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£&is£b anfr (SJuIargib,

FOR 1869-










> : . ' A " F *

The Fourth Edition of the Bromley Directory -will be, or

should be, in the hands of every tradesman in the sixteen

parishes of the Bromley Union, on and after the 1st of1--- ----------- " '

October, 1868 ., The advantage of having a ready reference

to names of residents in this locality cannot fail to be ap­

preciated by not only every person in business, but also by

residents generally, for without it many would not know the

names of their neighbours, so rapidly has the population

increased of late in some parishes. W ith reference to the

E squires, we admit we may be at fault, and shall be glad

if some gentleman in each parish will undertake to put us

right in the Next Edition, or correct any error they may

happen to notice.


I N D E X .

Brom ley: page

Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. ... ... 1

Street Directory ...................................................... ... 3

Commercial ... ... ...................................................... 19

Private Eesidents ... ...................................................... 27

Beckenham ................................................................................33

Chelsfield... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37

Chislehurst ................................................................................38

C u d h a m .............................................................................................40

Down ............................................................................................ 41

Famborough ................................................................................41

Footscray............................................................................................ 42

Hayes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43

Keston ............................................................................................ 44

Knockholt ................................................................... ... 44

North Cray ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 45

Orpington............................. ...................................................... 46

Sidcup ............................. ...................................................... 47

St. Mary Cray ........................................: .............................48

St. Paul’s C r a y ................................................................................49

W est W ic k h a m ............................................................................... 50




POST & MONEY OEDEE OFFICE: Postmaster—J. B. Shillcock, High street.

Letters dispatched at 9 a.m. & 1.5, 4.30, & 8.10 p.m.; cross post to Croydon G p.m. Sundays at 6 p.m.

Post & Money Order Office, Bicldcy Station—J. H. Ingram. Letters despatched at 8.20 a.m. and 3.40 & 7.20 p.m. Sundays at 7.10 a.m.

Sub-Office, Bromley common—H. W. Jen­kins, receiver. Letters dispatched at 7.43 & 10.25 a.m. & 3.45. p.m Sundays 1.55 p.m

Pillar Post in Wall, Mason’s hill. Cleared at G.45 & 10.0 a.m. and 4.15 & 7.15 p.m. Sundays at 7 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Pillar Post in Wall, Freelands road. Let­ters collected at 8.20 a.m., 4.10 & 7.45 p.m. Sundays at 7.55 a.m.

Pillar Post in Wall, Shortlands. Letters collected at 7.20 a.m, 3.40 & 7.15 p.m

Pillar Post near the Gravel road. Cleared at 8.0 a.m, & 3.15 p.m Sunday 1.30 p.m

Pillar Post in the Wall near the “ Farwig Arms,” Farwig. Cleared at 7.20 9.40 a.m, 4.0 & 7.20 p.m

ACTING MAGISTEATES. Arbuthnot W. esq. Bexley Beattie A. esq. Chislehurst Berens II. B, esq. Chislehurst Bcrens, E. B. esq. St. Mary Cray Cator P. esq. Beckenham Chapman James, esq. St. Paul’s Cray Child Coles, esq. Bromley Darwin C. E. esq. Down Devas Charles F. esq. Bromley lodge Edlmann F. Esq. Chislehurst Forster Major, Southend Hamilton Archibald, esq. Southbarrow Kirkland Sir John,;bart. Bcekenliam

Lcnnard Lieut.-Col. Wickham Court Lewin F. M. esq. Bexley Long Samuel, esq. Bromley hill Lubbock Sir John, bart. High Elms, Farn-

boroughNorman G. W. esq. Bromley common Sydney Viscount, Frognall, Foot’s Cray Waring William, esq. Chelsfleld Whitmore William, esq, Beckenham Wilson C. L. esq. Beckenham

Clerk to the Magistrates...E. LatterMagistrates’ meetings are held the second

Monday in every month at the Police station. Sidcup; the third Monday in every month at Locksbottom, Famborough; and all other Mondays at the Town Hall, Bromley.

INSURANCE AGENTS. .Accident..,W. M. Walmisley, Wilton House,

Palace groveBritish Mutual Life...William James WhiteBriton Life...Benjamin Wood, Park road ,Caledonian Fire and Life...E. V. Harman,

High streetCommercial Union Fire and Life...J. James,

Market place .County Fire and Provident Life...J.B. Shill­

cock, High streetGeneral Fire and Life...William H. Cooper,

High street; J. Mowat, High street; Isaac Uridge, Market place

Kent Fire and United Kent Life...Ed ward Isard, Market plaee

London and Liverpool and Globe Fire and Life...G. H. Osborn, Mason’s hill; E. Dunn, Market place; E. B. Burton, High street; J. Humphries, High street

Manchester Fire...G. Weeks, High streetB


Medical Briton...R. B. Burton, High street; J. Mow'at, High street

Norwich Union Fire and Life...George Pam- philon, High street

Phoenix Fire...J. S. Carpenter, High streetPrudential Life......\V. Simmons, 3, Boyal

Parade, Freelands road Public Life...Isaac Uridge, Market place Queen Fire and Life...Thomas Bay. Farwig Railway Passengers’...J.B.Shillcock, High st Eoyal Fire and Life...Alfred Smith, High st Eoyal Exchange Fire and Life...John How,

Widmore roadEoyal Farmers’ and General Fire, Life and

Hailstorm...Alfred Smith, High street Sovereign Life...W. M. Walmisley, Wilton

house, Palace groveSun Fire and Life...G. B. and S. Baxter and

Payne, Town H all; B . B. and B. Latter, Market place

Union Fire and Life...William Morum, Ada villa, Freelands road

United Kingdom Fire and Life.„J. James, Market place

Western Fire and Life...... J. B. Shillcock,High street


PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.Local Board...... Offices, Cage Field. C. F.

Devas, esq. (chairman), Dr. Farr, Messrs. Baxter, Black, Eaton, Haigh, Hughes, Ilott, Leatherdale, Muffctt, Starling, and West. Clerk, E. Latter. Surveyor, A. Jacob

County Court, held at the Town hall...R.B. Latter, esq. registrar

Inland Revenue Office,Bell hotel, High street Stamp Office, High street...Wm. W. Baxter Literary Institute, Town hall...Geo. Pam-

philon and|W.W. Baxter, hon. secretaries; B. Wood, librarian "

Bromley District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 5, Market place...Eev. E. J. Selwyn, sec

Bromley Union House, Locksbottom, Fam- borough...Richard Scarr, esq. clerk to the board; T. H. V. Lukey, master; Mrs. Jane Lukey, mistress; R. Wilson and J. Hickson, relieving officers

Gas Works, Brick-kiln lane...... George H.Osborn, secretary and manager

Fire Engine House, Cage Field, keys at the police station

Railway Stations...Bickley, James Hughes Ingram; Bromley, Alfred Golding; Short- lands, Edward Adye; Chislehurst, Wil­liam Akers Lord; stationmasters

Police Station, Town Hall...Inspector Howe, Sergeants Dawes and Tipton

18th Kent Rifles...... Captain Satterthwaite,Lieuts. F. Norman and A. C. Wathen, En­signs R. H. Alexander and T. Moseley. Head Quarte rs, Centenary place

Workmen’s Club and Institute, Widmorc...W. Browning, secretary

Working Men’s Club, Iron room, Cage Held, ...E. Gedge and J. Richardson, lion. secs.

Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society, Market square...Henry Amos and George Payne, hon. secs.


PUBLIC OFFICERS.Clerk to Magistrates...... R. Latter, Market

placeClerk to Deputy-Lieutenants, to Commis­

sioners of Land and Assessed Taxes, and Commissioners of all the Courts...R. Lat­ter, Market place

Assistant Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes ...Charles Freeman, Market place

Vestry Clerk, Perpetual Commissioner for taking Affidavits of Married Women and Registrar to the County Court...R.B.Lattcr

Surveyor of Taxes...C. A. Tapiin, Brewer street, Woolwich

Sub-Bailiff of County Court...Stephen HarrisRegistrar of Birth3 and Deaths for Bromley

District...... J. J. Bourne, Hayes. DeputyRegistrar, Jabez Wood, Palace road, New Bromley

Registrar of Marriages...Charles Freeman, Plaistow. Deputy Registrar, Alfred Bailey, Park road cottages

Inspector of Weights and Measures for Bromley]District...J. W. Churcher, Palace road

PLACES OF WORSHIP.St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church...Rev.A.G.

Hellicar, M.A. perpetual curate S. Mary’s Church, Plaistow...Rev. Sir L. P.

H. Fleetwood, hart., incumbent Holy Trinity Church, Bromley common...

Rev. Arthur Rawson, M.A. incumbent St. George’s Church, Bickley...Rev. E. J.

Selwyn, M.A. incumbent Baptist Chapel...Rev. A. Tessier, pastor Congregational Chapel...Rev. D. Longwill Wesleyan Chapel...

SCHOOLS.National, Bromley common...Alfred Parker,

master; Mrs. Margaret Parker, mistress National Central...John Jennings, master;

Miss Mary Ann Husband, mistress: H. Harlow, assistant master

Infant...Miss Caroline Hare, mistressNational, Plaistow...... George F. Thatcher,

master; Mrs. Thatcher, mistress Mason’s Hill Infant, Palace road, Bromley

common...Miss Hayes, mistress

CARRIERS. 1James Russell, High street; tx. Herbert,

New Bromley; to and from all parts of London daily


S T R E E T D I R E C T O R Y .3

Beckenham Lane.Harding J.Harlow Henry French James Knight Henry­Starling William Dallison,esq.The Hill Waller Miss Sarah Balfour Henry, esq. The Holly Brooksbank W . L. esq. Gleave Knole Latter Bobert Booth, esq. Pixfield Freeman William, Long’s lodge

Histead Joseph 1 I Taphouse George 2 l Frog’s Island North William 3 j

B ickley.Adams, W . J. esq. Buller’s wood Allcard G. esq. South bank Alston James B. esq. Fairfield Archibald Thomas I). esq. Inglewood Austin William H. esq. Crofton lodge Barlow William F. esq. Sandfield Batten Isaac, esq. Berryfield Batten James, esq. Highfield Bernard N. esq. 4 Elizabeth villas Brandt Robert, esq. The Laurels Bridgewater J. esq. Llandrinio house Brind F. W . esqBrowne Rev Robert, 5 Elizabeth villas Chambers G. esq. Gordon lodge Chubb Hammond, esq Home lea Dixon Misses, The Nymans Edwards Charles, esq. Newton house Erskine Mrs H. T. Elm lodge Farr, William, esq. m.d. Southlands Forbes George, esq. Thornton house Forbes Neil MacVicar, esq. Elmwood Foskett Mrs. Southlands grove Gillbanks, Jonathan, esq .Green James, esq. Logs hill Hamilton R. esq. North bank Harris William J. esq. Merle wood Hastings George, esq. Holne lodge Hillyer W . Thomas, esq. Page heath Hurlbatt C. esq. 1 Elizabeth villas Jennings R. W . esq Kynaston John, esq Kynaston William, esq. Powis lodge Lock Robert, esq. 3 Elizabeth villas Martin John K. esq. Wood lawn Mathews Robert, esq. surgeon McICcwan William, esq. Elmfield

Nevins John, esqPayn James J. esq. Oak dellPercival Frederick, esq. SouthfieldRitchie Robert, esqSpence Robert, esq. SpringhurstSpink Mrs , Oak dellSpink John, esq. The CedarsStephenson E. S. esqThompson John, esq. SwallowfieldTudor Mrs., SummerfieldW ilcock William, esq. 2 Elizabeth vil..

B ickley Park .Alexander, R. H. esq. The Farrants Bouch John, esq. Sunny side Boosey C. esq. The Pines Booth S. esq. Effingham lodge Bevington Samuel B. esq. The Elms Boulton Thomas, esq. The Firs Clavell Capt. John, r .n. Campville Curwen Robert, esq. Birkby house Gibbs George, esq. Nutwood Haigh Frederick W m . esq. Woodlands Layton Thos, Edward, esq. The Knoll Martin Richard, esq. Clarewood Paterson William, esq. Elmhyrst Selwyn Rev E. J. m.a . The Parsonage White J. Bazley, esq. Merevale Whitehead J. esq. Barfield lodge Wythes George, esq. Bickley hall

Brick-kiln L ane.Mann Mr M. ) Yew TreeGordon Mrs. j Cottages

Mason C. esq. The Priory

S 1 Johnson William, esq ■2 2 James Jeremiah, esq ^ 3 Scarr Richard, esq ■Sj 4 Prince Miss "«5 Goggs James esq.1 6 Hodder M. H. esq

7 Longwill Rev David It] 8 Boys Thomas, esq

Hudd J. IWest J. I Pascall’sHudson A . [ CottagesDale G. JPascall Joseph, brickmaker



Hoare J.J? o Pink T.4* 2 Sayers Mrs k? & Page H.

Ely W .

Carpenter’s Arms, Samuel Goodacre, publican and builder

Winfield J. v Miles R. c W ood W . H. sb Smith T.« Turner J.

Creese T.5 Whittington M.

Taylor W .^ Stacy G.

Grooby J.

•a Podger H. Page heath laundry a Baker R. farmfcq Hewetson H. esq. Heath bank

Duncan Mrs. The Knoll ^Foster M. esq. m.d.

Tasker F. esq.

^ 1 Day W .0 2 2 Simmons H.6 f 3 Golds S. g 5 Coppin J.

55 ^ 6 Hougham E.

Bromley Gas Company, George H. Osborn, secretary & manager

Bromley College.1 Stone Mrs2 Balfour Mrs4 Younghusband, Mrs6 Pickthall, Mrs7 Muston Mrs

14 Greenside Mrs15 Dunn Mrs16 Oxland Mrs19 Greenlaw Mrs20 Smith Mrs 22 Marsh Mrs24 Mullins Mrs25 Hopkins Mrs G.26 West Mrs27 Hopkins Mrs28 Saunders Mrs29 Fennell Mrs

30 Jones Mrs31 Jadis Mrs32 Dwyer Mrs34 Atkinson Mrs35 Solbe Mrs36 Dixon Mrs37 Munro Mrs38 Griffith Mrs39 W ood Mrs40 Williams Mrs

French Rev — chaplain Talman F. esq., Treasurer’s house Shorter Charles, lodge

1 Jones Miss 1? c>2 Saunderson Miss

3 McQuire Miss4 Gayton Miss

c/j 5 Alfree Miss

Bromley Common.NORTH SIDE.

„ 1 Santer Robert, gardener « 2 Letts Henry, gardener §,3 Elliott George

1/5 4 Archer R.1 5 W right W .

^ 6 Parsons^ 8 Adams Charles, builder

Bricklayer’s Arms, James Whitehead ...here are Park <Sr Palace Roads... Baxter Samuel, esq. 2 Laurel villas Draper William, wheelwright Pulham Charles, statuary <fe mason Chattell W . F. esq. Lyncourt villa Squire W . esq. Homefield villa Farwig Mrs., Osborn villa Dickenson W . esq. Yemon villa Mansfield Thomas, farmer ............here is Brick-kiln Lane............

s 2 Reid Mrs3 3 Cleveland Mrs

^ 4 Clarke J. J. esq '§ 2 5 Smith Alfred, esq ^ 6 Lee J. esq

Rogers Longdon M. esq. Laurel bank Wheeler Miss Sophia, ladies’ school,

Cromwell housePayne Richard J. esq. Meadow lodge Watson Robert, esq. Hart land cottage



Tregellas Walter, esq. Iver cottage Minifie Miss, [Bengal cottage Field R. esq. Kingsdown cottage James William, esq. Woodbine cottage Holt Nathaniel, esq. Walsham cottage Burmester A. esq. Lansdown house Easto Robert, esq. La Belle Yue Priest William, esq. Arlington house Johnson Goswell, esq. Bellevue house Reviere B. esq. Lay ham cottage Jeffery Mrs. Kelsey cottage *

Bryant Miss 11 Gothic Hunt Mrs 2) cottages

Philpott Richard, esq Forbes F. A. esqHanbury W . G. esq. Ewell house Hunter William, esq. Cheriton villa Greenstreet Edward S. esq. Rose villa

Bradford Henry Hardy Miss Patrick S.Higgs Thomas

("Jenkins Henry, baker & grocer (Posit Office Receiving House

Spong MrsKnatt James, painter & decorator Gregory James Farmer Mrs Oliver JohnHarris Henry, grocer &c Rive Bells, Henry Harris W olf Charles 'Church Frederick Bosberry John Hoskins James Humphrey Mrs Peill E. carman'

Roberts J. D. esq

Rumph' Samuel, plasterer, Bromleyvilla :

Pocock James R. Wesson Mr W . 11 Dyson Joseph 2) Bignold Henry 1 1 Jordan John 5 l Ongley, Walter 7 J


Chatterton ( Williams Mrs Road ( Carter T. builder

Winchester William, gardener Crown, E. Lambert, —Pawley William, farmer, Cooper’ s faun Pawley William, jun. brewer Trinity Church and Schools Sturgeon Charles F. esq. Barham house

Allen Walter Parker James Bullen John

•| Ailwood James 0 Mitchell George ^ Reeves William § Gurr Mrs •S Dunmall George

Gurr Thomas Whitehead Daniel Cole William .Boxall George, Rose cottage

Gill George, builder, &c Sawyer’s Arms, Richard Mitchell

Thurling Mrs Ann Durling William, butcher Boxall John Hollman John Sessions Mrs Mary Nettleton Thomas

Laidlaw Mr A. W . Bedford cottage Jackson George, grocer Jackson Albert, bootmaker ,

Mason William Denstow Tyler George Edmonds John.Gearing William Westbrook William

§j Burr William g Whitehead George

Whitehead John Whitehead James

•1 Bateman Thomas § Scott Francis W . esq. Rushey coppice

Stewart James 'Boxall Charles

a 2 2

^ 6


Pope f Johnson Geo., 1 Shepperdess Road \ AviHas '

Shorter William, fruit grower Kemping Frank



Down Joseph McLean John, florist W ood William

v / -------SOUTH SIDE.

Browne James W . esq. Frascati Court John C. esq. Lodore Hocker C. R. esq. St Aubyn’s Webber Ed. C. I. esq. St Brannock’s Holford William J. esq. St Helier Osborn G. H. esq. Northfield Wilks J. esq. Newlands Cornish W . esq. The Elms Barrett W . esq. The Hollies Sayers Thomas, farm bailiff Lansbury Thomas, fanner, Hook farm Barry Charles, esq. Elmfield Robertson T. esq. Woodlands Wybrow Wm. esq. Ravensboume lodg Norman Geo. Warde, esq. The Rookery Norman Mrs Henry. Oakley Taylor Mr William, Oakley farm Smith James, cattle salesman

Sheppard Wm. turner 2") Whitegate S winstead Bernard, esq 1 j cottages

Allen Edward, esq 2) Rhodes Steel David, esq 1) villas

Taylor Miss, Kent villa Paul Mrs. Magenta cottage Plough Inn , J. A . Woolnough Turner Wm. blacksmith | P1 , Whitehead Henry K g -Brooks Lewis I 6

Church R oad.Joyce G. F. esq

£ a 2 Smith H. esq i* 1 3 Beeby Dr.So 4S 4 Eaton Mr. Christopher

Walters Mrs L. D. stationer St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s Church Letts Samuel 'Dunn Edward

1 Sparks W . ti 2 2 Town E.S 1*3 How T.£>'5-1 Wheeler D.

w 5 Ashby Mrs. E. dressmaker

Longsdon R. esq. Church house Beeham E. plasterer, Church cottage Mortimer W jun. esq Stoberry house Nickalls P. esq. Stoberry cottage Bilke E. esq Mill lane Mortimer W . esq The Valley

Farwig.Newman Charles, tax collector............here is Muoreland road............

N WEST SIDE.Iseman Thomas Truelove William Harding William Lane Mrs.Carrick Mrs.Robertson Thomas

King Edmund, blacksmithBarber JamesStamp MrsVerrall MrMay Mrs.Cook Thomas Whale John Atherfold Mrs Dale Mrs.Stow Thomas Anderson Mrs. Mary Wadden Charles Muffett Thomas Meredith John Addis Edward Coke Mrs Mary Sennix Thomas Davis —Butland Joseph Westbrook J. B., whitesmith Wakerell Mrs. Eliza Roots Mrs. Hannah Leach Mrs. Charlotte Stevens William Barrett John Lee Joseph Muffett Mrs. W .Ford Henry Gold JamesClement Charles, fruiterer Farwig Arms, George Atkins

C v EAST SIDE.Hicknock George Mepham Benjamin Smith John Walters John



Peckman Caleb Nash Edward

Bateman William J.Alwen William T. jun.Loveland Mrs.

a 1 Carpenter Henry, writer &c. •2 u 2 Alwen William js -2 3 Carter Henry ” ^ 4 W ilcox John

Freelands R oad, west SIDE,

g 1 Gedge E. F. esq ^|2 Bentham Charles esq g*3 Brewer P. C. esq § 4 LuntleyMrs pq 6 Wheeler Miss, ladies school

................ here is Park road......W ood W . S. ramoneur, Belmont ............here is Freelands grove..

Godley Thomas, dust contractorSlow MichaelYoung EdwinHunt ThomasRowland Thomas laundryGreenbrook W . tailorMullins DennisBaines Mrs.Welch James Chapman William Young Mr Grubb Mrs.Letchford William Baker HenryRoyal Oak, Abraham Southgate

Ray Thomas Tessier Rev. A. Jordan Peter

] College l Field

W ood & Son, bakersMarsh T. Grocer

F reelands Grove, Freelands road Orford Sidney esq 1, Ivy villas Either George, dairyman Dewey T. E. esqStanden Charles esq 2, Oakley villas May George esq Rounds W . grocer

Stevens — 1 1 MyrtlePadgham — 2 I Cottages

1 Bryant Thomas s S ‘2 Gaberthnul John D.

2 3 Birdseye Cornelias £ v 4 Amos Mr J. H.

^ r --------Freelands Tavern, William Church

1 Giles & Co. grocers •§ 2 Allbon H. draper g 3 Simmons W . tailor | 4 Etherington J. baker

5 Hammond W . P. builder

................here is Henry street............

1 Lock Simeon2 Hammond George, plumber

^ 3 Towell Edward"s 4 Jordon Thomas "a 5 Whitehead Joseph ^ 6 W ood Mrs.

s ^ l Austin MissE.pi 2 Lambley George esq

h » 3 Thomas George, esq

; ) FreelandsRandell William; G. esq 2) Cottages

Edmunds W . esq \ Freelands Tuck Mr E. J Villas

Withers Alfred esq

Waterman George Batsford George Harman James Woodall Thomas Lloyd Mrs Mercy

EAST SIDE. Kitson Henry esq Baddeley Samuel esqOj -------• S u l Johnston Joseph esq g ® 2 Davey Samuel esq

3 Waller W. esq


8 BROMLEY DIRECTORY.^ to 1 Lumsden Archibald esq * :§ 2 Pfeil J. W . tt) 'a 4 Miskin Mr J.

Ellis Septimus, school The Limes

Morum William esq 1 ) AdaHoyer Mrs Sarah 2 j Villas

Gravel P its.Vivash C.Rotherford C.Gearing Mrs F. upholstress Bawcomb Mrs Smith J.Harper T.Harper E.Milstead H.Langridge J.Milstead W . carman Harris C.West J.Sinfield J.Dixon Edward

Gravel R oad. Bromley Common.-■ Carter Miss, Beechwood Morphey John Thompson W. H.Davies Joseph Smith William carpenter Bird-in-Hand, T. Smith jun carpenter Parsons W . bricklayer, Grape cottage -Elliott Richard, basket maker Bowes Misses, dressmakers Church William, builder Burley John Dart HenryMcLean Rbt. jun. florist, Gordon villa Purless John Saker Abraham Disney James

H enry Street, Freelands road.1 Townsend Charles2 Riches Daniel3 Taylor Mrs.4 Harris David W .5 Elliott Charles6 White William7 Threadgold Henry8 Thomas James9 Williamson Walter

10 Ruinph John

11 Cheeseman Edward12 Seal Henry13 Lawrence Thomas14 Field George 10 Godden George17 Craker John18 Mitchell John19 Cheel George20 Goldsmith James21 Kimble Richard22 Durrant Job ■24 Dedman J. .25 Marshall Thomas26 Bate Thomas27 Jimson William28 Bysouth —

H igh Street. . y t '

W SOJJTH SIDE. ' ' ' y 'Richardson John, esq. RavS^gfell Sparkes George, esq

•Satchell Thomas, plumber, &c Russell James, carrier Oclee Edgar, watchmaker Mitchell Alfred ^Batchelor Mrs. laundress Lowther Mrs. shopkeeper Boorman George, fly proprietor Leach Henry, grocer Ayling & Son, bootmakers Ellis Alfred, butcher Keer Manning, milliner, &c Parry Thomas, leather seller Storer George, pastrycook Jessup Mrs Sarah, dressmaker Nettlefold John, upholsterer Bath M iss.Chattell Wm. F., m .r .c .v .s .,' veterinary

surgeon & farrier Rising Sun, John Hadden Maydon George, linen draper Hodges William, hairdresser Sanders & Co. coal merchants Springett Herbert, m .r .c .v .s . veterinary

surgeonBateman Mr George

Baxter William Walmisley, chemist Stamp Office .

Baxter MissWeeks George, ironmonger Cooper William Henry, linen draper Woodall William, fishmonger Mundy Edwin, linen draper Wells Joseph, china and glass dealer



Cooper 'William, tailor Ingles William Henry, saddler Co veil James George, butcher'............here is Church road..................Ilott James William, surgeon Pamphilon George, wine merchant Bean Frederick, grocer Williams Edward Augustus, esq. Sanger Misses Esther & Sophia, dress­Sweeting George, plumber, &c, [makers Chalcraft Misses M. & S. A. milliners Johnson James, poulterer Mitchell William, clothier Wesleyan Chapel Yickers Robert Hall John, tallow chandler Yerrall James, stationer & news agent Burton Robert Barber, tailor Barrell Allen Sudds WilliamMorley Thomas, Bromley academy

' Harman Robert Vine, music seller Melville H. T. photographer Payne Charles, greengrocer Innous M r John .Smith Alfred, plumber Steele James, die sinker Spooner William, bootmaker Gomer William, dairyman Muffett Charles, builder

o Burgess M rs Elizabeth, linen draper •S Vanderpant H. C. surgeon dentist ^W ells George W . grocer tojilby & Sons,' hair dressers ~ Wheatley Mrs Elizabeth, school (3 Layfield Miss C. fancy repository -

Swan, G. Dowden..... .....here is Beckenham lane............Smith Mrs Jane, railway coffee house Browning & Son, pork butchers Filby Mr. Edmund,Fullarton Mrs. straw bonnet maker Ayling William T. oilman Pratt W . refreshment rooms Harradine Mr Joseph

5 NORTH SIDE.Devas Chas. F. esq. j .p . Bromley lodge Hughes H. esq surgeon Tweed cottage Wicks Spencer esq. Verandah cottage Hinchliffe David, mason Leggatt J.' D. tea dealer & tobacconist Carpenter James Summers, upholsterer

Milstead Joseph, builder Nash & Milstead, stationers Leatherdale John, esq. Redwood house Nettlefold John, auctioneer & upholstr. Nesbitt James, bootmaker Shonfeld Thomas, greengrocer Bateman William, plumber Nicholls Samuel, baker & beer retailer White Hart Hotel, William Lownds White Hart Assembly Room

Gould Edward, homoeopathic chemist Mowat James, tailor Battersbee George, ironmonger Bayman Charles, hair dresser &c.............here is Market square............The Forester, E. Scholey Rose Sr Crown, George Davison Duke’s Head, Henry Edward Wren Green Misses Mary Ann & Sarah, fancy

repositoryHughes & Willev, surgeons Willey Dr. 'Critchlow James, grocer............here is Market square............Bell Tap, H. Brazier >Oliver Percy, bootmaker Bell Hotel, William Sutton Stubbs William, corn & coal merchant Dunn J. & E. upholsterers

(Shillcock Joseph Bradley, chemist ( Post Office

Burgess William, fancy repository Nash John, linen draper Burgess Joseph, bootmaker Walter James Birch, ironmonger Greyhound, I. Sanders White William, baker Gordon Charles Wm. watchmaker Burgess William, bootmaker

Golding William, general dealer g Jarvis John

.e Addison James ^W est John

-^Doe Charles Rate Charles

§ Martin John Fuller Mrs Hapted John

Lowrance John Wm. marine stores Wells Thomas, grocer Payne & Balding, builders & contractors Eaton Christopher, butcher




Cook George Stringer Eichard Larkin Stephen Star&r Garter, John Humphries Churcher —Golds George, writer and grainer Ferris Kobert, saddler 'Selby Henry, esqStidolph William, florist (College slip)

L ondon E oad.Hunter J. K. coach builder, Bochester


1 Godfrey James g 2 Gooding Harry

gs3 Burden Miss J 35 4 Whale William *** § 5 Keates William

6 Hunt Henry, grocer

1 Latter Misses § 2 English William D.• 1 * 3 Widgery James ^ i 5! Betts Thomas *| S 5 Mills George to 6 Shearman William

7j Kettel Mrs

Teldom Thomas, bird stuffer Pearson Thomas Pritchard 'Miss, dressmaker Knowles George Parrott MartinThe Laurely Anthony Newell

8 1 Harris George «S 2 Snelgrove William ^"3 Trower Edward

4 W oollett John g>5 Brown Francis e 6 Podger James

£ 7 West E.

Thornhill Miss Lee Mrs .Long Colonel, Bromley hill

Mathews James L. esq. Ivybank Hall John esq. Woodlands Truscott Wm. H. esq. Hawthorn cot.

Bennett Alfred esq. 1 ) Medina Bennett William T. esq. 2) Villas

10Allcock Joseph esq. 2 > Beech Niesigh George esq. I jT Villas

The Beech Tree. Henry Coombs Letts T. A . esq. Holly cottage Clarke Mrs. Westfield

Maeket Squabe.1 Coutts & Co. bakers2 Freeman Miss Elizabeth, fruiterer3 Mowat J. A. bootmaker4 Latter E, solicitor5 Bush Samuel, bookseller6 Heaysman William, butcher7 Isard Edward,, tallow chandler8 Mumford Miss Eliza, stationer9 Tuck Edward, ironmonger

10 Humfrey William, pawnbroker11 Prince o f Wales, Mrs L.-Jewell............here is Widmore Road ..........12 & 13 Uridge Isaac, grocer14 Strong Edward, printer & stationer15 & 16 Uridge Isaac, china dealer 17 Humfrey William, hosier19 Cooper Bobert, corn dealer20 Dunn Edward, upholsterer21 Brown Joseph, cooper22 Doe George, bootmaker23 Brister Mr John24 Broad Miss, dressmaker25 tfe 26 Crowhurst Eobt. linen draper28 Rose & Crown, George Davison29 Hopton J. fruiterer ,30 Duke’s Head,-.Henry E. Wren31 Green Misses M. A . & S. fancy

. repository & ironmongers32 Eeed Mrs33 Alsop J. A. solicitor

Baxter George B.& Samuel & Payne, auctioneers & estate agents

Faversham A le Stores} Eobert ^ Cooper, agenti2 Literary Institute, ,G. Pamphilon ^ and W. W . Baxter, lion. secs.; § Benjamin Wood, librarian

^ London and County Bank, George Dennen, manager .

Police Station, Inspector Howe, Sergts. Tipton & Dawes

Masons H ill.£ .4,sir avbst side.

Golding Alfred, station master '


STREET DIRECTORY. 115 Powell & Co. coal merchants P § Cray Coal Compy. W . Stubbs agt -"2 ’■*> Kent Coal Compy. R. Cooper agt.

^ Sanders & Co. coal merchants Hilton & Co. coal merchants

I Tillman J.,, 2 Napier J.£,3 Reed J. F. umbrella maker ;§ 4 Cousins C. rc. 5 Smith George ^ 6 H illG .

7 Williams E. C.^ 10 Sales W .

12 Lawrence G.

Railway Signal, C. Cole Walker & Holmes, upholsterers Sibery F. grocer

1 Santer T.§ 2 Hatcher T.g S 3 Darnell D. g e 5 Smith S.U = 6 Griffith Pj>ivv.wi*V * 7 Googe W - . k* 8 Day Mrs. shopkeeper

Mead C. corn doalerCook EdwardIsard C. stationerStartup ElijahAmaud J. C. builderShaw & Springett, veterinary surgeonsUnstead Edward, grocerBeaman William esq. Sinclair villaDavis GeorgeHayes MrsThree Horse Shoes, Thos. Partridge

beer retailer & carman

1 Hannan J.2 Browning J.3 Greenaway Mrs

J 4 Winchester T.5 Jenner David

"S G Buck Robert a, 7 Cripps George ? 8 Deadman Samuel

O-i 9 Batchelor John 10 Emmins W .I I Bennett Henry

Vyse Henry ;

Bullen John Moore W . gardener W ingham W . builder

Head William, Gardener Jessop Mrs.Golding George, district surveyor Roberts T. esq.Enever Mrs. Atherstone cottage Nickalls C. esq. Sinclair eottage Thompson Charles esq. 11 Alma Baker Charles esq. 2 ) Villas

WfiST. EAST SIDe T" —- I t u ,

Barham H.Day RichardBoorman George, fly proprietor Railway Tavern, George W ass Knight John, farmer, New farm


Isard Mr R. Streamlet house <u Mercer S. e Isard Thomas

Griffith John Maunton J.

1 Ware Thomas 3 Bullen J.4: Tye John^ Tucker G. ) Isardj’s

Ladd John ) Field

Devas Mrs. South hill

King George Hurst Hugh

3 Yeates Edward tg Hampton J. W . Rose cottage § Wood William 02 Bussall Thomas. < ,

.Soames Ely, esq. Ravenscroft Tiger’s Head, George Bennett

Mooreland R oad.1 Ralph John, grocer ’2 Skinner F. W .3 Davies Charles4 Stock George, earman5 Rumbold W .6 Stevens W .7 Chalcroft F. sawyer8 Bakewell H. fishmonger9 Sparkes J. jun

10 Fisher11 Hards William


BROMLEY DIRECTORY.1212 Blake C.13 Clark E.15 Stevens Of. W .16 Brett Alfred17 Podger W .18 Lucas F.19 Parrott W .20 Smith W.21 Hull Mrs E. laundress22 Walker W .23 Taglow George24 Winterson W .26 Skinner G.27 Ford George28 Weatherley E.29 Hunt R.30 Smith John31 Crockford C.32 Potter J. baker33 Leighfield Robert, greengrocer, &c36 Sparks James37 Humphrey Robert38 Hodgeskins J.39 Ransom Robert40 Brown W .41 Leach James42 Soanes43 Vinters W .44 Draper W .45 Brett John46 Hart J.47 Piper G.48 Ashdown J.49 Berry J. bootmaker50 Chance Robert, dairyman51 Bagwell William52 Woodcock C.53 Mase John54 King J.55 Hearn H.56 Green Miss57 Brenton A.58 Ransom J.59 Holloway W . B.60 Philpot E.

Palace G rove, New Town.

WEST SIDE.Jacob Arthur, esq.Jesse John, esq. Springfield

Scott Dalton, esq. 1) Heath Block A. S. esq. 2 ) villas

Griffin E. esq. 1) GroveVaughan T. esq. 2 j villas

M acintosh — esq. Glengyle cottage Young Miss, Rose villa

Jones M rsE. 1 ) WestboumeBaker J. esq 2) villas

Boyall Mrs 14 DeepingFenning Miss 2) villas

Patrickson J. esq. Stratheden villa Goodwin W . esq. Selsdon villa

Clear Thomas, esq 15Couldry Thomas, esq 2 I WinkfieldRawlins on, Mrs 3 f villasCrutcher George, esq 4 JTiddy W . esq Latter Walter, esq.R.A.M. Balchin William, esq


Hewitt W . esq. Percy villa Walmisley W . M. esq. W ilton house Burrows Mrs. Chester house

EAST SIDE.Firmin. Charles esq. Ufton house Garstang Mrs. Harold house Willis William esq

Nxgdge Mrs. J. St. Edmond’s house Howlett S. B. esq. Pulham house

Cooper Mr Robert 1) Santry Calvert Rev. J. 2j Villas

Blondel A. esq 1) HomeDunstall John esq 2) Villas

Denton George esq 2, The Firs

King Mrs. 1) FlorenceStanger Caleb esq 2 j Villas

P alace R oad, Bromley Common. Hadnutt Mr G. surveyor &c.Wells E. J. wood dealer, Ebenezer cot. Palace Tavern, T. Cox Yaxley David, grocer 5 1 Swatten Thomass o 2 Cowland Lennard §* ^ 3 Rayment G.3 '■* 4 Burrows John



M cEill W . esq. l f_ Palace Hichens W . G. esq 2 j Villas

Maskell J. esq.Smith Thomas esq. Amos cottage Elliott F. gardener, Myrtle cottage Hilton John P. esq. Hermon lodge

Cook Mr William ) Weaver Kemp Mr Thomas ) villas

Hudgell Mr Edward, Brenchley cot. Milstead W . J. & H. bakers, Ashbum-

ham cottage

—r Palace R oad, New Town.WEST SIDE.

Locke A. & S., builders 1 > Stone Atkins James 2y Cottages

Q 1 Isard C.^ 2 Dale J. D.X 3 Ruegg H.-J 4 Muffett F. o 5 Elliott J.

^ 6 Stone G.

Collins W . 1Andrews J. >- Gibb’s cottages Gibbs Mrs. )

Gomer W . Elm cottage Harris S. broker, furniture dealer &c. Harris Mrs Geo., Straw bonnet maker,

Rose cottage

Clark A. 1 ) Camden Mills H. 2 ) cottages

Green Mrs. 1 "j Mullett F. 2 I Park road Bailey A. 3 ( cottages Bailey J. 4 JThorpe W . butcher Reeves John, fishmonger Putman Miss, stationer Fisher J. grocer &c.

£ 1 Smeed Edward T.•2 2 Dunham J.^ 3 Hart P.

4 Crockford Frederick f£J5 Shoebridge Edward

Smith Mr T. accountant, Woodbine cot

Brown Mr 1) MargaretSpooner G. bootmaker 2j cottages

1 Stubberfield R.2 Parks A.3 Towell G.4 Hudd Mrs.5 Barlow J.6 Strange T.

£ 7 Pearce Mrs.*2 8 Constant T. greengrocer ^ 9 Selfe —

10 Jones T.-2 11 Compin Henry

12 Hills H.13 Parks S.14 Allen R.15 Holden C.16 Pearce W .17 McKenzie D.18 Egerton T. bootmaker19 Muffett W .20 Crowhiirst Robert

. 1 Ring A.| 2 Mills H. .

’jS Jf3 Allen E. baker & grocer © 4 Morris James u 5 Sweetlove T.

Darby W . mason, Emma’s cottage West Mrs.Cousins G.Chitty W . coach builderGreenaway Charles, Limes cottageChitty C. Ash cottageEldridge James T. plumber, Home cotUnderwood CharlesW hite GeorgeMersh William, carman

EAST SIDE.Crown & Anchor, W . Wise Blackney H. farrier Bricklayer's Arms, J. Mabet Fawsitt Frederick, leather seller W ood William, greengrocer ' Churcher J. W . bootmaker,! Office fo r Stamping Weights and [ Measures.


Banks Joseph, grocer & china dealer W ood Benjamin, pianoforte tuner W ood J. parish clerk Carrick C.

1 Bishop W .2 Smith E.

•S3 Marshall G.^ 4 Lopard W .§ 5 Carter George

^ 6 Banks Benjamin 7 Swan J.

1 Johnson Charles2 Pealing Thomas3 Rush Mrs.4 Packet Edward

|> 5 Bolton John£ 6 Penfold Charles § 7 Raison Elisha

.** 8 Nash William a 9 Taylor George

^ 1 0 Lewis James11 Allen H12 Marshall Mrs.13 Johnson Reginald

Anglesea Arms, G. Budding

Middlemiss W . baker j Ilewett R. butcher I Claremont Steiert L. watchmaker f place ■Spackman W . grocer JHouliston William 1 ~\ .Bittle E. T. 2 I MarylandWeipert W . 3 | cottages•Carter W . 4' J '

1 Bateman H.& *5 2 .'Burch J. plumber .S gs3 Healy George § -s 4 Presland T.

^ § 5 Chatman W .6 Dunn J. paperhanger

Holland G..Burbridge W .Yarley J. cutler Hudd W .Stanton R.Ashley J.Ellis C.Waters P


Dunford J.Iiopkins E. plumber Adams T.White Horse, Thomas Sweetlove

£ 1 Beaben F..« 2 Curtis C.

■3 Clarke George .§ 4 Waters Mrs.N 5 Marshall H.

1 Royal Oak, George Church2 Brister E.3 Turner E.4 Brown J.5 Hawkins R.G Walker R.

g 7 Packham T.- §» ■ 8 Sargent T.52 9 French Mrs.«1 0 Sharman J.~ 11 Budgen R.-S»12 Pawley R.*5,13 Hall D.S 14 Jarrod D.” 15 Stevens R.

16 Sharp J.17 Hodkins G.18 Chitty T.19 Chitty J.M archant H.

gjHughesman Mrs.5s Wagner W .§ Carpenter A.

•ia Penfold John e Monk W .

^ Simms H.3 Roberts R.4 Phillips John

,e 5 Procter George ■ 6 Talbot Joseph

^ 7 Burbridge Charles © 8 Biggs James .^ 9 Jarratt George

10 Searle Arthur

„ 1 Dye Charles &j2 Batchelor William ~ 3 Collins George § 4 Hayles Henry a 5 Kingsworth SamueL (2 6 Palmer Abraham •4?7 Pearson Robert .^ 8 Stewart Edwin :




Park Hoad, Bromley Common. Fulham Charles, mason Mansfield Mr Reuben Allen J. horticultural builder

Sinclair Mr Robert 11 Rose West W . painter 2 J cottages

Teversham Miss Renshaw MrsDigby John, esq. Eton cottage Clark R. Homewood cottage Harding A . T. esq. Park cottage Chirrill J. esq. Blanford cottage Jones B. builder, Alps cottage Cuthbert W . F. esq. Jura cottage Taylor J. plasterer, 1 Hope villas Austen A . esq. Fairfield villa Giles C. esq. Nutley villa

Hollis Charles, esq 1 "I Hawkhurst Pierce Mrs 2 J villas

Hadnutt G. esq. Madingley cottage Hyde Mrs. Thetford cottage Herring George M. esq. Laurel cottage

Hodges Mr Richard 2) Oak Haukohl Henry esq l j villas

g 1 Law George « 2 Adams Henry £ 3 Smith James ^ 4 Richardson M.J? 5 Hoskins Richard '§ 6 Whitehouse E.2 7 Burley G.^ 8 Oliver Philip &a9 Tasker James

Donham Miss 81 GordonBourdon Walter, esq 4 j terrace

Bensley J. Laura villaRanson George, esq. Alma cottage

Park R oad, New Town.NORTH SIDE.

Baptist Chapel Bysouth Henry, florist............ here is Palace Grove ............Wadsworth Mr Joel Porter Mrs. Park view .

is 1 White Mrs ^ J 2 Allen Mrs ^ n* 3 Emmett Edward, esq R, 4 Latter Miss C.

............ here is Palace road...............Crown 8y Anchor, W . Wise Blackney Henry, farrier Herbert George, carrier

How Mr James 1 1 Thompson Miss 2 l Palace place Luckin Mrs 3 JHeaysman Mr T. Stangrove villa Sturt Misses, school, Haxted house

^ 1 Fitze William, esq 1: § 2 Button G. esq c ? £ 3 Coles Henry J. esq

4 Williams W . T. esq

Greener Jas. H. esq. Komani villaSOUTH SIDE.

1 Micklewright William, esq § 2 Fertell George, esq rS 3 LeGrand Mrs

4 Ostler Walter, esq *5 5 Marsh Sidney, esq

R, 7 Sanger Mrs 8 Smallbones C. esq

Wylde Mrs 1 ) WycherleySturt Miss 2) villas '

Morrison S. esq. Norland cottage Brown James, fly proprietor

1 Pilbrow Misses 1 | 2 Townsend Miss H.S 3 Radcliffe J. esq►3 ** 4 Dixon Robert, architect

1 5

Plaistow.3 Harris John

•g1 *5 4 Dale Henry I? § 5 Mead James, coal dealer p? "S.6 Simpkins William

7 Slow Mrs. .

Gristwood HenryBlake BenjaminGolds George, writer & grainer



Cooper W . H . butcher Porter Mr. George Griffiths Richard Blackshaw Miss Elizabeth, grocer &c.

. 1 Haggerstone Mrs.| g 2 Ellis John *3 §>3 Weaklin John 5 ^ 4 Gower George g § 5 Dowling Edward S.

Bugbee Janies, esq. 2, Mead villas Bult Thos. S. esq. 1, Beckington vil Giles W . esq. 2, Springhill villas Golds Mr William, Alpha cottage

^ Grover F. esq. 1, Springhill villas -"a Hallpike C. esq. 2, Beckington villas bsHughes Loftus esq. Minie villa

Isard Mr JohnJ^-Mallett William esq. 2, Holly villas

Muckle Mrs. Dagmar house Neall William S. esq. 1 Holly villas Rush Percy C. esq. 2, Cambridge vil Sichart George esq. 1 Cambridge vil Stevens Mr J. builder, 2, Crescent vil

S. Mary's Church Fleetwood Rev. Sir L. P. H., bart., Ros-

sall cottage

Moser Charles esq.. 1 (Nelson Philips Joseph esq. 2 J Villas

Satterthwaite Clement esq. Springhill Hollyman Mr J. farm bailiff Freeman Mr Charles Mackenzie J . esq. Plaistow lodge

Marshall William Butcher Henry Sears James Holt John Morgan Thomas Mahoney J.Weaklin John Winterman William

g Wallace David 5 Marshall John ^Russell William S Ellis Charles

Bays James (q Craker John

Burrows Edward Chelfield Henry

1 6Marshall Thomas Russell Thomas Toner FrancisPrince Frederick, John Wallis- Baker William Pocock Joseph

Shuttleworth Mrs. Plaistow hallPodger Mrs ElizabethGibbs WilliamHills MrsReading GeorgeEmery Mrs CharlesArdem William, dairymanBaker JohnLee JosephPilcher William, carpenter Chance Sirs Monckton Stephen Simms John Hoskins Jeremiah Broadway William Bonathern William Kite Thomas Sinfield John Millrose Peter Norgate George Francis William P.Blackwell Pharoah Palmer Thomas Mitchell Thomas Osborn William Hart George Slow William Brook William, jun Crown, William C. Fox Crank Henry

SlIORTLAN'DS.See Beckenham.

SOUTHBOKOUGII.Chequers, William Knight Filby J. beer retailer, Crooked Billet

, Hamilton Archibald, esq. Southbarrow ' Lovibond John, esq. Turpinton farm 'Oldham Dr Henry, Blackbrook ✓ Sawtell R. farmer, Blackbrook farm

Skilleter Jeremiah, fanner _Wells Mrs. Southborough lodge

T ylney R oad, Widmore........BAST SIDE,

Cole Mr Edward .



Bowler R.Amner W . baker Turner H. butcher

1 Thompson James2 Trundle Joseph

"a os3 Palmer Jesse"o ~ 4 Pearce Miss ^ § 5 Wells Joseph

6 Brown Joseph

Prater WilliamBrown W . F.

1 Adams William ,3 |»2 Whittington Morris 5} £; 3 Honeyboume George

§ 4 Smith Robert

Henner T.Ellard Mrs Mary Jenner James B., plasterer Harbar Henry Stahmer E. tailor

Beacham — 1) NightingaleAdams Henry 2) cottages

EAST SIDE.Hartnall Henry 1) Fern Browning William 2) cottages

Harper & Spooner, builders Sperring & Cole, plumbers, &c Nunn Walter, builder

^ 2 Hills Thomas,o u 3 Eblen Charles

S 4 Monckton Stephen S | 5 Hunt James

6 Burbridge William

Bulleid A. builder Jeary Joseph Weller Charles T.Taylor Alexander Jones George Somerset Benjamin

W esteeham Road, Bromley Common Rawson Rev Arthur, m.a . Parsonage Pigott Edmund, corn dealer Peacock William Whiffin Mrs

Green Mrs Gregory J.Darby Mrs White Miss Harvey Thomas Thompson1 Henry Obee William Pocknall Thomas Brown David Doyle Thomas Dodd Isaac Pawley Joseph Nicholls Mrs Boakes Edward Thame Henry J.W ood MrsGoodwin GeorgeBelfield Thomas, junBelfield Thomas, senParsons MatthewTwiton MrsLewington JamesTwo Doves, Alfred PenfoldDrake SamuelJackson Albert, bootmakerIsrael Alfred J.Holiday George Wilson Mr R. The Cottage Neighbour WilliamWoodhouse Mr George, Point house „

A/ _f.\ ,^W idhore”'Road. '

WEST SIDE.Nash William, dining roomsWillmot I. fruitererGrubb William, builderBritten John, chemistDunstall John, bakerBlundell Thomas, fishmongerCooper George, esq. Widmore house................here is Bark Road ............

13 Wheeler Miss, ladies’ school 12 Bailey E. H. esq '11 Adams George, esq 10 Howes Capt. John, Monkswell ho

:§ 9 Savill John, esq s> 8 Hayes Dr. dentist S 7 May William E. esq •2 6 Gould Edward, e.sq

5 White J. esq 4 Ross Anthony, esq 3 Winthrop Edward, esq 2 Ilott Dr.1 Law Francis H. esq




I Brent Cecil, esq ^ 2 Cowtan Mrs. ladies’ school

| 3 Sparrowhawk Mr Bichard s •"§ 4 Stidolph John, esq

Q 5 Alsop J. A. esq. Denmark house6 Kirkman Wm. D. esq

Boheson Bichard, esq. 2 ) Eochester Bennett J. esq l j villas

Anderson John B. esq. Dunbar villa Adams W . J. esq Stocken W m . esq. Kendal lodge Lord H. esq. Keston villa

% .1 Savory Mrs ^ 2 Whitley C. esq R, 3 Musson Thomas, esq £ 4 Hellicar Eev A . G. m.a .

5 Green J. G esq6 Pettitt Thomas, esq

§ 7 Brown F. esq8 Mitchell Eobert, esq

............here is Freelands Road ........Holworthy Joseph M. esq. Elsworth ho Horwood M. esq. Chatham house . Jones Dr A . 0 . Grange house.

Hooper A. D. esq 1) Beechfield Dove J. esq 2 j ' villas

Bicknell Edgar, esq. Parkside W ogan Kendall, esq. Lewes house Verrall Bev George .

Pointer B. 1 1Crowhurst Geo. 2 I White Horse Eose George 3 [ cottagesCooper Mrs 4 JPayne George, esq. Widmore cottage Baxter G. B. esq. Euxley house Plumbridge J. esq. Claremont house Bance T. G. esq. Clifton house Hankey J. A. esq Charlesworth F. esq

RAST SIDE.Carreck W . N. stationer & bird stuffer How Brothers, watchmakers Ingles Miss, ladies’ school Hatfield Mr A.Townsend Mrs Sarah Harvey Mrs

Compasses, J ohn Ellis Lukey Mrs Latter Bobinson, esq Congregational Chapel Nash i l r John ^Pryce Francis H^esq Acton S. P^jestjTLynton house Talmaji^Major $Buty'J. H. esq. Parkfield Child Coles, esq. The Palace Maynard John, farm bailiff Henchman John, esq. Crosborough ho Billinghurst Henry, esq. Hundalee Garle J. esq V c » t - ( -l Davis Thomas, esq. Birkenfeld Scrutton James, esq. Belcaire Dalton J. esq. Beechfield

WlDMOKE. 1 Osborn G.

^ 2 Dauris John, gardener •S 3 Downe J. g 4 Potter John

5 Furr Mrs * 6 Wells S.

7 Lawson J.S 8 Eoberts J. ft) 9 M ogg G.

10 Harper T. jun

Kendall W . 11 Scott’ sStiles H. 2) cottages

Staff Mrs. Widmore farm Ewins Bichard Green William

Craker Bichard 1 ]Huxley George 2 I OakDennis Charles 3 f cottages iMaseley — 4 J

The OaJc, Thomas Handford Widmore Brick & Tile Works, John

Browning, agent •Willson Mrs. farrier Harbar Miss Eman W . fishmonger Blundell W. fruiterer

1 Pack W .2 Faircloth D.3 Parsons J.4 Miller J,



5 Cronk C.5 G Lambkin Thomas o ' 7 Wiles S.■§ 8 Mont W .£ 9 Hall T.

'is 10 Everest J.11 Tye A. F.

Cj 12 Hall Williamg UPPKK STORY.

5 1 Warran James ^ 2 Harbar John

3 Barnes Alfred4 Wiles John5 Muggleton H.6 Browning John, grocer

Telford Charles, esq. Widmore lodge Ellis MissBird in Hand, George Wiles Telford Miss, Widmore house Yeatman M. esq. Shawfield Fisk John, esq. Redlands

Tasker H.Waite Mrs

Holgate Mrs Spooner John Laslett S.Trower R.Tapsell J.

s Humerson J.S Craker Misses, dressmakers

(5 Craker W .^ Boakes W .S Gammon W .,3 Carter Mrs

Wesleyan Chapel ^ Smith W .

Hentry H.Risbridger J.Wise John Trower James Sargent T.

C O M M E R C I A L D I R E C T O R Y .Adams Charles, builder, Adam square, Bromley commonAllbon Henry, draper, Freelands roadAllen Edward, baker and grocer, Palace road, New TownAllen J. horticultural builder, Park road, Bromley commonAlsop J. A. solicitor, 33 Market squareAmner William, baker, Tylney road, WidmoreArdem William J. dairyman & coal merchant, PlaistowArnaud John C. builder, Masons hillAshby Mrs E. dressmaker, 5 Church cottages, Church roadAtkins George, Farwig Arms, FarwigAyling & Son, bootmakers, High streetAyling W . T. oilman, &c. High street

Bakcwell H. fishmonger, 8 Mooreland road, FarwigBanks Joseph, grocer and china dealer, Palace road, New TownBaptist Chapel, Park road, New TownBarber W . stationer, Tylney road, WidmoreBateman William, plumber, High streetBattersbee George, ironmonger, High streetBaxter George B. & S., & Payne, auctioneers, Town hallBaxter William Walmisley, chemist, Stamp Office, High streetBayman Charles, hairdresser &c, High streetBean Frederick, grocer, High streetBeeham E. Church cottage, Church roadBerry John, bootmaker, FarwigBennett George, Tiger's Head, Masons hill



Betts Thomas plasterer, Salubrious range, London road Black Alexander, Sundridge park farm, Plaistow Blackney Henry, smith and farrier, Palace road, New Town Blackshaw Miss Elizabeth, fancy repository, Farwig Blundell Thomas, fishmonger, Widmore road Blundell Walter T. fruiterer, Widmore Boorman George, fly proprietor, High street & Masons hill Bowes Misses, dressmakers, Gravel road Brazier H. Bell Tap, High street Britten John, chemist, Widmore road Broad Miss Ann, dressmaker, 24 Market square Bromley Congregational Chapel, Widmore road Bromley Gas Company, George H. Osborn, secretary & manager,

Brick-kiln laneBromley Literary Institute, Town hallBromley Record Office, 14 Market squareBrown David, tailor, Westerham road, Bromley commonBrown James, fly proprietor, Park road, New TownBrown Joseph, cooper, 21 Market squareBrowning Charles & Son, greengrocers & pork butchers, High stBrowning John, grocer, WidmoreBudding George, Anglesea Arms, Palace road, New TownBulleid A. builder, Tylney road, WidmoreBurch J. plumber, 2 Ebenezer cottages, Palace road, New TownBurgess Mrs Elizabeth, milliner, Alexandra house, High streetBurgess Joseph, bootmaker, High streetBurgess William, bootmaker, High streetBurgess William, fancy repository, High streetBurton Bobert Barber, tailor, High streetBush Samuel, bookseller, 5 Market squareBysouth Henry, florist, Park road, New Town

Carpenter James Summers, upholsterer, High street Carpenter Henry, sign painter and decorator, Farwig :Carreck W . N. bird stuffer, Widmore roadCarter Thomas, builder, Chatterton road, Bromley commonChalcroft Misses M. A. & S. milliners, High streetChalcroft F. sawyer, 7 Mooreland roadChance Bobert, dairyman, 50 Mooreland roadChattell William F. m .k .c .v .s ., veterinary surgeon, High streetChitty W . coach builder, Palace road, New TownChurch o f St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s, Church roadChurch G. Royal Oak, Palace road, New TownChurch William, Freelands Tavern, Freelands road 1Church William, builder, Gravel road, Biomley commonChurcher James William, boot maker, Palace road, New TownClement Charles, greengrocer, FarwigCole Charles, Railway Signal, Masons hillConstant Thomas, greengrocer, 10 Adelaide place, New TownCoombs Henry, Beech, Tree, London roadCooper H. G. butcher, FarwigCooper Bobert, com and coal merchant, 19 Market square Cooper William Henry, draper, High street Cooper William, tailor, High street


21County Court, Town hallCourts & Co. bakers, 1 Market squareCovell James G-. butcher, High streetCowie James, farmer, Model farm, PlaistowCowtan Mrs Kate, ladies’ school, 2 Denmark villas,Widmore roadCox T. Palace Tavern, Palace road, Bromley commonCraker Misses A. & C. dressmakers, WidmoreCray Coal Company limited, W . Stubbs, agent, Railway stationCritchlow James, grocer, High streetCrowhurst Robert, linen draper, 26 & 27 Market square

Darby W . stone mason, Emmas cottage, Palace road, New TownDauris John, gardener, 2 Beechfield cottages, WidmoreDavison George, Rose & Crown, High street, and Market squareDay Mrs. shopkeeper, Masons hillDodd Isaac, grocer, Bromley commonDoe George, bootmaker, 22 Market squareDowden G. Swan & Mitre, High streetDraper William, wheelwright, Bromley commonDunn Edward, upholsterer, 20 Market squareDunn J. & E. upholsterers, High streetDunn John, paperhanger, &c. 6 Ebenezer cottages, New Town Dunstall John, baker, Widmore road Durling W . butcher, Bromley common

Eaton Christopher, butcher, High streetEgerton T. bootmaker, 18 Adelaide place, Palace road, New TownEldridge James, plumber, Home cottage, New TownElliott F. gardener, Palace road, Bromley commonElliott Richard W . basket maker, Gravel road, Bromley commonEllis Alfred, butcher, High streetEllis John T. Three Compasses, Widmore roadEllis Septimus, school, The Limes, Freelands roadEman William, fishmonger, WidmoreEtherington James, baker, Royal Parade, Freelands road

Fawsitt F . leather seller, Palace road, New TownFerris Robert, saddler, High streetFerris S. pork butcher, High streetFilby & Sons, hair dressers, 2 College place, High streetFilby John, Crooked Billet, SouthboroughFisher Jonathan, grocer, &c. Palace road, New TownFox William Clark, Crown, PlaistowFreeman Miss Elizabeth, fruiterer, 2 Market squareFullarton Mrs. straw bonnet maker, High street

Gearing William, fruit grower, Skim comer, Bromley commonGentry C. baker, Adelaide place, Palace road, New TownGill George, builder, Bromley commonGiles & Co. grocers, Royal Parade, Freelands roadGodley Thomas, dust contractor, EarwigGolding George, district surveyor of highways, Masons hillGolding Alfred, station master, Bromley railway stationGolding Wm, general dealer, Hooker’s place, High street




Golds George, Writer and grainer, High street Gomer & Son, dairymen, High street Gordon Charles William, watchmaker, High street Goodacre S. publican & builder, Carpenter's A rms, Brick-kiln lane Gould Edward, homoeopathic chemist, High street Green Misses Mary Ann & Sarah, ironmongers and fancy reposi­

tory, 31 Market square and High street Greenbrook William, tailor, Farwig Grubb William, builder, Widmore road

Hadden John, Rising Sun, High streetHadnutt George, surveyor, &c. Palace road, Bromley commonHall John, tallow chandler, High streetHammond George, plumber, &c. John’s terrace, Freelands roadHammond William P. builder, Freelands roadHandford Thomas, The Oak, WidmoreHarman Robert Vine, music seller, High streetHarper & Spooner, builders, Tylney road, WidmoreHarris Mrs George, straw bonnet maker, Rose cottage, New TownHarris Henry, shopkeeper, Five Bells, Bromley commonHarris Stephen, broker, furniture dealer,&c. Palace road, New TownHayes Dr. dentist, 8 Palace villas, Widmore roadHeaysman Thomas, jun. builder, Park road, New TownHeaysman William, butcher, 6 Market squareHerbert George, carrier, Park road, New TownHewett Robert, butcher, Palace road, New TownHilton J. P. & Co. coal merchants. Railway stationHinchliffe David, mason, High street & Widmore roadHodges William, hair dresser, High streetHopkins E. plumber &c. Palace road, New TownHopton J. fruiterer, 29 Market squareHow Brothers, watchmakers, Widmore roadHoward James, smith & farrier, Greyhound yard, High streetHughes & Willey, surgeons, High streetHumfrey W . pawnbroker & general outfitter, 10&17, Market squareHumphries John, Star & Garter, High streetHunt Henry, grocer, London roadHunter James Ker, coach builder, London road

Hott Edward, m.d., surgeon, 2 Palace villas, Widmorc roadIlott James William, surgeon, High streetIngles Miss, ladies’ school, Widmore roadIngles William Henry, saddler, High streetIsard Cornelius, toy shop, Masons hillIsard Edward, tallow chandler, 7 Market squareIsard Richard, butcher, Mason’s hill

Jackson Albert, bootmaker, Bromley commonJackson Albert, bootmaker, Westerham road, Bromley commonJackson George, grocer, Bromley commonJenkins Henry William, shopkeeper & postmaster, Bromley coinJenner James Bird, plasterer, Tylney road, WidmoreJessup Mrs Sarah, dressmaker, High streetJewell Mrs L. Prince o f Wales, 11 Market square



Johnson James, poulterer, High streetJones Alfred 0 . m.d., physician, Grange house, Widmore roadJones B. builder, Alps cottage, Palace road, Bromley common

Keer Manning, haberdasher, &c. High streetKent Coal Company, E. Cooper, agent, Bromley Eailway StationKent D ye Works, Browning & Son, WidmoreKing Edmund, blacksmith, FarwigEither George, dairyman, Freelands grove, New TownKnight John, farmer, New farm, Masons hillKnight William, Chequers, SouthboroughKnatt James, painter & decorator, Bromley common

Lambert E. Crown, Bromley common Lansbury Thomas, Hook farm, Bromley common Latter Kobinson, solicitor, 4 Market square Latter Walter, b .a.m., professor of music, 1, Beulah villas, Palace

grove, New TownLayfield Miss, stationer, &c. College place, High street Leach Henry, grocer, High street Leggatt J. D. tea dealer, &c. High street Leighfield — greengrocer, 33 Mooreland road Letts Henry, gardener, Adam square, Bromley common Lock Arthur, builder, Palace road, New Town London & Cmmty Bank, Town hall Lownds William, White Hart Hotel, High street Lowrance John William, marine stores, High street Lowther Mrs Sarah, shopkeeper, High street

Mabet J. Bricklayer's Arms, Park road, New Town Mansfield Thomas, farmer, Bromley common Marsh T. grocer, FarwigMason's Hill Sunday School, Palace road, Bromley commonMathews Eobert, f .r .c .s ., surgeon, BickleyMaydon George, linen draper, High streetMaynard John, farm bailiff, Widmore roadMcLean John, florist, Bromley commonMcLean Eobert, florist, Gravel road, Bromley commonMead C. com dealer, Masons hillMead James, coal & wood dealer, PlaistowMelville H. T. photographer, High streetMersh William, carman, Palace road, New TownMiddlemiss William, baker, Palace road, New TownMilstead Joseph, builder, High streetMilstead J. & H. bakers, Palace road, Bromley commonMilstead Walter, carman, Gravel Pits, Mason’s HillMitchell Bichard, Sawyer’s Arms, Bromley commonMitchell William, clothier, High streetMoore W . gardener, Mason’s HillMorley Thomas, Bromley academy, High streetMowat James, tailor, High streetMowat John A. bootmaker, 3 Market squareMuffett Charles, builder, High streetMumford Miss Eliza, stationer, 8 Market square



Mundy Edwin, linen draper, High street

Nash William, dining rooms, Widmore roadNash John, linen draper, H igh streetNash & Milstead, stationers, &c. High streetNesbitt James, bootmaker, High streetNettlefold John, auctioneer & upholsterer, High streetNewell Anthony, Laurel, London roadNewman Miss F. dressmaker, Alps cot. Palace road, Bromley com Newman Charles, tax collector, Earwig Nicholls Samuel, baker, White Mart Tap, High street Nunn Walter, builder, Tylney road, Widmore

Oclee Edgar A. Watchmaker, High street Oliver Percy, bootmaker, High street

Pamphilon George, wine merchant, High streetParry Thomas, leather seller, H igh streetParsons William, bricklayer, Gravel road, Bromley commonPartridge T. carman & beer retailer, Horse Shoes, Masons hillPascall Joseph, brickmaker & potter, Brick-kiln lanePawley William, fanner, Cooper’s farm, Bromley commonPawley William, jun. brewer, Bromley commonPayne & Balding, builders, H igh streetPayne Charles, greengrocer, High streetPeill E. carman, Bromley commonPenfold Alfred, Two Doves, Westerham road, Bromley common Philpot Mrs. staymaker, EarwigPiggott Edmund, com dealer, &c. Westerham road, Bromley comPilcher William, carpenter, PlaistowPodger Henry, laundry, Brick-kiln lanePolice Stat'on, Town HallPotter J. baker, 32 Mooreland roadPowell & Co. coal merchants, coal depot, Bromley Railway station Pratt W . refreshment rooms, High street "Pritchard, Miss Matilda, dressmaker, London road Pulham Charles, mason, Bromley common Putman Miss, stationer, Palace road, New Town

Ralph John, grocer, 1 Mooreland road, FarwigRalph & Muffett, builders &c., London roadReeves James, fishmonger, Palace road, New TownRounds W . grocer, Freelands roadRowland Thomas, laundry, EarwigRumph J. plasterer, Henry street,.Freelands roadRumph Samuel, plasterer, Johnson road, Bromley commonRussell James, carrier, High street

Sanders I. Greyhound, High streetSanders & Co. coal merchants, High streetSanger Misses Esther & Sophia, dressmakers, High streetSanter Robert, gardener, Adam square, Bromley commonSatchell Thomas, plumber, High streetSawtell Richard, farmer, Blackbrook farm, Southborough


25Sayers Thomas, farm bailiff, Bromley common Scholey E. Forester, High street _ _Shaw & Springett, vererinaiy surgeons, High street & Masons hill Sheppard William, turner, Whitegate cottage, Bromley common Shillcock Joseph Bradley, chemist, Post Office, High street Shonfeld Thomas, greengrocer, High street Shorter William, farmer, Skim corner, Bromley common Sibery F. grocer, Mason’s hill Simmons W . tailor, Royal parade, Freelands road Skilleter Jeremy, farmer, Southborough - - Smith Alfred, plumber, High street Smith Mrs Jane, coffee rooms, High street Smith James G. cattle salesman, Bromley common Smith Thomas jun. carpenter and beer retailer, Bird-in-Hand,

Gravel road, Brcmley commonSmith Thomas, commercial academy, Palace, road, New TownSmith William, carpenter, Gravel road, Bromley commonSouthgate Abraham, Royal Oak, FarwigSpackman Willliam, Palace road, New TownSperring & Cole, plumbers, gasffitters, fyc., Tylneyroad, WidmoreSpooner George, bootmaker, Palace road, New TownSpooner William, bootmaker, High street,Stahmer E. tailor, Tvlney road, WidmoreSteele James, die sinker, &c., High streetStevens J. horticurtural builder, 2, Crescent Villas, PlaistowStidolph William, florist, College slip, High streetSteiert Leopold, watchmaker, Palace road, New TownStock Geoge, coal merchant & carman, 4, Mooreland roadStorer George, confectioner, High streetStrong Edward, printer & stationer, 14 Market SquareStubbs William, com & coal merchant, High streetSturt Misses ladies’ school, Haxted lodge Park road New TownSutton William, Bell Hotel, High streetSweeting George, plumber, High streetSweetlove Thomas, White Horse, Palace road, New Town

Taylor J. ornamental plasterer & scagliotist, 1 Hope villas, Park road, Bromley common

Thorpe Walter, butcher, Palace road, New Town Tuck Edward, ironmonger & gas fitter, 9, Market square Turner Henry, butcher, Tylney road, Widmore Turner William, smith & farrier, Bromley common

Unstead Edward, grocer, Perseverance house, Mason’s hill Uridge Isaac, grocer & china dealer, 12,13, 15 & 16 Market square

Vanderpant H. C. dentist, Alexandra house, High street Varley John, cutler, Palace road, New Town Verrall James, stationer, High street

Walker & Holmes, upholsterers, Mason’s hill Wallis John, Prince Frederick, Hollowbottom, Plaistow Walters James Birch, ironmonger, High street Walters Miss L. D. stationer, Church road




Wass George, Railway Tavern, Mason’s hillWeeks George, ironmonger, High streetWells E. J. wood dealer, Palace road, Bromley commonWells Joseph, china & glass dealer, High streetWells Thomas, grocer, High streetWells George W . grocer, College place, High streetWesleyan Chapel, High streetWest G. painter, Rose cottage, Park road, Bromley common West William, surveyor, Bickley Westbrook J. B. whitesmith, FarwigWheatley Mrs Elizabeth, day school, College place, High street Wheeler Miss Sophia, ladies’ school, Cromwell house, Bromley com­

mon ; 13 Palace villas, Widmore road: and 6 Broomfield, Free­lands road

White Hart Assembly Room, High street White William, baker, High streetWhitehead James, beer retailer, Bricklayer's Arms, Bromley com Widmore Brick and Tile Works, John Browning, agent Wiles G. Bird-in-Hand, Widmore Willmot I. greengrocer, Widmore road Willson Mrs Elizabeth, farrier. WidmoreWilson Robert, relieving officer, The Cottage, Westerham road Winchester William, gardener, Bromley common Wingham William, builder, Broomlay cottage, Mason’s hill Wise William, Crown & Anchor, Park road, New Town W ood Benjamin, piano tuner, Palace road, New Town W ood Jabez, parish clerk, Palace road, New Town W ood & Son, bakers, FarwigW ood William Selby, ramoneur, contractor and patentee, Belmont

Freelands roadW ood William, greengrocer, Palace road, New Town Woodall William, fishmonger, High street 'Woolnough J. A. The Plough, Bromley common Workmen s Institute, WidmoreWren Henry E. Duke's Head, High street and Market square

Yaxley David, grocer, Palace road, Bromley common •Yeldom H. J. bird stuffer, London roadYoung Men's Mutual Improvement Society, 8, Market square



27P R I V A T E

Acton Sami. Poole, esq. Lynton house Widmore road

Adams G. esq. 11 Palace villas, W id­more road

Adams W . J. esq. Buller’s wood, Bickley Adams W . J. esq. Widmore road Alcock Joseph, esq. 2 Beech villas,

London roadAlexander E. H. esq, The Farrants,

Bickley parkAllcard G. esq. South bank, Bickley Allen Edward, esq. 2 Rhodes villas,

Bromley commonAllen Mrs G. 2 Park road villas, Park

road, New Town Allfree Miss, 5 Sheppard’s college Alsop J. A. esq. Brunswick house,

High roadAlston James B. esq. Fairfield, Bickley Anderson J. esq. Dunbar villa, W id­

more roadArchibald Thomas D. esq. Inglewood,

BickleyAtkinson Mrs. 34 Bromley college Austin A. esq. Fairfield villa, Park

road, Bromley common Austin Miss, 1 Thorn vil. Freelands rd. Austin W . H. esq. Crofton Idg. Bickley

Baddeley S. esq. 2 Freelands road Bailey E. H. esq. 12 Palace villas, W id­

more roadBaker C. esq. 2 Alma vil. Masons hill Baker J. esq. 2 Westboume villas, Pal- • * ace grove, New Town Balchin William, esq. Beulah villas,

Palace grove, New Town Balfour Mrs. 2 Bromley college Balfour H. esq. The Hollies, Becken­

ham laneBarlow William F. esq. Sandfield,

BickleyBarrett Eev A. Palace grove, New Tn Barrett W . esq. The Hollies, Bromley c Barry C. esq. Elmfield, Bromley comn. Bath Miss, High street Batten Isaac, esq. Berryfield, Bickley Batten James, esq. Highfield, Bickley Baxter Miss, High street Baxter George B. esq. Ruxley house,

Widmore roadBaxter Samuel, esq. 2 Laurel villas,

Bromley common

R E S I D E N T S .Beaman William, esq. Sinclair villa,

Masons hillBeeby Dr. 3 Church ter. Church road Bennett A. esq. 1 Medina villas, Lon­

don roadBennett J. esq. 1 Rochester villas,Wid­

more roadBennett W . T. esq. 2 Medina villas,

London roadBentham C. esq. 2 Broomfield, Free­

lands roadBernard N. esq. 4 Elizabeth vil. Bickley Bevington S. esq.The Elms, Bickley pk Bicknell E. esq. Parkside, Widmore rd Bilke E. esq. Mill lane, Church road Billinghurst H. esq. Hundalee, W id­

more roadBittle Mr E. T. 2 Maryland cottages,

Palace road, New Town Black A. esq. Sundridge park farm,

PlaistowBlock A. S. esq. 2 Heath villas, Palace

grove, New TownBlondel A . esq. 1 Home villas, Palace

grove, New TownBooth S. esq. Effingham lodge, Bick­

ley parkBoosey C. esq. The Pines, Bickley park Bouch J. esq. Sunny side, Bickley park Boulton T. esq. The Firs, Bickley park Bourdon Walter, esq. 4 Gordon ter­

race, Park road, Bromley common Boyall Mrs. 1 Deeping villas, Palace

grove, New TownBoys Thomas, esq. 8 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln laneBrandt Robt. esq. The Laurels, Bickley Brent C. esq. 1 Denmark villas, W id­

more roadBrewer P. C, esq. 3 Broomfield, Free­

lands roadBridgewater J. esq. Llandrinio house,

BickleyBrind F. esq. Bickley Brooksbank Wm. esq. Gleave Knole,

Beckenham laneBrown F. esq. 7 Rochester place, W id­

more roadBrowne James W. esq. Frascati, Brom­

ley commonBrowne Rev. Robert, 5, Elizabeth villas,

BickleyBugbee J. esq. 2 Mead villas, Plaistow



Bryant Miss, 1 Gothic cottages, Brom­ley common

Balt T. esq. 1 Beckington vil. Plaistow Burmester A. esq. Lansdown house,

Bromley commonBurrows Mrs. Chester house, Palace

grove, New TownButy J. H. esq. Parkfield, Widmore rd Button G.esq. 2 Park grove, New Town

Calvert Eev. J. 2 Santry villas, Palace grove, New Town _

Carter Miss, BeechwoodJ Bromley cmn Chambers G. esq. Gordon ldg. Bickley Charlesworth F. esq. Widmore hill Chattell Mr Wm. F. Lyncourt villa,

Bromley commonCherrill Mr J. Blanford cottage,] Park

road, Bromley common Child Coles, esq. j.p. The Palace Chubb H. esq. Home lea, Bickley Clarke Miss, Westfield,'London road Clarke John Irwin, esq. 4 Fairlawn

villas, Bromley common Clavell Capt John, k.n., Campville,

Bickley parkClear Thomas, esq. 1 Winkfield villas,

Palace grove, New Town Cleaveland Mrs. 3 Fairlawn villas,

Bromley commonColes H. esq. 3 Park grove, New Town Cook Mr. William, Weaver villas,

Palace road, Bromley common Cooper G. esq. Widmore house, W id­

more roadCooper Mr Bobt. 1 Santry villas, Palace

grove, New TownCornish W . esq. The Elms, Bromley c Couldery Thomas, esq. 2 Winkfield

villas, Palace grove, New Town Court J. C. esq. Lodore, Bromley cmn Crause Capt. Skim corner, Bromley cmn Crutcher George, esq. 4 Winkfield

villas, Palace grove, New Town Curwen Bobert, esq. Birkby house,

Bickley parkCuthbert W . F. esq. Jura cottage,

Park road, Bromley common

Dalton J. esq. Beechfield, Widmore rd. Davey S. esq. 2 Kemsing terrace, Free­

lands roadDavis The Misses, 3 Bexley villas, Free­

lands road

28Davis T. jun. esq. Birkenfeld, Wid­

more roadDenton G. esq. 2 The Firs, Palace

grove, New Town Devas Mrs. South hill, Masons hill Devas Charles F. esq. Bromley lodge Dewey T. E. esq. Freelands grove Dickinson W . esq. Vernon villa, Brom­

ley commonDigby John, esq. Eton cottage, Park

road, Bromley common Dixon Mrs. 36 Bromley college . Dixon Misses, Nymans, Bickley Dixon B. esq. 4 Lavender villas, Park

road, New TownDonham Miss, 8 Gordon terrace, Park

road, Bromley common Dove J. esq. 2 Beechfield villas, W id­

more road 'Duncan Mrs. The Knoll, Page heath,

New TownDunn Mrs. 15 Bromley college Dunstall Mr J. 2 Home villas, Palace

grove, New Town Dwyer Mrs. 32 Bromley cottage

Easto B.esq.La Bellevue, Bromley cmn Eaton Mr C. 4 Church ter. Church rd. Edmunds W . esq. Freelands villas,

Freelands roadEdwards C. esq. Newton ho. Bickley Edwards Capt. William Gamul, Wes-

terham road- Bromley common Ellis Miss, Widmore Emmett E. esq. 3 Park road villas,

Park road, New Town Erskine Mrs H. T. Elm lodge, Bickley Evener Mrs. Atherstone cottage, Ma­

sons hill

Farr Wm. esq. m.d., f.r.s., Southlands Bickley

Farwig Mrs. Osborne vil. Bromley cmn Fennell Mrs. 29 Bromley college Fenning Miss, 2 Deeping villas, Palace

grove, New Town '' Fertel G. F. esq. 2 Park villas, Park

road, New TownField B. esq. Kingsdown cot. Bromley c Filby Mr. Edmund, High street Firmin C. esq. Ufton house, Palace

grove, New Town Fisk John, esq. Bedlands, Widmore Fitze Mr W . 1 Park grove, New Town



Fleetwood Rev. Sir P. L. H. Rossall cottage, Plaistow

Forbes N.McV., esq. Elmwood, Bickley Forbes F. A. esq. Bromley common Forbes G. esq. Thornton ho. Bickley FoskettMrs. Southlands grove, Bickley Foster M. esq. m.d. Page heath, Bickley Freeman Mr Charles, Plaistow French Rev. — Bromley college

Garle J. esq. Widmore road Garstang Mrs. Harold house, Palace

grove, New Town Gayton Miss, 4 Sheppards college Gedge Mrs. J. St. Edmunds house, Pal­

ace grove, New Town Gedge E. F. esq. 1 Broomfield, Free­

lands road .Gibbs G. esq. Nutwood, Bickley park Giles C. esq. Nutley villa, Park road,

Bromley common .Giles W. esq. 2 Springhill vil. Plaistow Gillbanks J.W.esq.Southlands, Bickley Goggs James, esq. 5 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln laneGoodwin W . esq. Selsdon villa, Palace

grove, New TownGould E. esq. 6 Palace villas, W id­

more road .Golds Mr W . Alpha cottage, Plaistow Green James, esq. Log’s hill, Bickley Green J. G.' esq. 5 Rochester place,

Widmore roadGreener James H. esq. Komani villa,

Park road, New Town Greenlaw Mrs. 19 Bromley college Greenstreet Edward, esq. Rose villa,

Bromley common Greenside Mrs. 14 Bromley college Griffith Mrs. 38 Bromley college Griffin E. esq. 1 Grove villas, Palace

grove, New TownGrover F. esq. 1 Springhill villas,


Hadnutt Mr G. Madingley cottage, Park road, Bromley common

HaighF.W.esq.Woodlands, Bickley pk Halford W . J. esq. St Helier’s, Brom­

ley commonHall J. esq. Woodlands, London road Hallpike C. esq. 2 Beckington villas,

PlaistowHamilton A. esq. Southbarrow, Bickley

Hamilton Robert, esq. North bank, Elmstead lane, Bickley

Hanbury W . G. esq. Ewell house, Bromley common

Hankey J. A. esq. Widmore hill Harding M r A. T. Park cottage, Park

road, Bromley common Harradine Mr Joseph, High street Harris Mrs. The Hollies, Bromley cmn Harris Wm. J. esq. Merlewood, Bickley Hastings G. esq. Holne lodge, Bickley Haukohl Henry, esq. 1 Oak vil. Park

road, Bromley common Hayes Dr. 8 Palace vil. Widmore road Heaysman Mr Thos. Stangrove villa,

Park road, New Town Hellicar Rev. Arthur Gresley, M.A., 4

Rochester place, Widmore road Henchman J. esq. Crosborpugh house,

Widmore roadHerring G. M. esq. Laurel cottage,

Park road, Bromley, common Hewetson H. esq. Heath bank, Page

heath, Brick-kiln lane Hewett W . esq. Percy villa, Palace

grove, New TownHichins W . G. esq. ■ 2 , Palace villas,.

Palace road, Bromley common Hilton Mr John P. Hennon lodge,

Palace road, Bromley common Hillyer W . T. esq. Page heath, Bickley. Hocker C. R. esq. St. Aubyns, Brom­

ley common . ,Hodder M. H. esq. 6 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln laneHodges Mr R. 2 Oak villas, Palace

road, Bromley common Hollis Charles, esq. 1 Hawkhurst vil.

Park road, Bromley common Holt Nathaniel J. W . esq. Walsham

cottage, Bromley common Hoi worthy Joseph Matthew, esq. Els-

worth house, W idmore road Hooper A. D. esq. 1 Beechfield villas,

Widmore roadHopkins Mrs. 27 Bromley college Hopkins Mrs G. A. 25 Bromley college. Horwood Matthew, esq. Chatham

house, Widmore road How Mr. J. 1 Palace place, Park road, Howes Capt J. b.n. Monks W ell house,

10 Palace villas, Widmore road Howlett S. esq. Pulham house, Palace

grove, New Town

2 9



Hoyer C. E. esq. 2 Ada villas, Free­lands road

Hudgell Mr. Edward, Brenchley cot­tage, Palace road, Bromley common

Hughes H. S. esq. Tweed cot. High st Hughes L. esq. Minie villa, Plaistow Hunt Mrs. 2 Gothic cottages, Bromley

commonHunter W . esq. Cheriton villa, Brom­

ley commonHurlbatt C.esq. 1 Elizabeth vil. Bickley Hyde Mrs. Thetford cottage, Park

road, Bromley common

Hott Dr. 2 Palace villas,Widmore road Hott James William, esq. High street Innous Mr. John, High street Isard Mr John, Plaistow Isard Mr. B. Streamlet house, Stream­

let place, Mason’s hill Ives — esq. 3 Oak villas, Park road,

Bromley common

Jacob Mr Arthur, 1 Springfield, Palace grove, New Town

Jadis Mrs. 31 Bromley college James J. esq. 2 Holmesdale place,

Brick- kiln laneJames Wm. esq. Woodbine cottage,

Bromley commonJeffery Miss, Kelsey cot. Bromley cmn. Jennings B. W. esq. Bickley Jesse J. esq. 2 Springfield, Palace

grove, New TownJohnson Goswell, esq. Bellevue house

Bromley commonJohnson W . esq. 1 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln laneJ ohnston Joseph,esq. 1 Kemsing terrace,

Freelands roadJones Mrs.E. 1 Westbourne vil, Palace

grove, New TownJones Mrs Howell, 30 Bromley college Jones Miss, 1 Sheppards college Jones A. 0 . esq. M.D., Grange house,

Widmore roadJoyce G.F. esq. 1 Church ter. Church rd

King Mrs. 1 Florence villas, Palace grove, New Town

Kirkman W . D. esq. 6 Denmark villas, Widmore road

Kitson H. esq. 1 Freelands road Kynaston John, esq. Bickley

30Kynaston W . esq. Powis lodge, Bickley

Laidlaw Mr A. W . Bedford cottage, Bromley common

Lambley G. esq. 2 Thom villas, Free­lands road

Latter Miss C. 4 Park road villas, Park road, New Town

Latter Misses, 1 Salubrious range, London road

Latter B.B.esq. Pixfield, Beckenham la Latter Bobinson, esq. Widmore road Latter Walter, esq. h a .m ., 1 Beulah

villas, Palace grove, New Town Law F. H. esq. 1 Palace villas, W id­

more roadLayton T.E.esq. The Knoll,Bickley pk Leatherdale John, esq. Bedwood ho.

High street Lee Mrs. London road Lee J. E. esq. 6 Fairlawn vil. Bromley c LeGrand Mrs. 3 Park villas, Park

road, New TownLetts T. A. esq. Holly cot. London rd. Llewellyn Bev Alfred, Palace grove,

New TownLock B. esq. 3 Elizabeth vil. Bickley Loe Daniel P. esq. Hayesford Long Col. Samuel, j .p . Bromley hill Longbottom J.esq. Skim corner, Brom­

ley commonLongsdon B. esq. Church house Longwill Bev D. 7 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln laneLord H. esq. Keston vil. Widmore road Lovibond John, esq. Turpington farm,

SouthboroughLuckin Mrs 3 Palace place, Park road

New TownLukey Mrs. Widmore road Lumsden A. esq. 1 Bexley villas, Free­

lands roadLuntley Mrs.4 Broomfield,Freelands rd

Macintosh — esq. Glengyle cottage, Palace grove, New Town

Mackenzie J. esq. Plaistow lodge Mackrill W . esq. I Palace villas, Palace

road, Bromley common Mallett Mr VV. L. 2 Holly vil. Plaistov Mansfield Mr B. Park rd. Bromley cm. Marsh Mrs. 22 Bromley college Marsh S. esq. 5 Park villas, Park road,

New Town



Martin J. K. esq. W ood lawn, Bickley Martin R. esq. Clarewood, Bickley pk. Maskell J. esq. Palace rd. Bromley cm Mason G. esq. Priory, Brick-kiln lane Mathews Robert, esq. Bickley Mathews J. L. esq. Ivybank, London rd May George, esq. Freelands grove,

Freelands roadMay W . E. esq. 7 Palace villas, W id-

more roadMcKewan Wm. esq. Elmfield, Bickley McQuire Miss, 3 Sheppard’s college Micklewright W . esq. 1 Park villas,

Park road, New Town Minifie Miss, Bengal cot. Bromley cmn Miskin Mr J. 4 Bexley vil. Freelands rd Mitchell R. esq. 8 Rochester place,

Widmore roadMorrison S. esq. Norland cottage, Park

road, New TownMortimer William, esq. The Valley Mortimer Wm.esq. jun. Stoberry house Morum Mr W . 1 Ada vil. Freelands rd Moser G. esq. 1 Nelson villas, Plaistow Muckle Mrs. Dagmar house, Plaistow Mullins Mrs. 24, Bromley college Munro Mrs. 37 Bromley college Musson T. esq. 3 Rochester place,

Widmore roadMuston Mrs. 7 Bromley college

Nash Mr John, Shirley house, W id­more road

Neall W . esq. 1 Holly villas, Plaistow Nickalls P. esq. Stoberry cottage Nickalls Conrad, esq. Sinclair cottage,

Mason’s hillNiesigh G. esq. 1 Beech vil. London rd Nivins John, esq. Bickley Norman George Warde, esq. j.p. The

Rookery, Bromley common Norman Mrs H. Oakley, Bromley cmn

Oldham Dr. H. Blackbrook, Southboro Orford Sidney, esq. 1 Ivy villas, Free­

lands grove, Freelands road Osborn G.H. esq. Northfield, Bromley c Ostler W . esq. 4 Park villas, NewTown Oxland Mrs. 16 Bromley college

Patrickson J. esq. Strathenden villa, Palace grove, New Town

Paterson W.B.esq. Elmhurst, Bickley p Paul Mrs. Magenta cottage, Bromley c

Payn J. Jabez, esq. Oak dell, Bickley Payne G. esq. Widmore cottage, W id-

more roadPayne Mr R. J. Meadow ldg. Bromley c Percival Frederick, esq; Southfield,

BickleyPettitt T. H. esq. 6 Rochester place,

Widmore roadPfeil J.W.esq. 2 Bexley vil. Freelands rd Philip J. K. esq. 2 Nelson vil. Plaistow Philpott Richard, esq. Bromley commn Pickthall Mrs. 6 Bromley college Pierce Mrs. 2 Hawkhurst villas, Park

road, Bromley common Pilbrow Mrs. 1 Lavender vil. New Tn. Plumbridge John Langley, esq. Clare­

mont house, Widmore road Porter Mrs. Park view, Park rd. New T Porter Mr George, Plaistow Priest W . esq. Arlington house, Brom­

ley commonPryce F. H. esq. Widmore road Philip G. esq. The Retreat, Bickley Prince Miss, 4 Holmesdale place, Brick­

kiln lane

Radcliffe J. esq. 3 Lavender vil. Park road, New Town

Ranee T. G. esq. Clifton ho. Widmore rd Randell William G. esq. 2 Freelands

cottages, Freelands road Ranson George, esq. Alma cottage,

Park road, Bromley common Rawlinson Mrs. 3 Winkfield villas,

Palace grove, NewTown Rawson Rev. Arthur, M.A., Westerham

road, Bromley common Reid Mrs. 2 Fairlawn vil. Bromley cmn Renshaw Mrs. Park road, Bromley cm Richardson J. esq. Ravensfell, High st Ritchie Robert, esq. Bickley Riviere B. esq. Layham cot, Bromley cn Roberts J. D. esq. Bromley common Roberts T. esq. Mason’s hill Robertson T.esq.Woodlands, Bromley c Robeson R. esq. 2 Rochester villas,

Widmore roadRogers L.M.esq.Laurel bank,Bromley c Ross Mr. A. 4 Palace viL Widmore road Rush P. esq. 2 Cambridge vils., Plaistow

Sanger Mrs. 7 Park villas, Park road, New Town

Saunders Mrs. 28 Bromley college

3 1



Satterthwaite Clement, esq. 1 Spring- hill, Plaistow .

Saunderson M iss, 2 Sheppard’s college Savill J.esq. 9 Palace villas, Widmore rd Savory Mrs. 1 Rochester place, W id-

more roadScarr Richard esq. 3 Holmesdale place,

Brick-kiln lane rScott Dalton esq. l Heath villas, Palace

grove, New Town ..Scott S. esq. Sundridge park, Plaistow Scrutton J. esq. Belcaire, Widmore. hill Selby Henry, esq. High street Selwyn Rev. E. J. Bickley parsonage Shuttleworth Mrs. Plaistow hall Sichart George, esq. I Cambridge vil.

Plaistow .Sinclair Mr R. I Rose cottages, Park

road, Bromley common Smallbones C. esq. 8 Park villas, Park

road, New Town ■ .Smith Mrs. 20 Bromley college Smith Alfred, esq. 5 Fairlawn villas,

Bromley common 'Smith H. esq. 2 Church ter. Church rd. Smith Thomas, esq. Amos cottage,

Palace, road, Bromley common ,Soames E. esq. Ravenscroft,Mason’s hill Solbe Mrs. 35 Bromley.college Sparks G. esq. High street ,, Sparrowhawk, Mr. R. 3 Denmark villas,. Widmore road , ,

Spence Robt. esq. Springhurst, Bickley Spink Mrs. Oak dell, Bickley ' Spink John esq. .The Cedars, Bickley Squire W .esq. Homefield vil. Bromley c Standen Charles, esq; 2 Oakley villas, r Freelands grove, Freelands road ... Stanger Caleb; esq. 2 Florence villas,

Palace grove, New Town Starling W . D. esq. The Hill, Beckqn- j ham. laneSteel David, esq. 1 Rhodes villas, Brom­

ley common .Stephenson, E. S. esq. Bickley; Stidolph Mr. J. 4 Denmark villas, W id­

more road .Stocken W . esq. Kendall Lodge, W id­

more roadStone Mrs. 1 Bromley college Sturgeon Charles F. esq. Barham house,. Bromley common

Sturt Miss 2 Wycherley villas, Park road, New Town

3 2

Swihstead Bernard, esq., 1 Whitegate cottages, Bromley common

Talman F. esq.. Treasurer’s House, Bromley college

Talman Major Samuel, Widmore road Tasker F. esq. Page heath, Bickley Taylor Miss, Kent villa, Bromley com. Telford Miss, Widmore house Telford Charles esq. Widmore lodge Tessier Rev. A . College .field, Farwig Teversham Miss, Park rd. Bromley c mn Thomas George, esq., 3 Thorn villas,

Freelands road ..Thompson C. esq. 1 Alma villas, Ma­

son’s hill ■Thompson J. esq. Swallowfield,Bickley Thompson Miss, 2 Palace place, Park

road, New Town •Thornhill Miss, London road Tiddy W . esq.. 1 Beulah villas, Palace

grove, New TownTownsend Mrs. 2 Lavender villas, New

Town . '" , ^Tregellas W.esq. Iver cottage, Bromley

common .Truscott W . esq. Hawthorn cottage,

London road . .Tuck Mr. E. Freelands villas, Free­

lands road ' . .Tudor Mrs. Summerfield, Bickley Tweedie A. F. esq. Bonnington, Bickley

Vaughan T. esq. 2 Grove-villas, Palace grove, New Town .

Verrall Rev. George, Widmore road Vogan Randall G. esq. Lewes house, ' Widmore road .

Wadsworth Mr Joel, Park road, N ewT Waller Miss Sarah, Beckenham lane Waller W . esq. 3 Kemsing terrace,

Freelands roadWalmisley W . M. esq. Wilton house,

Palace grove, New Town Watson Robert, esq. Hartland cottage,

Bromley commonWebber, E. C. I. Esq. St. Brannock’s,

Bromley common.Wells Mrs. Southborough lodge West Mrs. 26 Bromley college West Mr. G. Rose cottage, Plaistow.. White Mrs. E. 1 Park road villas, New




White J. B. esq. Merevale, Bickley pk.White J. esq. 5 Palace vil.Widmore rdWhitehead J. esq. Barfield lodge, Bick­

ley parkWhitley C. esq. 2 Rochester place,

Widmore roadWicks S. esq Verandah cot., High st.Wilcock W . esq. 2 Elizabeth villas,

BickleyWilks J. esq. Newlands, Bromley cmn.W illey Dr. High streetWilliams Mrs. 40 Bromley collegeWilliams E. A. esq. High streetWilliams W . esq. 4 Park grove, New. TownWillis William, esq Palace grove, New

TownWilson Mr R. The Cottage, Wester-

ham road, Bromley common

Windthrop E. esq. 3 Palace villas, Widmore road

Withers Alfred, esq. Freelands road W ood Mrs. 39 Bromley college Woodhouse Mr George, Point house,

Wester ham road, Bromley common Wyhrow William esq. Ravenshourne

lodge, Bromley common Wylde Mrs. 1 Wycherley villas, Park

road, New TownWythes George esq. Bickley hall, Bick­

ley park

Yeatman M. esq. Shawfield, Widmore Yeldom Mr. T. London road Young Miss, Rose villa, Palace grove,

New townYounghusband Mrs. 4 Bromley college

3 3

B E C K E N H A M .POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE.Thomas Sweeting Day, postmaster.

Letters arrive at 7 & 9 a.m. 6 p.m.; dis­patched at 9 a.m. 1.20,5.0, & 10.0 p.m. cross post to Croydon 6.30 p.m. Sundays— delivery 7.30 a.m.; despatch 6.30 p.m

P il l a r B o x at Railway bridge, cleared at 7.45 a.m. & 4.30 & 7.10 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m

Beckenham is now a post town, and letters should ho addressed “ Beckenham, Kent,” not “ Beckenham, S.E.” as formerly

INSURANCE AGENTS.Atlas Fire & Life..."W. Church, Bromley rd. British Mutual Life...’William Levens North British & Mercantile...Charles New­

man, 4 Gloucester terrace Provincial...James G. Wheller Norwich Union...W. Fuller, Village Sun Fire & Life...T. S. Day, Post Office

PLACES OF WORSHIP.St. George’s Church...Rev.Frederick Skeme

Courtenay Chalmers, b.d'., rector; Rev. G. Pritchard, M.A., curate

St. Paul’s Church, New Beckenham...Rev. F. Howlett, M.A.

St. Mary’s Church, Shortlands...Rev. H. F. Wolley, M.A. ■

_ SCHOOLS.National...Charles Henry King, master; Mrs

Ann Jane King, mistress Infant...Miss Annie Wood, mistress

Churchwardens...C.E.Goodhart & C. PurvisOverseers;..H.Brett & J. HookerParish Clerk...Charles H. KingCarrier to London...Richard Harman, daily

Railway Stations..... .Beckenham Junction,Michael Moore ; New Beckenham, George Hannam ; Shortlands, Edward Adye; sta­tion masters

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Alderman John, esq. 3 Lime villas,

Lower Copers Cope roadAstell Mr W . 10 Gloucester terraceArnold Edward, esq. Bromley roadAthawes Edward G. esq. 5, Upper

Copers Cope roadAtkins John, esq. Radnor house, South­

end roadAtkinson William, esq. Erwood house*

2, Upper Copers Cope roadAzemar, John C. C. esq. 4 Upper Co­

pers Cope roadBaker Charles, esq. Bexley house,

Southend roadBangs Charles, esq. 8 Shortlands villas,

ShortlandsBarkworth Mrs. Emma, 11 Upper Co­

pers Cope roadBarnes, Thomas Ilott, esq. Oakington

house, Lower Copers Cope roadBarry Alfred, esq. 1 Bromley grove,

ShortlandsBealby Philip S. esq. Elmwood, Brom­

ley roadBeggs T.esq.The Hawthorns, Shortlands



- BECKENHAM.Bendall Alfred, esq. Cleveland house,

ShortlandsBenson Thomas, esq. Albemarle house,

Lower Copers Cope road Bertram Thos. H. esq. 1 Fox Grove rd. Bicknell Percy, esq. Fox Grove, Fox . prove road

Blatchley Wm. esq. 8 Gloucester terrace Blow Joseph, esq. Tintem house, Lower

Copers Cope roadBorrowman John, esq. 5 Brackley road Bothamley Henry, esq. Hope villa, 10,

Brackley roadBourner Henry, esq. 2 Lime villas,

Lower Copers Cope road Bradley Thomas W . esq. Boyton villa,

Bromley roadBreeze & Bussell, builders, Wickham

road & Copers’ Cope road Brett Henry, esq. Southend road Bridge George, esq. Brackley house Broe Edgar P. esq. 5 Bromley grove,

ShortlandsBrowne Lathom E. esq. Winkfield, 4

Brackley roadBryant Mrs Park side, Southend road Carey Edward, esq. Oak lg., Shortlands Carr Ambrose P. esq. Boyton house, 2,

Upper Copers Cope road Cator Charles 0 . F. esq. Stratford house,

Southend roadCator P. esq. j .p . The Hall, Bromley rd Chalmers Bev. Fredk. S. C. b .d . Bectory Chater — esq. Southend road Chichester Wm. esq. Penge lane Christy Joseph Fell, esq. Old Manor-

house, Bromley road Clapham Benjamin F. esq. Teversham

house, Southend road Clarke Theophilus Hugh, esq. Atling-

worth house, Southend road Collett Mark W . esq. Langley house,

Wickham roadCook Thomas, esq. 4 Gloucester terrace Collins — esq. Copers Cope road Coombe Edward, esq. Heathboume,

Lower Copers Cope road Cowan Thomas Wm. esq. Byde house,

8 Brackley roadCox John, esq. Benscliffe, Lower Copers

Cope roadCraik G. L. esq. Chilchester lodge,

Wickham road Crosse Major, Southend road

3 4Cramp Francis, esq. Oak wood, Brom­

ley roadCumberland Mr W . 3 Burrell row Davenport Charles, esq. The Knoll,

Bromley roadDavis William B. esq. The Limes,

Southend roadDawks — esq. Brook cottage, Village Dawson A. esq. Melville house, South­

end roadDownham Francis, esq. 1 Glo’stcr ter Dunn A. Douglas, esq. Thayers park

farmEdmiston Charles, esq. Southend road Edwards W m. esq. Copers cope house,

Southend roadEvans John Lewellyn, esq. 6 Brackley

roadFanner Henry, esq. Colville house,

2 Brackley roadFarmer Stephen, esq. Butland house,

Southend roadFarrow Charles, esq. Westgate lodge,

Fox Grove road Field Mrs. Sarah, The Village Fisher John Atkin, esq. Brentwood,

Bromley roadFitzgerald Joseph, esq. 1 Limes villas,

Lower Copers Cope road Fletcher Capt. Kelsey cottage Fowden Beginald, esq. Burrell lodge,

Wickham road 'Gascoyne Wm. esq. 11 Glo’ster ter. Gates Bobert, esq. Ashurst lodge,Lower

Copers Cope roadGilder Bobert F. esq. Lower Copers

Cope roadGladstone Mrs. Langley farm, W ick­

ham roadGoodhart Charles E. esq. Langley

lodge, Wickham road Green Arthur W . esq. 8 Fox Grove rd. Griffith Archibald, esq. 7 Upper Co­

pers Cope roadGroves William, esq. Grove house,

ShortlandsGully Mrs. Catherine, 13 Glo’ster ter. Harley Alexander, esq. Fcx Grove rd. Harrison — esq. Eden park Harrison Daniel, esq. Egerton house,

Southend roadHarrison E. esq. Kingsbury house,

ShortlandsHawley Henry, esq. 4 Fox Grove road



Hayton Isaac, esq. Sandon house,Up­per Copers Cope road

Helmore G. esq. Woodlands house, Shortlands

Hennall Robert, esq. Kingswood, Shortlands

Herbert Alexander, esq. 2 Shortlands- villas, Shortlands

Hoare Chas.esq. Eden cot.Wickham rd. Hoarc Peter, esq. Kelsey park, W ick­

ham roadHodge Joseph S. esq. Mailing cottage,

Wickham roadHolmes J. Wilson, esq. Downswood,

Upper Copers Cope road Howlett Rev. Frederick, St. Paul’s ho.,

Lower Copers Cope road Hubbard Wm. esq. Norfolk house,

Southend roadHudson Benjamin, esq. Sunny mount,

Bromley grove, Shortlands Imray Janies F. esq. Parkfield lodge,

Southend roadJackson Morris Lawrence, esq.Cumber-

land house, Lower Copers Cope road Jarvis Richard, esq. Rainham lodge, 12,

Upper Copers Cope road Johnson Wm. E. esq. Ashville, Lower

Copers Cope roadKingsford J. esq. Eden lodge, W ick­

ham roadKirkland Sir John, bart. j.p. Becken­

ham placeKressmann Julius, esq. Gordon house

Village ’Lachlan Joseph, esq. Grasmere house,

8 Upper Copers Cope road Lancaster Mrs. Auckland house, Short­

landsLang Richard Jabsley, esq. Belmont,

Southend roadLascellr;; Arthur, esq. The Hollies, 2

Fox Grove roadLaurie Wm. C. esq. 6 Fox Grove road Lingard J. R. esq. Mayfield, Shortlands Lowe Wm. E. D. esq. The Laurels,

ShcrtlandsLuck Edward, esq. Shortlands Mann James Lawrence, esq. 10 Upper

Copers Cope roadMarshall Matthew, esq. Amersham

house, Lower Copers Cope road Martin Frederick,esq. m.d. LowerCopcrs

Cope road

Matthews George K. esq. St. John’s lodge, 7 Fox Grove road

Maxwell George G. esq. Terras lodge, 10 Fox Grove road

Mayo Matthias, esq. 6 Bromley grove, Shortlands

McCrae Robert C. esq. Manor house, The Village

McKinlay J. esq. Woodbine cottage, Penge road

McMoreland Robert, esq. Lower Copers Cope road

Morell Dr. John D. Holyrood house, Upper Copers Cope road

Nash Wallis, esq. Downswood, Upper Copers Cope road

Noble Mrs. Sophia, Rose cottage, Brom­ley road

Noakes Wickham, esq. Fairfield house,14 Upper Copers Cope road

Nicholls Harry, esq. Langley cottage,Wickham road

Nichol Thomas, esq. Lower Copers Cope road

Nunns Mr. George, Manor cottage Parker James, esq. Passy house, 9

Brackley roadPearce Mrs. Ann E. St. James’s lodge,

3 Upper Copers Cope road Pepler Joseph, esq. Stanmore house,

Southend roadPhillips Henry M. esq. Lancaster house,

Lower Copers Cope road Phillips Rev T. Lloyd, The College,

Brackley roadPotter Mr Henry, Elm farm cottage,

Elmer’s endPowell — esq. Shortlands Pritchard Rev. G. 6 Gloucester terrace Ray — esq. Rose cottage, The Village Rhodes John George, esq. 7 Brackley rd Rich Joseph, esq. Malabar house, 9

Upper Copers Cope road Rose Rev. George, Parkhurst, Lower

Copers Cope roadRusby W . J. esq. Upper Coperscope rd Sampson John, esq. The Poplars, 3

Brackley roadSaunders Francis, esq. Clyde house,

Southend roadSelf John P. esq. Hawthorns, 3 Fox

Grove roadShaw Maltman W . esq. Shirley house,

15 Upper Copers Cope road



BECKENHAM.Shepperson Allen, esq. G Upper Co­

pers Cope roadShillito, James W . esq. Restennet

house, Shortlands Shore, The Misses, Elmers end Sedgewick, William K. esq. Oakbank,

Lower Copers Cope road Stagg William Tindle, esq. Oakery cot­

tage, Bromley roadStembridge William F. esq. The Elms,

Lower Copers Cope road Stevens Richard, esq. Broomfield,

Lower Copers Cope road Stillwell Dr. Robert R. Spriugcroft.,

Park roadStrickland Algernon, esq. Kelsey cot Sturges Dr. Montague C. Elmstone

house, Southend road Swift Henry E. esq. The Ferns,Copers

cope roadTolhurst J. esq. Lower Copers Cope rd Yardon Sidney, esq. Park road, South­

end roadVarley Cromwell, esq. Fleetwood ho.

1 Upper Copers Cope road Yiney John. D. esq. Dartmouth house,

Lower Copers Cope road Wathen Hulbert, esq. Beckenham ldg.

VillageWhitmore Wm. esq. j .p . Eden n a rk Widdowson C. esq. 7 Gloucester ter Wilcoxson Charles, esq. Fern bank,

5 Fox Grove road Wilkinson Conrad, esq. Shortlands Wilkinson Miss, The Glen, Short] ands Wilson Col. Samuel, a l d . The Cedars Wilson Cornelius Lea, esq. j.r. The

Cedars, VillageW ood Mrs Ann, 2 Gloucester terrace W ood Henry, esq. Park road W oollett Herbert A . esq. 2 Bromley

grove, Shortlands Worrell JV1 r W . 1 Clifton terrace Worthington Miss, Ulverscroft, Lower

Copers Cope roadCOMMERCIAL.

Ambridge W . A. farrier, Village Astell Misses, dressmakers & milliners,

1 Clifton terraceAmos Misses, dressmakers & milliners,

6 Gloucester terraceAusten Charles T. dairyman, Village Axford Robt. builder, 9 Gloucester ter. Baxter S. corn & coal merchant,Village

3 6Beckenham Reading Coffee Rooms,

E. Ruby, librarian 'Bird Mrs Sarah, Railway Hotel Bluudell William, fishmonger, Village Booth W . grocer, Clifton ter. & Village Bould R.gardencr,12 Gloucester terrace Cator Estate Office, 8 Gloucester ter. Church E. ironmonger, Bromley road Churcher Albeit, bootmaker, Village Churcher William, bootmaker, Village Conservative Registration Associa­

tion, W . DeBniin, secretary Co veil Thomas, farmer, Kent house Cox J. builder, Lower Copers Cope rd. Cox & Gaccoigne, brickmakers, Brack-

K-y rx.d c. Copers’ Cope road Cumberland John, tailor, &c. Village Dale Mrs. Hannah, Oakhill Tavern,

Bromley roadj Day Thomas S. chemist, Village '( Post Office

DeBruin W. fancy repository, Village East Joshua, grocer, Village Emmett H. A. builder, 5 Glo’ster ten-ace Evans Thomas, tailor, Village Fisher Isaac, baker, Chancery lane Fuller William, builder, Village Gascoyne Wm. builder, near Station Geer J. Jolty BVWmxm,Chancery lane Gibbons Henry, corn dealer, Village Glover William, draper, Village Glover Ik Gibbons, dressmakers & mil­

liners, VillageGraham T. plumber, <vc. Village Harris & Hooker, builders,'Wickham rd Hibbins G. Bricklayers Artns,Village Hillver J. land surveyor,Chancery lane IJohheld Miss Ann, farmer, Lower

Elmers endTioli field L'ich'.rd, William IV . Lower

Elmers endndm es Henry, greengrocer, Village Hopkins Edwin, plumber, Village Jones Edward, dairyman, Bromley' rd. Kelsey William Turner, coal merchant

Beckenham railway station Kennedy G. carpenter, G Glo’ster ter. ililliek George, -The Forester, Village King Charles Henry, schoolmaster,

Beckenham schools Levens W . baker «te confectioner, Clif­

ton terrace & Village Lovegrove Joseph, farm bailiff to E. R.

Adams, esq. Lower Elmers end



Lovelock W . mason, &e. Bromley road Martin F. surgeon, m.d . Lower Copers

Cope roadManger Richard, draper, Village Mann Mrs Eliza, saddler, Village Marley William, carpenter, Gc. Village Mills James, ironmonger, Village Mills William, wheelwright, Village Moore Michael, statiomnaster, Becken­

ham stationNeate George, staircase builder, Chan­

cery laneNewman George, G?ayhnund, Village Nottle D. fancy repository, Clifton ter. Nye Win. G. butcher, Chancery lane Off an Mrs Mary Ann, grocer. Village Ovenden William, Three Tuns,Village Peck William, grocer, Village

Rose J. fanner, Stone farm Ruby Emanuel, stationer, &c. Village Scholey James, grocer, Village Seaton Alfred, grocer, Chancery lane Sewell S. dairyman, Low. Elmers end Shaw William, butcher, Village Smith Thos. grocer, Low. Elmers end Snelling, W . brewer, Upper Elmers end Sparrow George, baker, Village Spinks John, bootmaker, Elmer’s end Stokes William, fruiterer, VillageWard John, fanner, Elmer’s end W ebb Wm. china dealer, Village W heller J. G. George I tin, Village Wickondon & Son, bootmakers,Village Williams Edward, butcher. Village Wool:) id Mrs, beer retailer, Upper

Elmers end


Ttobert Brooker, receiver.Letters arrive from Groydon via Cliisleharst

8 a.m. dispatched at 3 pan. The cross post letters arrive from Ohislchurst v ia Orpington at 11 a.n. & 8 p.m., dispatched at 11 a.m. £ <S p.m. Sunday s—-arrivo at 8 a.m. dispatched at 4 p.n>.

Insurance Agent—Liverpool & London & Globe...G. Ilufford

National School...Mr Wright, warder; Mrs Wright, mistress

Churchwardens...Harry Harris & G. Phillips Overseer...Henry Thompson Parish Clerk...George BrooksCarrier to London...... Yvilliuia Feraphrey,

(through Pratt’s iiottom)Mmid.;.y Thurs­day, returning Tuesday and Friday. G. Blundell (from Shoreham) through Cliels- field on .same days

Chelsfield Station (R.EJ1. Tunbridge lino) G. Stevenson, station mus'p.v

PRIVATE jlESTDFXTS.Baugh Rev. F. m . a . [Rector]Gordon Rev. Adam S. m .a . [Curare] Gordon John, esq. Court lodge Harris H. G. M. esq. Goddington Waring W . esq. j.:\ Woodlands Watson Richard, esq. Pratts Bottom

COMMERCIAL.Bath Caleb, Five Belts Beatcuo G. and T. fruit growers, W ell

hill ‘Brooks George, parish clerk Brooks Robert, pimp maker

Brookcr Robert, land measurer Dunmail William, fmit grower, Kent

Hounds, Well hillDuninall George, Rock and Fountain Dunmall Robert, vermin destroyer Foreman Henry, fruit grower, V\ ell hill Fox William Beardsworth, farmer,

Lilley’s farmFrench Aaron, carpenter. W ell hill French Edward, undertaker, carpenter Gad-l Mrs S. fruit grower, W ell hill Gallo vay Thos, IVkite Hart, Bo Peep Graves (Mrs) farmer end wheelwright Harris H. E. fanner, Fairtrcugh farm Harris Harry, fanner, Godding ton Hatherall Wm. fruit .grower, Well hill Haylett Thomas W . blacksmith Ilkkm olt lid. farmer, Pratt’s bottom Hills William, farmer Hufford George, tailor, W ell hill Jackson Mrs, grocer, Pratt’s bottom . Jenkins Joseph, butcher, W ell hill

and Pratt’s bottom Morgan Thomas, fruit- grower Martin George, boot & shoemaker Nightingale Mrs, Bull’ s Head Phillips Mrs A. farmer, Northstead

farmPhillips George, farmer & fruit grower,

Hewett’s farmRock Philip A. veterinary surgeon



Smith Richard, shopkeeper Smith William, fruit grower Springett, Tkos. baker & shopkeeper Staples, George, hoot & shoemaker Sturgeon Wm. farmer, Chelsfield hall Thompson Henry, grocer, &c. Titchener John, fruit grower, W ell hill

3 8

Verrells Mrs P. harness maker Walton J. & T. fruit growers Hope farm Walton J. & T. smiths and farriers,

Pratt’s bottomWhitehead George, fruit grower . Whitehead Abraham, fruit grower Yates Richard, bricklayer


Mrs Snail Elizabeth Whemos. receiver. Delh erics at 6.45 & 6.30 a.m. ft 5 pan. Dis­

patches at 8.60 a.m.ft 1.0, S.tO, ft :>.-l0 pair. Cross post SCO pan. Sundays—drEvry 7 nun., dispatch 5.‘20 p.m.

Orders are granted and paid from 3 a.m. to 0 p.m.

Frick end District Box, at Mr. Mirr-.ii’s, baker, clcarsd at 8 n.m. & 12.45, '..CO, ft 8.S0 p.ni. Sundays 5 p.m

Mill Place District Box, in tlio Wall o? Jlr. Griffiths’ lioure. cleared at 8 & a.m, ft 3.20 & 7 .10 pan. Sundays 8 a.in.

INSURANCE AO ENTS. Caledonian...Charier K. Egg! ion.Liverpool & London .i Glebe...IT. J. Willis Pelican...Y/. Ely

SCHOOLS.National...Gluts. Edward Eggleton, marK’r;

Miss Anne Taylor, mistress Infant...Miss S. A. Horton Infant School, Pricke,nd...I,liss Weeks St. Michael'sOrphanage...'!fLss Sarah Smith,


Churchrrardens... I'. II. Jansen and II. J. Willis.

Overseer...Geo. Pascall Parish Clerk...James Eiadowy Carrier to I.ondon...Johu J'emp. from ills

own hcane, daily "

priv ate residents.Allan John, esq. Hcathfield house,

l'rickendAlli'rey Charles Henry, m .d . Church rd Anderdon John T-aviscount, esq.

Church row.Baskcomb Geo. Henry, esq. Mill place Beattie A. esq. j.p. Summer hili Bell Peter, esq. Mail house, Elmstsad Bowen Jas. II. esq. nr. Cricket ground Boykett Francis, esq. Elmstcad lodge Campbell Duncan, mq. Church road Campbell Miss, Church road Carless Mr Wm., Prickend Cavendish Lord Richard. The Coopers

Charrington Thomas, esq. Common Glutton Henry, esq. Camden park Dance Mrs. A.., Church row Danvers Mrs. Red hill Daw George Henry, esq. Elmstead Denny Capt. Henry, Red hill Dougherty Capt. W . Eugenia villa,

PrickendDrevar G. A. esq. Camden park Edlmann Frederick J. esq. Hawkwocd Edwards Airs.Ellencourt Mr3. Red hill Field G. esq. Plasgyu Gade W . E. esq. fester road, Camden

woodGalo Miss, Queen’s villas, Prickend Garrad Robert, esq. hi urland house Gower E. esq. Onkleigh, Bickley park Gunyon Thomas, esq. Crown lane Harding Air. William, Church row Hart William P. esq. Hillside Jansou Frederick H. esq. Oak bank Jeffery William, esq. Prickend Johnson Lad}', Eaggleswocd Johnston — esq. Lamas Lamb H. esq. Queen’s vil. Prickend Lowe Air. Prickend AIcAIorland Edward, esq.Martin James, esq. m .p .Matthews Bertie P. esq. Common Medley G. esq. Yesier rd.Camden wood Mostyn Wm. esq. Coed Bell Murray Miss, Rose cottage Murray Rev. Francis H., :r.A., [rector} Neville Henry C; esq. Connnon Nussey Anthony, esq. Common Palmer William, esq. Oak tree lodge,

ElmsteadPillans James, esq. Cadlands, Perry d , Plowdcn Charles, esq Powell Thomas, esq. Bicklcy park Powell Rev. J. B. [curate] Common



Shnckeltott Francis, esq. Prickend Slade Adolphus F. esq. Kemnal Smith Henry, esq. Furzefield house

PrickendStow Thomas B. esq. Church lane Strode Nathaniel W . J. esq. Camden

houseSydney Right Hon. Yiscount, Frognal Tait Thomas, esq. Red hill Tarn William, esq. Homewood, Perry st Town end Arthur, esq., Cricket ground Townend Thomas, esq. Cricket ground Walden Et. Hon. Yiscount, Camden pk W nits Richard, esq. Common "Webber — esq. Walden road, Camden

woodWest Mr. William A. Red hill W right Mrs.Williams, Rev. Edward P. [curate] Williams William, esq. Plasgyn Willis Arthur, esq. Holbrook Winch William R. esq. Camden park Winter .Tames, esq. Richmond cottage Wollaston Geo. B. esq., Bishop’s well

COMMERCIAL.Adams (Mrs.) linen draper, Prickend Adams Mrs Ann. cowkeeper, Common Adams Samuel, land steward, Camden Allan William, baker, Prickend Alien W.P. lodging house, Church row Barhuin William, baker, Common Barnes Matthew, blacksmith, Perry st Beaumont J. chenTst, Common Re v Thomas, tanner, Perry street .Blackman Richard, toy shop, Common Blarkiiey James, whitesmith, Common Blackuey Samuel, blacksmith, Prickend Brigden William, com miller, The

Windmill, Common Brown Alice (Mrs.), laundress, Com. Causron G. Scadbury farm, steward

to Visct. SydneyChurchor, Tbos. bootmaker, Prickend Cleaver John, Tiber’s Head, Common Colley — wheelwright, Mill place Crouch John, shopkeeper, Perry street Crouch J. jun. contractor, Perry street Crouch Thos, wood dealer, chapel lane Crowhurst George, butcher, Common Dean Daniel, rustic chair ma. Red hill Dean George, fruit grower, Prickend • Dickins Thos. greengrocer, Prickend Donmall John, carp enter, Common Eljr, William A. plumber, Prickend

Elliott John, chimneysweeper,Prickend Evans John, beer retailer & wood

dealer, Old Swan, Perry street French Sarah (Mrs) stationer, Prickend Glyde (Mrs) laundress, Common Golding David, farmer, Dickinsonfs;

farm, Perry streetGoodall (Misses) ladies’ school, Pricknd Grice, J. grocer, 15 Mill place Griffith Ed. professor of music, Mill pi Harland R. brickmaker, Camden brick

fieldsHarris Henry, New Crown Inn Herbert Horace, saddler, Common Higgs R. farmer, Red hill farm Hiscock James, wine and spirit mercht Holland W . H. solicitor, Red hill Ingles, William Henry, saddler James Henry C. bootmaker, Prickend Jull William, smith Kemp J. and Son, carriers to London Kelly Mrs. grocer and provision mer­

chant, Mill placeKibble George, contractor, Prickend Line Moses, grocer & draper, Prickend Lucas John, carpenter Lutley James, beer retailer, Mill place McKenzie J.cowkeeper, Alderney dairy Martin W . florist, nr. Paul’s Cray emm Marsh Charles, boot & shoe maker Marsh Henry, baker, Prickend Matthews Bertie P. surgeon, Common Mercer James, Gordon Arms JVi itchell Win. fly proprietor, Common Moors John, bootmaker, Prickend Pain (Mrs) iaundress, Common Pascall George, agent to the Cray Coal

Company, Southville Pascall Joseph, brick and tile maker,

RedhillPeckham George, butcher, Mill place Pugh, Alfred Cheshire, White Horse,

White Horse hill Robinson James, florist, Common Rose William, builder, Common Silvester John, Queen’s Head, Prickend Smith George, Sydney Arms, Perry st Smith Susannah (Mrs) lodging house*

CommonSnelling Joseph, com dealer Sparks Aylett, grocer, Chapel lane Sperring & Cole, plumbers, Mill place Sumner Robert, saddler, Prickend Tapsell Richard, cowkeeper, Prickend

3 9



Taylor G. H. boot & shoe maker, Cmn Teasdale F. vermin destroyer, Mill pi Twitchen Christopher, Windmill Inn Tytheridge J. beer retailer, Fox and

Hounds, Prickend Tytheridge J. bootmaker, Prickend Wain Mary (Miss) bricklayer, Com. Wain, Lewis, bootmaker and postman,

CommonWarlow James, plumber, Prickend W enbom G. N. builder, Common Wheeler Arthur, grocer, Common Whomes Richard, Bull's Head, Com.

40Whomes Sarah (Mrs) confectioner,

Prickend(Whomes Sarah B. (Mrs), fancy re- (pository, Post Office Receiving Ho.

Williams Edward, writer Willis Miss Ellen, fancy repository,

PrickendWillis and Son, tailors, Common Willis William, grocer, Common W ood Baruch, wood dealer, Red hill W ood Francis, carpenter and builder,

PrickendW ood Thomas, butcher, Prickend


Richard Yeates, postmaster Letters arrive by foot post from Bromley at

•10.30 a.m.; dispatched at 12.45 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Down

National School...Churchwardens...G-. Moxham & W . Yeates Overseers...Richard Wheatley & Thos. Fox Parish Clerk...William Friend Carrier to London...Thomas Jackson, Mon­

day, Wednesday and Friday, returning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Amos William, esq. Cudham hall Christy Arthur de Horne, esq. Hurst

LodgeChristy John, esq. Aperfield Court, ldg King Rev. John [curate]Moxham James, esq. Hostye

COMMERCIAL.Alwen William, farmer, Biggin hill Alwen John Norris, miller, Pimlico

mill, Biggin hillBlake W . Black Horse, & brick maker Blake William, shopkeeper.Blundell Geo. farmer, Burrey’s Farm Crabbe J. F. farmer, Grays farm Collins, Henry, wheelwright Collins Daniel, farmer, Burys Coulton Charles, farmer, South street Crane George, carpenter, Single street Eagleton (Mrs) King’s Head, Leaves

greenFairall Abel, Fox fy Hounds and

shopkeeper, South street

Geary James, farmer, Grays farm Gregory Robert, farmer, Norrods Harris Charles, farmer, Hostye farm Hoadley Benjamin, farmer, Skidhill

FarmHogben Richard, farmer, Cudham st Holland William, blacksmith Jackson Richard, farmer, Single street Jackson Thomas, carrier Lewis Wm. beer retailer, Jail lane Moxham Samuel, farmer, Cudham

Court farmPatching James, farmer,Cudham lodge Packman George, farmer Pring John, lime burnSr, Leaves green Ralph Richard, Blacksmith’s Arms,

Cudham streetSturgeon Charles F. farmer, Mace farm Tremain John, blacksmith Tudhope James, farmer, Luxted farm Wallace Wm. wheelwright & farmer Westbrook Thos. farmer, Great South

street farm .Westbrook Thos. wood broker, South st Wheatley R. farmer, Leaves green Whiteman John, tailor W ood Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr.

Jas. Yicat, Park cottage Yeates John, farmer, Horns green Yeates Richard, grocer and post office,

Cudham streetYeates William, builder, Cudham st



Shackelton Francis, esq. Prickend Slade Adolphus F. esq. Kemnal Smith Henry, esq. Furzefield house

PrickendStow Thomas B. esq. Church lane Strode Nathaniel W . J. esq. Camden

houseSydney Eight Hon. Viscount, Frogual Tait Thomas, esq. Eed hill Tarn William, esq. Homewood, Perry st Townend Arthur, esq., Cricket ground Townend Thomas, esq. Cricket ground vYaldenEt. Hon. Viscount, Camden pk Vf atts Eichard, esq. Common Webber — esq. Walden road, Camden

woodWest Mr. William A. Eed hill W right Mrs.Williams Eev. Edward P. [curate] Williams William, esq. Plasgyn Willi:; Arthur, esq. Holbrook Yv inch ’William E. esq. Camden park 'Winter James, esq. Bichmond cottage Wollaston Geo. B. esq., Bishop’s well

COMMERCIAL.Adams (Mrs.) linen draper, Prickend Adams Mrs Ann, cowkeeper, Common Adams Samuel, land steward, Camden Ad km William, baker, Prickend Allen W.P. lodging house, Church row Barham 'William, baker, Common Barnes Matthew, blacksmith, Perry st Beaumont J. cheimst, Common Bo v Thomas, ‘ armor, Perry street Blackman Richard, toy shop, Common Bla.’ knoy James, whitesmith, Common Blackuey Samuel, blacksmith, Prickend Brigden William, com miller, The

Windmill, Common Brown Alice (Airs.), laundress, Com. Causton G. Scadbury farm, steward

to Visct. SydneyChurcher, Thos. bootmaker, Prickend Cleaver John, Tiger's Head, Common Colley — wheelwright, Mill place Crouch John, shopkeeper, Perry street Crouch J. jun. contractor, Perry street Crouch Thos. wood dealer, chapel lane Crowhurst George, butcher, Common Dean Daniel, rustic chair ma. Eed hill Dean George, fruit grower, Prickend Dickins Thos. greengrocer, Prickend Donmall John, carpenter, Common El)', William A. plumber, Prickend

Elliott John, chimneysweeper,Prickend Evans John, beer retailer & wood

dealer, Old Swan, Perry street French Sarah (Mrs) stationer, Prickend Glyde (Mrs) laundress, Common Golding David, farmer, Dickinson’s;

farm, Perry streetGoodall (Misses) ladies’ school, Pricknd Grice, J. grocer, 15 Mill place Griffith Ed. professor of music, Mill pi Harland R. brickmaker, Camden brick

fieldsHarris Henry, New Crown Inn Herbert Horace, saddler, Common Higgs E. farmer, Eed hill farm Hiscock James, wine and spirit mercht Holland W . H. solicitor, Red hill Ingles, William Henry, saddler James Henry C. bootmaker, Prickend Jull William, smith Kemp J. and Son, carriers to London Kelly Mrs. grocer and provision mer­

chant, Mill placeKibble George, contractor, Prickend Line Moses, grocer & draper, Prickend Lucas John, carpenter Lutley James, beer retailer, Mill place McKenzie J.cowkeeper, Alderney dairy Martin W . florist, nr. Paul’s Cray cmn. Marsh Charles, boot & shoe maker Marsh Henry, baker, Prickend Matthews Bertie P. surgeon, Common Mercer James, Gordon Arms Mitchell Wm. fly proprietor, Common Moors John, bootmaker, Prickend Pain (Mrs) laundress, Common Pascall George, agent to the Cray Coal

Company, Southville Pascall Joseph, brick and tile maker,

EedhillPeckham George, butcher, Mill place Pugh, Alfred Cheshire, White Horse,

White Horse hill Robinson James, florist, Common Rose William, builder, Common Silvester John, Queen's Head, Prickend Smith George, Sydney Arms, Perry st Smith Susannah (Mrs) lodging house,

CommonSnelling Joseph, corn dealer Sparks Aylett, grocer, Chapel lane Sperring & Cole, plumbers, Mill place Sumner Robert, saddler, Prickend Tapsell Richard, cowkeeper, Prickend

3 9


CHISLEHURST.Taylor G. H. boot & shoe maker, Cmn Teasdale F. vermin destroyer, Mill pi Twitchen Christopher, Windmill Inn Tytheridge J. beer retailer, Fox and

Hounds, Prickend Tytheridge J. bootmaker, Prickend Wain Mary (Miss) bricklayer, Com. Wain, Lewis, bootmaker and postman,

CommonWarlow James, plumber, Prickend Wenborn G. N. builder, Common Wheeler Arthur, grocer, Common Whomes Bichard, Bulls Head, Com.

40Whomes Sarah (Mrs) confectioner,

Prickeud(Whomes Sarah E. (Mrs), fancy re­pository, Post Office Receiving Ho.

Williams Edward, writer Willis Miss Ellen, fancy repository,

PrickendWillis and Son, tailors, Common Willis William, grocer, Common W ood Baruch, wood dealer, Bed hill W ood Francis, carpenter and builder,

PrickendW ood Thomas, butcher, Prickend


Richard Yeates, postmaster Letters arrive by foot post from Bromley at

■10.30 a.m.; dispatched at 12.45 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Down

National School...Churchwardens..,G. Moxham & W. Yeates Overseers...Richard Wheatley & Thos. Fox Parish Clerk...William Friend Carrier to London...Thomas Jackson, Mon­

day, Wednesday and Friday, returning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Amos William, esq. Cudham hall Christy Arthur de Horne, esq. Hurst

LodgeChristy John, esq. Aperfield Court, ldg King Bev. John [curate]Moxham James, esq. Hostye

COMMERCIAL.Alwen William, farmer, Biggin hill Alwen John Norris, miller, Pimlico

mill, Biggin hillBlake W . Bhick Horse, & brick maker JJlake William, shopkeeper.Blundell Geo. farmer, Burrey’s Farm Crabbe J. F. farmer, Grays farm Collins, Henry, wheelwright Collins Daniel, farmer, Burys Coulton Charles, farmer, South street Crane George, carpenter, Single street Eagleton (Mrs) King’s Head, Leaves

greenFairall Abel, Fox fy Hounds and

shopkeeper, South street

Geary James, farmer, Grays farm Gregory Bobert, farmer, Norrods Harris Charles, farmer, Hostye farm Hoadley Benjamin, fanner, Skidhill

FarmHogben Bichard, farmer, Cudham st Holland William, blacksmith Jackson Bichard, farmer, Single street Jackson Thomas, carrier Lewis Wm. beer retailer, Jail lane Moxham Samuel, farmer, Cudham

Court farmPatching James, farmer,Cudham lodge Packman George, farmer Pring John, lime burnSr, Leaves green Balph Bichard, Blacksmith's Arms,

Cudham streetSturgeon Charles F. farmer, Mace farm Tremain John, blacksmith Tudhope James, farmer, Luxted farm Wallace Wm. wheelwright & farmer Westbrook Thos. farmer, Great South

street farm .Westbrook Thos. wood broker, South st Wheatley E. farmer, Leaves green Whiteman John, tailor W ood Thomas, farm bailiff to Mr.

Jas. Yicat, Park cottage Yeates John, farmer, Horns green Yeates Eichard, grocer and post office,

Cudham streetYeates William, builder, Cudham st


1 1


George Uzzell, postmaster Letters arrive from Bromley at 9.0 a.m.;

dispatched at 1.10 p.m

National School,..0. Pearson, master Girls & Infants...Mrs Laslett Churchwardens... Sir J. Lubbock &H.Osborn Overseers...Robert Gates & Albert Sales Parish Clerk...John Palmer Carrier to Lon l:n...Sn >w. Thursday,2 a.m,

retumiu j same evening

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Allen Frederick, esq. Down lodge Darwin Chas. R. esq. j .p . Down house Engleheart Stephen Paul, esq Lovegrove Charles, esq. Petley house Lubbock Sir Jno. hart. j .p . High Elins Lubbock Dowager Lady, High Elms

farmLubbock Henry James, esq. Gorringes Harris C. esq. Orange Court Osborne Mr. Henry Robinson Rev J. West hill villa Smith Abraham, esq. Laurel grove Smith John, esq. Down Court Turnbull Geo. H. esq. The Rookery Wedgwood Miss, Tromer lodge

COMMERCIAL.Engleheart S. P. surgeon Gates Robert, farmer, North end

. Harris Charles, farmer, Orange Court Jackson Thomas, farmer, Luxted farm Laslett Mrs. builder Leigh — clothier Lewis J. carpenter Martin Alfred, boot maker Nichols Alfred, baker & miller Osborne Mrs., draper Osborne & Whitehead, butchers and

bakersParker Jesse, boot & shoe maker Parslow Joseph, Home cottage Pearson C. national schools Reeves William, blacksmith Sales William, Queen’s Head, grocer Sales Sydney & Albert, corn dealers Sawyer Mrs. G. fruiterer, Lower hook Sawyer Mrs. M. herbalist, Farthing st Snow George, Farmer & coal merchant

Down hall farmStanding James, veterinary surgeon Town Dan, carpenter & builder( Uzzell G. George Inn, grocer,

Post Office Receiving House, and Post Office Savings Bank

Vincent John, fly proprietor, Gorringes Whitehead John & Ricd. wood dealers Wood George, farmer, Luxted Wood & Co. lime burners


Robert Fenn, receiver. - Letters arrive from Bromley at 8.15 a.m.

dispatched at 2.50 p.m. Sundays at 12.50 The nearest money order office is at Down

INSURANCE AGENTS.Atlas Fire & Life...George Giles Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life...

Augustine Giles

National School, Village......E. J. Yarnton,master

National School, Greenstreet green...... MissHarriet Hook, mistress

Churchwardens...S. Brooker & T. Giles Overseers...W. Clarke & J. Clement Parish Clerk...Edwin Gearing Carriers to London... Wm. Hemphrey & G.


PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooker Samuel, esq. Chatterton J. esq.

Fox John W . esq. Green-street-green Fox Thomas S. esq. Green-street-green Hingston Rev. George, [ Curate] Jackson H. esq. Rose cottage Latter Henry J. esq. The Leys, Locks-

bo’ttomPhillipps Mr. Thos. Green-street-green Smith F. W . esq. Farnboro’ hall Teversham Thomas, esq.Vickers Cuthbert, esq. Farnboro’ lodge

COMMERCIAL.Angel John, boot & shoe maker Ashley William A. grocer & school­

master, Locksbottom Baker David, tailor Botton (Mrs.), laundress Brand George, general shopkeeper Brooker Samuel, farmer, Tuppendens Cheal H. baker




Curd (Mrs.), laundress Claike W . fruit grower, Locksbottom Clement Jas. blacksmith, Locksbottcm Denton Mary (Mrs) blacksmith Green-

street-greenDonmall Chas., Queen's Head, Green-

street-greenDriffield John, farmer, Green-street-gm Dnrline; W . fruit grower, Locksbottom Eagleton John, seedsman &c.

Fenn Robert, boot & shoe maker, Post office receiving house

Fowler John, surgeon Fox & Sons, brewers & maltsters Gearing Edwin, blacksmith Giles Augustine, insurance agent Giles George, insurance agent Giles Charles, fruiterer, Starts hill Giles Thomas, fruit grower Griffin Joseph, farmer & fruit grower,

LocksbottomGriffin William, farmer & fruit grower

Locksbottom Hatfield William, baker Hasell Samuel, fellmonger Jackson Charles, shopkeeper, Green-


4 2

Johnson Samuel, fruit grower Leach Peter, vermin destroyer Leach James, general shopkeeper Lewis George, wheelwright Lockyer Maria (Mrs.), dressmaker Martin James, George & Dragon Mills Henry, brazier & tinman Morrison Ebenezer, brewer, Green-

street-greenMussell Henry, general shopkeeper,

Green-street green Penfold George, beer retailer Pryer John, Rose & Crown, Green-

street-greenRinger James, beer retailer, Locksbtm Roberts Silas, grocer & draper Sessions James, grocer & draper Sessions James & Robt. fruit growers Sinclair John J. White Lion, Locks­

bottomStaples Allen, beer retailer Stow Ann (Mrs.), fruit grower Sturgeon Geo. farmer, Green-strcet-gn Thompson William A. New Inn Whiffin Peter, wheelwright, Green-

street-green\Y illiams John, fruit grower, Locksbtm


Stephen Balls, receiver Letters delivered at 7 & 9.30 a.m., 6.30 pan.;

dispatched at 8.10 a.m. & 12.20, 3.10, 5 & 9.5 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m

INSURANCE AGENTS. Empire Life...C. O'Callaghan Guardian Fire & Life...Edward Francis Norwich Union Life...John Rogers

National School...Thomas Colchorne, mas­ter; Mrs Elizabeth Coleborne, mistress; Infant school, Miss M. A. Morris

Churchwardens...T. Hams & W. Yates Overseers...J. Chatfleld & W. Yates Parish Clerk...Stephen Balls Carrier to London...William Yates, Monday,

Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Anley Miss C. 4 Usurla lodges Birch Rev. Charles, m .a . [Rector] Chapman (Miss) Twysdens Cox W . J. K. esq. 2 Mays villas Faulkner Henry, esq. 7 Mays villas Fremlin Rev. William, 10 Mays villas

CRA Y,Green William, esq. Havelock house Hogarth George, esq. The Elms Hurren Mr Henry, 1 Mays villas Jefferis Capt. Charles, r .n . Foots Cray

cottageKeeler Mr George E. 9 Mays villas Kinder Richard, esq.Ludlow (Misses) 5 & G Ursula lodges Major Alfred, esq. 8 Mays villas Reynolds Mr W . 3 Mays villas Shepperd, Mr Thomas, G Mays villas Talbot Robert T. esq. 4 Mays villas Terrington (Miss) 2, Usurla lodges Yanzetti (Miss) 1 Ursula lodges Willson (Miss) 3 Usurla lodges

COMMERCIAL.(Balls Stephen, stationer, and Post [Office Receiving House

Balls Miss F. A. ladies’ school Benge Rd. beer retailer, Cat Benge Mrs Sophia, beer retailer, Hare

and Horse-shoe Brittain Francis, bricklayer



Clark Thomas, coach builder Clark Thomas, tailor Coleburn Thomas, National Schools Evered W . pork butcher & greengrocer Fowle Mrs Jane, dressmaker Francis Edward & Son, builders and

contractorsFrancis John, boot & shoemaker Hams Thomas, Tiger Inn Haylett Bobert, baker & grocer Hazell & Son, ironmongers Humphrey James, builder Imms William, greengrocer Jull William J. ironmonger, smith and

farrierKing Mrs M. A. birch broom, sieve,

and basket maker

King Alfred, b . er retailer Bar leg Mow Kirkland John, Seven Stars Lane Benjamin, greengrocer Mills Thomas, butcher Moody A. Bed Lion Oxley Thomas E. saddler & harness ma Parker Thomas, basket maker Percy Thomas, boot and shoemaker Bogers John, grocer & draper Sims Eobert, florist & nurseryman Spooner Abraham, shopkeeper Stevens George, grocer and draper Sutton John, tin, brass, & zinc worker Taylor Bichard, watch & clock maker Tossell George, baker & confectioner Weeks William, Tiger tap Yates William, carrier

4 3


John Mumford, receiver.Letters arrive from Bromley at 7 & 10.15

a.m .; d ispatched at 3.20 & 6.5 p .m

INSUEANCE AGENTS.Briton, Medical & General Life...John Mum-

fordLiverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life...

John Mumford

Freo School (mixed)...J. Shepherd, master Churchwardens... J. B. Dudin & Bear Ad­

miral T. S. Thompson Overseers...J. Harrod & W. Ledger Parish Clerk...James EussellCarrier to London...... James Eussell, daily

Sunday excepted

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Angas Mr. Jonathan, Common Bath Mr J.Bourne Mr C.Crocker Jonathan, esq. Pickhurst mead Dudin John B. esq. Hayes grove Findlay Alexander, esq.Fry James T. esq. Baston Harrod Mr John Henry Mrs. Hayes nest Higinbotham — esq Hunt Mr F.Kinnaird Hon. A. F., ir.r., f .r .g .s .,

Pickhuist houseMorris Thomas, esq. m .d ., Common Norden Mr. Baston villa Nunes Bev. — Grove cottage Peill B. esq. Longcroft house

Beed Bev. G. V., m .a . [Sector] Eectory Bussell Mrs HughThompson Bear Admiral Thomas S. Strong (Mrs.), Hayes court Yidler Mrs.Wilson E. esq. Hayes place

COMMERCIAL.Bath Thomas, tailor Bennett John, yeast dealer Bourne J. J. registrar of births & deaths Dawes Mrs. Mary, fancy repository Fossey M. boot & shoe maker Greengrass Edward, beer retailer Harrod‘Jas. grocer, cheesemonger, &c. Houston Andrew", farmer Hurst Israel, George & Dragon Johnson James, poulterer Kidd C. bailiff, Pickhurst house farm Langridge M. A. &Co. blacksmiths Ledger Win. carpenter & undertaker Martin George, boot maker, Common

(Mumford John, linendraper, Post (Office Receiving home

Pearce John, market gardener Pearce Thomas, florist & seedsman Eoberts Joseph, bailiff, Hayes place Bobjant George, well sinker, &c. Eussell James, boot & shoe maker Stacey George, vermin destroyer Staple Thomas, grocer, wine merchant

and refreshment house, The Sun Weatlierley G. & J., beer retailers,

Alma Arms Whitby Janies, baker




Mrs Ann Bowyer, receiver Letters arrive from Bromley at 7.30 & 8 a.m.

from March to November; dispatched at G p.m.: on Sunday, dispatched at 10.45 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Hayes

INSURANCE AGENT.Royal Exchange Fire...... Thomas 0. Haslett

Churchwardens...S. M. Fox & T. Ellis Overseers.,.J. Borer & L. Olive Parish Clerk...Robert Wood Conveyance...E. Fownes’ omnibus to Brom­

ley station four times daily Carrier to London...James Russell, daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Allen Mr George, 1, Heathfield villas Angas W . esq. 2 Heathfield villas Atkins — esq.Bowen Mr. Henry, Eaymond cottage Carter Mrs. Bonham, Eavensboume Dobson Charles, esq. Holly dale Dudin James B. esq. Woodside Edwards William W . esq. Holly lodge Foord Mr. Eobert Fox Stephen M.'esq. Fox grove Gainsford J. esq.Goodman Mr., The Limes Holland Wilmot, esq. Heathfield Ingram M i. W . 4 Leonards place Isard Mr. Near the Fox Ladd Mr. Park cottage Laslett Mr H. Eaymond cottage Legge Lady Caroline, Forest lodge Peachy H. J. esq. Fern lodge Pottier G. M. L. esq. Mozart lodge,

Fox hillPowell Mr Meredith J. The Poplars Purdy Mr Eobert, Fox hill Eeeve Mrs., Grove cottage Eyan Mrs., Keston villa Thompson Eev Joseph, Bectory

Toone Francis H. esq. Keston lodge Williams Mr William, Fox hill W ood Mrs Ann. Grove cottage Woodham Mr W m. H. 3 Leonards pi.

c o m m e r c i a l .

Borer James, butcher Borer Levi, builder, &c Bowyer Samuel, plumber Bowyer Soloman, boot & shoe maker

(Bowyer Mrs Anne, grocer {Post office receiving house

Bryant John, market gardener Buckle John W . Holwood farm Chapman Misses Amy, Marie, & Eliza­

beth, hoarding * day school Cheel Amos, carpenter Cole George, carpenter Crisp Edward, blacksmith Duck Mrs. FoxDunmall William, beer retailer Edwards W . W . surgeon, Holly ledge Ellis Thomas, miller Evans John, grocer, &c.Gay Nicholas, baker Harris James, plumber, painter, &c Haslett Thomas C. grocer & draper Hills John, carpenter Kadwell William, boot maker Leach James, carpenter Lee George, Crown, Leaves green Olive Luther, miller Pring John, lime burner Purdy William, wheelwright Eussell Frederick, shopkeeper & beer

retailerEussell James, carrier & grocer Taylor Eichard, farmer, Keston court W ood — gardener W elch Alfred, Red Cross hut


William Forge, postmaster.Letters arrive from Sevenoaks at 8 a.m.;

dispatched at 5.30 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Down

National School...Henry Withers, master;Mrs Withers, mistress

Churchwarden...John Attwood

Overseer...Richard Jones Parish Clerk...Charles Staples Carrier to London...William Hemphney, on

Monday & Thursday, returning on Tues­day & Friday '

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Atkins J. esq. Park farm



Copestake S. esq. Portlands Cross James, Eose villa Hall Eev. Joseph, m .a . Eectory Onslow Maria (Miss)Page Fanny (Miss) Holly cottage Pennell Mrs.Townend Thomas, esq. The Grange Yavasseur James, esq. Knockholt house

COMMERCIAL.Attwood H. J. tailor Attwood John, farmer, Blueberry Bailey Edward, butcher Beckett Stephen, beer retailer Bowen John, grocer and draper Challis Matthew John, farm bailiff to

J. P. Atkins, esq. Park farm Chilton James, shopkeeper *Collins John, fruiterer and beer retailer Collins Eichard, cowkeeper and fruit

growerComfort George, grocer Comfort Jane (Mrs.) Crown, & farmer Constable W m. farmer, Stoning farm Cronk William, blacksmith Drew John, beer retailer Ede Charles William, baker

Forge, William boot and shoe maker Post Office receiving house

Garey & Crabb, fanners, Scott’s lodge Goddard Thomas, hay and straw mer­

chant, Ivy house Graham Abel, fruit grower Griffiths James, fruiterer Hammond Thomas, farmer Hemphney William, carrier Holtom Alexander, Harrow Humphrey E. Miller and Corndealer Ingerfil John, carpenter Jones Eichard, blacksmith Marter Julia (Miss), fanner, Shelley's Mills, John, shopkeeper Morgan Thomas, farmer & bricklayer Morgan William, bricklayer Morgan William, brickmaker Musk Thomas, farmer Norton Daniel, timber merchant Parker Thomas, bailiff to Sampson

Copestake, esq. Portlands Bathbone Jane (Mrs.) farmer Staples Philip, builder Turner Henry, farmer, Court lodge Wells David, fanner Wells George, fly proprietor, corn and

coal merchantW ood James, Three Horse-shoes Inn

and farmer

4 5

W OR T HLetters through Foot’s Cray, which is the

nearest money order office Churchwardens...B. Allen & W. Shinner Carrier to London......William Yates, Mon­

day, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Friend Frederick, esq. W ollett hall Harris James, sen. esq. Euxley cottage Harris James, jun. esq. Euxley cottage Hepburn George John, -esq. North Cray

cottageJohnston Eev. Hugh W . m .a . [Bector] Lawrie Capt. Charles, The mount Lawrie Miss Margaret, Mount mascal Lowe The Misses Magrath Alexander, esq.Shore Abraham, esq. Yale mascal Varden Misses E. & E. Honeyden W ood (Mrs.) Western

COMMERCIAL.Allen Bobert, farmer and auctioneer,


C R A Y .Attree Eardley, wood dealer & fanner Bateman, George, Red Cross Bath Josiah, farmer Boxall Cornelius, carpenter and joiner French Henry, market gardener Jackson Henry, fruiterer, Euxley Magrath Alexander, farmer May Philip, baker and beer retailer Nettlingham William, grocer and

coal merchant Petty Wm. fruit grower Price Mrs. M. A. infant’s school Shinner Wm. collector of rates for the

2nd division of the Bromley Union Smith J. toll collector, Euxley gate Tyller (Mrs.), dressmaker Wallis (Mrs.), day school Wells (Mrs.), fruit grower Weller (Mrs.), laundress W ood Thomas, fruit grower Yates, William, carrier Young Mrs. Susannah, carpenter


4 6

O R P I N G T O N .T/usc marked with an asterisk ( * ) reside in the Building Field.

Letters addressed “ St. Mary Cray.” are delivered earlier.POST OFFICE.

Miss Elizabeth Joyner, receiver Letters arrive from Chislehurst at fi-5, 7.35,

& 9.35 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 7.45 & 11.50 a.m. & 2.40, 4.20 & 8.40 p.m. Sun­days—arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order office is at St. Mary Cray

INSURANCE AGENTS. Liverpool & London & Globe...G. AtkinsLondon & Southwark Fire & Life...... G.

Groombridge, Wellington road

British School...JosephPopplewell, master; Mrs Alice Joanna Popplewell, mistress

Unsectarian School...... James Cox, master;Mrs Cox, mistress

Church wardens...Bobt Francis & John Bond Overseers.. Bichard Newsome & John Yates Parish Clerk...John Petty Carrier to London...William Yates, every

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Alexander Miss, The Birches Aylwood Alfred D. esq. Crofton court *Ayre Miss, Anglesea road Broom Herbert, esq. l l d . The Priory Broomfield Mrs Susan Birkett Daniel, esq. East hall Cal way Bartholomew, esq. The firs Covell Thos. esq. Skeet hill Francis Robert, esq. Crofton hall Francis Henry D. esq. Bark hart Fulcher Frederick B. esq. m .d .Gardner Bev. William, m .a . [Vicar] Gates Mr William, Vine cottage Gorringe Mrs, The Birches *Hardstone Mrs, Wellington road Harris George S. P. esq.Jackson Addis, esq. Aynscombe house Jackson Misses, Mayfield place Jackson Mrs, Mayfield place *Laird Mr Andrew, Wellington road *Linford Mrs, Anglesea road Mosyer Mrs, Church hill Newsome Bichard B.esq.Lancaster ldg Soames Henry A. esq. East hall Skeggs Mrs, Crofton court Sprague Bev. W . S. [Curate]*Vesey Rev A. Anglesea road *Welch Bev. Andrew, [Vicar of St.

Mary Cray] Anglesea road Westbrook Mrs, Ivy cottage

COMMERCIAL.* Adams William, shoemaker, Anglesea

road*Atkins Geo. boarding school, Angle­

sea house, Anglesea road Best Caleb, butcher *Birchell Edmund, birch broom maker

and coal dealer, Wellington road Bond John, plumber, glazier, &c.Borer George, wood and coal dealer *Brooks Mrs, dressmaker Colgate John, fanner & miller *Cooper P, liisiiig Sun, Anglesea rd Conbeer John, beer retailer, Coach and

Horses*Constable Henry, beer retailer, Swan Coveil Thomas, farmer, Skeet hill *Crane Mrs, laundress Dickens Frederick boot & shoe dealer Downs James, greengrocer Edmed John, grocer and draper *Featherstone John Stockwell, Educa­

tional repository Francis George H. baker Fulcher F. B. m .d . surgeon Galliers Richard, civil engineer & land

surveyor, Broom hill ^Gardener James, water cress grower* Green Mrs, dressmaker *Greenslade James, tailor Griffin Joseph, fruit grower *Groombridge G. grocer, birch broom

maker & coal dealer, Wellington road Grover Thomas, fruit grower Hale Robert, farmer, Town court Hale William, Crofton pound farm Harris Joseph, farmer, Poverest farm *Hath Mrs G. dressmaker Hayes E. builder, &c.Higgs — farmer & hop grower, Court

lodge farm* Jenkins Joseph, butcher

(Joyner Elizabeth (Miss) day school, ( Post Office

Lane Geo. & Jas. nurserymen, Cock­manning

Laslett George, bricklayer Laslett John, bricklayer *Laslett William, bricklayer


ORPINGTON. 4 7Layton Albert S. cooper *Lee, William, Prince o f Wales,

Wellington road Martin Peter, chimney sweep* McDowell Henry, marine store dealer *Mott Jonathan, boot and shoe maker *Munday P. G. photographic artist,

No 1 Anglesea road *Osborn Mrs Emma Martha, dress­

maker, Spring cottage *Packham John, baker and grocer Packham Charles, While Hart *Packhain John, shopkeeper Packman T. bird stuffer, &c.Parsons, J. B. Maxwell Arms Petty John, carpenter & undertaker Petty G. Thomas, fruit grower and

carpenterPetty Thomas, fruit grower, Eamsden Popplewell Joseph, National School* Richardson T. New Inn

Roots James, Artichoke Inn Sales William, carpenter & undertaker Sumner Robert, saddler & harness ma Taylor Francis, fruit grower Tillott William, baker Townsend James, baker Townsend John, butcher *Townsend George, Beech Tree *Treadwell George, carpenter Tremain Edward, smith & farrier Valder E. & I. drapers Wale George, wheelwright *Webb George, baker Wells Edward, grocer Westbrook John & Harriet, Mrs, far­

mers & fruit growers, Crofton Wicker George, beer retailer, Hope *W ood John, boot and shoemaker *W ood Thomas, wood turner * Woodall J. fishmonger

| Yates John, baker & corn dealer

S I D C U P .

L etter Box opposite the Black Horse Inn. Letters collected at 8.15 a.m. & 12.80. 3.15, 5 & 9.15 p.m.; arrive through Foot’s Cray, which is the nearest money order office

Conveyance to London...A van passes thro’ Sidcup from Maidstone every Monday, "Wednesday & Friday, returning to Maid­stone on alternate days

Carrier to London...William Yates, Monday Wednesday, Friday & Saturday

Sidcup Station (North Kent Dartford Loop) Thomas Houghton, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Bacon, Mrs S.Berens Henry Hulse, esq.Chatfield John, esq. Clyde house Dunn Mr HenryDuncan, Wm. esq. Belvoir cottage Farrar Rev. Charles P.Garrett, William, esq.Hickman James, esq.Howe, E. J. esq. Sidcup house Jeweson W . esq. Sidcup park Johnson Thomas S. esq. Sidcup lodge Lawford J. esq. Sidcup park Nicholls Fredk. V. esq. Belbeck cottage Old Thomas, esq.Petty Walter, esq.

Smith (Mrs) Pound place Sydney Right Hon. Viscount, g .c .b .,

p .c ., Frognal Willis Mr John

COMMERCIAL.Baber John, farmer Barker James, wood and coal dealer,

Pound placeBeacham John, Black Horse inn Brooker James, coal dealer Chipperfield Thomas, grocer Cordery J. jobbing gardener Downton Thomas, bootmaker Harris Richard, blacksmith Keeler Thomas, farmer, Manor farm Miller Henry, hay and corn dealer Preston Henry, Railway Tavern Shaw Eliza (Mrs) tea dealer and beer

retailer, Horse and Groom, Pound pi Smith Sergt. Major George L. w .k .y .c .

instructor in calisthenics,deportment, and equitation, Alma cot. Pound pi.

Tigar N. farmer Welch James, smith and farrier Willis Richard, farmer Yates William, fruiterer and dairyman,

Pound place


S T . M A R Y C R A Y .

4 8

POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE.Edward Clarke, receiver

Letters arrive from Chislehurst at 5.50, 7.15 & 9.15 a.m. & 7 p.m .; dispatched at 7.55 a.m. 12 noon, 2.50, 4.40 & 8.45 p.m. Sun­days arrive 7.30 a.m., dispatched 4.35 p.m. Money orders are granted and paid from 9 n.m. till 6 p.m.

P il l a r L e t t e r B o x at Reynold S m ith

INSURANCE AGENTS. Accidental Death...Edward Clarke Atlas Fire & Life...Robert Roberts County Fire...Philip J. Stanger Emperor Fire and Life...James Hickson General Fire & Life...Edward Clarke Norwich Union Fire & Life... George Sitles Phoenix Fire...Edward Hodsoll, Derry down Provident Life...P. J. Stanger .Railway Passengers’...... E. Hodsoll, Derry


PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS.Excise Office, Black Boy Inn......Charles

Smallbones, of Bromley, inland revenue officer

Railway Station (L . C. & D.)...John Ford, station master

Literary Institute & Reading Rooms...Alfred Drake Hatfield, collector and librarian; James Greenslade, hon. sec.; open from 12 noon till 10 p.m. daily, Sunday excepted

Volunteer Fire Brigade...... Capt J. Allen,Keys of engine house kept at police station

SCHOOLS.National (endowed)...... Wm. Ball, master;

Mrs Ball, mistressSt. Mary Cray Juvenile Moral Training...

John Paul Barber, master; Miss Elizabeth Richardson, mistress

Churchwardens...V.Brooks & T. Figgess, jun Overseers...T. Crowhurst & H. Whomes Parish Clerk...T. Wheller Registrar of Births & Deaths...Jas. Hickson Carrier to London...William Yates, every

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Allen John, esq. Eowlands Bateman, Mr John, Derry down villas Berens Bichard B. esq. j .p . Kevington Brooks Vincent, esq. Effingham lodge Cox, Bev. John, Fern lodge, Derry down Cox (Misses), Fern lodge, Derry down Curtis F. A. esq. Walldens Davey (Miss) The mount, Derry down Dunmall Miss, Spring hall Hepburn, Mr Thomas H., Belgrave pi Hodsoll Mr E. Richboro’ lodge Joynson William, esq. The Rookery Langridge Bev. N. T. Derry down Line Mr Job, Belgrave place

Mosyer Mrs, Rosecroft Petrie W . C. esq. Derry down Pope Mrs, Kevington lodge Smith Thomas H. esq. Rowlands Wheeler T. W . esq. The mount, Derry


Ayre Benjamin J. Excise office, Black Boy Inn

Bailey Richard, baker Barber John Paul, Institute day school Barker George, watchmaker Barker I. fly proprietor, Railway statn Beaumont Jos. chemist and druggist Bowers W . carpenter and house agent Butler G. outfitter, &c Chapman Edwd. d: Win. farmers, hop

and fruit growers, Crouch farm Clark Mrs. dressmaker Clark Moses, engineer

(Clarke Ed. printer, stationer, etc. \Post and money order office

Costen Edwin, boot and shoe maker Cray Coal Company, Harry Tyrer,

agent, Railway station Crowhurst Thomas Richard, butcher Crowhurst Fred, fruit grower Davis Henry, hair dresser Drew J. C. Bull Inn, Birchwood comer Evered William, pork butcher, etc Figgess Thos. sen. farmer, Hockenden Figgess Thomas, jun. farmer, Upper

HockendenFlemming W . C. grocer, wine & spirit

merchantFord John station master Fordham William, butcher Gas Works, William May, hon sec Goodenough Jas. boot and shoe maker Hatfield A . D. librarian, Lit. Institute Heather Thos. general shopkeeper Hickson James, relieving officer and

registrar of births and deaths for No. 2 division of the Bromley Union

Hills Wm. builder &c ,Horley —■ grocer, corn dealer, &c.,

Reynolds smithHosmer Caleb, grocer, draper, furniture

dealer, &cJeal Mrs Ellen, boot and shoe maker Jewell Richard, farmer, Manor farm Jordan Eliza, beer retailer & tea dealer Joynson & Son, paper manufacturers



Lane Geo. & Jas nurserymen and fruit growers, Cockmanning

Mayatt James, plumber Mitchell & Co bakers Mitchell Wm, bricklayer _Ogburn John, harness maker "Packman James, greengrocer Packman Henry, basket maker Parson John, cabinet maker Penfojd G. smith & farrier Pope Geo. H. farmer & fruitgrower,

Sheepcote farm Porter James, shoemaker Reardon C. boot & shoe maker Roberts Robert, chemist and druggist Slade J. tailorSmith G. M. oil and colourman Smith Miss Jane, wardrobe purchaser Smith Wm. milliner and straw bonnet

makerSmith cfc Allfrey, surgeons Snelling Joseph, miller Spearing John, Red Lion Inn Southernwood Mrs Elizabeth, fruit

grower, Hockenden Spooner Abraham, boot & shoemaker Spooner Isaac, pork butcher Stone Miss Amelia, young ladies’ school

CRAY. 4 9Stanger Philip J. draper, grocer, and

furniture dealerStiles George and Matthias, ironmon­

gers and gasfitters Stiles T. & Son, smiths and farriers Thames John, shoe dealer Tovey John, newsvendor, bookseller,

bookbinder, tea dealer, &c.Tyrer Harry, (Agent to the Cray Coal

Co.) dealer in hay, straw, corn, &c Tyrrell John, hairdresser and news

vendorWain H. plumber and gas engineer,

and at ChislehurstWarrener James, beer retailer, Lads

o f the Village Walkden Mrs Mary grocer Whitehead Samuel & Edwd. farmers,

HockendenWhomes Henry Five Bells Inn Whitmore Thomas, currier and leather

sellerWinter Wm. haberdasher, tobacconist,

etc. S.P.O.K. Depot Witcombe I. baker & confectioner Wright S. & H. builders & undertakers W ood John, boot and shoemaker, and

at Orpington

ST. P A U L ’S C R A Y .P il l a r L e t t e r B o x , cleared at 8 a m . 12

noon, 3, 5, & 9 p.m. Nearest money.order offices are at St. Mary Cray & Foots ,Cray.

National School...Miss Perry, mistress" Churchwardens...S. Poole & H. Tyrer Overseer...W. NashCarrier to London..."William Yeates, Mon­

day, Wednesday, Friday, & Saturday

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Chapman James, esq. j.p., d .c .l ., St.

Paul’s Cray hill Hedges (Miss)Langdon Rev. George L. m .a . (Rector) May W . esq. Craylands Paterson (Miss), Leesons Poole Samuel W . m .d . The cottage Vincent Edwin, esq.Waring (Mrs.), Marlings

COMMERCIAL.Arrows Caleb, wheelwright Chambers ( Misses) young ladies’ school Clark Moses, engineer Emery (Mrs), monthly nurse, and


Ellis Thomas John, Anchor Inn Everest John, fanner and fruit grower Greenslade (Mrs.), dressmaker Hearn Mrs. E. farmer and fruit grower Hook William, carman Imms James, grocer and beer retailer James Mrs. Frances, baker Joyner James, Bull Inn Mann D. shopkeeper.Mann D. jun. bookbinder May George, farmer, Gray’s farm May Thomas, farmer, Chalk pit farm May vYilliain, solicitor Nash Wm. paper manufacturer Pascall Sami and Son, brick makers Perry (Miss), National school mistress Poole Samuel W . m .d . surgeon Thompson Matthew, wheelwright Thompson Mrs. ' Ann, beer retailer,

Wheelwright’s arms Tyrer Harry, Old Star Inn Turner Miss M. J. dressmaker Wood Jesse, sexton



50W E S T W I C K H A M .

POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE. Robert Harman, postmaster.

Letters arrive from Bromley at 9 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at 2.35 & 5.20 p.m. & Sundays at 10.20 a.m

Insurance Agent—Union Fire & Life...Robt. Harman

Parochial Lending Library, at Infant School ...W. Dunnett, manager '

National School ( boys), William Dunnett, master ; (girls), Mrs. Lucy Dunnett, mis­tress; Infants, Miss Lexey King, mistress

Churchwardens...Col. J. F. Lennard & R. Crittall

Overseers...W. Taylor & J.Lilley Parish Clerk...Robert HarmanCarriers to London......R. Harman & Son,

through Shirley, Beckenham, Southend, & Lewisham daily

PRIVATE RESIDENTS.Amor Mr GeorgeAusten Eev. John Thos. b ,d . [rector]

ParsonageCanty William Henry, esq Crittall MrsCordeaux Kev. H. T. [curate]Forbes J. S. esq. Wickham hall Giles Henry, esq Gripper Edward, esq. Oak lodge Hall Misses, Ravenswood James MrsLennard Col. John Farnaby, j .p . W ick­

ham courtLoyd Lewis, esq. Monks orchard Steuart William, esq. Wickham house Torrens Capt.

COMMERCIAL.Brooke James, blacksmith Clinch George, farmer, Rouse farm Coatsworth J. farmer, Layhams farm Cooper J. beer retailer Coote George, carman Coote Thomas, fly proprietor Crittal Richard, farmer Crittal William, butcher •Green David, tailor Harman Richard, grocer and carrier Hannan Robert, carman, corn & coal

merchant, goods warehoused Hannan Robert, draper and general warehouse, Post Office receiving ho.

Hannan Miss, preparatory school Howden Mrs Sarah E. builder Ingersoll Fredk. R, veterinary surgeon Kemp Thomas, fruit grower Kirkcaldy W . seedsman & florist Ledger W . builder, and at Hayes Lilley Joseph, baker Lillico Adam, farm bailiff to Col. J. F.

Lennard, Coney hall farm McDaniel W . Swan Newman William, wheelwright Paradise Henry, boot & shoe maker Boss J. beer retailer & grocer Rush William, Wheatsheaf Sargeant Mrs H. baker & shopkeeper Taylor William, farmer, Court farm Walley M rs Mary Ann, grocer Young Henry, butcher