British Castles

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  • 7/28/2019 British Castles


    Liceul Teoretic Alexandru Ioan Cuza




    Sanduleasa Andra Valentina

    Clasa a XII-a A

    Matematica informatica

    Bilingv limba engleza



  • 7/28/2019 British Castles



    Chapter 1 British Castles An Overview_______________p. 3

    1.1. Medieval Castles

    1.2. The Decline of Castles

    Chapter 2 Edinburgh Castles_________________________p. 9

    2.1. Davids Tower

    2.2. Half Moon Battery

    2.3. The Crown Room

    2.4. The One OClock Gun

    Chapter 3 Eastnor Castle ___________________________p.14

    3.1. The First Earl Somers

    3.2. The Construction of the Castle

    3.3. The Interior of the Castle

    Chapter 4 Dornoch Castle __________________________p.17

    Chapter 5 Inveraray Castle_________________________p. 21

    Chapter 6 Warwick Castle _________________________p.25


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    Chapter 1


    Britain is strewn with ruins of castles, rubble from the centuries of her

    existence. Castles are tangible relics of a remarkable past, a lengthy heritage etched

    in stone, as well as with the blood and sweat of those who built, labored, fought,

    and died in their shadow. Ruins stir up in us a profound awareness of those past

    lives. Castles have a timelessness that is awe-inspiring. That they have enduredcenturies of warfare and the effects of weather is a testimony to the creativity and

    power of their medieval owners. Most of the fortifications that we consider as

    'proper' castles were built during the Middle Ages (c.1000-1500). Unlike most

    other buildings, such as a church, a house or an inn, they served more than one

    purpose. A castle was a home for its owner and family, a place where guests could

    be entertained and often the local centre for administration and justice, but it was

    also built strong enough to defend its occupants while acting as a base from which

    attacks on neighbors or more distant enemies could be launched. Later buildings,

    which are often still referred to as a castle or have the word castle in their name,

    served only a single purpose, as forts built purely for defense or stately homes builtsolely as a residence.

    The word castle has become a generic term used to describe many types of

    fortification, and there are many structures that pre-date the Middle Ages that are

    often referred to as castles. In the 13th century BC, the Hittites built stone walls

    with square towers around their capital in Turkey. The Egyptians built a fortress

    out of mud bricks, with massive gatehouses and square towers, to defend their

    southern borders, 1500 years BC. From the 16th to the 12th centuries BC, small,

    separate kingdoms dominated much of mainland Greece, each with its ownfortified citadel. The first fortifications began to

    appear in Britain from the 5th century BC, with

    the construction of Iron Age hill-forts. Maiden

    Castle in Dorset is one of the most impressive

    examples. These great earthworks (a series of

    ditches and raised earth banks) were topped by

    a wooden wall (palisade), and usually protected

    a settlement. However, they proved no match3

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    for the Romans when they invaded England in the 1st century AD. They quickly

    overpowered the hill forts and imposed their own authority by constructing forts,

    built to a standard rectangular plan, across much of the country. Some were built

    quickly out of wood while others were more permanent structures built of brick or


    1.1. Medieval castles

    In medieval Europe the first castles appeared in the 9th century, when the

    Carolingian empire was collapsing as a result of Viking and Magyar raids. As

    central authority disintegrated, nobles fought for power and territory. They built

    castles so that they could control and defend their land. These castles started out as

    simple, wooden structures, relying on natural defenses such as rivers or hills, but

    soon builders were adding earthworks - mounds, banks and ditches - for extra

    defense. Earthworks could be mounds, called mottes, or round, raised enclosures,called ring works. A motte was topped by a wooden tower; while a ring work

    contained buildings protected by a wooden palisade. In each case earth was dug

    from the perimeter area, leaving a protective ditch.

    The fragmentation of land into separate estates or

    domains, and the manner in which they were ruled,

    led to the development of feudalism. The most

    powerful men, the counts, dukes and kings,

    controlled more than one estate. They would keep

    some of the land for themselves and give control of

    the rest to other lords. In return these lords promised

    to provide knights for their overlord's wars and for the garrisoning of their

    overlord's castles. In theory, a person's allegiance was always to their overlord,

    however there were constant battles for land and power and some men became

    almost as powerful as their overlord.

    Castles played an important part in European warfare, and William the

    Conqueror brought this knowledge with him. He built his first defensive structure

    within the walls of the old Roman Fort at Pevensey where his invasion force hadlanded. He then continued to build castles to defend his line of retreat and within

    two weeks of landing had built castles at Hastings and Dover. After his victory at

    the battle of Hastings he went to London where he was crowned King of England,

    on Christmas Day 1066. The period of Norman castle building had begun. As

    William's forces spread across the county they built castles as a means to subdue

    and control the populace. William claimed all the land as his own but gave grants

    of land (fiefs) to the Norman lords that had provided him with military assistance


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    during the invasion. In order to prevent any of them achieving the level of power

    that he had acquired in France, he gave them many separate estates spread across

    the country so that it would be difficult for any one lord to join all his forces

    together in a single power base. In order to protect and control their new lands the

    lords built castles on each of their estates. By the time of William's death, in 1087,

    there were 86 Norman castles in England.

    The early castles were mainly 'ring works' or 'motte and baileys' which were

    quick to construct. A 'motte and bailey' castle consisted of a large mound, or motte,

    where possible based on solid rock, and made of compacted rubble and earth,

    topped with a wooden tower. It provided a look-out post, as well as adding

    tactically important height if the castle was attacked. The 'bailey' was a large, level

    enclosed area beside the motte, surrounded by an earthwork bank and ditch, topped

    with a timber palisade. The bailey often contained a hall, buildings for livestock, a

    forge and armory, and a chapel. Due to the use of wood in their construction, these

    castles were particularly vulnerable to fire. Many of these early wooden castles

    were later rebuilt in stone making use of the old earthworks. Stone castles neededmore workers, were more expensive, and took much longer to build than wooden

    ones, but they were fireproof and much more secure.

    The first stone castles were usually centered on

    a large tower. The earliest known stone tower was

    built at Dou-la-Fontaine, France, in c.950. In

    1079, work started on a great stone tower at

    London, now known as the White Tower, at the

    Tower of London, and at a similar time at

    Colchester Castle. The great stone tower, donjon,

    or keep was much stronger than its timber

    predecessor, and its height gave defending soldiers

    a good view and better line of fire. A great tower

    provided secure storage for money and documents

    as well as offering more comfortable

    accommodation for the nobles.

    Castle builders turned the unique character of each

    site to their advantage, and keeps were built too manydifferent designs, including rectangular, circular,

    square, multi-sided and D-shaped. At Portchester, the

    Norman keep was built inside the walls of an existing

    Roman fort. Others, like Chepstow, turned natural

    features such as sheer cliffs to their advantage, using

    the added protection they provided on one or more of

    the castle's flanks.


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    A variation on the standard keep was the shell keep. A tall circular wall was

    built around the top of a motte, and all the most important buildings were placed

    inside, against the walls of the shell. The best example is Restormel Castle in

    Cornwall, and others can be seen at Totnes in Devon and Lewes Castle in Sussex.

    Curtain walls with projecting towers (so that the area in front of the walls could

    be shot at by defenders in the towers) became a standard of castle design. A great

    tower was not a necessity with this type of defense because a hall and other rooms

    could be built inside the courtyard, or in the wall towers or gatehouse. The weakest

    part of these castles was the gateway and great effort was made to reinforce this

    part of the castle. The barbican was developed as a way to strengthen the entrance,

    by adding more defenses in front of it, often a long corridor with multiple gates

    and portcullises, and holes above that defenders could use to fire on attackers


    During the 13th century, fortifications built to a concentric design began toappear. These castles had an inner circuit of curtain walls completely encircled by

    an outer circuit of walls that were built low enough to allow an unobstructed line-

    of-fire from the inner walls. Beyond the outer walls, moats and further defenses

    were often constructed. The idea may have come from knights who had seen the

    twin walls of the city of Constantinople during the crusades. Concentric castles had

    two main advantages: firstly, attackers had to get through more barriers; secondly,

    defending archers could stand on more than one set of walls, thus unleashing more

    firepower. Good examples of concentric castles can be seen at Beaumaris and

    Caerphilly in Wales, and at Dover Castle in Kent, generally considered to be the

    first British castle to feature a concentric design.

    Once the Normans were firmly established in power, castle building proceeded

    at a more leisurely pace. However, at later points in history, there were sudden

    spates of castle building, in order to enforce the king's rule over a rebellious

    population or to protect the country from the threat of invasion. A good example is

    Edward I's campaigns in Wales between 1277 and 1284, which led to an extensive


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    period of castle building, with mighty castles at Caernarfon, Conwy, Harlech and

    Beaumaris built to enforce English rule over the Welsh.

    In Scotland castles developed several

    distinctive features. The border country was

    subject to raids by both Scots and English

    for many centuries. In the 14th century

    small fortified towers, or 'peles', were built

    to protect local areas in northern England

    from these raids, while in Scotland, the

    distinctive 'tower-house' began to emerge.

    Scottish tower-houses had thick walls,

    battlemented parapets and strong turrets on the corners. Many were given the

    additional protection of extra walls, called 'barmkins', and ditches and banks. Iron

    gates called 'yetts' often protected the small doorways.

    1.2. The decline of castles

    Changes in society gradually led to the decline of the castle. Where the castle

    had once served an important defensive, administrative and residential role these

    functions were now being better served by other buildings. Nobles looked for more

    comfortable homes while forts manned by professional soldiers took over the

    defensive duties. Some castles remained a

    centre for local administration and many served

    as prisons long after they had ceased to serve a

    residential role. Some castles were turned into

    luxurious palaces, but this was expensive, and it

    was often cheaper to construct a new home,

    often using building material from the old


    The fate of many castles was sealed by their role in the Civil War. Across the

    country, castles, whether derelict or still occupied, were refortified and used as

    bases for the opposing forces. Following their victory over the Royalists the

    Parliamentary forces adopted the policy of slighting - partially or even totallydemolishing castles to prevent their potential use in any future conflicts.

    Changes in the way that battles were fought and advances in weaponry also

    contributed to the decline of castles. The design of the older castles meant they

    could not stand up to assault from cannon-fire, and this led to the development of

    new defensive structures. In the 16th and 17th centuries, forts were constructed

    that could withstand canon-fire while providing a base for their own batteries of


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    guns. Forts, such as St Mawes Castle in Cornwall, were built by the state at

    strategic points, purely for the purpose of defense.

    The last great fortifications to be built in Britain were initiated by Prime

    Minister Palmerston in the 1840s. Designed to protect the south coast from the

    threat of France, they were made obsolete by advances in artillery almost as fast as

    they were built. Good examples are Fort Brockhurst and Fort Nelson in



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    During the rest of

    the time the castle is now

    run and administered, for

    the most part, by Historic

    Scotland. Historic

    Scotland is an executive

    agency of the Scottish

    Executive and undertakes

    the dual (and sometimes

    mutually contradictory)

    tasks of operating the

    castle as a commercially

    viable tourist attraction

    whilst simultaneouslyhaving responsibility for

    conservation of the site.

    At the top of the Royal Mile, in front of the castle, is a long sloping forecourt

    known as the Esplanade. It is upon this Esplanade that the famous Edinburgh

    Military Tattoo takes place annually. From the Esplanade may be seen the Half

    Moon Battery, which is a dominant feature visible in Nasmyth's painting. This

    drum-shaped building, 1574, incorporates parts of the keep of 1364, known as

    David's Tower. The castle proper is entered through a gatehouse in front of the

    Half Moon Battery. The road leads upward and around to the right of the battery

    and through an older portcullis gatehouse, to reach the courtyard known as Crown


    2.1. David's Tower

    David's Tower was commissioned in 1386 by Robert the Bruce's son, David II

    of Scotland. David's tower was enormous by standards of the time, standing on the

    site of the present Half Moon Battery at 30 m high, with three stories (Twice as

    high as the Half Moon Battery). The tower initially served as the principal entrance

    to the castle, but by later years the tower was expanded to include many morerooms for guests and visiting nobility, and the original main entrance became

    boxed off by a guest room.

    When the Catholic Mary Queen of Scots married James Hepburn in 1567, a

    large proportion of the (Protestant) nobility rebelled, resulting ultimately in the

    imprisonment of Mary in Loch Leven Castle. Although she eventually escaped and

    fled to England, some of the nobility remained faithful to Mary, retaining


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    Edinburgh Castle. Sir William Kirkcaldy of Grange held the castle under Lang

    Siege (Long Siege) for a year, until 1573, when the infant King James VI's regent,

    Regent Morton, requested assistance from Queen Elizabeth. Heavy guns were

    dispatched to the castle from Berwick, and within ten days of the commencement

    of the bombardment of the castle with these guns in May of that year, David's

    Tower collapsed.

    The collapse of this tower blocked off the single source of water for the castle,

    the well, and within a few days the castle surrendered, around two weeks after the

    arrival of the new guns. Sir William was soon hanged, and much of the castle

    rebuilt, including the new Half Moon Battery.

    2.2. Half Moon Battery

    The Half Moon Battery was duly constructed on the site of the old David's

    Tower. This magnificent set of defenses, prominent on the East side of the castle

    today, sits over the old ruins, and several rooms from the ground and first floors of

    the tower still exist underneath the Battery, windows facing out onto the interior

    wall of the Battery. Several of these are accessible to the public, although the lower

    (Ground Floor) elements are generally closed.

    The inaccessible areas include a former master Guest Bedroom, and a three-story room outside the original David's Tower (with large portions of the exterior

    wall still visible) created by the imposition of the Battery formerly used to house

    Pigeons for consumption during the winter months. The walls of this section are

    correspondingly pitted with chunks of stone removed to provide nesting places for

    the birds. The Half Moon Battery was completed in 1588.


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    2.3. The Crown Room

    This vaulted chamber contains the Honours of Scotland. These

    are the Crown jewels and regalia. They include the crown,

    scepter and sword of state. The crown dates from 1540, is

    made of Scottish gold and is set with 94 pearls, ten

    diamonds and 33 other precious and semi-precious

    gemstones. The Scepter is also made of gold, and topped

    with a large Rock Crystal (Quartz). The most treasured

    possession of Scotland is also located among the honors. It

    is the Stone of Destiny, otherwise known as the Stone of Scone and upon which

    the monarchs of Scotland are traditionally crowned. It had been taken to England

    and incorporated into the Coronation Throne in Westminster Abbey but was

    returned to Scotland in 1996 on the understanding that it be returned to the Abbeyfor subsequent coronations.

    2.4. The One Oclock Gun

    The One O'Clock Gun is fired every day (except Sunday) at precisely 13:00,

    allowing citizens and visitors to check their clocks and watches. The origin of the

    tradition lies in the days before accurate timepieces, when sailing ships in the Firth

    of Forth needed a reliable means to check and reset their chronometers. In 1861

    Captain Wauchope, a Scottish Naval Officer in the Royal Navy invented the time

    ball, still seen today on top of

    Nelson's Monument, Calton Hill. At

    one o'clock the ball drops giving the

    signal to sailors, but this meant that

    someone would have to be looking

    out for it and it often couldn't be seen

    in foggy weather.

    So, in the same year the gun was

    fired simultaneously to the time balldropping. Originally an 18-pound

    muzzle loading cannon which needed

    four men to load and fire was fired

    from the Half Moon Battery.

    The gun could be easily heard by ships in Leith Harbour (2 miles away) The

    cannon was replaced with a 25 pound Howitzer in 1953, and more recently by the

    L118 Light Gun.


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    It is now fired from Mill's Mount Battery on the North face of the Castle by

    the District Gunner from 105th Regiment Royal Artillery (Volunteers). Because

    sound travels slowly (approx. 343 m/s), maps have been produced to show the

    actual time when the sound of the gun was heard at various locations in Edinburgh.

    Although the gun is no longer required for its original purpose, the ceremony has

    become a popular tourist attraction.

    One of the District Gunners, Staff Sergeant Thomas McKay MBE - popularly

    known as "Tam the Gun" - was the longest running District Gunner to fire the One

    O'Clock Gun, from 1979 until his death in 2005. He also opened a small museum

    about the Gun in the castle and was seen every Hogmanay signaling the New Year

    by firing his gun. The Gun is also fired to mark the arrival of the New Year as part

    of Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations.

    Among the other things to see at the castle are its eerie vaults, the Scottish

    United Services Museum, a gallery in hospital square, the Witches Well (wherewomen were burned for witchcraft), Mons Meg ( a 15th century cannon ), a little

    cemetery towards the summit of the castle where the garrison bury their pets, The

    castle offering a spectacular view of Edinburgh city and the surrounding area.


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    Chapter 3

    Eastnor Castle is the private family home of the Hervey-

    Bathurst family. Situated in the spectacular Malvern Hills,

    Eastnor Castles 5000 acre estate includes four small lakes,

    rolling hills and woodland parks, all of which combine to

    provide the perfect fairytale setting.Eastnor has undergone a triumphant renaissance in recent years, and many of

    the castle treasures are now displayed for the first time in richly decorated

    Italianate and Gothic splendor.

    The castle grounds contain a famous arboretum of spectacular rare trees

    descending to a 22 acre lake. The deer park beyond, on the western slopes of the

    Malvern Hills, has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest within the

    local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.


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    3.1. The First Earl Somers

    The family line emanates from two distinguished

    families, the Cocks and the Somers. The Cocks' family

    moved to Eastnor at the end of the 16th century. They

    bought the Manor of Castleditch and over the following

    200 years gradually gained further land in the area.

    The Cocks' married into the Worcestershire Somers'

    family, and it was the combination of their estates -

    including the valuable inheritance left by the Lord

    Chancellor Somers in the early 18th century and the

    banking wealth of the Cocks Biddulph Bank (now incorporated into Barclays

    Bank) - that gave the 1st Earl Somers the financial means to begin the constructionof Eastnor in 1810. His cause was also aided by a judicious marriage to the

    daughter of the eminent and rich Worcestershire historian, Dr Treadway Nash.

    At that time, the size and splendor of a country house were the most

    obvious indications of the standing and fortune of any family, and there can be no

    doubt that the imposing mass and scale of Eastnor was intended to reflect the

    personality and stature of its creator and pitch the family into the ruling classes for

    future generations.

    3.2. The construction of the castle

    The style proposed by the architect,

    the young Robert Smirke, was Norman

    Revival. From a distance, Eastnor was

    intended to create the impression of a

    medieval fortress guarding the Welsh

    Borders. The symmetry of the design

    emphasized authority, distinguishing it

    from the rambling, picturesque,

    castellated mansions of a slightlyearlier period at Downton and Lowther,

    the latter also designed by Smirke.

    By any standards, the Castle is a massive edifice and the construction team and

    materials used were on a similar scale. A workforce of 250 men working day and

    night were employed over the first six years of construction, and in the first

    eighteen months 4,000 tons of building stone, 16,000 tons of mortar and 600 tons

    of wood were used.


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    The stone came from sandstone quarries in the Forest of Dean by canal to

    Ledbury, and from there by mule. Estate timber was used as much as possible, but

    the major roof trusses and beams are cast iron, a material used to save timber in the

    midst of the Napoleonic Wars when it was in great demand for shipbuilding. By

    the time the building work was finished in 1820, the Castle had cost 85,923 13s

    11d - about 8.5 million in today's terms.

    3.3. The interior of the castle

    The cost of the construction of the

    fabric of the Castle was so great that thedecoration of the interior inevitably held

    a lower priority. When the family moved into the west wing after 1813, many parts

    of the Castle must have been little more than a shell. Smirke's designs for the

    interior were simple and in keeping with the medieval style of the Castle. Details

    of his work remain in the Red Hall, Dining Room and Staircase Hall. Surviving

    furniture by Smirke includes the plain Gothic benches and chairs in the Entrance

    and Great Hall.

    Gradually over the course of the 19th century, the

    Castle was made more habitable. In 1849, the 2nd Earl,

    commissioned Pugin, who had completed the

    remodeling of the House of Lords just two years earlier,

    to decorate the Drawing Room in High Gothic revival


    The celebration of the ancient lineage of the family

    over the chimney-piece evoked the medieval culture of

    religious feudalism from which Pugin took his

    inspiration. Now fully restored, this room remains

    Pugin's most complete interior outside the Houses ofParliament.

    Chapter 4


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    The original Dornoch Castle was built by the Bishops of Caithness, with the

    cathedral is close by (literally across the street). The castle was built as a 13th

    century Bishop's palace, not really a fortress, but a comfortable residence.

    It currently contains an altered 14th century keep with a round 16th century

    stair tower, which still houses a staircase for the hotel. It has two open rounds and

    a gabled roof. Many of the windows have been enlarged for modern living, but the

    walls are still pierced with shot holes and gun ports. Adjoining this original tower

    is a four story 16th century wing with its own stair tower.

    The castle was severely damaged by fire in 1570 during a feud between the

    Murrays and MacKays. As a result, only the south range remains of an early 16th

    century quadrangular palace. The five story northwest tower (the dominant feature

    of the castle now) was added in 1557. It contains bedchambers at the west end, and

    large halls on the second and third floors. There is a parapet with three angled


    The present Tower and the Tower of

    the Cathedral were the only two strong

    points to hold out during the siege of 1570.


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    But the Castle does seem at one time to have had a quite harmless ghost - an

    unhappy sheep stealer by the name of Andrew McCornish who was imprisoned in

    the dungeons below the Tower.

    He was reputedly seen by the Minister of Avoch towards the end of the last

    century. After the Castle ceased to be a Jail, it was the Sheriff's residence for a

    time. Miss Marion MacKenzie, daughter of Sheriff Mackenzie who was Sheriff

    Substitute for over 50 years until he retired, lived in the castle until 1912.

    The Castle passed into private hands in 1922 and the new owner took the

    precaution of having the Castle exorcised. This must be wearing off as there have

    been several sightings in the last 5 years.

    When some old pipes were being dug up in the Castle area near where the

    hanging is supposed to have taken place, some bones were found, believed to be

    those of the Covenanter.

    Also found were some pieces of church plate which are now in a museum in

    Edinburgh. Tradition has it that during the troubles of the Reformation, the

    Cathedral clergy hid the valuables in the Church, including a plate of pure gold, in

    a secret underground passage which connected the Castle and Cathedral.

    They then sealed and concealed both ends of the passage. From this has grown

    the legend that when the golden plate and the Church treasure are found, the end

    will be at hand for the present House of Sutherland. Needless to say, no serious

    effort has been made to find the tunnel and Sutherland line seems safe from threat

    at least.


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    In 1970, a southeast wing was added when the castle was bought and made into

    a hotel (where we stayed). Inside, the old tower contains a few rooms, but most of

    the work was done in the "new" wing, which has a number of pretty standard hotel


    It has been very altered inside, although the old cellars remain, and the

    staircases are intact. Some of the hallways wind through the original rooms,

    making a trip to the restaurant from any of the hotel rooms exciting.

    Chapter 5


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    Inveraray Castle is first and foremost a family home for the Campbell family

    who played an important role in the rich tapestry of Scottish History.

    The contents of Inveraray Castle span many generations of the Campbell familyand will give the visitor a glimpse of their heritage and the way their ancestors


    Inveraray Castle is a remarkable and unique piece of architecture incorporating

    Baroque, Palladian and Gothic.Featuring four imposing French influenced conicalspires surmounting the stone castelated towers, this unmistakably Scottish Castle

    was the first of its size and type to

    be built (at the time of construction)

    in an extremely remote part of

    Scotland. The complicated story of

    the design and construction of the

    castle began in 1720 with a sketch


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    prepared by Sir John Vanbrugh, the architect of Blenheim Palace and Castle

    Howard, for the 2nd Duke of Argyll. Vanbrugh died six years later and the design

    was sympathetically developed by Roger Morris who saw the start of construction

    in 1746 and worked with William Adam, then the most distinguished architect in

    Scotland. Both Morris and Adam died in 1748 after completion of the designs and

    it was Adam's sons John and Robert who saw the project to completion for the 5th

    Duke of Argyll in 1789.

    Developed in keeping with Vanbrugh's original sketch

    dated 1720 and using a similar concept which he used at

    Castle Howard & Blenheim Palace, the dramatic Armoury

    Hall soars to 21 meters in height, the highest ceiling in


    Breathtaking displays of arms in elaborate patterns adornthe walls, including 16th and 17th century pole-arms and

    roundels of Brown Bess muskets dating from around 1740,

    with spandrels of muskets alternated with Lochaber axes. The

    latter, as well as 18th century Scottish Broadswords date from

    the time of Queen Victoria's first visit to Inveraray in 1847.

    Situated centrally in this great hall, the showcases contain

    a fascinating collection of treasures associated with Inveraray

    and the Castle, which help illuminate the long and colorful

    history of the Campbell Clan. A highlight of the collection is

    the dirk and sporran belonging to Rob Roy MacGregor (1671-1734).

    When originally designed, the Castle was to be entered by the South and

    when work commenced in 1746 the builders followed the architect's plans.

    However, after the structure was complete, the 5th Duke changed his mind, and

    decided to move the entrance to the North side of the building.

    When completed in 1789 what had originally been intended as a long gallery

    running the entire length of the building had been sub-divided, forming theTapestry Drawing Room & State Dining Room either side of the modest entrance

    hall. In 1780 after the 5th Duke had taken occupation, the decoration was

    completed with the addition of the delicate Gothic plasterwork seen today.


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    Exquisitely decorated in the

    Parisian style and representing the

    most sophisticated tastes of the

    1780's, this remarkable room still

    retains the original set of Beauvais

    tapestries in the setting specifically

    designed for it. As well as these

    magnificent tapestries, restored at

    Hampton Court Palace in 1976 after

    the huge fire, the room boasts

    architectural decoration by Girard.

    The original ceiling was designed by Robert Adam and was gilded by

    Dupasquier. Other features of the room include a painting of Lady Charlotte

    Campbell (daughter of the 5th Duke) as 'Aurora' by John Hoppner, a pair of

    confidantes with matching armchairs and a circular gilt wood palm tree table witha specimen marble top inlaid with the 7th Duke of Argyll's coat of arms.

    The entrance to the turret from the Tapestry Drawing Room is ingeniously

    concealed by a pair of double doors covered with tapestry panels integrated into

    the design of the drawing room. Interestingly, the decorative

    ceiling is made of papier-mch and was designed by Robert

    Mylne in 1773.

    Originally designed as a Library, this room now displays a

    wonderful collection of Oriental and European porcelain,

    including Japanese Imari-ware of the early 18th century, a

    Meissen dessert service, a large derby dinner service from the

    early 19th century and other interesting pieces of English


    The North West Hall contains a collection of costumes worn by the family

    through history to the present day. The display includes the Coronation robes of

    HRH Princess Louise, the robes of the Knight of the Thistle and the 12th Duke's


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    uniform of the Royal Company of Archers. A more recent addition is the stunning

    cream gown designed by Bruce Oldfield and worn by the current Duchess at her

    wedding to the 13th Duke in June 2002.

    The Duke's Coronation robes and coronet are also on display, as is the baton

    of the Hereditary Master of the Royal Household in Scotland. The appointment

    dates from 1461 and the baton is still used today by the Duke for ceremonial


    The Clan Room conveys the many fascinating historical aspects of the great

    Clan Campbell, from its origins right through to the present day, with the Duke of

    Argyll as Clan Chief or MacCailein Mor.

    The room includes the remarkable and detailed family tree which adorns the

    South Wall and traces the Campbell lineage and its various branches of the family

    from the present day back to Colin the Great in 1477.A map of Scotland shows the lands possessed by the Clan at the height of their

    power. In addition to most of Argyll, the Campbell strongholds

    stretched as far East as Taymouth in Perthshire, a castle which in

    many ways replicates Inveraray, North to Cawdor Castle in

    Inverness-shire and South to the now ruined Louden Castle in


    There is also a fine collection of military drums loaned by the

    Caledonian Schools Trust.

    Chapter 6


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    Warwick Castle, overlooking the River Avon, lies in the town of Warwick of

    the English county of Warwickshire. It is traditionally associated with the earldom

    of Warwick, one of the oldest in England. The castle today is a popular tourist

    attraction and attracts tens of thousands of visitors from all over the world.

    Legend has it that the first fortification of significance on the grounds of

    Warwick Castle was erected by Ethelfleda, the daughter of Alfred the Great, in the

    year 914. This almost certainly replaced older wooden fortifications which had

    proven ineffective against marauding Danes who sacked the town during the reign

    of her father. This fortification was part of a network built to protect the Kingdom

    of Wessex.

    The remains of this ancient fortification can still be seen on Ethelfleda's Mound,

    a mound of earth at the southern end of the castle's courtyard. As intriguing as this

    legend is, the majority of the remains date from the period of Norman rule.

    After the Norman Conquest of England in the 11th century, William the

    Conqueror appointed Henry de Newburgh as Earl of Warwick. During this time of

    change, a Norman motte-and-bailey fort was erected.

    In the year 1264, the castle was seized by the forces of Simon de Montfort,

    who consequently imprisoned the current Earl, William Mauduit, and his countess

    at Kenilworth (who were supporters of the king and loyals to the barons) until a

    ransom was paid.

    After the death of William Mauduit, the title and castle were passed to William

    de Beauchamp. Following the death of William de Beauchamp, Warwick Castle

    subsequently passed through seven generations of the Beauchamp family, who

    over the next 180 years were responsible for the majority of the additions made to

    Warwick Castle.


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    After the death of the last direct-line Beauchamp, Anne, the title of Earl of

    Warwick, as well as the castle, passed to Richard Neville ("the Kingmaker"), who

    married the sister of the last Earl (Warwick was unusual in that the earldom could

    be inherited through the female line). Warwick Castle then passed from Neville to

    his son-in-law (and brother of Edward IV of England), George Plantagenet, and

    shortly before the Duke's death, to his son, Edward.

    The Great Hall is the largest room in the

    castle and throughout history has been its heart.

    In the early middle ages, straw and dirt

    covered the floor of the Great Hall. Burning in

    the centre of the room would have been a large

    fire, its smoke turning the air acrid. The only

    natural light filtered through narrow lancetwindows. Here it was that the nobility ate,

    drank and even slept.

    The Hall as it stands today was first constructed in the 14th century. It was

    rebuilt in the 17th century and then restored in 1871 after it had been badly

    damaged by a fire which swept through part of the castle.

    Set against the wall is the magnificent Kenilworth buffet, made in oak by

    local craftsmen for the Great Exhibition of 1851. In the window is a huge cauldron

    known as 'Guy's Porridge Pot', named after the 10th Earl of Warwick. About 500

    years old, it was used to cook stew for the castle's garrison of soldiers.

    Built on the orders of Thomas de Beauchamp,

    Caesar's tower is a masterpiece of 14th century

    military architecture.

    It has an irregular quatrefoil or cloverleaf shape and

    rises 44.8 metres from the solid rock just above theriver level. Not including the dungeon, it has three

    storeys. These are topped by a platform with a

    crenellated and machicolated parapet. Behind the

    parapet there is another storey again which contains a

    hexagonal guardhouse.


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    Ghost tower. First built in the 14th century to guard against enemy approaches

    from the river, the interior dcor reflects the later Jacobean style.

    A prominent Elizabethan and Jacobean

    courtier (his poetry, published posthumously in

    1633, won him a reputation also as an important

    writer), Sir Fulke Greville had been keen in the

    early years of his political career to see military

    action abroad. His enthusiasm for the venture,

    however, was repeatedly thwarted by Queen

    Elizabeth's insistence that he stay in England.

    Greville spent a sizeable part of his income

    turning the semi-derelict castle into a stately

    residence. Work was sufficiently advanced for

    James I to be received in 1617 and for Bishop Corbett, a friend who visited in

    1618, to remark of the refurbished castle that "it seems nor art nor force canintercept it. As if lover built, a soldier kept it".

    However generous his spending plans for the castle, it was, tragically, an

    accusation of meanness that led to his death in 1628. While in London, an

    argument broke out between Greville and one of his servants, Ralph Haywood,

    over the contents of Greville's will. Haywood, convinced that his master had not

    bequeathed him his rightful due, drew a knife and stabbed Greville the Earl died

    27 days later. Realizing the enormity of his actions, Haywood fatally turned the

    blade on himself.

    Greville had once expressed a wish to have tombs built for himself and his

    friend and fellow poet, Sir Philip Sidney, in St Paul's Cathedral. In the end it was

    to the Church of St Mary in Warwick, that Greville's body was taken and laid to

    rest in the tomb he had prepared for himself there. It is said, however, that his

    ghost still haunts this tower in which he lodged.

    Towers were the mainstay of a castles defensive system. Because they

    projected above and out from the wall, they gave archers a clear view downwardsand sideways.

    Guys Tower was built in the 14th century. It is

    twelve-sided, stands 39 metres high and has five storeys.

    The first four storeys consist of a central stone-vaulted

    chamber with two small side rooms one a gardrobe

    (toilet), the other probably a bedchamber. The fifth storey


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    is a hexagonal guardroom. During the Civil War the windows here were enlarged

    so that they could take small hand-held cannons.

    The walkways that run along the curtain walls meant that crossbowmen and

    archers could move swiftly to quell danger at any point on the perimeter. Once in

    position they could pick off the enemy from the

    battlements. These consist of solid sections of wall,

    called merlons, and gaps, known as embrasures.

    The tops of the towers are encircled by parapets

    that added a further layer to the castle's defenses.

    Cut into the floor of the parapet at regular intervals

    are openings, or machicolations, through which the

    garrison could drop stones or pour boiling pitch

    and quicklime onto the unfortunate attackers


    On the wall to the right Clarence Tower is a rare corbelled turret or crow's nest.

    A watch would be posted there to keep a lookout along the base of the curtain wall.

    Set in the centre of the north wall, Bear & Clarence towers are all that is left

    of the mighty Tower House which Richard of Gloucester (future King Richard III)

    started to build in 1478.It was to have been the same height as Guy's Tower, but

    twice as wide, with a turret at each of its four corners.

    However, this gigantic Royal Keep was

    intended not just to repel an attack from beyond

    the walls. It was also designed to protect against a

    mutinous attack from within the castle itself.

    At ground level wells were dug and baking

    ovens installed, providing the domestic means

    necessary for those safe inside to endure an attack.

    In the walls, arrow loops and holes drilled to take

    cannon are features of the structure's defensivemeasures.

    In 1485 Richard was killed at Bosworth and the building stopped. The Clarence

    Tower is named after Richard's elder brother, the Duke of Clarence. It is thought

    that the other tower housed bears that were used for baiting.


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    The Mound was built in 1068 on the orders of William the Conqueror, it

    formed the most important part of the Norman castle's defense system.

    Advances in military architecture, however,

    made it more and more of an outpost. By the 17th

    century, it had been absorbed within Sir Fulke

    Greville's garden, topped by a single Scots pine.

    Today, it is the perfect vantage point, not for

    defending against marauding English troops but

    for taking in the beautiful unfolding views of

    these peaceful grounds.

    First laid down in 1868, the Victorian Rose Garden, like the Peacock Garden

    was designed by Robert Marnock.

    By the end of the Second World War, though, it had disappeared under a tennis

    court. Fortunately, two of Marnock's original drawings survived, so the plot was

    lovingly brought back to life in 1986. Its charm stems from the contrast between

    the very precise geometry and proportions of the beds and the garden's informal,

    almost secretive setting.

    The roses are all of the old-fashioned type, many of them popular with the

    Victorians. To commemorate the recreation of the garden, 120 years on, a new

    English rose was bred and named 'Warwick Castle'. The best time to see the

    display is in late June and the whole of July.

    The pair of unusual icehouses date back to the 1830s and were built in the earthbank facing away from the sun. They were still being used in 1869 when in

    December of that year 16s 4d allowance was paid 'to men filling the ice houses'.


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    After passing through the hands of 20 more Earls (and three more creations of

    the title), Warwick Castle has now become a member of the Treasure Houses of

    England, a heritage consortium founded in the early 1970s by ten of the foremoststately homes in England still in private ownership with the aim of marketing and

    promoting themselves as tourist venues. In 1978, Warwick Castle was sold to the

    Tussauds Group, a large visitor attraction business.

    The thought of castles conjures up images of adventure, romance and intrigue, a

    majestic castle standing on top of a sunny hill or cliff. In reality, most castles are in

    ruin. More days than not, they are shrouded in fog, mist and rain, with dark skies

    as a backdrop. No matter the weather, though, castles always provide the perfect



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