I'm the only thing demons have nightmares about ! Buffy Anne Summers The biography of the famous slayer 1981-

Buffy Anne Summers The biography of the famous slayer 1981-cuvier-col.spip.ac-rouen.fr/IMG/pdf/laure-buffy.pdfIntroduction Buffy Anne Summers is a vampire slayer. She's a fictional

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  • I'm the only thing demons have nightmares about !

    Buffy Anne Summers The biography of the famous slayer


  • Table of contents

    1. Introduction

    2. From Los Angeles to Sunnydale

    3. The evil ones

    4. Buffy's relationships

    5. My favorite moments in her life

    6. Slayer 's powers and weapons

    7. Buffy's personality

    8. What about the books ?

    9. Buffy's quotes

    10. Why do I love this character ?

  • Introduction

    Buffy Anne Summers is a vampire slayer. She's a fictional character created by Joss Whedon. Buffy inspired a movie, the series « Buffy the vampire slayer », books and comics. In this biography, I'm going to tell mainly Buffy's life in the series and a little bit in the books.

    So, Buffy Summers is the slayer but, what's exacty a vampire slayer ? The slayer is a chosen one. She's been the slayer since her birth but she's only activated when the last slayer dies. She has an inhuman strength, no magic powers but she can defeat everyone. She has a mission to accomplish, it's to kill the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. Every slayer is followed by a watcher. A watcher is a member of a council and he orders to the slayer what she has to do, he trains her. A watcher possesses a great knowledge of the demonology.

  • From Los Angeles to Sunnydale

    Buffy was born in 1981. Her parents are Joyce and Hank Summers. She has grown up in LA, in Califormia. She had an ordinary childhood. But some incidents have branded her memories. The most striking event for her ( when she was a kid), was the death of her cousin at the hospital. Buffy was only eight when her cousin had been killed in this place by a supernatural creature. Since this year, she has a phobia of the hospital. Of course, she didn't realize that her cousin was a demon of a demon, she 'd learnt it many years later.

    Buffy was a popular teenager. In 1995, she went to highschool. She became a cheerleader and had pretty good marks. But, one day, she saw a man at the entrance of the school. He explained her that she 's a vampire slayer. This man had been the first watcher of Buffy. His name was Merrick. At the beggining Merrick didn't like Buffy because he thought she was too superficial. But Buffy learnt fast how to hunt vampires. She spent her nights, patrolling in the cimetary. She was too tired during the classes to study or to talk to her friends.

    A few weeks later, Buffy had her first big mission. She had to get rid of Lothos, a dangerous vampire. Merrick killed himself because he was scared to suffer being killed by Lothos. Buffy felt alone and she met a boy, called Pike, who knows for the vampires. Finally, Buffy has been able to kill Lothos, but to do it, she just burnt the gymnasium. After that, she ran away with Pike to Las vegas to hunt demons. But when she came back alone, she was fired from Hemery Highschool and she tried to explain her parents that she's a vampire slayer. But they thought their daughter was mad and sent her to the psychologist.

  • Her parents finished by divorcing and Buffy moved to Sunnydale with her mum. Sunnydale is a little town near L.A Buffy thought she could begin a new life there but she was wrong. It was just her first day at school that she met her new watcher. She also met friends. Willow, a nerd and a geek, she was very smart but very shy too and Alexander (alias Xander), Willow's best friends. Those two quickly flushed out the truth about Buffy and compared to her parents, they decided to help her, fighting the vampires. Of course, they didn't slay demons but they looked for information which helped Buffy a lot. Willow computer skills were really useful.

    So, Buffy, Willow, Xander and the new watcher (named Giles, he's the librarian of the school) were a team. Giles told them that Sunnydale was on the Hellmouth. That means it's the place where there's the most demons in the world.

    Buffy has to defeat the master, another powerful vampire. Trying to kill the master, Buffy met Angel, a mysterious man. Little by little, she fell in love with him. But she discovered that Angel was a vampire. It was a problem for a vampire slayer to love a vampire. But Angel wasn't like every vampire. He had got a soul. Indeed, a long time ago, he was cruel and evil and a bohemian cast a spell on him. The spell gave him a soul to make him a soul, what he did. Finally, Buffy spared him because she didn' t have the heart to kill him. Anyway, Buffy was too busy, struggling against the master. Looking for a way to kill this monster, she found a prophecy which said she will be killed by the master. It made Buffy want to stop being the slayer. But she saw what the master and other vampires made to her classmates, she understood she couldn't give up. It was her fate to save people ! And if the master wasn't killed, he'd certainly make the whole world suffer.

    So, she fought with the master but he killed her, drowning her. Fortunately, Buffy only died a few seconds before coming back from the dread and slay the master. It was the first time she saved the world !

  • The evil ones Buffy had to fight a lot of monsters in her life. Some of them were more dangerous than the others. Before, I talked about the master because it was one of the biggest villain Buffy had to destroy. But there are other creatures who have bothered her life. Buffy had always dreamt to be normal and it's not easy to be a normal girl again and it's not an easy dream when we are the vampire slayer.

    After the master death, she had to stake two vampires who just arrived in town. They are Spike and Drusilla. Spike is a very famous vampire. Even, the vampires, themselves, fear him.Spike had already killed two slayers. So, when he learnt that Buffy was the slayer, he decided to kill his third slayer. Drusilla is Spike's girlfriend. Spike 's the creature who turned him into a vampire. They tried to kill Buffy. A lot of times, using different ways, but the slayer always wins. Moreover, a new slayer came to see Buffy and to help her. Her name is Kendra. Normally, there's only one slayer by generation. But as I wrote in the introduction, a new slayer is activated when the other one dies. So, even if Buffy was dead ten seconds, a new slayer has been activated. It means there were two slayers at the same time. Kendra helped Buffy and they helped each other.

    But our slayer had another problem. Angel lost his soul and joined Spike and Drusilla. Buffy was desperate to see Angel without his soul. He said horrible things to her. She couldn't believe, it was him. One day, Mrs. Calendar (Giles's girlfriend and computer teacher) has found a solution to give Angel his soul. But she didn't have enough time to cast the spell because Angel killed her. Finally, Kendra gets killed by Drusilla and Spike and Angel tried to call an old powerful demon. They opened a gate. But Buffy had to close the gate and the only way there is for that is to throw Angel through the gate, sending him in hell. Buffy thought he was dead, it's why she ran away fom Sunnydale during three months but she came back and went back to school. She discovered that Angel 's still alive but his trip to hell has changed him. He wasn't the monster he used to be anymore, he was just shocked by what he had seen in hell. Buffy met Faith, the new

  • Slayer. Faith is really different from Buffy. She had betrayed Buffy when this one thought Faith was her friend. Faith joined the mayor who had bad plans. He wanted to become an original demon and he made Faith the promise she could still be alive when he 'd destroy a part of the world. Hopefully, Buffy managed to kill the mayor, burning the school, and she sent Faith to jail.

    A year later, Buffy was studying psychology at the university of Sunnydale and she had to defeat a different kind of villain : a robot called Adam.

    The fifth evil creature was Gloria. Gloria was a goddess and she wanted to find a key which opened a supernatural world. So, what's complicated is that the key isn't an object, it's a person and the key is Buffy's sister. You'll say «Buffy has no sister ». Indead, she didn't have a sister since the day, the sorcerers wanted to protect the key and they turned the key into a human and change the memory of everyone. This key is Dawn, she's 15 and she doesn't know she's the key, Buffy and her friends really think Dawn has always existed. When Buffy discovered the truth about Dawn, she doesn't stop loving. But the problem is that the only way to stop Gloria is to kill Dawn. Of course, Buffy won't do that ! Gloria'd try to open a world of demons but Buffy saved her sister and sacrificed herself to rescue Dawn and the whole world in the same time.

    Buffy's death couldn't be true for her friends. That's why they made Buffy come back to the life.

    The last big evil character she had to kill in the series is the first. The first is the origin of darkness, it can take the body and the voice of all the dead people. It's a very dangerous creature and it possesses big powers. To save the world from the first, Buffy called all the potential slayers of the world.

  • Buffy's relationshipsI'm going to talk about the three lovers Buffy had ever had and about Buffy's friends too.1) AngelI won't say a lot of things about him. Because I've already told in the second chapter many anecdotes about him. I'd just add Angel left Sunnydale after having helped Buffyto defeat the mayor. He still loved her but he didn't think Buffy would ever be happy, living with a vampire. So, he moved to L.A and continued to be a good person, saving lives (There's a spin-off of five seasons about Angel). 2) Riley

    Buffy met Riley at the university. She stays with him a long time but she discovers he was a member of a secret army. Finally, Riley left Buffy and moved to the South of America because he realized he doesn't really love him. 3) Spike I've already talked about Spike. But I didn't say that he stopped wanting to kill Buffy and changed, became a better person because he fell in love with Buffy.

    Buffy's friends :

    Willow : Willow is Buffy's best friend. She discovered she was a witch. So, she's very powerful. In the series, she has many relationships. At the beginning, she loved Xander but he never noticed her and she's just stayed her friend. After, she had had three lovers : Oz,Tara and Kennedy.

    Xander : Xander is a human but he'll always stay one of Buffy's friends. At the beginning, he was crazy about Buffy but Buffy wasn't in love with him. Finally, he falls in love with a demon, Anyanka. Buffy had other friends, but Willow and Xander are her best friends because they always stayed with her, without judging her, no matter what happens. They accepted her as she is.

  • My favorite moments in her lifeIn the series, there's one episode of Buffy the vampire slayer I love more than the others. It's « Once More With Feelings ». In this episode, Xander called a demon and it makes everyone sing. So, there are a lot of beautiful song like «Under your spell », « Going through the motions », « Walk through the fire ».

    Moreover, I love the episode where Buffy sacrifices herself for her sister. It's really sad, moving and brave.

    Slayer's powers and weapons The slayer has got a lot of weapons and powers to slay a

    vampire. Ways to kill a vampire :A stake in the heart. There's no better way to defeat a creature of the night than a stake. The vampires will turn to dust within second.Knifes : If the slayer beheaded a vampire, he'd die too. Holy water : Vampires would get badly hurt with the holy water. Buffy used it when she had lost her power (in « Helpless »).Fire and sun : It will kill the vampires and some demons, burning them. That's why Buffy had to burn her school twice to get rid of the vampires. Slayer's powers :The slayer has an extraordinary strength and she has premonitions. She has a gift for fighting and feels the presence of vampires.

  • Buffy's personalityBuffy's personality evolved during the series. First, she was a superficial girl who just liked hanging out with friends, buying new clothes and complaining about her homework. When she discovered she was the vampire slayer, she changed and became stubborn, myterious but she was still friendly and romantic. In the last seasons, Buffy was darker. Her second death changed her again and she began to spend more time to hunt demons than having a real life. But her friends were still here, no matter how she behaved.

    What about the books ? A colletion of books was published. They are telling the same things than the series. But some of them are new. A lot of comics were written after the series.

    The books have been written after the TV series.

  • Buffy's quotesHere you can find some quotes by Buffy !

    «The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live »« I may be dead, but I’m still pretty »« Seize the moment, ‘cause tomorrow you might be dead. »« Strong is fighting. It’s hard and it’s painful and it’s every day. It’s what we have to do, and we can do it together, but if you’re too much of a coward for that, then burn. »« I’m the thing that monsters have nightmares about. And right now, you and me are gonna show ‘em why. »« [To Angel] We’re not friends. We never were. And I can fool Giles, and I can fool my friends, but I can’t fool myself. Or Spike, for some reason. What I want from you I can never have. »« If the apocalypse comes, beep me !»

    Why do I love this series ?I love this series because I find it's fantastic and all the characters are interesting. This series is really different than the other series about vampires that I know. This is funny, sad, moving and stunning. It's one of my favorite series.

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