Building Intelligent Systems CS498

Building Intelligent Systems

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Building Intelligent Systems. CS498. Hello!. Instructors: David Forsyth – [email protected] Paris Smaragdis – [email protected] Prof. X And you are …. Intelli -what?. What is an intelligent system? Any takers?. What is this class about?. How do we construct intelligent systems? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Building Intelligent SystemsCS4981Hello!Instructors:David Forsyth [email protected] Smaragdis [email protected]. X

And you are Intelli-what?What is an intelligent system?Any takers?

What is this class about?How do we construct intelligent systems?Note the emphasis!Why intelligent systems?Whats special about intelligent systems?Why bother with this class?Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Examples of intelligent systems

Case study: Intelligent audioMachine ListeningMaking machines that understand sound

Making sense of sound

Huh?Things we can doAudio classifiers

Train in example soundsTeach a computer

Use to detect learned soundsMany applicationsVideo Content AnalysisAudio is a strong cue for detecting various events in video

Classify sounds to perform semantic analysis on videoSpecific subclasses for type of broadcast (e.g. for news we use male and female speech, for sports use cheering, etc)

Build in high-end Mitsubishi PVRs, TV sets and HDTV cell phones

Was there a goal?Sad or funny clip?Real-time movie sound parsing17Traffic MonitoringNormal crashHard-to-see crashNear crashNotable (?) eventDetect incidents by recognizing sounds

18Security SurveillanceDetect sounds in elevatorsNormal speech, excited speech, footsteps, thumps, door open/close, screams

When detecting suspicious sounds we can raise an alert96% accuracy in elevator test recordings with actorsElevators are a dark environment with poor visual analysis prospectsAudio analysis can provide optimal detection of distress sounds

19More things to doMake systems that resolve mixtures and figure out objects in a recording

Whats in here??Intelligent audio editing21

Piano + SopranoSoprano layerPiano layerRemixed layers

Original drum loopExtracted layersRemixerNo tambourineNo congasCongas!

Selective pitch shifting

Music layerVoice layerUser-guided sound selection

Audio/visual object editing

Input sequencesOutput sequences

Many more applicationsIntelligent audio editingCity grid stateDublin City Traffic AuthorityCambridge, MA (more later)Machine MonitoringMitsubishi Heavy IndustriesAutomotive monitorsBuilding-wide sensor networksHome security surveillanceSmart phone sensingMedical listening/surveilance (heart, lungs, speech, ICU)24So what does intelligence require?An ability to translate our thoughts to a programming formulaMuch harder than it soundsLet me demonstrate

But it is also simpler than it sounds!Tools we will useA bit of math

A bit of artificial intelligence (AI)

Plenty of codingThe bit of mathSome linear algebraSome probabilitySome optimizationUsed as needed, well skip the fluffDont be scared!The bit of AIMachine learningMaking classifiersClustering dataMaking sense of huge data setsDomain-specific AINatural language processingComputer visionSpeech and audio recognition

CodingPlenty of projectsWe want this to be a hands-on class

You are free to pick your poison hereClass goalsOverall understanding of the problems in AI-ish areas*Know how to classify data*Know how to cluster dataUnderstand how to represent text, audio, images, video dataUnderstand probabilistic reasoningHave basic understanding of the following processes:How Google works*How collaborative filtering works (e.g. Netflix, dating sites, etc)*How face detection or character recognition works*How speech recognition works*How text mining works (e.g. language detection, document clustering, sentiment analysis)Projects to tryAutomatically organize your PDF/source code collectionsAutomatically organize your video/music collectionFind faces in pictures or moviesMake an automated call centerFind cliques of friends from social graphsMake a dating sitePredict NFL/NBA/MLB outcomesTrack a finger on a touch interfaceCategorize physiological data, predict user emotionsCategorize network traffic or OS activityThe rulesWe want you to learn, not suffer!

Please engage, dont just sit back

Grades are determined through the MPsThe good (or bad!) newsThis is the first iteration of this class

Tell us what you want to learn!Whats your domain of interest?What amazing task do you want to do?

Questions?Email us:[email protected]@illinois.edu