BROTHER’S LETTER  My dear little brothers and sisters Greetings in Christ Jesus name. Let us thank Him for all his grace upon us to enjoy the summer vacation, and His presence with us throughout our visits to the relatives house and hill stations and cool stations. Let us also thank Him for the physical protection he has given during these hot summer months. Aboveall for the grace that strengthen us to participate in VBS. LEARN TO DO GOOD (ISIAH 1:17 ). According to this word a boy named Arun attends regularly the Sunday school. There he learnt how Jesus did good deeds among the people. So he also decided to do good to others. In the school and among the people he started to do many good things for the needy. One day he had an important exam and he rushed in his bike to the school. On his way he saw an accident and shocked by that. A man got hurt and bleeding to death but no one is ready to help him. He did not know what to do? He was in dilemma whether to go for exam or to take this man to hospital. At last he decided to take him to the hospital as a good Christian. In the hospital they asked for 10,000 rupees. By kept his chain in the bank he got the amount and paid that money in the hospital as good Samaritan. And also when the hospital demanded for B POSITIVE BLOOD he gave his own blood. When the Headmaster and the teachers heard ab out that they were all happy ab out him. And the government official praised him for his good work and made him a volunteer in a public service centre. The bible says whatever you sow that you will reap. So do good and get awards from god himself. Do good and God will exalt you in his own time. . STORY TIME --- GUARD YOURSELF In a village there was a big and beautiful neem tree. It had huge trunks so many people come under it for its shade and the breeze that gives. Some people sleep under it and some people tie their goats under it. The storm lightning, thunder, rain and the hot sunlight nothing demolish or shake the tree. It was there as strong as stone. But one day the tree fell down with a great noise. Everyone was shocked. They felt relie ved when they found no one was under it. They never expect this so they were all find it unbelievable and also they felt very sad because they all enjoyed its shade. But when they went neat it and examined it they found out the reason for it. The inner side of the tree that is under the bark or skin part of the tree they found many worms. They ate the tree slowly and destroyed it without any outward sign. So at last when the tree lost its strength it fell down. But it showed itself as a strong and healthy tree. Children now many of us Christians are in the same way our inner man is totally destroyed by the hidden sins but we are showing ourselves us a very spiritual person. How the worms and beetles destroyed the tree the same way we were also destroyed by our hidden sins. We may not murder or loot another people’s money but what about the conditions and desires of heart. How many secret sins and hidden pleasures are there? What does the Bible says about our heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?”. We may be showing a good, righteous and holy life to others but there are hidden sins, evil habits, secret sins ,evil thoughts, bad books and evil pleasures in our hearts . These hidden worms and beetles will totally destroy our spiritual man one day and perishes us.

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BROTHER’S LETTER  My dear little brothers and sisters Greetings in Christ Jesus name. Let us thank Him for all his

grace upon us to enjoy the summer vacation, and His presence with us throughout our visits to the

relatives house and hill stations and cool stations. Let us also thank Him for the physical protection

he has given during these hot summer months. Aboveall for the grace that strengthen us to

participate in VBS.

LEARN TO DO GOOD (ISIAH 1:17). According to this word a boy named Arun attends regularly the Sunday

school. There he learnt how Jesus did good deeds among the people. So he also decided to do good

to others. In the school and among the people he started to do many good things for the needy. One

day he had an important exam and he rushed in his bike to the school. On his way he saw an

accident and shocked by that. A man got hurt and bleeding to death but no one is ready to help him.

He did not know what to do? He was in dilemma whether to go for exam or to take this man tohospital. At last he decided to take him to the hospital as a good Christian. In the hospital they asked

for 10,000 rupees. By kept his chain in the bank he got the amount and paid that money in the

hospital as good Samaritan. And also when the hospital demanded for B POSITIVE BLOOD he gave

his own blood. When the Headmaster and the teachers heard about that they were all happy about

him. And the government official praised him for his good work and made him a volunteer in a

public service centre. The bible says whatever you sow that you will reap. So do good and get awards

from god himself. Do good and God will exalt you in his own time.


In a village there was a big and beautiful neem tree. It had huge trunks so many

people come under it for its shade and the breeze that gives. Some people sleep under it and some

people tie their goats under it. The storm lightning, thunder, rain and the hot sunlight nothing

demolish or shake the tree. It was there as strong as stone. But one day the tree fell down with a

great noise. Everyone was shocked. They felt relieved when they found no one was under it. They

never expect this so they were all find it unbelievable and also they felt very sad because they all

enjoyed its shade. But when they went neat it and examined it they found out the reason for it. The

inner side of the tree that is under the bark or skin part of the tree they found many worms. They

ate the tree slowly and destroyed it without any outward sign. So at last when the tree lost its

strength it fell down. But it showed itself as a strong and healthy tree. Children now many of us

Christians are in the same way our inner man is totally destroyed by the hidden sins but we are

showing ourselves us a very spiritual person. How the worms and beetles destroyed the tree the

same way we were also destroyed by our hidden sins. We may not murder or loot another people’s

money but what about the conditions and desires of heart. How many secret sins and hidden

pleasures are there? What does the Bible says about our heart. “The heart is deceitful above all

things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?”. We may be showing a good, righteous and holy

life to others but there are hidden sins, evil habits, secret sins ,evil thoughts, bad books and evil

pleasures in our hearts . These hidden worms and beetles will totally destroy our spiritual man oneday and perishes us.

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The sin enters to our heart through eyes and corrupts our heart. What the Bible says in James “Let

no one says when he is tempted ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil nor does

He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and


Dear little brothers and sisters,

When some thing , which is not acceptable to god tries to enter our heart, thoughts, ideas and

memory we should cut it in the beginning itself. Otherwise our spiritual life will be destroyed by

these beetles. Let us always guard our hearts with the help of Bible. Because at first our heart and

conscious will remind us that we are doing sin during the initial stage of any sin. But when we keep

on doing sins and when we try to justify ourselves our conscious and heart will stop speaking. At one

stage we will have seared conscious and whoever says anything nothing will go inside and our heart

will not accept anything. As long as we are having Holy Spirit Grace of Lord will be with us, but when

Holy Spirit left us God’s Grace will also leave us. Holy Spirit never compels anyone to do things.

When we keep on doing sins he will leave us one day and so the Grace of God. After that our soul

will be immersed in sin and we will lose our salvation. Then our life will become very pathetic let us

not fall on like this. So littles let us guard our heart with all our guards and with the help of the Bible.

Let us save our souls by running away from sins that corrupt our hearts and eyes. Let us lead a Holy

Life with the help of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.