WHAT IS THE HONORS CONVOCATION The Honors Convocation is an annual event recognizing academic excellence in the Educational Opportunity Program. The program honors the achievements of all EOP students who have earned a 3.00 or higher semester and/or cumulative grade point average during the previous fall and/or spring semesters. Students are recognized through special awards and scholarships based on academic excellence, campus leadership and community service. We also celebrate our graduates and the culmination of their hard work. Lastly, we highlight faculty and staff who have demonstrated strong support for our students. A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR OF EOP EOP Scholars! Once again, we are not hosting our traditional convocation, however we virtually send our love and positive energy while saluting your perseverance for hanging on through tough times. Since the day you joined our Buffalo State family, you have shown strength and resilience, succeeding despite difficult circumstances. You have survived and thrived in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, and stress. You have had no choice but to be resilient and being resilient is an act of resistance and survival. Our wish is for you to continue to prosper and enjoy much success, as we are in this together. You are not alone. Buffalo State Educational Opportunity Program s! You have all shown amazing grit and perseverance this past year while completing your studies in such a unique and challenging environment. With the education, skills and tools you have acquired, I am confident that you are ready to take on any opportunity or challenge that lies ahead. Congratulations on your amazing achievement! We are so proud of you and are excited to see how you make the world a better place. Jim Mayrose, Ph.D. Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs SUNY Buffalo State Congratulations to all our Buffalo State EOP students that are being recognized today and those graduating in the class of 2021. Your faculty, staff, and peers are all proud of your accomplishments. I have watched you move through your years as students and each year you have tackled the challenges before you and found your way to success. These last 18 months have been especially challenging as you navigated multiple crises of health, social justice, and political divide. I know that the backdrop of these major issues has, at times, caused additional stress, frustration, and concern. It was not always easy to find your way to today’s recognition of success, but you did it. You drew upon your individual ways to cope, you worked hard, you were supported by those around you, and you kept your focus on the success ahead. These are traits that will benefit you throughout your life. It is easy to be derailed by the noise around you or to focus on something that is not productive, we all have had to pull ourselves back from these distractions on occasion; students you maintained your focus on what was important and you carved a path to success. Today, I stop to applaud you for maintaining a clear vision and focus on your goals and moving to grasp academic success. I wish you all the best as you move forward. May you always find triumph in the most straightforward way such that your accomplishments continue to lift you to achieve your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations. Katherine Conway-Turner, President SUNY Buffalo State this issue special awards & honors P.2-6 honorees P.7-9 graduating seniors P.10 staff remarks P.11 tribute to Arthur O. Eve P.12 Celebrating EOP Honors Students May 2021

Buffalo State Celebrating EOP Honors Students May 2021

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T h e H o n or s C o n v o c a t i on i s a n a n n u a l

ev e n t r e c og n i z i ng a c ad e mi c ex c e l l e n ce i n

t h e E d uc a t i o n a l O pp or t u n i t y P r og r a m. T he

p r og r a m h on o r s t h e ac h i ev e m e n t s o f a l l

E O P s t u de n t s wh o h a ve e ar n ed a 3 . 0 0 or

h i g he r se m e s t er a nd / or c u m ul a t i ve g r a de

po i n t av er ag e d u r i ng t h e p r e v i o u s f a l l

a nd / or sp r i n g se m e s t er s . S t ud e n t s a re

re c og n i z ed t hr o ug h sp e c i a l a wa rd s a n d

sc h o l a r sh i p s b a sed o n ac a de mi c

ex c e l l e n ce , c a m p u s l e ad er sh i p a nd

c o m m u ni t y ser v i c e . W e a l so c e l eb r a te o ur

g ra d u a te s a nd t he c u l mi na t i o n o f t he i r

h ar d wo r k . L a s t l y , we h i g h l i g h t fa c u l t y a nd

s t a f f wh o h a v e de m o n s t r a t ed s tr o ng

su pp or t f o r o ur s t ud e n t s .


DIRECTOR OF EOP EOP Scholars! Once again, we are not hosting our traditional convocation, however we virtually send our love and positive energy while saluting your perseverance for hanging on through tough times. Since the day you joined our Buffalo State family, you have shown strength and resilience, succeeding despite difficult circumstances. You have survived and thrived in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, and stress. You have had no choice but to be resilient and being resilient is an act of resistance and survival. Our wish is for you to continue to prosper and enjoy much success, as we are in this together. You are not alone.

Buffalo State Educational Opportunity Program


You have all shown

amazing grit and

perseverance this past

year while completing

your studies in such a

unique and challenging

environment. With the

education, skills and

tools you have acquired,

I am confident that you

are ready to take on any

opportunity or challenge

that lies ahead.

Congratulations on your

amazing achievement!

We are so proud of you

and are excited to see

how you make the world

a better place.

Jim Mayrose, Ph.D. Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs SUNY Buffalo State

Congratulations to all our Buffalo State EOP students

that are being recognized today and those graduating

in the class of 2021. Your faculty, staff, and peers are

all proud of your accomplishments. I have watched

you move through your years as students and each

year you have tackled the challenges before you and

found your way to success.

These last 18 months have been especially challenging

as you navigated multiple crises of health, social

justice, and political divide. I know that the backdrop

of these major issues has, at times, caused additional stress, frustration, and concern.

It was not always easy to find your way to today’s

recognition of success, but you did it. You drew upon

your individual ways to cope, you worked hard, you

were supported by those around you, and you kept

your focus on the success ahead. These are traits that

will benefit you throughout your life. It is easy to be

derailed by the noise around you or to focus on

something that is not productive, we all have had to

pull ourselves back from these distractions on occasion; students you maintained your focus on what

was important and you carved a path to success.

Today, I stop to applaud you for maintaining a clear

vision and focus on your goals and moving to grasp

academic success.

I wish you all the best as you move forward. May you

always find triumph in the most straightforward way

such that your accomplishments continue to lift you to

achieve your goals, your dreams, and your aspirations.

Katherine Conway-Turner, President SUNY Buffalo State

this issue

special awards & honors P.2-6 honorees P.7-9

graduating seniors P.10 staff remarks P.11

tribute to Arthur O. Eve P.12

Celebrating EOP Honors Students

May 2021

EOP Distinguished Alumnus Award

Yasin Mohammed earned his B.A. in Political Science from the State University of New York College at Buffalo in 1999; his M.A. in Homeland Security, with a concentration in Logistics Management, from American Military University; and his M.B.A. from the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC). After graduation, Yasin worked at the United Nations (UN) in the Office of Legal Affairs. Though politics was his original love, Yasin changed his focus to procurement and continued his career at the UN,

the Department of Defense, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Criminal Tribunal in Sierra Leone, the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), Xerox Corporation and in the non-profit sector including for the largest US government contract issued (GHSC-PSM) to help purchase life-saving medications for HIV, Malaria, Family Planning, and other infectious diseases. He also holds several professional certifications, including: Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) from the Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC) and Certified Procurement Professional from the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP-CPP). He currently is the Deputy Director of Procurement at the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration. This role is responsible for ensuring the agency achieves its mission of maintaining State highways, roads and bridges to allow the citizens of Maryland and those traversing our roads to reach their destinations. In his down-time, Yasin enjoys cooking (anything and everything), bottling signature hot sauces, and spending time with his wife, five children and grandson. He also works as a realtor in the Washington D.C. Metro area helping clients fulfill their dreams by finding their perfect home! Alumni Association Awards The Alumni Association Awards are presented to the two May graduates who have earned the highest cumulative grade point averages. Karisma Karim is a senior who will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work. She has an overall GPA of 3.97 and has made the dean's list

every semester. Karisma received her Associates in Social Services and a certificate in Human Services from Erie Community College in 2018. Aside from academics, Karisma has volunteered for multiple social service organizations in Buffalo, New York including Jewish Family Services and Catholic Charities of Buffalo where she directly worked with the refugee and

immigrant population. Karisma has been accepted into the University at Buffalo's Advanced Standing Masters of Social Work (MSW) Program and will begin her coursework in Summer 2021.

Tania Miah transferred to Buffalo State College in Fall 2019 after completing her Associates Degree from Erie Community College. Tania is majoring in Social Work and will graduate with her bachelor’s degree in May 2021. She has an overall GPA of 3.9 and has made the dean’s list every semester. She is a member of Phi Alpha and Phi Theta Kappa. Tania was selected to participate in Buffalo State’s Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship. Tania plans on going to the University at Buffalo to receive her master’s in

social work.



EOP Distinguished Alumnus


Yasin Mohammed

Alumni Association Awards

Karisma Karim

Tania Mia

EOP Staff Merit Award

Kelly Boos

Annie Joe Memorial Award

Wilma Buchanan

Kolawole Glover

Memorial Award

Jadell Joseph

Martha Pierce Student

Recognition Award

Naheema Wilson

Theresa A. Shepard

Advocacy Award

ShyTimber Mitchum

Arthur O. Eve Distinguished

Student Achievement Award

Ko Meh

EOP Director’s Award

Desiray Slaughter

EOP Faculty Merit Award

Stephen Burgeson, Ph.D.

Dougherty-Witten Scholarship

Jean Brito


Karanveer Gill

Yasir Arafat

Highest Cumulative

Averages by Class

Freshman – Hamidou Balde,

Yovanna Maldonado, Any Zhou

Sophomore – Shahedatul Trisa

Junior – Jodie Amato Senior – Karisma Karim

Top Five

Graduating Seniors

Karisma Karim

Umaya Mehbub

Tania Miah

Ensuf Mohammad Ba Paw

EOP Staff Merit Award The Staff Merit Award is presented to a college staff member who has shown commitment and service to the Educational Opportunity Program. Kelly Boos (class of 1977) has worked at Buffalo State for over 30 years as a senior staff associate for the Dean’s

Office of the School of Natural and Social Sciences. She enjoys advising students, watching them grow into leaders, professionals, and people of principle and empathy. She has assisted EOP many times to support funding for EOP Honors and by presenting at the Beyond the Bachelor’s Student Development Conference for many years. She also co-sponsored Law School presentation workshops and information for EOP students in conjunction with UB. Kelly is always ready to help and support EOP students when advisement is needed for Law School preparation or for students who need assistance with opportunities in the medical field. She has received the President’s Award for

Excellence in Academic Advisement and is a recipient of a CSTEP Staff Appreciation award. She is trained in QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) and has been recognized as a BSC Upstander by the Counseling Center. Kelly was a proud supporter at the inception of Milligan’s Food Pantry. She continued to have a cabinet of food and other supplies available for students in the Dean’s Office, until COVID-19 made face to face meetings impossible. The faculty and staff of the School of Natural and Social Sciences made this endeavor successful with regular donations of food and supplies. She served as the chair for the Professional Staff Caucus (PSC) for several terms and introduced a host of professional development programming and scholarship opportunities for students. She serves as a member of the College Senate. Annie Joe Memorial Award This scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior student who, despite significant special circumstances, has earned a 3.0 semester average during the Fall or Spring 2020 semester. The awardee must have worked diligently to overcome personal and academic obstacles. The scholarship is given in memory of Annie Joe, a student who died tragically on the eve of the 1982 EOP Honors Convocation.

Wilma Buchanan, a senior at Buffalo State, is an Adult learner who is pursuing a dual degree in Anthropology and Earth Science. Her cumulative grade point average is a 3.27. Having an encounter with Wilma is completely a breath of fresh air. Due to her life experiences and persevering perspective, it is always likely that one will learn something new from and just appreciate the whole interaction with Wilma. She is resilient, tenacious, and personable. These qualities assist her in her walk through higher education. She has faced all her experiences head on whether learning new technologies or interfacing in the most professional manner with faculty and staff on campus and individuals within her community. Wilma operates off an axis of perseverance and exploration. For example, in her time as a student and

as a member of the Houghton Chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association, she has participated in archaeological excavations on multi-component sites in the Western New York region. Also, over the COVID-19 pandemic time, she has adopted 3 horses to manage and bring back to health. Wilma is thoughtful, compassionate and passionate about her life and work. She plans to continue to be involved in archaeology and be an asset to her family and community. Kolawole Glover Memorial Scholarship Kolawole “Tommy” Glover was a junior majoring in Computer Information Systems when he passed away as the result of a car accident in February of 2001. A scholarship was created in his name to recognize a student who reflects his passion for learning. While attending Buffalo State, Kolawole was a sought-after resource in the North Wing computer lab and the EOP computer lab, which is now named in his honor. He was a leader on campus, active in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the African American Student Organization (AASO), the Caribbean Student Organization (CSO), and Adelante Estudiantes Latinos (AEL). The name Kolawole means “to bring together.” Thus, the scholarship named in his honor is awarded to an individual who reflects the best of both campus involvement and academic success. This scholarship is co-sponsored by EOP and the Association of Faculty and Staff of Color.

Jadell Joseph is a rising junior who is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in management. Jadell keeps himself highly engaged by minoring in Business Economics as well as Psychology all while maintaining an exceptional grade point average of 3.67. Jadell participated in the National Student Exchange program after his first year at the college, completing a semester at Florida International University to expand his learning experience. He performed well and gained valuable experience. Jadell is an active member of our campus community and participated in several community service projects. He is actively involved with the Caribbean Student Organization and participated in its programs and activities throughout the year. Jadell worked with UPD as a student assistant to make sure our campus

surroundings are safe for the campus community. He has also participated in our Bengals Day of Caring community service project to give back to our community.

Martha Pierce Student Recognition Award This award acknowledges the academic achievements of a non-traditional junior or senior with a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA who has prevailed as an above-average student amidst difficult circumstances, such as health concerns, raising children, or juggling employment with academics. The award is named in honor of Martha Pierce, who is recognized as the first SEEK/EOP graduate in New York State. Ms. Pierce entered Buffalo State as an adult student in 1967 and graduated in just seven semesters with a degree in elementary education. She then taught in the Buffalo Public School system for more than 20 years. She is known for speaking on behalf of funding for EOP before the joint legislature in Albany, where she received a standing ovation.

Naeemah Wilson Simmons is a Senior at Buffalo State College pursuing a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Individualized Studies. Her major is focused on Education, Social Science Psychology, and Holistic Education. While perusing her degree, Naeemah faced many challenges all while maintaining academic excellence and acquiring a 3.43. major GPA. It has been a long journey, but her tenacious spirit remains unconquerable. While in school she was faced with homelessness as a single mother of two children, managed working two jobs, and has served as the main caretaker for her children and her mother. Through it all she remained focused and served as a role model for her son who recently graduated high school and started his freshman year of college. Her resilience is admirable, and after completing her degree she plans to attend Graduate school so that she can be of service and help other students and families overcome

barriers to access to education and career advancements. Theresa A. Shepard Advocacy Award The Advocacy Award is given to an individual or organization that has shown commitment to EOP through outstanding support and service. The award has been renamed in honor of EOP student Theresa Shepard, who passed away unexpectedly in December of 2001. Theresa earned a bachelor's degree in computer information systems and a master's degree in educational computing. She was employed by the Computing and Technology Services Department and was well known throughout the campus community. Theresa spoke out on behalf of funding for EOP, both in the Buffalo community and on campus. She was admired and respected for her work ethic and her dedication to academic success.

ShyTimber Mitchum is a senior majoring in Psychology & Sociology with an exceptional grade point average. She is an active student on our campus and served as a first-year peer mentor as well as a Summer Student Assistant. She is a hardworking and responsible individual who inspires and motivates others. She is active on campus with student organizations and always willing to assist the program and represent us when called. She has volunteered her time for the college’s Day of Caring and several organizations such as academic success and learning communities where she held office hours to help other students. She has done all of this while juggling two part time jobs. She always makes herself available to assist and advocate on behalf of our program and to represent the EOP family. ShyTimber believes that

greatness is not what you have, it’s what you give. ShyTimber plans on attending graduate school where she will further her education upon graduation. Arthur O. Eve Distinguished Student Achievement Award This award was established to honor former Deputy Speaker Arthur 0. Eve, who established the first SEEK/EOP program in the SUNY system at Buffalo State in 1967. The award is given to a graduating native resident of Buffalo or Niagara Falls who exemplifies the characteri stics Mr. Eve sought for our students: academic excellence reflected by a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA and a commitment to community service proven through strength of character and leadership.

Ko Meh is a senior in social work who will be graduate in May 2021. Last fall she received the prestigious Norman R. McConney, Jr. Award for Student Excellence in strength in overcoming significant personal obstacles throughout their lives. Ko maintains an impressive grade point average of 3.64. She is a hardworking student who has always gone above and beyond to provide the best services in any capacity of work and leadership roles. Ko often made the Dean’s List and participated in many EOP programs and workshops, local conferences, and focus groups and surveys to improve the program and its services. She also volunteered on and off campus in different capacities. This included leading tour

groups and meeting with prospective students for EOP, helping refugees and immigrants learn English and prepare for their citizenship tests, helping with the college’s Community Academic Center, and serving homeless individuals at Buffalo’s Society of St. Vincent De Paul. Ko is one of the students every semester to check in regarding registration and financial aid to make sure she is on track. Ko is a highly responsible individual who is proactive and takes advantage of EOP resources. She was recently accepted to the MSW Program at the University of Buffalo.

EOP Director’s Award The Director's Award recognizes a junior or senior with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA who has demonstrated leadership, dedicat ion, and service through involvement with both EOP and campus organizations.

Desiray Slaughter, a Health and Wellness major with a 3.21 GPA, has continually excelled in classes while also devoting time to giving back to communities, especially the EOP community. In addition to serving as a Student Ambassador at Buffalo State, she served Buffalo State’s EOP Office in the roles of EOP Mentor, Peer Engagement Mentor, and

EOP student assistant. As for community service, she has volunteered at Kevin’s Guest house, for Bengal Dare to Care Day (2017 & 2019) and for the Freshman Orientation. As a student, Desiray has routinely utilized EOP resources

throughout her academic journey, and she has followed through on advisement and direction she received. As for her experience at Buffalo State, she has learned to better communicate with others, to be more outgoing, and to work with

others in completing tasks and reaching goals. These traits she in turn instills in the students she mentors. EOP Faculty Merit Award The Faculty Merit Award is given for outstanding commitment and service to the Educational Opportunity Program.

Stephen Burgeson assists EOP Students, serves the campus community, and has been a faculty member for over 25 years at Buffalo State. Stephen Burgeson is a faculty member in the Hospitality and Tourism department. He has worked in the hospitality industry for over forty years. He played a key role in the development of Campus House Club. He researched and championed the creation of the Caudell Hall Culinary Laboratories. EOP still interacts with Stephen on various occasions regarding challenges that several students encounter from our program. Stephen is always open-minded and would help our students accordingly. Stephen has gone above and beyond as a faculty member to assist many of our students with internship opportunities as well as job placement. He has assisted with student volunteers for

honors and provided us with supplies needed for our program. He is the advisor to the Buffalo State Chapter of the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality since 2000. He is a strong advocate of EOP and always makes it a point to attend the annual EOP Honors convocation. Several of our students perform exceptionally well in the Hospitality Program, and students enjoy having him as their advisor. Dougherty-Witten Scholarship Through his work on SUNY campuses as a Financial Planner with VOYA Financial Advisors, George D. Dougherty has had the opportunity to work with the Educational Opportunity Program and see the support and opportunities the program provides to students with the potential to succeed, but who are economically disadvantaged. Impressed with the dedication of the EOP staff and the EOP students’ thirst for learning, he established the Dougherty Scholarship to provide educationally and economically disadvantaged students with access to higher education. Recently, Gary Witten, also a Financial Planner with VOYA, contributed a very generous sum to the scholarship, reflecting his similar belief in the students of EOP. To be eligible for the Dougherty-Witten Scholarship, students must intend on declaring a major, or have declared a major, in one of the departments in the School of the Professions and must have either a high school average of 85% or higher or an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. The scholarship can be received each semester of attendance as long as the recipient maintains a 3.0 minimum GPA.

Jean Brito is a resident of Bronx, New York and has a GPA of 3.62. He made the Dean's List at Buffalo State and was accepted into the Honors program. Jean is majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Economics and Finance. He quickly acclimated to our campus culture and is an active member of Buffalo State and EOP. Jean is a Residential Assistant for Bishop Hall, an honors residential building for exceptional scholars. He is a senator for USG, an organization that serves the needs and wishes of the student body, while having the responsibility of planning out events around campus. He recently took part in EOP advocacy efforts to travel to Albany to meet with legislators to advocate for funding for EOP and the TAP gap. He has assisted in many campus and community service projects such

as the Bengals Day of Caring project. Jean's extracurricular activities include being a Global Potential member in which he participated in an organization that focuses on children who lived in third world countries. Jean tutored peers to look at the world with inquisitive eyes. He joined the Debate Team his senior year of high school which emphasized improving his impromptu speaking, developing excellent communication skills, learning how to think, analyze and address a topic with little preparation time. Jean was raised by a single mother with four children in a small and cramped apartment, which in Jean's words "made me want to start the race last and finish it first." With the help of EOP, Jean has refused to settle for a superficial understanding of the world while refusing to accept the negativity of people around him. He questions everything and strives off the information given to him. He continues to strive for opportunities that would make his previous achievements look mediocre. He represented and participated in the Model Senate Session Program in Albany, New York and participated in the Day of Giving Buffalo State campaign to share his EOP experience with the community. He was a recipient of the Kolawole Glover Memorial Scholarship.

USB Awards for Outstanding EOP Students USB EOP Awards of $500 each are given to one outstanding junior student and one outstanding senior student majoring in either Computer Information Systems or Engineering Technology. The donor likes to remain anonymous.

Karanveer Gill maintains a cumulative 3.68 GPA with a major GPA of 3.55 in CIS. Karanveer is a dedicated student who has served EOP with distinction as a summer mentor during the 2019 Summer Academy. Throughout the Summer Academy, Karanveer was a great support in facilitating academic and recreational programming for incoming freshmen students. He also has worked as a student assistant for the University Police Department since his sophomore year, serving in the residence halls, the library, and academic facilities, including assisting with late night student programming. For after graduation, he has applied to the CyberCorps program at the University at Buffalo for cybersecurity professionals, as well as the Technology Development Program at M&T Bank. Karanveer also plans to apply to SUNY

Buffalo State's Data Science Master’s Program.

Yasir Arafat Yasir Arafat is a rising junior and active EOP scholar. He is majoring in Computer Information Systems with a grade point average of 3.45. He has made the EOP honor roll and the dean's list several semesters. He is a student who is proactive, taking advantage of the Academic Center for Excellence’s services and resources. Every semester he connects early on to make sure his classes and financial aid are in place. He would follow up regularly to go over academic concerns. He is actively involved with campus organizations such as the Bengali student club. He has participated in several on campus community service projects including Bengals Day of Caring. He is always ready to help when called upon to volunteer or participate in workshops and programing sponsored by EOP.


Karisma Karim (see above bio)

Umaya Mehbub is a senior who will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a concentration in Liberal Arts. She has an overall GPA of 3.85 and has made the Dean's list every semester. Umaya received her Associates in Early Childhood Education from SUNY Erie Community College in 2018. She was also the Valedictorian of her high school graduating class in 2016. Umaya participated in many different community services throughout her high school and college career such as Red Cross, Bengals Day to Care, Teacher's Desk, and grocery pick-up and drop off for senior citizens during the Pandemic. Umaya is also active in extracurricular activities on campus. She is the treasurer of the Bangladeshi Student Association and an active member of the Future Teacher's Club. Umaya is planning

on pursuing her Masters in Exceptional Education at Buffalo State College. Tania Miah (see above bio)

Ensuf Mohammad is a senior at Buffalo State who is graduating with a 3.83 cumulative grade point average in May 2021, with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work. She has been on the Dean's list during her entire tenure at Buffalo State. Ensuf has enjoyed interning at Best Self Behavioral Health/Homeless Services Program for one year since the fall of 2020. She is a transfer student from ECC who has earned an Associate’s Degree in Social Science along with a Human Services Certificate. Ensuf started her education in 2015 at EOC and graduated with academic review and English as a second Language. She is a proud American citizen, who is originally from Iraq and appreciates being a participant within EOP. After graduation, Ensuf plans to work with communities or organizations as a social worker to provide services

and help with interpreting.

Ba Blut Paw is a Senior Social Work major. Ba spent over 14 years in a refugee camp before immigrating to the United States. As a first-generation college student, Ba faced many challenges academically. English is Ba’s third language which made academics challenging. Even with all the challenges, Ba persevered and made the Dean’s list every semester. She was also accepted into the Muriel A. Howard Honors Program. During her time at Buffalo State, Ba also worked as a mentor with the Roar Success Peer Mentoring Program.


Abdulhalim, Hafsah Core, Teyana Hackett, Erinn Meh, Lu Santos, Julia

Adu, Epaphras Cruz, Manuel Haider, Shaharin Mehbub, Umaya Saunders, Loretta

Agu, Jessica Cuello, Kendrick Hall, Allester Mejia, Javier Sayles, Elijah

Aguilar, Sheilly Cueto, Nakyra Harper, Armoni Mensah-Boahene, Valarie Schruefer, Lexus

Ahmed, Noushin Czapla, Lisa Harrison, Jada Mesbah, Asfi Schutte, Emily

Ahmed, Safayet Dabney, Courtnee Hatcher, Jammie Miah, Tania Senyah, Dominic

Aktar, Tahmima Dahal, Durga Hazlewood, Jamal Mike, Giniyah Serate, Angel

Akter, Sumia Dalmeida, Benjamin Hernandez, Maria Miles, Sarafina Shafer, Rachel

Alameri, Fakhri Daniels, Joyce Hernandez, Mikayla Milord, Rose Sharma, Sameer

Ali, Ava Davis, Deanna Herrera, Jasmine Mirach, Hana Shaw, Mckayla

Ali, Ayan Davis, Zarlia Hinds, Elysyia Mitchell, Dairyona Sierra, Lorraine

Ali, Hameed De Jesus, Lissette Holmes, Nari Mitchell-Doldron, Sembagare Simms, Shanique

Ali, Naveen Delgado, Jayda Htoo, Tha Dah Mitchum, Shytimber Slaughter, Desiray

Almonor, Bythovens Desalu, Krisanally Imeri, Argjend Mohamed, Abdu Solivan, Aryannah

Alsaadi, Ayat DeSandies, Asiyah Jackson, Taijanah Mohammad, Ensuf Somuah, Daniel

Alshuaibi, Yahya Dhital, Som Jacobs, Josephine Mohammed, Ashleigh Sow, Amadu

Alvarez, Ashely Diallo, Kadiatou Johnson Pratcher, Joshua Morales, Janecssa Sow, Fatima

Amoah, Princess Dolbille, Yunior Johnson, Derek Morman, Destiny Spencer, Carmen

Arafat, Yasir Dominguez, Yaritza Johnson, Trevor Morrow, Kierra Starkes, Cameran

Archie, Cheyenne Dong, Kevin Johnson, Ty-Ree Muminovic, Ervin Stevenson, Kalie

Aristega, Lizbeth Drammeh, Fatoumata Johnson, Yu-Neek Nawrin, Nabilah Sutton, Carmelina

Ashik, Arafath Ducheine, Jodie Jones, Ariana Ndiaye, Ousmane Tamarez, Angel

Aung, Supo Dunton, Jayron Jones, Jawuan Neequaye, Sophia Tanha, Fakiha

Avarello, Josephine Duran, Brian Jordan, Justuana Nelson, Johnathen Tha, Ehler

Aweis, Maryan Edwards, Jayden Joseph, Rogueilis Okine, Joel Thibou, Emielle

Aweis, Mustafa Ehadi, Joy Kadhum, Walaa Osei-Gyimah, Anderson Thomas, Iris

Bah, Fatoumata Fadhil, Aseel Karim, Karisma Panchoo, Shanaia Thomas, Tywana

Baldwin, Lanique Felix, Lovell Kharel, Chandra Parke, Dominique Torres, Dajah

Barber, Khallid Fermin, Claritza King, Jamea Parker, Tymera Treadwell, Zion

Barry, Mamadou Fernandez, Niyah Kyei-Mensah, Briana Paulino, Adalis Trisa, Shahedatul

Beeman, Timothy Fields, Loretta Lam, Kenny Paulino, Nathalia Utti, Ndubuisi

Begum, Sonya Figueroa, Deliana Lanier, Kalis Paw, Ba Blut Valentin, Jonathan

Bhandari, Mahesh Fleuricot, Jacob Lantigua, Kyara Paw, Klihtoo Vasquez, Jacob

Bishop-Laster, Bobbie Ford, Lorenzo Lee, Nicholas Perez, Anna Vincent, Jayini

Bodden, Tyshawn Forrest, Teja Liranzo, Abrahani Perez, Bianca Walcott, Ebone

Boh, Arka Francisco, Ashley Lloyd, Victoria Perez, Xitlali Walters, Juliet

Bonilla, Kayla Fuentes, Oscar Lora, Cameron Perkins, Monte Webber, Deavyon

Bonsu, Josiah Garcia, David Lora, Helen Phengsomphane, Steven Williams, Dianndra

Botia, Kent. Gashindi, Jeremie Lowe, Salifu Phyall, Unique Williams, Iyanna

Brito, Jean Giles, Jaila Lu, Pa Poethig, Jonathan Williams, Shania

Brown, Staniquea Gill, Karanveer Lukudu, Christina Queen, Kiana Williams, Tia

Buchanan, Wilma Glover, Evan. Mackey, Scott Quick, India Williams, Tyquasia

Burgoa, Miriam Gonzalez, Dalilah Magar, Ran Rahman, Mahbubur Wilson Simmons, Naeemah

Burnett, Nathan Gorsai, Susmita Maitland, Krisoyne Ramgoolam, Michelle Wilson, Darry

Byaombe, Bernard Grabowski, Autumn Marino, Imani Reed, Atiyanna Wilson, Kelis

Bye, Haley Grant, Juanita W. Mason, Tyreek Reh, Junstin Wilson, Quamel

Caldwell, Creasha Gravino, Natalie Matos, Janniariz Rizeq, Amjad Winbrone, Keilani

Camara, Sanassa Gray, Malik Matthews, Andre Rodriguez, Kelvin Wright, April

Campbell, Isaiah Green, Mercedez Matthews, Donald Rosado, Nayka Wynn, Briana

Castillo Bermudez, Yossy Green, Niesha McBean, Charlesworth Rosales, Ashley Yakub, Hamdi

Centeno, Jacob Griffiths, Shanisha Mccallum, Alliyah Rose, Ashley Yakub, Musa

Charcopa, Ely Grundy, Davita McDaniel, Madeline Rumph, Maria Yankey, Lastarr

Cherif, Bryan Guerra-Figaro, Joyal McDonald, Renaja San, Aye Yet, Jule

Chung, Alondra Haberer, Tina Mckelvie, Skylar Sanchez, Cindy Yu, Rui

Collantes, Demetrios Habiba, Umme McKoy, Kavorn Santiago, Angelina Zelaya, Brittany

Colon, Robert Habiyambere, Alphonsina Meh, Ko Santiuste, Julie


Adams, O'Brianne Delgado, Jayda Imeri, Rrezon Parke, Dominique Trisa, Shahedatul

Aguilar, Sheilly Desalu, Krisanally Jackson, Taijanah Paulino, Adalis Valentin, Jonathan

Ahmad, Said DeSandies, Asiyah Johnson Pratcher, Joshua Paw, Ba Blut Vasquez, Brandon

Ahmed, Safayet Diallo, Kadiatou Johnson, Trevor Paw, Klihtoo Veliz Calderon, Maria

Akter, Sumia Diaz, Jadalynn Johnson, Ty-Ree Pawarski, Madison Wally, Amie

Alameri, Fakhri Dockett, Kenzie Jordan, Desa Perez, Xitlali Washington, Cinque

Albert, Milan Dong, Kevin Jordan, Justuana Piert, Branden Webber, Deavyon

Ali, Abdirahman Drammeh, Fatoumata Joseph Hinds, Cydnee Queen, Kiana Whitfield, Ayanna

Ali, Ayan Ducasse, Trinity Joseph, Jadell Quick, India Williams, Dianndra

Ali, Mohammed Ducheine, Jodie Kadhum, Walaa Rabel, Tatiana Williams, Iyanna

Ali, Naveen Dunton, Jayron Karim, Karisma Ramgoolam, Michelle Williams, Justin

Almodovar, Bryan Duran, Brian Kebbeh, Mustapha Reh, Junstin Williams, Shania

Alsaadi, Ayat Efiom, Joy Key, Keontae Rehema, Suzana Wills, Daniyah

Alshuaibi, Yahya Estevez, Juan Kharel, Chandra Rico, Rifat Wilson, Chyla

Amato, Jodie Evans-Woods, Rebba Khatun, Syeda Rijo, Moises Wilson, Darryl

Amoah, Princess Fadhil, Aseel Lam, Kenny Rizeq, Amjad Wright, April

Arafat, Yasir Felix, Lovell Lantigua, Kyara Roberts, William Yakub, Hamdi

Aung, Supo Figueroa, Deliana Lede, Mylene Rosales, Ashley Yakub, Musa

Avarello, Josephine Fowler, William Lema, Jessica Rusia, Salome Yet, Jule

Aweis, Maryan Francisco, Ashley Levene, Tyonna Sabtow, Issak Yu, Rui

Balde, Hamidou Fuentes, Oscar Louison, Tyra Saint Philippe, Shana Zelaya, Brittany

Barry, Mamadou Gilbert, Charles Louisy T, Kayla San, Aye Zhou, Andy

Batista, Emily Giles, Jaila Lundy Kenny, Kalon Sanchez, Cindy

Bishop-Laster, Bobbie Gill, Karanveer Mackey, Scott Santiago, Angelina

Blakeslee, Jacqueline Gobah, Mahyoub Magar, Ran Santiuste, Julie

Bodden, Tyshawn Gonzalez, Rosemary Maldonado, Maryann Santos, Julia

Brito, Jean Gordon, Gabriella Maldonado, Yovanna Saunders, Loretta

Brown, Staniquea Grabowski, Autumn Matos, Janniariz Sayles, Elijah

Burnett, Nathan Grant, Armani Matthews, Donald Shafer, Rachel

Busch, Alexandria Grant, Juanita McDaniel, Madeline Sharieff, Mohammad

Butler, Diamond Gravino, Natalie McKoy, Kavorn Sharma, Sameer

Caldwell, Creasha Gray, Malik McNally, Julia Shee, Htee.

Cano, Nayelis Green, Niesha McQuiller, Iyana Simms, Essence

Castillo Bermudez, Yossy Griffin, Adrienne Meh, Ko Simpson, Senovia

Charcopa, Ely Griffiths, Shanisha Meh, Lu Slaughter, Desiray

Chung, Alondra Guillaume, Charlene Mehbub, Umaya Sloma, Cassandra

Clarke, Christina Gullatt, Emajinay Miah, Tania Somuah, Daniel

Clerveaux, Briana Habiba, Umme Mike, Giniyah Sow, Amadu

Cooper, Dequann Habiyambere, Alphonsina Miles, Sarafina Soyemi, Isaac

Core, Teyana Haider, Shaharin Mirach, Hana Spencer, Carmen

Cueto, Nakyra Harding, Kyla Miranda, Abby St. Fleurant, Nicolette

Cummings, Christina Harper, Armoni Mohamed Siddiq, Nur Aisyah Starkes, Cameran

Cybulski, Jonathan Hassan, Soumaya Mohamed, Abdu Starkes, Tamyra

Czapla, Lisa Hatcher, Jammie Mohamed, Fatima Stevenson, Kalie

Dacres, Jamilea Hazlewood, Jamal Mohammad, Ensuf Sylla, Fatima

Dahal, Durga Hernandez, Maria Moussa, Hamza Tanha, Fakiha

Daniels, Joyce Hernandez, Mikayla Muminovic, Ervin Taylor, Kitana

Davis, Faith Hernandez, Rosalia Ndiaye, Ousmane Taylor, Synaya

Davis, Zarlia Herrera, Jasmine Neequaye, Sophia Tha, Ehler

Dawkins, Sabrina Hill, Isabella Nelson, Johnathen Thomas, Iris

Dawkins, Tori Hinds, Elysyia Nguyen, David Thomas, Tywana

De La Cruz, Jesmailyn Hussein, Abdilghani Niaj, Rizaul Thompson, Destiny

Defrank, Keiry Imeri, Diamant Oaks, Taliyah Todi, Fundi


Agu, Jessica Defrank, Keiry Jordan, Desa Pawarski, Madison Wills, Daniyah Aguilar, Sheilly Delgado, Jayda Joseph, Jadell Perez, Xitlali Wilson, Chyla Ahmad, Said Desalu, Krisanally Kadhum, Walaa Piert, Branden Wilson, Darryl Ahmed, Safayet DeSandies, Asiyah Karim, Karisma Poethig, Jonathan Wright, Terrina Akter, Sumia Diallo, Kadiatou Kebbeh, Mustapha Powell, Dijon Wright, April

Alameri, Fakhri Drammeh, Fatoumata Kharel, Chandra Queen, Kiana Yakub, Hamdi Albert, Milan Ducasse, Trinity Khatun, Syeda Quick, India Yakub, Musa Ali, Naveen Ducheine, Jodie Lam, Kenny Rabel, Tatiana Yet, Jule Ali, Ayan Dunton, Jayron Lanier, Kalis Ramgoolam, Michelle Yu, Rui Ali, Mohammed Efiom, Joy Lantigua, Kyara Reh, Junstin Alsaadi, Ayat Estevez, Juan Lema, Jessica Rico, Rifat Alshuaibi, Yahya Fadhil, Aseel Levene, Tyonna Rijo, Moises Amato, Jodie Figueroa, Deliana Lopez, Jalisa Rizeq, Amjad Amoah, Princess Fleuricot, Jacob Louison, Tyra Rosado, Nayka

Arafat, Yasir Forrest, Teja Mackey, Scott Rosario, Adarlyn Arefin, Marjana Fowler, William Magar, Ran Rosario, Travis Aristega, Lizbeth Fuentes, Oscar Maldonado, Maryann Rusia, Salome Ashik, Arafath Gilbert, Charles Maldonado, Yovanna Saint Philippe, Shana Avarello, Josephine Gill, Karanveer Marino, Imani San, Aye Aweis, Maryan Givili, Milad Matos, Janniariz Sanchez, Cindy Bah, Fatoumata Gobah, Mahyoub Matthews, Donald Santiago, Angelina Balde, Hamidou Gonzalez, Rosemary Mccallum, Alliyah Santiuste, Julie

Barber, Khallid Good, Kobe McDaniel, Madeline Santos, Julia Barry, Mamadou Gordon, Gabriella Mckelvie, Skylar Saunders, Loretta Batista, Emily Gorsai, Susmita McKoy, Kavorn Sayles, Elijah Begum, Sonya Grabowski, Autumn McNally, Julia Schruefer, Lexus Bishop-Laster, Bobbie Grant, Armani McQuiller, Iyana Shafer, Rachel Blakeslee, Jacqueline Grant, Juanita Meh, Ko Sharieff, Mohammad Bodden, Tyshawn Gravino, Natalie Meh, Lu Sharma, Sameer Bright, Dominique Gray, Malik Mehari, Mamush Shaw, Mckayla

Brito, Jean Green, Mercedez Mehbub, Umaya Shee, Htee Brown, Staniquea Green, Alexis Miah, Tania Slaughter, Desiray Buchanan, Wilma Griffiths, Shanisha Mike, Giniyah Sloma, Cassandra Burnett, Nathan Gullatt, Emajinay Miles, Sarafina Sow, Amadu Busch, Alexandria Habiba, Umme Mirach, Hana Soyemi, Isaac Butler, Diamond Habiyambere, Alphonsina Miranda, Abby Spencer, Carmen Cabrera, Janae Haider, Shaharin Mohamed, Hamdi Starkes, Cameran Caldwell, Creasha Hall, Allester Mohamed, Fatima Starkes, Tamyra

Cano, Nayelis Harding, Kyla Mohamed, Abdu Stevenson, Kalie Castillo Bermudez, Yossy Harper, Armoni Mohamed Siddiq, Nur Aisyah Tanha, Fakiha Charcopa, Ely Hassan, Soumaya Mohammad, Ensuf Taylor, Synaya Collantes, Demetrios Hernandez, Mikayla Morman, Destiny Tha, Ehler Cooper, Dequann Hernandez, Rosalia Morris, Leonna Thomas, Tywana Core, Teyana Herrera, Jasmine Morrow, Kierra Thomas, Iris Costello, Veray Hill, Isabella Moussa, Hamza Thompson, Destiny Cuello, Kendrick Hinds, Elysyia Nazaire, Deneana Tineo, Stephanie Cueto, Nakyra Holmes, Nari Neequaye, Sophia Trisa, Shahedatul

Cummings, Christina Hussein, Abdilghani Nelson, Johnathen Utti, Ndubuisi Czapla, Lisa Imeri, Argjend Nguyen, David Valentin, Jonathan Dacres, Jamilea Imeri, Rrezon Niaj, Rizaul Vasquez, Brandon Dahal, Durga Jackson, Taijanah Oaks, Taliyah Veliz Calderon, Maria Dalmeida, Benjamin Jacobs, Josephine Okine, Joel Walcott, Ebone Daniels, Joyce Johnson, Derek Panchoo, Shanaia Wally, Amie Davis, Deanna Johnson, Ty-Ree Parke, Dominique Washington, Cinque Davis, Zarlia Johnson, Trevor Paulino, Adalis Whitfield, Ayanna

Dawkins, Sabrina Johnson Pratcher, Joshua Paw, Klihtoo Williams, Shania De Jesus, Lissette Jones, Ariana Paw, Ba B. Williams, Dianndra


Adams, O'Brianne Dunton, Jayron Lora, Cameron Slaughter, Desiray

Adu, Epaphras Escamilla, Cristian Lora, Helen Sloma, Cassandra

Ahmed, Shahriar Evans-Woods, Rebba Louisy T, Kayla Somuah, Daniel

Ahmed, Nurto Fortiche, Ana Mackey, Scott Sow, Amadu

Aktar, Tahmima Fowler, William Maitland, Krisoyne Starkes, Cameran Alameri, Fakhri Giles, Jaila Mccallum, Alliyah Terera, Alou

Alhassan, Amer Gill, Karanveer Meh, Ko Thomas, Tywana

Ali, Naveen Glover, Evan Mehbub, Umaya Tineo, Stephanie

Alibadi, Ahmed Goldson, Brittany Mejia, Javier Valentin, Jonathan

Almodovar, Bryan Gonzalez, Rosemary Miah, Tania Williams, Justin

Amenume, Ayawa Gorsai, Susmita Miranda, Abby Williams, Dianndra

Amoah, Princess Grant, Juanita Mitchell, Dairyona Williams, Shania

Anderson, Amarli Gray, Essence Mitchum, Shytimber Williams, Tia

Arefin, Marjana Gray, Malik Mohammad, Ensuf Williams, Robert

Aristega, Lizbeth Grundy, Davita Morgan, Sabeena Wilson, Sylvia

Aughtry, Iesha Habiyambere, Alphonsina Muminovic, Ervin Wilson Simmons, Naeemah

Aung, Supo Harper, Armoni Mundy Ashwood, Lauryn Wright, Terrina Avarello, Josephine Harrison, Jada Munoz, Julie Yakub, Mohamud

Aweis, Maryan Hatcher, Jammie Ndiaye, Ousmane Yakub, Hamdi

Aweis, Mustafa Hazlewood, Jamal Nelson, Johnathen Yakub, Musa

Bah, Fatoumata Htoo, Tha Dah Okine, Joel

Bishop-Laster, Bobbie Hue, Lou Bowa Oliva, Erik

Bollers, Gabriel Hunter, Joy Parker, Antanasia

Botia, Kent Huntley, Jasmine Paulino, Adalis

Bouphachay, Brandon Hussein, Abdilghani Paw, Ba Blut

Broady, Tylor Jackson, Shakeena Perkins, Monte

Brown, Staniquea Jackson, Taijanah Pond, Kimmarie

Burnett, Nathan Jacobs, Josephine Queen, Kiana Caldwell, Creasha Jalloh, Kevin Ramazani, Murjani

Colon, Robert James, Destini Ramgoolam, Michelle

Cueto, Nakyra Johnson, Maurice Rodriguez, Kelvin

Cuffie, Malika Johnson, Yu-Neek Rosado, Nayka

Dabney, Courtnee Johnson Pratcher, Joshua Rosario, Adarlyn

Dahal, Durga Jones, Ariana Rosario, Travis

Dalmeida, Benjamin Jordan, Justuana Rumph, Maria

Daniels, Joyce Joseph-Benjamin, Devine Santana, Alicia

Darby, Kelvin Juarez, Luis Santiuste, Julie

Davis, Deanna Kadhum, Walaa Santos, Julia

Dawkins, Tori Karim, Karisma Saunders, Loretta

De Jernett, Andrea'H Kharel, Chandra Shafer, Rachel Defrank, Keiry Kyei-Mensah, Briana Shaw, Mckayla

Defrank, Keiry LaFleche, Franciesca Shepard, Clarence

Demps, Cheyenne Lam, Kenny Sierra, Lorraine

Dhital, Som Lede, Mylene Simmons, Tanisha

Diallo, Kadiatou Lee, Nicholas Simms, Essence

Dong, Kevin Liranzo, Abrahani Simpson, Senovia

Congratulations Class of 2021

Congratulations to you all for your outstanding achievements! You make us proud. Keep up the great work and inspire others to follow you to the greatness.

“Every morning you

have two choices:

continue to sleep with

your dreams or wake up

& chase them.”

Congratulations to the class of 2021! "Go Into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good." (Minor Myers Jr)

Finding a strong purpose and dream in your life the way that you have, serves to inspire those around you. In some ways, you have already been a success in your pursuit of greatness. Congratulations on your accomplishments so far, and good luck on your inspiring future!

Congratulations to all honorees! Your success, perseverance and dedication inspire faculty, staff and students alike! Wishing you well as you move forward knowing you are up to any challenge. Take care.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back despite the obstacles life throws at you, and today you are STRONGER than ever. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement and keep rising. We celebrate and honor your determination and perseverance to do better and be better!

“Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch”

Congratulations 2021 graduates on this wonderful accomplishment! I am excited for you all and know that you will be able to overcome anything that comes your way. Never stop following your dreams and remember that EOP will always be here for you.

Congratulations! You

achieved your

aspirations through

hard work and

commitment. All the

best for the future.

"Started from the bottom,

now we're here

Started from the bottom,

now my whole team here

Started from the bottom,

now we're here"

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”



ARTHUR O. EVE During Eve's first term as an assemblyman, he led the effort to obtain an initial

$500,000 ($3.8 million as of 2020) of funding to establish the State University of New York system's SEEK/Educational Opportunity Program. Since the 1970s,

colleges in New York State have administered the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program to assist students who may otherwise be unable to attend

college because of educational and financial circumstances. Later, in 1988, he would received the Kennedy Center Distinguished Leadership in

Arts-in-Education Award.

A leading champion of educational, economic, and social equality, the Honorable Arthur O. Eve served the Buffalo community and all of New York state with great distinction. Today, he continues to enrich and inspire our

communities through his ongoing leadership, dedication, and vision.

Thank you to the Faculty/Staff Association, Alumni

Affairs and Lori Woods for their support and/or

contributions to the 2021 EOP Honors Program.