Bright Stars of Christmas© Bright Stars of Christmas© Page 1 ©Copyright DramaShare® 1994 Complete drama presentation for Sunday School use. We have created recitations, dramas, monologues and choral speaking pieces to be used in a wide range of age groups. Evening begins: Children enter via rear stairs through baptismal area, ending up in an Upper Stage Left position behind the Star screen, (which has a star shaped opening at child height). Each child will be lead to the spot where they can be seen by the audience through the "star". Leader is out of sight, holds the child's hand as words to "We Welcome You To A Night For Stars", are spoken by narrator off stage. As each child completes his/her part, child is lead to spot at Upper Stage Right, behind screen, where children remain until all children have been "stars". (Have enough leaders that there will be minimal empty spots between performances). (If more parts are needed the Third and/or Fifth Child's lines can be divided). Following the last child's performance all children will be led to Down Stage Center where all children stand in a line, tallest children in middle, smaller at outside positions for "An Exercise for the Audience". WE WELCOME YOU TO A NIGHT FOR STARS First Child: We welcome you to a night for stars. Second Child: We're sure you'll like it lots! Third Child: We've practiced hard and we've learned our stuff. Fourth Child: Pretty good, huh, for tiny tots! Fifth Child: So sit back now: parent, friend or stranger Sixth Child: As we tell how a star high above, Seventh Child: It the way to the tiny manger, Eighth Child: And the birth of the Jesus we love! AN EXERCISE FOR THE AUDIENCE Children standing in a straight row across the stage at Down Stage Center position with leaders beside and behind. Narrator: Tonight you need to sit real quiet, we know that's hard for adults to do. So we've got a helpful exercise, we think it'll really help you! So now all you people in the audience with us, To help you sit quiet, so you won't fuss.

Bright Stars of Christmas - dramashare.org stars of christmas.pdf · monologues and choral speaking pieces to be used in a wide range of age groups. Evening begins: Children enter

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Page 1: Bright Stars of Christmas - dramashare.org stars of christmas.pdf · monologues and choral speaking pieces to be used in a wide range of age groups. Evening begins: Children enter

Bright Stars of Christmas©

Bright Stars of Christmas© Page 1 ©Copyright DramaShare® 1994

Complete drama presentation for Sunday School use. We have created recitations, dramas, monologues and choral speaking pieces to be used in a wide range of age groups. Evening begins: Children enter via rear stairs through baptismal area, ending up in an Upper Stage Left position behind the Star screen, (which has a star shaped opening at child height). Each child will be lead to the spot where they can be seen by the audience through the "star". Leader is out of sight, holds the child's hand as words to "We Welcome You To A Night For Stars", are spoken by narrator off stage. As each child completes his/her part, child is lead to spot at Upper Stage Right, behind screen, where children remain until all children have been "stars". (Have enough leaders that there will be minimal empty spots between performances). (If more parts are needed the Third and/or Fifth Child's lines can be divided). Following the last child's performance all children will be led to Down Stage Center where all children stand in a line, tallest children in middle, smaller at outside positions for "An Exercise for the Audience". WE WELCOME YOU TO A NIGHT FOR STARS First Child: We welcome you to a night for stars. Second Child: We're sure you'll like it lots! Third Child: We've practiced hard and we've learned our stuff. Fourth Child: Pretty good, huh, for tiny tots! Fifth Child: So sit back now: parent, friend or stranger Sixth Child: As we tell how a star high above, Seventh Child: It the way to the tiny manger, Eighth Child: And the birth of the Jesus we love! AN EXERCISE FOR THE AUDIENCE Children standing in a straight row across the stage at Down Stage Center position with leaders beside and behind. Narrator: Tonight you need to sit real quiet, we know that's hard for adults to do. So we've got a helpful exercise, we think it'll really help you! So now all you people in the audience with us, To help you sit quiet, so you won't fuss.

Page 2: Bright Stars of Christmas - dramashare.org stars of christmas.pdf · monologues and choral speaking pieces to be used in a wide range of age groups. Evening begins: Children enter

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Join with us now, hold your hands out straight. All leaders and children hold hands out straight in front of body. That's it! You guys are doing great! Now tonight when you think we're being good girls and boys, All leaders and children clap hands together in applause Move your hands back and forth, make lots of noise! Leaders lead 2's and 3's off Downstage Right, out side doors of sanctuary, taking them to their Sunday School room. Ages 4 - 5 Children come down rear stairs through baptismal area, ending up in an Upper Stage Left position behind the Star screen, (which has a star shaped opening at child height). Each child will be lead by the hand to the spot where they can be seen by the audience through the "star". Leader is out of sight, stands holding child's hand as recitations are spoken by the child. We recommend that slides be made up showing the words to each child's part, this would be projected against the wall behind the child to ensure that the audience understands the words. Leader must be ready to assist child with lines. As each child completes his/her part, leader leads child to a spot at Upper Stage Right, still behind screen, where these children will remain until all children have been "stars". (Try to have as many leaders and/or helpers as possible in order that there will be minimal empty spots between individual performances). Following the last child's performance as a "star", all children will be led to a Down Stage Center position in front of screen, where all children stand in a line, tallest children in middle, smaller at outside positions. Leaders will stand behind the children to help singing "Away in a Manger". First Child: Christmas is a time we love. A happy time throughout the earth. Second Child: But Christmas is a time of God, The precious time of Jesus' birth. Third Child: We want tonight to be so special! A happy evening you'll enjoy. Fourth Child: We bring the news of Christ the King, Who came to earth a Baby Boy. Fifth Child: I love all things at Christmas time,

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I love the visits to the store. Sixth Child: I love the story of the manger, I love Jesus, even more! Seventh Child: I wonder just what it was like, A baby in a stable born. Eighth Child: We want to sing a song for you, To welcome Him on Christmas morn. All children come out front and sing first verse of "Away In A Manger". As leaders lead 4's and 5's off Downstage Right, out side doors of sanctuary, taking them to their Sunday School room, a slide projected on rear wall invites audience to join in on second verse of Away In A Manger. THE NAME WE LOVE The children come down the rear stairs through the baptismal area, ending up in an Upper Stage Left position behind the Star screen, (which has a star shaped opening at child height). Each child will be lead by the hand to the spot where they can be seen by the audience through the "star". Leader is out of sight and stands holding the child's hand as the words to "A Manger Song", are spoken by the child. We recommend that slides be made up showing the words to each child's part, this would be projected against the wall behind the child to ensure the audience understands the words. Leader must be ready to assist child with lines. As each child completes his/her part, leader leads child to a spot at Upper Stage Right, still behind screen, where these children will remain until all children have been "stars". (Try to have as many leaders and/or helpers as possible in order that there will be minimal empty spots between individual performances). Following the last child's performance as a "star", all children will be led to a Down Stage Center position in front of screen where all children stand in a line, tallest children in middle, smaller at outside positions. Children will sing first verse of "Silent Night". As children leave from Downstage Right through side door, a slide will invite congregation to stand and sing verses two and three of Silent Night. FIRST CHILD: A shining star, clear and bright Shone in the sky that Christmas night. SECOND CHILD: The star shone down upon the earth, Showing men the Savior’s birth. THIRD CHILD: In a manger, in the hay, A Baby Boy was born that day. FOURTH CHILD: Shepherds came to praise the child, To see the Baby, meek and mild.

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FIFTH CHILD: Wise Men, too, their gifts they gave, To Him, the Child, who came to save. SIXTH CHILD: And so today we too would bring Our gifts of praises to our King. Lead children to Downstage Center to sing first verse of Silent Night, exit Downstage Right. Congregation sings verse two. Children go to their Sunday School room. Grade 2 Children come down rear stairs through baptismal area, ending up at Downstage Center in front of the Star screen, (which now has the star shaped opening covered from inside). Children stand in a line: tallest children in middle, smaller at outside positions. Children will do this recitation complete with actions. We recommend that slides be made up showing the words to the recitation, this would be displayed against the wall behind the children to ensure that audience understands the words. Leaders must be ready to assist children with lines. This segment can be done by five children who will deliver all portions of the message: the letter and it's meaning and also the bible verse associated it with it. Alternatively, this segment can be done by ten children with the first child delivering the letter and meaning and the second child delivering the bible verse. Where the number of children is between five and ten there will need to be doubling up of roles. As the person delivers the letter and meaning s/he will show the letter and place it on a hook or shelf on the screen behind. Following the children's performance they will sing first verse of "The First Nowell". As children leave from Downstage Right through side door, a slide will invite congregation to stand and sing verses two of The First Nowell. First Child: J is for Jesus who came from above to give us peace, and hope and love. Second Child: She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will

save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21 Third Child: E is for Earth, the place of Jesus' birth. Fourth Child: And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda:

for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel. Matthew 2:6 Fifth Child: S is for Star, that guided wise men from afar. Sixth Child: Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and

are come to worship him. Matthew 2:2 Seventh Child: U is for Us; Emmanuel means "God with us." Eighth Child: Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call

his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

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Ninth Child: S is for Son: God's son Jesus, his only one. Tenth Child: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall

overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35

Children sing first verse of The First Nowell, exit Downstage Right. Congregation sings verse two Grade 3 This recitation has four parts however additional parts can easily be added to expand the number of participants. Four children, dressed as angels, enter, in order, from backstage, cross to Centerstage. After First Child completes recitation, s/he moves to Upstage left position, in front of screen. Second Child enters and, after completing recitation, moves to Upstage Right position in front of screen. Third Child enters, recites and moves to Upstage Center position in front of screen. After Fourth Child recites, other three will join Fourth Child at Centerstage, where they will sing first verse of O Little Town of Bethlehem. FIRST CHILD: "And there were in the same country shepherds, abiding in the field, keeping

watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

SECOND CHILD: And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings

of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ, the Lord.

THIRD CHILD: And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in

swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

FOURTH CHILD: And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven,

the shepherds said to one another, "Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which has come to pass, which the Lord has made known unto us.

Children sing first verse of O Little Town of Bethlehem, exit Downstage Right. Congregation sings verse two. Grades 4 - 6 THE CHRISTMAS GIVERS

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Choral Speaking This offering could become a class project with all participants bringing, and encouraging others to bring, non-perishable food items for The Pantry and/or clothing for the Clothes Closet. There could be one or more representatives from each class who would be the spokesperson and who would lead their own class, who bring real gifts for the Pantry and the Closet. Children will come on stage from both rear doors of the sanctuary, led by the spokespersons for each class. The Spokespersons would introduce themselves and their class, offer a Bible verse, followed by the next class. After all classes had been introduced, the groceries and clothing would be set down under the star backdrop. In addition to the class spokespersons, there will be one overall spokesperson chosen from all Grades 4 through 6 Boys and Girls classes. This person will lead all participants on stage and will introduce the project, then step aside while all others announce their individual classes. Following the individual class introductions, the Overall Spokesperson will close and will lead all participants off stage, exit through sanctuary using both back doors to foyer. Overall Spokesperson: Hi, my name is _____________________. I have been chosen

spokesperson for our Grades 4, 5 and 6 Boys and Girls Sunday School classes for a project which we call The Christmas Givers. Our classes have worked hard during the last few weeks on a project of giving to those less fortunate than ourselves. As many of you may know, our church has a Pantry for food and a Clothes Closet for clothing for people in our community who may need a little help, particularly at the Christmas season. So our classes have been collecting donations of food and clothing to help these people. Each of our classes will introduce themselves and later I will tell you how you, too, can be a Christmas Giver. First we have ______________ who will introduce his / her class.

Grade 4 Girls class form a straight line at Downstage Center. Spokesperson for Grade 4 Girls Class: Hi, my name is ______________ and this is our Grade

4 Girls Sunday School Class. It has been really great being a Christmas Giver, especially knowing that since God has given so much, we are able to give to others. We would like to share a Bible verse with you which talks about giving to others.

ALL IN UNISON: "The King will reply, `I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the

least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40 Grade 4 Girls class place their gifts under the Star backdrop then move back to form a straight line at Centerstage. Spokesperson for Grade 4 Girls Class: Next we have _______________ who will introduce

the Grade 4 & 5 Boys class. Grade 4 & 5 Boys class form a straight line at Downstage Center.

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Spokesperson for Grade 4 & 5 Boys Class: Hi, my name is ______________ and this is our Grade 4 & 5 Boys Sunday School Class. I never realized that giving could be so much fun until we became Christmas Givers. It really feels good to know that someone else will be having a good meal or wearing warm clothing because of this project. We too have a Bible verse for you.

ALL IN UNISON: And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones

because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward." Matthew 10:42

Grade 4 & 5 Boys class place their gifts under the Star backdrop then move back to form a straight line at Centerstage behind Grade 4 Girls class. Spokesperson for Grade 4 & 5 Boys Class: Next we have _______________ who will introduce the Grade 5 and 6 Girls class. Grade 5 & 6 Girls class form a straight line at Downstage Center. Spokesperson for Grade 5 & 6 Girls Class: Hi, my name is ______________ and this is our Grade

5 & 6 Girls Sunday School Class. I'd like to thank everyone who helped us by donating food and clothing for our Christmas Givers project. We learned a lot about the kind of needs some others have, and that was a good experience for us. This is our Bible verse:

ALL IN UNISON: In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must

help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: `It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Acts 20:35

Grade 5 & 6 Girls class place their gifts under the Star backdrop then move back to form a straight line at Centerstage behind Grade 4 & 5 Boys class. Spokesperson for Grade 5 & 6 Girls Class: Next we have _______________ who will introduce the Grade 6 Boys class. Grade 6 Boys class form a straight line at Downstage Center. Spokesperson for Grade 6 Boys Class: Hi, my name is ______________ and this is our Grade

6 Boys Sunday School Class. I never realized how important it is to give to those who maybe don't have as much as us. The Christmas Givers project taught us a lot.

One thing it taught me was that we all have something to give to others. Our Bible verse talks about this:

ALL IN UNISON: We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is

prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let

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him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously Romans 12:6-8

Grade 6 Boys class place their gifts under the Star backdrop then move back to form a straight line at Centerstage behind Grade 5 & 6 Girls class. Spokesperson for Grade 5 & 6 Girls Class: Now (Overall Spokesperson) will close our Christmas Givers project. Overall Spokesperson: I would like to thank all of the members of the Grades 4 through 6

Boys and Girls Sunday School classes and our leaders for working so hard as Christmas Givers. I would especially like to thank our parents and people from the church who helped out and donated food and clothing. To those here tonight who have not had an opportunity to help out in our Pantry or our Clothes Closet, we extend an invitation to you to become Christmas Givers. Just drop off a donation of non-perishable food or clean, usable clothing here at the church anytime or phone the church for pick-up. We enjoyed being Christmas Givers, we are sure that you will too! Now we want to leave you with a special Bible verse, just right for the Christmas season, and for all year round.

ALL IN UNISON: Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No

one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:11-12

The classes leave stage via Downstage Right and the side door Manger Scene - Teens Manger scene is on the upper stage, above the acting stage, in front of the cross, with access from a stairway up from baptismal. There is a small manger at Upperstage Center and bales of hay, (or equivalent) at Upperstage Left and Right. Mary comes on the Upperstage, sits motionless on bale at Stageright position as The Portrait of Mary is performed. (At this point the manger is covered with a dark cloth). A Portrait of Mary A Monologue Costumes There needs to be no special costuming, regular clothing is all that is required. Set No props required. Scene takes place at center Stage directly below overhead stage.

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Sound The actor should have a wireless mike in order that there will be free movement throughout the stage area. Lighting There should be just enough light so that the actor be seen. Actor must take care not to walk out of range of lighting. Stage Movements Actor should act from the sides of the picture frame, making brush stroke actions as moving through the monologue. Should look with pride at the "picture" as it progresses in the mind. Script Lights off, actor comes on stage. Actor walks about for a few seconds, looking at the picture frame from several vantage points. Looks around, surprised, suddenly "sees" the audience. Oh, you startled me, I didn't know anyone was here tonight. Seeing this empty picture frame made me think about painting a picture. Pauses, looks out into audience, chuckles). Oh no, don't get me wrong! I'm no artist! But I often do paint pictures in my mind. Don't you do that sometimes? I was just thinking about something that happened to me recently. Sometimes, when I'm doing my devotions I like to key in on characters in the Bible. But often I find it frustrating that so little information is available from which to draw. And I think, now if this was one of the major characters in Scripture it would be so much easier to document the life and the characteristics of that person. I have to struggle against getting lazy, leaving the "bit players" in the Bible and going to a major character, for instance a familiar one such as Peter. I like studying about Peter. I think that I have a pretty good idea about Peter's makeup and what makes him tick. The same is true of Mary, the mother of Jesus. I feel as though I am somehow, how would I describe it, somehow familiar with Mary. Recently I was at a kind of loss as to the next devotions project which I wanted to take on. So I got lazy. I decided I would study about one of the major characters in the Bible. Who better, I thought, than Mary, the mother of Jesus? The Bible is full of references to Mary, surely I can have an excellent study without a lot of extra work. (Laughs to self) Or at least so I thought! Probably like most people, I seemed to think I knew quite a lot about Mary. My mind seemed to hold a vivid impression of Mary, a kind of mental portrait of her. In my mind it seemed that the New Testament is full of references to Mary. But let me share with you the path I took and how a new portrait developed. A portrait of a Mary which I really had never known before developed as I

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researched her life. I just had a thought! Maybe we could go through this process together. We could try to paint a portrait, in word and in thought, of Mary, the mother of Jesus. So that we start with a fresh canvas, let's try to remove from our minds the traditional pictures of Mary which we have seen over the years. That way we can paint our own portrait, right here, from scratch. Just what would Mary's portrait look like if hung right here, on this wall? (Picks up palette and brush and goes over to where the picture frame hangs. With each new thought actor makes a few imaginary brush strokes in the frame.) I start by thinking, just exactly what do I really know about Mary? Who was she? What was unique about her? What were her strengths? Why was she chosen of God? And, maybe most importantly, what can I learn from her character which can help me be a better Christian? I always thought that the Bible was full of references to Mary, but I was in for a shock. I found to my surprise that Mary's name is mentioned only 19 times in scripture. Now to put that into context, I noticed that Mary Magdalene is mentioned 13 times and Mary the sister of Martha 11 times. That seems very strange, when in comparison to Mary, the other "Marys" seemed very much "bit players". It strikes me as I go through my Bible how so often the meaning of the name of a Biblical character "fits" the conduct and the makeup of the character. Example, Simeon means "harkening" or to "listen". Now that I can accept. Surely Simeon harkened, listened, waited for the coming of the Messiah. But in the case of Mary the name seems to me to be very totally wrong! The word Mary, in the original translation, means "rebellion". Rebellion? How inappropriate for what I believe, and what I have always understood about Mary! The few scripture references which we do find paint a portrait of Mary drawn with few strokes but revealing a woman of deep faith, a faith which matures from an obedient adolescent into a dutiful wife and mother, and from there into a widow of incredible strength. Paint Mary faithful, with just a dash of moldable nature. The portrait continues by showing that Mary, while entirely exceptional in her life and experiences, had a life not unlike others of her time, indeed not entirely unlike many women of today. She married at a young age and had a child. Her husband was a working man, a carpenter who earned a living for his family by the sweat of his brow. According to the standards of their society they were neither wealthy nor powerful. Paint Mary common, with just a hint of special nature. In her portrait, Mary's image is that of the wife and mother who was always there, when needed. In this day of severed and dysfunctional families we need a model of a someone who is always there. And Mary is always there. There even at the cross. Paint Mary dependable. Mary's portrait shows an open and attentive person. Each one of us comes into the world with the opportunity to serve God. Some may choose to disregard the call. Mary shows the way of one

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who was receptive and a good listener, open to the call of God. And Mary shows us the fruits of being open to the call of God. She found favor, she found the grace which affords joy, pleasure, delight. The spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace. (Hesitates, frowns). This portion of Mary's portrait causes me to examine my own image. How many times has God called me only to be put off by my response of false humility: I can't possibly do it, I'm not holy enough, or old enough, or wise enough, or pure enough. And how many times have I used an even better gimmick: playing deaf when God calls. Mary didn't play deaf, and she didn't try to float a story of how young and uneducated and unprepared she was. Let me remember, what was her response? “Let it be according to your word". Somehow I can't picture me with that response. But, paint Mary receptive to God's call. I have some problems with those who see Mary's portrait showing somehow a kind of "mini-god", one who could do no wrong. In the portrait of Mary I see a human person. I see someone who was "troubled", or "agitated", by the words of the angel. I see her and her husband who, in the second chapter of Luke "understood not". In spite of visits by angels and messages from shepherds, Wise Men, Simeon, Anna and others, she "understood not". I see a concerned and sometimes angry mother, one who scolded Jesus for staying behind at the temple. And I see a proud mother, human enough to urge her son to use His powers to turn the water into wine. In my mind the "humanness" of Mary, does nothing to limit her relevance, in fact it enhances her portrait. Paint Mary human. Her portrait shows that Mary accepted the will of God without knowing all the minor details. Where most of us would want to know "the rest of the story", Mary was told the big picture. She simply accepted that God's will was such that He would color in the details in due course. She had great belief, she placed confidence in the words of the angel. This was not a blind faith but rather an intellectual faith. If it were my portrait being painted, would my faith be one which would even approach this level of response? Paint Mary confident in the faithfulness of God. Mary's portrait shows that she considered herself unworthy. She talks about "her low estate", she lamented her moral littleness and her guilt. But in spite of her awareness of her unworthiness, this did not become a cop out in her service of God's will nor did it overrule her ability to be of service to God. Paint Mary humble. In this portrait Mary displays the magnificent works which God can accomplish through very ordinary people. I must constantly remind myself who this person, Mary, was. She was a very young child, uneducated, and unworldly. Yet when we read Mary's Carol, the Magnificat, it is obvious that this is not the words of an uneducated child. The beauty and the symbolism of the Magnificat would be attained only through great wisdom and understanding. Many theologians feel that the Magnificat had to be written by someone else, that it could not be an utterance of an uneducated child. This I find, inconsistent. Remember, we are considering the miracle of a virgin birth, the life of One who would perform numerous miracles, the One who would in fact even rise from the dead. And we get hung up over the belief that an utterance is out of place? (shakes head in disbelief, smiles knowingly). Paint Mary as a servant through whom God worked more than just one miracle.

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The portrait indicates that she was human to the core, but at the same time it displays that she represented purity, she was a virgin. I can see, and am thankful, that God can use sinners, but for his will to be accomplished He also requires those whose walk is blameless. Mary reserved herself for the task for which God had planned. Paint Mary pure. In the portrait I see Mary, the mother, loved by her son, Jesus. Even while His life was slipping away on the cross, Jesus showed the concern of a loving son. He asked John to look after Mary, to be her son. This has to be one of the most touching, yet most overlooked relational happenings in all of Scripture. And it gives me a very clear picture of all that a family relationship can, and should, be. Paint Mary a loving, and loved, parent. And in the final brush strokes of the portrait of Mary I see one who continued to serve. In Acts Chapter 1 I see where Mary "served with one accord" with the disciples. In spite of all that she had gone through, Mary was still there serving. Mary obviously saw no reason to hold herself above the others, or to demand special privileges. I find the original meaning of the phrase, "of one accord", so interesting. I think that it offers so much for us in the Christian church today. The phrase, "in one accord", or, "with one passion", comes from two separate words, meaning "rush along" and "in unison". And in my portrait I see the Holy Spirit moving through, and blending together, the divergent lives of the members of Christ's church. Paint Mary a servant of God and of those around her. This portrait is a study in contrasts. It reveals an image of one who is, on one hand, faithful, dependable, receptive, confident, pure and a servant of God and man. On the other hand we have one who is common, human and humble. But our portrait is still not quite complete since, in order to be relevant, it needs our own personal brush strokes. We need to complete our own private portion of the portrait, a part seen only by ourself and by God. What does this portrait do for you, what does it do for me, as we attempt to live for Mary's Son? As I gaze at the completed portrait I find that Mary provides a perfect example of a model from which to fashion my own most unworthy, personal image. Actor steps back, sets down palette and brush, looks at portrait from all angles, nods head and smiles, exits Downstage Right. Lights out on main stage area, continue with lighting on upper stage. Joseph comes on Upperstage, sits motionless on Upperstage Left. Low level of front light for Manger Scene, turn light in the manger on at low level, uncover manger. Projectors show a stable scene on each side of the cross area. Narrator begins. Who is this so weak and helpless, Child of lowly Hebrew maid. Rudely in a stable sheltered, Coldly in a manger laid? ‘Tis the Lord of all creation

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Who this wondrous path hath trod He is God from everlasting And to everlasting God. Projectors show back view of Jesus walking. Narrator continues: Who is this, a Man of Sorrows, Walking sadly life's hard way, Homeless, weary, sighing, weeping, Over sin and Satan's sway? 'Tis our God, our glorious Saviour, Who above the starry sky, Now for us a place prepareth, Where no tear can dim the eye. Projectors show the three crosses of Calvary. Narrator continues: Who is this? behold Him shedding Drops of blood upon the ground. Who is this, despised, rejected, Mocked, insulted, beaten, bound? 'Tis our God, who gifts and graces On His Church now poureth down; Who shall smite in righteous judgement Al His foes beneath His throne. Finally the cross, which has been camouflaged, is increasingly back lit so that it will illuminate the manger scene. At this point turn off all front lighting, the only light in the sanctuary is from the cross and a small subdued light in the manger. The thought here would be that significance of the manger can only be brought to relevance by the light of the cross and that the impact of Jesus Christ comes from the melding of the light of the manger and the light of the world, (which could come only as a result of the cross). Narrator continues: Who is this that hangeth dying While the rude world scoffs and scorns, Numbered with the malefactors, Torn with nails, and crowned with thorns? 'Tis the God who ever liveth 'Mid the shining ones on high,

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In the glorious golden city, Reigning everlastingly. Peace and Security Drama is split into two sequences where the same general subject matter is being acted out in two separate dramas, going on alternately. The first sequence is set at a time just prior to Jesus' birth, the second is in a contemporary time frame. Lighting will separate the action of the two stages. Sequence One costuming uses bible period clothing, (including Roman soldiers costumes), Sequence Two uses normal leisure clothing, (policemen use appropriate uniforms). All clothing should be darker colors in order to blend in as much as possible when lights are down in the acting area. No props except swords and police uniforms required. Cast Characters in Sequence One will also play the part of the comparable character in Sequence Two. : Marcus - Set One Mark - Set Two : Deborah - Set One Debbie - Set Two : Mary - Set One Maria - Set Two : Jehosheba - Set One Jessie - Set Two : Anthony - Set One Tony - Set Two : Ruth - Set One Ruth- Set Two : Elizabeth - Set One Liz - Set Two : Rachael - Set One Rochelle - Set Two : Edward - Set Two "bookworm type" : Soldier / Police Officer #1 : Soldier / Police Officer #2 Scene I Right Stage Right scene opens with lights up, shows a group of children talking. Marcus is in the center of a group, all are listening intently to him. Marcus: Well, I can tell you that when I grow up I shall take things into my own hands! You

know, sometimes I'm ashamed to admit that I am Jewish. All that our people ever do is just permit themselves to be pushed around by those, . . . those, Roman savages!

Deborah: What else are our people to do, Marcus? After all, what we really want is peace and

security. And the Romans are better trained and better armed. Besides, we Jews have no leader.

Mary: But God has promised to bring us a leader, a Messiah.

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Jehosheba, lifelessly:

A leader! A Messiah! I don't believe that a Messiah will ever come. Really, there is no solution to our situation. We might as well give up.

Rachael: Jehosheba, you are getting upset, there's no reason for that! Just be happy! Enjoy! Marcus: Quiet Rachael! Jehosheba is right! For how many thousand years have our people

deluded themselves into believing this myth! "The Messiah is coming!" "The Messiah is coming!" Some chance! No way!

Jehosheba, lifelessly:

Really, there is no solution to our situation. We might as well give up. There is no peace or security for our people.

Marcus: Give up if you wish, but my "Messiah", my source of peace and security, will be this

broadsword! (pulls a sword from under his clothing). All gasp. Anthony: Marcus! Where did you get that weapon? It's a Roman sword! Where did you find

it? Why didn't you take it back? Do you realize the penalty for a Jew having a Roman weapon? Do you not realize . .

Marcus: Hush, child! Yes, of course I realize the penalty is death for having a Roman sword!

And I care that much! (snaps fingers). The Roman soldier that I stole this sword from will be the one in trouble, not I!

Rachael: Why is everyone so upset all the time? Life can be fun! Be like me! Be happy! Ruth, ignores Rachael, says to Marcus:

Wow! You stole the sword from a Roman soldier! You are very brave! Elizabeth: You are very foolish, that's what you are! You not only put yourself in danger, you

have endangered this peaceful community! Marcus, mocking:

"Endangered this peaceful community." This cowardly community is what you mean!

Deborah There simply is no answer! Forget it! We're doomed! Elizabeth: We can have peace if we will all just avoid dangerous situations! That is the way to

have security!

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Rachael: People! Anger! Have fun! Why don't we all just go somewhere that we can all have fun?

Marcus: What do you have in mind, Rachael? Want to go watch the Romans crucify any

Jew who has enough courage to speak out against them? Rachael: No, no! We will, we will . . . . . we will think of something great to do! Now who

wants to go with me? Mary, matter-of-factly:

When the Messiah comes He will bring peace and security and He will set all things right.

Marcus: I told you there is no Messiah coming! It is I who shall bring peace and security,

and by the might of my sword. Marcus play fights with sword. Anthony: Sure! The might of your sword! All that you are about to do is get us all killed! Rachael: We can all have just have fun and enjoy ourselves! You will see! Jehosheba: What is there to enjoy? Marcus is right! The Messiah isn't coming and there's no

one to protect us. Lights out. Actors go into change area behind screen at Upstage center, quickly remove Biblical period costumes to reveal contemporary clothing, quickly back on stage. Sequence Two Lights up. Maria, at Downstage Left is reading, humming to herself, the tune "I Love to Tell the Story". Maria sings: I love to hear the story Which angel voices tell, How once the King of glory Brought peace on earth to dwell. The star which shone so brightly; Lets me surely know, That He'll return to take me, Because He loves me so. Mark, listening, says:

Peace? How can you sing of peace? Maybe you've been listening to the news?

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(sarcastically) You know, little things, like Rwanda, or maybe Bosnia! Those aren't exactly picnics you know! I'm the only one here who has peace or security and that's because I am stronger and smarter than the rest of you!

Ruth: Yeh, these religious people make me ill! Talk about peace from God. Two

thousand years after Jesus was supposedly born, and there are more wars, not less! Liz: What do you expect? The government's not doing enough! We need leadership

from our politicians! Rochelle: I sense anger! You know what I keep saying! Enjoy! Enjoy! What do you say we

all go to the beach for the day! Now then, who's with me? Jessie: Rochelle, I don't get it! Things just keep getting worse every day, and all you can

think of is going to the stupid beach! Personally, I've given up! I mean, what's the use anyway?

Debbie: Well I for one don't need to rely on any religious crutch for my security and peace of

mind. I've just got myself a really good job at SuperStore. Not only are the wages great but my dad says their benefits and retirement policy is second to none! That's my peace and security!

Tony: But how secure can a job be these days? I mean, everywhere you look there are

layoffs, downsizing, rightsizing and something called 'de-jobbing', whatever that is! Jessie: That's what I'm trying to tell you guys. We might as well just give up, right now! Tony: It's a scary situation! People living in fear of tomorrow, that's what! Mark: You can give up if you want to Jessie! But the fact is that there is only one source

of peace and security and that comes from, (makes a muscle), power! Ruth: Mark, you're so strong! Liz: Well my security comes from having a great family. My parents have an excellent

marriage and that gives me a really peaceful, secure feeling about the future! Ruth: Security in the family? You believe that and I've got some great swamp land to sell

you, cheap! Almost half of all marriages end in divorce, just like my parents. Oh yeh! That's real security! I don't know where you go for security, but trust me, it's not in families. Mark, you'd protect me, wouldn't you? You'd be my security!

Edward, looks up from his book, says:

You are all wrong. Security comes from getting a good education. I have just been accepted into Harvard where I shall study law. My intent is to go into politics where I can shape a secure future for myself and my fellow man.

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Debbie: Oh listen to the man! (mimics). "Shape a secure future for myself and my fellow

man!" Would this possibly be the same educational system that teaches that we all came down the evolution trail from monkeys? Or the same system that has produced PhD's who are scraping together enough money from driving taxi to pay back their student loans? And this government you are about to shape. Would this be the same one that has legalized abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide? Now that's how I spell security!

Mark: Not too often that I agree with Debbie, but this time you've hit the nail on the head! Jessie: Nobody listens to me! It's all useless! Rochelle: We only go through life once you know! Enjoy! Now then, squash perhaps?

Mountain climbing? Did anyone think to bring Monopoly along? Everyone stares at Rochelle. Lights off. Actors go into change area behind screen at Upstage center, quickly put Biblical period costumes over their contemporary clothing, quickly back on stage. Sequence One Lights up Marcus: Anyone care to join me? I can provide Israel with peace and security! Tonight,

after dark we will . . . Roman soldiers come from behind, seize Marcus. 1st Soldier: Tonight, after dark you shall be enjoying all the comforts of our fine Roman prison.

And, should you behave yourself and be so fortunate as to survive life in a slave camp, we may release you in 30 or 40 years! You Israelites amaze me! Thinking that you could get away with stealing Roman property!

2nd Soldier: Why are these people not prepared to live with our rules. Instead, they look for so-

called, "peace and security". Ah yes, friend Marcus, you shall have no worries about security! For the rest of your life your security will be our first concern! Along now, then!

Soldiers lead Marcus off stage at Downstage Right. Ruth: What can we do? I had put my trust in Marcus! He was my security! What do I do


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Jehosheba: Security? What makes you think that there will be security for the Jewish people? It is our lot to live forever under the tyranny of the Romans. But why not be like me? Accept it!

Rachael: Friends! Don't despair! I am sure that it was all just a mistake! Just any moment

now, Marcus will walk back in through that door! Now you know that Mark would want us to be enjoying ourselves!

Elizabeth: Peace and security come from the Lord God Jehovah. The prophet Jeremiah himself

taught: “Do not fear, O Jacob my servant; do not be dismayed, O Israel. Jacob will again have peace and security, and no one will make him afraid.

Deborah: Will there never come a time when the promises of God come true, that God will

provide peace and security for His chosen people. As God said to His servant: 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.

Anthony: Surely God will not ignore the promise made in Ezekiel: "I will make a covenant of

peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever"

Elizabeth: Remember what the prophet Zechariah said: "I will take away the chariots from

Ephraim and the war-horses from Jerusalem, and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth."

Mary: The prophet Isaiah tells us in whom we will place our hope. His words were of the

Messiah, the one to come. The Messiah has been promised! The Lord God Jehovah will not take His promise from us!

Jehosheba: Well I still don't think the Messiah will ever come! All lights out. Actors go into change area behind screen at Upstage center, quickly remove Biblical period costumes to reveal contemporary clothing, quickly back on stage. From the darkness, Mary's words:

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace Jesus. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on Deborah's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this."

Sequence Two

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Lights up Ruth: Oh, Mark, I love your new car. Tony: What's wrong with my wheels, Ruth? You never mentioned my new car! Mark: Might have something to do with the fact that your old beater is only new to you!

Mine's a Viper, right out of the factory, man! Debbie: A Viper? How can you afford it? You don't even have a full time job. Mark: I guess you could say that I've got a little security plan all my own! Policemen come in from upstage entrance, cross to Mark. 1st Policeman: Would you mind coming downtown with us please Mark? The chief would like to

talk over security plans with you. You know, he wants some tips on just how you do it. A lot of us guys in blue have been watching you real close, trying to figure out your security plan!

Policeman: It's not just us who are interested! You've got a lot of admirers! The chief tells me

that a certain judge wants to be let in on your little secrets too! I can see where you will have a really big opportunity to talk all this out with the judge and a dozen or so pals of his.

Policemen escort Mark off stage Downstage Right. Tony: Some security plan! Liz: Yes, and real peace in his life! Ruth: There goes my security! Jessie: I've tried to tell all of you that there is just no possible solution. There's nothing we

can do! Rochelle: You know, you guys are becoming very morbid! I want to hang out with you, don't

get me wrong, but I feel secure and happy when I'm having fun. I'm simply not into dull and drab, drab and dull!

Jessie: Face it, Rochelle! This is life, and life is drab and dull! Maria: But it doesn't need to be, Jessie! Peace and security can come when we establish a

relationship with the living Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. We need to stop carrying

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our own burdens and let Jesus justify our lives before God. We need to make ready for the return of Jesus Christ.

Edward looks up from his book, says:

Return of Jesus Christ? Really, where do you people come up with this gibberish? This book I am presently reading gives unequivocal proof that the original "birth", if you would so call it, of Jesus Christ was a sham, a hoax! Obviously if He was a hoax the first time, the best we can hope for, in the "supposed" return, is a repeat of the hoax. However, admittedly, with our greatly advanced and enhanced scientific and technological capabilities today, a charlatan would have great difficulty deluding even the most naive!

Debbie: Guys, do any of you understand anything this dude is saying? Lighten up man! But

I guess I'm with you on this "return" stuff! I mean no one really believes in this garbage, do they? All I ever hear is people making jokes about the second coming and stuff like that!

Liz: Well I do believe it, kind of, in a way. I mean, in Sunday School . . . . . Debbie: . . . in Sunday School? Man, I didn't know that anyone actually went to Sunday

School anymore! (mocking) And what do you do in Sunday School, little girl? Tony: Knock it off, Debbie Anyhow, why shouldn't she go to Sunday School. I go to

Sunday School and I really enjoy it. We've been talking about peace in our class, and how God provides peace and security in our lives.

Jessie: I can't see what good going to Sunday School would do! I mean, really! Edward: I have read where Jesus, if in fact He really existed, lived only to the age of thirty

three. His ministry, should you wish to label it as such, lasted only three to five years, in the estimation of most scholars. This being the case, what impact might one expect from a short-lived, long since deceased, unemployed itinerant preacher? Not that I am conceding for one moment that such a person did, in fact, exist, you realize.

Maria: You know, Edward, you would make a strong Christian if you allowed the power of

the Holy Spirit into your heart. Debbie: The Holy Spirit? The second coming of Jesus? Hey, slow down! This is getting'

intense! I need some peace from you Bible thumpers! Maria: Sorry, Debbie, I didn't mean to crowd you. But, we must understand that man's

search for peace would have been hopeless had God not intervened.

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Tony: But God did intervene by sending His Son, Jesus Christ. Now we can say with the apostle Paul: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".

Maria: Jesus came to show us how to have peace and security in our lives. Jesus was born

of a virgin named Mary. And you are right, Edward, He lived only thirty-three years. But the truths he taught will be with us forever. The Jews misunderstood the purpose of the Messiah. The Romans saw him as a threat to peace. But no one else could bring such peace into the world, not then, and not now. Before He left this world He promised that one day He would return. Even better He promised that His Spirit would remain forever with us.

Lights out. Narrator: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am. I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever -- the Spirit of truth. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The end Live at the Manger This drama is an example of what might have happened had there been a modern day approach to media coverage for the birth of Jesus. The set is a typical on-location coverage with newspaper, radio and TV reporters milling around, looking for a news item. Cast Martha of Jerusalem - a crass, loud TV reporter Anna - a quiet, kindly newspaper reporter James Ben-Joram - a newsman

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Andrew - Innkeeper Jesse - Shepherd Jacob - Shepherd 1st King 2nd King

3rd King people for crowd scene, including Sharee, Julianne, Nancy, Kendra, Sharon

Sets At Upstage Center is the front of a barn, on the wall at Upstage Right is a sign: Bethlehem Inn Rooms by the Day Just below in red lettering to represent a neon sign: NO VACANCY Costumes Bible period costumes are required. The clothing for the Wise Men and their entourage will be very rich and ornate. Martha's costume will be much more colorful, whereas all others will be in rather drab colors. Conduct of Characters Martha will be a very cold, professional character who warms up whenever the camera is on her. All other actors should show resentment mixed with fear for her. All other characters except Martha will have to appear warm in order to provide instant contrast for Martha. Script All non - speaking actors will enter from center rear doors in sanctuary, excitedly talking as they enter. Sharee: What's all the excitement about? Where's everyone going? Kendra: Well I heard that something is happening at the stable behind the Bethlehem Inn. Nancy At the stable? What's so special about Andrew's old stable? Sharon: Well I heard that there was some strange lights and somebody singing, down in the

valley, just out of town. Julianne: Singing? Lights? In the valley? What's that have to do with the stable? Why aren't

we going out to the valley?

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Sharee: Who are those two people outside the stable? Nancy: I know the woman. That's Anna. She's a reporter for the newspaper in Phillipi. Kendra: That's right, she was at my father's office today, getting information about the

census. She's nice! I like her. Sharon: And that man. Isn't that James Ben-Joram, the editor of the newspaper in

Jerusalem? Julianne: Reporters! Editors! There really must be something special going on! Come on!

Let's hide here in the shadows and see what's going on! Sharee and Julianne crouch down just at foot of stage, Downstage Right. Nancy, Kendra and Sharon at Downstage Left. From this point on these actors are part of the audience, eagerly taking in all that happens. Martha, (loud), enters from rear sanctuary door, leading the way for imaginary cameramen and assistants. Martha: You, Luke, careful with that camera! If we have nothing to show on the six o'clock

newscast tonight there will be heads rolling, beginning with yours. And you, Rebecca, my hair, quickly! My hair looked terrible on TV last night! One more time, you're back scrubbing floors! Now what's this all about? Being called out to this hick town, Bethlehem, in the middle of the night! This had just better be good! (Sees Anna and James who have their back to audience, sticks microphone in Anna's face). You, over here, please. A quote if you will for Channel 7 Action News. Here, over here please! Oh it's you, Anna of Phillpi! Back off! No one reads that rag of yours anyway! Step aside for the Channel 7 roving reporter!

Anna: Back off yourself, Martha of Jerusalem! What gives you the right to push your way

in here? Martha: Anna, word may not yet have reached your remote backwoods of Phillipi, but

Channel 7 Action News has again, let me repeat, again, received the top awards for journalistic excellence for all of Judea. Not that a low budget newspaper like the Phillipi Chronicle would understand excellence, of course!

James: An award from the Roman Emperor, don't forget to mention! And what, may I ask,

was the subject of your "journalistic excellence"? Would it perchance be the gem which Channel 7 tagged "Rome's Friendly Occupation of Israel"! All of us here have wondered just how much King Herod greased your well oiled palm to have you so rave about the Roman occupation! How was it you referred to them again, Martha of Jerusalem? Ah yes, "Herod's Helpers"! Helpers indeed! Herod's Henchmen, more like!

Martha: A beautiful quote, Editor James Ben-Joram! Should be just great as our lead item

on tonight's 10 o'clock newscast. You know, Ben-Joram, you simply don't know

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when to keep quiet! In addition, of course, to your well documented inability to get along with those in high places!

James: Do as you wish, Martha of Jericho. Any pawn of King Herod is no friend of the

Jewish people. But tell me, Martha, what brings you out to Bethlehem on such a cold night?

Martha: Well. if you must know, we received a tip that a story was breaking here at this

stable. Naturally Channel 7 will always be where the story is! And what about you two news hounds?

James: Same as you, Martha. We heard that a baby was to be born here at this stable,

tonight. Martha: A baby? In this barn? You mean I've come all the way out here just to cover the

birth of some child? Who is this child? Anna: Well, I've heard some unconfirmed reports, but I'm not sure how accurate they may

be. Oh, here comes someone now, maybe he can tell us something. Andrew comes out of stable. Martha rushes over, sticks microphone in his face:

You sir! A word if we may! It's Martha of Jericho from Channel 7 Action News. Are you the father of the baby which has been born?

Andrew: Father? Me? No, I'm not the father! I am Andrew, I am the owner of Bethlehem

Inn. This is my stable. Anna: Your stable? Sir, how could you in good conscience have allowed a baby to be born

in, in . . a barn, on such a cold night! Andrew: And what choice was there? T'was the only space available, and at that I charged

only half rate! Anna: Half rate? Why you scoundrel! Andrew: Scoundrel, am I? I didn't see any of you good people offering accommodation to

these penniless Nazarenes! What's all the fuss out here? Why all the people, the media and all?

James: Well, the talk on the street is that the baby born in your stable is the Messiah! All actors stir, whisper among themselves:

The Messiah? Born here? In a stable with animals? That can't be, etc.

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Andrew: Messiah! Born in my stable! Nonsense! No one told me the two children were to be parents of, of, the Messiah!

Anna: And would it have made a difference had they told you? Would you have given

them a discount for that, perhaps? Andrew: Discount? No, if I was sure that this was indeed the Messiah, I would, I would . . James, scornfully:

Don't tell us, kind sir! You would have given them your own warm bed, right? Andrew: Do you know what it's like to operate an inn? Folks will use any excuse to get free

lodging, or a better room! You've got to be hard to be in business today, I'll tell you! Now then, just who told you that this child is supposedly the Messiah?

Anna: It was shepherds, from down in the valley below, who were visited by the very

angels of God! It was the angels who first brought the news! Andrew: Shepherds? Angels? In my stable? Martha: Here comes two shepherds now! Sirs! Over here, please! It's Martha of Jerusalem

from Channel 7 Action News! A few words if you will! Now, let's get this right on the first take! I'm running on a very tight schedule!

(Turns to camera, smiles sweetly). Listeners of Jerusalem, Martha of Jerusalem from Channel 7 Action News reporting to you on location in Bethlehem, where a birth of a child appears to be creating quite a stir! Now then, your name sir!

Jesse: Name? My name is Jesse. And who might you be, lady? Martha: Please, it is I who will conduct this interview! Now then, if you will sir, explain to

the folks at home, in your own words, exactly what has happened tonight. Jesse: Well me and my friend Jacob were out in the valley below, tending our sheep.

There's been a lot of attacks from wolves recently and we were . . . . Martha, annoyed:

Forget the wolves! Stick to the story! Now, exactly what happened in the valley tonight!

(turns back to camera and smiles). In your own words, of course.

Jesse: Sorry, I only meant to . . . . , I thought . . . .

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Martha, again annoyed: Sir! The story! The newscast lasts 15 minutes, we have no time for, or interest in, your thoughts!

(turns back to camera and smiles). Please, sir.

Jesse: Sorry! Well, Jacob and I were fast asleep when, all of a sudden there was this noise! Jacob: Not really a noise, Jesse! A beautiful sound, singing! Martha: Alright already! Noise! Sound! Singing! Who cares? (looks to camera) Look,

you guys on the cameras, keep it rolling but we will have to do a re-take. Our shepherd friends here are losing us, real good!

(turns back to shepherds) OK now, do you think we can keep this thing moving now? Let's try it again! So, now, we have established that there was some form of noise, albeit a beautiful noise! Can anyone perhaps volunteer the source of this, this, beautiful noise?

Jacob: Source? Oh yes, the sound came from the throng of angels! Martha: Angels? You mean like, (holds arms out, motioning flying). Hey, wait a minute!

Where are we headed with this! Herod, I mean, the king, he doesn't approve of talk of angels and things like that on Channel 7.

Anna: Oh, tell us more! King Herod doesn't approve, you say? Might this be another

example of Roman censorship? Martha: There is no censorship on Channel 7! I have full and complete authority to cover

any and all subjects! Within reason, of course! And as to angels, well, that's, that's, . . . nonsense, that's all!

Anna: Herod and yourself, I take it, don't believe in the existence of angels, then, is that it?

Mmmmm, strange, I must say! Herod with his full staff of magicians, sorcerers and priests. Yet he doesn't believe in angels. I must say, this will make a fine front page story in the Phillipi Chronicle! Let's see now, how might this sound? "Herod's Personal Paid Reporter Claims Herod Denies Existence of Angels." A bit lengthy perhaps, but I do believe it will be space well spent!

Martha: Perhaps you might want to try, "Chronicle Journalist Inducted into Roman Salt Mine

Work Crew". It too is a tad long, but not as long as your sentence will be! James: Well, well! Sounds like our lives are being threatened by the award winning

Channel 7 reporter! Martha: Look, I've had my fill of you two, now then, where are my shepherds?

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Shepherds have wandered away. Martha: Come back here, we have not completed my interview! Anna: Your interview, Martha of Jerusalem? You'll have to compete for the story, just like

everyone else! Now then, over here Jesse, Jacob. Jesse, just take your time and tell me exactly what happened out in the valley tonight.

Jesse: Well, like I was saying, we were fast asleep when all of a sudden I heard this

singing . . . Jacob: Beautiful singing, Jesse, beautiful singing! Martha: And the song, what was it's message? Jacob: The song told of the birth of the Messiah, the long awaited Messiah! Jesse: Yes, He has come, He is here! Martha: Here? As in, . . . here? Andrew Look! Nobody told me that this child was the Messiah! I swear, if I had just known

I would have . . . . James: Hush! Now then, Jesse, are you sure there's a Baby, here, in the stable? Jesse: Yes! He's here! Born right here in the manger in this very stable! All reporters and crowd react to this news:

"Not possible", "A stable, for the Messiah?", "How can this be?", etc. A commotion is heard offstage, all look Upstage where a group of people come on stage. They are dressed elaborately and richly. Three of the people from this group come forward. 1st King: Tell me if you will, where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw

his star in the east and have come to worship him. Martha: What's this? The king of the Jews, you say? 2nd King: Yes, we have come from the Orient that we might see the newborn king. We would

bring our gifts and our praise to Him. James: But you are not Jewish. Why then do you seek the Jewish Messiah, born of Jewish


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3rd King: We are of a group of scholars who believe that there is but one God for all mankind, and that this Messiah, this King of Kings, is the true son of God.

Martha: Nonsense! There is only one king, and that is Herod the Great. Herod, as you well

know, was named "King of the Jews" some 40 years ago. James: Herod the Great, King of the Jews, indeed! A puppet king of the Romans, he claims

Jewish roots, but he is no more a Jew than is Pilate or any of the lot! The whole Idumaean family have no claims to Jewish power other than that ill-gotten from their Roman puppeteers!

Martha: I will not stand idly by as you malign Herod, the true King of the Jews! I'm leaving

this minute! Anna: That's it, Martha, go report to your owner, Herod, that the Babe, the King of the

Jews has been born here in a stable in Bethlehem, right under Herod's royal nose! Martha: Herod shall hear nothing of this farce from me! Herod is not a well man, I will not

trouble him with so much as a word of this nonsense! Martha leaves Downstage Right. 1st King: Praise God that Herod will not be told! We met with Herod, and he asked that if we

found the Babe that we report back to him, so that Herod may, as he put it, "go and worship Him too!" But God warned us in a dream not to return to Herod.

2nd King: Please may we go now and worship the Babe. 3rd King: Yes, we have brought gifts to honor His coming. The three kings enter the stable at Upstage center, followed by all actors except Anna and James who are left alone on stage. Anna and James sit down together. Anna: Quite amazing, isn't it? James: Do you think, . . . ., do you really think it is He? Anna: He? You mean, the Messiah? (shakes head) Who knows? Your guess is as good

as mine. James: Well, it's just that for centuries our people have been waiting, expecting the

Messiah. And, as you well know, every so often there is an announcement, "the Messiah has arrived". And always shortly thereafter, the admission that it was all a hoax. I'm not sure which is worse, the embarrassment, or the disappointment! (Pause) I wonder if this will simply just be one more hoax?

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Anna: Who knows? Who knows, James! I guess that if this turns out to be just another

hoax this whole night will soon be forgotten. But if not, if this truly is the Messiah, I would wager that the world will never forget this night! And, you know, if this Babe truly is the Messiah, I'd wager too that this world will never, never again be the same! (stands up) Come on James, let's go to see the Babe. You never know, there just may be a real story here!

James and Anna enter stable at Upstage Center. Lights out. Conclusion All lights in sanctuary are off, have foyer lights dimmed as much as possible plus have sanctuary doors closed. In the dark narrators voices are heard: Narrator 1: In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God.

He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through Him. All that came to be had life in Him and that life was the light of men, a light that shines in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower.

Narrator 2: A man came, sent by God.

His name was John. He came as a witness, as a witness to speak for the light, so that everyone might believe through him. He was not the light, only a witness to speak for the light. The Word was the true light that enlightens all men; and He was coming into the world. He was in the world that had its being through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own domain and His own people did not accept Him.

Narrator 3: But to all who did accept Him He gave power to become children of God.

The Word was made flesh, He lived among us, and we saw His glory, the glory that is His as the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Narrator 1: For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given:

and the government shall be upon His shoulder. and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

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Narrator 2: Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.

Narrator 3: Peace on Earth: This is God's own Christmas greeting,

In the beautiful re-telling of the circumstances around Jesus' birth. It was first sung by a chorus of angelic voices in a valley in the Judean countryside.

Narrator 1: Ushered in by a bright star of Christmas,

heard at first only by Judean shepherds outside the little town of Bethlehem, Nevertheless, it is a message that the whole world needed to hear and desperately needs to hear today. At each Christmas season God repeats His greeting, And it is today as it was on that first Christmas: A greeting for all men

Narrator 2: The bright star of Christmas tells that Christmas is Jesus' birthday. The star reminds

us that many years ago God sent His Son, the baby Jesus, to come and be born in this world. Jesus' birth was a very special happening. He lived only thirty three years on this earth. He was rejected, abused and, ultimately put to death by the very people who he came to save. He was born poor and He died poor by the world's standards. But Jesus left behind a spiritual legacy from God bigger than any man could dream. Jesus provided a way to break through the barrier of sin which existed between God and us. He made possible a personal relationship with a personal God.

Narrator 3: Although some would still prefer to see Him as that defenseless Baby in the manger,

Jesus didn't remain a baby in Bethlehem. He grew up to take our sins on the cross, to pay the penalty which is yours and mine. But He overcame that cross and He is alive today and reigns supreme at God's right hand. Jesus will return again someday. When he does, Christians will be joined together to celebrate his greatness with a huge birthday party that will never end. Until he does, we preach the good news of Jesus to the world around us. And because of Jesus' birthday we have reason for a . . . . celebration!

Sanctuary doors are quickly opened and classes which have lined up in anticipation of entrance immediately enter sanctuary, led by Sunday School Superintendent who carries a birthday cake. Leads children up onto stage. singing "Happy Birthday". After two choruses switch to "Happy Birthday Baby Jesus". End