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  • Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication and Networking

    Course Description

    Semester 1:

    Course Code


    Course Title Introduction to Computing

    Course Objectives

    This course is an introduction to a broad class of computer issues. It is designed for students who are not CS majors and who have had little or no previous experience with computers.


    Outline Introduction to Computers and computing; Classification of computers;

    Elements of computers; Basic Computer Architecture; Control Unit; Arithmetic & Logical Unit (ALU operations); Main Memory (ROM,RAM, Cache);CPU Operation; The Registers; Input & Output Devices;

    Storage Media; Data Representation; Software Concepts; System Software ; Operating Systems; Basic Input Output Software

    (BIOS);Disk Operating system; Windows 95/98/XP/2000;Application Software; Data base Management Systems; Communication System; Security Issues; Threats to computers &

    communication systems; Computer Networks; Internets; Artificial Intelligence-Commerce ;Computer Labs; Word processing tools &

    Internet; Databases ;Spreadsheet; Presentation tools; User Designed Application Software.

    Course Code

    CSC 103

    Course Title Introduction to Computers and Programming


    Objectives This course will provides an overview of computer hardware and

    software; and helps them to understand Programming in C with emphasis on modular and structured programming technique; Problem

    solving and algorithm development; Simple engineering and scientific problems.

    Course Outline

    This course covers computer hardware and software, C Programming language, flow charts, data types, variables, decision making if/else,

    switch, loops: for loop, while loop, do-while loop, arrays, multidimensional arrays, user defined functions, passing arrays to

  • functions, recursive functions, structures, array of structures, string, pointers, preprocessor bit wise operators and File I/O (reading, writing,

    appending, modifying file content).

    Course Code


    Course Title English Comprehension and Composition


    Objectives The course will help students in developing the competencies to

    understand English and express themselves effectively in the same language both in writing and speaking. This course is designed to improve students' abilities to paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize

    and to correctly and effectively express them. Students learn to write more effectively through a variety of assignments that highlight the

    writing and revision process, effective sentence formation, paragraph development, and the format of essays. This course will emphasize the use of correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics. Students

    will be required to apply these skills to all writing assignments


    Outline This course will cover enhancing comprehension skills, basic Grammar,

    Advanced Sentence Structures (Dangling modifiers, Parallelism, Sentence fragments, Run-on sentences, Misplaced modifiers) Pre-

    writing Techniques(Free-writing, note keeping, brain storming, mind mapping, journalistic questions), Paragraph Writing(Definition, unity, topical sentence and supporting details), Essay Writing, Prcis Writing,

    Message Composition, Word Skills, Presentation Skills.

    Course Code

    HUM 110

    Course Title Islamic Studies


    Objectives The subject introduces Islamic thought in comparison with other major

    world religions.


    Outline The topics included are beliefs and actions: Islam and other world

    religions, basic sources of teaching, obligations towards God, self and others, and Islamic teachings of collectivism.

  • Course Code


    Course Title Calculus and Analytical Geometry

    Course Objectives

    At the end of this course the students will be able to manipulate, differentiate, and integrate exponential functions, logarithmic functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and hyperbolic trigonometric functions.

    Apply L'Hpital's rule to find limits of indeterminate forms, use integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, partial fractions,

    determine convergence and divergence of infinite series. Use Maclaurin and Taylor series to approximate functions, find power series and determine radius and interval of convergence.


    Outline Inequalities, Functions, Shifting Graphs, Limits of Function, Continuity,

    Derivative of a Function, Application of Derivatives, Integration, Indefinite Integrals, Definite Integrals, Application of Integral, Area , arc-length, Transcendental Functions, L'Hopital's rule,

    Techniques of Integration, Improper integrals, Infinite Series, Limit of sequences of Numbers, Convergence and Divergence Tests,

    Alternating Series Test, Absolute and Conditional Convergence, Power series, Taylor's Series and Maclaurin Series, Convergence of Taylor Series: Error Estimates,

    Applications of Power Series.

    Semester: 2

    Course Code


    Course Title Object Oriented Programming

    Course Objectives

    The course will help students to understand object oriented approach by developing solutions for range of problems using object oriented programming. They will also design and implement simple and multi

    threaded applications.

    Course Outline

    This course covers the concepts of object oriented programming paradigm, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, overloading and overriding, exception handling,

    packages, object-oriented design, event-driven programming, recursion, use of stacks, queues and lists from API.

  • ***** EEE 119 Circuits and Electronics

    Course Code


    Course Title Report Writing Skills

    Course Objectives

    This course has been specifically designed to meet the writing needs of students aiming for a specialization in areas of Management. The aims and objectives of this particular course are to introduce course

    participants the importance, needs, varieties, and technicalities of business reports. Also Their reading skills are further enhanced through

    exposure to a variety of graphical sources such as charts, graphs and diagrams. Students are taught presentation skills culminating in a PowerPoint presentation based on their term report


    Outline The course introduces fundamental of Technical Communication

    (Theories of Communication, ABC & Objectives of Technical Communication, 7 Cs of effective communication), writing process (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3), presentation skills, overview of technical

    documents (Writing memoranda & e-mails, overview of formal letters), basics of writing reports (Defining reports, determining the purpose &

    factors, gathering the information needed, interpreting the findings, Writing Short Informal Reports, Writing Long Reports, Understanding plagiarism, Referencing sources), designing the final project and


    Course Code


    Course Title Pakistan Studies


    Objectives The course seeks to provide an appreciation and understanding of the

    cultural, historical and socio-political heritage of Pakistan. Also how the constitution of Pakistan was formed and what type of constitutional issues were faced at the initial stages.


    Outline The course will cover culture, society and religion of Pakistan, Political

    and Constitutional Development (Shaping of the state structure; Objective Resolution; Constitutions of 1956, 1962 and 1973; Democracy and Authoritarianism), Cultural issues, SocioEconomic and Environmental issues in Pakistan (Unemployment; Double standard of education; Poverty; Gender issues; Population growth;

  • Human right issues; Pollution issues.), Foreign Policy of Pakistan, Pakistan in the comity of the nations.

    Course Code


    Course Title Differential Equations


    Objectives At the end of this course the students will be able to apply ordinary

    differential equations to his respective branch of engineering. To illuminate the partial significance of differential equations, maximum

    emphasis is to be laid on their applications to physical sciences and engineering. Higher order Differential Equations are not only introduced but also its applications are illustrated through examples. The last part

    of this course has special significance with respect to hydrodynamics and heat transfer problems and hence needs to be explained through

    examples from these disciplines.


    Outline Mathematical and Physical meaning of first order differential e

    quations and its applications, Linear Differential Equations, Second Order Linear Homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Second Order Linear Non-

    homogeneous Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients, Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Bessel Equation, Legendre's

    Equation, System of Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations, Series Solution of Differential Equations Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, First Order

    Partial Differential Equations, Solution using Method of Separation of Variables, Classifications of Linear

    Second Order Partial Differential Equations, Two Dimensional Partial Differential Equations and their Solutions.

    Semester 3:

    Course Code


    Course Title Algorithms and Data Structures

    Course Objectives

    To practice developing efficient programs with the usage of appropriate algorithms and suitable data structures and to study the operations that manipulate these structures.


    Outline Abstract Data Types; Mathematical Notations and Methods; String

    Operations; Complexity of Algorithms; Matrices; Recursion; Big O

  • notations; Use of pointer; Array of pointers and structures, Array Implementation, Traversing, Searching, Inserting, Deleting in Linked

    list; Circular & Double linked list Implementation; Array & Linked list Implementation of Stack & Queue; Priority Queue; Circular Queue;

    Polish and reverse polish notations; Linked representation of Binary tree; Insertion and deletion in BST; Traversals; Threads; Insertion; deletion and traversing in Threaded BST; AVL tree; Huffman tree;

    Insertion & Deletion in Heap; Undirected & Directed Graph; Insertion & Deletion in Adjacency Matrix; Traversals in Graph; Shortest Path

    Algorithm; Spanning tree; Sorting techniques; Hashing and Storage Management

    Course Code


    Course Title Introduction to Telecommunication Systems

    Course Objectives

    To prepare students for further work in the area of computer networking and communications systems, providing a firm understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts involved in telecom systems.

    Course Outline

    Overview; Models and why we develop and use them; Terminology; Taxonomies of telecom systems; Analog and digital signals; Noise; Time and frequency domain representations of signals; Modulation;

    Synchronous and asynchronous transmission; Transmission subsystems; Transmission media; Analog and digital transport

    subsystems; Basic concepts of switching; Space and time division switching networks; Store-and-forward switching; Characteristics of switching equipment and systems; Examples of switching systems;

    Control concepts and definitions; Characteristics of signaling mechanisms; Examples of signaling subsystems; Network management

    concepts; Primary and supplementary access functions; Simple telecommunication systems; Public switched telephone network; Other telecom systems.

    Course Code


    Course Title Signal and System


    Objectives The purpose of this course is to equip students with fundamental theory

    of systems and signal for application in communication, control, computing and power engineering. Basic concepts of continuous and discrete LTI signals and systems and Fourier transform are discussed.

    Determine whether a signal has the following properties: Discretetime, continuous time, power, energy, periodic, aperiodic, even, odd. Evaluate

  • the convolution sum and integral given an input and the impulse response. Determine whether the DTFS, FS, DTFT, or FT

    representation is appropriate for a give signal.

    Course Outline

    Introduction, Classification of Signals, Basic Signals and Operations, Classification of Systems, Linear Time Invariant Systems, Time Domain Analysis of LTI systems, Discrete Time LTI Systems, Convolution Sum,

    Continuous Time LTI Systems, Convolution Integral, Properties of LTI Systems, Fourier Series Representation of Signals, Aperiodic Signals,

    The Continuous Time Fourier Transform, Frequency Response of LTI Systems, The Laplace Transform & its Applications, z-Transform, Region of Convergence, Causality & Stability.

    Course Code


    Course Title Digital Logic Design


    Objectives This is a basic course which concentrates on the basic methods of

    digital hardware designing. The students will learn different techniques to design simple to moderate level hardware. The course contains extensive lab work, in which students will learn to design at IC level.

    Students will also learn designing using VHDL.

    Course Outline

    Introduction to Digital Computer and Systems, Number Systems, Binary Arithmetic, Boolean Algebra, Algebraic Manipulation, Canonical and

    Standard Form & Conversions, Logical Operations and Gates, Simplification of Functions, Karnaugh Map Methods, Two Level

    Implementations, Dont Care Conditions, Prime Implicants, Combinational Logic Design, Arithmetic Operations and Circuits, Analysis Procedures, Multilevel NAND/NOR Circuits, Decoders,

    Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Memory Types, Read Only Memory, Random Access Memory, Programmable Logic Array (PLA),

    Sequential Logic, Flip-Flops, Clocked Sequential Circuits, State Machine Concept, Design of Sequential Circuits using State Machines, Counters and their Design, Synchronous Counters, Asynchronous

    Counters, Shift Registers etc.

  • Course Code


    Course Title Communication Skills

    Course Objectives

    This course is designed to develop students reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at an advanced level through language experience, free writing, drafting, peer response, revising and editing.


    Outline This course will enable the students to organize messages that are

    appropriate to the audience and situation. Students improve oral communication skills for professional and social interaction through extensive pronunciation and conversational practice. Individual

    pronunciation assessments help students refine their language skills. Practice includes forming and communicating opinions on contemporary

    issues, developing formal and informal oral presentations and reports, giving and following directions. Through readings and written exercises, students learn how to form, communicate, and support their opinions

    and ideas in academic and professional settings. Students strengthen their reading skills and expand their vocabularies by reading and

    discussing a variety of adapted and authentic texts. They also may present findings in research reports.

    Course Code


    Course Title Linear Algebra


    Objectives The objective of the course is to provide a rigorous approach towards the solutions of linear models which involves more than one variable. The techniques discussed in this course can be implemented on a wide range of applications from physical world. The matrix algebra will be helpful in performing and understanding of matrix computations on a machine. The eigenvalues, eigenvectors, inner product spaces, orthogonality are useful concepts for the analysis of dynamical systems.


    Outline Systems of linear equations and matrices, determinants; vector and

    inner product spaces(Subspaces, Basis, Null Space, Column Space, Dimension and Rank, Change of Basis, Applications), Dynamical

    Systems (Eigenvalue and Eigenvectors of a Matrix, Diagonalization, Eigenvectos and Linear Transformations, Applications to Dynamical System) matrix representations of linear transformations(Linear

    Independence, The Matrix of Linear Tranasformation, Linear Models in Science, and Engineering.), eigen values and eigen vectors, Cayley-

    Hamlton Theorem. Inner Product Spaces (Length, Orthognal Sets, Orthonormal Basis, orthogonal Projections, The Gram-Schmidt Process,

  • Applications to linear Models).

    Semester: 4

    Course Code


    Course Title Computer Communication and Network

    Course Objectives

    The course will cover computer networks in a top down manner starting from the application layer to data link layer. The course will be

    taught in the Internet perspective and will therefore cover the layers of the TCP/IP suite.

    Course Outline

    This course covers an introduction to computer networks and layered architectures: connectivity, topology, circuit and packet

    switching; TCP/IP and ISO models; Application layer: C/S model, DNS, SMTP, FTP and WWW; Socket programming and network security; Transport layer: TCP and UDP; Network layer:

    internetworking, addressing and routing algorithms and protocols; Data link layer: framing, flow and error control protocols, PPP, MAC

    and LANs; Physical Layer: circuit switching, coding, multiplexing and transmission media.

    Course Code


    Course Title Software Engineering


    Objectives The course objective is to make the students aware of software

    engineering best practices so that they maybe able to address the software development in structured and comprehensive manner. They would be trained to differentiate the problem in smaller more

    manageable parts and later on integrate them to in the form of total solution

    Course Outline

    System modeling and analysis including functional, operational modeling and analysis using primitive data types; visualization tools; Introduction to design methodologies; policies; decomposition;

    comprehensive introduction to structured analysis and design techniques; Introduction to implementation bias and Implementation

    guidelines; documentation standards; maintenance requirements of a developed software; software engineering software tools and their

  • application; a brief introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design techniques.

    Course Code


    Course Title Electromagnetic Theory

    Course Objectives

    This module is intended to lay a foundation to RF and microwave engineering. This course should be delivered with the objective of

    bridging the gap between the theoretical knowledge and physical understanding of wireless communications.

    Course Outline

    Review of Vector Algebra, Orthogonal Coordinate Systems, Vector Transformations between Coordinate Systems, Fundamental Laws of

    Electrostatics and Maxwells First Equation, Divergence Theorem, Electric Field & Field Intensity, Electric Flux & Flux Density, Electric Force & Energy, Scalar Potential, Potential Difference, Conductors,

    Dielectrics, Capacitance, Continuity of Current, Electrical Conductivity and Resistance, Boundary Conditions in Electrostatics, Fundamental

    Laws for Study of Magnetic Fields, Magnetic Force & Torque, Vector Potential, Curl, Stokes Theorem, Magnetic Flux and Flux Density, Magnetic Materials and Magnetism, Permeability, Magnetic Boundary

    Conditions, Inductance, Faradays Law for Time Varying Fields and Maxwells Equations, Force on Moving Charge in Electric & Magnetic Fields, EM Energy Conservation, Faradays and Lenzs Laws, Introduction of Plane Wave Propagation and Reflection.

    Course Code


    Course Title Digital Signal Processing

    Course Objectives

    The course would cover all the aspects concerning the signal and systems, their mathematical description and representation,

    transformations and analytical framework in discrete domain. It will also provide thorough information about the design of multirate

    systems and filter design techniques. The implementation of systems in discrete domain using FFT is emphasized. This course covers the techniques of modern digital signal processing that are fundamental to

    a wide variety of application areas. Review of the mathematical basis of discrete-time signal analysis, discussion of the theory and

    implementation of fast Fourier transform algorithms, and discussion of the design and implementation of digital lters is covered.

  • Course Outline

    Review of S&S Concepts, Introduction to DSP Theory and Applications, A/D and D/A Signal Transformation, Sampling &

    Quantization of Signals, Digital Signals in Time and Frequency Domains, Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform,

    Circular Convolution & Methods of Linear Filtering, Discrete Time LTI Systems, LTI Systems Analysis in Time and Frequency Domain and its Stability, z-Transform, Unilateral z-Transform, Digital Filters, Ideal and

    Practical Digital Filters, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters, Realization of Digital Filters, DSP

    Algorithms and their Implementation Issues, DSP Processors, DSP Applications

    Course Code


    Course Title Statistics and Probability Theory


    Objectives At the end of this course the students of Computer Sciences and Bio

    Informatics will be able to understand data analysis, modeling and predictions in their respective fields. The content of this course covers all the descriptive statistics and probability models along with some

    basic touch of regression analysis.

    Course Outline

    Introduction to statistics and statistical methods, Frequency Distributions & Representation of data, Measure of Central tendency, Measur

    es of Dispersion, Probability theory, Counting Rules, Conditional Probability, Law of total probability and

    Bays Rule, Concept of Discrete and Continuous Random variable, Cumulative distributions, Joint probability Distributions, Uniform, Binomial and, Poisson, & Geometric Distributions, Uniform &

    Normal Distribution, Gamma, Exponential distributions, Simple linear Regression and fitting of Curves. Correlation study.Testing about

    population Mean, proportion for one sample and two samples.Confidence interval for population Mean, proportion for one sample and two samples.

  • Semester: 5

    Course Code


    Course Title Computer Organization and Assembly Language


    Objectives To introduce the organization of computer systems and usage of

    Assembly Language for optimization and control. Emphases should be given to expose the low level logic employed for problem solving while using Assembly language as a tool.


    Outline Introduction of Computer Organization, Data Representation; Integer

    Arithmetic; Twos Complement (Multiplication and division); Floating Point Representation; Floating Point Arithmetic; Instruction Representation; Machine Instruction Characteristics; Type of

    Operands; Pentium And Power PC Data types; Objectives and perspectives of Assembly language, microprocessor bus structure:

    address, data and control, memory organization and structure (segmented and linear models), addressing modes, introduction to Assembler and debugger; Introduction to registers and flags; Data

    Movement, Arithmetic and Logic, Programme Control, Subroutines, Stack and its operation, Peripheral Control; Interrupts, Interfacing with

    high level languages, Real-time application.

    Course Code


    Course Title Network Operating System

    Course Objectives

    This course gives students in-depth, hands on understanding of Network Operating System using UNIX, Linux and Windows platforms.


    Outline The UNIX Computing Environment; Customizing CDE workspace;

    Exploring GNOME; Using CDE Mail Tool, Calendar Manager and other Built-in CDE Applications; Basic Command Line Syntax; Navigating the File System; Listing Directory Information; Basic Command-Line

    File Management; Basic GNOME File Management; Redirection and Piping; Advanced CDE File Manager; Using the vi Editor; Using

    Emacs; Using the CDE Text Editor; Determining File System Permissions; Changing Permissions from the Command Line; Proxy server, DNS server, Samba server, Mail Server, NFS, Web server,

    FTP Server; Windows Environment; Active Directory; Exchange Server & IIS; Proxy Server; DFCP Server; DNS Server; Remote Access

    Server (RAS).

  • Course Code


    Course Title Mobile Communication

    Course Objectives

    This course provides knowledge regarding principles and techniques of mobile communications which is the fastest growing technology for

    communication from anywhere to anywhere at any time. It helps in understanding development of next generation mobile communication

    systems. The course provides mobile infrastructure and supporting systems that will help in providing the necessary expertise required by the industry.


    Outline Introduction to Wireless Communication, MANET, Cellular

    Communication Fundamentals, Signaling System 7 (SS7), Routing, Localization and Handover in mobile communications, Multiplexing, Modulation, and Spread Spectrum in Mobile Communication. Types

    and Characteristics of Antennas, GSM/UMTS Architecture and Interfaces, GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, and HSPA features. CDMA

    Architecture and Interfaces, CDMA IS-95A, CDMA2000, EV-DO features. Mobile WiMAX 802.16m, Bluetooth, Mobile IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), TIPSAN, Overview of 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 3.5G mobile

    communication and evolution to 4G (LTE, UMB). Migration to OFDM technology and path to wireless broadband spectrum, WiMAX, 3GPP,

    and 3GPP2 evolution to 4G (LTE, UMB), Mobile IP, Mobile TCP, Satellite Systems, Digital Audio Broadcasting, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), WAP

    Course Code


    Course Title Telecommunication Networks Design


    Objectives This course will focus on theoretical frameworks and fundamental

    concepts behind the design and analysis of telecommunication networks (voice and data). Various algorithmic and optimization techniques used for efficient functioning of modern telecommunication

    networks will be taught.

    Course Outline

    Network services; Network simulations; Graph models of networks; Fundamental graph algorithms; Network optimization techniques; Concepts of parallel and distributed algorithms; Centralized and

  • distributed network topology design; Traffic characterization; Delay modeling; Resource management; QoS issues; Routing and

    multicasting; Network reliability; Capacity planning; Access network and backbone network design; Stochastic processes; Queuing

    Analysis; Flow Analysis; Performance modeling and simulation; Optical network design; Wireless mobile networks.

    Course Code


    Course Title Quality Control in Telecommunication Networks

    Course Objectives

    After the training, the students would be able to differentiate the various types of quality control systems such as SPC, Inspection. The

    students will learn how to apply those techniques, differentiate various types of quality control systems, and apply source inspection techniques in the manufacturing processes and other learnt methods

    wherever applicable.

    Course Outline

    Introduction to Quality Control; Acceptance Sampling; Operating Characteristic Curve; Type of Sampling Schemes; Rectifying Schemes; Military Standard Plan Sampling Practical Problems; ISO

    9000; Introduction to Quality Assurance; Introduction to TQM; Cost of Quality; Quality Control methods including Inspection, Process Control

    and Quality Systems; Components of a zero quality control system; Improvement process Fundamentals of quality improvement processes; Application of statistics in improvement process;

    Stratification and classification of defects; Deriving improvement action items

    ***** Introduction to Management

    Semester: 6

    Course Code


    Course Title Applied Networking

    Course Objectives

    This course provides an intensive overview to help LAN managers and consultants resolve their most stubborn network performance

  • problems.

    Course Outline

    Basic networking vocabulary, components and concepts; Binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbering; Switching operations and

    theory; TCP/IP network addressing and routing; IP Sub netting; Providing Local Area (LAN) and Wide Area (WAN); Remote access services; Advanced network theory, including Virtual Private Networks

    (VPN); Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Intranets and extranets, and wireless networking; Introduction to Cisco Internet Operating System

    (IOS); Initial configuration of Cisco Catalyst Switches and Routers; Network discovery and management using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), telnet, and Trivial FTP (TFTP).

    Course Code


    Course Title Network Programming


    Objectives The course aims for the students to gain experience in systems and

    network programming together with writing efficient, portable and large scale client/server application programs in the Unix/Linux environment using C language. It builds on Operating System and Computer

    Networking concepts. This course also addresses how programs in distributed systems can make use of OS services.

    Course Outline

    The Network Programming course is aimed at developing Network programming concepts and skills in general. Unix Programming

    Environment, TCP Protocol suite, Socket Programming , UDP and TCP Sockets, I/O Multiplexing including Non-blocking I/O, Advanced

    Socket Options, Name and Address Conversions, IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability, Unix Domain Protocols, Broadcasting and Multicasting, Routing and Communication, Pipes and FIFOs Message Queues, Mutexes and Locks, Semaphores, POSIX Shared Memory, Doors and RPC (Remote Procedure Calls).

    Course Code


    Course Title Wireless Networks


    Objectives This course addresses the important issues of wireless networking,

    including architectures, protocols and standards. It describes concepts, technology and applications of wireless networking as used in current and next generation wireless networks

  • Course Outline

    Introduction to wireless communication systems and networks; Wireless devices and standards; Cellular Wireless Networks and

    System Principles; Electromagnetic signals and RF transmission; Antennas and Radio Propagation; Signal Encoding and Modulation

    techniques; Spread Spectrum; UTRA Spreading and Modulation; Coding and Error Control; Multiple access techniques; 1G, 2G, and 2.5G wireless systems (AMPS, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, etc.); The UMTS

    network and radio access technology; CDMA 2000; Soft handoff and power control; Wireless LANs, IEEE 802.1; WAN Networks (Wimax,

    MANAET, Microwave, Satellite); RFID, RuBee; Legal and Ethical issues. Use in e-business.

    ******* Elective TN I

    ******* Elective TN II

    ******** Institutional Elective 1

    Semester: 7

    Course Code


    Course Title Routing and Switching Principals


    Objectives The objective of this course is to have a concept of routing and

    switching standards and techniques and know how the switching software works.

    Course Outline

    Review of TDM, MUX Standards, SONET/SDH/PDH, ATM, Carrier XMN; Synchronization, Channels & Error Control, Line Encoding

    Techniques; Types of Switching Systems; Exchanges Hierarchy, Software Structure of SPC Digital Switches; Network Traffic Load and

    Parameters; Modeling Switching Systems, Incoming Traffic and Service Time Characterization; Blocking Models and Loss Estimates, Time and Space Switching; Routing Tables; Charging Plans and Error


  • Course Code


    Course Title Telecommunication Network Management


    Objectives This course provides an intensive overview of the art and science of

    management of emerged and emerging telecommunications networks. It integrates technical and management aspects of network management with emphasis on defining requirements.


    Outline Requirements identifying methods of proactive measurement;

    Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) architecture model and interface specifications; The OSI and TMN compliant; TMN support environment; Configuration, fault, performance, security and accounting

    management; Management services; Lower and upper layer protocol requirement; Conformance requirements; Routing, internetworking and

    security; Common management information service element and file transfer access and management; Information modeling principles for TMN; Information model representation in TMN; Comparison between

    network management paradigms.

    Course Code


    Course Title Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation

    Course Objectives

    This course follows Electromagnetic Theory which deals with basics of Antennas and Wave Propagation. Effort has been made to balance the course. Nearly equal emphasis has been given to antennas and wave

    propagation. Textbooks on the subject are either too much mathematical or written for the technicians. Effort has been made to

    balance the two approaches. Students will benefit most from the class lectures and notes. After completing the course, the students will have a good understanding of the fundamentals, and a broad exposure to

    antennas and wave propagation. They will have some idea of the practical factors involved in antenna layout.

    Course Outline

    Radiation Mechanism, Elementary Doublet Antenna, Antenna Gain, Bandwidth, Beam width, Polarization, Effects of Ground on Antennas,

    Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas, Effects of Antenna Height, Antennas for Low & Medium Frequencies, Directional High Frequencies

    Antennas, Dipole Arrays & Applications, Microwave Antennas, Parabolic Reflectors, Horns and Lens Antennas, Special Purpose Antennas, Folded Dipoles, Helical, Log Periodic Antennas Radio Wave

    Propagation, Frequency Bands, Differences in Propagation of Waves in Relation to Frequency (VLF, LF , MF & HF etc) and its their

  • Applications, Propagation Formula, Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space, Flow of Electromagnetic Power and the Poynting Vector, Plane

    Conduction Boundaries, Curved Earth & Diffraction, Frsenal Zones, Surface Wave Propagation, Sky Waves, Refraction in the Troposphere

    & Ionosphere, Ionosphere & Troposphere Radio Waves Propagation, Effects of Precipitation, Clouds & Atmospheric Gases from VHF to Millimeter Waves.

    ******* Elective TN III

    Semester: 8







    Course Objectives

    Main purpose of project is to show the abilities and talents that a student will acquire during the whole program and this project will be a two

    semester capstone project.


    Outline In first part of project student teams employ knowledge gained from

    courses throughout the program such as development of requirements, design, implementation and quality assurance to develop a software solution to a real-world problem from conception to completion. In this

    part students develop project plan, software requirement specification and software design document.

    In second part, students implement the design they produced in first part of project, test their code, and evaluate their final product.

    ******* Elective TN IV

    ******* Institutional Elective II

    ******* List of Elective and Elective Institutional courses is given in the scheme of
