B.TECH. (IT) 7 th SEMESTER Broad Band Communication (IT-401) L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40 Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100 NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit . UNIT-1 Introduction: Introduction to Optical Communication, Fibers and their Characteristics, Propagation of Light in Optical fibers: Modal Dispersion, Material Dispersion and Attenuation, Numerical, Aperture, Figure of Merit, Single Mode, Multimode Step Index and Graded Index Fibers. UNIT-2 Fiber manufacture: Light sources, Light Emitting Diodes and their Characteristics Switching speed, spectral and spatial distribution of output, Modulation response. Basics of Lasers Semiconductor lasers, Transmitters and Receivers, Optical multiplexers and Demultiplexer, Optical amplifiers and repeaters, Photo detectors, Introduction to DWDM, ITU channel specification .DWDM Network Topologies UNIT-3 ISDN Overview: A conceptual view of ISDN: ISDN standards, services capability- Teleservice, protocol architecture, facsimile, Teleflex, message handling systems. ISDN Interfaces and functions-Transmission structure –User Network Interface Configuration, ISDN protocol Architecture, ISDN connection, terminal adaptation Addressing & Networking.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTER Broad Band Communication (IT-401)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

.UNIT-1Introduction: Introduction to Optical Communication, Fibers and their Characteristics, Propagation of Light in Optical fibers: Modal Dispersion, Material Dispersion and Attenuation, Numerical, Aperture, Figure of Merit, Single Mode, Multimode Step Index and Graded Index Fibers.

UNIT-2Fiber manufacture: Light sources, Light Emitting Diodes and their Characteristics Switching speed, spectral and spatial distribution of output, Modulation response.Basics of Lasers Semiconductor lasers, Transmitters and Receivers, Optical multiplexers and Demultiplexer, Optical amplifiers and repeaters, Photo detectors, Introduction to DWDM, ITU channel specification .DWDM Network Topologies

UNIT-3ISDN Overview: A conceptual view of ISDN: ISDN standards, services capability- Teleservice, protocol architecture, facsimile, Teleflex, message handling systems.ISDN Interfaces and functions-Transmission structure –User Network Interface Configuration, ISDN protocol Architecture, ISDN connection, terminal adaptation Addressing & Networking.ISDN Physical layer: line coding techniques, basic user network interface, Primary Safe.User network interfaceISDN Data link layer –LAPD, bearer channel link control 1.465/120.frame mode Bearer service and protocol .ISDN call control, frame relay connection control. Signaling System Number 7: SS& Architecture .Signaling data link level, Signaling Link Level, Signaling Network level, Signaling connection control part –ISDN user part

UNIT-4ATM Networking –ATM as an asynchronous technology, ATM cell and its structure. ATM Networks: ATM position in the OSI reference model, B-ISDN protocol reference Model, ATM functions and layers, ATM signaling principles, ATM performance, merging voice, audio, data and video, ATM operation and Maintenance, ATM reference configurations. ATM protocol stack –The lower layers: Fiber based network, Advantages, fiber modes, ATM physical layer media, The ATM layer, ATM Switching principle, Upper layers: ATM adaptation layer functions, ATM services.


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1. ISDN and Broadband ISDN –William Stallings Mc million Pub Co, New Delhi..2. Broadband Communication-Balaji Kumar –Mc Graw Hill Pub, New Delhi.

REFERENCE BOOKS:1. Integrated Broadband networks-Handel & Huber Addison Wesley, New

Delhi. 2. Introduction to ATM Networking-Walter J Goral Ski- MC Graw Hill Pub Co.,

New Delhi. 3. Optical Network-A Practice Perspective, Rajeev Ramswami, Kumar

Sivaranjan-Morgan Kaufmann Pub.4. High Speed Digital Transmission Networking-Gilberts Held John Wiley Sons,

New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTER Compiler Design (IT-403)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 3 1 - 3.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT 1Introduction to System Software: Introduction and types of Assemblers, Linkers, Loaders, Compilers and Translators, The Structure of a Compiler, Different states in the Construction of a Compiler.Lexical Analysis, Design of lexical analyzer, Basic Parsing Techniques: Parsers, Shift-Reduce Parsing, Operator- Precedence Parsing, Top-Down Parsing, Predictive Parsers.

UNIT 2Automatic Construction of Efficient Parsers, L.R. Parsers, Canonical collection of L R (O) items, construction of SLR parsing tables, constructing canonical L.R. Parsing tables, Constructing LALR parsing tables, implementation of L R Parsing tables.Syntax-Directed Translation, Syntax-directed translation schemes, implementation of syntax directed translators, intermediate code, postfix notation, parse trees and syntax trees, three address code, quadruples, and triples, translation of assignment statements, Boolean expressions, and control statements.

UNIT 3Symbol Tables: The contents of a symbol table, Data Structures for Symbol Tables, Representing Scope Information. Run Time Storage Administration.Implementation of a simple stack allocation scheme, implementation of block structured languages, storage allocation in FORTRAN storage allocation in block structured language. Error Detection and Recovery Error, Lexical-phase errors, syntactic- phase errors, semantic errors.

UNIT 4Introduction to Code Optimization: The principle sources of optimization, loop optimization, the DAG representation of basic blocks, value number and algebraic laws, global data-flow analysis,Code Generation: Object programs, problems in code generation, a machine model, a simple code generator, register allocation and assignment, code generation from DAGs, peephole optimization.

Text Books:

1. Principles of Compiler Design, Aho A.V., Sethi and Ullman J.D., Addison Wesley, New Delhi.

2. Compiler Design, Aho, Narosa Pub., New Delhi.

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Reference Books:

1. System Programming, Donovan, J, TMH, New Delhi.2. Compiler Construction-Principles and Practice, D.M. Dhamdhere: McMillan

India.3. Compiler Construction for Digital Computer, David Gries: PHI, New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTER Multimedia & Virtual Reality (IT-405)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 3 1 - 3.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT 1Basics of multimedia technology: Computers, Communication and Entertainment; Multimedia -An introduction; Framework for multimedia systems; multimedia devices, CD-Audio, CD-ROM,CD-I; presentation devices and the user interface; multimedia presentation and authoring; professional development tools; LANs & multimedia ;Internet, World Wide Web(World Wide Web) & multimedia ;distribution network-ATM & ADSL; multimedia servers & databases; vector graphics; 3-D graphics programs; animation techniques; shading; anti-aliasing; morphing ;video on demand

UNIT 2Image Compression & Standards: Making still images; editing and capturing images; scanning images; computer color models; color palettes; vector drawing; 3-D drawing and rendering; JPEG-objectives and architecture; JPEG-DCT encoding and quantization, JPEG statistical coding; JPEG predictive lossless coding; JPEG performance; Overview of other image file formats as GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG etc.

UNIT 3Audio & Video: Digital representation of sound; time domain sampled representation; method of encoding the analog signals; sub band coding; Fourier method; transmission of digital sound; digital audio signal processing; stereophonic & quadraphonic signal processing; editing sampled sound; MPEG Audio; audio compression & decompression; brief survey of speech recognition and generation; audio synthesis; Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI); digital video and image compression; MPEG motion video compression standard; DVI technology; time-based media representation and delivery.

UNIT 4Virtual Reality: Applications of multimedia, Intelligent multimedia system, Desktop Virtual Reality (VR), VR operating System, Virtual environment displays and orientation tracking; visually coupled system requirements; intelligent VR software systems.Applications of environments in various fields viz. Entertainment, manufacturing, business, education, etc.

Text Books: Multimedia Technology & Applications, David Hillman, Galgotia Publications,

New Delhi. Multimedia Systems, John. F. Koegelbuford, AWP.

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An Introduction to Multimedia System, Villamil & Molina, Multimedia Mc Milan, 1997.

Multimedia: Sound & Video, Lozano, 1997, PHI, Que., New Delhi

Refrence Books: Production, Planning and Delivery, Villamil & Molina, Que., New Delhi. Multimedia on the PC, Sinclair, BPB Pub, New Delhi. Multimedia in Action by Jeff Coate Judith, 1995, PHI, NEW DELHI. Multimedia System by Koegel, AWL.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTERAdvanced Web Designing (IT-417)

L T P Cr External Marks : 604 1 0 4.5 Internal Marks : 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions will be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit.

UNIT IHTML AND Dynamic HTMLPhases of Web Site development, HTML Basic Concepts, Structure of HTML documents, HTML Elements – Core attributes, Language attributes, Core Events, Block Level Events, Text Level Events, Linking Basics, Linking in HTML, Images and Anchors, Anchor Attributes, Image Maps, Semantic Linking Meta Information, Image Preliminaries, Image Download Issues, Images as Buttons, Introduction to Layout: Backgrounds, Colors and Text, Fonts, Layout with Tables. Advanced Layout: Frames and Layers, HTML and other media types, Audio Support in Browsers, Video Support, Other binary Formats, Cascading Style Sheets, Positioning with Style sheets, Basic Interactivity and HTML: FORMS, Form Control, New and emerging Form Elements.

UNIT 2JAVASCRIPTFeatures of JavaScript, Variables, Control structures, operators, looping, conditional statements & functions in JavaScript, Core language object- Array, Boolean, Date, Math, String, Global, NumberJavaScript with DOM objects-Event handling through JavaScript, Window, Document & Form, Frame object, Form validation through JavaScript

UNIT 3XMLRelationship between HTML, SGML and XML, Basic XML, Valid Documents, Ways to use XML, XML for Data Files, Embedding XML into HTML documents, Converting XML to HTML for DISPLAY, Displaying XML using CSS and XSL, Rewriting HTML as XML, The future of XML.Introduction to PHP: What is PHP, Basic PHP Syntax, using variable in PHP, operators and Expression, Designing PHP program logic, Iteration & Conditional Statements

UNIT 4Working with Array: array basics, looping through arrays, modifying arrays, sorting arrays, multidimensional arrays, Functions: Declaring and calling functions, passing arguments to functions, returning values from functions, understanding variable scope Making Web Form: accessing form parameters, form processing with functions, validating data, PHP and XML, PHP and HTML

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Introduction to Databases: Connecting to Database from PHP, Creating Databases and Tables, Retrieving Data using PHP, inserting records using PHP, updating & deleting records in tables.

Text Books:

1. Beginning PHP 5, Dave W Mercer, Allan kent, Steven D. Wowicki, Wiley-India Publication.

2. Learning PHP 5, Michele E. Davis, Jon A. Phillips, O’reilly Publication, August 2007

Reference Books:

1. Managing & Using MySQL, Second Edition, By George Reese, Randy Jay Yarger, Tim KingWith Hugh E. Williams, April 2002

2. Programming PHP, By Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe, March 2002 3. Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL, Second Edition , By

Hugh E. Williams, David Lane, Ma

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTERAdvanced Java Programming (IT-419)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT-IMulti-threading: Revision, Daemon Threads, Thread Groups, Race Conditions, Locking objects, Read/Write locks, Synchronizers: Barriers, Semaphores

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): What is RDBMS, Introduction to JDBC, JDBC Driver types, SQL: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, java.sql package: DriverManager, Connection, Statement, ResultSet, SQLException, PreparedStatement, meta-data, Transactions: save points, batch updates

UNIT-IIJava Servlets: WWW, HTML Basics, HTTP, CGI, Life cycle of a Servlet, ServletConfig, SevletContext, Reading Servlet parameters, HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, HttpSession, Handling HTTP request and response, Cookies, Session Tracking.

Java Server Pages: Implicit Objects, JSP Directives, scripting elements, Extracting fields and values, attributes, Sessions in JSP, Cookies

UNIT-IIISwings: Working with Applets, icons, labels, text filds, buttons, Checkbox, radio buttons, Combo box, Tabbed panes, scroll panes, Trees, lists and tables.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI): What is RMI, Object Serialization, RMI layer model, Skelton, Stub, java.rmi package: Remote interface, Naming, RMISecurityManager, RemoteException, java.rmi.registry package: Registry interface, LocateRegistry, java.rmi.server package: RemoteObject, RemoteServer. Parameter passing of non-remote and remote objects, Cloning remote objects, Introduction to IDL, CORBA, Running a java client to access a remote object in C++

UNIT-IVJava Beans: need of beans, basic bean writing, building applications with beans, jar files, naming patterns, Bean property types: simple, indexed, bound, constrained; BeanInfo classes, java beans persistence

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XML: introduction to XML, structure of XML document, parsing an XML document, Validating an XML document: Document Type Definitions, XML schema, Using namespaces, using SAX Parser, Generating XML documents

TextBooks:1. Java How to Program, 6th Edition, H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, , Pearson Education,

New Delhi2. Core Java 2 Volume II-Advanced Features, Cay S. Horstmann, Gray Cornell, Sun

Microsystems Press, Pearson Education, New Delhi

Refernce Books:1. Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, Elliotte Rusty Harold, O’Reilly

Publication, New Delhi.2. Herbert Schildt, the Complete Reference. Java, 7th Edition, Tata McGrawHill Pub,

New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTERAdvanced Computer Networks (IT-421)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT - 1Introduction: Overview of computer networks, seven-layer architecture, TCP/IP suite of protocols, etc. MAC protocols for high-speed LANs, MANs, and wireless LANs. (For example, FDDI, DQDB, HIPPI, Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless Ethernet, etc.)

UNIT - 2Fast access technologies: (For example, ADSL, Cable Modem, etc.), IPv6: Why IPv6, basic protocol, extensions and options, support for QoS, security, etc., neighbor discovery, auto-configuration, routing. Changes to other protocols, Application Programming Interface for IPv6, 6 bone.

UNIT - 3Mobility in networks, Mobile IP, Security related issues, IP Multicasting: Multicast routing protocols, address assignments, session discovery, etc. TCP extensions for high-speed networks, transaction-oriented applications, Other new options in TCP. Network security at various layers, Secure-HTTP, SSL, ESP, Authentication header, Key distribution protocols, Digital signatures, digital certificates,

UNIT – 4The Wireless Application Protocol, application environment, wireless application protocol client software, wireless application protocol gateways, implementing enterprise wireless application protocol strategy and Security Issues in Wireless LAN. Wireless network management, GPRS, and VOIP services.Network Management: Introduction, ASN, SNMP, CMIP, Issues in the management of large networks. Multicast: IGMP, PIM, DVMRP

Text Books:1. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols, W. R. Stevens. Addison Wesley,

1994, New Dellhi. 2. Wireless Communications and Networks, William Stalling, Prentice Hall 2002,

New Delhi.

Reference Books: 1. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation, G. R. Wright. Addison

Wesley, 1995, New Delhi.

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2. TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the Unix Domain Protocols, W. R. Stevens. Addison Wesley, 1996, New Delhi.

3. ATM Networks: Concepts, Protocols, Applications, R. Handel, M. N. Huber, and S. Schroeder. Addison Wesley, 1998 New Delhi.

4. Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture, Yi-Bing Lin, Imrich Chlamtac, John Wiley-2001 New Delhi.

5. W-CDMA and CDMA 2000 for 3G Mobile Networks, M. R. Karim, Mohsen Sarraf, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2002 New Delhi.

6. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, W. Stallings. Prentice Hall, 1998 New Delhi.

7. Mobile IP: Design Principles and Practices,C. E. Perkins, B. Woolf, and S. R. Alpert. Addison Wesley, 1997 New Delhi.

8. IPv6 Clearly Explained, Peter Loshin. Morgan Kauffman, 1999 New Delhi. 9. IPv6 Networks, M. Gonsalves and K. NilesMcGraw Hill, 1998 New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 7th SEMESTERObject Oriented Software Engineering (IT-423)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT 1 Review of Object Oriented Systems: Design Objects, Class hierarchy, inheritance, polymorphism, object relationships and associations, aggregations and object containment, object persistence, meta-classes, Object-oriented systems development life cycle, Software development process Object Oriented systems development: a use-case driven approach.

UNIT 2Methodology for Object Oriented Design: Object modeling technique as software engineering methodology, Rumbaugh methodology, Jacobson Methodology, Booch Methodology, Patterns, Frameworks, the unified approach, unified modeling language (UML).

UNIT 3Object Oriented Analysis: Analysis Process, Use-Case Driven Object Oriented Analysis, Use-Case Model, Object Classification, Theory, Different Approaches for identifying classes, Classes, Responsibilities and Collaborators, Identifying Object Relationships, Attributes and Methods, Super-sub Class Relationships, A-Part of Relationships-Aggregation, Class Responsibilities, Object Responsibilities.

UNIT 4Object Oriented Design: Object oriented design process, corollaries, design axioms, design patterns, object oriented design philosophy, UML Object Constraint Language, Designing Classes: The Process, Class Visibility, Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and Protocols, Packages and Managing classes, Designing Interface Objects, View layer interface design, Macro and Micro level interface design process.

TEXT BOOKS:1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Rumbaugh Et. al., Pearson Educatin

New Delhi.2. Object Oriented Software Engineering, Ivar Jacobson, Addison-Wesley, 1995.

Reference Books:1. Object Oriented Systems Development, Ali Bahrami, McGraw Hill, 1999

New Delhi.2. Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Grady Booch, Addison-Wesley, 1995

New Delhi.3. Designing Object-Oriented Software, Wirfs-Brock, PHI, 1997 New Delhi.

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7th Semester B. Tech. Information TechnologyBroadband Communication Lab (IT-407)

L T P Cr Internal Marks: 60- - 3 1.5 External Marks: 40

List of Experiments

1. To study the setting up of Fiber Optic Analog & Digital Link

2. To study the Propagation Loss in Optical Fiber

3. To study the measurement of Numerical Aperture

4. To study of Bending Loss in Optical Fiber

5. To study the Characteristics of E-O Converter (LED)

6. To study the Characteristics of Fiber Optic Communication Link

7. To study the setting up of Fiber Optic voice link using Intensity Modulation

8. To study the setting up of Fiber Optic voice link using Frequency Modulation

9. To study the setting up of Fiber Optic Voice Link using PWM

10. To study the measurement of propagation loss using Optical Power Meter

11. To study the basic principle of Radio Frequency identification & designing of RFID


12. To study the theoretical and practical hardware training on Bluetooth

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7th Semester B. Tech. (Information Technology)Multimedia & Virtual Reality Lab (IT-409)

L T P Cr Internal Marks: 60- - 3 1.5 Internal Marks: 40

List of Experiments

1. Rotating your name in circular path with changes in direction : by animation in flash

2. Rotating a ball around another one: by animation in flash

3. To create Single Masking: by animation in flash

4. To create Double Masking animation in flash.

5. To create pool table by animation in flash.

6. Animate a ball by changing its color, size, shape & position using frame to frame

tweened animation in flash.

7. Make a calculator by using flash script.

8. Create a bouncing ball by using motion guide in flash.

9. Create moving car with smoke in flash

10. Using Adobe Deluxe Photoshop 7.0 Merging two same images and editing effect of

shadow masking.

11. Using Adobe Deluxe Photoshop7.0 edit a digital photo by changing the background

color, changing the theme, changing the part of photo edit them by using stamp

cloning tools & using selection tools.

12. Perform the Movie capturing by using web cam in window movie maker.

13. Cutting & joining audio & video by MP3 cutter & joiner.

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7th Semester B. Tech. (Information Technology)Advanced Web Designing Lab (IT - 411)

L T P Cr Internal Marks: 60- - 3 1.5 Internal Marks: 40

List of Experiments

1. Write a program in java script to make a registration form, validate all the input

fields and display all user details on new page

2. Write a program in javascript to change the background color by using the mouse


3. Write a program in java enters your birth date and this little scipt will tell you the day

of the week you were born on.

4. Create a PHP program that regenerates sentence one into two, and outputs what it

is doing (and the result) to the user. The two sentences are:

a. now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

b. the time is now to come to the aid of good men in the country

5. Create a PHP program that creates two arrays of numbers and adds the values in each

array to their corresponding values by index number.The two arrays should have the

following values

a 2,4,6,8,10

b. 3,5,7,9,11

6. Write a function that enables the user to construct his/her own web form, with the

capability to choose field names and types, and then allows the users to submit the

form to the page and see what they submitted echoed back to them. Use a swith..case

statement to select various functions within your main functions.

7. Create a text editor that scan through the directory hierarchy and manipulate entries in


For a full list of the file/directory functions, refer to the online PHP function list:

http:// php.net/manual/ref.filesystem.php

8. Create the table in your database using SQL statements in PHP.

9. Create a form in PHP and display in the next page using SQL database.

10. Write a program for copying, rename and deleting files in PHP.

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11. Write a program to perform following String operation:

Concatenation, to lowercase, to uppercase, comparison, trimming

12. Build a simple PHP E-mail Application.

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7th Semester B. Tech. (Information Technology) Advanced Java Programming Lab (IT- 411)

L T P Cr External Marks: 40 - - 3 1.5 Internal Marks: 60

List of Experiments

1. Write a program in Java to create multiple threads having race conditions and

hence synchronize those using semaphores and read/write locks.

2. Write a program in Java to create a new Database and drop all the tables if the

database already exists. Create tables for the new database of academic

department of a college or for a tournament of cricket and access it using JDBC.

3. Create a simple servlet which appears on click of a link from another HTML file

and tells you how many times the page has been accessed.

4. Create a JSP page which allows you to login using a password and implements

session handling. The session should automatically expire after 3 minutes if no

information exchange happens.

5. Create a JSP page which saves cookies on your system regarding the interests of

the user and the server presents the first page depending on the interest of the


6. Write a program in Java to display a list of tables in a tabbed pane and on the

click on a particular tab on of the table of database appears in front of the user.

7. Use any tool like Netbeans or Eclipse etc. to create an application using swings

which allows the user to login using password and from the menu, the user is

allowed to access the files and display the properties of the files.

8. Write a program to in java to get the list of all the students who have not paid the

fees from a remote system using RMI.

9. Write a program to create a simple bean and then display its properties.

10. Write a program in java to access an object in C++ using CORBA.

11. Create a simple XML document and create a DTD and also an XML schema for

the document and then validate the document.

12. Write a program to create an XML document and parse it using a java program

using an XML parser.

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERMobile Communication (IT-402)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

Unit-1Introduction: Introduction cell mobile telephone system, trunking efficiency, mobile radio environment, frequency reuse, co channel interference reduction, handoff mechanism cell cite and mobile antennas, noncochannel interference. Frequency spectrum utility and management channel management, type of handoff and dropped call rate, cell splitting.Analog and digital modulation techniques, performance of various modulations, spectral efficiency, and Bit error rate, GMSK, GFSK, DQPSK modulation technique in wireless system comparison of various modulation techniques.

Unit-2Point to point model propagation over terrains, Losses, Power requirements, Smart Antennas, antennas at cell cite, gain and pattern relationship mobile antennas, tilting effect, parasitic elements usage, diversity techniques.

Unit-3Digital technology, digital speech, digital mobile telephony, GSM, Multiples access techniques, north- American TDMA (ISI36), Japanese cellular TDMA(DDC), CDMA, ISGS North American CDMA standards, PCS, PHS, Advanced system, GPRS, UMTS, IMT, WAP.

Unit-4Satellite system architecture, satellite orbit and constellations, LEO and MEO system, GPS Information, Iridium, MSAT, VSAT, DBS, Orbcomm satellite service, use of mobile communication networks, concepts, advanced mobile communication systems using satellite,

Text Books:1. “Wireless Communication”, Rappapart T.S, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Reference Books 1. GSM, CDMA & 3G System-Steel Lee and Gluis, John Willey Pub New Delhi.2. Mobile Satellite Communication Engineering-Richards Addison Wesley, New

Delhi.3. Mobile Communication Engineering, Lee, WCY, TMH, New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERE-Commerce (IT-404)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT-1ELECTRONIC COMMERCE ENVIRONMENT AND OPPORTUNITIESEvolution of E-Commerce-its setbacks and potential, Types of E-Commerce, business models in B2C, B2B and C2C areas. Categories of E-Commerce Specific Business benefits of E-Commerce.Background – Electronic commerce environment – electronic market place technologies – modes of electronic commerce – electronic data interchange – migration to open EDI – Electronic commerce with WWW/ Internet.

UNIT-2ELECTRONIC COMMERCE PROTOCOLS AND PAYMENT SCHEMESSecure Transport Protocols – Secure Transaction – Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (SEPP) – Secure Electronic Transactions (SET) – Authentication – Security on Web servers and enterprise networks.Internet Monetary Payment and Security Requirements, Payment and Purchase Order, On-line electronic cash and micro payments

UNIT-3INTERNET /INTRANET SECURITY ISSUES AND SOLUTIONSSecurity Need for Computer Security –Threats in the E-Commerce Environment. Intruder Approaches – Strategies – Tools – Encryption – Access to Internet – Antivirus Program – Security Teams.

UNIT-4TECHNOLOGIES FOR ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Master card /Visa Secure Electronic Transaction – E-mail and Secure E-mail – MIME – S/MIME – MOSS – Internet and Web Site Establishment – Internet Resources – Technologies – Tools – Applications – charges – Access and Architecture - Searching. APPLICATIONSadvertising on the Internet –Issues and Technologies- Electronic publishing issues, approaches, legalities, and technologies.

TEXT BOOKS:1. “Web Commerce Technology Handbook” by Daniel Minoli and Emma Minoli,

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi.

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1. Electronic Commerce – Security, Risk management and Control by Greenstein and Feinman, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.

2. E-security and You by Sundeep Oberoi, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi, 2001.

3. E-Commerce - Business, Technology and Society - Laudon and Traver, Addison Wesley 2002.

4. E-Business and E-Commerce - How to Program, Prentice Hall, 2001:  Dietel, Dietel and Nieto, PHI 2002, New Delhi.

5. E-Commerce, H. Chan, R. Lee, T. Dillon and E. Chang. John Wiley Publ: 

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERData Warehousing and Data Mining (IT-406)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit


Introduction: The Evolution Of Data Warehousing (The Historical Context), The Data Warehouse - A Brief History, Characteristics, Operational Database Systems and Data Warehouse (OLTP & OLAP), Today’s Development Environment, Data Marts, Metadata.

Multidimensional Data Models: Types of Data and their Uses, from Tables and Spreadsheets to Data Cubes, Identifying Facts and Dimensions, Designing Fact Tables, Designing Dimension Tables, Data Warehouse Schemas, OLAP Operations.


Principles Of Data Warehousing (Architecture And Design Techniques): System Processes, Data Warehousing Components, Architecture for a Data Warehouse, Three-tier Data Warehouse Architecture, Steps for the Design and Construction of Data Warehouses, Conceptual Data Architecture, Logical Architecture, Design Techniques.

Implementation: Methods for the Implementation of Data Warehouse Systems. Tools for Data Warehousing


Data Mining:Introduction: Motivation, Importance, Knowledge Discovery Process, KDD and Data Mining, Data Mining vs. Query Tools, Kind of Data, Functionalities, Interesting Patterns, Classification of Data Mining Systems, Major issues, From Data Warehousing to Data Mining.

Data Preparation: Preprocess, Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction. Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures.

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Concept Description: An Overview of Descriptive Data Mining, Predictive Data Mining, Methods for Concept Description. Mining Association Rules: Association Rule Mining, Market Basket Analysis, Types of Association Rules, Methods for Mining Association Rules in Transaction Databases, Relational Databases and Data Warehouses.

Classification and Prediction: Methods for Data Classification and Prediction.

Applications and Tools of Data Mining

Text Books:

1. Data Mining and Warehousing, Ken, Hamber, Springer Books.2. Data Mining and Warehousing, Alex Berson, Stephen Smith, Korth Theorling,TMH,

New Delhi

Reference Books:

1. Data Warehousing in the Real World, Anahory, Pearson Education, New Delhi 2. Data Mining, Adriaans, Addison-Wesley Longman, New Delhi.3. Data Mining and Warehousing, Chanchal Singh, Wiley Publications.

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERDigital Image Processing (IT-418)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT IDigital Image Processing: Definitions, examples of fields that use Digital Image Processing, fundamental steps in Digital image processing, components of digital image processing system. Digital Image Fundamentals: image sensing and acquisition, image sampling and quantization, basic relationship between pixels, linear and nonlinear operations.Image Enhancement in Spatial Domain: Basic gray level transformations, histogram processing, enhancement using arithmetic logic operations, basics of spatial averaging/smoothing spatial filter, sharpening spatial filter, combining spatial enhancement methods. UNIT IIImage Enhancement in Frequency Domain: Smoothing frequency domain filters, sharpening frequency domain filters, homomorphic filtering, Implementation.Image Restoration: Noise models, restoration in the presence of noise only-spatial filtering, periodic noise reduction by frequency domain filtering, linear, position-Invariant degradations, estimating the degradation functions, inverse filtering, minimum mean square error(wiener) filtering, constrained least squares filtering, geometric mean filter, geometric transformations.

UNIT IIIColor Image Processing: Color models, pseudo color image processing, basics of color image processing, color transformations, smoothing and sharpening, color segmentation.Wavelet and Multiresolution Processing: Background, multiresolution expansions, wavelet transformation in one dimension, the fast wavelet transform, wavelet transforms in two dimensions, wavelet packets.

UNIT IVImage Compression: Image compression models, elements of information theory, error free compression, lossy compression, image compression standards.Morphological Image Processing: Preliminaries, dilation and erosion, opening and closing, the hit or miss transformation, some basic morphological algorithms (boundary extraction, region filling, extraction of connected components, convex hull, thinning, thickening, skeletons, pruning).Image Segmentation: Point detection, line detection and edge detection, edge linking and boundary detection.

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Digital Image Processing, R.C. Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Pearson Education, New Delhi.REFERENCES

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, K. Jain, PHI, New Delhi. “Practical Algorithm for Image Analysis: Description, Examples and Code”, Michael

Seul, Lawrence O’ Gorman, Michael J. Sammon, Cambridge University.

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERAdvanced Database Management Systems (IT-420)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

Unit-IIntroduction: Overview of database Management System, E-R Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram).Advanced Data Modeling Concepts: Enhanced-ER (EER) Model Concepts, EER-to-Relational Mapping, Data Abstraction and Knowledge Representation Concept, Integrity Constraints in Data Modeling Normalization: Integrity constrains, functional dependencies & Normalization (Normal forms-up to 5th Normal forms.

Unit-IIIndexing: Types of Single-Level Ordered Indexes, Multilevel Indexes, Dynamic Multilevel Indexes Using B-trees and B+-treesConcurrency control: Locking Techniques for Concurrency Control, Concurrency Control Techniques Based on Timestamp Ordering.Transactions Processing: Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction and System Concepts, Desirable Properties of Transactions, Schedules and Recoverability, Serializability of Schedules.

Unit-IIIRecovery Techniques: Recovery Concepts, Recovery Techniques Based on Deferred Update, Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate Update, Shadow Paging. Oracle architecture: Outline of oracle architecture & its main primary Components, oracle instance- System Global area(Shared pool, Database Buffer cache, Redo log buffer cache, Java pool, large pool) and oracle processes(PMON,SMON, DBWR,LGWR,CKPT and Others). Oracle database-Physical Structure- Data files, control files, Redo log files.

Unit-IVParallel databases: Introduction, I/O parallelism, interquery parallelism, intraquery parallelism, interoperation parallelism, interoperation parallelism, Design of parallel systems.Distributed Databases: Distributed data storage, Network transparency, Distributed query processing, Distributed transaction model, commit protocols, coordinator selection, concurrency control, deadlock handling.

Text Books:

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Database System Concepts by A. Silberschatz, H.F. Korth and S. Sudarshan, 3rd

Edition, 1997, Pearson Education, New Delhi. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R.Elmasri and S.B.Navathe, 3 rd Edition

Pearson Education New Delhi. An Introduction to Database Systems by C.J.Date, 7 th Edition, Addison-Wesley,

New Delhi.

Reference Books:

Database Management and Design by G.W Hansen, 2nd edition, 1999, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.

Database Management Systems by A,K.Majumdar and P.Bhattacharyya.5th

edition, 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi... A Guide to the SQL Standard, Data, C. and Darwen, H.3rd Edition, Addison-

Wesley, New Delhi. Data Management & File Structure by Looms, 1989, PHI, New Delhi.

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERCryptography & Security Systems (IT-422)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit.

UNIT-IIntroduction, Essentials of crypto, essentials of networking and the internet, setting realistic security objectives, appropriate communication security, legal restrictions, encryption basic building blocks, how crypto system fail, choosing between strong and weak cryptography.Security objectives, example in line encryptor, deployment example, point to point encryption, IP routed configuration, key recovery and escrowed encryption, Basic issues in secret key management, random key generation, automatic rekeying, manual key distribution centers, maintaining keys and system security.

UNIT-2Security at IP Layer and VPN: Basic issues with using IPSEC. Cryptographic checksums, Ip security protocol, IPSEC key management, other TCP/IP network security protocols, virtual private networks (VPN), basic issues IPSEC proxy cryptography, IPSEC encrypting router, site to site encryption.IPSEC and Public key crypto, basic issues with IPSEC clients

UNIT-3IPSEC client to server site remote access, internet firewalls, IPSEC firewall, a VPN with a firewall, public key cryptography, secret key exchange with RSA crypto, Secure Socket Layer (SSL)Internet security and public key certificates: Basic issues in internet transaction security, transaction world wise Web, security alternatives for web form, web browser with SSI.

UNIT-4Web server with SSL, vending with exportable encryption, basic issue with e-mail security , technology- offline message keying digital signatures, secure E-mail client distributing public keys, Public key certificates, certificates distribution centralized distribution, centralized certification authority hierarchical certification authority.

Text Books:1. Internet Cryptography, Richard E-Smith, Addison Wesley, 2nd Ed, New Delhi

Reference Books:1. Cryptography and Network Security – Principles and Practice by William

Stallings - Pearson Education, New Delhi. 2. Cryptography and Network Security, Atul Kahate, TMH, New Delhi

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B.TECH. (IT) 8th SEMESTERDistributed Operating Systems (IT-424)

L T P Cr External Marks: 60 4 1 - 4.5 Internal Marks: 40

Time Duration: 3 Hrs. Total Marks: 100

NOTE: Eight questions are to be set in all by the examiners taking at least two questions from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one question from each unit

UNIT-IOperating System Fundamentals: Evolution of Modern Operating Systems, Centralized Operating Systems, Network Operating Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Cooperative Autonomous Applications.

Interprocess Communication and Coordination: Selection Factors, Message Passing Communication, Pipes, Sockets, Request/Reply Communication, Transaction Communication, Name and Directory Services

UNIT-II Distributed Process Scheduling: A System Performance Model, Static Process Scheduling with Communication, Dynamic Load sharing and Balancing, Distributed process Implementation, Real-time Scheduling.Distributed File Systems: Transparencies and Characteristics of DFS, DFS Design and Implementation, Transaction Service and Concurrency Control, Data and File Replication

UNIT-IIIConcurrency Control: Mutual Exclusion & Critical Regions, Semaphores, Locks, Token Passing/Mutual Exclusion, Deadlocks.Transaction Management & Consistency Models: Transaction Management, ACID Properties of a Transaction, Consistency Models, Two Phase Commit Protocol, Nested Transactions.

UNIT-IVDistributed Shared Memory: Non-Uniform Memory Access Architecture’s, Memory Consistency Models, Multiprocessor Cache Systems, Distributed Shared Memory, Implementation of DSM systems.

Text Books:1. Distributed Operating Systems: Andrew S. Tanenbaum, TMH, Publications, New

Delhi. 2. Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design: Pradeep K. Sinha, BPB

Publications, New Delhi3. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms: Andrew Tannenbaum and Marten

van Steen.

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4. Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithm Analysis: Randy Chow, Theodore Johnson.

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8th Semester B. Tech. (Information Technology) Mobile Communication Lab (IT - 410)

L T P Cr Internal marks: 60- - 2 1 External mark: 40

List of Experiments

1. To understand the concept of GPS and establishing link between GPS Satellite &

GPS Trainer kit (ST-2276).

2. To understand the importance of PDOP, HDOP, and VDOP & measurement of

latitude, longitude using GPS Trainer kit (ST-2276).

3. To understand RF environment & study of GSM network by actually connecting

to the GSM environment by any service provider SIM like AIRTEL, IDEA, and

RPG etc. using GSM trainer kit (ST-2133).

4. To understand RF environment & study of GSM network by actually connecting

to the GSM environment by any service provider SIM like AIRTEL, IDEA, and

RPG etc. using GSM trainer kit (ST-2133).

5. To establish audio & video combined link & data communication between

transmitters, receiver satellite transponder simulated in a lab using satellite

communication trainer kit (ST-2272).

6. To establish PC to PC Communication using satellite communication link using

satellite communication trainer kit (ST-2272).

7. To study and observe the difference in uplink & downlink frequency using

satellite communication trainer kit (ST-2272).

8. To calculate antenna gain and antenna beam width using Microstrip Antenna

Trainer kit (ST-2263).

9. To plot the radiation pattern of micro strip antennas using Microstrip Antenna

Trainer kit(ST-2263).

10. To study and observe the antenna matching and antenna radiation with distance

using Microstrip Antenna Trainer kit (ST-2263).