. aq A:,r 7 - h--- .t- # B-S 67 17 : Part 1 : '1 986 uDc 82s.821.s ry, Fn o{ 6it P{rblkrtixr ruy br p}*rtoc.opicd or othrsire rcproduccd wjth,oui t}rc pdix pcrmleim ln miring ol BS I D I LARANG. MENGGANf)AX AN TANPA SEPT.IIGETAHUAN iIsIJ tS/ :, rete pavi'ng blcc NC ron ar( Cr fi. nqu fica d tl hSt an rd va St o F S pec cat for paving blocks r;. I 'bdton pr,gf :- rEtabr Sp6cif e tions Pavds - lrili B:IliN & Klilllrt,,r1: it. Srrnlnrrrll llrirJr Jbr .*, Ieh. 813010 -Iro"ure!t 5 Ju Ji( "* ' ; 'il'B ilir f-:# ij re, ' .ll l$.r, r*,+ lnstittrtion ', i i , ii* lo Standards

BS 6717 - 1989 (versi asli)

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. aq A:,r 7 - h--- .t- #

B-S 67 17 : Part 1 : '1 986uDc 82s.821.s


Fn o{ 6it P{rblkrtixr ruy br p}*rtoc.opicd or othrsire rcproduccd wjth,oui t}rc pdix pcrmleim ln miring ol BS I




rete pavi'ng blccNC








hStan rd

vaSt oF

Spec cat for paving blocks

r;. I

'bdton pr,gf:-



tionsPavds -

lrili B:IliN & Klilllrt,,r1:

it. Srrnlnrrrll llrirJr Jbr .*,Ieh. 813010 -Iro"ure!t 5 Ju

Ji( "*

' ; 'il'Bilir f-:# ij re, ' .lll$.r,r*,+

lnstittrtion ',


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__€-€3S 67 t7-: part 1.:..1g


eeliiiiii' nr oir'* 6- r, J ii ril'p-"'.i"ffi ;; l,i}:ij ii :l f ':]!::l1,hty.'. hlehrr.btndrr cant.nt th.n.prvtng btockr m.d. In r::i,l:ll1.t:"ns onty pontand ccrmnr. Thc dawlopmoni ofrtrrr4th wlth mlxcd blrrdrr c-oririltucnrr i, grn Jty-riorr", rn.n];l.ilXJfy- ry: rrnd cemant: u nr r r,,l,r li irciJrf o uruu nty t a t lrfllitliiTi*Ti^ :'i :' -'c t h r cn w r r i ; ;; ;

"l ; ;;.: "' i ?;.': rmbuniurrradlriln;l;i;ir. n dd.

, i,'' i

9i Sizei and toterances

B Binder content

:TlilrginOl_*rtcnr ol th.---p""t"d concretc shall be notlesr 1:ha.n 380 kg/mr

1,9,.',tF; Fgt.qylvrhnt dr.irrbt!]'y, pcvlng btockr mrdc wtrh blndGr

9.1 Sizcr

crushing string-th of any individual.brock :hail be not rergthln 40 N/mm2'However,

if .the averago crushingstrength of the first fourblocks tested ir not lesr lhan 54 w/mm: uno il nbnu'oi-'there four blockr har r cruthing itrength of leir rhan40 N/inm2,.thc conrignment shall bo lonsidarod to compl-with th.ir rtandard.

. 11. Sampling .7The folloling rampling procedure shall be used fortha compressive strength test.

(a) Before laying paving blocks,.divide each derignatedsection. comprising nct more than 5000 blpckr, in aconsignment into eight approximately &ual groupj.Clearly rnark all samples at the timo of sampling in sucha way that the designated section or part thereof and thrcon-signment represented by the.samplo are clearlydefined. Take two blocks from each group.(b) Dispatch rhe s.ample to rhe test laboratory, takingpreca.utions to avoid damage to the paving blocks intransit. Each sample shall be accompanied Ly a certif icatetrom tho person responsible lbr taking the sample stat;ngthat sampling was carried out in accoiJance w;tn tnisPart of BS 67 17.

- (c) Protect the pavingbiockr from damage and contami.. nation until th'ey hava-been tested. Carry-out :in./ ?tst, assoon as possible after the sample has been taken,


.12 Marking

The following particulars relating ,o Oruing blocks made inaccordance with this standard shall be inoiiarej clearly onthe delivery note, invoica, manufacturer.r or supplier,scertif icate or brochure supplied with the .onrign..n, ofblocks:

(a) the name, trade mark or other meanr of idenrif icarionof the manufacturer;(b) ttre number and date of this Brirish Srandard,i.c. BS 67 17 : pan 1 : 1986.;(c) type of binder consrituent(s) used (see clause 3);(d) type of admixture (s) used {see clause t:).


{.i;p9.ulg.tr shall have a vybrk size thickness of not tesrtnal 6! T.m. Tvpc R btocki shail bc i.orngurrr, *irr, ,workBi2d'length of 200 mm rnd 'a work ,iri,rrlatf, oft9lyr T,yp" S blockr. chail be ot any strape iitting witr,;ne.295 mm iquare coordinating space uao s-iJl'hrre a worksize.width nor less than.g0 mm,N_bTE, Ttrr prclcrrad riork rl:r lhickncrret ira 60 mm, 65 mm,80.mm rnd lO0rnm. ,

A chamfer'around the wearing surfae with a work size note.xceeding 7 mm in width or depth shall be p"rrnitrrO.All arrirsiJ shall bc of unif orm rhape. .

9.2 Tolcnnccr t/Tha maximum dimensional.deviations from the siated work'sizq1 fo1 paving blocks measured in accordance with A-1rhrll be rc fcliowr: -

length t2mm; ,,/

;yid,1hi2mm; -/thicknesr !3im'. vz

Forpaving blocks asse-ssed in accordance with A.2, each sidail.tl b: perpendiculaito th€ wearing surface and theopqostte tact.

loTi: A ridr h c,onridcrcd to bc p.crpcndicurar ro thc block tecer ifthr dlttrr.nc. bctworn rh. two roedingr marrurcd lr descri bcd in A 2docr dot.rxcccd Z mm.

Whe,ra a 'piving block includes prof iled sides. the profiloshall notrdeviati from the manufacturer,s speciflcation bymorc than 2 mm.


1 O Compressive strength

Thc compiestivo rtr?ngth (ser 2.4) of paving blocks, sampledin accordrnccwith clausa ll and tested rri.rl'iuua inrppcndlx 8, rhall bc not lcrr thaa -4,g N/m-i ,nA ,f,.


C{ifdU"r'r^rrr9ero'l':rrnI:1986onorln'lrtlonrotprlr1 lrrchlmbythrmrnurrcrurrrrhrrtr,#r"in;m;;fiffiaifi:""

*,i.'fr,[Til;'i,ifi;'Iff;';Hffiltjir'**,::TJ*::rr.lr:.nurrc,u'r.rrarponribi,iry. Ensurrier ',o rh,

'Mr.hlng BS 6717 : Prrt I : lgg6 on or ln rrlrtlon to I orodud tr r rr-r_ L.. .\_ _thr rrqgl6616rr of rh. .r.^^... ?r- i:-., . . I produd lr r clllm by thr mrnulrcturrr rhrl

lN Lr$..,rrr!'i ;.r r\ 1

-ircd tOrnttrbtttv or rhr'd p..v c'niric'ru i*ra L-""ilil';;T": foHffi,*,;[H,lil:

LABOitp.Tontuill /0c i

).c. P


,i -r',1,,:;fr$

1.5t.2 Feeler sauggs complyine with BS 957.

? ', ^....2


With the 3t;ck of thr squaru or rhe profiled template



il::ll- l ::lij ' i',,i!

i iii.fr



Atppendix rA. Measurement of dimensions A.s.z.l:z sheett of .thin cardbaard, of unif orm thicknesr.'and plan ?r,Be.,

1l.tA1 Determination of thickness,'length andwidth

.i-A.1.1 'Apparltqr"


.A1.1.1 Stpel ulipea complying with BS 3123.

A-3.21.3 Sharp scissort .

A. Steel rulc.marked in graduationr of 0.5 mm.

A.3,2.2 Measrri.ent of plan'area. Place the block; wearingsurfacr upt€rmo3t, on tho crrdboard lA'. and tra.cearound its perimetar with.r pencil. Cut out the shape

accurately and weigh it to thc nearest 0.01 g, using thobalance (A.

Weigh a rectangle measuring 2O0 mm x 100 mm, cut accuratelyfrom the sams cardboard, to the nearcat 0.01 iCalculate the plan rrea of tlre paving block 4, ii mmr using theequation:

20 OO0 m- :t At-4


m, itrhe rnars of the cardboard shape marching theblock (in g),

rn, is the mass of the 200 mm x l0O mm caldboardrectangle (in g).

Calcu[ate the plan area lo the nearest l0 mm2

| :t '^l:&!;t.Z stee/i1ilecomplyine'wittr BS 4d3s or BS 4372,

capablc of nreffprin$ up to 3.O0 mm to an accurary of0.51mm. ,1,.,.,

A.1.2 Procedurg.

.d:.f ThicknesE Measura thc thickness of theblock at\ t"prcsentativc positionr to thi nearest I mm, using; I'cl caliperr (A-1.f .1), Report thc valuc of each measure-

R2 Detqrmination of squarenes.s

A2.1 Appaqatur

, A.Z1;l' Profilad temflatcorancngineer's squarecomplying,, with BS 939.

!, . , Ar1'.2.2 l,engih g?!,,yidth. Measure ihe length and width-acrosi two gpposite facrc of the block to the nearest 1 mmusing steil cafipirf(7t tr1.il or a sreet rule (A.1.1.2).

'. Tw6 refresentaiive'fiiisiiionr shall be used.for lengrhI .' mebrurement and'three poritions for width measurement.. .. : :. -'i :.":r: r.,': .,8eport tha vatue of Cach measurement to the nearest I mm.i,,':ltribre-'cir. *odtd.br llkan ro m.euur! cecrr btoir in r ramploj*.:=1"g,f h",rmtrcpr-!.rrnltrig,porttionr.

(A.2.1.11in dilntactiwith the top or bonom face of theblock, bringrthr;bladc into contact with the side of the

. ,block. Carry'out thcrlest by measuring with the feeler;: gtuget (A.2.1:21 thq claarance, if any, betwean the square.i 9r Orofiled telnplata and thc side of thc block at pointr:i 10 mm from a'ach top and bottom cdgc. Take mearuremenrX.i rt rix dif fercnt.poinb spacad rpproximately equally around, ^'thc block.i,t

meiit tq,.thr near393,.1y66.


A.3 Determination of plan area

.A-3.1 Rccnngutrr prving blockrCalculitc thc plail aroa by multiplying thc length by thawidth. or by using thc method dcccribed in e.:.2.

A.3.2 Shrp* 1,r., thrn r.ctrngt.,

Appendix 8.. Determination of 'co-pressive


8.1 Apoarahrs- B.'t .1 Compression testing machine. complying with

BS l88l : Part i 15.

8,1.2 European birch or saftv+ood plywood packing,4 mm thick and larger than the specimen by a margin ofat lea5t 5 mm at all pointr.

8.2 Procedure

Measure the dimensionr of each block before storing it inwaler and calculate the plan area, as described irl appendix A.Test r samplo of blocks taken as dascribed in clause I J

after rtoring them lor 24 t A h in water maintained at atamperature of 20 t 5 "C.

Wipc clean tho platens of thc tcsting machine. Remove anylooso grit or other material from the contact facts of theblock. Placc plp,rrood packing bctween the upper and lowerfacer of thc block and tho machino platenr. Uss freshpacking for eadr block trsted.Phco tha block ln thc madrino with thc wearing rurfaca in ahorizontal plano arrC ln such a way that the'axer of theblock ara aligned with thoro of tho maciina platens.Apply the load withput shoct ard increase it continuouslyat ! r.tc of l5 t 3 N/(mmr.rriin) until no greater load canbc rurtained by the paving block or dalamination occur5,ffrcord thr mrximum lord rpplicd to rhr block.NOT€'. ir mty not b. nrc"rr.ry to rarr ttre ihotr rrmptr lrcrcleur l0).

3 oFp


A3.2:f ApptnwtjiA"3.-2.1,1 gdtncc,clprbh of wrighinglccurrot ol 0.01 g.

100 9 to an




g,g lCal'cllltion:of compressivo. strength ,

Calculatc thc crushing,trength of cach block to the nearest' 0.1 N/mmr by dividing the .axi.urn;r; ;';; ;,;;;;;and multip.lying by the rppropriata factor from ,;il. f'.- --

'u,atculatr the comprcrriyr rlrength, cxpresring tho value to,.

rfu pe,arert I N/mmr: ..







Pubtications referred to'BS t2 Speciticarion l.oe ordinary and rapid-hardining ponland cemcnq8S 146 Ponland.blrrtf urnr",

"a-"n, '-r'- "orwf nln! ronland cemcnl

pcn 2 Mrtric unitr?: 1t0 Spcciticrrion tor tlrt ri"ws8s

?t2 *iH lf,t;ri't'rnd rc'tine or minerrt leeragrra'. $ndt rnd rir?rtBs is2 ;;,il;;;f

for thr detarmlnatlon or rciJiorlnrc -",",i'i ii ii^o ogn,*o,i,Bs 939 !;;ffi;il 'or t99r?94!?t rrom netdral tourca tor concrer?BS 9a, ;;j;;:T ror rneinc.n,rsuarer ltncludins cyilndrical airJ blsq1.ssr,37.3185 l0l4 phnrienir f-or porftrncl clrnant !nd portiand ccmcnr productrS ;Sl ff;'*::'il,i; ;i';';; ;;.;il":JT:o .eere.tr ror ure in con nrucr ion

parr I l5 Sooclflce.tlon.fo, comprr$ion tcrtirp machinct lor corrrara:: :l?l Sprtre ertipcn end rprtns dtvid;;- '" "''

iiiiii i5:in';HXiffi:il,f'makrns concrcta oncrudins nota' on rhc,uirrbirity or rhc wrrcrr8s 3ggz :. pulverhcd-fucl arh

Pcrr l-spcclllc'iin tor pulwrircd'fual arh fs7 ur. er r camantrtrour compon?nt in r'ucrurar concr?r,' '- prn 2 soccrtcetron ror prrrr;rt.i-ir"i ; ror r," lr,9.orir-r"a'io'.'n'Jn,rrrr"trr"r concrer?

:::::: iq,lH#l**flill;fi:;Hili'rr"c "^a ;i,i,'";;;;;;;,,,-c,iona, work,. Srce , mca:urins rspe!. ,ee, band,:: Jll? Ensinocn.,t.?t m?rrurins rurcrBS 5075 Coicratr xlmixlurcr

8S 6588BS 6699


s11ffi:!:?:ltfiT:il:.:i;;H::;::To'"'..o-,",u,., ,ld w.r.r{educ;ne,d-i,,,,., .

$rcilicrrlon lor ground grrnubrad U,.riir.i._'r,.0 lor ur with portbnd crmcnt








tht ,urhorhy ol thr Borrd ol gSl rnd.o.ei lnto'"ltrcr on29Auryrt1986..' '.O Irit,rh Sttndtrdr lmtlrurtoo, lgqgrsBN o sEo rszri.o'Britirlr Stendrrdr Inrtiturion

r Eritirh Siln<lrrd, hrving becn grapared undcr thc direction olRord Engildcring Strndardt Commitrrd, wrl publirhed undcr

.:' ' BS0717:part1:1986

tlandtrd. ol nccerrrry d"riilt ruch ar lymboti anc, r;re. type orgrdq d!r;9n.tionr. EnqLiyicr thoutd bc !ddrcrrad to thaPu.blicationr Managcr. Britith StandJrdr ln11ig1r1ip6. Linltrr...l lyoort,lvlilton Keyncr MKl4 6LE. Thq number lo, rclepr,one.enqr;r,., J, '

09Og 320033 rntj tor tetcx 825777.Conlrrct rcquirrmtntrA-Eritilh Strndtrd do€r not purport to incluclc !ll thr nicetraryprovirionl of I contrrct. Userl of Bririrh Srqnd:rdr rrc retponrlbtalor thrir corrrct rpplicrtion.Flrvirion of Erilirh SttndrrdrBritirh Stradrrdr are revired,.wlten necR!rary. by, I hg i55p6. s 11h.,ot !rnrndmentt or ol rcvired ?dilionr.. lt il importrnt rhrr urcrl olEriti:h Srtndrrdr Aould rrcrrtrin rhrr rhay trr ;. po.r6l;on olthr btett lf,n.ndmrnts or rditionr IntormltiOn On rI gSlpublicationr ir in thc BSI Cttttogue, rupptern nt?d crch mon16 5y8Sl Ncwt which it ry.illbt? ro iubrcribing memb?rr ol rhrlnttitution rnd givet detail; ol rrew publiiatio,rr. ,er.ir,onr,amcndmcntr and withdrawn Stanclarctt. Any pe, ron who, whurrmaking ure olr Britith Srandard, encountcrt en inaccyrasl, 9rambiguiry,;r rceuerted lo notity BSI wirhour detay ia 6,g., ,nu,the m!tt?r mry bc investigated,nd appropriole

"ar'ip, 1r1".n.Th! follow;ng BSI refererrcer relatc to th? work on thir Jtanda.d:Commirrer rcfarence RDB/32 Drafr for..--.^idiii:g63 Dc

Oeprnm?4t ol Transport (H;ghwayr)lnsritutioh, ol Civil Enginee nlnrtitution ol Highwayt and Tran:porlarionlnrtitution of Strucrural Engin6s11I nterlock ing P6ving Arsocio rignLandtcapa lnniturrMilton Keyner Dcwlopment CorporarionNational Paving and Kerb AssociationRoyal lnrlitute o! Britirh ArchitecrsSand and Grawl Arrociation Limired.Scottirh Oevelopnicnt Depa.rmentSociety ol Chemicat lndusrry


..lncorporilr6 bv Roirr chrrrar, gsl ir th? i4d.p.ndrnt narionetTd.r 11 th! p.?prrrr;on ot Bririrh SrenctrrcJr. ir i, rr,. Ui'riolu.r. -

Ot lhr lntcrntti6nal Orgrnirdtion tor Standardirrtion rnd UK --'rgonrot of lhr Sritirh Nari6nrt commirree ol rhc lnrcrnationatElcctrotcchnicrl Commirtion. . .,

lcVona thr pioduction ot ilrndardr..gSl offcrr rpecirlirt ,ervic?rrhcruling th. provirion ol ;ntorm';ii iir"rgl,-,;-.'Bil tiu..ry ..aStrrxjrrdlinr Drtrb.r. T?chnlol Hetp i. ;;;";rr;;;no ort.,t 'yic.r, A6vic. cin:bc obreincd from rhe a^;;;;;;;,;irii'J,i

Milron Xcyncr.MKt4 6LE, Tcraphonc 0908 S:OOOO. -' ._?

bopyiighr ::: :iU_1_1r'ol Eridsh.:g1566nrdr rrr relihded th31 g6pyyighl rubrirrr ini]t-t^S_,:r"i-.tionr. No pf'r bt rhir puuIi6i;on--,J u.',#"j,;i..oin rny lorm withou-r ihr prior-permirrion ;n wr;r;ni'oiLs,. Jn,,tct nor pi€cluda tha frrr usr. in rha courre ol i-Jt"_e^r;ng rt e

:-Cbrnmittees rdsponsible for this British Sta..,tariTfr'prrprrationot'lhit gritirh Stendard wal enrrulled U, ,f," niraEngr'nccring Srr ndai di' Comrnirrr: I R D B/-1,

" i rJ"j* r Com m i I r ec+at]wJz upon which thc follo*ing bodier wera repi.esented:

Asociuion of Counry. CouncibAsociuion of Counry. Council,Alocielion ol London Borough Enginecrr and SurueyoirArocietion ol Merropotiqro Aurhorl tierBririrh Aggrcgetc Con$uctioo Materialt I nCus r r;e,

::::::l :l1i F-Thc'riln Telt ei";p-enr r,ra"ri".*,.,r' arsociarion. :ri.:rl Civit pns;nceyil9 Terr Eiuipmgn-_Bririth prccbh Conciiie Fcderarion Lrd.Cimirrr ina Concilti Aroc,rtion

;ir fii'Crdrlnt Makcrs, Fldg'r1lon;i r.,i,Coriirctr Socicty

lr, r*ou,I [i :":-I. iiri:' iiii;I [r;'ro',





',; |i





- Amendments issued since publication


Britirh Standardr.lnrtirution . 2 park Streer London WIA 2BS






Text affecred


Tolaphono 01.6?9 9OOO Telex ?66933


1 :r,1986

S,cope ,1 ,, 4Aggregates]"-

-':Thir Frrt of BS.67l7- tpecificTequiromenrr for precart . 4.1 bcn"rrl:'concrrt! prving.blockr intcndld for thc consrruction of . faviig blockr shall bc made usirp ond o, -o. oi tj,,oI lo:.3p€?* roadi'rnd lngutttltl lnd olhcr paved surfacpr i"'i"Ji"n-#il;;#;inn *,,n rhc retevanr srandardr:subjccted to all crtegoriar of static and vehicutar loadino and ':'i-:'."''

ov,'sYorsr ee'rPrYrrr''pedistrian,trafllc., ..,. 1.

- -- "'----- 'vrvr!'r -rrv. natirral aggrcaatc3 . BS 882 : 1983

NO-TE l. Prvlng btqctr corrt.d by rhh.prrr ot BS 671 7 rra derigncd (irushed of uncrushed) (except grading

to lorm r rtructurrl,.lrmalrl Ind lhr rurfacingol prvcmontr, hrving. teqUirements inth.lb|ocktobloclc|olntrllticdloirtod!v!:op.,rictionellntcrlock.

:- NOJE 2. Thr rirr* or rrrr'iubilcrtionr rrrarrcd ro rn thit prrt ot aii-cooled- Bs ioqr , t ggs,,;1,41-9ztr .ri liir?d on thr::riiridrbrck covrr.

-- -- ' blartfur.nacc slag (except grading. _,F; ,9.!rv,.rrses,Jrsy texL_ept gr.aotng

\P. .requirementr in 4.8)-t-

l, ,,2 DefinitiOnS rptllverired'{uel ash BS 389? : Part I orr "!., part ZF. \c prrpor.J of rhis Parr of 8S 6717, the f ollcjiryino ground granulated BS 6699

, . d, dli9tionr apply. blastfumace rlag

* 2J- concrcrr prving bl6ctc..Concre'ii element fitting withi

.i --'

-.-ui-l 2.4 comprantvortrrngth. Averagc crushing strength of a

| .samplc of l6-paviAg blockr when tested ar described inappendix B.

1!' 2.5 work'rirc. A size of paver, normalty expressed in terms

-_. of dimenrionr of length. width and rhickness, specified for

ffitr manulacture to,which itr aaual cizo should conform-{ryithin specif ied deviations.

rl Vhero pulverizcd.fucl arh ir used, thc proportionr and,ropertier of thr comblnrtion with portland cament shall:omplV wirh BS 6589.

I Vtrcrc Argund granulated blastfurnaca stag ir used,j hc propo-rtionr and propertic, of thc coribination wirhI ortland'c.mcnt shall comply with gS 146 :, part 2.








_rv_6..vv..s srs srsltsil[ r! tltng wrlnln1295 tnm quare cciordlnaiing rpace with r"work siza

fithickn"cs (see 2.51 n"t resi tr,in bo L-.'. 22-wctrittg rqrtis!(rl.Surlecc(sl of d paving.block., derigncd to bc laid uppe.rmost and to be traf iiaked in use.

2.1 pt.n rrct. Area.bounded by thoselfaces that are| , .approximataly normal to the wlaring surface;

_ 4.2 Acid.rolubla matariaL (linc rggregato)When resled ar described in BS gl2 : part I lg. the line-aggregatc (material passing a 5 mm rieve complying withBS 4l0l shall contain not more rhan 25 % by rnass of acid.soluble material either in the fraction retained on, or in thefraction'passing, a 600 pm sieve.

5 Water /The water shall be of drinking quality or in accordance wirhlhe recornmendations-of appendix A of gS 3laU : 19g0.

6 Admixtures and pigments

Proprietary accelerating. re tarding and water.reducingagents shall comply with BS 5075': part .1.

Pigmentr shall comply with BS 1014.

Calcium chloride shall comply with'BS 3587.

t F. . r/ rtntsnes

t'lOfg. fna f inirh rhwld b" ,g.erd bctwcrn th€ mrnullclur?r lndrhc rp?citiar.

Concretc delcribed al'natural colour, shall contain nopigment.

ln comporite paving blocks the surfaca layer shallbeformed as an inlegrar part of the brocj< and shalr be not ressthan 5 mm thick.


i3 "':rders and binder constituentsl.tfaving blocks rhall,be made using one or more of thefollowing binderr o'r binder conrtituentr complying with

Ith!_lffyirementr of th9 plcvant srandards:

i ;; -ordinary'Portland cemcnt BS t2. iPonland:blartfurnace csment BS .|46 : part 2

i:. ,1;,-iP.ortland pulvcrizcd.fucl rsh BS 65ggI cemrnt

pulvarized.fuel ash BS 3gg2 : part tground granulated bla$furnacr ii gbgg. slag







?1 |il



rJ. ,',::'.:,

,- l{i, r:ll:L






I Scopc

5 Warcr


lnride front covlr. Back cover

2 Dgfinitionr, 3' Binderl ini uinoa, conriituenr

4. Aggrigater

6 Admixtirrer and Siijmintr/ t-rnishcrI Binder conteni9 Sizer and tolerancar

l0 Comprersive strenothI I Sampting -:12 M-arking

AppcrdicrtA Measurement of dimenriohs and plan areaB Determination of comprersive jtrength

Tablc :I Thickness and chamfer.coirection fastors foriompressive strength









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lAynA .5,[ !'I li,.l !Al'llAN DSN

This Part of BS 67 17 was prepared under the direction ofthe Road Engineering Standardr Committee. Part I is a imanuf acturing specif icati6n for precast c.oncrete paving 1;blockr. whilc Part 2' ir a method for conctruaion'of '.llexib le ptve rnentt ipcorporating ruch b lock s.

It is desirable that paving blocks do not develop a polishedsurface of. low rkid reristance when trallicked. Pending"the'development ol a test method for skid resistance,this standard excludes the use.of line aggregates contairii4gsignif icant amounts of acid-soluble,material, comd of whichhave been foeind to givc poor polishing resislanct.

Work to develop a satirf acrory test tor durability of concretepaving blockr ir continuing, Until such a test has beenestablirhed, the requirernent for minimum binder contentwill be retained. -

Compliancc with a British Standard doll hot of itieltconler immunity f rom legal obligations.


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