Brm Survey

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  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Largest Industry in India.

    Has employment of around 8% andcontribution of over 10% to Indias GDP.

    Expected to rise at around 25% on yearlybasis on account of strong income growth,changing lifestyles and favorabledemographic patterns.

    Expected that by 2016 modern retail industrywill be worth 175-200 billion US$.

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey





    Target Audience

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    The research is being conducted upon BigBazaar on certain parameters like- itscompetence in terms of quality, the service

    it provides , availability to customers interms of reach.

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    The research is being conducted on the basisof primary data and secondary data.

    Primary Data: The primary data was

    collected by means of questionnaire andanalysis was done on the basis of responsereceived from the respondents

    Secondary Data : The secondary data has

    been collected from various sources likejournals (Business Today), Internet(variouswebsites)etc.

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Data collection was done through thequestionnaire method(primary data).

    The firsthand information was available by

    making the people fill the questionnaire. Respondents were contacted at shopping

    malls and markets.

    A direct interaction with the sample size was


  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    People not interested in filling up thequestionnaire.

    Studying the buying patterns and buying

    behavior of the people.Getting relevant information within the

    stipulated time limit.

    Designing a good questionnaire that would

    be easy enough and not exceed more than 4minutes and should keep up the interest ofthe surveyor.

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Q1 Your purchase from the organized retailsector is


    Less frequent


    Q2 The price of products in Big Bazaar as comparedto unorganized sector and other retail outlets is

    o Relatively cheapero Same

    o Expensive

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Q3 Are the locations where Big Bazaar storesare located _ in terms of reach.

    o Convenient

    o Less convenient

    o At far off places

    Q4The quality of products at Big Bazaar is

    o Good

    o Satisfactory

    o Not satisfactory

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Q5 The in house services provided by BigBazaar are

    o Goodo Satisfactory

    o Not satisfactory

    Q6 Do you find sufficient variety of productsat Big Bazaar

    o Yes

    o No

    o Cant say

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Q7 How did you find the experience of BigBazaar in comparison to other retail stores

    o Good

    o Satisfactory

    o Not satisfactory

    Q8The employees working in Big Bazaar are

    o Cooperative

    o Not cooperative

    o Just satisfactory

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Q9 What other changes you would like to havein Big Bazaar?


    Q10 Suggest a way to make the experience ofBig Bazaar even better one?


  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    People make frequent visits to Big Bazaar. As most ofthem are situated at convenient location.

    Their experience with big bazaar is good as they finda variety of products under same roof and alsoaround 78% of population find the employeescooperative .

    Moreover 70% of population ratedthe quality of products available

    there as good.

    Quality of goods



    not satisfactory

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    Besides this ,people find that commodities at BigBazaar are more or less rated at same price ascompared to other retail stores as only 24% of

    population reported that there are differences inprices.

    People are happy with the discounts allowed orthe offers announced by the store at festive


    However ,people do want certainimprovements in big bazaar i.e. inregard to their clothing segment .They should keep more garmentsand their brands.

    Price variations




  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey


    As a retail store Big Bazaar has large customerbase who are satisfied with it. It has beenable to do so because of its good services,affordable prices and quality goods.

  • 8/3/2019 Brm Survey
