THE BOtrBBONT NEWS PAHIS JUNE 20 1902 J t D Y J r Q A 1 V i f SOW RAiN MUST FALL a e dew at moisten and refresh flowers moisture of affliction comes To freshen brighten hours m sunlight fed and nourished life In Its own bright and beauteous way But neither rose nor lily bloom Could endure the sunlights stay The tears of even cool of night Though less attractive they may be Contribute just as large a share As sunlight to the charms we see Thus fortunes rays and Joys bright light Make life below both sweet and pure growing souls like blooming flowers Unchanging clime cannot endure The tears and cold of sorrows night Though less desired by the heart Contribute even larger share To make Ufe sweet than joys impart Then still my soul and be content Believe in God He reigns oer alt Bt jolce for highest Wisdom says Into each Ute some rain must fall Rev Arthur E Grlngel in Christian Work His Friend The EnemyB- y WILLIAM WALLACE COOK Author of of Butte The Spur of Necessity Mr Fitt Astrologer etc Copyright 1901 by the S S McClure Co CHAPTER n CONTINUED There came a sharp ring at the door- bell followed by a colloquy between the maid and some person ot persons The next moment there was a tread of feet and four gentlemen marched into the parlor single file their hats in there hands The gentleman in the lead was a- very small person and from the way his left eye ocussed itself unswerving- ly on a given point while its fellow roved at will there was small doubt that the left eye was glass the leader came a gentleman of tow ering was taller even than Guy or Mr his framework was so loosely put he could not seem to talk without jarring himself tile third of the quar- tet had a wooden leg and the sleeve of the fourth was folded over and tucker in the front of his coat Miss Vlandingham exclaimed the man with the your most obedient He bowed and his three companions bowed with him The kpokesman executed an about face and directed his attention at Miss Vlandinghams father the rest of the squad participating in the movement Evening squire he said starting a nod that tilted every head in the row Good evening gentlemen returned Vlandingham courteously Its tight ckV 2Jave you for gotten Not at MrVlafidingham con- sulted his watch It is close to eight thats a fact Betty and I came down on a freight from Jlmtown Colonel- so that Id be here in time to connect with the townjmeeting Vlandingham turned to Guy Mr Herbert allow me to present to you Col man with the glass eye Harp acknowledgements from the giantCapt from the gentleman with the wooden leg and Mr Boomer The man with the empty sleeve ducked amiably The Colonel continued Mr Vlandingham conducts our paper the Harmony Norther Guy wondered if all the colonels in Dakota conducted papers Major by the grace of the republican admin- istration hands us our mail the Cap- tain is proprietor of the Bee Hive etore and Mr Boomer er er what the nation do you do Boomer any howJust hang around smiled Mr Boomer Thats it said Vlandingham Mr Herbert gentlemen will probably in- vest in some Harmony lots Guy raised his hand in protest After the election supplemented Mr Vlanding ham We yefa town meeting to HerberJ and you might along with us and rub up against some of oxr best citizens Squire exclaimed the man with the glass eye crooking his finger bent down and Col Dingle whispered to him earnestly Nonsense said Vlandingham in a low tone which nevertheless reached Guys ears Ill vouch for him When the six of them finally started for the meeting Guys conscience was sadly troubling him He would rather a times have remained be hind and spent the evening with Miss Betty CHAPTER m The town meeting was held in a va- cant room over the Bee Hive store So far as Guy could make out Harmony and Confiord were alike ex- cept that in Concord the business places were ranged along a main freet while in Harmony they grouped about a vacant square This was a distinction without much of a- ft The squareC Mr Vlanding luim informed Guy was reserved for courthouse In the event that Har irony won the contest Guy wondered What he and Col Keever would do tvth their courthouse- A lamp burned in the entrance lead up to the hall and a sternlooking man with a rifle over arm blocked the way How is everything Marley in- quired Vlandingham Nothin suspicious so fur squire replied Marley staring at Guy Got sentries posted all around this Building Sure etc that aint on the iquare can come within a block of it Thats right Viandingham and his party ascend ell the stairs At the top they passed the scrutiny of pother guard and en- tered the meetingroom There were you 30 or 90 mea in the hall angr S ttI the eventide- T tht Iii all lites long ut with- out t t j I heighthe Vlandinghamand togeth- er gJasseye U Dinglethe bowedMaj Blueditto I the l squire nightMr thousaI d l verymuch g fference lIe ng U J N r D 3 I c I Roers II A Behind i alL r I go- t were hi I 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Vlandingham mad for a platform at the farther end of the room nodding- to citizens on either side and speak ing a word here and thereas he pro- gressed Ill introduce you all around after the meeting is over he whispered to Guy Youll want some lots I know you will and Ill see that you get them no matter what Betty says Guy had no time just then to once more disavow any intention of pur chasing real estate in Harmony for Vlandingham was late and the impa tient people wasted not a moment in having the meeting called to order Guy sat on the platform with VIan dingham Col Dingle Maj Harp Capt Blue and Mr Boomer These five as Guy quickly learned constituted a committee of safety and ways and means Vlandingham was elected chairman and as they had no use for- a secretary the business was begun immediately- The first man to get the floor was a Mr Pinkney Mr Pinkney was ex cited to a hysterical degree He shook in body and limb and during his agi tated delivery of the matter that op pressed him his voice broke often from excess of wrath and indignation Business had called him to the east- ern side of the county that day Mr Chairman and fellow citizens and in returning he had driven boldly back through the outskirts of that pitiful excuse for a town called Concord Yes sir and no one had dared to raise- a hand against him And what do you think he saw Mr Chairman what do you think he saw with his own eyes At this point Mr Pinkney gulped his words choked on them and finally managed to articulate hoarsely Why on that rattletrap of a building which the wretched Keever is erecting for a courthouse he actually saw a weather jane a monstrous thing which an swered to no wind of heaven but pointed and always in the direc tion of Harmony And what was that weathervane Mr Chairman and gen tlemen what was it It was a mans head sir a mans head and hand and the hand was doing this looking straight toward Harmony all the time and doing this doing this at their hon orable chairman at Col Dingle Maj Harp Capt Blue and Mr Boomer Yes gentlemen doing this at all of youMr Pinkney made a weathervane of himself for purposes of illustration With his thumb to his nose and his trembling fingers outspread he direct- ed the opprobrious gesture at Vlan dingham then in turn at each mem ber of the committee of safety and then at the entire meeting Guy was consumed with a desire to laugh but suppressed it strenuously- It was not a laughing matter for the citizens in the hall and not one a trace of humor in the situa- tion A murmur of rage swepithrough the assemblage and Col Dingle to his feet with a fierce cry They are all hoodlums and rowdies- on the other side of the county he shouted tossing his arms and the ever de- tected sprang ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ILL SEE THAT HE DONT GEn AWAY arch fiend who leads the rabble is that schemer that political trickster that preeminent rascal Archibald Keever In a twinkling the meeting was in an uproar Every citizen was talking wildly and shaking his clenched fists Vlandingham pounded for order When a measure of quiet finally ob- tained he spoke a few words himself We must be quiet we must be calm we must not allow our passions to run- away with us Let us remember tha it is the cool head and the daring hand that wins the day They have flung the gage at us and we will bear with this insolence now and return it a hun dredfold Col Dingle we will hear from you Mr Pinkney sat down and Dingle calming himselfwith painfifls effort declared that this gratuitous insult could have been the work of none other than Keever that he came from Kentucky as did the aforesaid Keever and that he wanted the meet ing to appoint him a committee of one to ride directly into town and slap the aforesaid Keevers face He would do it and he would abide by the conse quences Barely had this duty been laid upon Col Dingles shoulders when an up roar was heard below at the street entrance The nois i increased and swept up the stair and the cause of it all presently burst open the door and dashed into the A wild eyed strapping big fellow with his trousers tucked into his boot tops was nmong them He was covered with dust and his face was ominous and eager A traitor he shouted scrap f paper over his head theres- a traitor in this room During the foreboding silence that followed Guys heart beat like a trip hammer A traitor Barney queried Vlan- dingham getting up and sweeping his gaze over the people before him Hir voice was soft but there was a metal- lic flitter in his eyes as he advanced Cot room wavinga t f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ to the edge of th platform Come here Barney he added indicating a cleared space in front of him come here and tell us about it Boomer you and the captain will please guard the exitThe Captain stumped away to tho door followed by Boomer both frown ing heavily Mr Boomer grimly devel- oped a revolver- I got the information from the broom man said Barney approach- ing as he had been directed to do and presenting the folded paper I would have got here sooner but that broncho- of mine consarn him got scared and threw me so I had to walk half the way Vlandingham unfolded the note and silently Guy who was watch ing him narrowly saw his face redden and observeda twitching of his heavy iron gray mustache The deep stillness was at last broken by the chairman- Is there a hunchback man in this room he demanded sternly There was not and Guy was partici pating in the general feeling of relief when Barney cried Out Hunchback squire That doesnt say anything about a hunchback- I thought you couldnt read Bar ney returned Vlandingham accom panying the words with a severe look No more I cant I can spell out print tolerable tell but writins a point beyond me I stopped at your house though on the way in and Miss Betty read the note aloud and sent me along here in a hurry She said I wasnt to give the note to anyone but youWas it disappointment or that afflicted Vlandingham Guy wondered as he surveyed him 1 have been possessed with the idea gentlemen continued the chairman addressing the meeting that trouble- is to be expected through the agency of a hunchback This note doesnt de- scribe such a person but I know who the man is If Mr Herbert he turned to Guy and handed him the note will assist us we wijl be able to capture him without trouble or io lence Please read that Mr Herbert and inform me whether you axe ac quainted with the individual de scribed Guy glanced at the writing hur- riedly Yes sir he replied I know him Will you go with Barney here ap prehend the fellow and see that h e stays at my house until I come Guy saw how Vladingham was try- ing to save him He noted also the per- plexed faces of the citizens in front and of those on the platform especially- was he aware of Barneys blank amaze The latters eyes were starting from his head and it was evident that his brain was violently disturbed Guy gave Vlandingham ass uare and manly lookOn my honor Mr Vlandingham- said he the man will be at your house when you get there Why gasped Barney leveling his finger that there Silence roared Vlandingham knocking the extended arm downward You are to go with Mr Herbert and apprehend this man and take him to my house Not a word from you If you had been a little later in get ting here your information would have been valueless Your horse threw you eh A likely story It looks very much as though you were late pur posely You will have something to explain Barney when I meet you at my house For the present show that you know how to obey orders Go with Mr Herbert Barney faced abort automatically- and started for the door Guy followed- at his heels Aside from their echoing footsteps there was not a sound in the room The captain and Mr Boomer parted and allowed them to pass Mr Boomer fingered his revolver nervous ly The guard in the passageway eyed them keenly and the man with the rifle at the foot of the stairs suf- fered them to depart without a word When they were well on their way to Barney found his tongue Well Im dinged he muttered Youre the spy aint you Im the man described in the answered Guy who did not relish the harsher term At that precise moment he Keever at the antipodes His owit folly in allowing the Colonel to influence him came in for a large share off his condemnation Better a hun- dred times that he lost every cent he had in the world and preserved his self He was going to meet Miss Betty now and what would she think of him Why the dickens did the squire act like he did asked the confused He did that to save me from the hands of the Harmony people an- swered Guy with a dash of irritation Theyre so wrought up over this seat matter that they would hae acted and thought abouttheir actions afterwards V You bet they would Mr Vlandingham is head and shoul ders above the rest of them Hes r gentleman Hexple business tEatis what Dont you feel pretty meachin Thats my Affair Spose youll try to run away now hey Barney caught Guys arm and Guy wrenched away and gave his compan- ion a rush that alnjosi upset him Im not going to run away Ive given Jay word and I shall abide by it Bar hey whistled If the people at the meetin had known who you was I guess youd have been carried baokto Concord feet foremost Gfuy made no answer to this and they shortly arrived at Mr Vladlnghams hou Their ring was answsrad by Jetty hor lf readit quire consterna- tion Willpwview 1 not wish- ing ol respect coun- ty Mia h c n was Bar- ney I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >> Mr mrbert K laafcfmefc amft ingly I knew very well that fa tliei wouldnt allow you to be hurt But you took frightful chances Why are you here Barney The squire sent me along to see that he didnt get away responded Barney valiantly Well you neednt remain Ill see that he doesntt get away Good night The door was closed in the aston ished Barneys face Come into the parlor Mr said Miss Betty Guy couldnt understand the situa tion at all Miss Betty did not to abate one jot or tittle of her friendli ness A consummate actress Guy thought the storm will come before long Miss Betty motioned toward a chair After Guy had obediently seat- ed himself she took a rocker visavis She thought for a moment and then laughed softly To think she remarked that neither father nor I on hearing your ever thought of connecting you with Mr Montf ort Herbert of the Con cord Townsite company And you boarded that freight train at Concord too Why dont you denounce me for be- ing a spy a ked Guy impatiently Why I Denounce Con cord is your town Mr and it is right for you to do what you can to hold the county seat Harmony is our town and we shall do what we can to take tbe county seat away from you Im sorry for you for yours is a losing fight Yet there are means you would not countenance even in a struggle of this Icind I will have no violence That is why I added a line to the note which Bar ney brought from Concord That line had escaped Guy He took the note from his pocket and saw penciled dimly at the bottom the words See that no harm comes to MrHerbert Betty He drew a deep breath Then I have you to thank for my present safety said he replacing the note in his pocket- To Be Continued KNEW AND WAS NOT AFRAID A Dying Mother Gains Courage iier Journey from Her Little Daughter A touching and most unusual little incident of a young mother who was hopelessly ill but quite unconsQioua condition is described by the Boston Courier One afternoon the physicians held- a consultation and afterward to the husband and sister Of the patient the sad fact that she had but a hort time to live Itwas questioned whether it would be advisable to tell the sick woman or not They talked the matter over quite unmindful of little Edith tho fiveyearold child of the dying wom- an who was quietly playing with her dolls apparently unconscious of what was going on about her In a few minutes the little girl left Iier toys walked slowly up the stairs and went directly to be mothers room With the aid of n chair she climbed on the bed kissed her mothers pale cheek and theu asked her in low tender Mamma are you faid to die The mother was at first startled b the question and asked Who toW you they think Oh mamma dear murmured th child you neednt be faid at all Hold my hand tight shut your eye close I will stay by you and when you wake up adain it will be all right The eyes were closed the hand tightly clasped for a few minutea and when a little later the other members of the family entered the room the mother was quietly sleep ing and the child said I told mamma and she was Taid to die sick woman opened her eyes and said Yes I know and I am Are You on the Right Track Not long ago shrewdness and were tlit qualities that won promotion in th business world Passe methods employed in thousands of establish- ments only absolute integ rity and clean straightforward deal- ing are tolerated Before this century its zenith unclean methods will be unknown in either large OT small concerns The double standard- of honesty one for private life and one for business purposes will be un known The foundation stones of tha greatest commercial houses in thftt country aye reliability and honesty The world is beginning to see thatf even from a utilitarian standpoint it pays to be honest Success A Good Excuse Of a certain Scottish professor thi- ollowing story is told Amongst tha students was a young man from the Highlands who before he left his country home had taken to himself a helpmeet for life One morning ha entered the college olass room rather late and the professor asked him the cause of his unwonted unpunctuality Bashfully the young man explained that that morning his wife had given birth to a ion and heir Oh in that case its all right said the teacher making the usual stereo- typed r ply Only see it does not hap- pen TitBits Tender Mercy cf Asceticism Many letter come to the monastery announcing death of relatives of the monks these are seen by the ab bot mly aid at chapter he may simply announce The mother of oniwjf ou memfecffS i dead let us pray for h soul Never to his dying day Trappist learn thaVho WM praying for his own mother Iapir Herbert name Jt Should Herbert fo Away o her an- nounced t nes 1 D no The not afrai i sharp- ness wherenow attains againLondon the i does the bera ri t seem longheade mess were oottMtzine ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < TOE HOME GOLD CUItB An Treatment by whie Drunkards are Being in Spite of i Wo Noxiuoua Doses No Weak ofthe Nerves A Pleas ant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit It is now known and itoort that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness A filled with poi Ion and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxi- cating liquors requires an antidote and eradicating this and destroying the craving for intoxicants Sufferers may now sure themselves at home without or loss of time from business by HOME GOLD CURE which has been perfected after many years of close study treatment of inebriates The faithful use according- to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the case no matter how hard- a drinker Oar records show the mar velous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober industrious and upright men WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS I This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but a specific for this disease only and is so skillfully devised and prepared that thoroughly soluble to taste 66 that it can be given In a of tea or coffee without the knowledge- of the person taking it Thousands of Drunkada have oared themselves with this priceless remedy and as many more have been cured and made temporate- men by having the CURE adminis- tered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea and today that they discon tinved drinking of their own free will DO NOT WAIT Do not be deladged by apparent and misleading improve- ment Drive out the disease at ones and for all time The HOMiiJ GOLD CURE is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than he others costing 25 to 50 Fall directions accompany each package Special advice by phy- sicians when requested without extra charge Sent prepaid to any part of the world on of One Dollar Ad dress DeptH 612 EDWIN B GILEsJ CO 2330 and 2332 Market Street Philadelphia- All correspondence strictly confiden ial Cheap to California rue Burlingtons Very Low One Settlers Rates Every day during March and April St Louis Chicago to California terminals via Bur Route Denver Scenic Colorado md Salt Lake City Special through tourist sleepers- to San and Los Angeles personally conducted over the above route Colorados wonderful daylight Wednes- day and night from St Louis and Chicago Secure through berths at date tush in these Burlington excursions the best of all to California Two great Coast trains daily with cars Northwest Rates Cheap Settlers rates to the far North March and BurlingtonNorthern Pacific Express the through equipments from St Louis ind Kansas to the upper Northwest region HomeSeekers Excursions These are run the first and third Tues- days of each month to the entire West Northwest Ask agent for details Do us the favor to wnte us of your pro and let us advise the lowest cost the best route and trains send you printed matter free and assist you DPA 406 Vine st Genl PasAgt Cincinnati Ohio St Mo HOWARD ELLIOTT General Manager Mo To Cure A Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All refund the money if it fails to cure E W Grows signature i on each box 25c j25lyr Travelers to California desire to see the grandest and most impressive en route This you do by selecting the Denver Rio Grande and Grande Western The Scenic Line of the World and The Great Salt Lake Route in one or both directions as this line has two separate routes across the Rocky Moun Denver and Tickets reading via this route are available either main line the Leadville over Tennessee Pass the Canon of the Grand River Glen wood Springs or via the line over Marshall Pass and through the Black Canon of the enabling the traveler to use one of the routes and tha ped fast trains arc to the Pacific Coast which through standard sleepers between St Louis Denver and San Francisco Dining car service a la carte on all through trains If you such a trip let us send you beautifully illus trated free K G P T A Denver Col WHERE TO STOP When in Lexing ton the place to is at Reed Hotel It is headquarters for Paris and Bombon county people and is undez the management of genial James Con flora of the Ford ham Hotel w steam and the table is at all times plied with the best the market affords Make it your home 14jantf FOR 28 m stamps you can get a free trial of Tobacco Has cured thousands WILSON 81jantf Galvert Taj 3 SmiiK fcoomt fin ingnrnoe Dally Them- selves this itis t free- r The nosed trip Wl1 SHAW L WAKELY StLouis through other Three equip Hooper on erly thIs CIty The house is heated by c l CO III TALK tar t lson pub- licity W L splendidly to iJ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 31 ie SILT HE tin RETURN FROM ST LOUIS FOR ELKS GRAND LODGE MEETING Ticket on to 10 limited Sep temberSO The trip alt Lake over the Denver and Cri Je and Rio Grande Western The Scenic Line of the World moat beautiful in America No Euro of equal length can compare with in grandeur ncenery or of novel interest marlStf 4750 TO OUHIPI AND RETURN LOUIS Ticket on sale 22 to 27 limited June Tune 2 to 7 limited 31 August 3 to 8 S limited September SO These rates through Utah via the Denver The Scenic Line of the World wbicn passes the most famous points of Interest in Rocky Mountain and you should nee that your ticket reads via this route in order to matte your trip most en- joyable marStf GOOD AS NEW- We Are prepared to Clean Piess Dye aud Repair Clothing and make them as good as new Work satisfactory or no charge Work done when promised Prices reasonable Give us a call Shop over Thomas Talbott3 It very Stable Main streetTHOMAS BROS THE MIDLAND ROUTE LOCAL TIME GAUD In Effect December I5th 1901 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY U02 N P i 88 7 CO 1 I 48 8 07 1 15 5 00 8 20 5 10 8 27 I 5 12 8 80 3 40 0 50 Lv Frankfort A1 Ar U 20 t f Steadmantown f f 63 7 02 Elkhorn 11 07 7 01 00 7 10 Swltzer 11 00 654 10 7 20 Stamping Ground 10 CO 6 44 16 7 26 Duvall 10 48 6 37 22 7 81 Johnson 10 87 6 31 0 54 6 11 Centerville 9 40 0 Og Elizabeth 9 42 6 68 I 0 82 8 9 80 5 A connects with L connects with Q 0 C connects with Kentucky Central flSOafJL Frankfort 6 11 42a A Winchester L fi 55aB 45 820p A Maysrllle L L Richmond L Goo B HARPER Jos J NEWTON Pres and Genl Supt G THE CALIFORNIA LIMITED Now In Service Daily Chicago f Los Angeles San Francisco Sante Fe The Burlingtons New Fast Den ver Train Its NebraskaColorado Express now leaves St Louis 215 pm arrives at Denver 815 p m next day three hours quioker Travelers arriving at St Louis in the morning a half for business or visiting in the Worlds Fair City at 815 pm next day they are in Denver with the afternoon in the city before leaving for the Coast via Scenio other through train to Den ver offers such a remarkably convenient schedule The Burlingtons other Denver train leaves Louis at 9 m Personally conducted California Ex- cursions from St Louis every Wednes day night in tourist sleepers via Scenio Colorado- TO THE NORTHWEST The BurlingtonNorthern Pacific Express is the great daily through to St Louis and Kansas City to Montana Washington Tacoma Seattle ortland TO THE WEST The Burlington runs the best equipped trains to City St Omaha St Paul Minneapolis Denver Write us of your proposed trip and let us advise you the cost send you printed matter free etc W M Shaw D P A 406 Vine street Cincinnati O L W Wakeley Genl Passr Agent St Louis Mo Howard Elliott General Manager St Louis Mo SEND 82 cents and get a fall free trial of Morphine Cure Tested for 14 years and always success- ful Send to CORP WILSOX Calvert Texas 31jantf SMOKELESSLAM- PWICK SS you can get a SMOKELESS Wick No g S2t black chimneys No bad odors S2 Makes a light and a cleaner 2 lamp They ave money 8g Semi us apiece of the width a- M of your and we 2 Rochester round mokoldii wick FARMERS wanted as ageats Inlfla AUGUST row noaHo List 7 litho n FROblt ST and Rio Grande Grande Western Frankfort OIO181I lis XA M JC N03 Nol IllS fI B u t u 28 7 40 II 10 89 6 25 U DepotB 10 28 82 ewtown II 568 a u 4J UDepotC U 47 N- uB A 11 J 28p 7 40a A L 10 22p L 980a 5 7 OQa J 4 O pA I 20p 2Mp A I t u nsas J Wilson e o eoOeoeoeooIOIO oIOIO IOOIJ OeoeooIOIOIOIl Make old like now Why is ie annoyed with the old kiud when 011 ft n h Q Mil six ftllr fO NaI 10 eo any addt8I wlHO TO CARE LAXpgF1tD i Solar LIght Co Dept A SprIngrtdd o eo Ue ft sA- ND ii is scan a and Rio 4 U 1 5 0 a PrIs d 3 20a17 I Georgetown 880aA 62Oa6C6p Cob 41 g 2 3 payer will Totua1d to s M1U > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = =

Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1902-06-20 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtn9m/data/0300.pdfering was taller even than Guy or Mr his framework was so loosely put he could not seem to talk

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    t D YJ r Q A

    1 Vi f

    SOW RAiN MUST FALLa e dew at

    moisten and refresh flowersmoisture of affliction comes

    To freshen brighten hoursm sunlight fed and nourished life

    In Its own bright and beauteous wayBut neither rose nor lily bloom

    Could endure the sunlights stayThe tears of even cool of night

    Though less attractive they may beContribute just as large a share

    As sunlight to the charms we see

    Thus fortunes rays and Joys bright lightMake life below both sweet and pure

    growing souls like blooming flowersUnchanging clime cannot endure

    The tears and cold of sorrows nightThough less desired by the heart

    Contribute even larger shareTo make Ufe sweet than joys impart

    Then still my soul and be contentBelieve in God He reigns oer alt

    Bt jolce for highest Wisdom saysInto each Ute some rain must fall

    Rev Arthur E Grlngel in ChristianWork

    His FriendThe EnemyB-

    y WILLIAM WALLACE COOKAuthor of of Butte The Spur of

    Necessity Mr Fitt Astrologer etc

    Copyright 1901 by the S S McClure Co

    CHAPTER n CONTINUEDThere came a sharp ring at the door-

    bell followed by a colloquy between themaid and some person ot persons

    The next moment there was atread of feet and four gentlemenmarched into the parlor single filetheir hats in there hands

    The gentleman in the lead was a-very small person and from the wayhis left eye ocussed itself unswerving-ly on a given point while its fellowroved at will there was small doubtthat the left eye was glassthe leader came a gentleman of towering was taller even thanGuy or Mr hisframework was so loosely put

    he could not seem to talk withoutjarring himself tile third of the quar-tet had a wooden leg and the sleeve ofthe fourth was folded over and tuckerin the front of his coat

    Miss Vlandingham exclaimed theman with the your mostobedient He bowed and his threecompanions bowed with him Thekpokesman executed an about faceand directed his attention at MissVlandinghams father the rest of thesquad participating in the movementEvening squire he said starting a

    nod that tilted every head in the rowGood evening gentlemen returned

    Vlandingham courteouslyIts tight ckV 2Jave you for

    gottenNot at MrVlafidingham con-

    sulted his watch It is close to eightthats a fact Betty and I came downon a freight from Jlmtown Colonel-so that Id be here in time to connectwith the townjmeeting Vlandinghamturned to Guy Mr Herbert allow meto present to you Colman with the glass eyeHarp acknowledgements from thegiantCapt from thegentleman with the wooden leg andMr Boomer The man with the emptysleeve ducked amiably The Colonelcontinued Mr Vlandingham conductsour paper the Harmony NortherGuy wondered if all the colonels inDakota conducted papers Majorby the grace of the republican admin-istration hands us our mail the Cap-tain is proprietor of the Bee Hiveetore and Mr Boomer er er whatthe nation do you do Boomer anyhowJust hang around smiledMr Boomer

    Thats it said Vlandingham MrHerbert gentlemen will probably in-vest in some Harmony lots Guyraised his hand in protest After theelection supplemented Mr Vlandingham We yefa town meeting to

    HerberJ and you mightalong with us and rub up against someof oxr best citizens

    Squire exclaimed the man withthe glass eye crooking his finger

    bent down and ColDingle whispered to him earnestly

    Nonsense said Vlandingham in alow tone which nevertheless reachedGuys ears Ill vouch for him

    When the six of them finally startedfor the meeting Guys conscience wassadly troubling him He would rathera times have remained behind and spent the evening with MissBetty

    CHAPTER mThe town meeting was held in a va-

    cant room over the Bee Hive store Sofar as Guy could make out Harmonyand Confiord were alike ex-cept that in Concord the businessplaces were ranged along a mainfreet while in Harmony they

    grouped about a vacant square Thiswas a distinction without much of a-ft The squareC Mr Vlandingluim informed Guy was reserved for

    courthouse In the event that Harirony won the contest Guy wonderedWhat he and Col Keever would dotvth their courthouse-

    A lamp burned in the entrance leadup to the hall and a sternlooking

    man with a rifle over arm blockedthe way

    How is everything Marley in-quired Vlandingham

    Nothin suspicious so fur squirereplied Marley staring at Guy

    Got sentries posted all around thisBuilding

    Sure etc that aint on theiquare can come within a block of it

    Thats rightViandingham and his party ascend

    ell the stairs At the top they passedthe scrutiny of pother guard and en-tered the meetingroom There wereyou 30 or 90 mea in the hall angr


    ttI the eventide-T tht


    all lites
















    l squire


    thousaI d















    A Behind





















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    Vlandingham mad for a platform atthe farther end of the room nodding-to citizens on either side and speaking a word here and thereas he pro-gressed

    Ill introduce you all around afterthe meeting is over he whispered toGuy Youll want some lots I knowyou will and Ill see that you getthem no matter what Betty says

    Guy had no time just then to oncemore disavow any intention of purchasing real estate in Harmony forVlandingham was late and the impatient people wasted not a moment inhaving the meeting called to order

    Guy sat on the platform with VIandingham Col Dingle Maj Harp CaptBlue and Mr Boomer These five asGuy quickly learned constituted acommittee of safety and ways andmeans Vlandingham was electedchairman and as they had no use for-a secretary the business was begunimmediately-

    The first man to get the floor was aMr Pinkney Mr Pinkney was excited to a hysterical degree He shookin body and limb and during his agitated delivery of the matter that oppressed him his voice broke often fromexcess of wrath and indignation

    Business had called him to the east-ern side of the county that day MrChairman and fellow citizens and inreturning he had driven boldly backthrough the outskirts of that pitifulexcuse for a town called ConcordYes sir and no one had dared to raise-a hand against him And what do youthink he saw Mr Chairman what doyou think he saw with his own eyesAt this point Mr Pinkney gulped hiswords choked on them and finallymanaged to articulate hoarsely Whyon that rattletrap of a building whichthe wretched Keever is erecting for acourthouse he actually saw a weatherjane a monstrous thing which answered to no wind of heaven butpointed and always in the direction of Harmony And what was thatweathervane Mr Chairman and gentlemen what was it It was a manshead sir a mans head and hand andthe hand was doing this lookingstraight toward Harmony all the timeand doing this doing this at their honorable chairman at Col Dingle MajHarp Capt Blue and Mr BoomerYes gentlemen doing this at all ofyouMr

    Pinkney made a weathervane ofhimself for purposes of illustrationWith his thumb to his nose and histrembling fingers outspread he direct-ed the opprobrious gesture at Vlandingham then in turn at each member of the committee of safety andthen at the entire meeting

    Guy was consumed with a desire tolaugh but suppressed it strenuously-It was not a laughing matter for thecitizens in the hall and not one

    a trace of humor in the situa-tion A murmur of rage swepithroughthe assemblage and Col Dingleto his feet with a fierce cry

    They are all hoodlums and rowdies-on the other side of the county heshouted tossing his arms and the























    arch fiend who leads the rabble is thatschemer that political trickster thatpreeminent rascal Archibald Keever

    In a twinkling the meeting was inan uproar Every citizen was talkingwildly and shaking his clenched fistsVlandingham pounded for orderWhen a measure of quiet finally ob-tained he spoke a few words himself

    We must be quiet we must be calmwe must not allow our passions to run-away with us Let us remember thait is the cool head and the daring handthat wins the day They have flungthe gage at us and we will bear withthis insolence now and return it a hundredfold Col Dingle we will hearfrom you

    Mr Pinkney sat down andDingle calming himselfwith painfiflseffort declared that this gratuitousinsult could have been the work ofnone other than Keever that he camefrom Kentucky as did the aforesaidKeever and that he wanted the meeting to appoint him a committee of oneto ride directly into town and slap theaforesaid Keevers face He would doit and he would abide by the consequences

    Barely had this duty been laid uponCol Dingles shoulders when an uproar was heard below at the streetentrance The nois i increased andswept up the stair and the cause ofit all presently burst open the doorand dashed into the A wildeyed strapping big fellow with histrousers tucked into his boot tops wasnmong them He was covered withdust and his face was ominous andeager

    A traitor he shoutedscrap f paper over his head theres-a traitor in this room

    During the foreboding silence thatfollowed Guys heart beat like a triphammer

    A traitor Barney queried Vlan-dingham getting up and sweeping hisgaze over the people before him Hirvoice was soft but there was a metal-lic flitter in his eyes as he advanced












    to the edge of th platform Comehere Barney he added indicating acleared space in front of him comehere and tell us about it Boomer youand the captain will please guard theexitThe Captain stumped away to thodoor followed by Boomer both frowning heavily Mr Boomer grimly devel-oped a revolver-

    I got the information from thebroom man said Barney approach-ing as he had been directed to do andpresenting the folded paper I wouldhave got here sooner but that broncho-of mine consarn him got scaredand threw me so I had to walk halfthe way

    Vlandingham unfolded the note andsilently Guy who was watch

    ing him narrowly saw his faceredden and observeda twitching ofhis heavy iron gray mustache Thedeep stillness was at last broken bythe chairman-

    Is there a hunchback man in thisroom he demanded sternly

    There was not and Guy was participating in the general feeling of reliefwhen Barney cried Out

    Hunchback squire That doesntsay anything about a hunchback-

    I thought you couldnt read Barney returned Vlandingham accompanying the words with a severe look

    No more I cant I can spellout print tolerable tell but writins apoint beyond me I stopped at yourhouse though on the way in and MissBetty read the note aloud and sent mealong here in a hurry She said Iwasnt to give the note to anyone butyouWas it disappointment or

    that afflicted Vlandingham Guywondered as he surveyed him

    1 have been possessed with the ideagentlemen continued the chairmanaddressing the meeting that trouble-is to be expected through the agencyof a hunchback This note doesnt de-scribe such a person but I know whothe man is If Mr Herbert heturned to Guy and handed him thenote will assist us we wijl be ableto capture him without trouble or iolence Please read that Mr Herbertand inform me whether you axe acquainted with the individual described

    Guy glanced at the writing hur-riedly

    Yes sir he replied I know himWill you go with Barney here ap

    prehend the fellow and see that hestays at my house until I come

    Guy saw how Vladingham was try-ing to save him He noted also the per-plexed faces of the citizens in frontand of those on the platform especially-was he aware of Barneys blank amazeThe latters eyes were starting fromhis head and it was evident that hisbrain was violently disturbed Guygave Vlandingham ass uare and manlylookOn my honor Mr Vlandingham-said he the man will be at your housewhen you get there

    Why gasped Barney leveling hisfinger that there

    Silence roared Vlandinghamknocking the extended arm downward

    You are to go with Mr Herbert andapprehend this man and take him tomy house Not a word from you Ifyou had been a little later in getting here your information wouldhave been valueless Your horse threwyou eh A likely story It looks verymuch as though you were late purposely You will have something toexplain Barney when I meet you atmy house For the present show thatyou know how to obey orders Gowith Mr Herbert

    Barney faced abort automatically-and started for the door Guy followed-at his heels Aside from their echoingfootsteps there was not a sound in theroom The captain and Mr Boomerparted and allowed them to pass MrBoomer fingered his revolver nervously The guard in the passageway eyedthem keenly and the man with therifle at the foot of the stairs suf-fered them to depart without aword

    When they were well on their wayto Barney found histongue

    Well Im dinged he mutteredYoure the spy aint you

    Im the man described in theanswered Guy who did not relish theharsher term

    At that precise moment heKeever at the antipodes His

    owit folly in allowing the Colonel toinfluence him came in for a large shareoff his condemnation Better a hun-dred times that he lost every cent hehad in the world and preserved his self

    He was going to meet MissBetty now and what would she thinkof him

    Why the dickens did the squire actlike he did asked the confused

    He did that to save me from thehands of the Harmony people an-swered Guy with a dash of irritationTheyre so wrought up over this

    seat matter that they would haeacted and thought abouttheir actionsafterwardsV You bet they would

    Mr Vlandingham is head and shoulders above the rest of them Hes rgentleman

    Hexple business tEatis what Dontyou feel pretty meachin

    Thats my AffairSpose youll try to run away now

    heyBarney caught Guys arm and Guy

    wrenched away and gave his compan-ion a rush that alnjosi upset him

    Im not going to run away Ivegiven Jay word and I shall abide by it

    Bar hey whistledIf the people at the meetin had

    known who you was I guess youdhave been carried baokto Concord feetforemost

    Gfuy made no answer to this and theyshortly arrived at Mr Vladlnghamshou Their ring was answsrad by

    Jetty hor lf







    wish-ing ol

































    Mr mrbert K laafcfmefc amftingly I knew very well that fa tlieiwouldnt allow you to be hurt Butyou took frightful chances Why areyou here Barney

    The squire sent me along to seethat he didnt get away respondedBarney valiantly

    Well you neednt remain Ill seethat he doesntt get away Good night

    The door was closed in the astonished Barneys face

    Come into the parlor Mrsaid Miss Betty

    Guy couldnt understand the situation at all Miss Betty did not toabate one jot or tittle of her friendliness A consummate actress Guythought the storm will come beforelong Miss Betty motioned toward achair After Guy had obediently seat-ed himself she took a rocker visavisShe thought for a moment and thenlaughed softly

    To think she remarked thatneither father nor I on hearing your

    ever thought of connecting youwith Mr Montf ort Herbert of the Concord Townsite company And youboarded that freight train at Concordtoo

    Why dont you denounce me for be-ing a spy a ked Guy impatiently

    Why I Denounce Concord is your town Mr and itis right for you to do what you can tohold the county seat Harmony is ourtown and we shall do what we canto take tbe county seat away fromyou Im sorry for you for yours is alosing fight

    Yet there are means you would notcountenance even in a struggle of thisIcind

    I will have no violence That is whyI added a line to the note which Barney brought from Concord

    That line had escaped Guy Hetook the note from his pocket and sawpenciled dimly at the bottom thewords See that no harm comes toMrHerbert Betty He drew a deepbreath

    Then I have you to thank for mypresent safety said he replacing thenote in his pocket-

    To Be Continued


    A Dying Mother Gains Courageiier Journey from Her

    Little Daughter

    A touching and most unusual littleincident of a young mother who washopelessly ill but quite unconsQioua

    condition is described by theBoston Courier

    One afternoon the physicians held-a consultation and afterward

    to the husband and sisterOf the patient the sad fact that shehad but a hort time to live

    Itwas questioned whether it wouldbe advisable to tell the sick womanor not They talked the matter overquite unmindful of little Edith thofiveyearold child of the dying wom-an who was quietly playing with herdolls apparently unconscious ofwhat was going on about her

    In a few minutes the little girlleft Iier toys walked slowly up thestairs and went directly to bemothers room With the aid of nchair she climbed on the bed kissedher mothers pale cheek and theuasked her in low tender

    Mamma are you faid to dieThe mother was at first startled b

    the question and asked Who toWyou they think

    Oh mamma dear murmured thchild you neednt be faid at allHold my hand tight shut your eyeclose I will stay by you and whenyou wake up adain it will be allright

    The eyes were closed the handtightly clasped for a few minuteaand when a little later the othermembers of the family entered theroom the mother was quietly sleeping and the child said

    I told mamma and she wasTaid to die

    sick woman opened her eyesand said Yes I know and I am

    Are You on the Right TrackNot long ago shrewdness

    and were tlitqualities that won promotion in thbusiness world Passe methodsemployed in thousands of establish-ments only absolute integrity and clean straightforward deal-ing are tolerated Before this century

    its zenith unclean methodswill be unknown in either large OTsmall concerns The double standard-of honesty one for private life andone for business purposes will be unknown The foundation stones of thagreatest commercial houses in thfttcountry aye reliability and honestyThe world is beginning to see thatfeven from a utilitarian standpoint itpays to be honest Success

    A Good ExcuseOf a certain Scottish professor thi-

    ollowing story is told Amongst thastudents was a young man from theHighlands who before he left hiscountry home had taken to himself ahelpmeet for life One morning haentered the college olass room ratherlate and the professor asked him thecause of his unwonted unpunctualityBashfully the young man explainedthat that morning his wife had givenbirth to a ion and heir

    Oh in that case its all right saidthe teacher making the usual stereo-typed r ply Only see it does not hap-pen TitBits

    Tender Mercy cf AsceticismMany letter come to the monastery

    announcing death of relatives ofthe monks these are seen by the abbot mly aid at chapter he may simplyannounce The mother of oniwjf oumemfecffS i dead let us pray for hsoul Never to his dying day

    Trappist learn thaVho WMpraying for his own mother Iapir






    o her


    t nes1




    not afrai i






    i does thebera

    ri t


    longheade mess



















    An Treatment by whieDrunkards are Being

    in Spite of i

    Wo Noxiuoua Doses No Weakofthe Nerves A Pleas

    ant and Positive Cure forthe Liquor Habit

    It is now known anditoort that Drunkenness is a disease andnot weakness A filled with poiIon and nerves completely shatteredby periodical or constant use of intoxi-cating liquors requires an antidote

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    or loss of time from business byHOME GOLD CURE

    which has been perfected after manyyears of close study treatment ofinebriates The faithful use according-to directions of this wonderful discoveryis positively guaranteed to cure the

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    WIVES CURE YOUR HUSBANDS 1CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS IThis remedy is in no sense a nostrumbut a specific for this disease only andis so skillfully devised and prepared that

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    50 Fall directions accompany eachpackage Special advice by phy-sicians when requested without extracharge Sent prepaid to any part ofthe world on of One Dollar Address DeptH 612 EDWIN B GILEsJ

    CO 2330 and 2332 Market StreetPhiladelphia-

    All correspondence strictly confidenial

    Cheap to Californiarue Burlingtons Very Low One

    Settlers RatesEvery day during March and April

    St LouisChicago to California terminals via Bur

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    Special through tourist sleepers-to San and Los Angelespersonally conducted over the aboveroute Colorados wonderful

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    Two great Coast trains daily withcars

    Northwest RatesCheap Settlers rates to the far North

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    HOWARD ELLIOTTGeneral Manager Mo

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    Travelers to California

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    Denver and Ticketsreading via this route are available either

    main line theLeadville over Tennessee Passthe Canon of the Grand River Glenwood Springs or via the line over MarshallPass and through the Black Canon of the

    enabling the traveler touse one of the routes and thaped fast trains arc tothe Pacific Coast which throughstandard sleepers betweenSt Louis Denver and San FranciscoDining car service a la carte on allthrough trains If you sucha trip let us send you beautifully illustrated free KG P T A Denver Col

    WHERE TO STOP When in Lexington the place to is at ReedHotel It is headquarters for Paris andBombon county people and is undezthe management of genial James Conflora of the Ford ham Hotelwsteam and the table is at all timesplied with the best the market affordsMake it your home 14jantf

    FOR 28 m stamps you can get afree trial of TobaccoHas cured thousands

    WILSON81jantf Galvert Taj 3

    SmiiK fcoomt finingnrnoe

    Dally Them-selves






    nosed trip




    other Three equip


    on erlythIs CIty The house is heated by




    TALK tar







    to iJ














    31 ie SILT HE tinRETURN



    Ticket on to 10 limited SeptemberSO The trip alt Lake overthe Denver and Cri Je and Rio GrandeWestern

    The Scenic Line of the Worldmoat beautiful in America No Euro

    of equal length can compare within grandeur ncenery or of novel

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    LOUISTicket on sale 22 to 27 limited June

    Tune 2 to 7 limited 31 August 3 to 8Slimited September SO These ratesthrough Utah via the Denver

    The Scenic Line of the Worldwbicn passes the most famous points ofInterest in Rocky Mountain andyou should nee that your ticket reads via thisroute in order to matte your trip most en-joyable marStf

    GOOD AS NEW-We Are prepared to Clean Piess Dye

    aud Repair Clothing and make them asgood as new Work satisfactory or nocharge Work done when promisedPrices reasonable Give us a callShop over Thomas Talbott3 ItveryStable Main streetTHOMAS BROS


    In Effect December I5th 1901DAILY EXCEPT


    i 88 7 CO 1I 48 8 071 155 00 8 205 10 8 27 I5 12 8 80

    3 40 0 50 Lv Frankfort A1 Ar U 20t f Steadmantown f f63 7 02 Elkhorn 11 07 7 0100 7 10 Swltzer 11 00 65410 7 20 Stamping Ground 10 CO 6 4416 7 26 Duvall 10 48 6 3722 7 81 Johnson 10 87 6 31

    0 54 6 11Centerville 9 40 0 OgElizabeth 9 42 6 68

    I 0 82 89 80 5

    A connects with Lconnects with Q 0

    C connects with Kentucky CentralflSOafJL Frankfort

    6 11 42a A Winchester L fi 55aB 45820p A Maysrllle L

    LRichmond L

    Goo B HARPER Jos J NEWTONPres and Genl Supt G



    Now In ServiceDailyChicago fLos Angeles

    San FranciscoSante Fe

    The Burlingtons New Fast Denver Train

    Its NebraskaColorado Expressnow leaves St Louis 215 p m arrivesat Denver 815 p m next day threehours quioker

    Travelers arriving at St Louis in themorning a half for business orvisiting in the Worlds Fair City at815 p m next day they are in Denverwith the afternoon in the city beforeleaving for the Coast via Scenio

    other through train to Denver offers such a remarkably convenientschedule

    The Burlingtons other Denver trainleaves Louis at 9 m

    Personally conducted California Ex-cursions from St Louis every Wednesday night in tourist sleepersvia Scenio Colorado-

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    TO THE WESTThe Burlington runs the best equipped

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    Write us of your proposed trip andlet us advise you the cost send youprinted matter free etc

    W M Shaw D P A 406 Vinestreet Cincinnati O

    L W Wakeley Genl Passr AgentSt Louis Mo

    Howard Elliott General ManagerSt Louis Mo

    SEND 82 cents and get a fall freetrial of Morphine CureTested for 14 years and always success-ful Send to CORP WILSOX CalvertTexas 31jantf


    SS you can get a SMOKELESS Wick No gS2t black chimneys No bad odorsS2 Makes a light and a cleaner

    2 lamp They ave money8g Semi us apiece of the width a-M of your and we 2

    Rochester round mokoldii wick

    FARMERS wanted as ageatsInlfla AUGUST row noaHo

    List 7


    FROblt ST

    and Rio Grande Grande Western

    Frankfort OIO181I lis

    X A M JCN03 Nol




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