BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL www.braunstonetowncouncil.org.uk Darren Tilley – Executive Officer & Town Clerk Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester, LE3 2PP Telephone: 0116 2890045 Fax: 0116 2824785 Email: [email protected] 1st July 2015 To: Councillor Anthea Ambrose (Chair), Councillor Alex DeWinter (Vice-Chair) and Councillors Ajmer Basra, Nick Brown, David Di Palma, Sam Fox-Kennedy, Amanda Hack, Paul Kennedy, Sam Maxwell and Chetan Parmar. Dear Councillor You are summonsed to attend a meeting of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE to be held in the Fosse Room at Braunstone Civic Centre on Thursday, 9 th July 2015 commencing at 7.30pm, for the transaction of the business as set out below. Yours sincerely, Executive Officer & Town Clerk AGENDA 1. Apologies To receive apologies for absence. 2. Disclosures of Interest To receive disclosures of Interest in respect of items on this agenda: a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, b) Other Interests (Non-Pecuniary). 3. Public Participation Members of the public may make representations, give evidence or answer questions in respect of any item of business included on the agenda. At the discretion of the Chairperson the meeting may be adjourned to give members of the public present an opportunity to raise other matters of public interest. 4. Minutes of the Meeting held 21st May 2015 To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st May 2015 to be signed by the Chairperson (Enclosed). 5. Town Mayor’s Report To receive a report on the activities of the Town Mayor and any proposals for initiatives during the forthcoming Civic Year. 1

BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL...BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL Darren Tilley – Executive Officer & Town Clerk Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester, LE3 2PP

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  • BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL www.braunstonetowncouncil.org.uk

    Darren Tilley – Executive Officer & Town Clerk Braunstone Civic Centre, Kingsway, Braunstone Town, Leicester, LE3 2PP

    Telephone: 0116 2890045 Fax: 0116 2824785 Email: [email protected]

    1st July 2015

    To: Councillor Anthea Ambrose (Chair), Councillor Alex DeWinter (Vice-Chair) and Councillors Ajmer Basra, Nick Brown, David Di Palma, Sam Fox-Kennedy, Amanda Hack, Paul Kennedy, Sam Maxwell and Chetan Parmar.

    Dear Councillor

    You are summonsed to attend a meeting of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE to be held in the Fosse Room at Braunstone Civic Centre on Thursday, 9th July 2015 commencing at 7.30pm, for the transaction of the business as set out below.

    Yours sincerely,

    Executive Officer & Town Clerk


    1. ApologiesTo receive apologies for absence.

    2. Disclosures of InterestTo receive disclosures of Interest in respect of items on this agenda:a) Disclosable Pecuniary Interests,b) Other Interests (Non-Pecuniary).

    3. Public ParticipationMembers of the public may make representations, give evidence or answerquestions in respect of any item of business included on the agenda. At thediscretion of the Chairperson the meeting may be adjourned to give membersof the public present an opportunity to raise other matters of public interest.

    4. Minutes of the Meeting held 21st May 2015To confirm the accuracy of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21st May 2015to be signed by the Chairperson (Enclosed).

    5. Town Mayor’s ReportTo receive a report on the activities of the Town Mayor and any proposals forinitiatives during the forthcoming Civic Year.


  • 6. Local Area Co-ordinator To receive a progress report concerning the Local Area Co-ordinator Project.

    7. Town Watchers To receive a progress report on the work and activities of Town Watchers.

    8. Crime Statistics and Part-Night Street Lighting To consider location maps showing crime’s committed alongside the Part-Night Street Lighting Scheme. Maps to be displayed at the meeting.

    9. Speed Sign statistics To consider the results of the speed sign at Braunstone Close (Enclosed). 10. Braunstone Life Patronage

    To receive a letter dated 20th May 2015 from the Braunstone Life requesting if the Town Council would wish to renew its patronage (Enclosed).

    11. Summary of Grant Applications To receive a list of grants paid to date and applied for from external sources along with letters of thanks for grants (Enclosed): a) Thursday Over 60’s Club b) Braunstone Heritage Archive Group

    12. Community Grant Applications To consider Community Grant Applications as follows (Enclosed): a) Asian Elderly Group - £195 b) Winstanley Wizards - £300

    13. Improvements to Parks and Open Spaces To receive a progress report on current projects and funding.

    14. Summer Fete To receive a progress report on the Summer Fete 2015. 15. Blaby District Outstanding Achievement Awards 2015 To consider nominations to Blaby District’s Outstanding Achievement Awards

    2015 (Enclosed). 16. Termination of the Meeting

    NOTE: CRIME & DISORDER ACT 1998 (SECTION 17) – The Council has an obligation to consider Crime and Disorder implications of all its activities and to do all that it can to prevent Crime and Disorder in its area. EQUALITIES ACT 2010 Braunstone Town Council has a duty in carrying out its functions to have due regard to:-

    • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; • advance equality of opportunity between different groups; and; • foster good relations between different groups

    To ensure that no person receives less favourable treatment on the basis of race, disability, sex, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity.




    THURSDAY 21st MAY 2015 AT 7.30PM

    PRESENT: Councillor Anthea Ambrose (Chair) and Councillors Shabbir Aslam (substituting for Ajmer Basra), Sharon Betts (substituting for Alex DeWinter), Nick Brown, David Di Palma, Sam Fox-Kennedy, Paul Kennedy, Sam Maxwell, Chetan Parmar and Bill Wright (substituting for Amanda Hack). Officers in Attendance: Darren Tilley, Executive Officer & Town Clerk and Pauline Hurd, Community Development & Centres Manager There were two members of the public present at the meeting. 1. Apologies

    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Ajmer Basra, Alex DeWinter and Amanda Hack.

    2. Disclosures of Interest

    Councillor Bill Wright declared a Non-Pecuniary interest in agenda item 5, Town Mayor’s Report, by reason of being District Chairman of the South West Leicestershire Scouts Association.

    3. Public Participation

    In accordance with Standing Order 3.6, members of the public may attend the meeting for the purpose of making representations, giving evidence or answering questions in respect of any item of business included on the agenda. There were two Members of the public at the meeting. In respect of agenda item 6e, Community Grant Applications – Braunstone Heritage Group, Mr John Dodd advised members that the Braunstone Heritage Archive Group would be organising an archaeological dig in the church field of St Peter’s Church. Permission had been received for the work to be carried out and a geophysical survey would be carried out in order to establish if there were any remains of a manor house in the field. The group were planning to make this a community event and encourage local residents to participate. Further details of the event would be forwarded to the Town Council in due course.

    4. Minutes of the Meeting held 10th March 2015

    The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th March 2015 were circulated (item 4 on the agenda).



  • RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2015 be approved and signed by the Chairperson as a correct record.

    5. Town Mayor’s Report The Committee received a report from the Town Mayor for 2015/2016, Councillor Sharon Betts (item 5 on the agenda). The Town Mayor advised that she was looking forward to her year as Town Mayor and would be organising a sponsored bike ride between Braunstone Town and Hinckley. She would forward full details in the near future and hoped that councillors would help to support her. A request had been received from South West Leicestershire Scouts Association for the Town Mayor to sponsor a Summer Fete at Thorpe Astley Community Centre on Saturday 4th July 2015. Councillor Nick Brown suggested that the Town Mayor could support up to two events each year and offer groups free use of Town Council facilities to organise events. He suggested that a draft formal policy be produced for consideration. RESOLVED 1. that the South West Leicestershire Scouts Association request for the

    Town Mayor to sponsor the Summer Fete be approved; subject to the Town Mayor to be offered a table to promote her chosen charities at the event; and

    2. that a policy/procedure concerning Town Mayor sponsored events be drafted for consideration by the next meeting of the Committee.

    Reasons for Decision

    1. The Scouts Summer Fete was a significant Community event which takes

    place at Thorpe Astley over the summer months, by offering use of Thorpe Astley Community Centre enabled the event to go ahead organised by the Scouts while not impacting on Town Council staff resources; and

    2. to ensure a transparent procedure would be developed for considering future Town Mayor sponsorship for events.

    6. Community Grant Applications

    The Committee received applications requesting a Community Grant (item 6 on the agenda). RESOLVED 1. that Community Grants be awarded as follows:

    a) 3rd Braunstone Brownies - £300 to help towards costs of overnight accommodation for pack holiday in August;



  • b) 050 Friendship Group - £150 to help with costs to hire room and speakers;

    c) Thursday Over 60’s Group - £282 to help with costs of transport for trips for group members;

    d) Braunstone Heritage Group - £290 to help toward costs of electronic filing systems and information on internet site;

    e) Namaste Exercise Group - £300 to help toward tutor fees for yoga and exercise group; and

    2. that consideration of the Community Grant Application from the Punjabi Cultural Society be deferred until accounts, a full constitution and information on the number of members who were Braunstone Town residents was received from the group.

    Reasons for Decision

    1. (a, c, d and e) The applicants had met the criteria serving mostly

    Braunstone Town residents and had submitted the required information; (b) The application was for £300, however, £150 was awarded since the majority of members were not from Braunstone Town; and

    2. to enable information which needed to be considered in accordance with the scheme to be submitted by the Punjabi Cultural Society.

    7. Improvements to Parks and Open Spaces

    The Committee received an update from the Executive Officer and Town Clerk on the funding towards improvements to Parks and Open Spaces (item 7 on the agenda). Concerning Holmfield Park, £5,000 had been received from the Blaby Community Grant scheme and £3,890 in Section 106 monies. The Town Council was currently awaiting confirmation from Biffa for a further grant of £10,687 toward the cost of play equipment on Holmfield Park. There was an agreement with “Shared Access” for a £20,000 grant towards improvements at Shakespeare Park subject to an assessment which was currently awaited on the suitability of the site for Shared Access’ purposes.

    8. Crime Statistics and Part-Night Street Lighting The Crime Reduction Officer had prepared a map of Braunstone Town showing the areas where street lights were switched off at night along with the number of recorded crimes for the past year (item 8 on the agenda). RESOLVED 1. that Councillor Bill Wright view the plans in more detail and highlight any

    areas of concern that could be investigated in more detail; 2. that the number of crimes committed in each area before the initiative to

    switch off street lights at night commenced be obtained for comparison; and



  • 3. that an update on the above be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

    Reasons for Decision 1. To enable further and more detailed analysis to take place, Councillor Bill

    Wright being the Chair of Braunstone Town Watchers; 2. To ascertain whether the part-night lighting scheme had an impact on the

    number of crimes committed; and 3. to enable the Committee to give full consideration to the information and

    analysis. 9. Local Area Coordinator

    The Executive Officer & Town Clerk introduced Roo Peake, Local Area Coordinator for Braunstone Town, who was in attendance at the meeting, and updated the Committee on the Local Area Coordination pilot (item 9 on the agenda). This pilot project was funded by Leicestershire County Council, NHS and Blaby District Council and would offer support to residents to help reduce visits to doctors, emergency care and social services by working with residents to help them before they reached the need for critical care. Councillors, local community groups, community centres were ideal sources of information on local residents that may need support and preventing social isolation. Braunstone Town Council would be supporting Roo by providing a base to work from and local knowledge of the groups and residents in the area. Pilot projects carried out in other areas of the country had highlighted that residents were often passed from one agency to another following referral. Measures had been put in place to reduce this happening in Leicestershire to ensure that residents receive ongoing care.

    10. Town Watchers

    Councillor Bill Wright reported to the Committee on the meeting of the Town Watchers Group on Monday 18th May 2015 (item 10 on the agenda). The Town Watchers were an independent Community group for Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators that was supported by the Town Council. For several years the group had not had a Treasurer or Secretary. At the recent meeting the situation with regards to the group had been discussed in detail and members of the group were made aware that unless support from them was received then the Town Council may not be able to continue to support the group. RESOLVED 1. that a meeting be held between Councillor Bill Wright, the Executive

    Officer & Town Clerk, the Community Development & Centres Manager



  • and Crime Reduction Coordinator to discuss options for future capacity support for the Town Watchers group; and

    2. that an assessment of the Crime Reduction Coordinators support for the Town Watchers be undertaken.

    Reasons for Decision 1. To ensure that the work of the Town Watchers would be effective in

    supporting Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators, the Police and the Town Council in reducing crime; and

    2. to ascertain whether the resources of the Crime Reduction Coordinator were effectively employed in supporting this Group in terms of contributing towards crime reduction.

    11. Termination of the Meeting The meeting closed at 8.57pm

    SIGNED ________________________ (CHAIR) DATED _________________________

    NOTE: CRIME & DISORDER ACT 1998 (SECTION 17) – The Council has an obligation to consider Crime & Disorder implications of all its activities and to do all that it can to prevent Crime and Disorder in its area. EQUALITIES ACT 2010 Braunstone Town Council has a duty in carrying out its functions to have due regard to:-

    • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; • advance equality of opportunity between different groups; and; • foster good relations between different groups

    To ensure that no person receives less favourable treatment on the basis of race, disability, sex, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, age, religion or belief, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity.

    These issues were considered in connection with each of the above decisions. Unless otherwise stated under each item of this report, there were no implications.



  • Speed Sign Statistics ITEM 9


    06/04/2015 229 204 25 13 5.7% 7 3.1% 5 2.2% 4607/04/2015 643 228 115 88 13.7% 24 3.7% 3 0.5% 5108/04/2015 597 483 114 83 13.9% 25 4.2% 6 1.0% 5309/04/2015 484 395 89 73 15.1% 10 2.1% 6 1.2% 4310/04/2015 493 410 83 71 14.4% 10 2.0% 2 0.4% 4411/04/2015 578 460 118 90 15.6% 18 3.1% 10 1.7% 4812/04/2015 578 470 108 85 14.7% 16 2.8% 7 1.2% 4913/04/2015 678 551 127 80 11.8% 32 4.7% 15 2.2% 6914/04/2015 726 585 141 110 15.2% 19 2.6% 12 1.7% 5615/04/2015 659 537 121 84 12.7% 23 3.5% 14 2.1% 6016/04/2015 498 408 90 63 12.7% 17 3.4% 10 2.0% 5917/04/2015 110 89 21 20 18.2% 0 0.0% 1 0.9% 4228/04/2015 61 49 12 6 9.8% 4 6.6% 2 3.3% 4529/04/2015 649 514 135 96 14.8% 21 3.2% 18 2.8% 5330/04/2015 507 409 98 74 14.6% 14 2.8% 10 2.0% 4901/05/2015 554 473 81 53 9.6% 12 2.2% 16 2.9% 5402/05/2015 593 470 123 85 14.3% 31 5.2% 7 1.2% 5503/05/2015 626 510 116 84 13.4% 24 3.8% 8 1.3% 6304/05/2015 696 567 129 93 13.4% 18 2.6% 18 2.6% 5105/05/2015 678 572 106 71 10.5% 30 4.4% 5 0.7% 4306/05/2015 568 468 100 80 14.1% 15 2.6% 5 0.9% 5507/05/2015 534 436 98 71 13.3% 16 3.0% 11 2.1% 5208/05/2015 520 435 85 60 11.5% 15 2.9% 10 1.9% 4809/05/2015 629 510 119 89 14.1% 17 2.7% 13 2.1% 61

    TOTAL 12888 10233 2354 1722 13.4% 418 3.2% 214 1.7% 69

    AVARAGE 537 426 98 72 13.2% 17 3.2% 9 1.7%






    TOTAL 12888 10233 2354 1722 13.4% 418 3.2% 214 1.7% 69

    AVARAGE 537 426 98 72 13.4% 17 3.2% 9 1.7%






    14% 3% 2%



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    Agenda 090715AGENDA

    Item 04 Minutes of 21-05-15 MeetingITEM 4BRAUNSTONE TOWN COUNCIL

    Item 09 Speed Sign StatisticsDaily datasummary 6.04-9.05

    Item 10 Braunstone Life PatronageItem 11 Summary of Grant ApplicationsItem 12a Community Grant Application - Asian Elderly GroupItem 12b Community Grant Application - Winstanley WizardsItem 15 Blaby District Outstanding Achievement Awards 2015DOCDOC000DOC001DOC002DOC003DOC004DOC005DOC006