BRIDGE to INDIA Solar Compass January 2012 Teaser Email

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  • 7/31/2019 BRIDGE to INDIA Solar Compass January 2012 Teaser Email

    1/9 BRIDGE TO INDIA, 2011

    INDIASOLARCOMPASSJanuar 2012 Edition

    A Premium Preview

    BRIDGE TO INDIA, 2011Photograph courtesy Istock photo

    Market DashoardA snapshot o the markets


    Latest Market InsightsAn analysis o the policies, projects,

    industry and fnance

    A Ke Question AnsweredIs the solar Renewable Energy

    Certifcates market viable?

    OutlookQuarterly projections or the Indian

    solar market

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    1. Overview

    2. Market Dashoard

    2.1. India Market Compass2.2. Indian Solar Market Prices

    2.3. Installed Capacit in India

    3. Ke Findings

    4. Policies4.1. National Solar Mission

    4.2. Gujarat Solar Polic

    4.3. Karnataka Solar Polic

    4.4. Rajasthan Solar Polic4.5. Tamil Nadu

    5. Projects5.1. New Installations Grid Connected

    5.2. Status o Ongoing Projects

    5.3. Execution Risks and Challenges

    6. Financing

    7. Upstream Industr Analsis7.1. PV Manuacturing Capacit in India

    7.2. Expected Capacit Additions

    7.3. Suppl Analsis

    8. Ke Question:Is the Solar Renewale EnergCertifcates Market Viale?

    9. Outlook9.1. Current Quarter

    9.2. Longterm Outlook

    10. Annexure10.1. Criteria or Project Allotment Under

    Indian Solar Policies

    10.2. Procedural Overview o

    Indian Solar Policies

    10.3. Glossar o Terms


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    Figure 41: List o solar PV project winners oratch two o phase one o the NSM

    Figure 51: Grid connected solar projects installedin the previous quarter Octoer to Decemer 2011

    Figure 52: Spectrum o challenges in projectexecution in India

    Figure 61: Loans sanctioned the USEXIM ankor solar PV projects in India

    Figure 71: Current module manuacturing capacitin India (MW)

    Figure 72: Current PV cell manuacturing capacitin India (MW)

    Figure 73: Thin flm manuacturers in India

    Figure 74: Expected crstalline module capacitadditions new plaers April 2012

    Figure 75: Expected crstalline module capacit

    additions existing plaers April 2012

    Figure 76: Module supplies to India as o Decemer25th 2011 (nonexhaustive)

    Figure 81: Status o Renewale Energ PurchaseOligation (RPO) in selected states (20102011)

    Figure 82: Solar REC Floor and Forearance Price(per MWh)

    Figure 83: Solar PV project viailit push with RECs

    Figure 84: Histor o nonsolar REC market prices

    Figure 85: Demand and suppl o nonsolar RECs

    Figure 91: Projected quarterl PV installationsin India


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    1. OVERVIEWThe previous quarter has seen PV

    projects worth 350MW allottedunder batch two o phase one o the

    Jawaharlal Nehru National SolarMission (hereon reerred to as the

    NSM). A process o competitive biddingor the allocation o projects has seen

    the eective price o solar in India allby 27.5% rom January 2011. The lower

    taris have increased the pressureon developers that already aced low

    margins in the highly price sensitivemarket. On the other hand, the allingprices have made solar increasingly

    competitive in the Indian market. Itis now beginning to reach parity with

    commercial electricity in dierentparts o the country, increasing its

    viability independent o governmentpolicies.

    Solar Renewable Energy Certicates

    (RECs) continue to ace the challengeso a lack o long-term clarity on prices

    and poor enorcement o statesRenewable Purchase Obligations

    (RPOs). As a result, the solar RECmarket has seen limited demand

    and almost non-existent supply.Depending on the business model,

    selling RECs in addition to the incomerom a Power Purchase Agreement

    (PPA),private or government backed,could provide an eective tari ar

    higher than that under the NSM or anyother government policy. The lower

    taris have brought into ocus the RECmechanism as a viable o-take or


    Projects under both, the NSM and

    the Gujarat solar policy, are acingdelays with regards to their completion

    deadlines. The majority o the currentinstalled capacity has been achieved

    by projects that have been delayedunder the Migration Policy o the NSM,

    the Rootop & Small Solar PowerGeneration Programme (RPSSGP)

    oered by the Indian RenewableEnergy Development Agency (IREDA)

    and the Gujarat solar policy. Thedelays refect the challenges acedby the developers with regards to the

    availability o nancing, high interestrates and tough execution challenges.

    None the less, with the last quarterseeing the largest capacity addition

    so ar, India is now emerging as aunctioning solar market.

    The falling prices

    have made solar


    competitive in the

    Indian market.

    Projects under both,

    the NSM and the

    Gujarat solar policy,are facing delays

    with regards to

    their completion


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    PV CSP

    FiT M8.5 M10

    Int Rate 13% 13%

    Capex M77/W M120/W

    Modules M46/W NA

    BOS M31/W NA

    Project Size 20MW 120MW







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    1. Competitive bidding o 350MWworth o PV projects took place in

    December 2011 as part o batch

    two o phase one o the NSM. Thissaw the average tari all by 27.5%to M8.7 (0.14)/kWh.

    2. The lowest tari bid wasM7.49 (0.12)/kWh oered by

    Solairedirect o France or a5MW project in Rajasthan. The

    highest successul bid was M9.39(0.15)/kWh by Green Inra Solar

    rom India or a 20MW project inRajasthan.

    3. We estimate that project costsstand at M90m (1.5m) per

    megawatt, making the lowertaris viable.

    4. The Tamil Nadu government isexpected to oer solar projects

    worth 50MW in the upcomingquarter. Meanwhile, bidding under

    the Karnataka solar policy willtake place in January 2012 and the

    Rajasthan solar policy inFebruary 2012.

    5. The last quarter has seen acapacity addition o 101.5MW o PV

    and 5.5MW o CSP in India.6. Not more than 40MW out o the

    150MW o PV under the NSM willmeet the project commissioning

    deadline o January 10th 2012.7. Not more than 51MW out o the

    450MW o PV under phase oneand phase two o the Gujarat

    solar policy had met the project

    commissioning deadline at the timeo publication o this report.8. Land acquisition, local

    inrastructure, data or siteassessment and supply o BoS

    components are the key challengesin project execution in India at

    the moment.9. Project nancing remains a key

    challenge in the industry with themajority o banks requiring heavy

    collaterals to provide debt.


    10. A prohibitively high cost o debt inIndia has seen many projects avail

    export credit nancing, available

    at a signicantly lower rate ointerest. So ar, such nancing hasbeen available largely through the

    US-EXIM bank.11. The current production capacity o

    modules in India is about 1,200MWo which 1,130MW is crystalline

    silicon and 70MW are thin lmmodules.

    12. A majority o the PV projectsunder execution in India are using

    modules rom oreign suppliers.More than 140MW worth o projects

    have been commissioned in Indiain the year 2011; more than 80%

    o these installations have usedimported modules.

    13. Suntech and First Solar have thelargest share in the Indian market

    exceeding 150MW each. Industrysources suggest that they oer

    some o the lowest prices in India.14. The high foor price under the REC

    mechanism makes it lucrativeas an o-take, compared to

    government policies like the NSM.15. The REC mechanism can give a

    viability push to projects looking too-set commercial and industrial

    grid prices.16. The solar REC market is expected

    to ollow the non-solar REC markettrend o rising demand and supply

    over the short-term.

    17. Based on our projections, weestimate that a total capacity o100MW under the NSM and 175MW

    under the Gujarat solar policy willbe added by end-March 2012.

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    Single issue - M10,000(180 or $240)

    Annual subscription - M32,000(600 or $800) or

    our quarterly issues.

    Contact Mohit Anand

    [email protected]

    The India Solar Compass is a quarterly market analysis report by

    BRIDGE TO INDIA on the developments in the Indian solar market.Subscribe now to track the latest key insight and analyses. Subscribers include

    leading international component manuacturers, EPCs, project developers,investors, banks, insurance companies as well as public sector players and

    international organizations.

    Additional elements

    Market Outlook & Projections or the year 2012 Key Question: Is the REC market in India viable?

    To bUy NOW visit

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  • 7/31/2019 BRIDGE to INDIA Solar Compass January 2012 Teaser Email


    BRIDGE TO INDIA is a consultingcompany with an entrepreneurialapproach based in New Delhi,Munich and Hamburg. Foundedin 2008, the company ocuses onrenewable energy technologies inthe Indian market. BRIDGE TO INDIAoers market intelligence, strategicconsulting and project developmentservices to Indian and internationalinvestors, companies and institutions.Through customized solutionsor its clients, BRIDGE TO INDIAcontributes to a sustainable world byimplementing the latest technologicaland systemic innovations where theirimpact is the highest.



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