A BRIGHT Development for a BRIGHT Indonesia Integrity – Visionary – Social Responsibility Striving for Excellences - Proactive

BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

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A BRIGHTDevelopmentfor a BRIGHT Indonesia

Integrity – Visionary – Social Responsibility –Striving for Excellences - Proactive

Page 2: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia


BRIGHT Indonesia is a organisation which focus on assisting Global Institutions development intoIndonesian Market . BRIGHT INDONESIA established because its founders believe Indonesia need anorganisations which able to develop a high quality delivery services to the Global Instititutions fromaround the world when they enter into Indonesia.

The Indonesia's human developed index that still below most of world developed countries, while theWorld Bank Data fact shows that Indonesia is the world 10th largest in 2014 the current percapitaincome of USD 5.000 shows that Indonesian will develop further into the world number 7th Economy in2030 with USD 20.000 per capita income ( Mckinsey , 2013) . It shows an opportunity for a company fromthe developed world to enter the market opportunity and establish a presences in Indonesia.

The future growth and prospective market is the strong reason to develop your institutions interest inIndonesia. Through the development of Indonesian people and netwok which are creative anddeterminant we believe that BRIGHT INDONESIA able to give a real contribution for the development ofIndonesia and Global Society.

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A little change can make a big different if we are doing it continously and able make collaboration withothers who have big vision for and In Indonesia. Global partners with a high quality delivery services isneeded to ensure the development of Indonesian society

BRIGHT INDONESIA was born and carry a vision of "BRIGHT Development for BRIGHT Indonesia" as thefinal destination of Bridging Indonesia and the world

BRIGHT INDONESIA established at April 2008 under the management of CV. KREASI INDONESIA MUDAas a real creation and vision from the indonesian youth for their beloved Indonesia.

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 4: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


A BRIGHT Developmentfor a BRIGHT




1. Seeks to inoculate an Entrepreneurial Spirit.2. Become a catalyst for new business and society development.3. Being a venue of communication and the development.4. Bridging the Gap between the Indonesia and Global World

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 5: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

IntegrityBRIGHT Indonesia is act with the integrity and ethics to solve the society problem

VisionaryBRIGHT Indonesia looking for opportunities and the potential of Indonesian Future and maximize it to fulfill itsvision.

Social ResponsibilityBRIGHT Indonesia was born with social responsibility to the society and it will develop an Indonesian businesswith high social responsibility.

Striving for Excellencein every effort to achieve the vision, BRIGHT Indonesia always striving to achieve the targeted results.

Pro ActiveBRIGHT Indonesia play an active role as the Entrepreneurship soul inspiration and put it into action in thesociety.


BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 6: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

Entrepreneurs and Small Medium Enterprise worldwide.


Academics / Education Society

Government and Political Establishment

Large National and Multinational Companies

Indonesian Global Society as it EndsCustomer

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 7: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


There has never been a better time to take your company international. The rapid rise of the digital economy, affordable

international travel, increased economic connectedness and a steady lowering of trade barriers across countries are making it

easier than at any time in history to do business across borders. But it’s not as easy as it looks. Have you ever thought…

“We have outgrown our domestic market and we want to expand, but we don’t have a good strategy forinternationalization or the time to develop one”.

“A client has asked us to start operating in a new country, but we’re not sure whether this is a sound businessdecision”.

“We want to enter a new market but we don’t have enough information to be able to assess which country would workbest for us”.

“We think there is a good opportunity in a new country, but we don’t have the resources to investigate it fully”.

“We know there’s a great opportunity in a new market, but we don’t have any networks there and developing themseems like an enormous task”?

International Business Development

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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We hear these sentiments from clients often. Companies are constantly seeking to replicate their home-country success in new

geographies. But each country’s market is unique and has its own economic, demographic, cultural, business etiquette and

regulatory factors to contend with. International enterprises often find that, despite investing millions, success is elusive in a

particular country if they do not read the pulse of the market correctly. Successfully entering a new international market requires

a strategic approach, and developing and implementing a good strategy can present big challenges, even for successful mid-

market firms.

BRIGHT Indonesia provide an assistance to the enterprise whenever they want to establish a a presences in Indonesia, we

facilitate it by providing insight and in-depth information about Indonesia Market as well as preparing Indonesian Enterprise to

expand their markets abroad.

The Internalization process for a foreign institutions in Indonesia is challenging , therefore BRIGHT Indonesia introduce platform

for Global Institutions who is looking to develop their presences in Indonesia or vice versa. The partnership assistances are

explained as follows.BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected]

One Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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The assistances is advising the early entry approaches into the market comprising of several steps which

include :

1. General Target Market Information

2. Market Entry Strategy with 4 hours Individual Consultation with BRIGHT Indonesia Professional


3. Verified address and contact person of relevant partners and stakeholders in Indonesia ( local

companies , government agencies , Industry Associations and support services providers )

4. The Indonesian Local regulations to start up a business and international trade including export


5. Business Conferences , Exhibition , Trade Fairs and related MICE activities which suites the

companies need.

Approximately 5 – 10 page report with a focused information regarding the market segments of the

companies which will be send in three weeks after the enquiry agreements.

Overview Entry Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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The assistances will developt further in-depth report entry advices into the market which comprise several


• Market Intelligence and Research By developing a qualitative approaches to the markets , the

assistances will develop an insight report from an Interview with the related stakeholders (Associations

, government agencies ,Non Government Organizations , industry players and target customers) ,

Literature review from the primary and secondary sources ( Magazines , Newspaper , Official Data and

Statistics , Industry reports , conference proceedings , official data and statistics ). The research report

will develop further insight into the spesicific target markets for the company.

• Business Development Strategy with 10 hours Individual Consultation with BRIGHT Indonesia

Professional Strategist.

• Specific Insight boutique study with an analysis into particular sectors or specific products

Insight Entry Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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• Supply chain insight into Distribution channel along with relevant potential local partners as Joint

Venture , Distributors or Agents along with the specific industry support services providers i.e Logistics ,

brand consultant , virtual offices etc.

• International trade overview for the Export and Import perspective

• Financial and funding arrangement with the financial institutions including Banks , Insurances , Private

Equity and other related financial institutions.

• Specific conferences , exhibitions , trade fairs and another MICE related activities to the market.

• Integrated Marketing Communication recommendations for the specific market that our partners look


Approximately 30 – 40 page report with a tailor made comprehensive and holistic information regarding

the market segments of the companies which will be send in seven weeks after the enquiry agreements.

Insight Entry Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 12: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

International Business Development


The Assistances intends to acquire the most right and proper partners to fulfill your institutions goals. To

find a reliable partner is very challenging since Indonesian put more emphasis on personal relationships

and less formal business agreements. Qualified local partners will not take international institutions

seriously unless they make commitment to visiting the market into regular basis. Patiences , persistences

and presence are key success factors on the Indonesian Market Entry Strategies. To confirm an eminence

and reliability of potential partners , the arrangements will be develop into three steps.

1. Knowledge Insight

A. 4 hours Individual consultations with the company representative to enhance BRIGHT Indonesia

knowledge on the clients need and strategy.

B. Extensive Marketing leads of a Local partners and service providers.

C. Introduction of the clients products and companies to the identified local partners and services


D. Short list of companies to be choosen by the clients

Business Partnership Arrangement

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 13: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

International Business Development


2. Business Meeting Development

A. Organize a meeting and meeting plan

B. Meetings advisory agenda with specific communication assistances to help clients understand local

working culture and means of communication.

3. Business Follow Up Assistances

Meetings result follow up with BRIGHT Indonesia act as liaison between clients and its specific

partners. Critical point in this steps is to ensure that the clients able to have a reliable partners to ensure

the business is delivered safely , the possible arrangement include the assistance into the business deals

and delivery until the specific target of the clients is achievable.

Business Partnership Arrangement

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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Registration of foreign business into Indonesia is sometimes complicated and it require 60 days to start a

business in Indonesia. Therefore we are able assist the international companies development in Indonesia

for both the institutions and the personal members of the institutions. There were several services that

BRIGHT Indonesia serve to clients :

i. Permanent Company Registration Services

The services is tailor made to set up a limited liability company in Indonesia. The license as a limited

liability corporation allows the International Partner to run full scale operations in Indonesia , 100 percent

of ownership except on several industry sectors along with the license to earn revenue and pay dividends

in Indonesia.

Business Registration Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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ii. Representatives Offices Registration Services

The services is tailor made for the company which prefer to have a local presentation in Indonesia but with

a lesser degree of involvement. The license allow the company to hire local and International employees

while no foreign ownerships and capital requirements needed but it did not allow the company collect

revenue stream inside Indonesia

iii. Visa and Work Permits

The services include the need for a personal requirement for an individuals to enter Indonesian market. It

includes Business Visa , Temporary Residence Card along with Permanent Residences or Retirement Visa.

Business Registration Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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iv. Business License Registration

It is issued by the Investment agency to the foreign owned enterprise as an Operating permit to conduct

commercial business activities in the field of Goods and Services Trade.

v. Import License Registration

Obtain an import license is needed to import goods into Indonesian Markets. License are limited to a

particular industry sectors and do not permit product imports which is not related to the respectives

industry sectors.

vi. Product License Registration

Product license such as IPR is obtained by the registration of a specific products and protection on

previous use for unregistered trademark is unavailable. A IPR license in Indonesia is valid for 10 years and

renewable upon further notices. The other product license need is Medical Devices , Cosmetic , Food and

Drug registrations.

Business Registration Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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No matter how well one prepares forand funds market entry into the emerging markets, results are often

underwhelming. Demand may be smaller than anticipated, competition more fierce, suppliers less

professional, customers less trustworthy, your partner less well connected, and authorities less supportive.

BRIGHT Indonesia works with our Partner to enter the Indonesian market and grow businesses quickly

minimizing risk and initial capital investment. We develop and deliver winning strategies to accelerate

business growth in Indonesia. Our business development and growth strategies are anchored by deep

functional and product, process and service-industry experience.

Growth Development

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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BRIGHT Indonesia helps our partners build competitive capabilities that deliver value while allowing

companies to operate profitably and invest in the future. We understand different industry trends and

challenges to develop winning strategies and execute on behalf of our clients.

• Create and implement marketing and sales programs

• Translate products and campaigns into Indonesian context

• In Country Representative office

• Deliver general execution and on ground support

• Assisting you during the negotiation process until finalization of a contract

Growth Development

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 19: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


The founders of Modern Democracy foresaw the consequences of government decisions and provided a

Constitutional right for the people to petition their government. This right has evolved into today’s role of

government relations, providing all people and organizations with the opportunity to directly interact and

establish relationships with those in government whose decisions directly affect everyday lives.

BRIGHT Indonesia job is to know who will make those key decisions and what will drive them. We make

certain that our clients are in the best possible position to shape those decisions and directly impact the

ultimate outcome. Modern technology and a 7-days / 24-hour news cycle plays a large part in the

relationship between the governing and the governed. We offer advice and counsel on how your issues

may be perceived in Jakarta and throughout the nation. Therefore we provide our clients with some of the

advise below :

Government Relations Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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1. Lobbying

Based on significant experience and expertise, BRIGHT Indonesia designs effective strategies to help

clients navigate the Indonesian government and achieve legislative and/or regulatory goals. We put our

understanding of the political and policy-making process to work for our clients, and help them implement

the strategic plan through targeted interaction with the Indonesia policy makers.

2. Intelligence Gathering

BRIGHT Indonesia brings a strong background and experience across a wide range of issues. We maintain

tremendous working relationships at all levels of government and with both political parties. As such, we

regularly work with our clients to gather information and intelligence on relevant issues and work with

them to design and execute precise strategies.

Government Relations Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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3. Coalition Management

Few interests undertake issue campaigns alone. Finding allies and working with them in an organized

fashion is central to influencing legislation and regulation. Democracy moves when large numbers of

people combine to make the case together. BRIGHT Indonesia understands this well and has developed

an expertise in coalition management. From Education to Transportation , BRIGHT Indonesia has led the

efforts of many organizations. United for common purpose and with clear joint communications, the

coalitions have been models of efficiency and effectiveness. Reputable enterprises need steady hands at

the helm. BRIGHT Indonesia has offered that repeatedly and is eager to take on more.

4. Forecast and Analysis

Government decisions are influenced by a number of factors domestically and internationally. These

factors cover a wide spectrum of issues including global economics, international governing bodies,

national media and, most importantly, domestic politics.

Government Relations Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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Our goal is to gather insight from reliable sources and provide our clients with information and analysis

that is prompt and meticulous. Using trusted sources and our experience, we provide accurate information

so that you can make timely decisions.

5. Strategic Counsel

Seeing an issue through another set of eyes provides perspective.Our straightforward, personal advice is

designed to help you make tactical decisions by knowing what motivates the forces of politics and policy,

which will ultimately affect the outcome of issues that will impact your organization.

6. Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement

To established their presences in Indonesia , Global Institutions need to know and understand the local

players. Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project you undertake or issue you

face as an organisation.

Government Relations Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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By engaging the right people in the right way, you can signifi cantly impact your success rate.

BRIGHT Indonesia works with clients to deliver:

• Stakeholder mapping

• Engagement and working with difficult to access and remote stakeholders, including in fragile and

conflict affected areas

• Materiality analyses, network analyses

• Stakeholder engagement strategy design and toolbox development

• Facilitating constructive dialogue between stakeholders

• Understanding and mitigating the local and social impact of organizational operations

Government Relations Assistances

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 24: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Our Education SpecializationIn this past few years , One of our key focus areas is in the Education Industry. Indonesian needs to develop its potential and

human capital development plays an important role. Therefore we are bridging several Global Education institutions into

Indonesian Market. We are assisting and represent several Global Institutions in Indonesia. Some of the institutions are

Educluster Finland , University of Jyvaskyla , Haaga Helia University , Lahti University , Jonkoping University and Linnaeus

University etc.

Our Indonesian Education Landscape

Demographically Indonesia is young nation , has a growin middle class and does not face the issues related to ballooning elderly

populations confronted by countries such as Japan , Taiwan , South Korea and Now China. The economy is the biggest

proportion in South East Asia with 40% and it has enjoying strong GDP growth of between 5-6,5% for over a decade. Observers

which include McKinsey predict that the number of families with household incomes exceeding USD 10.000 will double by 2020 ,

while average disposable incomes are expected to increase at 3-5% annually.All the factors mentione above made Indonesia of

particular strategic importance to regional neighbours , in addition to global partners with major developed countries.BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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In 2016 alone , there will be 6,7 Higher Education Students with every year around 1 million new University Graduates will look

for work ( Central Bureau of Statistics , 2015) . It is estimated that 74,650 will go abroad for a better quality education , an

increase from 62,480 in 2015 ( Institut for International Education , 2015 ). It shows that Indonesia is a growing market for the

International Education providers in terms of Student Recruitment.the IIE also predict that the annual growth will rise between

10 -15 years. Especially after the government follow the steps Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Scholarship and Brazil’s Science

Without Border , however their steps provide more sustainable , prudence and averse the risk since they established an

endowment fund trust instead of just national budget allocations like other countries.

The same report indicated that in 2020 , with 7,8 million Higher Education students Indonesia will became the fifth largest higher

education system after China , India , USA and Brazil. The fact that 260 Million Indonesian population is actually the fourth in the

world provide an assumptions that Indonesia will surpass Brazil after 2020.

In 2016 , 90 % Indonesian studying abroad are self funded. This student group finance their education privately with financial

support from their parents or assistance from overseas relatives (IIE,2015).BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected]

One Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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The remaining 10 percents are financed by different grants from national or international institutions where the National

Education Development Endowment Fund Agency (LPDP) provide 4,500 scholarships and will rise 500 every year. BRIGHT

Indonesia has been engage with the relevant Indonesian Government department to raise the profile of our partner higher

education institutions for these scholarships.

Sub Sector Best Prospects :

The majority of students from Indonesia study at the undergraduate level ( 68,4 %) , followed by the graduate level (19,3%) ,

other level (2,9%) and OPT (Optional Practice Training) level (9,4%). Field of interest are in mostly Business & Management ,

Science and Technology and Social Sciences. Among all of the departments International Relations / Studies is the fastest

growing programs among Indonesian.


A recent survey conducted by a leading newspaper shows that most students perceive academic institutions in the Developed

world ( OECD member countries ) as offering the highest quality of education compared to academic institution in other

countries.BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected]

One Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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Global Education providers institutions will be more visible in the Indonesian market through building partnership Indonesia

Education institutions , participation in education fairs and/or by working with student recruitment agencies. Nowadays since

most of the future undergraduate students came from a generations which is known as a Millennial generations , social media

and digital interaction play an important role on engaging the new generations of prospective Indonesian students.

Recruitment agencies are popular with prospective indonesian students and their parents as they serve as “one-stop-shops” for

applying to schools and provide service like asssisting with visa applications and arranging travel and accomodations.

Partnership with Indonesian Higher Education institutions is needed since to compete with the rising standard of higher

education in Indonesia along with providing more access to Indonesian who prefer to study abroad due to personal,

psychological , family or financial issues. Global Education Provider need to have an Indonesian partner which able to offer them

the home comfortness as well as valuable living allowances.

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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International Business Development


Some of the partnership available are in the area of Management Contract / Franchise arrangement , Dual Degree / Joint

Programme , Student Exchange or Short Course program. The other benefit for a partnership with Indonesian Higher Education

Institutions is your institutions able to make your brand strong among Indonesian as well as they can be a good partner when

you are looking to provide your products for the government or national companies related contracts.

Corporate and Public Contracts hold great potential for growth. The revival of Executive Education , Management Training which

has gained favour as companies have become more confident in the global economic recovery , has begun to spread in

Indonesia. The Ministry of Education will overhaul the K12 education systems which make training and development program

from public sector arose. School of Government and Public Policy ( www.sgpp.ac.id ) is one of the newly established Public

Policy schools when they hired Erhard Friedberg , former head of Science Po Public Policy program as its founding Dean. In

which they replicate the program with almost all the same professors between Science Po and SGPP. It is also noted that British

Council in their Going Global 2012 report , pinpointed that Indonesia as a country has great potential with regards to

Transnational Education (TNE) provision , despite currently having a legislative framework that has “not proved conducive to

facilitating TNE initiatives from overseas providers”.BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected]

One Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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However British Council predicts that “ Indonesia will become an increasingly important player in the global tertiary education

sector,” with “significant TNE opportunity” in the near-term future. Specifically, British Council suggest that the best , perhaps

only , way into the domestic Indonesian education market is in partnership with local institutions.

Our Specialized Services to the Education SectorProviding education-related companies strategic advice and practical assistance with Indonesian Education decision-makers to

develop solutions for today's education challenges.

BRIGHT Indonesia possesses significant expertise and experience representing a wide variety of education clients including

non-profit institutions of higher education and affiliated foundations, for-profit education providers, networks of innovative

elementary and secondary schools, non-profit education organizations and leading technology providers. Our professionals

provide strategic counsel across the broad range of issues in education policy utilizing an in-depth understanding of substance

and legislative processes coupled with political savvy to achieve our clients' long-term objectives.

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 30: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


The Indonesian government is looking for innovative ideas from universities and any other education

institutions to accomplish its overarching R&D goals. Within the education segment, too many education

institutions are not competing effectively for the important funding and partnerships that can elevate their


Qualified Institutions able to compete for Indonesian funding opportunities with a strategic program that

matches their qualifications with Indonesian Government needs. An effective program will:

• Identify and evaluate all current (and possibly potential) university capabilities

• Identify government programs (across all agencies and departments) where the institutions capabilities

(and competitive advantage) offers a solution to present needs

• Identify Indonesian Government needs not currently addressed in established government programs

(create new programs where Indonesian Government policy makers should consider an expansion or

enhancement to be in the national interest)

Government Relations

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 31: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


• Create compelling grant applications

• Recruit strong, long-term supporters and validators

• Policy Analysis and message development

• Build on a record of success

BRIGHT Indonesia helps Education Stakeholders create and implement strategic programs that articulate

their strengths, identify highly valuable Indonesian government opportunities and compete successfully for


Government Relations

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 32: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Third parties and middle men such as Education Agents, High School Counselors and Independent

Education Consultant play an important role on the development of Indonesian presences for the Global

Education Industry. They are the one who influences the potential students and in asian culture , their

parents, into their college of choices. Therefore it is important to develop a good engagement strategy into

their market.

For several higher education institutions , it will be a high cost investment to provide one person who must

be responsible for one Indonesian Markets. Indonesian market is so big which the distances is the same

size like Europe an Continents. Global Education institutions need a knowledgeable local partners to be

success in the market.

Therefore we provide a services that will develop benefit for their financial management issues as well as

stretching our experiences in the Market Entry Development Specialist.

Direct Enrollment Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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With BRIGHT Indonesia we provide several services to our partners to develop their presence in Indonesia


• Development and Execution of a Student Recruitment Strategy

• Development of a Student Recruitment Network through Education Agents , Independent Student

Advisory Consultants as well as High School Counselors in which we also provide assessing, consulting,

and training solutions.

• Agency Communication and Marketing Solutions in which we create additional solutions to make

proactive contact with agents. BRIGHT Indonesia has a deep understanding of how agents think and

make decisions. We analyze their behavior, not intentions. Using all this knowledge, BRIGHT Indonesia

can create a smart content to make them choose your “institution” over others.

• Agency Administration Solutions where we receive applications directly from agent network along with

handle transfer or translation of application and associated documentation.

Direct Enrollment Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

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• Agency Performance Solution to deliver a responsible connection into the agency in order to cultivate

the best relationship and results.

• Education Counselor and Independent Consultant Relations where building relationship and cultivate a

mutual interest in order to influences them to send students into your respective institutions.

• Specific tailor made Project Management Program for each institutions needs in Indonesia.

Direct Enrollment Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 35: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Trans National Education is the current emerging trends that is arose from the global education needs and

issues. Partnership Development with local institutions play an important role on developing a sustainable

presences for your institutions in Indonesia.

Indonesia have around 3.000 higher education institutions but not all of them is capable on developing a

sustainable partnership with Global Education Institutions. Therefore we provide a cutting edge selection

process on finding the right partners for our clients.

We provide a services on arranging an education partnership between our global education partners and

our selected local partners which include Top 11 Public Universities.

Partnership Development Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 36: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Our team consist of the Graduates from the most selective and prestigious Universities in Indonesia which

provide a leverage and privilege into develop cooperations with Indonesian partners. Some of our

assistance are on this respective area :

• In Country Representative Offices

• Joint / Dual Degree

• Student Exchange /Study Abroad / Sandwich Program

• Faculty / Researcher Exchange

• Exchange of publications and other academic information

• Summer School

• Internship Program

• Curriculum Development

• Distance Education / Online Learning

Partnership Development Solutions

• Short Course / Training

• Branch Campus

• Transaction Advisory

• Management Contract / Franchise

• Corporate Partnership with Major

National /Multinational Companies

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 37: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Internationalization is a great way for an institution to expand its footprints in foreign land while providing

high value to its students and faculty. In a highly-connected world, this will allow your institutions to

transcend cultural and geographical boundaries and gain significant brand value via international student

and faculty exchange programs.

Internationalization will bring forth new challenges and opportunities to your students and faculty. There is

an increasing demand in student expectations for ‘borderless’ education and attractive global faculty.

Therein lays the opportunity for your institution to become a culturally vibrant, internationally connected

education hub working with the most talented academicians in the world.

BRIGHT Indonesia unique way of synergizing clients in Indonesia Education internationally can transform

the fortunes for them.

Internationalization Strategy

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 38: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


With the competence of understanding the needs of the Indonesian Education Institutions, we guide them

by providing a prolific academic search of scores of universities across the globe for various types of tie-

ups. Backing it with post-dealing integration and other means, we look for providing the best possible

resources to cater the needs of our clients successfully. Our research results can help universities in

building long-term partnerships and have a sustainable internationalization transformation. We are

focusing on two most important challenges on Indonesia’s Higher Education Institutions :

• Geographical Mapping: We aim at targeting the perfect institution with client’s objectives and

preferences. Achieving internationalization transformation of clients with the right tie-ups is thus done

by geographically mapping and easily narrowing down the options for them promptly.

• Institutional Synergies: We initiate active conversation with the target institution to create compelling

value proposition for engaged long term partnership with our Indian clients.

Internationalization Strategy

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 39: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


BRIGHT Indonesia aligns your institution’s internationalization strategy with opportunities like:

• Joint / Dual Degree

• Student Exchange /Study Abroad / Sandwich Program

• Faculty / Researcher Exchange

• Exchange of publications and other academic information

• Summer School

• Internship Program

• Curriculum Development

Internationalization Strategy

• Distance Education / Online Learning

• Short Course / Training

• Branch Campus

• Transaction Advisory

• Management Contract / Franchise

• Corporate Partnership with Major

National /Multinational Companies

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 40: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Indonesian is a very diverse nation and wide market country where the distances and cultural might

become a problem. The Distance between westernmost and easternmost point of the country is the same

such as London to Moscow distance or Vancouver to Miami to put it into perspective. The differences is so

stark which make every city have their own unique characteristics. For instances , Even though that

Malang and Surabaya is only 2 hours closed and both are mostly Javanese Ethnic majority but the soft

spokenness of Malangese and the straightforwardness of Surabayan will develope a different negotiation

approaches. Therefore what is work in One city might not work into another cities.

To have an events in Indonesia major cities will be a challenging task for global education instititutions ,

BRIGHT Indonesia provide a wide boutique tailor made solutions for every clients in their event

management needs.

Event and Engagement Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 41: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


Consequently we prefer to assist our clients on one on one basis. We specialized our services on two

events :

• On Campus Engagement Events

During this event we provide an exclusive sessions for Global Education Institutions to promote and

provide an information sessions into the targeted institutions. Mostly are Top Public Schools ,

International Schools , Top Public and Private Universities which have a large population Social Economic

Students A+ students profile or Highly Selected Students who are qualified for the Scholarship awardees.

• Off the Campus Engagement Events

Coffee Chat and Info Session in major hotel and restaurants along with the Exhibition Fairs in the Major

Convention Center is the most common way on engage future potential students globally.

Event and Engagement Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 42: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


We provide a unique a value added solutions for our clients by engage them with the Indonesian youth and

young professional communities since we believe the focused community outreach is very important to

engage potential students in a very communal society like Indonesia. This prove crucial for the Graduate

and Postgraduate Market since we need to tap the entry level young professional as our future potential


• Online Engagement Events

Indonesia is one of the most technology and social media savvy nations in the world . Indonesia is always

in the Global Top 5 users of major social media platform such as Facebook , Instagram , Linked In or

Twitter. Not to mention any other platform such as telegram and Whats App. We provide a social

engagement strategy and execution with our selected social media specialist as our selected partners.

Event and Engagement Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 43: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


The Online Engagement is important role to engage the students since we believe human needs human

connection before they trust someone else and therefore student needs a human connection before they

make a education decision , which is one of the most important decision in their lives.

• Business to Business Partnership Events

When it comes to your business event, being live offers the potential to do truly remarkable things. To be

bold. To be unexpected. To be extraordinary. To inspire others so they talk about their experience for years

to come. But remarkable events don’t just happen.

For some partners who are looking for a Institutional Partners for a Trans National Education Partnership ,

Building a good brand which will be able to build a connection with the specific targeted partners is

important in Indonesia.

Event and Engagement Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 44: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


However engage a High Level Decision Makers in Business to Business Market is challenging especially in

the close knit community like Indonesia where connection is important. Our team consist of several people

who graduated from Indonesia’s most respectable institutions along with a wide network of potential

partners due to their professional experiences and social activities.

Providing a Unique B2B events is challenging as well since most people does not want to attend a regular

seminar but more on a tailor made events which is suitable for them.

Event and Engagement Solutions

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 45: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


GANESHA Partnership Program• Country Engagement and Development Plan for 3 years• Intensive Liaison with stakeholders such as goverments , student advisory firm ,

agents, universities, schools and alumni.• Event support and preparation• Comprehensive institutional partnership development.• Identification of new opportunities.• Strategic plan execution assistance and Follow up with opportunities enquirers.• Counselling and advice to the partnership prospects.• Arranging institutional visits to Indonesian Stakeholders• Attendance of events when the schedule allows.• Half Year Country update reports.• Overview and management by experienced professional experts.• Excluding Travel and Promotional Cost

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 46: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile

BRIGHT GLOBAL EDUCATION SOLUTIONSSARASWATI Partnership Program• De Facto In Country Representative Office• A dedicated staff for the respective University partner• Country Engagement and Development Plan for 3 years• Intensive Liaison with stakeholders such as goverments , student advisory firm ,

agents, universities, schools and alumni.• Event and Engagement Arrangement• Comprehensive institutional partnership development.• Proactive Search and Identification of new opportunities.• Strategic plan execution assistance and Follow up with opportunities enquirers.• Counselling and advice to the partnership prospects.• Arranging institutional visits to Indonesian Stakeholders• Attendance of every events for the respective partner.• 5 day a week ( 48 week a year availability )• Quarterly Country update reports.• Overview and management by experienced professional experts.• Excluding Travel and Promotional Cost

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 47: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia

Page 48: BRIGHT Indonesia Profile


We intent to cooperate with any organization for contribute in the development of Indonesia

through its young people and entrepreneurs.

For further information, please contact:

Bram Suryo Kusumo+6281802400030

[email protected]

Primadi Wahyuwidagdo+628122813539

[email protected]

BRIGHT Indonesia | [email protected] Pacific Place, Level 11, Sudirman Central Business District (SCBD)

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190 Indonesia