Don’t complicate SLM Service Catalog is simple – or should be BrightTalk December 2012

BrightTalk December 2012 · BrightTalk December 2012 . 2 Service Desk, SLM and ITSM Goodness . Agenda Why Service Catalog How Service Catalog ... /profitability/value of product lines

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Don’t complicate SLM Service Catalog is simple – or should be

BrightTalk December 2012

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Service Desk, SLM and ITSM Goodness

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Why Service Catalog

How Service Catalog

SLM Goodness

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Why Service Catalog?

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We don’t need a Service Catalog

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We don’t need…

A service catalog, but we need to

Be able to articulate and present our


Be accessible and easy to do business


Have relevant information to hand to

deliver efficient support

Have a basis to identify if we are

meeting business expectations

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We don’t Need…SLAs

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We don’t need…

SLAs, but

We need to have a way of

measuring whether we are

delivering the right levels of


All parties need some

expectations around support and

service delivery

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ITIL, but we need to be:




Profitable / Productive

Delivering in line with


We don’t need…

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Why Service Catalog?

• To help define what IT does clearly across large distributed organisations

• To help IT organisations become easier to do business with...

• To help define 'good‘, 'success‘, ‘value‘, 'acceptable/not acceptable’

• A commercial organisation would review run rate /profitability/value of product lines

• To understand the value derived from different IT services

e.g. operational services as ‘loss leaders’ - helps to avoid poor

outsourcing choices

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Moving on…?

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Listen and talk to our customers and businesses… Use the information to build a service model that: • Focusses IT on meeting organisational / business goals • Gives clear targets to work towards • Provides a basis to present our services • Provides a basis for reporting and value demonstration

Ask ourselves What business are we in? Who are our customers? What do they need from us?

Moving on…?

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How Service Catalog?

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Key points

• Service Catalog (SC) is not one single document or tool

• SC has a number of stakeholders and outputs, so can be manifest in many forms

• The value is achieved from engaging with IT customers and IT departments – to work towards demonstrably common goals

• Customers should be engaged to discuss service improvement, not SLAs or Service Catalogs

• This (SLM) is a process and approach rather than a single document or tool - which is what tends to be focussed on. 'Service Catalog'.

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Anyway, what is it?

• Its lots of things and definitely not just ONE thing or ONE type of document or system.

• There are a number of quite different types of content that can be called a 'service catalog', or part of one.

• This is because organisations and individuals have different needs, different focus and also different starting and entry points.

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Is a Service catalog relevant?

• In future, maybe not, if we can answer the 'whys', but for now the are many organisations and individuals getting value, using aspects of Service Catalog tools and approaches

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What sort of value?

• Better service delivery through focus on business goals

• Improved understanding of business goals and needs for IT

• Greater visibility for IT people on what needs to be delivered and measured

• Improved synergy between business and technology departments and people

• Opportunity to account for IT in business context

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So its really a tool for IT?

• Yes, IT is the main initial benefactor, although the outcomes improve overall business performance

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What's a good SC look like?

This will vary, but in essence there are several main types of content, with 2 initial key documents:

• Service structure

• Service database

These first 2 documents provide the basis for a variety of documents, depending on requirements and maturity.

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What documents?

Service structure

• A single page hierarchical view of all the services provided in a customer friendly format.

• Will feature as a graphic representation of services in all other SC documents.

• Can be defined in an initial workshop.

• Will form the basis for reporting and will group services into 'core it services’ / business services etc.

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Service Structure

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Service Structure End User Services Business Services

Email Desktop/Laptop

Mobile Remote Access

Conferencing Web Services

File and Print Telecoms

Service Desk

HR + Payroll

Commercial Distribution

Professional Services

Project Mgmnt Consultancy

Bus. Reporting Testing

Finance Procurement





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What documents?

Service database

• Contains detailed information on all aspects of all services.

• A a control document and repository for data and relevant background details.

• Does not get presented directly but serves as the source of truth for services.

• Would be the core database on a SC system.

• Its usually a spreadsheet

• Often projects produce this sort of document but then issue it and it can be off-putting and meaningless to all parties..!

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What other documents?

Service structure

Service database

• CIO brochure

• User portal

• User information

• SLAs and OLAs

• Business reporting + dashboards

• Business agreement

• IT technical views – supply chain information

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XX Corp Information Technology (IT) Department has produced this Service Catalogue in

order to explain the range of services they can provide to you.

The document is arranged into 3 sections to make it easier for you to browse the types of

service most relevant to you.

End User Services

These are the basic generic IT tools you use every day to support you in your role and to

access other IT services. E.g. Email, laptops and mobile phones

Business Services

These are key XX Corp business services used across the business by various departments to

achieve objectives specific to them. E.g., Manufacturing, finance and HR & Payroll

Professional Services

Through these services IT supports business change, maintains business continuity and

provides relevant management information (MI).

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Service Desk

What is this service?

This service provides you with a single point of contact for IT issues, queries and requests.

What do the Service Desk do for you?

Be available when you need to speak to IT – On Site 06:00- 18:00 On Call 24/7

Get you working again as quickly as possible in accordance with your needs and priorities

How is my call prioritised?

We need to work with you to identify and agree the appropriate priority level. A number of

factors are considered and discussed with you. For example, number of people affected,

impact on the business and timescales. Please help us by providing as much information as


What does my call priority mean?

Once prioritised, these resolution targets are used by the Service Desk and the rest of IT.

P1 P2 P3 P4 New




We will agree an appropriate frequency of communication with you.

Who should I contact if I am unhappy with my level of service?

If you have an issue with the Service Desk the IT Service Desk Manager is your next point of


Contact us on

12345 67890

[email protected]

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What does the service give me?

This service gives you access to business systems regardless of your location using a

handheld device.

What can I request as part of this service?

New / Replacement:

All of the above are requested through X Portal and supported by the IT Service Desk

What access is available through these services?

Email SMS Calls Full XX Corp Network Access

Mobile Phone


Company iPad

3G Dongle (with Key)

Wireless Network

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD):

This gives you access to your corporate email account on your personal iOs device (Apple).

To enable this access you must sign and return the BYOD policy which is available on X


Mobile Phone Blackberry Company iPad 3G Dongle Wireless Network

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What is this service?

This service provides the technology to manage all financial transactions. For example

invoice a customer, pay a supplier, collect cash, management account functions.

What key systems are involved?

Finance module

Microsoft Office Applications

General Ledger

Appliation X

Cognos Finance,

Support Information

For any issues you are having please contact the IT Service Desk. We also provide a

heightened level of IT support across the 3-5 days of Month End to match the priority of this

period for the business.

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Project Management

What does this service give me?

This service provides the successful delivery of new or amended business systems and


Is my request a project or an E1 enhancement?

What is the difference and how is that decided and communicated

How do I request a project for a new or amended service?

Who supports my project once it is live?

Most live services are then supported by the IT Service Desk

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User Request Catalogue

For the IT end-user

Self-service request fulfillment

Similar to online shopping experience

Business Service Catalogue View

For the business customer

In business terms

Specific non-IT information

Business SLAs

Technical Service Catalogue View

For the IT provider

Technical and supply-chain details

Component level service data

OLA and Underpinning Contracts

Service Catalogue Elements

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SLM Goodness

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Making SLAs work Start with Services…!

Move from systems to service focus

Simple language – not technical or legal jargon

Realistic and sustainable

Must be measurable

‘SLD’ ?

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‘SLM Goodness’

Don't write an SLA like you are a frustrated lawyer, a novelist, or a tech junkie...

SLAs need to show up gaps in capability and performance. Otherwise how can you improve?

Don't fudge SLA targets into % of % of %. Keep goals real, not just easy targets.

SLAs should be about positive value delivered by IT services, not just how IT responds to failure.

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Too much information

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System, not service, reporting

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Good news! Your service reporting is a bundle of stuff you already report on, like availability, customer satisfaction, and support performance

IT SLM documentation should be written in human English, otherwise it's self-serving, patronising tech BS...

Don't be side-tracked from setting aspirational SLA targets because of 1 or 2 occasions where it will fail - that's the point!

‘SLM Goodness’

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SLM projects are not for the faint or tech-hearted...

Don't expect too much if you ask a junior person to set up SLAs

Turns out you can't actually set up SLAs without defining Services first. No really...

"We tried doing SLAs before - no one was interested" (Surprised?)

‘SLM Goodness’

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Listen and talk to our customers and businesses… Use the information to build a service model that: • Focusses IT on meeting organisational / business goals • Gives clear targets to work towards • Provides a basis to present our services • Provides a basis for reporting and value demonstration

Ask ourselves What business are we in? Who are our customers? What do they need from us?


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Practicalities What can we achieve in 10 – 20 – 30 days?

• Run a workshop • Hold meetings with Customers • Engage with IT • Define the Service structure • Build the Service Database • Produce a service ‘brochure’ • Define the service (process) supply chain • Clearly define service owners • Get customer feedback • Build business metrics model • Reduce cost of service request handling • Use simple Customer feedback and NPV

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Thank you for listening… For more information: [email protected] @barclayrae #ITSMgoodness www.barclayrae.com www.itsmtv.co.uk www.itsmIndex.com