Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.

Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.florida4h.org/events/eat4health/nutrition-myth.pdfsugar and calories to make up for the lost flavor from fat. Eat healthy full fat products

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Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.

The color of the eggshell, be it white or brown, DOES NOT affect the nutritive value of the egg. The

color of the shell reflects the breed of hen that produced the egg.

Keeping a daily food record of what you eat is a good weight management strategy.

Food records have been shown to be a very effective aid to help you decrease calories and lose weight. Keeping a food record for a week or two can give

you insight into your eating habits, and help identify areas you might need to change.

Fruit drinks count as a serving from the fruit group.

Not even if fruit juice is one of the ingredients. Many fruit-flavored drinks are mainly water with fruit flavor

and added sugars.

Nuts are okay to eat as part of a low-fat diet.

Although they are high in fat, nuts contain mostly unsaturated fat (a good fat), and are good sources

of protein, magnesium and the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium. Nuts have many healthy benefits and can be included in a low fat diet as long as the

portions are small.

Vegan sweets are much lower in

calories than traditional sweets since they contain no animal products.

Vegan products will be cholesterol free, since they contain no animal products, but that doesn't

necessarily mean they will contain fewer calories overall. Be sure to read the labels on vegan treats.

Eating fat will make you fat.

Many foods pump up their low fat versions with sugar and calories to make up for the lost flavor

from fat. Eat healthy full fat products in small portions and save yourself from the additives and chemicals their low fat counterparts come with.

If you want to lose weight, you shouldn’t snack.

Studies show that people who avoid eating between meals may end up consuming more calories overall.

Low-fat or fat-free means low

calorie. You can eat more foods if they are low fat or fat free.

Many processed low-fat or fat-free foods have just as many calories as the full-fat version of the same food—or even more calories. Usually, when the fat

is taken out, sugar and other carbohydrates are added in to keep the taste. This brings the low-fat version to usually the same caloric content as the

regular full fat version.

Frozen veggies are just as nutritious as


While "just picked veggies" are higher in vitamins and minerals, nutrient levels drop as they are stored. Frozen veggies are generally flash frozen right after

they are harvested to lock in the nutrients.

Olive oil contains less fat than other


Olive oil contains as much fat as all other oils. They are 100% fat. Olive oil does contain the good fats - monounsaturated fats, but still be mindful of how

much you use.

Fasting is the best way to detox your


The body is fairly self sufficient when it comes to detoxing through sweat and urine and the kidneys and liver act as filters. You do not need to fast to clean out your body. Weight lost during fasting is

generally water weight or muscle mass (something you don't want to be getting rid of).

Eating carbohydrates makes you fat.

Carbohydrates are your body’s primary source of energy. Reach for veggies or whole grain

carbohydrates and limit consumption of their cousin – white carbohydrates.

People who are sleep deprived have a harder time losing weight.

Sleep deprivation disturbs the body’s natural balance of hormones that regulate energy and

hunger. Researchers at Stanford University have found that those who had less than 7.5 hours of shut

eye each night also carried a higher body mass index.

According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a


A “portion” is how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package,

or in your own kitchen. Versus a portion, a “serving” size is the amount of food listed on a product's

Nutrition Facts.

You don’t need to eat fruits, vegetables or whole grain foods to

get your daily requirements for fiber.

To meet the 20 to 35 gram daily target for fiber, eat at least five serving of fruits and vegetables a day, plus three servings of whole grain foods like whole

wheat breads and cereals. Dietary fiber plays a variety of roles in maintaining good health.

When you eat a meal it takes about 10 minutes for your brain to get the

message that you are full.

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you are full. To avoid overeating, eat

slowly and take time to enjoy your food.

Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and help

you lose weight.

No food can burn fat. Some foods with caffeine may speed up your metabolism for a short time but do not

cause weight loss.

Natural or herbal weight loss products are safe and effective.

Any product that claims “natural” or “herbal” is not necessary safe. These products may not be

scientifically proven that they are safe or that they work.

In general, the more colorful and varied your fruit and vegetable consumption, the healthier it is.

The bright colors of fruits and vegetables indicate high levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Having a variety of nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables all bring

something different to the table. Good examples include apples, pineapples, berries, bananas, oranges,

kiwi, melons, grapes, mangoes, papayas, apricots, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, avocados, zucchini, squash, corn, peas, beans and tomatoes.

Vitamins will enhance your strength

and endurance.

Vitamins supply the body no calories and cannot be used as fuel. The body urinates out 70% of the

vitamins that it does not need. Only people who are deficient in an area should take necessary

supplements. Consult your physician or a registered dietitian (RD) before increasing your intake as some

vitamins can be toxic if you take too much of them or take them unnecessarily.