications

The recommendation has no adverse effect on the Health and Wellbeing of users of this service.

Background Papers


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