23 High St, PO Box 212 Ph: (02) 65647162 Email: [email protected] BOWRAVILLE NSW 2449 Fax: (02) 65647801 Website: http://www.bowraville-c.schools.nsw.edu.au BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TERM 2, WEEK 2, 9th May 2018 PRINCIPAL: David Taylor Calendar 9th to 10th May 16’s & Opens Touch Football Inverell 22nd May VaccinaƟons 10th to 11th May Years 11 & 12 UNE Open Day 24th May School Photos 15th to 17 May NAPLAN 30th May Years 9 & 10 Science & Engineering Kempsey 16th May P & C AGM 5.30pm 8th June AthleƟcs Carnival Proud member of Nambucca Valley Community of Public Schools Toria Kete, Mr Moxey (caƩle judge), Chyenne Cameran CongratulaƟons to Chyenne Cameron who placed 1st in Parader Senior ( 15 years and over), Champion Parader overall and Toria Kete who placed 1st in Parader Junior (11 to 14 years).

BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the

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Page 1: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the




23 High St, PO Box 212 Ph: (02) 65647162 Email: [email protected]

BOWRAVILLE NSW 2449 Fax: (02) 65647801 Website: http://www.bowraville-c.schools.nsw.edu.au



TERM 2, WEEK 2, 9th May 2018                                            PRINCIPAL: David Taylor 


9th to 10th May  16’s & Opens  Touch Football ‐ Inverell  22nd May  Vaccina ons 

10th to 11th May  Years 11 & 12 UNE Open Day  24th May  School Photos 

15th to 17 May  NAPLAN  30th May  Years 9 & 10 Science & Engineering ‐ Kempsey 

16th May  P & C AGM 5.30pm  8th June  Athle cs Carnival 

Proud member of Nambucca Valley Community of Public Schools

Toria Kete, Mr Moxey (ca le judge), Chyenne Cameran

Congratula ons to Chyenne Cameron who placed 1st in Parader Senior ( 15 years and over), Champion 

Parader overall and Toria Kete who placed 1st in Parader Junior (11 to 14 years). 

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P R I N C I P A L ’ S M E S S A G E

Term two is underway!  Welcome back to school everyone. It is lovely to see students and staff enjoying catching up a er the holiday break. I can’t put my finger on it but there is something different about the playground this term. I have seen solid demonstra on of our PBL values of respect, resilience, responsibility and especially team‐work.   Every day ma ers at Bowraville Central School. I encourage all students to quickly re‐focus their energy onto the important job of learning.  Comple ng class work and making sure you are up to date with your studies will ensure you are well placed to reach your educa onal goals this term.  For the Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 they have an immediate challenge of NAPLAN next week. Don’t forget your teachers are here to assist and support you so please seek them out for help. If you have missed out on some work or if you are not sure how to do something in your class go and speak to your teacher. Parents can support their students, research indicates the importance of nutri on, especial‐ly breakfast for young people, and at least 8‐10 hours of sleep each night.   School Holiday Programme  Congratula ons to the par cipa ng community organiza ons for the school holiday programmes. I was at school for the basketball and handball compe on with approximately 100 people on the day. Great spirit and teamwork shown by all. I believe the bike safety workshop was a hit with kids ge ng lots of giveaways including helmets and safety gear.  

The Macksville show was on the first weekend of the holidays and the reformed BCS Ca le Club par cipa ng over the two days on Friday and Saturday. They were outstanding, I have received comments from staff and the general public that they were a credit to the school. There is a long and proud tradi on of showing ca le at the school and I would like to congratulate Ms Wilson for showing the ini a ve to reform the group. I believe we won Junior Champion and Reserve Champion. We then backed it up at the Bellingen show. Well done to all involved and to the staff and students who put together our school display.    Best Regards, Dave Taylor 

Page 3: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the



Year  Student  Achievement 

7  Eli Bennet  Consistent effort 

8  Coby Grace  Making paper from grass 

9  Zahra Kete  Zombie Assessment Task 

10  Crystal‐Rose Harte 

Excellence at RYSTARS camp 

Scien st of the 

Primary School Cross Country Result 

Boys  Girls 

8 and 9 Year  

Tehnaya West  Ryley Perry‐Gilbert  1st 

Savannah Leslie  Zander Labuschagne  2nd 

Miyah Hoffman  Clayton Hoffman  3rd 

10 Years 

Keely Mundine‐

Charters‐Abbot Tarren Ducke   1st 

Nyoka West Kyam Mundine‐

Charters Abbo  2nd 

Anneeka Edwards  Blake Marks  3rd 

11 Years 

Lennie McIntyre  Drake Perry  1st 

Le sha Harris  Finn Manton  2nd 

Amber Heksch  Jayden Howden  3rd 

12/13 Years 

Inda Walker  Tim Wilson  1st 

Maddeline Williamson‐

Roe Dean Van den Broek  2nd 

Sophia Boyes  Zac Wheeler  3rd 


Friday  saw our  students par cipate  in our  annual Cross Country carnival, held at the Hennessy Tape oval. Under clear  skies  the  first  half  of  the  event  had  runners struggling  in  the  heat  of  above  average  temperatures. Lucky  for  the  second  half,  the  clouds  moved  in  and temperature and breeze made running a lot easier.  Although  the  event  was  a  compe on  with representa ve posi ons up  for grab,  it was also a social event  with  plenty  of  team  compe on  house  points given  out  to  students  who  came  a  place  and  points allocated to those who did not run compe vely but did par cipate.  The winning house will be announced next week with the inaugural BCS Cross Country shield presented.   Primary  students  have  the  opportunity  of  running  this Friday  at  the Bellingen/Nambucca District  carnival  once again being held at the Hennessey Tape oval. Secondary students  will  also  have  the  choice  to  represent  at  the next CHS Cross Country event.  

Page 4: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the



School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community  have indicated that parents and carers support the school in encouraging  every student to wear full school uniform. The wearing of school uniforms by students helps build self‐confidence and a sense of connec on with their community  Benefits of school uniforms The wearing of school uniforms by students will assist  in reinforcing our PBL Values of Teamwork, Responsibility, Respect and Resilience. Also: 

  Defining an iden ty for the school within our Bowraville community   Developing students’ sense of belonging to the school community   Providing an opportunity to build school spirit   Enhancing the health and safety of students when involved in school ac vi es   Promo ng a sense of inclusiveness, non‐discrimina on and equal opportunity   Increasing the personal safety of students and staff by     allowing easier recogni on of visitors and poten al intruders in the school  

For Secondary students the following items are not considered school uniform:  Black  ghts, white T – Shirts, black shorts and singlets of any descrip on  If you need a school jumper order one early as the cooler weather is approaching.  The order forms for uni‐forms are a ached to this newsle er.  In addi on, for secondary students,  K mart and Best & Less at Toor‐mina, have white and navy polo shirts two in a pack for $10.00, navy shorts, track pants  and skirts for $10.00 and navy co on long pants for $12.00.  Navy “sloppy joes” are also acceptable and are $8.00 at K Mart and Big W.  If students arrive out of uniform they will be offered a clean second hand school uniform shirt.  If they reject the offer of a school top or shirt, parents or carers will be contacted. Any queries please contact Eve Riches, Ac ng Deputy Principal. 

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BCS Ca le Team On  Saturday  and  Sunday  our  BCS  Ca le  Team competed  at  Bellingen  Show.  Saturday  saw  us compe ng  in  beef  ca le  events  and  Sunday was  the Dairy ca le events.   All  ca le  team members  performed  extremely  well, supported  each  other  and  displayed  exemplary behaviour.  The  event  organiser  said  there  was  only praise from Farm owners for our students.  Several  students  were  invited  to  show  ca le  for different  farms  and  this  gave  our  students opportuni es to develop their skills.  Over  the  two  day  compe on  our  school  finished second  on  the  Schools  pointscore,  behind  Bellingen High.  Kempsey,  Macksville  and  Dorrigo  High Schools finished 3rd to 5th.  On the Sunday Chyenne Cameron (Team Captain) was selected as overall Parader Champion.    Kerry Kete  

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NSW SCHOOL VACCINATION PROGRAM 2018 Each year NSW Health works in partnership with schools to offer the vaccines recommended by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) for adolescents as part of the school vaccination program. In 2018 the following vaccines will be offered to: All year 7 students -

dTpa vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis (whooping cough) as a single dose

human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in a 2-dose schedule at 0 and 6 months All year 10 and 11 students:

Meningococcal ACWY vaccine as a single dose Parent Information Kits that include an Information sheet, consent form and privacy statement will be sent home to parents/guardians. To consent to the vaccination of their child, parents/guardians are advised to:

read all the information provided

complete the consent form, including signing their name next to the vaccine/s they would like their child to receive

return the completed consent form to their child’s school

ensure that their child eats breakfast on the day of the school vaccination clinic. Please note that students who commence HPV vaccination in school clinics in Year 7 but do not complete the course during the school year may be offered catch-up doses at school in Year 8. Parents will be notified by letter/or text from The Public Health Unit if this applies to their child. Students who have any HPV doses at their GP will be advised to complete the course with their GP. Parents/guardians who wish to withdraw their consent for any reason may do so by writing to the school Principal or phoning the school. The Procedure for Withdrawal of Consent is available on the NSW Health website at:

www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation To improve vaccination completion, students will be opportunistically offered any missed doses throughout the year where possible.  TERM 2 Vaccina on programme The programme is booked for   May 22  2018  at Bowraville Central School. The programme this term involves:   ALL YEAR 10 and 11 STUDENTS 1) Menactra (Meningococcal ACWY) 1 dose only  ALSO 

  2) Catch –up Year 7 if required (late forms, absentees from Term 1) 3) Catch up Year 8 Gardasil (HPV) if required (only if commenced in Year 7) Vaccination consent forms are being sent home this week for Years 10 and 11 students. To help NSW Health with their organisation please return your consent forms by Thursday 17th May to the Front Office. Spare forms are available from the front office for Year 7, 10 and 11 students.  Mrs Smith 

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P&C Report       The Bowraville Central School P&C  would like  to remind all students  that  there will be a Mothers Day stall this Thursday 10th and  Friday  11th.  Students will  be  able  to purchase  gi s  for  their  special people  at recess  me on both days. Gi s start at $1.  The  P&C  are  also  running  a  raffle  for Mothers  Day  with  a  great  number  of prizes to be won. Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased at the office. Prizes will be  drawn  on  Friday  the  11th  of May.  A special men on  to dona ng  a wonderful photography  shoot  as  one  of  our  prizes worth $120!! Thank you Sarah. Happy mother’s day mums.  Uniforms As  you may have no ced  the weather  is becoming  a  li le  cooler  so  now  is  the me  to  purchase  school  winter  jackets, 

hoodies  and  jumpers.  Please  see  the lovely office ladies who can assist you.  

P&C AGM‐ 16th May 5.30pm All  posi ons  will  be  vacated  and subsequently  filled.  Only  financial members  can  vote.  There  will  be  an ordinary  mee ng  following  the  AGM  so we  invite  you  to  come  along,  have  a cuppa and have a say on how you would like your school to be run. 

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C A N T E E N N E W S “Eat Healthy Stay Happy” 

Canteen Meal Deal Special $5.00


Chicken & Cheese sandwich / toasted

Ham & Cheese sandwich / toasted

Chicken & Lettuce mayo wrap



Fruit Popper apple /orange


Alfie Pop

Canteen made snack

Fruit A piece of in season fruit

Recess Lunch


Class ……………………………………………

Page 10: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the



C O M M U N I T Y N E W S  

Tickets are available at BCS front office 

Page 11: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the




A Bush Dance  is being held at Valla Hall, Valla Road, Valla on Saturday 12th May.    This a great night for families and all ages.   It doesn’t ma er  if you can dance or not, as the band will teach each dance e.g. strip the willow, and heel toe  polka.    $10  per  person,  $5  over  12  and  family $25.00.    Please  bring  a  plate  to  share  for  supper,  tea/coffee provided.   The   amazing Sunburnt Celts are playing their  lively  foot  tapping  music,  and  a  great  night  for everyone.  Enquiries to Anne 0438 714 065.  


come and ... DISCOVER ENGINEERING - Information Evening Coffs Harbour.  

The Northern Rivers Group of Engineers Australia would like to invite students to attend a free information evening, 'Discover Engineering" on Tuesday 19 June 2018, 6.30pm at Coffs Ex-Services Club, 1 Vernon Street Coffs Harbour.  

The evening aims to build the profile of engineering as a career choice amongst school students, teachers and parents as well as build the awareness of engineering within the community.  

Discover Engineering provides the opportunity for high school students interested in an exciting career in engineering to hear real life experiences from young engineers across various engineering disciplines who will share their career path and practical first hand knowledge. University representatives will also be available to advise on course information.  This FREE forum is open to all students from years 7-12, parents and teachers are also welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served, registration is essential for catering purposes. To register please visithttps://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/event/discover-engineering-coffs-harbour-0 or phone 4911 7310. 

Hope to see you there! 

Page 12: BOWRAVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER...School uniforms reminder for Term 2, 2018 Research Surveys covering the Bowraville Community have indicated that parents and carers support the



Bowraville Folk Museum You’ll find a treasure trove of memorabilia from the past. AS GOOD AS YOU’LL SEE

Monday to Friday 10.00am to 3.00pm. Saturday & Sunday 10.00am to 1.00pm Every day during the school holidays.

Coach enquiries welcome Ph: 6564 8200


Bowraville & District ExServices Club Hungry J’s 

         Phone: 65647304  ABN 92 001 062 844 Dinner: 6.00pm to 8:00pm Wednesday to Sunday

Lunch: 12.00noon to 2.00pm Wednesday to Sunday

Bingo: Thursday 11.00am start

Raffles and Membership draw


Newsle er  Sponsorship 

$55.00 Per Year Business Card Size 

Approved Adver sing  $11.00 per Week—Full page $5.50 per week—A5 Size 

$2.20 per Week—Business card Size 

 Now locally owned and opera ng in the                       Nambucca Shire *Fully insured and police clearance *Total lawns and garden maintenance *Over 20 years experience *Same day response *Commitment to our local community 

Life’s too busy to worry about your yard Call us now for a free quote! 

Catering for all Occasions Keppy’s Catering

Keith    ‐  0408 435 813     Amber ‐  0499 147 256 

PO Box 61 Macksville, NSW 2447 

[email protected] 

Event Planning