Brochure July2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Brochure July2011




    A-16, Site-3, UPSIDC Industrial Area, M eerut Road, Ghaziabad - 201 003

    Tel.: +91-120-3015465, 3015480, 3998021, 2705621, 2705622

    Fax: +91-120-2705625, E-mail: info@imtcd, Website: www .imt

  • 8/6/2019 Brochure July2011



    M issionVision

    To make IMT a global integrated bus iness school , known for i t s cont r ibut ion

    to m anagement edu cat ion, bus iness leadership and corporate excel lence.

    M ission

    To serve soc iety and enhance the qual i t y of l i fe thro ugh excel lence and

    leadership in m anagement ed ucat ion, research and consul tancy, as an

    academic communi ty which is outward- look ing and commit ted to innovat ion

    and l i fe long learning.

  • 8/6/2019 Brochure July2011


    From t he Desk o f t he Direct o r 1

    The Inst it u t e 2

    Por t fo lio o f Program m es 7

    Recogn it ion by Distance Educat ion Council (DEC) 8

    In f rast ruct u re and St uden t Suppor t Facil it ies 9

    Research & Consu lt ancy 12

    Corporate Tie-ups 13

    Core Facu lt y 14

    The Program m es - A Com m it m ent t o Excel lence 22

    t Ph.D. Program m e 24

    t Two Year Post -G ra du at e D ip lo m a i n M a n ag em e nt (PG DM ) 2 8

    t Tw o Ye ar M S Pr ogr am m e in Cy be r Law an d Se cu rit y 3 1

    t Two Year Post -Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) 34t One Year Post -Graduate Diploma in:

    - Business Adm in ist rat ion 36

    - M arket ing M anagem ent 37

    - Expor t M anagem ent 38

    - Financial M anagem ent 39

    - M at er ials and Supp ly Chain M anagem ent 40

    - Hum an Resource M anagem ent 41

    - Ret ail M anagem ent 42

    - Po st -Gr ad ua te D ip lo m a i n M a na ge m en t ( Exe cu t iv e) 4 3

    - Cyber Secur it y 44

    - Taxat ion 45

    Innovat ive w orkshops t h rough w ebcast ing 46

    In fo rm at ion Cen t res - Reach ing Beyond 47

    The Adm ission Process - W orking Toget her 49

    The Fee St ruct u re 50

    Paym ent Schedu le 51

    The Exam inat ions - Aim ing fo r Precision 52

    Th e A ssi gn m en ts & Ca se St ud ie s - Se tt in g N ew St an da rd s 5 3

    The St uden t s' Gu ideline 54

    Facilit ies fo r Adm issions, etc. 58

    Adm ission Test - A Br ief Sam p le 60

    In fo rm at ion Cen t res 62

    Con tact Us 67

    Aw ard & Recogn it ion 69


  • 8/6/2019 Brochure July2011


    Fromt he Desk

    o f t he


    IMT - Centre fo r Distance Learning, a premier business school of Ind ia, is a centre ofexcel lence in management education through i ts distance and e-learning mode.

    Today, IMT is wel l known fo r i ts distinguished faculty, state-of-t he-art techn ology and

    innovative pedagogy. The programmes here are flexible, convenient and innovative.

    Our aim is to provide fi rst-rate education and take distance education to the next level.

    Business is changing rapidly. Understanding these changes and m anaging i t is crucial an d

    cri t ical for practic ing managers to succeed. Keeping pace with the techno logy and staying

    ahead has been the most demanding chal lenge of al l the management ski l ls required today.

    The courses offered by IMT - CDL are crafted to equip student s with tools and techn iques so

    that they take up any chal lenge in the highly competi t ive business world of today and


    Distance learning with us doesn't mean studying alone. Our Personal Contact Programmes

    (PCP), nationwide network of information centres, onl ine digi tal l ibrary, video conferencing,

    excel lent curriculum and continuous faculty-student interaction are second to none, no

    mat ter where you are i n the wor l d .I am g lad to announce the i n t roduc t i on o f our tw o programmes , Ph.D. P rogramme and Two

    Year M S Programm e in Cyber Law and Securi ty in col laboration wit h National Law Universi ty(NLU), Jodhpur.

    I i nv i te you to exp lore the opportun i t i es tha t our d i f fe rent p rogrammes can prov ide i n your

    professional career and personal growth. I am confident that you wi l l f ind our managementprogrammes very rewarding, both as a student and as a professional.

    Best Wishes

    Dr. A. M. Sherry


    Leadership is not in ou r curr iculum ,i t 's in our p hi losophy.

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    2 3

    Th eInst i tu te

    IM T-Ghaziabad

    An era of excel lence dawned w ith the birt h of IMT-Nagpur, an academic insti tution

    conforming to global academic standards.

    The new campus became operational in July 2004 with top-of-the-l ine infrastructure,state-of-the-art technology and eminent faculty. Planned in three phases, the campus is

    spread over 25 acres of land located at M ouza Dorl i , on the out skirts of Nagpur.

    31 Years of Excellence

    The Insti tute of M anagement Technology (IMT) - Ghaziabad was establ ished in 1980 under

    the aegis of Lajpat Rai Education Society with the dream of nurturing and developing

    managerial talent . In the last 30 years of excel lence, IMT has been consistently ranked

    amongst th e top m anagement insti t utes in the count ry. Today, IMT is widely recognised as acentre for excel lence in management education, qual i ty research and for i ts strong industry

    interface. The Insti tut e is strategical ly located in Ghaziabad, near th e national capital . The

    lush green IMT campu s is spread over 14 acres of land with an infrastructure r ankedamongs t the bes t i n t he count ry .

    IMT offers a w ide range of residential Post-Graduate Programmes in Management .

    The driving force beh ind IM T's high levels of academic excel lence and qual i ty r esearch is thededicated team of over sixty core faculty members drawn from academia as wel l as industry

    and known for their academic and research contributions. In order to give thrust to appl iedresearch, besides regular programmes, IMT has started fou r centres of excel lence - Centre

    for Global Supply Chain Management , Centre for Strategic Information M anagement, Centrefor Financial Research and Centre for Environm ental Man agement. IM T also has an

    academic partner ship with CISCO, IBM Resource Centre and m any wel l-know n universi ties

    o f the wor l d .

    Th eInst i tu te


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    Our Philosophy

    Education is acquisi t ion of the art of uti l isation of knowledge. Knowledge in the

    managem ent field, l ike other discipl ines, is expanding very fast. Education is central to t he

    human resource deve lopment and em powerment i n any count ry , and the qua l i t y o f

    education is judged by the kind of humans i t produces. Education is the means wherebyadults pass on their bel iefs and values to their chi ldren.

    The growing inter national isation of highe r education, especial ly professional courses andinsti tutions, increasing international co-operation and the emergence of new, transnational

    education pro viders are posing a chal lenge to national higher education systems. The new

    knowled ge-based society demands managers who are f lexible and versati le. They need

    to learn cont inuously and upgrade th eir ski l ls as the technology advances. Innovative formsof t ransnat i ona l educat i on based on i n ternet have been opened to s tudents around the

    world. This has made distance education more vibrant and a rewarding experience.

    IMT - CDL has been contr ibuting to t his educational revolution in i t s own way. Ful ly al ive tothe emerging chal lenge, the Centre has been in the forefront establ ishing a lead through

    prepar i ng managers o f tomorrow wi th d i s t inc t v i s i on b lended wi th techno logy and sk i ll s .

    The centre strives to create leaders in management and entrepreneurship by helping i ts

    students acquire the ne cessary ski l ls.

    IM T-Cent refor Distan ce

    LearningA Business Schoo l

    that know s no bound aries.. .

    4 5

    IMT carries the vision to position i t sel f on the global business map. Pursuing this vision,

    IMT establ ished i ts fi rst overseas campus in Dubai in 2 006. Bringing wor ld-class

    management education within easy reach of the students and management professionals

    seeking global careers has been the key driver behind this ini t iative. Dubai has emerged in

    the last few years as the main business hub of the region covering not only t he Mid dle East

    but also Central Asia as wel l as the Indian Sub-Continent. Throu gh i ts highly competi t ive and

    effic ient infrastructure, Dubai today serves a market of more than 1.5 bi l l ion people and is

    ranked as the world's third largest re-export centre.

    TheInst i tu te

    IM T-Dubai

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    6 7

    IMT - CDL o f fe rs a wide spec t rum of management and i n format i on techno logy programmes .

    The curriculum is constantly updated to be in touch with the dynamic global and Indian

    environment. Learning is further enhanced by information technology that connects

    students to resources and data around the globe. The approach to management education

    is founded on continuous innovation, development of practical knowledge and a relentless

    commitment to academic excel lence.

    Hyderabad is al l set to become the hub of management education in South India, with

    leading insti tutes setting up campu ses over the next two years. IMT - Hyderabad is one of

    the 'new kids on the block' in the ci ty. This state-of-the-art 30-acre camp us is all set to offer

    management programmes f rom June 2011.

    IMT - Hyderabad stands proud amon g al l the vanguards in managemen t education in India

    and i n Hyderabad wi th some o f t he mos t g i f ted academics on the facu l ty . Mos t o f them

    have had research and teaching experience at top Am erican and European B-schools, have

    consulted wit h industry and also publ ished in leading jour nals in their respective fields.

    The insti tute w i l l also invi te faculty from foreign universi ties to part ic ipate in i ts regular

    programmes as we l l as i n i t s management deve lopment programmes . We w ant our

    s tudents a t IMT - Hyderabad to benef i t f rom t he exper i ence tha t every one o f us has

    earned over the years.

    TheInst i tu teIMT - Hyderabad

    Por t fo l io of


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    IMT - CDL is equipped wit h the fol low ing extra-ordinary facil i ties:

    Digital Library

    It provides you a variety of books onl ine anytime, anywhere. Referanceware , from Books

    24x7,offers a revolutionary approach to problem solving and learning by providing onl ine

    accessto thousands of businessmanagement, technical and finance books.

    Every page, word, graphic, f igure, schematic, formula and table in t he original books are

    avai lable for searching, browsing and reading onl ine. Even the companion CD contents for

    many of the books are accessible. Wel l-known industry publ ishers contribute their latest

    and best sel l ing ti t les as wel l as their classics-content users respect and trust. New books are

    added from time to time ensuring updation and comprehensive subject coverage. Al l

    relevant boo ks including newly added ones are accessible. The l ibrary is searchable and can

    be accessed from web environment. Innovative technology searches every word of every

    page to del iver highly relevant results. Results include mo st relevant ti t les with d irect l inks

    to most pertinent sections. So users quickly get to the information they need. Only results

    relevant to the search are del ivered, el iminating the need to wade through thousands offalse hi ts.

    8 9

    IMT - CDL has been recognised by Distance Education Counci l , Government of India, videtheir letter no. DEC/Recog/IMT/07 /5966, dated 4th Octob er 2007 for offering distance

    educat i on programmes .

    Recognit ionby Distan ce


    Council (D EC)

    Infrastructureand Stu dent


    Facil ities

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    IMT Onl ine Campus is accessible worldw ide, anywhere, anytim e and as often as learners

    l ike. It al lows an individual to learn things in chunks. Using learning management system

    of IM T Onl ine Campus, learning is sel f-paced. Learners can take the training according t o

    their convenience. It also saves time by monitoring learner's performance and stoppingthe practice when a learner has mastered the content. E-learning provides the learner

    wi th oppor tun i t i es to l earn f rom mis takes and prov ides immedia te feedback wh i ch l earners

    can use to improve their performance. There is provision of automated record keepingand reports .

    IMT Onl ine Campus is integrated wit h IMT - CDL Website.

    10 11

    This enables virtual classroom environment at al l information centres. Advanced Interactive

    Distance Learning System w i l l establ ish a ful ly interactive distance learning and tr aining

    service over any TCP/IP communication (satel l i te, WAN or ADSL) networ k and del ivers

    instantaneous training from a central location to any number of remote si tes. Del ivery ofmult iple, l ive synchronou s e-learning lessons to a num ber of geographical ly dispersed

    students to ei ther PC or TV-based classrooms using a friendly student/instructor interaction.

    High qual i ty bi-direction al video, voice and educational tools l ike sl ide projection ,wh i teboard , chat and app l i ca t i on pro jec t i on .

    The studio is also equipped with an audio-visual system that enables the instructor to

    conduct lessons and interact with students. With this, the instructor can conduct a l ivelesson to a large number of students.

    Recorded Lectures: 12 hour-recorded video lectures are avai lable through information

    centres for some of the important subjects. These recorded lectures have been del ivered byeminent facu l ty members .



    IM TOnl ine


    and Websi te

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    The Research and Consultancy Division of the Insti tute han dles gamut of activ i t ies, ranging

    from training programmes to complex industrial planning, techno-economic feasibi l i ty

    studies, market research, MIS, software developmen t, technology selection, upgradation

    and organisational improvement assignments. Consonant with the mission of encouraging

    sustained professional enrichment in an academ ic environment , IMT - CDL offers innovative

    and practical management development programmes on cri t ical management issues. These

    program mes focus on key topics simi lar to Leadership, Financial Management, Infor mation

    Technology, Human Resource Developm ent, Strategic Mento ring and Professional Renewal.

    Research &


    IMT-Centre for Distance Learning offers customised corporate management p rogramm esthrough traditional as wel l as e-learning mode. These courses are offered at the corporate

    locations across India.

    The sal ient features of t hese courses are:

    Programmes are conducted in-house at the corporate location to avoid any operation al/

    logistical issues. The studen t managers also find i t convenient to attend th e contact

    programme where in they l earn th rough face-to- face i n terac t i on wi th the facu lty .

    Customised contents and cases are deve loped i n consu l ta t i on wi th the organ i sa t i on .

    This offers opportunity for greater learning and exposure to the student managers.

    The programmes are supp lemented by access to an on l i ne d ig i tal l i b rary. The on l i ne

    resource contains more than 5000 global t i t les for enhanced learning.

    S tudent managers are ab le to imb ibe immense va lue add i t i on and d i sp lay the ir

    analytical acumen through a l ive industry project done in the final year of the


    The programmes deve lop a sp i r i t o f l earn ing wh i l e earn ing amongs t the

    student managers.

    The programmes are des igned to fac il i ta te se l f -paced l earn ing fo r the work ing

    student managers.

    IMT - CDL has corpora te t i e -ups fo r customised corpora te management programmes .

    IMT - CDL has si gned an MoU wi th Taxmann for One Year Post G raduate Dip loma i n

    Taxation wit h experts of national reput e. A second Mo U has been signed with M r. Ankit

    Fadia, a wor ld renow ned cyber securi ty expert fo r conducting One Year Post Graduate

    Diploma in Cyber Securi ty. Corporate programmes are being run at Nucleus Software,Steria, GenPact, WNS, Hindalco, Infosys, IBM-Daksh, Royal Bank of Scotland, Tehri

    Hydro Development Corporation and NTPC. Some more corporate programmes are in

    the pipel ine.



    12 13

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    Faculty at IMT - CDL is deeply committ ed to inculcating pr ofessional values and a relentless quest for

    excel lence in student m anagers. The Faculty consists of highly qual i f ied and p rofessional ly aware individuals

    who are i n cons tant touch wi th the chang ing g loba l envi ronment .





    A.M. Sherry

    Professor, Information Technology

    Dr. Arun M ohan Sherry is a Ph.D., M.Sc. (Gold M edal ist), M.Tech. (Compu ter Science, IIT Kharagpur).

    He is a recipient of Anand Swarup Bhatnagar Gold M edal for securing highest marks in Post Graduation,

    recipient of Bri l l iant Student Honour b y Lions Club in the year 1987 & 1989 and has also been recently

    honoured with Rabindranath Tagore Award & Indian Icon Award. He has partic ipated in various training

    program mes organised by IIMs and IITs. His special isation is in the field of Com puter N etwo rks,

    Inter-networking Technologies and Wireless Communications. He has more than 20 years experiencein teaching and research. He has del ivered a large number of lectu res as guest faculty at many universi ties

    and Insti tu tes of rep ute. He is AACSB (The Association of Advance Col legiate Schools of Business)

    Accredited Faculty.

    He has been the Chairman of Fel low Programme in Management. Three candidates have already been

    awarded Ph.D. Degrees under his supervision and at present, he is supervising six candidates for the aw ard

    of Ph.D. More t han 100 Post Graduate students have complete d projects under h is supervision. Dr. Sherry

    has publ ished over 40 papers in international/national journals and conferences. He is the Information

    Technology Consultant of National Hydro-electr ic Power Corporation Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterpr ise) and a

    mem ber of the Task Force for strengthening of Infor mation Technology Appl ication in Min istry of Power,

    Government o f Ind ia .

    N.K. Dhooper

    Professor Emeri t us & Advisor

    Dr. N.K. Dhooper, M .A. (Economics), M.Com, L.L.B., D.L.L., C.M.P. (C.M.U., USA), Ph.D., has teaching experien ce

    of over three decades in Universi ty of Delhi and reputed management insti tutes. He was Founder Director of

    Jaipuria Insti tut e of Managem ent, Lucknow. He has been actively involved in professional managemen t

    movement i n the count ry th rough A IMA w here in he he ld the pos i t i on o f Reg iona l V i ce-President and

    Chairman of Nort hern Regional Counci l , led teams of manageme nt experts in 1991-92 on behalf of M inistry of

    External Affairs, Govt. of India and AIM A to erstw hi le Czechoslovakia Social ist Republ ic and Mongo l ia when

    they adopted market economy pat te rn o f governance to impart management i nputs to the i r m anagers to

    make them compatible with the changed pattern of governance. He was selected for prestigious CMP (Col lege

    Man agement Programm e), 1996 by Carnegi Mel lon Universi ty of USA out of thousands of appl icants from th e

    whole globe. He has been awarded with 'Gem of India Award' and '20th Century Excel lence Award' by the

    Union M inister of Planning and Programme Implem entation, M s. Ratanmala D. Savanoor and Ex-Prime

    Minister of Ind ia, Mr. Chandra Shekhar for his contribution t o the field of managem ent education. He was also

    honou red as one of the best teacher s by the then Governo r of UP, Mr. Vishnu Kant Shastri .

    S.K. SachdevaSenior Professor, Mar keting Managemen t

    Prof. S.K. Sachdeva is a reputed Man agement Consultant in t he areas of Internation al Marketin g, Operations

    Managem ent and Total Qual i ty M anagement. He is Lead Auditor for ISO 9000 standards. Presently, he is a

    Professor at IMT-Centre for Distance Learning in Market ing and Operations M anagement . He did his B.Tech.,Post Graduate Diplom a in Industrial Management and MBA from De lhi Universi ty and scored the to p

    positions. Later he completed h is Diploma in Advance Training in Industrial M anagement f rom RVB, Delft,

    The Netherland s and M.Tech. from IIT-Delhi . Having keen interest in Internat ional Trade, he did Certi f icateCourse in Export Market ing from IIFT, New Delhi and Shipping Managem ent Course from Narottam M orarjee

    Insti tute of Shipping, Bombay. Prof. Sachdeva has vast and varied experience in Industr y and Publ ic Sector

    as wel l as in education and t raining. In 1960's he worked as Deputy Directo r in Bureau of Indian Standards,

    New Delhi . Later he was a Man ager (Planning & Research) and Regional Man ager in Food Corporation o fIndia. He has travel led extensively in the Net herlands, Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark,

    Sweden, Switzerland and Italy in connection with understanding markets and product adaptation. He has

    del ivered a large number of talks and organised training programmes in the areas of CompanyStandardisation, Total Qual i ty Management , Technology Managem ent, Materials Managem ent, Qual i ty

    Circles, Market ing, International M arketing and Intern ational Trade. He recently partic ipated in ICFAI

    Management Development Programme 2008 at Dehradun on the theme - Qual i ty Issues in Service Excel lence

    Management Insights.He has been teaching for over last 41 years in the areas of managemen t, marketing, standard isation and

    qual i ty control management in the reputed Insti tutes and Universi ties in the country. He has contributed

    over 37 artic les in various newspapers and journals in the country and authored three books in the area of

    Qual i ty Managem ent and Internat ional Trade. He has also authored an E-book on Product & BrandManagement fo r IMT's E-MBA Programme.

    A.K. Biswas

    Senior Professor, Mar keting Managemen t

    Prof. A. K. Biswas, M.A. (Economics) Calcutta Un iversi ty and M .A. (Managem ent) fro m Leeds Universi ty, U.K,

    has a wide experience in area of teaching, research and industry. His interest area includes Marketing

    Managem ent, Business-to-Business Marketing and Service Mar keting. He has worked on variou s managerialpositions in several organisations such as SAIL, Canadian Crown Corporation , IDRC. Over his entire service,

    he had t ravel led to several countries including U.K., USA, Japan, Germany, France, Neth erlands, Italy,

    Switzerland and Nigeria.

    T. K. Das

    Professor, Financial Managem entProfessor T. K. Das, B.Com (Hons.), M.Com, M BA (FMS, Dehl i), M. Sc. in Finance (Glasgow, UK) and

    F.I.C.W.A., is a former m ember of th e Indian Audit and Accounts Service.

    He wor ked in the M inistry of Agricul tur e, GOI, as Joint Secretary and Financial Adviser. Prior to t his,he worked in the Finance Wing of various Ministries of the Govt. of India; in the accounts/aud it offices of

    the C & A G of India; and in PSUs ( Bharat Petroleum Corpo ration Ltd). After his reti rem ent from the Govt,

    he joined th e FAO of the Un ited Nation s in Rome w here he w orked as Financial Control ler.

    He started his career as a lecturer in a col lege ini t ial ly. After joining civi l services, he wo rked as Joint Directo r

    in the National Insti tut e of Managem ent and Accounts, Ministry of Finance, GOI. For a very brief period, he

    wor ked as a Professor Accounting & Finance in the IILM at their Great er Noida campu s. He has been

    wor king as a professor in IMT, CDL since August, 2008.

    Presently, he is in the Boar d of Directo rs of the UP Stock Exchange Ltd, Kanpur.

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    16 17

    P. K. BrahmaProfessor, Economics

    Prof. P.K. Brahma did his M asters in Econom ics from Presidency Col lege, Calcutta and had taught Econom ics

    in Vidyasagar Col lege, Calcutta. He join ed IAAS in 1966 and reti red as Chairman, Audit Board an d Deput y

    Comptro l ler and Audito r General of India (Secretary to Govt.of India) in 2003. He joined t he Reserve Bank ofIndia in 2003 and wo rked as Banking Ombudsman at Ahm edabad ti l l 2007. Wh i le in service, Prof. Brahma did

    MDPA from IIPA and did Research on Wor ld Bank as part of M.Phi l - Ph.D. Programm e in JNU. He held many

    impor tant position s as Joint Secretary and Addit ional Secretary in the Ministr ies of Civi l Aviation and Tourism,Environment & Forests, Ministry of Finance and Ministr y of Personnel & Training. He had served Jawahar Lal

    Nehru Universi ty as their Head of Finance, Treasurer and Member of the Universi ty Court when he did a

    comput er Training in U.K. He had also been Director on m ajor PSUs like Air India, Indian Airl ines, AAI, ITDC

    and Mem ber of the Governing Counci ls of major Insti tut ions.

    Ajoy Dasgupta

    Professor, Mar keting

    Prof. Ajoy Dasgupta is an Engineer (DCE) and PGDM (XLRI). He has worked in almost al l fu nctions in Sales &Market ing in di fferent rep uted Indian and Mu lti -national organisations. These organisations are L&T, TATA

    Steel, ITW Signode, Siemens Infor matio n System Limited. He is pr esently CEO of Parsec Telesystems. He is

    widely travel led and has got exposure to business development environments in India and in UK, Western

    Europan, East European, M iddle East, ASEAN and APAC markets. His wide experience includ es IndustrialMarket ing, Service Marketing, Franchising, SMB M arketing, Market ing for startups.

    Santosh Sachdev

    Professor - Economics

    Santosh Sachdev, M .A. (Economics, D.S.E, DU) M .Phi l (JNU), Ph.D (JNU), Post Doctor al fel low (JNU) has a w ide

    experience in the area of t eaching, research and administration. She has teaching experience of over four

    decades in the Universi ty of Delhi . She has been guest faculty for M .Phi l students at J.N.U and PGDP students

    at I.I.F.T (Indian Insti tute of Foreign Trade) New Delhi . She worked on t hree research pro jects at Delhi school

    of Economics (DU) and Insti tute of Economic Grow th (DU). Her pub l ished works include - a book onAgricul tural Export, two research artic les in international journals {Apart from other artic les & Paper

    Presentations.} She was appointed as external examine r for Ph.D th esis & M.Phi l Dissertations of JNU and

    evaluator to assess 65 propo sals submitt ed to Wor ld Bank for India developm ent mar ket place 2007. She has

    been actively partic ipating in inter national & n ational wo rkshops, refresher courses and seminars. She did

    three com puter courses at Delhi Universi ty. Prior to Joining IMT-CDL she has served as an associate professor

    in econom ics in Kal inadi col lege, Delhi Universi ty (42 years) she has also been Principal, v ice principal,

    programm er officer for N .S.S, head (Econom ics Deptt.) of the Insti tut ion. In addition she has been

    Superintendent of Delhi Universi ty examinations, member interview boards, Head examiner, member course

    curriculum com mitt ees for various courses in econom ics and commence of Delhi Universi ty. She has travel led

    extensively in India as wel l as in U.K, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium & France. At pre sent she is l i fe member

    at IIPA (Indian Insti tute of Publ ic Administration, New-Delhi) and member IIC (India International Centre),

    Lodi road, New-Delhi .

    Archana TyagiProfessor (OB/HRM )

    Archana Tyagi received the M .A degree in Psychology from BHU, India and Diplom a in Medical & Social

    Psychology (D.M. & S.P), from Central Insti tute of Psychiatry (CIP), Ranchi, India. She has experience of n early

    18 years in the areas of teaching, management developm ent program 's and research. She was a professor of

    OB/HR in IMT, Ghaziabad (India) for nearly 14 years (1993-2007). She was the chairperson of bo th th e HR and

    Business Commu nication program and t he Executive Man agement pro gram. She has publ ications in refereed

    national and int ernational jou rnals and has also author ed a book on Organizational Behavior.Archana Tyagi 's major re search interests are in the areas of training and developm ent, personal i ty pro fi le

    identi f ication thr ough MBTI & Neo five factor tests, Human Resource practices, Performan ce Management ,

    Organizational cul ture, Identi t y and Identi t y cris is and Social Media & HR. She is an Accredited Trainer of

    MBTI & Step II (Expanded Analysis Report (EAR)), DISC and Entrepren eurial M otivation Training (EMT) fr om

    NIESBUD. She received assessor certi f ication o n Compet ency M apping by SHL, UK and w as also awarded

    certi f ication by 'Grid International Inc'. She has conducted workshops, training programs for publ ic andprivate sector organizations extensively.

    Archana Tyagi is associated wit h Universi ty of Business and Internation al Studies (UBIS), Geneva as an

    Adjunct Associate Professor in the area o f OB/HRM, since 2007.

    Archana Tyagi is also associated wit h 'Coach for Peace' (an internat ional nonp rofi t association), in Geneva,

    where she conducted M BTI Workshops.

    Archana Tyagi is a member of the Editorial Pol icy Board of 'Drishtikon: A Managem ent Journal ' .

    Abhishek Mani

    Professor, FinanceProf. Abhishek Mani has don e M BA (Ful l Time) from IIT Bomb ay, B.Tech (Honors) in M echanical Engineeringfrom IIT Kharagpur and Certi f ied Financial Manager from Center for Financial Managem ent , Bangalore. He is

    also a certi f ied Appl ication Expert Professional in area of Theory of Constraint s from Goldtatt U niversi ty. He

    has more than 7 years of indu strial experience in big corporate hou ses of Tata, Godrej, Indo Rama and Areva.

    He special izes in area of Finance and Economics.

    Charu Mat hurFaculty, Business Law

    Charu Math ur is an Advocate-On-Record, Supreme Court of India and practic ing lawyer for 10 years.

    She did her M aster is Business Law from N LS, Bangalore and her area o f interest includes Business Law,

    Corporate Governance, Capital Mar ket and IPR. Current ly she is pursuing Ph.D in Pharmaceutical Patentsfrom NLU, Jodhpur.

    Praveen ChoudharyFaculty, Operations

    Praveen Choudhary is BE (Mech.) , PGDBM(Market ing) XLRI Jamshedpur, with over 15 Years of total

    industry experience, wit h more t han 12 years in field of Process Presales, Software Qual i ty, TQM wit h wideexposure to ISO, CMMI, ITIL , MBNQA. He is also trained as Six Sigma Green Belt and ITIL foundation

    certi f ications. He is also the M anagement Representat ive for the ISO 9000: 2000 certi f icate for HCL

    Technologies, nort hern zone. He is focusing on the areas of Operations Man agement, Supply ChainManagem ent, IT Strategy and E Commerce and Out sourcing. He has publ ished many artic les, which have

    won International best paper and national best papers and also co-authored a book on Software Qual i ty

    publ ished by Tata McGraw Hi l l .

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    18 19

    Ankit FadiaFaculty, Cyber Securi ty

    Ankit Fadia, 23 years old, independent computer securi ty and digi tal intel l igence consultant with defini t ive

    experience in the field of int ernet securi ty based out of the Si l icon Val ley in Cal i fornia, USA. He has authored

    11 international ly best-sel l ing books on numerous topics related to Computer Securi ty that have been widelyappreciated by bot h professionals and industry leaders the wo rld over. His books have sold a record 2 mi l l ion

    copies across the globe, h ave been translated int o Japanese, Korean, Portu guese and Pol ish and are also

    being used as reference textbooks in some of th e most prestigious academic insti tutio ns in Asia and Nort hAmerica. Ankit is also a widely recognised computer securi ty guru and cyber terrorism expert. His name

    appears in Limca Book of Wo rld Records.

    Bharti Singh

    Associate Professor, Economics

    Dr. Bharti Singh is an M A (Economics) and Ph.D. in Economics from Lucknow Universi ty.

    Her areas of special isation are micro, m acro and business environment. She has prepared course mater ial for

    various insti tutes and autho red a book on 'M anagerial Econom ics'. She has over 17 years of teaching

    experience in a number of prem ier insti tutes. Prior to joining IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, she served asLecturer at Avadh Girls Post Graduate Col lege, Lucknow.

    Geeta Sarin

    Associate Professor, Marketin g

    Prof. Geeta Sarin did her Post Graduation in Int ernational M arketing from De lhi School of Economics after

    completing her graduation in com merce from Hindu Col lege, Delhi Universi ty. She has over seventeen years

    of industr y experience wit h Li fe Insurance Corporation o f India, a publ ic sector giant, and ING Vysya Li feInsurance, a private sector global f inancial leader.

    Narendra Mohan Mishra

    Associate Professor, Informat ion Technology

    An alumnus of IIM -Ahmedab ad, he is associated with several insti tution s and universi ties for research and

    training. Prior to IMT - CDL, Prof. Mishra was Dy. Director in Sri SIIM (New Delhi). He h as more th an 14 yrs of

    experience in academics, including Director o f UIM T Ghaziabad and Astt. Director in SRM Universi ty. He is aversati le teacher having mu lti -dimensional pe dagogy. He has been involved in several Training and Research

    programm es carried out by di fferen t organisations. He has publ ished several research and wor king papers in

    leading national and inter national jour nals. He is also a professional mem ber of various natio nal and

    internat ional organisations. Currently, he is extensively engaged in research for ul tra classic model of StrategicHR Resource Planning, Knowled ge Managemen t and Revenue Managemen t.

    Arun Kohli

    Associate Professor, Marketin g

    Prof Arun Kohl i is an economics graduate from u niversi ty of Delhi and an M BA from IM T-Ghaziabad. He hasserved in various senior positions in corporate sector for 30 years including an American M NC as a senior

    manager. He has traveled to m any countries including USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, China, Thi land,

    and other Asia Pacific countries for business development. He has been responsible for various col laborative

    agreement s for the organization and set up many Internat ional and Rural marketing plans and productlaunches in India and abroad. He has also been responsible for setting up projects and unit s making them

    profi t cent res. He h as been a visi t ing faculty for various insti tut ions including IMT for last 19 years. Has

    completed a course on Core Competencies and Strategic Managem ent from IIM -Ahmedab ad.

    An i ta Ma thewAssociate Professor, HRM

    Dr. Anita Matt hew is PGDPM from Xavier Insti tute of Social Service, Ranchi (1991-93). She also holds degree

    in Law from Rourkela Law Col lege, Sambalpur Universi ty (1993-96) and a Doctorat e in the area of

    Organizational Behaviour from Al igarh M usl im Universi ty. She has an industry experience in the area ofHuman Resource w ith DaRT (Datal ine and Research Technologies), a Dalal Street Journal Grou p Company,

    New Delhi . She also has more than fi ft een years of experience in teaching and training. She has a keen

    interest in the area o f system design, organizational cul ture and com munication . She has the essentialorganizational ski l ls in form ulating and executing program s and conferences. An effective team player with

    ample for esight and eye for detai l . She has research publ ications to her cred it both in n ational as wel l as

    internat ional publ ications. She is also a practi t ioner of Neuro Linguistic Programm img (NLP).

    Rajeev DwivediAssociate Professor, Informat ion Technology

    Rajeev Dwivedi is an Associate Professor of Strategic Managem ent and Info rmatio n Technology Strategy. Prior

    to joining IM T-CDL, he served as an Affi l iate Professor of Inform ation Systems at Howe School of TechnologyManagem ent, Stevens Insti tute of Technology, USA. He is associated wit h New Jersey City Universi ty, Farleigh

    Dickinson Universi ty, and Vaughn Col lege of Aeronautics in New York Metro pol i tan area as Adjunct Professor.

    He received his Docto rate from Indian Insti tut e of Technology (I.I.T.) Delhi on E-Business Strategy. He also

    holds Master of Technology (M .Tech.) in Future Studies and Planning from DAVV Indore, and M aster ofScience (M .S.) in LASER and FIBER Optics from SGSITS Indore. He has o ver ten years of re search and

    consultancy experience in the field of IT Strategy and E-Business Strategy, and involved actively in various

    consultancy assignment o f governm ent/ industry in USA as wel l in India. His services include editor, review erof various internat ional and national jou rnals and conferences. His research and consultancy interest included

    Strategic Al ignment , E-Business Strategy, Business Intel l igence, Strategic Flexibi l i ty, Systems Dynam ics

    Mo del ing, and Current and Emerging Issues in Strategic Managem ent.

    Nidh i Ma thu rAssistant Professor, HRM

    Dr. Nidhi Mathu r has her Ph.D. in Governance and Post Graduation in Publ ic Adm inistration from Jodhpur

    Universi ty. She has a good academic experien ce particularly in th e area of Organisational Behaviour an dPubl ic Administration and has excel lent publ ication record both national and international. For the past

    couple of years, she has been actively involved in teaching, consultan cy and research in managem ent

    processes. Prior to joining IM T-Centre for Distance Learning, she served as a Senior Lecturer at Natio nal LawUniversi ty, Jodhpur and ICFAI National Col lege.

    Rajni Ranjan

    Senior Lecturer, Economics

    Prof. Rajni Ranjan is an MA (Econom ics) and MBA from MDS Universi ty, having a rich experience of 11 years inteaching. Her areas of special isation include macro an d micro econ omics. She has excel lent organising ski l ls.

    Along with academ ics, he has also worked in the capacity of examinat ion incharge in Rai Universi ty. Prior to

    joi nin g IM T-Cen tr e fo r D ista nce Lear nin g, sh e w as assoc iat ed wi th Bha rat i Vid yape et h In stit ut e ofManagem ent and Research.

    Pallavi Gupta

    Lecturer, Finance

    Mrs. Pal lavi Gupta is a Chartered Accountant and a Post Graduate in Comm erce. She is the fi rst attem pt

    Chartered Accountant & a rank holder (45) in CA foundation exam. She has diversi fied experience in the areas

    of auditing & reporting. She has around four years of industry experience with exposure to the latest ERPpackages l ike Oracle & SAP. Prior to join ing IMT, she was del ivering guest lectures at Insti tut e of Chartered

    Accountants of India, Ghaziabad branch.

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    Operations Management/

    Quantitat ive Techniques

    Prof. J.C. Bhatia


    Prof. P. NarianPGDBM

    Prof. Ram Gopal


    Prof. R.J. Tikeker

    M BA

    Prof. T.G. Nand Kumar

    M BA

    S.S. Sharma

    MBA, B.E. (Electrical)

    Economic Environment & Strategy

    Dr. Atmanand


    Dr. N.K. OberoiPh.D.

    Prof. Pradeep Khandelwal


    Prof. R.K. Chopra

    M BA


    P.K. Goe l

    M.Com, LLB, M.Phi l l

    Human Resource Management

    Prof. B.P. M ukherjee


    Prof. K.G. Puri

    M BA

    Dr. Kiran Meht a


    Dr. P.K. BajajPh.D.

    Dr. Priyanka SrivastvaPh.D.

    Prof. Raju Chotani


    Dr. Shushmita WaraichPh.D.

    Prof. Tripti Taneja



    Prof. Mukesh BansalCA, ICWA, CS, NET, M .Com


    Prof. Rakesh Kumar

    ICWA, M.Com

    Prof. Sandhya GuptaICWA, CA

    Prof. Sanjay M onga


    Prof. V.K. Wadhw aM BA

    Dr. Radhika Pandey

    M.A. (Econom ics), Ph.D

    Informatio n Technology

    Dr. Jayanti RanjanPh.D.

    Pro f. M an i sh M athur

    MCA, MBA

    Prof. Ranbir SinghEDPS, HM M

    Dr. Sanjeev Gupta


    Prof. Shameena Gup taMCA, MBA

    Prof. Shefali Bansal

    M CA

    Dr. R.K. Gupta


    Marketin g Management

    Prof. K. Chander

    M BA

    Prof. M.M . Jol ly

    PGDBMProf. Naval Gupta


    Dr. Raj Agarwal


    Prof. T.K. Sabharwal


    Prof. Nal ini Ramani

    PGDBM, Ph.D.

    Visit ingFaculty


    Tushar Marw ahaLecturer, HRM

    Tushar Marwah a has complet ed his MBA from IM T-Ghaziabad and is the holder of M .A. (Engl ish) Degree.

    He has also successful ly completed a certi f ication in Corporat e Governance conducted by the NSE. His areas

    of interest and re search include Corporate Human Resource practices, the role of language in corpor atecommunications, the flow of communications within cross-functional and cross-cultural units, and

    inter-personal communications. Prior to joining IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, he was working with

    Kotak Mahind ra Bank, Delhi in the capacity of a Branch Relationship M anager and has also been involved inprojects with Citibank.

    Manas Mayur

    Lecturer, Finance

    Prof. Manas Mayur has completed his post graduation fro m Forest Research Insti tute, Dehradun. He is

    pursuing Ph.D. in Finance from IM T, Ghaziabad, which is an approved research centre of GGSIP University,

    Delhi . He has publ ished research papers in journals of national reput e. Besides, he has also contribu ted

    research papers and cases in the edited vo lumes. Three of his research papers are registered as workingpaper at IIM , Lucknow. Research carried out by him has been acclaimed by many academicians and

    researchers. He has received best paper award at several conferences. His research interests include: Ini t ial

    Publ ic Offerings (IPOs) and Corporat e Governance.

    Chhavi Taneja

    Faculty, Market i ng

    Chhavi Taneja is pursuing a Ph. D. from Un iversi ty of Delhi , India in th e area of M arketing (thesis has beensubmitt ed). She has done her M asters in Business Econom ics from the Depart ment o f Business Economics,

    Universi ty of Delhi , South Campus and is a graduate in Econom ics from Shri Ram Col lege of Comm erce, New

    Delhi . She has a work experien ce of eleven years which is a blend of corporate and academ ics. Her current

    areas of research interests include consumer decision making, buyer behaviou r and mar keting research.

    She has worked w ith leading m arketing research agencies such as AC Nielsen ORG-MARG Limited and

    Research Pacific India Limited. She has presented papers at nat ional and inter national confere nces and co-

    organised a national level conference on distance education. Her academ ic interest areas include MarketingResearch, Mar keting Managemen t, Consumer Behaviour and Rural Marketing.

    Naveen Luthra

    Professor, Mar keting

    Mr. Naveen Luthra is an alumnu s of IIM, Ahmedabad (1994).

    He is a senior sales and Marketing pr ofessional, who has not only helped b usinesses to sel l and market, but

    also manage the overal l business growth th rough cycles of economy. He comes with a rich pro fessional

    experience of 17 years, out of w hich he has spent last 10 years in Internet /onl ine in dustry. During theseyears, he has not only managed businesses and processes, but also has been deeply involved with m anaging,

    bu i l d i ng and grooming teams wi th ta l en t .

    He is currently spearheadin g the 'Strategic Al l iances and New Business Development' r ole at GETIT

    INFOSERVICES LTD, the pion eers of Yel low pages in India. In this role, he has entered in to some strategicrelationships wit h comp anies l ike NDTV, Aircel to establ ish Geti t as the leader in Local Search and Classi fieds


    He has been instrumental in taking property portal, to the position of Leadershipwher e i t is today, whi le serving TIMES of INDIA group as Vice President. He has also spent about f our years

    with, as Asst Vice President, in ro le of th e Business Head for "Domain , Email and Hosting services"

    based in Mum bai, setting up this business almost from scratch. He is also credited with setting up 400+'iways' (chain of brand ed cyber cafes by SIFY) in western India, across the states of M aharashtra, Gujarat, M P

    and Goa and setting up th e operation s in the Punjab region for SIFY at the tim e of i ts launch in late nineties.

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    The Philosophy

    Education today is not a static regimented pr ocess confined to

    the form ative years of chi ldhood or ado lescence, but i t is a

    dynamic and a continuous on-going process that extends

    throughout our professional careers. In this ever-changingworldwide phenomenon, the Distance Learning Education

    Mode i s a potent f l ex i b l e educat i ona l fo rmat t ha t o f fe rs

    multiple benefi ts of f lexibi l i ty, professional recognition andacademic enhancement to the s tudent .

    The Genesis

    As one of the pioneers of the distance education programme

    in management education, IMT - CDL started operat ing in

    1986 with a modest strength of 250 students. Today, there arethousands of students spread worldwide.

    Teaching Meth odology

    IMT-Centre for Distance Learning has developed various

    teaching methodologies, prominent being the 'PersonalContact Programme'.

    Personal Contact Programm e

    Personal Contact Programme (PCP) supports the

    comprehensive study material for our Distance Education

    courses. Our studen t managers have to atten d PCP conductedon respective information centres on weekends. The schedules

    for the PCPs are intimat ed to th e students by the respective

    information centres. The PCPs provide the forum for

    interactive education and the students are expected to use theopportun i ty to c l a r if y and enr i ch the i r knowledge base.

    Attendance in PCPs is compulsory an d carries 10% weightagein the end-term examinat i on .

    Virtual Classroom

    In order to fu r ther enhance the qua l i t y o f educat i on imparted

    to the students, IMT-Centre for Distance Learning is

    connecting large number of information centres across the

    country to the head office through satel l i te connection in aphased manner. The student s can have a touch base with t he

    renowned and experienced faculty visi t ing i ts main centre and

    have a sense of belonging with the alma mater. The studentsget the opportun i ty t o i n terac t wi th the f i nest facu l ty i n

    respective areas through video conferen cing. In this way,

    IMT - CDL can maintain a contact w ith i ts thou sands of

    students enrol led across India and del iver the same qual i t yo f educat i on .

    Group Learning

    Group learning is an effective vehicle preparing prospective

    managers to be proactive in seeking and acquiring knowledge

    rather t han being l imited t o lecture sessions. Free exchange

    of i deas and i n format i on among group members th roughdiscussions and presentation s is a proven met hodology for

    the development of professional and communication ski l ls.

    The Case Meth od

    This method is used extensively to help develop analyticalski l ls cri t ical to b usiness decision-making. The student

    managers are exposed to the complexi ties of the highly

    competi t ive professional environment under simulated

    conditions to help evolve a competent race of newgeneration managers.

    Self Instruction Manuals (SIMs)

    All students are sent a set of Self Instructio n M anuals (SIMs)

    as per the course calendar at the beginnin g of the session.Self Instructio n M anuals (SIMs) for various subjects have

    been developed through selected competent faculty.

    Improvement i n qua l i t y has been ensured th rough SIMs

    because no single text book can cover the course contentappropr iately. Through SIMs, the subject matter is made

    self-explanatory and easier to understand.

    Hands-on Computer Sessions

    Practical sessions are held at the info rmat ion centres and

    at IMT-Centre for Distance Learning. In these centres, thestudents have the faci l i ty to use the computer and software

    packages relevant to their syl labus. Students are expectedto do pr actical exercises on comp uter systems. Duringpractical sessions, students work on their ow n and learn

    the necessary exercises.

    Project Work

    The pro jec t work cons t i tu tes a major component i n mos t o f

    the professional programmes, except the One Year DiplomaCourses. The objective of th e project is to help student s

    develop abi l i ty to apply theoretical and practical

    tools/techniques to solve real l i fe problems related toindustry, academic insti tutions and research. Every studen t is

    requ i red to submi t a pro jec t on a sub ject o f h i s own cho i ce .

    During the Personal Contact Programm e, inputs shal l be

    prov ided fo r p repara t i on towards pro jec t work . Marks wi l l beawarded on presentation, amount of research and viva-voce.

    22 23

    In an effort to reach out to t he graduates and working professionals, IMT-Centre for

    Distance Learning offers distance education programmes. Consonant with our mission of

    encouraging sustained professional enrichment in an academic environment, theseprogramm es provide professional education in a flexible academic package consisting of

    Personal Contact Programm es synergised with special ly prepared study m aterial .

    Dynamic Curriculum

    The curriculum is constantly updated with the changing national and international business

    environment. Fol lowing the Kaizen concept, a continuous endeavour is made to improve the

    course design, core readings and the p eriodic examination process. The emphasis is oncreating a 'modular' way of teaching which includes the partic ipation of both the faculty and

    the experts f rom i ndus t ry.

    At IMT-Centre for Distance Learning, we bel ieve that meanin gful learning is possible onlywhen t here i s a d i rec t communica t i on between t he teacher and the pup i l . Our d i s tance

    education programme recognises that faculty-student interaction is an integral part of the

    process of acquisi t ion of knowled ge. Our informat ion centres also ascribe to IM T - CDL'sphi losophy by imparting comprehensive management education to our student managers.


    Commi tment

    t o Excellence

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    24 25

    Eligibi l i ty:

    Minim um el igibi l i ty for this Ph.D. Programm e shal l be Post-Graduation in the concerned discipl ine or subject, from an Indian or a foreign Universi ty,

    with minimum 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade in the Post-Graduate examination.

    Structuring of Research Comm ittee and Board

    A Research Committee and Research Board wi l l be consti tuted from time to time for overseeing research activ i t ies.

    A Board of examiners for thesis defense shal l be consti tuted from time to time.

    A Research Board for Research Synopsis Approval shal l be consti tuted from time t o time fo r approval of Synopsis.

    Residential Requirement for Research

    For this Ph.D. Programm e, a candidate shal l be in residence at NLU or any campus of IM T - CDL for at least for 60 days in total in the fo ur semestersof his research period. Her e, each academic year compr ises of 2 semesters.

    Admission Procedure

    The admission to this Ph.D. Programme wi l l be th rough a wr i tten test and Personal Interview. This may be conducted e i ther at NLU or IM T - CDL.

    Vice-Chancel lor, NLU may consti tute the board for personal interviews comprising of faculty members of NLU.

    Director, IMT - CDL may consti tute th e board for personal interview s comp rising of in-house faculty members of IMT - CDL.

    Evaluation Parameters

    Fol lowing may be the evaluation parameters and weightage for the Personal Interview:

    i . The to ta l score i ncl ud ing a ll the parameters wi l l be 100.i i . Sub jec t awareness (i nc l udes awareness o f contemporary deve lopments i n the sub ject ) : Weightage o f th i s parameter wi l l be 50.

    i i i . Research Credentials (includes publ ication of boo ks, text, etc.): Weightage of this parameter w i l l be 15.

    iv. Mo tivation for research (includes preparedn ess i .e. topic identi f ication , synopsis development, etc.): Weightage of this parameter w i l l be 15.

    v . Re levance o f w ork pro f i l e to top i c o f research: Weightage o f th i s parameter wi l l be 10.v i . Communica t ion p lus behav ioura l sk i l ls : Weightage o f th i s parameter wi l l be 10.

    Other Modalities for Admission

    Other modal i t ies regarding admission procedure are as fol lows:

    a . A cand idate shou ld qua l if y bo th the w r i t ten tes t and personal i n terv i ew for t he admission i n the programme.

    b. The broad f i e l d o f research i n wh i ch th e cand idate i s i n teres ted sha ll be i dent i f i ed and recorded i n the Persona l In terv i ew.

    c. Candidates qual i fy ing for the admission are required to pay the prescribed fees for provisional registration. The period of registration w i l l be

    counted f rom the date o f payment o f fees.d . The fee fo r each semes ter wi l l be Rs . 25 ,000/ - . The fees may be rev i sed f rom t ime to t ime by the mutua l consent be tween the NLU and

    IMT - CDL.e. While staying at NLU or IMT - CDL campus to ful f i l l the residential requirem ent, the candidate shal l bear boarding and lodging charges on

    h i s /her own.

    f . A t the t im e o f admiss ion , a Research Superv i sor e i ther f rom NLU or IM T - CDL, wi th m utua l consent , wi l l be a l l ocated to the cand idate as per

    the field of research in which the candidate is interested.g. It wi l l be optional for t he candidate to choose one Co-Supervisor in consultation to Research Supervisor. The Co-Supervisor may be from

    NLU/IM T - CDL/Indu stry/U niversi ty or any other re puted insti tu tes l ike IITs, IIMs, etc.

    Other Technicalities During t he Tenure of Research

    a) After th e admission, the Research Scholar shal l remain in constant commun ication with Research Supervisor and Co-Supervisor as al located

    t o t h e m .

    b) The Research Scholar shal l f inal ise his research synopsis in consultation w ith his Research Supervisor and Co-Supervisor (i f any) within sixmonths of admission.

    c) A Research scholar shal l make a presentation of synopsis of the research proposal in front of t he Research Board. On the acceptance of the

    research proposal, the registration o f the scholar shal l stand confirmed. If the Board is not satisfied by th e research proposal, the scholar shal l

    revise the proposal and present i t again before the Board.d) The reg i st ra t i on mus t be conf i rmed w i th i n one year o f the prov i si ona l reg is t ra t i on .

    e) A f te r reg i s t rat i on , a research scho lar mus t submi t p rogress report a t the end o f each Semes ter (a f te r every s i x months ) i nd i ca t i ng the ex tent

    of research work completed. This progress report shal l be submitted to the Research Committee through the Research Supervisor withappropr i a te comments .

    f ) Meet i ng o f the Research Commi t tee may be he ld a t the end o f each semester to rev iew the progress reports.

    g) A Research Scholar admit ted for this part-t ime Ph.D. Programm e shal l take one compulsory course of Research Met hodology. A Research

    Scholar is required t o attend m inimum of 30 classes of this course. Classes wi l l be conducted onl ine by the facult y memb ers of NLU orIMT - CDL, the schedule of w hich wi l l be comm unicated in advance. Each Research Scholar shal l score minim um 60% m arks in the

    examination held fo r this paper. The examination for t his paper wi l l be scheduled at th e end of each semester. A Research Scholar shal l take

    this examination at NLU or any of t he Centres of IMT - CDL. A Research Scholar has to compu lsori ly clear this paper within on e year from t he

    date of provisional registration.

    The Ph.D. Programm e in col laboration w ith National Law Universi ty (NLU), Jodhpur, aims atproviding high qual i ty training to the students to become distinguished, pioneering and

    innovative teachers, trainers, consultants and researchers. This col laborative venture w i l l

    ensure that i ts Ph.D. students are equipped as to meet the global standards of qual i ty


    The Ph.D. Degree shal l be awarded by NLU in col laboration with IM T - CDL.

    Areas of Research

    Tentative prospective areas of research for this col laborative programm e shal l be in the field

    of M anagement, Science and Technology, Law, Human ities and other em erging andinterdiscipl inary areas such as IPR and Cyber Law & Securi ty, etc.

    Specifications of Research Programme

    a. Th i s 2-year Ph.D. Programme compri ses o f four semes ters tha t may be ex tended up to

    four years (another four semesters). One semester is approximately for 6 months. The

    min imum per i od a f te r w h i ch a cand idate can submi t h i s /her thes i s sha l l be min imumtwo years and max imum four years f rom t he date o f reg i s t ra t i on .

    b . Research can be conduc ted a t e i ther o f the two i ns t i tu t i ons but the presenta t i on o f

    research synopsis and publ ic defense of the t hesis wi l l be before the statuto ry bodyjoi nt ly co nst itu ted by t he NLU a nd IM T - CDL.

    c . In th i s co l labora t i ve programme, IMT - CDL wi l l p rov ide techn i ca l support to the Ph.D.

    candidates and faculty for onl ine interaction through video conferencing.


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    6 Months pr i o r to the submission , the Research Superv i sor sha ll fo rward a pane l o f

    12 external examiners, who are competent to evaluate the thesis, with ful l particulars

    of each to the Research Committee.

    The Chai rman o f the Research Commi t tee i n consu l ta t i on wi th the Co-Chai rman sha ll

    appoint three examiners amongst the l ist submitted by the Supervisor.

    A Research Scho lar shal l send 4 cop ies o f the abs t rac t o f the t hes is to the Reg i st rar , NLUthrough the Research Supervisor, at least two months prior to the submission of the

    thesis. The abstract wi l l be sent to the examiners along with the request to accept the

    work fo r eva luat i on .

    A Research Scho lar sha l l submi t the thes i s wi th i n a per i od o f s i x months f rom the date

    of submission of Panel of Examiners. The Chairman an d Co-chairman of Research

    Committee in consultation, may, on the recommendation of the Research Supervisor,

    g rant an ex tension up to a max imum per i od o f s i x months .

    A Research Scho lar sha l l no t be a l l owed to submi t the thes i s fo r the Degree un less the

    Supervisor is satisfied that the thesis is worthy of consideration for the award of the

    Ph.D. Degree.

    The Research Superv isor fo rwards the thes is wi th the fo l l owing cert i f i ca te

    - That th i s research work has not been carr i ed out ear l ie r i n i t s p resent shape.- That th i s research work i s o r i gi na l based on doc t r i na l /empi r i cal / fac tua l /

    experiment al /survey study or an analysis/ evaluation of existing facts or principles.

    - That the Research Scho lar has fu lf i l l ed the res ident i a l requ i rements as per the ru l es .

    Such a cert i f i cate sha l l be counters igned by e i ther the concerned Dean o f the Facu lty o fNLU to w hich Research Supervisor belo ngs or by the Director IM T - CDL, in case i f

    Research Supervisor belon gs to IM T - CDL.

    A Research Scho lar mus t submi t four p r i n ted or typed cop ies o f the thes i s to theexaminations branch of NLU.

    The Research Scho lar may i ncorpora te i n the thes is the contents o f any work , wh i ch

    he/she may have publ ished on the subject but shal l not submit in the thesis any work

    for which a Degree has been conferred on him/her by NLU or any other Universi ty.

    The Cha i rman o f the Research Commi t tee i n consu l tat i on wi th Co-Cha i rman wi l l

    appoint members of the Board of examiners for thesis defense for each thesis

    submiss ion wi th i n one month o f the appo in tment o f the examiners .

    26 27

    Submissionof Ph.D.


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    The Programme has a mod ular structur e ensuring continuity and f lexibi l i ty. It consists offour modules. The completion of al l the four modules leads to the Two Year Post Graduate

    Diploma in M anagement. The fi rst three m odules taken together consist of 15 core

    (foundation) papers. Fourth module provides deeper study in management and consists

    of f ive electives. A student is required to seek special isation in one m ajor area in thefourt h semester. However, the student m ay seek dual special isation by selecting five

    subjects from each field. Besides the course work, after t he final semester student s have

    to submit a dissertation related to their major special isation. The student has to pay an

    additional fee of Rs. 10,000/- for Du al Specil isation. The course is to be comp leted in DualSpecial isation also within maximum period of four years. The programme offers

    special isations in the areas of Finance, Marketin g, Systems, Operations, Human Resource

    Managem ent and International Business.

    28 29

    IMT-Centre for Distance Learning's Two Year Post-Graduate Diplom a in Managem ent

    (PGDM) through t he distance mode is special ly designed to equip th e students withcomprehensive management education. It is a two year programme and comprises of four

    modules. It aims to provide young graduates an opportunity to develop management ski l ls

    and to com pete successful ly in the global business environment . The curriculum has beendesigned to lay a strong foundatio n for logical and analytical skil ls of the students.

    The programm e provides an intensive, stimulating and chal lenging learning experience in

    the management discipl ine. The curriculum covers al l the important areas of managementwhich may be expected from a working manager. The successful completion of the

    program me wi l l enable executives to assume a strategic role in their organisation. In turn ,

    the organisations benefi t from the constructive and creative inputs given by our successful

    programme ho lders . In add i t i on , the i n tegra ted nature o f t he programme a l l ows a ho l i st i cappreciation of b usiness, which is cri t ical to the achievement o f a sustainable competi t ive

    position in tod ay's ever-changing business environment . The students conduct sel f-study at

    their own pace and have the opportunity to special ise in subjects of professional relevance.

    The programme through distance education is a viable and flexible route to wel l-acceptedmanagement qual i f ication.

    The Programme has been designed to provide special isation in the area of choice and the

    programme w ould carry the name o f specia l isa t i on .

    Programme Objectives

    To c r i t i ca l l y apprai se a range o f re l evant theore t i cal bus iness management concepts.

    To demons t rate pro f i c i ency i n ana lys ing and i n terpre t i ng a wide range o f bus iness

    in format i on re l a ted to t he var i ous func t i onal a reas o f management .

    To develop and demons t ra te key personal and i n ter-personal sk i ll s requ i red fo r e f fect i vemanagement and implementation of solutions to business problems at al l levels within

    and outside the organisation.

    To update the knowledge base re l ated to var i ous business domains and apprecia te the i r


    To c r i t i ca l l y apprecia te the s i gn i f icance o f recent theore t i ca l deve lopments i n bus iness

    and their strategic impl ications.

    Eligibi l i ty

    Graduate in any discipl ine. Admission test is required. Exemption s from adm ission test as

    per the po l icy of IMT - CDL as mentioned in t he prospectus.

    Tw o YearPost-Graduate

    Dip lom a inM anagement

    (PGDM )

    Sem est er -I 1st Year Credit s

    IM T-01 M anagem ent Process & Organ isat ion 4

    IM T-10 Busin ess Com m unicat ion 4

    IM T-20 M anager ial Econo m ics 4

    IM T-40 M arket ing M anagem ent 4

    IM T-57 Financial Account ing 4

    Sem est er -II 1st Year


    IM T-14 Organ isat io nal St ruct ure & Behaviour 4

    IM T-15 Product ion & Operat ion M anagem ent 4

    IM T-54 Busin ess Law 4

    IM T-58 M anagem ent Acco unt ing 4

    M IS M anagem ent In fo rm at ion Syst em s 4

    Sem est er -III 2nd Year


    IM T-03 M arket ing Research 4

    IM T-12 Hum an Resource M anagem ent 4

    IM T-24 Quant it at ive Techn iques 4

    IM T-56 St rategic M anagem ent 4IM T-79 Econom ic Environm ent in Ind ia 4

    Sem est er -IV (Special isat ion ) 2nd Year Credit s

    Elect ive-I 4

    Elect ive-II 4

    Elect ive-III 4

    Elect ive-IV 4

    Elect ive-V 4


    Project Work (IMT-52) in the area of special isation (equivalent to two subjects & 8 credits).



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    Recent advancements in Information Technology have revolutionised almost al l the arenas

    of hum an endeavor. Cyber wor l d has de l imi ted ent i re w or l d i n the fo rm o f a g l oba l i sedinformation hub. Consequently cyber securi ty issues and regulatory mechanism has

    developed into a complex system. To understand t he dynamics of cyber securi ty and cyber

    law matrix, techno-legal professionals with the blended ski l ls of law and technology are

    highly required.

    The proposed col laborat ive course of NLU and IMT - CDL aims to develop th e ski l ls to

    imbibe cyber securi ty issues with a technological ground and then relate then to complex

    cyber world legal problems. It also aims to provide a detai led understanding of national andinternational regulatory paradigms and mechanics regarding cyber law.

    Eligibi l i ty

    Min imum el igibi l i ty for MS in Cyber Law & Securi ty shal l be Graduation in any discipl ine orsubject, from an Indian or foreign Universi ty, with minimum 50% marks in aggregate or

    equivalent grade in the graduate examination.


    Students wi l l be directly admitted to this programme based on the above referred el igibi l i ty

    cri teria. No ent rance test is necessary.


    This is a two year Post Graduate Degree Program me com prising of four semesters. Each

    semester is of 6 months approximately and shal l be conducted in distance education mode.

    The students shal l complete al l the papers in 4 years maximum .

    Tw o YearM S in

    Cyb er Lawand Securi t y

    30 31

    Finance Credits

    IM T-07 Wor king Cap it al M anagem ent 4

    IM T-0 9 Secu rit y An alysis & Po rt fo lio M an agem ent 4

    IM T-41 Ind ian Financial Service 4

    IM T-59 Financial M anagem ent 4

    IM T-86 In ter nat ional Financial M anagem ent 4

    M arket ing Credit s

    IM T-05 Ad ver tising & Sales Prom ot ion 4

    IM T-17 In ter nat ional M arket ing 4

    IM T-70 Service M arket ing 4

    IM T-72 Rural M arket ing 4

    IM T-75 Brand M anagem ent 4

    Syst em s Credit s

    IM T-36 Java Program m ing 4

    IM T-37 Data Base M anagem ent Syst em 4

    IM T-48 Dot Net Program m ing 4

    IM T-100 Sof t w are Pro ject M anagem ent 4

    IM T-1 01 N et wo rkin g an d Teleco m M an agem en t 4

    Operat ions Credit s

    IM T-23 Invent ory Cont ro l M an agem ent 4

    IM T-25 Operat ion Research 4

    IM T-51 M anufact ur ing St rategy 4

    IM T-55 Total Qual it y M anagem ent 4

    IM T-89 M ater ial Requ irem ent Plann ing 4

    Hum an Resource Credit s

    IM T-13 M anagem ent Un ion Re lat ions 4

    IM T-60 Train ing & Deve lopm ent 4

    IM T-62 St rategic HRD 4IM T-63 Group Dynam ics & M anaging Change 4

    IM T-74 M anagin g Hum an Resource in Global Environm ent 4

    In ternat ional Business Credit s

    IM T-17 In ter nat ional M arket ing 4

    IM T-18 Export Finance & Do cum entat ion 4

    IM T-19 Ind ian Foreign Trade 4

    IM T-71 Com pet i t ive Analysis & Market ing St rategy 4

    IM T-73 Export Plann ing & Procedure 4

    Note :

    88 c red i ts to be comple ted to qua l i f y fo r the d ip l oma.


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    Sem est er -I Credit s

    IM T-91 Basics o f Secur i ty 2

    IM T-92 Net w ork Secur it y 2

    NLU-01 Cyber Law s: Nat ional and Int ernat io nal Perspect ive 2NLU-02 E-Com merce, E-Taxat ion and Regu lator y Parad igm 2

    Semester-II Credits

    IM T-93 Dif ferent Types o f At tack 2IM T-94 Net w ork Secur it y Threat s, At t acks an d Loopho les 2

    N LU -0 3 In te ll ect ual Pr op er ty Rig ht Issu es i n D igit al En vi ro nm en t - 1 2NLU-04 E-Banking & Elect ron ic Paym ent Syst em 2

    Sem est er -III Credit s

    IM T-95 Secur i t y So lu t ions 2

    IM T-96 Sof t w are Hacking 2

    N LU -0 5 In te ll ect ual Pr op er ty Rig ht Issu es in Di git al En vi ro nm en t - II 2NLU-06 Com pu ter Forensics & Digi tal Evidence 2

    Project 1

    Project work in t he area of special isation (equivalent to 2 subjects and 8 credits).

    Sem est er -IV Credit s

    IM T-97 Applicat ion , In ter net and M ob ile Plat fo rm s 2

    IM T-98 Advance Syst em Forensics 2NLU-07 In for m at ion Techno logy M anagem ent 2

    NLU-08 In for m at ion Secur it y M anagem ent Syst em 2

    32 33

    Structuring of the Programme

    The proposed programme wi l l have two parts namely (i ) Cyber Law and (i i ) Cyber Securi ty

    a . Total 16 courses wi l l be o f fe red i n th i s p rogramme wi th 4 papers i n each semes ter.

    b. 8 courses wi l l be relating to various issues of Cyber Securi ty and remainin g 8 courses wi l l be relating to Cyber Law issues covering the widespectrum o f legal regime and regulatory m echanism regarding cyber space. These 8 courses wi l l also include relevant infor mation t echnology

    management issues.

    c. Each semester wi l l have 2 courses relating to Cyber Securi ty and 2 courses relating to Cyber law.

    d. Designing of course structure, study mat erial , conducting contact classes, examination , evaluation for al l the 8 courses of Cyber Law shal l be

    the responsibi l i ty of NLU. Designing of Course structu re, study material , conduct ing contact classes, examinatio n, evaluation for al l the 8

    courses of Cyber Securi ty shal l be the responsibi l i ty IM T - CDL.

    Fee Structure:

    Fee shal l be @ Rs. 25,000/- per semester including examinat ion fee.

    Conduct of Contact Classes:

    Online classes would be condu cted for th is programme. Faculty mem bers of NLU and IMT - CDL would be responsible to take classes for their

    respective courses.


    a) End-term examinat i on sha ll be conduc ted a t the end o f every semester.

    b ) The examinat i ons wi l l be conduc ted a t NLU and a t a l l the S tudy Cent res o f IMT- CDL.

    c ) A s tudent mus t secure 40% marks in each paper and 50% marks i n aggregate to comple te the semes ter.

    d ) Each s tudent sha l l be ent i t l ed to appear fo r one repeat chance, fa i li ng wh i ch the s tudent wi l l have to re-reg i s ter fo r the ent i re semes ter aga in .

    e) A s tudent sha l l pay a fee o f Rs . 500/ - ( f i ve hundred on l y ) fo r repeat examinat i on per paper.

    f ) The ent i re programme sha l l be comple ted wi th i n four years f rom the date o f reg i st ra t i on .

    g) The we ightage or d i st r i bu t i on o f marks fo r each paper wi l l be :

    ( i ) 30% for ass ignment prepara t i on

    ( i i ) 10% for a t tendance in contac t p rogrammes

    ( i i i)60% for the end-term examinat i ons;

    h) Whi l e the marksheets and a l l o ther s tudy mater i a l rel a t i ng to the MS Programme w i l l contain the names o f bo th i ns t i tu t i ons ,

    final degree shal l be awarded under the logo and name of the NLU only.

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    The Programme has a mod ular structure en suring continuity and f lexibi l i ty. It consists of four

    modules. The completion of al l the four modules leads to the Two Year Post-Graduate

    Diploma in M anagement. The fi rst three m odules taken together consist of 15 core

    (foundation) papers. Fourth module provides deeper study in management and consists of

    five electives. A student is required t o seek special isation in one major are a in the fourt h

    semester. However, the studen t may seek dual special isation by selecting five subjects from

    each field. Besides the course wo rk, after the fin al semester students have to submit a

    dissertation related to their major special isation. The student has to pay an additional fee of

    Rs. 10,000/- for Dual Special isation. The course is to be complet ed in Dual Special isation also

    within maximum period of four years. The programme offers special isations in the areas of

    Finance, Marketing, Systems, Operations, Human Resource Managem ent and Internat ional


    Sem est er -I 1st Year Credit s

    IM T-01 M anagem ent Process & Organ isat io n 4

    IM T-10 Bu siness Com m unicat ion 4

    IM T-20 M anager ial Eco nom ics 4IM T-40 M arket ing M anagem ent 4

    IM T-57 Financial Account ing 4

    Sem est er -II 1st Year Credit s

    IM T-14 Organ isat ional St r uct ure & Behavio ur 4

    IM T-15 Prod uct ion & Op erat io n M an agem ent 4

    IM T-54 Business Law 4

    IM T-58 M anagem ent Account ing 4

    M IS M anagem ent In form at ion Syst em 4

    Sem est er -III 2nd Year Credit s

    IM T-03 M arket ing Research 4

    IM T-12 Hum an Resource M anagem ent 4

    IM T-24 Quant i tat ive Tech n iques 4

    IM T-56 St rategic M anagem ent 4

    IM T-79 Econom ic Environm en t in Ind ia 4

    Sem est er -IV (Special isat ion) 2nd Year Credit s

    Elect ive-I 4

    Elect ive-II 4

    Elect ive-III 4

    Elect ive-IV 4

    Elect ive-V 4


    Project Work (IMT-52) in the area of special isation (equivalent to two subjects & 8 credits).

    Note: List of elect ives is already given on page no. 28.

    34 35

    The Programme

    This 2-year programme has four m odules. It aims at providing young graduates the

    oppor tunity for d eveloping managem ent ski l ls to compet e successful ly in the global business

    environm ent. The curriculum has been designed to lay found ations for logical and analytical

    ski l ls of the stude nts. The curriculum covers al l the importan t areas in the discipl ine of

    management whi ch may be expected f rom a work ing manager. The normal per i od o f

    completing the entire course in the management discipl ine has been cut short from three

    years to two years without compromising with the essential areas of management. The

    Programme intends to provide students a compact view of the business environment in a

    shorter period of time. The programme has been designed to provide special isation in the

    area of choice.

    Programme Objectives

    To c r i t i ca l l y appra ise a range o f re l evant theoret i ca l bus iness management concepts . To demons t rate reasonable degree o f pro f i c i ency i n ana l ysing and i n terpre t i ng

    in format i on re la ted to the var i ous func t i ona l areas o f management . To deve lop i n ter-persona l sk il l s requ i red for e f fec t i ve management and implementat i on

    of solutions to business problems. To update the knowledge base re la ted to var i ous business domains and apprecia te the i r


    Eligibi l i ty

    Graduate in any discipl ine.

    For Corporate Tie-ups

    Admissions as per term s and conditions of Corporate tie-u ps.

    Tw o YearPost Graduat e

    Dip lom a inM anagement Programme


    For Corporate Tie-upw ith IM T-CDL Hqrs.

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    36 37

    The Programme

    The programme offers a structured and compact module on business administration.

    The curriculum en compasses various aspects of management relevant for pr ofessionals.

    The programm e covers fundamentals in General Management , Finance, HR, Operations

    and M arket i ng Management . Th i s programme i s des igned to enhance the m anager ia l

    capabi l i t ies of partic ipants, resulting in continuous value addition at their work place.

    It encourages students to apply contemporary management business knowledge and

    perspectives in an interdiscipl inary manner to the dynamic environment. The programme

    offers insight into the contemporary developments of the subject. The consistent use of

    case studies in each subject helps th e students to develop ski l ls necessary to m anage real

    l i fe si tuations.

    Programme Objectives

    To prov ide manager i al t ra i n i ng that wi l l i n f luence th i nk ing and ach ievements a t the

    work place. To deve lop ski l l s i n a l l the funct i ona l areas o f management . To i nst i l l e th i ca l and mora l va lues and pos i t i ve a t t i tude for soc ie ta l we l l -be ing.

    To improve dec i si on capabi li t y necessary for day to day bus iness si tuat i ons. To deve lop sof t sk i l ls wi th respec t to HR and the personnel func t i on. To deve lop sk il l s in prob lem def i n i t i on and ana l ys i s.

    Eligibi l i ty

    Graduation in any discipl ine. No admission test is required.

    The Non-PGDBM executives can bui ld up good conceptual under standing of contempo rary

    business management ski l ls. The program me is especial ly suitable for wo rking executives

    who are l ook ing for a formal management educat i on for the i r career advancement .

    Programme Structure

    Semester-I Credits

    IM T-01 M an agem en t Pro ce ss & Or gan isat io n 4

    IM T-20 M anager ial Econom ics 4

    IM T-40 M arket ing M anagem en t 4

    IM T-57 Financial Account ing 4

    Semester-II Credits

    IM T-14 Organisat ion al St ruct ure & Behaviour 4

    IM T-15 Product io n & Operat ions M anagem ent 3

    IM T-54 Business Law 4

    M IS M anagem ent In for m at ion Syst em 3

    This course can be completed within two years from the time of admission.

    On e YearPost-Graduate

    Dip lom a inBusiness

    Adminis t rat ionThe Programme

    Market i ng i s an important i n ter face func t i on w i th the market env i ronment and focusses

    sharply on the del ivery of the output. Its role is to ensure continued compatibi l i ty of the

    organisation's offerings with the market requirements and to del iver the benefi ts sought by

    the customer. With the opening up of the economy, increase in the l i teracy rate and

    communicat i on through mass media , the Ind ian consumer has become more i n formed and

    empowered. The Internet technology has also revolutionised the marketing and sales

    functions. The advent of e-commerce and e-business are creating new learning

    opportunities. The customer is no longer wi l l ing to accept what is offered without

    questioning. This program me covers various aspects related to Mar keting Managemen t,

    Market ing Research and Advertis ing. The program me covers the strategic role of e-business

    in improving the marketing function of a fi rm. In the global marketing environment subject

    to intense competi tion and rapid Internet-induced changes, an organisation's competi tive

    advantage depend s on key strategic decisions. This programm e gives decision-makers a

    strong foundation in marketing concepts and ski l ls.

    Programme Objectives

    To d e v e lo p c o n ce p t s in m a r k e t in g . To exp la in the scope o f m arket i ng management -ana l ys ing opportun i t i es, se lect i ng target

    segments, developing the market mix, managing the marketing effort. To prov ide unders tand ing o f the communicat i on mix , advert i s i ng campaigns, media

    planning, budgeting, marketing mix decisions, scope and l imitations of market research. To deve lop s t rong concepts in market i ng s t rateg ies for emerg ing techno logy and mature

    markets. To bu i ld concepts in channel development and management , dea ler and sa les force

    management . To provide understand ing about the i n ternet as a s t rateg i c medium for market i ng and

    sales efforts for a company.

    Eligibi l i ty

    Graduation in any discipl ine. No admission test is required.

    People already working in sales or those seeking a career in mar keting wi l l benefi t f rom t he

    broad theory and practical base that this programme provides. It wi l l prove helpful for

    entrepreneurs seeking to launch new products or revamp existing products in the market.

    This programme is for th ose who w ish to pursue a career in marketing and are seeking a

    formal qual i f ication.

    Programme Structure

    Sem est er -I Cred it s

    IM T-01 M anagem ent Pro cess & Organ isat ion 4IM T-10 Business Com m unicat ion 4IM T-40 M arket ing M anagem en t 4IM T-70 M arket ing o f Service Indust r ies 2

    Semester-II Credits

    IM T-03 M arket ing Research 3IM T-05 Advert ising & Sales Prom ot ion 3IM T-72 Rural M ar ket ing 3IM T-75 Brand M anagem ent 2IM T-76 Ind ust r ial M arket ing 3

    This course can be completed within two years from the time of admission.

    On e YearPost-Graduate

    Dip lom a inMarke t ing

    M anagement

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    The Programme

    The Export Managem ent Programm e is an in-depth m odule looking at subject areas and

    discipl ines relevant to int ernation al trade. The main objective of t his course is to offer

    a satisfactory and a rew arding career which enab les the candidate to secure a responsible

    position in the in dustry. This course helps to broaden t he outlo ok of executives and

    to deve lop the i r ab i l i t y fo r b et ter func t i on ing. I t g i ves prac t i cal i n format i on and would be

    a reward ing programme for those who wish to make a career i n In ternat i ona l Trade.

    It introduces the students to the latest approaches, techniques and concepts in various

    areas of international business with a view to enhance the effectiveness in their current

    or future assignments.

    The programm e offers a practical insight into variou s processes and procedu res related

    to export - import documentat i on and export f i nanc ing i n the Ind ian contex t .

    Programme Objectives

    To prov ide a thorough unders tand ing o f fundamenta l pr inc ip l es o f fo re ign t rade and

    practical aspects of export. To develop sk i ll s to admin i s ter a consignment f rom source to des t i nat i on and accurate l y

    calculate the export cost of a consignment and select appropriate payment methods and

    effectively communicate with people of di ffering cultures. To bu i ld necessary sk il l s, func t i ona l knowledge and a t t i tude to enab le smooth work ing

    in an i n ternat i ona l t rade env i ronment . To render exposure to the account i ng, market ing, f i nanc ia l , l ega l , p roduc t i on, human

    resources and other relevant aspects of the export and import business.

    Eligibi l i ty

    Graduation in any discipl ine. No admission test is required. This programm e is ideal for

    working executives, fresh graduates and for those planning to venture out on their own in

    the export - import t rade.

    Programme Structure

    Sem est er-I Credit s

    IM T-10 Business Co mm unicat io n 4

    IM T-16 In t ernat ional Trade 4

    IM T-17 In ternat ional M ar ket ing 3

    IM T-40 M ar ket ing M anagem ent 4

    Sem est er -II Credit s

    IM T-18 Expor t Finance & Docum entat io n 4

    IM T-19 Ind ian Fore ign Trade 3

    IM T-73 Expor t Plann ing & Procedu re 3

    IM T-77 E-business 3

    This course can be completed within two years from the time of admission.

    The Programme

    Business managers are increasingly becoming responsible for managing t heir profi t centres.
