Cobble Hey Farm, Claughton SD 5362 4491 Broadgate to Cobble Hey (one way) 3.5km (2hrs 30min) Broadgate to Cobble Hey circular 6.5km (4hrs) Cobble Hey via Landskill circular 4km (2hrs) Hardcore tracks, Unsurfaced fields Note: At times due to inclement weather conditions some parts of these trails may be unusable. Please contact venues oposite to confirm. © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved (100023320) (2009) N Cafés, Toilets, Bird Hide Start Point Distance/Time Terrain To book a Tramper or accommodation contact: Cobble Hey Farm & Gardens 01995 602643 www.cobblehey.co.uk Broadgate Farmhouse B & B and caravan site 01995 602402 www.broadgatefarm.co.uk for other accommodation visit www.forestofbowland.com Contacts Key to Facilities 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 OS Explorer OL41 Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails 0.5 Mile 0 Miles 0 Km 1 Km 3 www.forestofbowland.com Curlew Oystercatcher with chick Debbie Yare Debbie Yare

Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails OL41 · 2011. 9. 7. · Option 1:Start Broadgate Farm Take the farm entrance drive south out of the farmyard and turn right in through the

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Page 1: Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails OL41 · 2011. 9. 7. · Option 1:Start Broadgate Farm Take the farm entrance drive south out of the farmyard and turn right in through the

Cobble Hey Farm, Claughton SD 5362 4491

Broadgate to Cobble Hey (one way) 3.5km (2hrs 30min)Broadgate to Cobble Hey circular 6.5km (4hrs)Cobble Hey via Landskill circular 4km (2hrs)

Hardcore tracks, Unsurfaced fieldsNote: At times due to inclementweather conditions some parts ofthese trails may be unusable. Pleasecontact venues oposite to confirm.

© C


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Cafés, Toilets, Bird Hide

Start Point Distance/Time Terrain

To book a Tramper or accommodationcontact: Cobble Hey Farm & Gardens 01995 602643 www.cobblehey.co.ukBroadgate Farmhouse B & B andcaravan site 01995 602402www.broadgatefarm.co.ukfor other accommodation visitwww.forestofbowland.com


Key to Facilities











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OS Explorer OL41Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails

0.5 Mile0 Miles0 Km 1 Km



▲ Curlew

▲ Oystercatcher with chick Debbie Yare

Debbie Yare

Page 2: Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails OL41 · 2011. 9. 7. · Option 1:Start Broadgate Farm Take the farm entrance drive south out of the farmyard and turn right in through the

Route Description

Option 1: Start Broadgate Farm

Take the farm entrance drive south out ofthe farmyard and turn right in through thewooden gate into the large sloping field onyour right. Follow the left hand boundary upto the top of the field.

Turn right in front of the kissing gate.Keeping the hedgerow and woodlands on yourleft continue to the end of the woodland.

Time to take a break and take a short detourto the bird hide on your right. The field in frontof the hide is being managed for breedingwading birds such as Lapwings and Curlews.Several shallow pools known as wader scrapeshave been created by the farmer to providefood sources for these birds chicks.

Return back to wooden gate at the edge ofthe woodland.

Pass through this wooden gate, turn left andfollow the left hand wall up to the corner ofthe next wood.

At the field corner turn right and follow theedge of the wood up the steep hill. Take amoment to rest and admire the wonderful viewswith Parlick, Fairsnape and Hazelhurst to yourright, Pendle beyond and behind you Beacon Fell.

Note: See if you can guess what the pulley isused for.

Turn left through wooden gate entering thewoodland and continue to the road.

Cross the road with care and through themetal gate to the right.This way takes you viaLandksill Farm and past a bird-hide overlookingmore fields that are excellent for breedingwading birds.

Option 2 to go straight to Cobble Hey take thewooden gate to the left (shorter route). Keepto the wall to your right and follow the wall topoint 5 of the Cobble Hey route and pick upthe way markers back to Cobble Hey. (FollowSquare points 5 to 3 in reverse on Cobble Heyroute then to point 13 of this route).

To continue via Landskill Farm: head diagonallyacross the field following the footpath sign toCalder Vale and St Johns Church and then

Towards the metal gate to the right of asmall wood (keep tight to the way marker toavoid the ditch in the field - Note at this gateyou need to lift the handle before you pull itto open the gate).

Head straight across the field towards thewhite gate in the wall and turn left onto thestone track. Follow this down the hill.

Go through the wooden gate and turn leftonto the track to Landskill Farmyard.

As you pass through the farmyard turn leftin front of Higher Landskill Farm and followthe waymarked route to Cobble Hey Farm.

Go through the metal gate; continue aheadalong a stone track to the bird-hide.

Take time out to use the hide whichoverlooks several fields that are excellent forwading birds and hares. At Landskill thefarmer is carrying out habitat and landscapeworks to benefit farm wildlifeand includeshedgerow restoration, rush management, ditchre-profiling and scrape creation.The meadowhere is managed traditionally as late cut hay.This allows the waders plenty of time to nestand rear their young in the spring before thegrass is harvested in July.

Continue ahead to and through the metalgate. Keep the hedge to your left then bearleft following the fence line to the nextwooden field gate.

Through the gate and turn right and followingthe higher grassy track and continue down toand across a brook and through the metal gate.

Continue across this field towards the farmbuildings and through the next wooden gate.

This gate leads you onto a stone track pasta children's play area and several small breedanimals on the right - goats, sheep and pigs.Follow the track into the farmyard - why notstop for a cup of tea at the café. Toilets alsoavailable here.

Option 2: Start at Cobble Hey

Leave the farmyard through the woodengate to the right of the cattle grid and turn leftand follow the field edge keeping the gardensto your left and then a wall to your left to thetop of the steep hill (Peacock Hill) followingthe lapwing wooden way markers.

At the top of the hill go through thewooden gate to your left and onto the stoneviewing plinth and admire the outstanding 360degree views.

Continue ahead and down the slope headingdownwards to the wooden field gate in the wall.

Here you have the option to spend sometime in the bird-hide overlooking the 'LapwingField' that is managed under EnvironmentalStewardship. Highland and Longhorn cattlegraze here in early spring to help manage thegrassland and several wet areas in the fieldprovide ample food sources for wader chicks.

To return back to Cobble Hey farmyard followthe base of Peacock Hill back to a woodengate in the wall that takes you out onto thestone track back to the farmyard past theanimal pens and gardens.

To continue to Broadgate or Landskill Farmsgo back to the field gate in the wall (point 3).Pass through it and bear left and go straightacross the field.

At the brow of the hill look out and headfor the wooden gate on the fence line ahead(Note: Avoid the wall edge due to unevenground).

Keeping the wall on your left follow theedge of the field around and up to theroadside wooden gate at the top of the field.

To continue or return to Broadgate

Cross the road (with care), go through thewooden gate and through the woodland towooden gate into the large field.

Turn right and follow the right handfence/wood down to the bottom right handcorner of the field.

Turn left follow the wall edge and at theedge of small woodland.

Go right through a wooden gate andcontinue ahead with the woodland to the rightalong a grassy path which is stoned in places.Go through the next wooden gate and onto astone path to the next gate and corner.

Turn left and downhill towards BroadgateFarm and through the wooden gate in thebottom corner of the field.

Out of the field and to the drive returning toBroadgate Farm.
























Broadgate / Landskill / Cobble Hey Trails