BRC Newsletter #7 August 2012 - March 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 BRC Newsletter #7 August 2012 - March 2013



    A project of ISKCON Mayapur

    110A Motilal Nehru Road, Kolkata 700 029, WB India

    PH: 91 33 4065 2475/ 5216

    NewsletterIISSSSUUEE ##77,, AAuugguusstt 22001122 -- MMaarrcchh 22001133

    Welcome to the latest exciting report on developments at the BRC.

    Scanning and Preservation

    In our last newsletter we reported the acquisition of the

    Bookeye 4, a professional, high resolution scanner. Since

    its arrival in August we have been busy scanning beginningwith the more delicate works, in particular the 31 bound

    volumes ofSrila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvatis daily

    newspaper Nadia Prakash.

    We are happy to report that the scanning ofNadia

    Prakash is now completed a huge task which resulted in

    almost 40,000 (forty thousand) images!


    Siddhanta Sarasvati

  • 7/28/2019 BRC Newsletter #7 August 2012 - March 2013


    Rare documents

    We were graced for several days in December 2012 by the presence of Sriman Pradyumna prabhu,

    Srila Prabhupadas Sanskrit editor since 1968.

    Pradyumna prabhu traveled with Srila Prabhupada more

    than any other disciple and is probably the foremost

    scholar on Gaudiya Vaisnava literature in the world


    He spent considerable time in the library, offering much

    useful advice and information.

    However his most exciting contribution was his discovery of a rather

    battered-looking folder containing some hand written letters and drafts of

    articles from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura as well as some letters

    written by some leading disciples such as Sripad Bhakti Pradipa Tirtha

    Maharaja, Bhakti Hrdaya Bon Maharaja, Sripada Bhaktisaranga Goswami,

    and others.

    All 31 volumes have now been

    de-acidified laminated with acid-free sheets re-assembled in volumes ready for


    fully indexed (see opp. photo)

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    Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati signed his letters [above] Nityashirvadaka Siddhanta Sarasvati i.e.

    Your ever-wellwisher [nitya eternal; ashirvad blessings or well-wishes; daka I am].

  • 7/28/2019 BRC Newsletter #7 August 2012 - March 2013


    Another document of great interest in the folder is a two-page outline in English entitled The Origin

    and Development of Vaishnavism The Vedic Vishnu and Krishna; and Probable dates of the several

    Periods of Indian History

    These letters are from

    Bhaktipradip Tirtha and

    Bhakti Hrday Ban, both of

    whom along with

    Sambidananda dasa were

    sent to London in the

    1930s to preach.

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    Mission for Manuscripts

    Our Manuscripts team made their second visit to Odisha in January 2013 gaining many new contacts

    and much information on possible manuscript sources. They were given access to the libraries in

    Ravenshaw University and the State Museum and made tentative agreements to work with them in

    the future.

    In the small village ofNayagarh, Udaypur, we discovered the Dasarathi Pattanayak Library and

    Museum. This library has an enormous collection of more than 17000 mss, 40, 000 old books and a

    massive number of old journals. The owner was happy to give us access and we are planning how to

    catalogue the collection in order to identify which ones are important to scan for the BRC.

    Most importantly, our first excursion to Bangladesh commenced

    in mid-February 2013. We have a number of contacts in DhakaUniversity where there is a large collection of Vaisnava

    manuscripts and books. Apart from this our team travelled north-

    east to Sylhet, the birth district of Lord Caitanyas father Sri

    Jagannatha Misra as well as other important tirthas in Chittagong

    and Khulna.

    At Iswara Patasala, Coomilla we discovered a wonderful collection

    of 60,000 books and 9,000 mss. None of it is catalogued and the

    collection is in danger of simply rotting away. The 87 years old

    custodian more than welcomed our offer to come there for anextended stay and catalogue the whole collection and show them

    how to preserve their works. BRC has made an offer to the managing committee and we are

    awaiting their positive response.

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    BRC Website

    New Acquisitions

    We were excited to discover some previously unknown correspondence of our beloved Founder-

    acarya Srila Prabhupada in March while attending the Gaura Purnima festival. Together with Sriman

    Jananivasa prabhu we conducted a search of Srila Prabhupadas quarters and found about 20

    postcards sent to Srila Prabhupada in 1949-1950.

    Along with these were two each original prints of SB Canto 1 part 1 and Part 2; an original Back To

    Godheadfrom 1957 and two editions of Hindi language Bhagavat Dharma from 1957; and the first

    ISKCON-era Indian edition ofBack To Godheadin Hindi from 1970 which lists Los Angeles as

    ISKCONs world headquarters and Gorakhpur as the only Indian center.

    We are very grateful to Sriman

    Sachisuta prabhu from NewZealand, the owner of internet

    provider who

    agreed to host our website free of cost. This has

    saved us a massive headache and

    provides far better facility for our

    clients than we could ourselves.

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    A special mention is due to Sriman Nrsimhananda dasa of ITV and Topanga Canyon Pyramid House

    fame for donating his entire and extensive collection ofBack to Godheadmagazines. He made the

    decision after seeing a power-point presentation of the BRC in Udipi in December.

    New Members

    We want to thankfully acknowledge Sriman Madhusevita dasa from

    the UK who became our latest Patron member with a very generous

    gift of 16,000.00, part of his inheritance from his late father. May

    Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada bless both of them

    unlimitedly for their kind support.

    Adopt a Month (AaM) - In March last year we began a new membership program.

    BRC operating expenses are approx. $2,500.00 per month, or Rps. 1,35,000.00. An AaM

    member agrees to fund one month of their choice per year. We are happy to report that our

    Aam membership is picking up steam and we have at present achieved half our target number

    with six committed members:

    Bhakti Caru Swami and Brisbane yatra signed up first and were joined by Sriman MasheshAdvani, who is also a Patron Member, Bhaktivedanta Manor, the Mayapur Vrndavan Trust

    (MVT), and also a strong supporter in Melbourne who prefers not to be named.

    If we reach our goal of 12-15 Aam members it will guarantee the o n-going operations of the

    BRC. Any individual or yatra would like to become an Aam member please contact myself, Hari-

    sauri dasa.

    If any reader would like to help support our efforts at developing this important facility and ensuring

    the preservation of our literature please contact

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    There will be a special report shortly on some very significant developments at Birnagar, the

    birthplace of Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda and some of his original manuscripts! Stay tuned!

    On behalf of BRC, Hari-sauri dasa
