Every Monday afternoon, students from Northview Church are driven to Brookside Community Church near downtown Indianapolis to volunteer by tutoring inner city children. We are divided into four teams: The tutoring team provides homework help and tutoring in reading and math for elementary and middle school students. The pantry team unloads delivery trucks and stocks the shelves in the food pantry. Every Sunday morning after church services at Brookside, families are able to pick pre- packed bags from the food pantry. The project team does work around Brookside like painting, cleaning or landscaping. The Bible Study team prepares and leads a study and prays with the kids in the after school program. It might be difficult for teens from Carmel and Noblesville to imagine a life of poverty, since we take a lot of things for granted. In comparison, most kids in the After School Program at Brookside come from families that have experienced generational poverty. Some of these kids may not have dinner when they go home; their parents may hold several part-time jobs and do not get home until after midnight each day; their family members may not be able or willing to help them with their homework. Seeing these kids filled with hope and happiness despite their poverty makes me feel very grateful for what I already have. Studies have shown that by merely graduating from high school, there is a greater chance for one to earn a higher salary in the future than if he/she had dropped out. Through education, the chance to break the cycle of poverty in one's family is greatly increased. Therefore, we provide tutoring for elementary and middle school students to help them build a strong foundation in reading and math to ensure their academic success in high school. I started volunteering at Brookside at the beginning of this school year. Throughout my time in youth group at Northview, I was taught to spread the gospel by giving back to my community, whether it is at a church function or in the greater Indianapolis area. This summer, I felt that God is calling me to help others,

Brookside After School Tutoring Program

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Every Monday afternoon, students from Northview Church are driven to Brookside Community Church near downtown Indianapolis to volunteer by tutoring inner city children. We are divided into four teams: The tutoring team provides homework help and tutoring in reading and math for elementary and middle school students. The pantry team unloads delivery trucks and stocks the shelves in the food pantry. Every Sunday morning after church services at Brookside, families are able to pick pre-packed bags from the food pantry. The project team does work around Brookside like painting, cleaning or landscaping. The Bible Study team prepares and leads a study and prays with the kids in the after school program.

It might be difficult for teens from Carmel and Noblesville to imagine a life of poverty, since we take a lot of things for granted. In comparison, most kids in the After School Program at Brookside come from families that have experienced generational poverty. Some of these kids may not have dinner when they go home; their parents may hold several part-time jobs and do not get home until after midnight each day; their family members may not be able or willing to help them with their homework. Seeing these kids filled with hope and happiness despite their poverty makes me feel very grateful for what I already have.

Studies have shown that by merely graduating from high school, there is a greater chance for one to earn a higher salary in the future than if he/she had dropped out. Through education, the chance to break the cycle of poverty in one's family is greatly increased. Therefore, we provide tutoring for elementary and middle school students to help them build a strong foundation in reading and math to ensure their academic success in high school.

I started volunteering at Brookside at the beginning of this school year. Throughout my time in youth group at Northview, I was taught to spread the gospel by giving back to my community, whether it is at a church function or in the greater Indianapolis area. This summer, I felt that God is calling me to help others, so I took the initiative and contacted Megan McGuire, the coordinator of the Brookside After School Program, and expressed my interest. I was paired up with a fourth-grader named Makaylah. Unlike most teenage girls, I've never had any babysitting experience in the past, so at first, I was a little timid and didn't know how to interact with the kids. However, I soon realized that Makaylah is very bright, and it is very rewarding when she quickly masters a concept that I have taught her. Participating in the tutoring program has made me become more confident with my childcare abilities, and I hope to continue to deepen my friendship with Makaylah.

The main purpose of the program is to build relationships with the kids and lead them to Christ. After the kids finish their homework, we would hang out and talk about their weekend and what they did in school. Sometimes we would read a book together, play board games, or play basketball in the gym. We end our time there each week with Bible study and prayer. It is a very warm and loving atmosphere. Several times during the year special events like Christmas and pizza parties are hosted for the kids. The kids enjoy the attention and are very excited when we arrive each week.

Serving with people who share the same beliefs and who all come from different backgrounds but are there with the same goal is an amazing experience. As a group, we have a lot of fun and I have built many friendships. Going to Brookside is one of the highlights of my week, something I look forward to most on Mondays. I have only been there for two months, and already it's starting to feel like a second home.