Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com Teacher’s Manual Brandon Brown quiere un perro Written by: Carrie Toth Edited by Martina Bex

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Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro

Written by: Carrie Toth

Edited by Martina Bex

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Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Introduction to the Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

I. Organization The teacher’s manual is aligned with research concerning reading strategies. Good readers:

predict make connections between a) text and themselves, b) text and other

texts, and c) text and the world around them visualize what they read reread use contextual clues to decipher unknown vocabulary

There are plenty of activities to help students become better readers.

Instill an interest in the topic and steer students into conversations in the target language about the events and the characters in the novel, both before and during the reading of the chapters.

Ensure students know the essential vocabulary before reading the chapter. More time should be spent on pre‐reading activities than post‐reading activities.

II. Topics

The novel has some very basic topics grounded in high‐frequency vocabulary that would fit any level‐one curriculum:

Family relationships Growing up and developing independence Honesty and integrity Relationships with friends Birthdays Illness and doctor’s visit Pets and other animals Likes and dislikes Peer pressure Likes and dislikes Variety of verb conjugations presented through dialogues

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Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

III. Cultural Context: American Culture vs. Target Culture This novel is based on everyday events and activities. Although the novel

is based on American culture, there are a multitude of cultural topics that can be explored by using the novel as a springboard to launch into cultural discussions and comparisons.

The following are some of the topics that can be explored and/or enhanced using the novel as a springboard.

Family relationships in the Target Culture Relationships with friends in the Target Culture Celebration of birthdays in the Target Culture The importance of cycling in the Target Culture The role of pets in the Target Culture

IV. Major themes in the novel

Honesty versus mischievousness Friendships Parent-child relationships Peer Pressure Responsibility

V. Author of the Novel

Carol Gaab has been an ESL and Spanish teacher since 1990. In addition to teaching language, Carol has been a teacher trainer and curriculum designer since 1997. She has written and published foreign language curricula for elementary through high school students and also serves as a TPRS consultant/editor for various textbook publishers. She is known for creating materials that are extremely teacher‐ and student‐friendly and highly effective for language learners, young and old. Her passion for and expertise in teaching and learning language are evident in the materials she creates.

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Note to teachers: Peruse Chapter One vocabulary list. Review the list and determine if you want/need to pre-teach any of the key vocabulary structures. Do not feel pressured to teach all of these words before reading. Your students may already know some or all of this vocabulary depending on their level. Even if they do not know the words, you may opt to simply read the book with them, helping as you go, or, if students are reading independently, instruct them to view the glossary in the back of their novel. Keep in mind that the meaning of many of the vocabulary structures can be ascertained from the appearance of the word and the context of the sentences in which they appear. (ex.: Brandon imita al perro. Jake persuade a Brandon.) You will notice that many words are listed multiple times in each chapter list, and that is to help students understand verb conjugation, but only as it impacts meaning. With beginning students, it may be helpful to read the novel aloud, translating as you go along. Alternately, you may wish to only translate unknown vocabulary. If you feel strongly about not speaking English in the classroom, you may also wish to put some key vocabulary on the board and refer to it as you read.

Vocabulary Using the chapter vocabulary list

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Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

amigo(a) ay blanco como con de e el, la grande hay hermana los, las muchos muy negro pequeño

pero perro quiere quiero rojo sí son su también tampoco tiene un(a) ve y yo

New Vocabulary Lista del Vocabulario del Capítulo 1

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Capítulo 1 - Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual

Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

animal canal color en entusiasmo es exclama hámster horrible inteligente no normal o parque perfecto planeta rata televisión

Cognados Lista del Vocabulario del Capítulo 1

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Pre‐reading Discussion Questions For a successful discussion to take place, students must be engaged in the topic and they must be able to understand. Speaking in the target language is not enough. Teachers must assure that students comprehend the message and that they are attentive to the discussion. The more lighthearted you can be, the better. Take time to stop and enjoy a moment chatting in Spanish with some individual students. Joke and laugh a bit. Use dramatic pauses or voice infletion to increase interest (just as you would if you were reading a story in English or telling a story around a campfire). Focus first on gaining their interest and second on the “curriculum at hand.” And always be sensitive to those students who may have difficulties going on in their lives. They may not want to talk about their families, what their home is like, or where they have traveled. Remember to go SLOWLY and continually check that students are comprehending the discussion. For some really helpful techniques in leading class discussions, you may wish to read the book PQA in a Wink by Ben Slavic, available at www.tprstorytelling.com. ¿Ves la televisión? ¿Cuál es tu programa favorito? ¿Hay un parque en tu comunidad? ¿Vives cerca del parque? ¿Vas mucho al parque? ¿Tienes una mascota?

Before the Reading

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Cognados or Cognates are words that look alike in Spanish and English. When we read a novel, the cognates are easy to read because we can easily tell what they mean. Give it a try… match the words in English and Spanish!

1. televisión A. channel

2. parque B. he/she exclaims

3. planeta C. in

4. canal D. television

5. rata E. it is, he/she is

6. entusiasmo F. rata

7. normal G. park

8. exclama H. intelligent

9. hámster I. color

10. es J. enthusiasm

11. en K. planet

12. o L. horrible

13. color M. hamster

14. horrible N. normal

15. inteligente O. or


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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

1. 4 Square: Four square is an activity that will allow you to get your students out of

their seats and actively involved in the story. In chapter one, students will be reading about the pets that Brandon’s family and friends have. Prepare them to discuss pets by using this activity.

Print pictures of several different pets (both common and less common) and either laminate them or put them in protective sleeves.

Create a large plus sign on the floor with masking tape. Choose four of the pictures and place one in each of the four squares you

have created. Ask students ¿Cuál mascota tienes (o quieres)? Change the pictures on the floor and ask ¿Cuál es tu mascota favorita? Create other questions that would allow students to move around and select

other animals. 2. Slideshow: Use the Mascotas slideshow to learn about pets in Spanish-speaking

countries. Personalize the information by discussing the questions included in the slideshow. Distribute the viewing guide to students to take notes as you discuss the slideshow or to ‘quiz’ them afterward. For more information about llamas as pets vs. commerical animals, read the short article about llamas on the viewing guide either after reading the llamas slide on the slideshow or after the slideshow has finished. For more information about each slide, visit these sites: • Llamas in Argentina: http://www.infogranja.com.ar/llamas_amaestradas.htm • Pets in Mexico: http://www.senasica.gob.mx/?id=5437 • Día de la Mascota en Perú http://publimetro.pe/actualidad/16952/noticia-

celebraran-dia-mascota-este-domingo • Pet stores in Colombia http://www.petcol.com.co, http://www.wawaw.co • Cock fighting in PR http://www.gallerosoy.com/index.php?lang=es • Popular pet names in Spain http://www.euroresidentes.com/significado-

nombre/nombres-perros.htm • Pet cementary in DR


• Fundación A.MAR.TE in Nicaragua http://www.fundacionamarte.org

Pre-Reading Activities

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

3. Programas favoritos: Brainstorm with students a list of programs that have animals

as the main character. Examples include: Beethoven, Beverly Hills Chihuahua, and Stuart Little. After you have created your list, ask questions about them with ¿Te gusta? ¿Te gusta el perro en Beethoven? ¿Te gustan perros grandes como Beethoven o pequeños como en Beverly Hills Chihuahua?

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Nombre __________________________________

Contesta las preguntas. 1. Brandon quiere un perro _______________. a. grande b. pequeño 2. La hermana de Brandon tiene ______________. a. un perro b. un gato c. una rata d. un tigre 3. ¿Quién tiene un perro? a. Katie b. Jake c. Brandon d. la mamá de Brandon 4. Brandon dice que los hámsteres ________________. a. no son inteligentes b. son inteligentes c. son grandes 5. ¿Dónde ve Brandon muchos perros? a. en la casa b. en el hospital c. en el parque 6. ¿Brandon quiere TODOS los perros en el parque? a. Sí, quiere todos b. No, no quiere los perros pequeños. 7. ¿Qué programa ve Brandon en el canal 20? a. Beethoven b. Beverly Hills Chihuahua c. Marley y yo 8. ¿Qué programa ve Brandon en el canal 30? a. Beethoven b. Beverly Hills Chihuahua c. AirBud 9. ¿Qué ve Brandon en el canal Planeta Animal? a. muchos comerciales b. muchos perros c. un elefante enorme 10. Describe tu perro ideal. ¿Es grande o pequeño? ¿De qué color es? ¿Es inteligente? Mi perro ideal es….

Reading Comprehension Multiple Choice

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Contesta las preguntas.

1. Brandon quiere un perro _______________. a. grande b. pequeño 2. La hermana de Brandon tiene ______________. a. un perro b. un gato c. una rata d. un tigre 3. ¿Quién tiene un perro? a. Katie b. Jake c. Brandon d. la madre de Brandon 4. Brandon dice que los hámsteres ________________. a. no son inteligentes b. son inteligentes c. son grandes 5. ¿Dónde ve Brandon muchos perros? a. en la casa b. en el hospital c. en el parque 6. ¿Brandon quiere TODOS los perros en el parque? a. Sí, quiere todos b. No, no quiere los perros pequeños. 7. ¿Qué programa ve Brandon en el canal 20? a. Beethoven b. Beverly Hills Chihuahua c. Marley y yo 8. ¿Qué programa ve Brandon en el canal 30? a. Beethoven b. Beverly Hills Chihuahua c. AirBud 9. ¿Qué ve Brandon en el canal Planeta Animal? a. muchos comerciales b. muchos perros c. un elefante enorme 10. Describe tu perro ideal. ¿Es grande o pequeño? ¿De qué color es? ¿Es inteligente? Mi perro ideal es…. Answers will vary

Reading Comprehension Multiple Choice – Answer Key

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com

Nombre _____________________________

On the line beside each term, write the letter of the description from the

slideshow that best matches it: 1. _____ las peleas de gallos A. Tiene productos para mascotas


2. _____ las llamas B. Es una organización similar a PETA.

3. _____ El Día de la Mascota C. Ocurre en septiembre en Perú

4. _____ Wawaw D. Son mascotas populares en Argentina.

5. _____ Luna y Laika E. Son nombres de perros muy populares

en España.

6. _____ El Parque del Prado F. En México, estos animales se consideran


7. _____ La Fundación A.MAR.TE G. Es popular en Puerto Rico e ilegal en

los EEUU.

8. _____ perros y gatos H. Es un cementerio de mascotas en la

República Dominicana.

MASCOTAS Viewing Guide

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Brandon Brown quiere un perro Teacher’s Manual ©2014 TPRS Publishing tprstorytelling.com


Cuando una persona dice, “mascota”, ¿qué animal te imaginas? Normalmente, uno se imagina un perro o un gato u otro animal pequeño. Típicamente, las mascotas no son grandes porque viven1 en la casa con sus familias.

Sin embargo2, las mascotas grandes y absurdas son más y más populares. En Argentina, por ejemplo, las llamas son una mascota muy popular. Tradicionalmente, las llamas no son mascotas; son un animal comercial que se usa para la transportación de materiales y para la lana3. Hay muchas llamas ‘comerciales’ en Perú, Argentina y otras partes de Latinoamérica. Sin embargo, las llamas son mascotas ideales también porque no son agresivas. Comen el césped4 y mantienen los jardines de las casas de sus familias. Comen mucho, pero no comen ni destruyen las flores y otras plantas especiales en los jardines. 1viven - they live 2sin embargo - however 3lana - wool 4césped - grass

Llamas comerciales en Perú