Bral bkgd

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  • 8/13/2019 Bral bkgd


    Oh, here some info on Shou on Bral your PC would definitely know:

    124. Shou-Town:

    !losely knit !ommunity that seems to s"read a little farther e#ery day, Shou-Town is !om"osed of

    se#eral hundred Shou who ha#e emi$rated to %ilds"a!e. &ost were fleein$ strife at home, si$nin$ on

    with the o!!asional s"ell'ammer !allin$ in Shou (un$, and workin$ for "assa$e for themsel#es andtheir families. )t did not take lon$ for the !ultural "atterns of Shou to reesta*lish themsel#es, and in no

    time at all the yaku+a were a$ain runnin$ thin$s.

    nlike the realm of Shou (un$ they left, there is no no*ility or !lass of warriors in the Shou-Town ofBral. lmost without e!e"tion, the Shou are !raftsmen and artisans, "ursuin$ their trades. walk

    throu$h Shou-Town is a relati#ely noisy affair, with industry and a!ti#ity on all sides. )n the shadows,

    the tattooed yaku+a eye #isitors warily, wat!hin$ o#er their sele!ted territories.

    12. /aku+a 0ouse:Small and nondes!ri"t, this ramsha!kle old *uildin$ seems to leer and lean drunkenly with a$e. One ofthe first warehouses of the !ity, it was !on#erted into a *oardin$ house in later years. %hen that was

    a*andoned, the yaku+a mo#ed in and reno#ated the stru!ture for their own "ur"oses. t first $lan!e it

    a""ears to ha#e *e!ome a warehouse a$ain, *ut inside there are lo!ked doors and wat!hful $uards. Theyaku+a are $rowin$ stron$er e#ery day, as Shou-Town !ontinues to $row, and ha#e already fou$ht

    *itter wars to etend their territory. lready the $reater "art of the (ow City is under their sway, and

    e#en now they "lan to dri#e the halflin$s out of *usiness. &ost "eo"le would walk ri$ht "ast this*uildin$ without sus"e!tin$ that it !on!ealed the house of the yaku+a. Should someone *e so rash as to

    attem"t to enter *y for!e or stealth, they will *e dealin$ with se#eral do+en of the most dan$erous

    ro$ues of Bral.

    Shou Thie#es uild 3the /aku+a

    The /aku+a are a well-or$ani+ed $uild under the leadershi" of O+amata 5u &urawa, one of the !itysnder*arons. They are the undis"uted masters of Shou-Town and most of the (ow City and "refer to

    o"erate throu$h etortion and ra!keteerin$, rather than *ur$lary or territorial wars. The /aku+a of Bral

    num*er a*out 46, and O+amata, as an nder*aron, !an easily muster 6 to 76 thu$s and fi$hters shouldthin$s $et u$ly. 8o Shou will willin$ly *etray the /aku+a.

    Sym*ol: Tattoos.

    &em*ershi": Bralian-*orn Shou.

    $enda: &aintain status 9uo.

    O+amata 5u &urawa

    O+amata is an nder*aron who is the head of the "owerful tradin$ family of &urawa. 0e is a Shouwho !ame to Bral durin$ the first e"lorations of %ilds"a!e *y that "eo"le and ele!ted to stay. O+amata

    started two $reat enter"rises: a tradin$ house, and a *rotherhood of /aku+a. )n time he fou$ht his way

  • 8/13/2019 Bral bkgd


    to "rominen!e on the Coun!il of Ca"tains and as one of the !itys nder*arons. O+amata is a harsh man

    of 6, short and "ot*ellied, who still wears his hair in the traditional Shou style. &any of the Shou

    re$ard him as the leader of their !ommunity. )n any e#ent, O+amata is the most "owerful and wealthy

    Shou in Bra.

    5urishi Oto*e.

    5urishi is a Shou who !om"etes a$ainst O+amatas or$ani+ation. She is sometimes referred to as the

    ;ra$on (ady, a mysterious fi$ure who remains in the shadows durin$ most of her *usiness en!ounters.

    5urishi is "rimarily a s"e!ulator and moneylender who "ur!hases unusual !ar$oes and sells them laterfor a hefty "rofit. She has at her *e!k and !all do+ens of loyal ro$ues.

    (ord Chan o!k. )f he wished to, he !ould order almost anythin$ and the Shou would follow him.(ord Chan is one of the most im"ortant Shou in %ilds"a!e, often #isited *y "eo"le seekin$ to learn his

    nations "osition on numerous issues.