Building Post- Secondary Collaboration via Technology Ruth Mitchell Pitts and Gali Beeri Center for European Studies UNC-Chapel Hill

Building Post-Secondary Collaboration via Technology Ruth Mitchell Pitts and Gali Beeri Center for European Studies UNC-Chapel Hill

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Building Post-Secondary Collaboration via Technology

Ruth Mitchell Pitts and Gali Beeri

Center for European Studies

UNC-Chapel Hill

Project Overview

Pools faculty expertise in the European Union across 3 schools

Enrolls students on 3 campuses Triples course listings in specialized

EU topics Enhances student and faculty

collaboration at area colleges

Project rationale

Need for deep learning about region Limited course offerings existed Complementary expertise Natural function for National Resource


Partners in UNC system schools

Center for European Studies (CH) Political Science departments:

Charlotte, NCSU, and Chapel Hill Technology services at 3 sites Professors

Walsh & Piazza (Charlotte)Stephen & Wagner (NCSU)Vachudova and Marks (Chapel Hill)

Technology and Support

16 NC system schools ‘information highway’ (NC-REN)

Normal use only bi-lateral Continuous presence (all on all) Behind camera support. VOIP used

for on-site tech staff communications

Consortium sets schedule Professors appointed adjunct at all

sites Course offered on all campuses (no

transfer credit) TA from Chapel Hill (only PhD

program) One central website hosting 3 syllabi

(site-specific language)

2004-6 schedule

Business and Politics in the EU (NCSU) Fall 2004

Transatlantic Relations and Security (Charlotte) Spring 2005

European Monetary Unification (Charlotte) Fall 2005

Undivided Europe (Chapel Hill) Spring 2006

Enrollment 72-75 per semester

Schedule 2006-2010

Europe as Identity: Histories, Spaces, and RelationsPeter Wagner, NC State, Fall 2006

Theories and Practices of European IntegrationGary Marks, UNC Chapel Hill, Spring 2007

Islam and the West: the EU PerspectiveJames Piazza, UNC Charlotte, Fall 2007

Assessing EU EnlargementMilada Vachudova, UNC Chapel Hill 2008

European Capitalism and Global InfluencesRoland Stephen, NC State 2009

Two or more courses earn certificate in EU Studies

Certificate in EU Studies



Departments asking for increases seat allocations

Faculty find student performance on a par with regular classes

Student evaluations of faculty meet or exceed departmental means

Department Mean

Section Mean

Question: The instructor usually…

3.95 4.64 2. Clarity and logic of communication

3.10 4.82 4. Encourages questions

4.10 4.82 5. Emphasizes critical thinking

3.76 4.18 6. Promotes active involvement

3.97 4.82 11. Availability

4.41 4.73 12. Well prepared

3.87 4.73 13. Overall excellent

3.97 4.73 14. Goals and objectives clearly specified

4.14 4.55 15. Requirements clearly specified

4.05 4.73 16. Assignments related to objectives

3.86 4.36 17. Methods facilitate learning

4.18 4.09 18. Well organized

3.96 4.09 19. Materials stimulated critical thinking

Semester 1: EU and Business

Department Mean

Section Mean

Question: The instructor usually…

4.09 4.45 2. Clarity and logic of communication

3.34 4.36 4. Encourages questions

4.23 3.95 5. Emphasizes critical thinking

3.96 3.82 6. Promotes active involvement

4.11 4.09 11. Availability

4.40 4.50 12. Well prepared

3.97 4.09 13. Overall excellent

4.18 4.05 14. Goals and objectives clearly specified

4.27 4.32 15. Requirements clearly specified

4.23 4.32 16. Assignments related to objectives

3.83 4.09 17. Methods facilitate learning

4.17 4.32 18. Well organized

3.99 3.91 19. Materials stimulated critical thinking

Semester 3: European Monetary Integration

Lessons Learned

Expectation of technical problems Reality was human problems Needed more classroom tools

outlines, video-lectures, TA visits, calling on students at all sites


Any series of classes can use this model

Useful for pooling expertise and deepening course offerings

Two-edged sword Added value for center’s instruction

program and post-secondary outreach program

Full paper available at:


Academic programs

Distance education