SERVICE PRESENTATION 1 Helping You succeed in Indian market space by making your brands India India Smart Smart , , quietly efficient in large scale. Our initiatives helped businesses from world over in Consumer Packaged Goods, Industrial & Commercial and in Retail sector. To establish and expand in India. Business Business Strategy Strategy Distribution & Distribution & Promotion Promotion Project & Project & Technology Technology Research & Research & Development Development Human Human Resource Resource brands on move brands on move in India in India Home & Lifestyle Industrial & Commercial Retail & Large Format Home & Personal Care Health & Wellness

Brands On Move

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Page 1: Brands On Move



Helping You succeed in Indian market

space by making your brands IndiaIndia

SmartSmart,, quietly efficient in large scale.

Our initiatives helped businesses from

world over in Consumer Packaged

Goods, Industrial & Commercial and in

Retail sector. To establish and expand

in India.


Distribution & Distribution & PromotionPromotion

Project & Project & TechnologyTechnology

Research & Research & DevelopmentDevelopment

Human Human ResourceResource

brands on movebrands on move

in Indiain India

Home & Lifestyle

Industrial & Commercial Retail & Large Format

Home & Personal Care

Health & Wellness

Page 2: Brands On Move


Home & Lifestyle

Home & Personal Care

Health & Wellness

Industrial & Commercial


Businesses we serveBusinesses we serve

Market Entry Strategy

Product Launch Plan

Market Expansion Plan

Product Innovation Plan

Business Operation Plan

Products we offerProducts we offer







& Research

Project &






Distribution &


moves for billionsmoves for billions

in Indiain India

Page 3: Brands On Move


Identify Key Markets

Workout Key Indices

Workout Business Plan

Identify Trade Partners

Identify Market Support

Value Added Processes Value Added Processes


Market Entry Strategy

packages for punchpackages for punch

in Indiain India

Deliverables for ActionDeliverables for Action

Competition Benchmark

Key Market Indices

Business Plan

Sales & Coverage Plan

Trading Partner Network

Placement Support Plan

Consumer Activation

Page 4: Brands On Move


packages for punchpackages for punch

in Indiain India

Deliverables for ActionDeliverables for Action

Competition Benchmark

Key Market Indices

Brand Positioning

Product Pricing, Scheme

Sales & Coverage Plan

Communication & Media

Placement Support Plan

Promotion & Activation

Registration Process

Post Sales Tracking

Value Added Processes Value Added Processes

Identify Key Markets

Workout Key Indices

Workout Brand Position

Workout Business Plan

Select Trade Partners

Design Communication

Comply Regulation

Workout Media Budget

Workout Promotion Plan

Product Launch Plan

Page 5: Brands On Move


packages for punchpackages for punch

in Indiain India

Deliverables for ActionDeliverables for Action

Competition Benchmark

Key Market Indices

Product Lines & Pricing

Product Sourcing Plan

Sales & Coverage Plan

Communication & Media

Placement Support Plan

Promotion & Penetration

Point-of-Sale Activation

Post Sales Tracking

Value Added Processes Value Added Processes

Identify Key Markets

Workout Key Niches

Workout Business Plan

Select Trade Partners

Design Communication

Workout Media Budget

Workout promotion Plan

Find Alternative Models

Market Expansion Plan

Page 6: Brands On Move


packages for punchpackages for punch

in Indiain India

Deliverables for ActionDeliverables for Action

Key Research Findings

Need gap & Opportunity

Product Lines & Pricing

Product Cost Feasibility

Brand Architecture

Product Pack Design

Product Process Design

Registration Process

Product Trials & Claims

Product Supply Options

Value Added Processes Value Added Processes

Map Target Consumers

Workout Key Need gaps

Mine Competitive Offers

Workout Price & Benefit

Workout Brand Position

Design Product & Pack

Conduct Consumer Trial

Select Supply Chain

Product Innovation Plan

Page 7: Brands On Move


packages for punchpackages for punch

in Indiain India

Deliverables for ActionDeliverables for Action

Competition Benchmark

Key Market Indices

Product Lines & Pricing

Sales Plan & Coverage

Trading Partner Network

Placement Support Plan

Capital Expenditure Plan

Registration Process

Facility Design Standard

Process Analysis & Cost

Value Added Processes Value Added Processes

Identify Key Markets

Workout Key Niches

Workout Business Plan

Select Trade Partners

Workout Funding Option

Comply Regulations

Locate Works & Facility

Select Supply Chain

Business Operation Plan

Page 8: Brands On Move

Market Market


�Primary research with Trade, Competition & Experts

�Secondary Research in Domain Content

Entry Entry


•Market Analysis & Segmentation

•Business Target Planning

•Investment & Business Portfolio Analysis

Product & Product &

Market Market

ValidationValidation•Market & Trade Visits

•Interviews with Regulatory Authorities

•Trade Partners Conclave

Product Product

Launch PlanLaunch Plan

•Brand Positioning

•Communication & Media Planning

•In-shop Branding & Merchandizing Plans

•Pre & Post Sales Training


services to win services to win

in Indiain India


India is a mosaic of contrasts. Nestling in these contrasts and polarities are opportunities for

marketers, both Indian & International. From bustling urban agglomerates to dusty country

roads and in between the flourishing towns, there is considerable heterogeneity and

confusing diversity. Having more than 90 socio cultural regions, India as market is said to

have four different countries within one. Lurking too in this maze of Indian market space are

quick sands of failure for a marketer, despite her taking the trusted route, charted elsewhere.

We make brands India Smart R in order to penetrate, compete and capture a place in the

mindscape of Indian consumers. Beginning with Market Exploration, we probe macro

economic and demographics trends impacting the categories, map current competition

offerings, identify need gaps, and bring focus on emerging future trends to assess market

potential and its key drivers. Our vast knowledge base in different industry verticals is

employed to analyze the market and identify the target consumer and market segments to

create brand positioning for India. We work out a pragmatic business plan with a product

portfolio optimized for Top and Bottom Lines by identifying the right product mix, price

positioning vis-à-vis competition and high velocity price points, setting realistic revenue

targets to formulate Entry Strategy and capture market share.



Page 9: Brands On Move

Trade Trade

Channel Channel


�Market Hubs Identifying

�Distributor & Dealer Selection

Market Market


�Retail Network Development

�Distribution & Supply Modeling

Point of Sale Point of Sale


�Display Sale Material (DSM) Concept & Design

�POS promotion

�Consumer Infotainment Modules

Penetration Penetration


�Mobile Communication Activity

�Consumer Activation Planning


services to win services to win

in Indiain India


The numbers of consumers who live in India and of the places where they do are large to remember.

The Census of India speaks of 5,000 odd towns, about half in number have 20 thousand or more

population and account for 90% sales of consumer durables. One needs to reach only 100,000 villages

out of just about 600,000 to account for over 60% consumption. The landscape is dotted with many

million retail outlets including traditional grocery stores which sell among many other things, hardware

and electronic items. In comparison, organized retail market and Large Format Stores are limited but

their share in business is growing as these outlets are spreading from top cities to second tier towns.

Our “Go to Market” approach helps moving brands in India by carefully examining potential market

hubs by using various market indices and selecting key elements in each for Placement in Trade

Channels. From retail network assessment and grading to creating brand awareness and identity in

trade, Market Development in every stage can be taken beyond metric by our specially trained market

activity team. Modeling low cost, last mile distribution we redefine the brand reach and access to Indian


Adding value and verve to brand positioning, we conceptualize, make budgets for and help

implementing innovative formats and Display Sale Material at Point of Sale, be it large or small.

Applied biometrics in our designs and psychographics in our concepts engage the consumers and

bring them closer to the brand through experience and infotainment.

Distribution & Distribution &


Page 10: Brands On Move

Consumer Consumer


�Qualitative Research

�Quantitative Research

�In-Home Placements

Innovation Innovation

Funnel Funnel

InitiativeInitiative�Innovation Process Training

�Global Product Search

�Competitive Production Process Mining

Product Product

Registration & Registration &

ProtectionProtection�Regulatory Certification

�Design & IPA Protection

Packaging Packaging


�Pack Visibility Design

�POS Merchandizing Design

�Material Selection & Costing


services to win services to win

in Indiain India


The Consumer India has many segments. The over whelming youth, the role changing women, the

evolving patriarchs and matriarchs and the various Socio Economic classifications are just a few. Over

half of the population being under 25 years of age, the whole nation strives to become young and

remain as one. Yet, most youth icons are over 40 and politicians mature only after 60. Striving in hurry,

with an obsession of improving skills and education, Consumer India is keen to be served yet

pragmatism remains firmly rooted in all psychographic groups.

With our specially designed programs in Qualitative and Quantitative Research, we expose the multi

faceted pragmatism in consumption and other hallmarks of evolving basket of consumer expenditure.

We help adapting your global product portfolio for target consumers in India to match their expectations

in terms of features, performance, aesthetics, colors on one hand and preferences, usage habits,

needs and aspirations on the other.

Our Innovation Funnel initiatives bring freshness to brands enabling to deliver functionalities and

emotional connect alike to exceed the imagination of increasingly aspiring Consumer India. Going

beyond their self-image and identity, brands are put on course by our innovation tools, for becoming

catalyst of improvement in life quality.

We facilitate brand and Product Registration, Testing and Certification by Indian Agencies. These

processes are important to establish consumer safety and credibility. Protection against duplication and

Intellectual Proprietary Assets are services we facilitate for adding and protecting the brand value.

We help you develop Packaging and Merchandizing systems with objectives of pre-empting and

differentiating from competition in retail context.. Alignment with intuitive selection by the shoppers at

POS is integral to our process of packaging development.

Research & Research &


Page 11: Brands On Move

Infrastructure Infrastructure

& Facility & Facility


�Competitive Location Analysis

�Facility Design & Standardization

�Project Planning & Scheduling

Technology & Technology &

Process Process

PlanningPlanning�Process Analysis & Costing

�Safety, Quality & Hygienic Standard Evaluation

�Capacity Modeling & Equipment Sizing

Process & Process &

Equipment Equipment

DesignDesign�Manufacturing Equipments

�Material Handing & Storage Equipment

�Primary & Secondary Packing Equipment

Project Project

Monitoring & Monitoring &

ImplementationImplementation�Contract Drafting

�Credit & Expenditure Control

�Equipment & Plant Inspection

Product Product


�Licensed, 2nd Party Manufacturing

�Contract, 3rd Party Manufacturing

�Re-packaging, Trade Packing


services to win services to win

in Indiain India


Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Industry in India is valued at more than 150 Billion USD. The vast

market opportunity is set to translate into high growth rates. Evolving consumer needs, new category

entrants in terms of demographics and lifestyle changes are just a few key trends well known. The

unique business implication for the CPG manufacturers in India is a dynamic value chain for

responding to increasingly unpredictable equations on both sides of the supply chain. Operational

flexibility, rigidly consistent quality and lean manufacturing practices are but few imperatives for any

product conversion facility.

With our practitioner’s knowledge of Infrastructure & Facility Planning, we formulate winning proposition

for the battle for resources. We design manufacturing facilities to meet the possible challenges of

fragmented supply base, price control, poor infrastructure and the difficulties of servicing large network

of stocking buffers. Legislative and local advantages are factored into our planning for long term

viability. Applying unique value metrics which combine operability, flexibility and quality consistency

within our Technology & Process Planning, we help you targeting easily scalable manufacturing

excellence in short and long term perspectives.

We specialize in benchmarking Process & Equipment Design with World Class Manufacturing

Standards such as cGMP and HACCP. With the help of our world wide equipment supply network, we

help you to gain maximum mileage of every penny in your capital expenditure budget. We plan success

of your project, through value added Project Monitoring & Implementation. Starting from the laying of

the foundation stone to hoisting the company flag, we ensure that your progress is on time and

commensurate to expenditure. For a wide spectrum of categories in packaged goods, we also have

access to world class Indian manufacturing facility in duty free locales for helping you with competitive

conversion costs. Complete Product Manufacturing, or Bulk Imports & Re-packaging or SKD imports to

assembling are integral to our services in Technology Management.

Project & Project &


Page 12: Brands On Move

Organizational Organizational

Talent Talent


�Building Startup Team

�Business Process Engineering

�Resource Specification and Grading

�Selection Criteria & Evaluation

Skill & Space Skill & Space

Development Development

TrainingTraining�Qualitative Performance of Workgroups

�Quantitative Skill Enhancement

�Business Space Enhancement


services to winservices to win

in Indiain India


Despite having millions of formally educated graduates and more millions of under graduates, India Inc.

has an acute shortage of critical talent, which plays a disproportionate role in the success of an

organization. These are Research professionals, Product Designers, Manufacturing Engineers, Supply

Chain specialists, Product and Brand Managers, Account executives, and others who can make the

important difference in share market price of company. Acquisition and retention strategies fiercely fight

the battle of resources but may not necessarily win the war.

We facilitate your interaction with some of the best resources in the industry with an objective of

acquiring high performing and committed team for your business. Our vast network in the industry

sectors and verticals, helps you identifying and benchmarking with best talent available in the country.

With our practitioner’s experience for Best Business Practices, we focus on what matters most to the

employees. Development, deployment to challenges and opportunities and connecting to other

resources and networks are the hallmarks of our approach to Organizational Talent Development.

We specialize in imparting quantitative, qualitative as well as soft skills to high performing resources.

Engaging through trial experiences we stretch workforce capabilities and help redefine work

boundaries. In our Skill & Space Development training, individuals are trained to qualitatively improve

their working relations and become more effective in group. In corporate offices and work places, we

offer strategies for space and layout management for business success.

Human Resource Human Resource


Page 13: Brands On Move

Home & Home &


�Home Appliances

�Kitchen & Bath Ventilation

�Music & Entertainment

�Kitchen & Tableware

�Bath Fittings 13

listening to uslistening to us

in Indiain India


Market Exploration, Market expansion Business Plan,

Supporting transition stages from JV to subsidiary setup &


2,000GermanyBath Fittings

Market exploration, Market expansion Business Plan, Support

transition from JV to subsidiary setup & operations1,500France

Kitchen and Table


Indian Entry Strategy- Market Exploration, Consumer

mapping, Business Plan, Location analysis 750Germany

Music &


Indian Entry Strategy- Market Exploration, Consumer

mapping, Business Plan, Target identification & evaluation

for acquisition

2,000USAKitchen & Bath


Indian Entry Strategy- Market Exploration, Consumer

mapping, Business Plan, Product Portfolio, Pricing Strategy,

Logistics Planning, Market Development, Distribution &

Promotion, Communication Development, Packaging for

Indian Consumers

2,000USAHome Appliances

Support to Set up or Expand in IndiaTO p.a

Mn$ USD Country of Origin


Home & Lifestyle

Page 14: Brands On Move

Home & Home &


�Home Appliances

�Kitchen & Bath Ventilation

�Music & Entertainment

�Kitchen & Tableware

�Bath Fittings

Home & Home &

Personal CarePersonal Care

�Skin Care & Cosmetics

�Skin & Personal Care

�Skin & Hair Care


listening to uslistening to us

in Indiain India


Identification of new markets and increase brand

penetration & consumer usage, Packaging, Design and

implement brand communication programs2,917IndiaSkin & Hair Care

Re-position Hair & skin care brand, Packaging &

communication design127IndiaSkin & Personal Care

Indian Entry Strategy- Market Exploration, Key Market

Identification, Consumer mapping, Business Plan, Product

portfolio, Pricing Strategy, Logistics Planning, Distribution &

Promotion plan, Location analysis

2,000USASkin care &


Support to Set up or Expand in IndiaTO p.a

Mn$ USD Country of Origin


Home &

Personal Care

Page 15: Brands On Move

Market exploration, Business Plan for setting up of retail


DenmarkHearing aids

Market exploration, Market Expansion Business Plan

350 USA

Nutraceutical &

Health Supplements

Market exploration, Market Expansion Business Plan, Identify

& shortlist distribution partners23 USANutraceutical

Market Exploration, Market Expansion Business Plan, Team

recruitment, Identifying Trade partnersUndsclsdGermanyDental Care

Support to Set up or Expand in IndiaTO p.a

Mn$ USD Country of Origin



listening to uslistening to us

in Indiain India

Health &


Home & Home &


�Home Appliances

�Kitchen & Bath Ventilation

�Music & Entertainment

�Kitchen & Tableware

�Bath Fittings

Home & Home &

Personal CarePersonal Care

�Skin Care & Cosmetics

�Skin & Personal Care

�Skin & Hair Care

Health & Health &


�Dental Care



�Hearing Aid


Page 16: Brands On Move

Identification of JV partners

UndsclsdHollandReal estate


Market exploration, Market expansion business plan300




Market exploration, Market expansion business planUndsclsd USAElectronics Measuring


Market exploration, Market expansion business plan2,477

USAOffice Furniture

Support to Set up or Expand in IndiaTO p.a

Mn$ USD Country of Origin



listening to uslistening to us

in Indiain India

Home & Home &


�Home Appliances

�Kitchen & Bath Ventilation

�Music & Entertainment

�Kitchen & Tableware

�Bath Fittings

Home & Home &

Personal CarePersonal Care

�Skin Care & Cosmetics

�Skin & Personal Care

�Skin & Hair Care

Health & Health &


�Dental Care



�Hearing Aid

Industrial & Industrial &


�Office Furniture

�Electronic Measuring Instruments

�Network Management

�Real Estate Development


Industrial & Commercial

Page 17: Brands On Move

Market potential assessment, Consumer mapping & trend

identification, Identifying master franchisees3,000 FranceFootwear & apparels

Market potential assessment, Consumer mapping & trend

identification, Identifying master franchisees4,000 HollandNon food retailing

Support to Set up or Expand in IndiaTO p.a

Mn$ USD Country of Origin



listening to uslistening to us

in Indiain India

Home & Home &


�Home Appliances

�Kitchen & Bath Ventilation

�Music & Entertainment

�Kitchen & Tableware

�Bath Fittings

Home & Home &

Personal CarePersonal Care

�Skin Care & Cosmetics

�Skin & Personal Care

�Skin & Hair Care

Health & Health &


�Dental Care



�Hearing Aid

Industrial & Industrial &


�Office Furniture

�Electronic Measuring Instruments

�Network Management

�Real Estate Development


�Non Food Retailing

�Foot Wear & Apparel


Retail & Large Format Store

Page 18: Brands On Move

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