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Broadcast 8: SCHOOL SUPPLIES - Arlington Public Schools · Broadcast 8: School Supplies 109 ... el cuaderno notebook el cuaderno de trabajo workbook ... Sra. Johnson Adriana, es hora

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Page 1: Broadcast 8: SCHOOL SUPPLIES - Arlington Public Schools · Broadcast 8: School Supplies 109 ... el cuaderno notebook el cuaderno de trabajo workbook ... Sra. Johnson Adriana, es hora

©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies




This lesson will help you to:

¬ know the names of school supplies¬ inquire about and express likes and

dislikes¬ ask and explain where something is


Los Materiales para la Clase de Arte

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Repaso You will be introduced to several teachers. Some will tellyou the subject they teach; others are elementary schoolteachers and will tell you what grade they teach. Listen and report back the information.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

4. ________________________________________

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


School Supplies Cognates or anglisisms los creyones crayons el diccionario dictionary el libro book library los marcadores markers los plumones el papel paper pintura / la pintura paint / the painting la puerta door portal la punta point la lonchera lunchbox la ventana window vent la computadora computer el disquete diskette el hardware hardware el monitor monitor el software software el teclado keyboard Non-cognates el borrador; la goma eraser la barra adhesiva glue stick la cartulina construction paper / posterboard la cinta tape (audio cassette) ...adhesiva ...transparent tape ...de video ...video tape el cuaderno notebook el cuaderno de trabajo workbook el bolígrafo; el lapicero; pen la pluma

el lápiz pencil el pegamento; la cola; glue la pega la regla ruler la revista magazine las tijeras scissors la tiza chalk

el closet; el armario closet el basurero; la papelera trash can; wastepaper basket el estante bookshelf la luz light la pizarra; el pizarrón blackboard el pupitre; el escritorio kid’s desk; adult desk el sacapuntas; el tajador; pencil sharpener taja lápiz la silla chair Verbos acabar / terminar to finish colorear to color comprar to buy dibujar to draw hacer to do pintar to paint

se usa is used se encuentra is found

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Focus on the Video: Los Materiales para la Clase de Arte Look through the questions so you know what you’ll belistening for. Then watch the video. After the video, we’llgo over the answers by viewing the specific portions ofthe video.

1. What does Adriana say to express her delight at goingto art class?


2. What does she say to ask what supplies she needs totake?


3. How does Adriana ask what they are going to do in artclass?


4. What are they going to do in art class? ____________________________________________

5. How does Adriana feel about that? ____________________________________________

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Video: Los Materiales para la Clase de Arte Lee el diálogo con un compañero.

Sra. Johnson Adriana, es hora de ir a la clase dearte.

Adriana ¡Ah, qué bueno! ¿Qué necesitollevar?

Sra. Johnson Necesitas llevar los marcadores, lapega, la pintura, y las tijeras.

Adriana ¿Qué vamos a hacer en la clasehoy?

Sra. Johnson Vamos a hacer una pintura de lasestaciones del año.

Adriana A mí me gusta pintar. Sra. Johnson Entonces, te va a gustar mucho la

clase de hoy.

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Likes and Dislikes

To say what you like, you say: me gusta To say what you don’t like, you say: no me gusta

A mi me gusta pintar. Me gusta leer. No me gusta la historia.

If you like something that is in the plural, you say: me gustan To say you don’t like something that is plural, you say: no me gustan

Me gustan los idiomas extranjeros No me gustan el invierno y el verano.

In an informal context, you talk to another person about their likes with: te gusta To talk to another person, informally, about their dislikes,you say: no te gusta

Te va a gustar mucho la clase de hoy. ¿No te gusta escribir?

In a formal context, or to talk about a person who is notpresent, you need to say: le gusta To exess dislike you say: no le gusta

¿Le gusta enseñar, Sr. Brown? A Adriana le gusta pintar. A Guillermo no le gustan las matemáticas.

Actividad 2: Likes and Dislikes Formulate the questions for the following situations.Then provide an answer for that person.

Ask a student if he likes the art class.


A. __________________________________________.

Ask the student’s mother if the student likes the art class.


A. __________________________________________.

Ask the mother if she herself likes art.


A. __________________________________________.

Ask the student if he doesn’t likes art.


A. __________________________________________.

Role play the questions and answers with a partner.

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Nota Gramatical: ARTÍCULOS

Vocabulary lists, like the list of school supplies, ofteninclude the words el and la so that you know to whichgender category a noun belongs.

When we worked with the nationalities, you observeddifferent forms used for males and females. Nouns thatdo not refer to people also belong to one of these twocategories, masculine or feminine. You can usually tellwhich category a noun belongs to by its ending. Nounsthat end in -a, -d, -ción and -sión, are almost alwaysfeminine; nouns ending in -e could belong to eithercategory; others are almost always masculine.

Studying vocabulary lists is one of the least efficient waysto remember vocabulary---you have to use words incontext. Over time you will get accustomed to theagreements with the nouns you hear frequently.

In Spanish the words for the, el, la , los, and las agreewith a noun in gender and number.

La is the word for the that goes with feminine nouns.

la escuela la clase la música la silla la tarea la fecha

El is the word for the which goes with masculine nouns.

el alfabeto el libro el lápiz el salón el profesor el número telefónico

The plural of a noun is formed by adding -s to thesingular noun. If the noun ends in a consonant, theplural is formed by adding -es. The plural of la is las andthe plural of el is los. Here are some examples:

la computadora las computadoras la oración las oraciones el colegio los colegios el marcador los marcadores

In Spanish the plural form of masculine nouns might beused to indicate a mixed group of masculine andfemenine.

los profesores los padres los estudiantes los consejeros

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Actividad 3: Los Materiales Just a little drill on school supplies. Look at the pictureand say what supply or object it is.

Actividad 4: Falso o Verdadero

1. El sacapuntas se usa para escribir. _____

2. La definición de una palabra se encuentra en eldiccionario. _____

3. La tiza se usa para escribir en el cuaderno. _____

4. La papelera se usa para depositar la basura. _____

5. El pegamento se usa para pintar. _____

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Focus on the Video: Los Útiles Escolares Look over the questions first before watching the video.You may want to have your list of school supplies in frontof you as you listen. The text for the video is in theappendix.


1. What is Adriana going to do with the scissors?



2. What two kinds of writing instruments are on the list?



3. What two paper products are on the list?



4. What is the one item on Adriana’s list not mentionedin questions 1 through 3?



5. In what classes can she use her supplies?



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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Location The instructor will demonstrate the vocabulary to point outwhere something is located.

¿Dónde está?

estar to be located ahí there en in; on; at entre between al lado de next to a la izquierda de to the left of a la derecha de to the right of sobre above debajo de below; under encima de on top of dentro de inside of fuera de outside of delante in front of detrás behind

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Actividad 5: ¿Dónde está........? Look at the pictures. Write the question for “Where is the....?” using the word given in bold. Then write the answerusing the prepositions discussed in the vocabulary.


¿Dónde está el sacapuntas? El sacapuntas está al lado del libro.
















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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Actividad 6: ¿Dónde está ......? Look around your room and practice describing thelocation of the following items.

¿Dónde está el sacapuntas? Ahí está el sacapuntas. El sacapuntas está al lado de la puerta.

¿Dónde está la televisión? ____________________________________.

¿Dónde está tu lápiz? ____________________________________.

¿Dónde están las sillas? ____________________________________.

¿Dónde están los maestros? ____________________________________.

¿Dónde está tu cuaderno? ____________________________________.

Periquito, Periquito Here is a children’s song you can sing with yourstudents.

Periquito, Periquito se parece a su papá por arriba, por debajo, por delante y por detrás.

Periquito, Periquito se parece a su papá por arriba, por debajo, por delante y por detrás.

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


Spanish for Educators, Broadcast 8: School Supplies Local Fax: 703-228-5813 Long distance Fax: 1-800-267-3718

TAREA: Aplicación del Diálogo Create a conversation that would be useful for you to use,with parents or students, regarding school supplies.

From: _______________________________________

School: ______________________________________

Phone: _________________ Fax: ________________

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies



You have learned:

¬ the names of many school supplies¬ how to inquire about and express likes and

dislikes¬ how to ask or explain where an object is

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©Spanish for Educators, Level 1, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000Broadcast 8: School Supplies


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