April 04, 2013 Green Building Energy Water transportation health Climate Education Building a Vetter Bangkok By: James, Garega, Nicky, and Ta

Building a Better Bangkok Gerega Ta Nicky Jimmy

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Bangkok of the future

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April 04, 2013






health Climate


Building a Vetter Bangkok

By: James, Garega, Nicky,

and Ta


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"#$!"%&'(!Particulate Matter (PM) – PM is like airborne dust made up of tiny particles from smoke stacks, car exhausts and other dust

From: http://www.eesolutions.net/air-quality/air-pollution-concepts-for-kids/






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)$-'82+!0#$!0%&'L!Rising temperatures can make smog pollution worse and increase the number of "bad air days" when it's hard to breathe. http://www.nrdc.org/air/




./+##Forty years of Clean Air Act programs have brought steady and life-saving improvements to our air quality. http://www.nrdc.org/air/


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Building a better



Transportation in Thailand is an issue

because of pollution and traffic. The average vehicle speed during rush hours is 17.2 km/h in the morning and 24.2 km/h in the evening. This is a health and safety problem and

its bad for the economy because

companies don’t want to have

their business in Bangkok. The

best way to stop this is to

take off cars that don’t meet

the standard. I mean by that

cars that give black smoke from their

engine. This will save energy and

reduce air pollution. They won’t have

to spend money on gas. Cars that don’t

meet the standard

give this kind

of smoke. The

cars that give

this kind of smoke

should be fixed.

This is the kind

of smoke cars

give in Bangkok.

Bangkok has good sky train system already but they need to improve

other public transportation like their buses. Buses should be electric

and they can introduce Segways instead of motorcycle. The subway is

also very good. Seven new routes totalling 291 km will be added to the present network of 24 km of skytrain and 20 km of subway.


Mexico had traffic and air pollution problems too. They successfully decreased air pollution and traffic. In the 1980s the government reformulated gasoline, they banned cars off the streets for 1 day of the week and loaned bikes. Bangkok citizens could also agree to not having cars on the street for 1 day of the week. Different people living in different zip codes get assigned a day when they can’t use their cars.

The government could fine cars that don’t pass the emission test Expand BTS

In the Philippines they already introduced electric cars and e jeepny which is like Bangkok’s tuk tuk. The also have e buses. We can keep tuk tuks because its part of Bangkok culture but turn them into golf cart style electric tuk tuks. If manila can do it Bangkok can too. If Bangkok can cut down on air pollution and traffic it would cut down disease like lung cancer and it would be more livable. This will improve the economy because more tourist will come.

These are

pictures of

electric cars in

manila. The

bottom one is

traffic in


There are about 4,000 km of inland waterways. About 3,700 km has a navigable depth of about 0.9 meter or more in a year.

In Bangkok, Chao Phraya River and Khlong Saen Saeb are the major means of water-transportation. Including express boats, long-tail boats, river-crossing ferries, there are more than


Changing tuk tuks into electric

type golf carts. These kind of

cars would use batteries.

If Bangkok changes their

transportation it helps with

health and safety because if you

reduce the air pollution it also

reduce sickness.


In Bangkok a lot of energy is wasted, this is a problem all over

the world not just Bangkok. Global warming, climate change

and all these problems on earth can be helped if we use

renewable energy. To save energy you would need to have a

law allowing each house to use a certain amount of electricity.

If you go over the units allowed then it shows your bill then

there will be a big fine. There is a lot of wasted energy

because people leave their electricity on all day when they

leave there house. The government can also use education and

posters and tv commercials to teach people to turn off lights

Bangkok should recycle more. Right now there are poor

people who ride around and collect plastic bottles and

cans to recycle but there is no law to make people recycle

their trash. San Francisco is going to become a zero waste

city. That might be too difficult for Bangkok so the should

at least start to put a system. If you throw recyclable

things in the wrong bin you must be fined 2000 baht. They

should also use compost. There needs to be a law for

homes and businesses have to separate garbage for


Bangkok should also use solar power. They should use solar

power for houses, cars and public transportation. There is a lot

of sun so it’s easy. There is also a lot of rain so Bangkok should

harvest water for power.

Bangkok has a lot of hotels that use heaps of energy.

Tourism brings a lot of money to Thailand; more hotels are

being built all the time. Bangkok should try and build hotels

with zero energy balance like the hotel in Vienna. The Stadhalle creates the same amount of energy that is used to

run it. The hotel uses renewable energy sources like solar

and photovoltaic panels, ground water heat pumps and even

three wind turbines. It uses rainwater to flush the toilet.

Thailand has a lot rain and sun so we should be able to use

these two sources. It will also save the hotel money.

Gyms are very popular in Bangkok. Bangkok should use the

power from the people exercising on the bikes and other

machines to create energy for electricity. In Portland they

are doing this successfully.


Maybe other business could use these technics or houses.

Reusable energy is the answer for not just Bangkok but

every country in the world. People will save money on their

bills and save the environment.

So the problem is Climate Change. Climate change is

when the weather changes from cold to hot or when there

are big storms. Climate change is a pain in the butt

because it causes many disasters. The effects of climate

change, you probably don’t want to think about; subways

are closed as well as airport, it ruined thousands of home,

more people are suffering, seniors are suffering heat

strokes, flights are grounded, hundreds, thousands of

people evacuated, many people are losing jobs, towns are

sinking, storms are wiping out neighborhoods, more

American kids are getting asthma and allergies, food prices

are rising, flooding is overrunning bridges, and it kills

score of people. No man can beat nature. But now the

government and the scientist are trying to solve this

problem. They try to come up with a solution. I think I

have a solution to solve this problem.

Climate Change

Flooding Solution

1. People can move out of urban area and move into rural areas


2. People can help each other by building dykes and floodwalls

to stop the flooding.

3. Use pumps to pump out the water.

4. People could build more sewers and make them bigger.

5. Government could spend a lot of money building more water

factories and supplies that would make the water clean. Turn

floodwater into clean drinking water. The thing that is being

done now is that the government is deciding whether to change

the flood water into clean drinking because the flood is

everywhere so the gourvenment has to spend like a lot of money

to turn the whole flood into clean drinking water. So I don’t

The Solutions

Seven easy steps to follow and you have no

Trouble facing climate change

Because you are prepared!

Food Price Solution

1. People could build rows of dirt boxes in the city like New York and

other bigger cities and fill them with seeds. So that when there is no

food left in the rural areas the city don’t have to starve to death

because they have the food source in the city and they can get as

much food as they wanted and they can export them to rural areas.

2. Import food from rural areas, some people are rich they order food

from ebay.

Building a Better Bangkok Project

By Ta Napat

Diseases and Public Health By Ta Napat

Diseases are a huge problem all over the earth, when people get them they will either die or live. It depends on the disease. If it is a disease like

cancer you probably have 0000000000000.1 % of living. But if it is just a fever or a cold you could just relax and wait for the disease to go

away in 3 or 2 days. Bangkok has the most diseases, in 2009 there was this huge disaster disease call the Swine Flue or H1N1. This disease first

comes from a pig. And then the people who take cares of the pig then got the flu, so the disease keeps getting from one person to another. Until

it gets me, when the people who got the swine flu they have a chance of 50/50 of dying. Because once you get it you will either die or live, this

disease is very dangerous so be careful of it.

The place where you can get diseases is all around you. 7 Eleven, toilets, everywhere all around you. There might even be diseases on this paper

The Solution

Diseases and Public Health Solutions

1. Stay home until you are fine and back to normal again.

2. People with sickness or diseases can’t go on planes, trains and other transportation (except for cars if they had one) because other people might

get the disease.

3. Buy medicine from a medical store.

4. Call 911 or ambulance.

5. See the doctor.

6. Go to the hospital.

7. Get a shot (Vaccines).

8. Wear mask that covers your mouth.

9. Wash your hand before you eat (especially kids).

10. Cover your nose and mouth when sneeze.

Follow these steps and you will have no trouble facing and handling

diseases because you are prepared!

Building Better Bangkok

JIGreen Building


Right now there are laces like L.A who have only access to fast food places. But they depend on that food to feed them for dinner or serve them breakfast. But what they don’t might not know is that that can cause serious health issues. So what Ron Finley wants to do is turn-unwanted space into gardens. He wants sidewalks where there is dead grass for decoration to be used to grow tomatoes. He wants to tell people in the ghetto that if you aren’t a gardener you aren’t a gangster.


Green Building


Now think of that. Now he is not doing this because he wants people to be healthier …… well actually that’s part of the reason but it can feed a wider range of people and it’s healthy. Now with Bangkok you got just as much unused space as places like New York or San Diego. Also people want vegetables. Gardens can sustain food sources for you for a lifetime. Now I know Bangkok isn’t in the beast positions for gardening but we can try man we can try. So how are you going to do this in Bangkok well we are going to try to get all unusable space like the broken down houses and unused road where there is dirt we can fill that with soil and get the community to help. And you know what they can even take some and sail some for a living. That’s killing two birds with one stone.

Now some more problems we need to solve with Bangkok. The air is not suitable because it is the air that plants breathe and that will kill them. The amounts of trash because it can easily pollute the plants and kill them. The energy is needed but Bangkok has lots of black outs. The climate change will be needed to be fixed because the heat isn’t good for plants. But this will fix obesity problems by switching fattening foods with salad. The education because people can learn and make a living off of plants. Population distribution because farming can feed lots of people for large amounts of time. But there is one problem that I can show how to fix and that is water sanitation. All you have to do is… read my next paragraph.

Water Sanitation

Problem The problem with water is that it’s not clean it’s satiated. It can cause people diseases. 600,000 kids die in Africa a day because of diarrhea and other diseases. This means that there is hardly any drinkable water in some places. People have to drink satiated water just so they aren’t dehydrated but it comes with a price. Diseases that can spread, insects, and death sometimes. Now this problem is not just in Africa and similar places. It has spread to Bangkok (the satiated water). That isn’t also the problem the water is dirty and there is little water.

Solution My solution is to use grey water for situations where we have to wash the clothes so we can have clean water for our throats. This can be helped by reusing water which is grey water. But while we are using the grey water we can have a daily limit on the amount of clean water we drink. Also we can find new ways of getting water like harvesting it from plants like cactuses, which contain water. Or we can find a way to make normal drinks that contain water like Kool-Aid (because I love it) and make it hydrate use like water can but I want it so it can hydrate us almost as good as water but without wasting all the water.
