Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety

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  • 8/13/2019 Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety


    Fire safety

    The Building Regulations 2000

    B1 Means of warning and escapeB2 Internal fire spread (linings)

    B3 Internal fire spread (structure)

    B4 External fire spread

    B5 Access and facilities for the fire


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    Use of guidance 7

    The Approved Documents 7

    Limitation on requirements 7

    Materials and workmanship 7

    The Construction Products Directive 8

    B General introduction 10

    Fire safety 10

    B1 Means of warning and escape The Requirement 13

    B1 Guidance 14

    Performance 14

    Introduction 14

    Interaction with other legislation 14

    Management of premises 15

    Analysis of the problem 15

    Means of escape for disabled people 16

    Security 16

    Alternative approaches 16

    Use of the document 17Methods of measurement 17

    B1 Section 1: Fire alarm and firedetection systems 19

    Introduction 19

    Dwellings 19

    Buildings other than dwellings 21

    B1 Section 2: Dwellinghouses 23

    Introduction 23

    General provisions 23

    Provisions for escape from floors notth 4 5 b d l l 23

    Means of escapeparts of flats and

    Number of escap

    Common escape

    Common stairs

    Protection of com

    Basement stairs

    Stairs serving acancillary to flats a

    External escape

    Dwellings in mixe

    B1 Section 4: Desigescape buildings

    Introduction Escape route des

    Hospitals and othpremises of Purp

    B1 Section 5: Desig buildings other th


    Number of escap

    Width of escape

    Calculation of mi

    Protection of esc

    Basement stairs

    External escape

    B1 Section 6: Geneto buildings other t


    Protection of esc

    Doors on escape


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    B2 Section 7: Wall and ceiling linings 60

    Classification of linings 60

    Variations and special provisions 60

    Thermoplastic materials 61

    B3 Internal fire spread (structure) The Requirement 63

    B3 Guidance 64

    Performance 64

    Introduction 64

    B3 Section 8: Loadbearing elementsof structure 65

    Introduction 65

    Fire resistance standard 65

    Floors in domestic loft conversions 65

    Raised storage areas 66

    Conversion to flats 66

    B3 Section 9: Compartmentation 67

    Introduction 67

    Provisions of compartmentation 67

    Construction of compartment walls

    and compartment floors 70Openings in compartmentation 72

    Protected shafts 72

    B3 Section 10: Concealed spaces (cavities) 76

    Introduction 76

    Provision of cavity barriers 76

    Construction and fixings for cavity barriers 79Maximum dimensions of concealed spaces 80

    Openings in cavity barriers 81

    B3 Section 11: Protection of openingsand fire-stopping 82

    B4 External fire spread The Requirement

    B4 Guidance



    B4 Section 13: Constructio


    Fire resistance standard

    Portal frames

    External surfaces

    External wall constructio

    B4 Section 14: Space sepa



    Unprotected areas

    Methods for calculating unprotected area

    B4 Section 15: Roof cover


    Classification of perform

    Separation distances

    B5 Access and facilities fo The Requirement

    B5 Guidance



    B5 Section 16: Fire mains


    Provision of fire mains

    Number and location of

    D i d t ti


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    Design and construction offirefighting shafts 109

    Rolling shutters in compartment walls 109

    B5 Section 19: Venting of heat and smokefrom basements 110

    Introduction 110

    Provision of smoke outlets 110

    Construction of outlet ducts or shafts 111

    Basement car parks 111


    Appendix A: Performance of materialsand structures 112

    Introduction 112

    Fire resistance 112

    Roofs 113Reaction to fire 113

    Non-combustible materials 114

    Materials of limited combustibility 114

    Internal linings 114

    Thermoplastic materials 115

    Fire test methods 115

    Appendix B: Fire doors 126

    Appendix C: Methods of measurement 130

    Appendix D: Purpose groups 132

    Appendix E: Definitions 134

    Appendix F: Fire behaviour of insulatingcore panels used for internal structures 138

    Appendix G:Standards referred to 140

    Appendix H: Other publications referred to 147

    Index 149

    6. Position of dosuitable for em

    from a loft condwellinghouse

    7. Flat where all direct access

    8. Flat with restrfurthest point

    9. Flat with an alall habitable ro

    access to an e10. Maisonette w

    from each habat entrance le

    11. Maisonette whall and landin

    12. Flats or maisocommon stair

    13. Flats or maisothan one com

    14. Common escstair building

    15. Travel distanc

    16. Alternative es

    17. Inner room an

    18. Exits in a cent

    19. Dead-end cor

    20. Progressive h

    21. External protec

    22. Fire resistanceexternal stairs

    B223. Lighting diffus

    24. Layout restricrooflights, TP(lighting diffuse



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    32. Cavity wall excluded from provisionsfor cavity barriers 78

    33. Alternative arrangements in roof spaceover protected stairway in a house with afloor more than 4.5m above ground level 78

    34. Corridor enclosure alternatives 79

    35. Fire-resisting ceiling belowconcealed space 81

    36. Provisions for cavity barriers indouble-skinned insulated roof sheeting 81

    37. Pipes penetrating structure 83

    38. Enclosure for drainage or watersupply pipes 84

    39. Flues penetrating compartment wallsor floors 84


    40. Provisions for external surfaces or walls 9141. Relevant boundary 92

    42. Notional boundary 93

    43. Status of combustible surface materialas unprotected area 94

    44. Unprotected areas which may bedisregarded in assessing the separationdistance from the boundary 95

    45. The effect of a canopy on separationdistance 95

    46. Permitted unprotected areas in smallresidential buildings 97

    47. Limitations on spacing and size ofplastic rooflights having a Class 3or TP(b) lower surface 98


    48. Example of building footprint andperimeter 105

    49. Relationship between building and hardstanding/access roads for high reachfire appliances 106

    Appendix E

    E1. Recessed car parking



    1. Floor space factors

    2. Limitations on distancommon areas of flatbuildings

    3. Limitations on travel

    4. Minimum number of exits from a room, tie

    5. Widths of escape rou

    6. Minimum widths of e

    7. Capacity of a stair for simultaneous evacuat

    8. Minimum width of staphased evacuation

    9. Provisions for escape


    10. Classification of lining

    11. Limitations applied torooflights and lighting

    suspended ceiling anrooflights


    12. Maximum dimensioncompartment (non-re

    13. Provision of cavity ba

    14. Maximum dimension

    non-domestic buildinGroups 27)

    15. Maximum nominal inpipes passing througwall/floor



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    21. Typical fire service vehicle accessroute specification 107

    22. Minimum number of firefighting shaftsin buildings fitted with sprinklers 109


    A1. Specific provisions of test for fireresistance of elements of structure, etc. 116

    A2. Minimum periods of fire resistance 119

    A3. Limitations on fire-protecting

    suspended ceilings 120

    A4. Limitations on the use of uninsulatedglazed elements on escape routes 121

    A5. Notional designations of roof coverings 122

    A6. Use and definitions of non-combustiblematerials 123

    A7. Use and definitions of materials of

    limited combustibility 124A8. Typical performance ratings of some

    generic materials and products 125

    B1. Provisions for fire doors 128

    D1. Classification of Purpose Groups 133


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  • 8/13/2019 Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety



    The Building Regulations 2000(SI 2000/2531),which come into operation on 1 January 2001,replace the Building Regulations 1991(SI 1991/2768) and consolidate all subsequent revisionsto those regulations. This document is one of aseries that has been approved and issued by theSecretary of State for the purpose of providingpractical guidance with respect to the requirementsof Schedule 1 to and Regulation 7 of the Building

    Regulations 2000for England and Wales.This document provides a consolidation of theguidance previously issued in the original 2000edition of Approved Document B and thesubsequent amendments of it which wereissued in 2000 and 2002.

    At the back of this document is a list of all thedocuments that have been approved and issuedby the Secretary of State for this purpose.

    The Approved Documents are intended to provideguidance for some of the more common buildingsituations. However, there may well be alternativeways of achieving compliance with the requirements.Thus there is no obligation to adopt anyparticular solution contained in an ApprovedDocument if you prefer to meet the relevantrequirement in some other way.

    Other requirementsThe guidance contained in an Approved Documentrelates only to the particular requirements of theRegulations which that document addresses.The building work will also have to comply withthe Requirements of any other relevant paragraphsin Schedule 1 to the Regulations.

    There are Approved Documents which giveguidance on each of the other requirements in

    Schedule 1 and on Regulation 7.


    In accordance with Regulation 8, the requirementsin Parts A to K and N of Schedule 1 to the BuildingRegulations do not require anything to be done

    Products Directive(8by the CE Marking D

    product complying wspecification (as defia British Standard, otechnical specificatiocontracting party to which, in use, is equby an national or Eura European Technicathe conditions of use

    terms of the certificaguidance in the ApprRegulation 7 on mat

    Independent certifi

    There are many UK pSuch schemes certifrequirements of a recappropriate to the pu

    is to be used. Materimay still conform to

    Many certification boschemes are accred

    Since the fire perfocomponent or strucsatisfactory site insindependent schemregistration of insta

    of such will provide cstandard of workm

    Technical specifica

    Building Regulations ahealth and safety, enwelfare and convenieStandards and technguidance to the exte

    considerations. Howother aspects of perfoor aspects which altand safety are not co

    When an Approved Dto a named standardthe standard is the o

    Use of guidance
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    The Department intends to issue periodicamendments to its Approved Documents to reflectemerging harmonised European Standards.Where a national standard is to be replaced by

    a harmonised European Standard, there will be aco-existence period during which either standardmay be referred to. At the end of the co-existenceperiod the national standard will be withdrawn.

    The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)Regulations 1992

    The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)Regulations 1992contain some requirements whichaffect building design. The main requirements arenow covered by the Building Regulations, but forfurther information see: Workplace health, safetyand welfare, The Workplace (Health, Safety andWelfare) Regulations 1992, Approved Code ofPractice and Guidance; The Health and SafetyCommission, L24; Published by HMSO 1992;ISBN 0 11886 333 9.

    The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)Regulations 1992apply to the common parts offlats and similar buildings if people such as cleaners,wardens and caretakers are employed to work inthese common parts. Where the requirements ofthe Building Regulations that are covered by thisPart do not apply to dwellings, the provisions maystill be required in the situations described abovein order to satisfy the Workplace Regulations.

    The Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare)

    Regulations 1996The purpose of this Approved Document is toprovide guidance on the fire safety requirementsfor the completed building. It does not addressthe risk of fire during the construction work whichis covered by the Construction (Health, Safetyand Welfare) Regulations 1996. HSE have issuedthe following guidance on these Regulations:Construction Information Sheet No. 51Construction

    fire safety; and HSG 168Fire safety in constructionwork(ISBN 0 71761 332 1).

    When the construction work is being carried outon a completed building which, apart from theconstruction site part of the building, remainsoccupied, the fire authority are responsible forthe enforcement of the 1996 Regulations in

    approvals with a single set otechnical specifications for c(i.e. harmonised European sTechnical Approvals). Any m

    products have CE marking sare specified according to Especifications cannot have hentry to EEA markets on tecIn the UK, the CPD was impConstruction Products Reguinto force on 27 December amended on 1 January 199Products (Amendment) Reg

    This document refers to, anguidance, a large number ofin relation to Codes of Practmethods (typically the BS 476In order to facilitate harmonof the new technical specificsupporting European test stis also given on the classificaccordance with those stan

    Guidance is given for the apspecification of a product toof the following apply:

    1. a product bearing CE with the Construction(89/106/EEC) as amenDirective(93/68/EEC)

    2. a product tested and cwith the European Sta

    referred to in the Com2000/147/EC1and/orDecision 2000/367/E

    3. a product complying technical specificatioDirectives 89/106/EC93/68/EEC).

    The implementation of the C

    Directive(CPD) will necessitawhich national (British) Stantechnical specifications will so-called period of co-existof this period of co-existenca gradual adaptation to the CPD. It will enable producerdi t ib t f t ti

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    As new information becomes available and furtherharmonised European standards relevant to thisdocument are published, further guidance will bemade available. For example, further guidance

    will be necessary in the areas of roof coveringsand thermoplastics.

    Designation of standards

    The designation of xxxx is used for the yearreferred to for standards that are not yet published.The latest version of any standard may be usedprovided that it continues to address the relevantrequirements of the Regulations.

    Commission guidance papers and decisionsThe following guidance papers and Commissiondecisions are directly relevant to fire matters underthe Construction Products Directive:

    Guidance paper GThe European classification system for the reactionto fire performance of construction products.

    Guidance paper J

    Transitional arrangements under the ConstructionProducts Directive.

    Commission Decision of 8 February 2000(2000/147/EC) implementing Council Directive89/106/EECas regards the classification of thereaction to fire performance of construction products.

    Commission Decision of 3 May 2000 (2000/367/EC)implementing Council Directive 89/106/EECasregards the classification of the resistance to fireperformance of construction products, constructionworks and parts thereof.

    Commission Decision of 26 September 2000(2000/605/EC) amending Decision 96/603/ECestablishing the list of products belonging to ClassesA No contribution to fire provided for in Decision94/611/ECimplementing Article 20 of CouncilDirective 89/106/EECon construction products.

    Corrigenda Corrigendum to Commission Decision2000/147/ECof 8 February 2000 implementingCouncil Directive 89/106/EECas regards theclassification of the reaction to fire performanceof construction products.

    The publication and revision of Commissionguidance papers and decisions are ongoing and

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    Arrangement of sections

    0.1 The functional requirements B1 to B5 ofSchedule 1 of the Building Regulations are dealtwith separately in one or more Sections. Therequirement is reproduced at the start of therelevant Sections, followed by an introductionto the subject.

    0.2 The provisions set out in this document

    deal with different aspects of fire safety, with thefollowing aims.

    B1: To ensure satisfactory provision of means ofgiving an alarm of fire and a satisfactory standardof means of escape for persons in the event offire in a building.

    B2: That fire spread over the internal liningsof buildings is inhibited.

    B3: To ensure the stability of buildings in theevent of fire; to ensure that there is a sufficientdegree of fire separation within buildings andbetween adjoining buildings; and to inhibit theunseen spread of fire and smoke in concealedspaces in buildings.

    B4: That external walls and roofs have adequateresistance to the spread of fire over the externalenvelope, and that spread of fire from one building

    to another is restricted.B5: To ensure satisfactory access for fireappliances to buildings and the provision offacilities in buildings to assist firefighters in thesaving of life of people in and around buildings.

    0.3 Whilst guidance appropriate to each ofthese aspects is set out separately in this document,many of the provisions are closely interlinked. Forexample, there is a close link between the provisions

    for means of escape (B1) and those for the controlof fire growth (B2), fire containment (B3) andfacilities for the fire service (B5). Similarly there arelinks between B3 and the provisions for controllingexternal fire spread (B4), and between B3 and B5.Interaction between these different requirementsshould be recognised where variations in the

    Appendices: provisions coone of Part Bs requiremen

    0.5 Guidance on matters tone of the Sections is in a scovering the following subje

    Appendix A: Fire perfoand structures;

    Appendix B: Provisions

    Appendix C: Methods o

    Appendix D: A classificat

    Appendix E: Definitions

    Appendix F: Insulating

    Purpose groups

    0.6 Much of the guidanceis related to the use of the bclassifications are termed P

    they are described in Appen

    Fire performance of mater

    0.7 Much of the guidancedocument is given in terms relation to standard fire testdrawn together in Appendixis made where appropriate. protection systems reference

    for systems design and instreferred to are listed in Appe

    Fire doors

    0.8 Guidance in respect in Appendix B.

    Methods of measurement

    0.9 Some form of measu

    part of much of the guidancand methods are set out in Aof measurement specific to covered in the introduction tB1.xxv onwards).


    General introductionB

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    Following the discipline of DD 240should enabledesigners and building control bodies to be awareof the relevant issues, the need to consider thecomplete fire safety system, and to follow a

    disciplined analytical framework.0.12 Some variation of the provisions set out inthis document may also be appropriate wherePart B applies to existing buildings, and particularlyin buildings of special architectural or historicinterest, where adherence to the guidance in thisdocument might prove unduly restrictive. In suchcases it would be appropriate to take into accounta range of fire safety features, some of which are

    dealt with in this document, and some of whichare not addressed in any detail, and to set theseagainst an assessment of the hazard and riskpeculiar to the particular case.

    0.13 Factors that should be taken intoaccount include:

    a. the anticipated probability of a fire occurring;

    b. the anticipated fire severity;

    c. the ability of a structure to resist the spreadof fire and smoke;

    d. the consequential danger to people in andaround the building.

    0.14 A wide variety of measures could beconsidered and incorporated to a greater or lesserextent, as appropriate in the circumstances.These include:

    a. the adequacy of means to prevent fire;

    b. early fire warning by an automaticdetection and warning system;

    c. the standard of means of escape;

    d. provision of smoke control;

    e. control of the rate of growth of a fire;

    f. the adequacy of the structure to resist

    the effects of a fire;

    g. the degree of fire containment;

    h. fire separation between buildings orparts of buildings;

    i. the standard of active measures forfi ti i h t t l

    0.15 It is possible tto evaluate risk and measures listed abovvalues in some circu

    made when quantitacareful assessment.

    Shopping complexeone or more atria

    0.16 An example osafety can be found iin the design, constrCode of practice for is referred to in Sect

    Similarly a building cthrough compartmensafety measures. Gumeasures in these ciBS 5588-7Code of pof atria in buildings.


    0.17 The design ofcovered by Health Te81Fire precautions inWhere the guidance Part B of the Building

    Property protection

    0.18 Building Reguthat a reasonable stanin case of fire. The prthe building itself, maand insurers will in gstandards, before acGuidance is given in the fire protection of

    Guidance for asset pDefence Estates is gStandardspublishedto the Civil Estate (PA

    Material alteration

    0.19 An alteration wless satisfactory in rethe requirements of it was before, is cont( i f b ildi

  • 8/13/2019 Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety


    Confidence that the required level of performancecan be achieved will be demonstrated by the useof a system, material, product or structure whichis provided under the arrangements of a product

    conformity certification scheme and an accreditationand registration of installers scheme.

    Third party accredited product conformitycertification schemes not only provide a meansof identifying materials and designs of systems,products or structures which have demonstratedthat they have the requisite performance in fire,but additionally provide confidence that the systems,materials, products or structures actually supplied

    are provided to the same specification or designas that tested/assessed.

    Third party accreditation and registration of installersof systems, materials, products or structuresprovide a means of ensuring that installations havebeen conducted by knowledgeable contractorsto appropriate standards, thereby increasing thereliability of the anticipated performance in fire.


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    In the Secretary of States view the requirementof B1 will be met if:

    a. there are routes of sufficient number and capacity,which are suitably located to enable persons toescape to a place of safety in the event of fire;

    b. the routes are sufficiently protected from theeffects of fire by enclosure where necessary;

    c. the routes are adequately lit;

    d. the exits are suitably signed; and

    e. there are appropriate facilities to either limitthe ingress of smoke to the escape route(s)or to restrict the fire and remove smoke;

    all to an extent necessary that is dependent onthe use of the building, its size and height; and

    f. there is sufficient means for giving earlywarning of fire for persons in the building.


    B1.i These provisions relate to building workand material changes of use which are subjectto the functional requirement B1, and they maytherefore affect new or existing buildings. Theyare concerned with the measures necessary toensure reasonable facilities for means of escapein case of fire. They are only concerned withstructural fire precautions where these are necessaryto safeguard escape routes.

    They assume that in the design of the building,reliance should not be placed on external rescueby the fire service. This Approved Document hasbeen prepared on the basis that, in an emergency,the occupants of any part of a building should beable to escape safely without any external assistance.

    Special considerations, however, apply to someinstitutional buildings in which the principle ofevacuation without assistance is not practical.

    It should also be noted that the guidance for atypical one- or two-storey dwelling is limited tothe provision of smoke alarms and to the provisionof openable windows for emergency egress

    There are also other Acts animpose fire safety requireme

    a licence or registration. Whilis enforced by a number of dthe majority of cases the appauthority is required to consbefore a licence or registrat

    B1.iii Under the Fire PrecaFire Authority cannot, as a ccertificate, make requirementsalterations to the fire precau

    if the aspects of the fire prehave been the subject of a Bapproval. However, if the Firthat the fire precautions are of matters that were not subRegulation approval or wereof the approval, then the Firbarred from making requirem

    In those premises subject to

    (Workplace) Regulations 199occupier is required to undereview a risk assessment toemployees within the premiat risk from fire. This risk assfor changes to the fire safetysubject to the risks identifieto these Regulations, as in tsubject to the other legislati

    safety requirements, the enfnot subject to any restrictioof additional fire safety mea

    It should be noted that it is pto be subject to the Fire PrePrecautions (Workplace) Relegislation imposing fire safesame time.

    Taking the above into accou

    recommended that the applfire precautions incorporatebuilding works meet the reqauthorities that may be involvof other fire safety related leconsultation with those authconjunction with the Building

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    B1.iv Under the Health and Safety at Work etc.Act 1974the Health and Safety Executive may havesimilar responsibilities for certification in the caseof highly specialised industrial and storage premises.

    B1.v Under the Housing Act 1985the localauthority is obliged to require means of escapein case of fire in certain types of houses whichare occupied by persons not forming a singlehousehold (Houses in Multiple Occupation).

    However, compliance with the guidance in thisdocument will enable a newly constructed orconverted house in multiple occupation toachieve an acceptable standard of fire safety. There are a number of other Statutesenforced by the local authority or the fire authoritythat may be applied to premises of specific usesonce they are occupied.

    Management of premises

    B1.viiThis Approved Document has been writtenon the assumption that the building concerned

    will be properly managed. Failure to take propermanagement responsibility may result in theprosecution of a building owner or occupier underlegislation such as the Fire Precautions Actorthe Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, and/orprohibition of the use of the premises.

    Analysis of the problem

    B1.viiiThe design of means of escape, and the

    provision of other fire safety measures such as afire alarm system (where appropriate), should bebased on an assessment of the risk to the occupantsshould a fire occur. The assessment should takeinto account the nature of the building structure,the use of the building, the processes undertakenand/or materials stored in the building; the potentialsources of fire; the potential of fire spread throughthe building; and the standard of fire safetymanagement proposed. Where it is not possible

    to identify with any certainty any of these elementsa judgement as to the likely level of provision mustbe made.

    B1.ix Fires do not normally start in two differentplaces in a building at the same time. Initially a firewill create a hazard only in the part in which it starts

    d it i lik l t thi t t i l l

    to provide safe meanprovide appropriate rapid spread of smo

    Criteria for means o

    B1.xi The basic prinof escape are:

    a. that there shouldof escape from m

    b. where direct escis not possible, itreach a place of protected stairwa

    exit, within a reassuch cases the mof two parts, the accommodation the second in prosome circumstan

    The ultimate place ofthe effects of the fire. which are large and co

    be reached within theplanning and protecti

    B1.xiiThe following of escape:

    a. lifts (except for ainstalled evacuatthe evacuation o

    b. portable ladders

    c. manipulative appe.g. fold down la

    Escalators should nopredictable exit capathat they are likely toescaping. Mechanisedand their capacity asuse as a walking rou

    Alternative means o

    B1.xiii There is alwaya single escape routeby fire, smoke or fumbe able to turn their occurs and travel aw

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    Unprotected escape routes should be limitedin extent so that people do not have to travelexcessive distances while exposed to theimmediate danger of fire and smoke.

    Even with protected horizontal escape routes thedistance to a final exit or protected stairway needsto be limited because the structure does not giveprotection indefinitely.

    B1.xvProtected stairways are designed to providevirtually fire sterile areas which lead to places ofsafety outside the building. Once inside a protectedstairway, a person can be considered to be safefrom immediate danger from flames and smoke.

    They can then proceed to a place of safetyat their own pace. To enable this to be done,flames, smoke and gases must be excludedfrom these escape routes, as far as is reasonablypossible, by fire-resisting structures or by anappropriate smoke control system, or by acombination of both these methods. This doesnot preclude the use of unprotected stairs forday-to-day circulation, but they can only playa very limited role in terms of means of escapedue to their vunerability in fire situations.

    Means of escape for disabled people

    B1.xvi Part M of the Regulations, Access andfacilities for disabled people, requires reasonableprovision for access by disabled people to certainbuildings, or parts of buildings. However, it maynot be necessary to incorporate special structural

    measures to aid means of escape for the disabled.Management arrangements to provide assistedescape may be all that is necessary. BS 5588-8Fire precautions in the design, construction anduse of buildings, code of practice for means ofescape for disabled people, gives guidance onmeans of escape for disabled people in allpremises other than dwellings. It introduces theconcept of refuges and the use of an evacuationlift, and stresses the need for effective management

    of the evacuation.


    B1.xvii The need for easy and rapid evacuation ofa building in case of fire may conflict with thecontrol of entry and exit in the interest of security.M i t d d t t th i d

    Alternative approac

    B1.xviiiThe Building Regulafor means of escape will be the relevant guidance given in

    in paragraphs B1.xixB1.xxof this Approved Document


    B1.xix BS 5588-0 Fire precaconstruction and use of builsafety codes of practice for applications,includes refereand guides dealing with the

    escape. If one of those codesthe relevant recommendatioof escape in case of fire in thshould be followed, rather tpublication and provisions inof this Approved Documentbe circumstances where it isone publication to supplemethe use in Section 18 of BS practice for firefighting stair

    Note:Buildings for some paand commercial activities prhazard, e.g. those involved may require additional fire pdetailed in this Approved Doto guidance for such buildingiven in BS 5588-0.


    B1.xx In parts of hospitals dby patients, and in similar acas nursing homes and homesthere are people who are bevery restricted mobility, the evacuation of a building in tbe inappropriate. It is also uthat all patients will leave wi

    In this and other ways the ssome health care premises approach to the provision ofrom much of that embodiedthis Approved Document.

    NHS Estates has prepared adocuments on fire precautio

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    Where a house of one or two storeys is convertedfor use as an unsupervised Group Home for notmore than 6 mentally impaired or mentally ill people,it should be regarded as a Purpose Group 1(c)building if the means of escape are provided inaccordance with HTM 88Guide to fire precautionsin NHS housing in the community for mentallyhandicapped (or mentally ill) people. Where thebuilding is new, it may be more appropriate toregard it as being in Purpose Group 2(b).

    Note:Firecode contains managerial and otherfire safety provisions which are outside the scopeof building regulations.

    Shopping complexes

    B1.xxiAlthough the guidance in this ApprovedDocument may be readily applied to individualshops, shopping complexes present a differentset of escape problems. A suitable approachis given in section 4 of BS 5588-10:1991 Fireprecautions in the design, construction and use ofbuildings, code of practice for shopping complexes.

    Note:BS 5588: Part 10applies more restrictiveprovisions to units with only one exit in coveredshopping complexes than given in BS 5588: Part 11Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial,storage and other similar buildings.

    Assembly buildings

    B1.xxii There are particular problems that arisewhen people are limited in their ability to escapeby fixed seating. This may occur at sports events,theatres, lecture halls and conference centresetc. Guidance on this and other aspects ofmeans of escape in assembly buildings is givenin sections 3 and 5 of BS 5588-6:1991 Code ofpractice for places of assembly, and the relevantrecommendations concerning means of escapein case of fire of that code should be followed,in appropriate cases. The guidance given in theGuide to fire precautions in existing places of

    entertainment and like premises(HMSO) mayalso be followed.

    In the case of buildings to which the Safety ofSports Grounds Act 1975applies, the guidancein the Guide to safety at sports grounds (DNH)should also be followed.

    Section 5 deals with phase of the escapeguidance on mattersmeans of escape, ot

    Methods of meB1.xxv The followingapply specifically to measurement applicgiven in Appendix C

    Occupant capacity

    B1.xxviThe occupa

    storey, building or paa. the maximum num

    to hold; or

    b. the number calcuroom or storey(s)(m per person) sfor guidance.

    Note:area excludes

    accommodation andbuilding structure (buetc. should not be ex

    Travel distance

    B1.xxviiTravel distaof the shortest route

    a. there is fixed seatis along the cent


    b. it includes a stairthe centre line of


    B1.xxviii The width o

    a. a door (or doorwwhen the door is

    b. an escape routeabove floor level elsewhere, the mavailable betwee

    c. a stairis the cleaor balustrades.


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    1. Door hardware, handrails and strings whichdo not intrude more than 100mm into thesewidths may be ignored (see Diagram 1).

    2. The rails used for guiding a stair lift may beignored when considering the width of a stair.However, it is important that the chair or carriageis able to be parked in a position that does notcause an obstruction to either the stair or landing.

    Table 1 Floor space factors(1)

    Type of accommodation (2)(3)

    1. Standing spectator areas, bars without seating and similar refreshment areas

    2. Amusement arcade, assembly hall (including a general purpose place of assembly),bingo hall, club, crush hall, dance floor or hall, venue for pop concert and similar events

    3. Concourse, queuing area or shopping mall (4)

    4. Committee room, common room, conference room, dining room, licensed bettingoffice (public area), lounge or bar (other than in 1 above), meeting room, reading room,restaurant, staff room or waiting room (5)

    5. Exhibition hall or studio (film, radio, television, recording)

    6. Skating rink

    7. Shop sales area (6)

    8. Art gallery, dormitory, factory production area, museum or workshop

    9. Office

    10. Shop sales area (7)

    11. Kitchen or library

    12. Bedroom or study-bedroom

    13. Bed-sitting room, billiards or snooker room or hall

    14. Storage and warehousing

    15. Car park Two p


    1 As an alternative to using the values in the table the floor space factor may be determined by reference to actual dat

    Diagram 1 Measureme

    See para B1.xxviii


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    Introduction1.1 Provisions are made in this section forsuitable arrangements to be made in all buildingsto give early warning in the event of fire.

    Paragraphs 1.2 to 1.22 deal with dwellings andparagraphs 1.23 to 1.32 with other buildings.



    1.2 In most houses the installation of smokealarms or automatic fire detection and alarm systemscan significantly increase the level of safety byautomatically giving an early warning of fire.

    1.3 If houses are not protected by an automaticfire detection and alarm system in accordancewith the relevant recommendations of BS 5839-1

    Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings,Code of practice for system design, installationand servicing to at least an L3 standard, orBS 5839-6Code of practice for the design andinstallation of fire detection and alarm systems indwellings to at least a Grade E type LD3 standard,they should be provided with a suitable numberof smoke alarms installed in accordance with theguidance in paragraphs 1.4 to 1.22 below.

    1.4 The smoke alarms should be mains-operatedand conform to BS 5446-1:1990. They may havea secondary power supply such as a battery(either rechargeable or replaceable) or capacitor.More information on power supplies is given inclause 13 of BS 5839-6:1995

    Note:BS 5446: Part 1covers smoke alarms basedon ionization chamber smoke detectors and optical(photo-electric) smoke detectors. The different

    types of detector respond differently to smoulderingand fast flaming fires. Either type of detector isgenerally suitable. However, the choice of detectortype should, if possible, take into account thetype of fire that might be expected and the needto avoid false alarms. Optical detectors tend tobe less affected by low levels of invisible smoke

    Large houses

    1.5 A house may of its storeys exceed

    1.6 A large house(including basement an L2 system as desexcept that the provisduration of the standb

    However, with unsupsupply should be camaintaining the syste(though with audiblefailure of the mains) which sufficient capamaximum alarm load

    1.7 A large house(including basement

    an automatic fire detGrade B type LD3 asinstead of an L2 syst

    Loft conversions

    1.8 Where a loft inis converted into habautomatic smoke debased on linked smo(see paragraph 2.26)

    Flats and maisonet

    1.9 The same prinmaisonettes as for h

    a. the provisions arto the common pdo not include ininstallations in se

    b. a flat with accomlevel (i.e. a maisosame way as a ho

    Note:Some studentis constructed in the Where groups of stu

    Section 1: Fire alarm and firedetection systems

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    detected in one of the dwellings, and can identifythe dwelling concerned. These provisions are notintended to be applied to the common parts of asheltered housing development, such as communallounges, or to sheltered accommodation in theInstitutional or Other residential purpose groups.

    Installations based on smoke alarms

    1.11 Smoke alarms should normally be positionedin the circulation spaces between sleeping spacesand places where fires are most likely to start(e.g. kitchens and living rooms) to pick up smokein the early stages, while also being close enoughto bedroom doors for the alarm to be effective

    when occupants are asleep.

    1.12 In a house (including bungalows) thereshould be at least one smoke alarm on every storey.

    1.13 Where more than one smoke alarm isinstalled they should be linked so that the detectionof smoke by one unit operates the alarm signal inall of them. The manufacturers instructions aboutthe maximum number of units that can be linked

    should be observed.1.14 Smoke alarms should be sited so that:

    a. there is a smoke alarm in the circulationspace within 7.5m of the door to everyhabitable room;

    b. where the kitchen area is not separated fromthe stairway or circulation space by a door,there should be a compatible interlinked

    heat detector in the kitchen, in addition towhatever smoke alarms are needed in thecirculation space(s);

    c. they are ceiling mounted and at least 300mmfrom walls and light fittings (unless in thecase of light fittings there is test evidenceto prove that the proximity of the light fittingwill not adversely affect the efficiency of thedetector). Units designed for wall mounting

    may also be used provided that the units areabove the level of doorways opening into thespace, and they are fixed in accordance withmanufacturers instructions; and

    d. the sensor in ceiling mounted devices isbetween 25mm and 600mm below the ceiling(25150mm in the case of heat detectors)

    Smoke alarms should not bget very hot (such as a boile(such as an unheated porchfixed to surfaces which are nor colder than the rest of thetemperature difference mighwhich move smoke away fro

    A requirement for maintenanas a condition of passing plControl Body. However, the aand builders is drawn to the imthe occupants with informatequipment, and on its mainton suitable maintenance co

    Note: BS 5839: Part 1and Pthat occupiers should receivinstructions concerning the maintenance of the alarm sy

    Power supplies

    1.17 The power supply for should be derived from the

    electricity supply. The mainsalarm(s) should comprise a circuit at the dwellings main(consumer unit). If the smokdoes not include a stand-byother electrical equipment sto this circuit (apart from a ddevice installed to indicate fsupply to the smoke alarms

    1.18 A smoke alarm, or smthat includes a standby powcan operate during mains failconnected to a regularly useThis has the advantage thatto be disconnected for any

    1.19 Devices for monitorinto the smoke alarm system mor visible signals on each un

    mains monitor connected tocircuit. The circuit design ofmonitor should avoid any sithe reliability of the supply, aso that the warning of failureto the occupants. If a continis given, it should be possib


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    used for interconnecting alarms (signalling) shouldbe readily distinguishable from those supplyingmains power, e.g. by colour coding.

    Note:Smoke alarms may be interconnected using

    radio-links, provided that this does not reduce thelifetime or duration of any standby power supply.

    1.22 Other effective, though possibly moreexpensive, options exist. For example, the mainssupply may be reduced to extra low voltage in acontrol unit incorporating a standby trickle-chargedbattery, before being distributed at that voltage tothe alarms.

    Buildings other than dwellingsGeneral

    1.23 To select the appropriate type of fire alarm/detection system that should be installed into aparticular building, the type of occupancy andmeans of escape strategy (e.g. simultaneous,phased or progressive horizontal evacuation)must be determined.

    For example, if occupants normally sleep on thepremises, e.g. residential accommodation, the threatposed by a fire is much greater than that in premiseswhere the occupants are normally alert. Wherethe means of escape is based on simultaneousevacuation, then operation of a manual call pointor fire detector should give an almost instantaneouswarning from all the fire alarm sounders. However,where the means of escape is based on phased

    evacuation, then a staged alarm system is appropriate.Such a system enables two or more stages of alarmto be given within a particular area, e.g. alert orevacuate signals.

    Note:the term fire detection system is used hereto describe any type of automatic sensor networkand associated control and indicating equipment.Sensors may be sensitive to smoke, heat or radiation.Normally the control and indicating equipment

    operates a fire alarm system, and it may performother signalling or control functions as well.Automatic sprinkler systems can also be used tooperate a fire alarm system.

    1.24 The factors which have to be consideredwhen assessing what standard of fire alarm orautomatic fire detection system is to be provided

    Fire alarm systems

    1.25 All buildings sdetecting fire. In mosby people, either thro

    and therefore often n1.26 In small buildiraising the alarm mawhere all occupants shouted warning FIRthe fire may be all ththe situation, it mustwarning can be heardthe premises, includi

    areas. In other circumsounders (such as robe used. Alternativelcombined with a belbe suitable.

    In all other cases, thewith a suitable electrsystem with manual exit doors and suffic

    audible throughout t1.27 An electricallyshould comply withalarm systems for busystem design, insta

    Call points for electrcomply with BS 583call points, or Type A and fire alarm systemthese should be inst5839-1. Type B call pwith the approval of

    Note 1:BS 5839-1ssystem, i.e. type L foM manual alarm systprotection; and type buildings. Type L sys systems installed tbuilding; L2 systemparts of the protecteshould normally incluof a type L3 system)only for the protectiosystems are subdividi t ll d th h t


  • 8/13/2019 Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety


    alarm system. Such a system could form part ofa public address system and give both an audiblesignal and verbal instructions in the event of fire.

    The fire warning signal should be distinct from

    other signals which may be in general use andbe accompanied by clear verbal instructions.

    If a voice alarm system is to be installed, it shouldcomply with BS 5839-8Code of practice forthe design, installation and servicing of voicealarm systems.

    1.29 In certain premises, e.g. large shops andplaces of assembly, an initial general alarm maybe undesirable because of the number of membersof the public present. The need for fully trainedstaff to effect pre-planned procedures for safeevacuation will therefore be essential. Actuationof the fire alarm system will cause staff to bealerted, e.g. by discreet sounders, personalpaging systems etc. Provision will normally bemade for full evacuation of the premises bysounders or a message broadcast over the publicaddress system. In all other respects, any staff

    alarm system should comply with BS 5839-1.

    Automatic fire detection and fire alarm systems

    1.30 Automatic fire detection and alarms inaccordance with BS 5839-1should be providedin institutional and other residential occupancies.

    1.31 Automatic fire detection systems are notnormally needed in office, shop and commercial,assembly and recreation, industrial, and storage

    and other non-residential occupancies. However,there are often circumstances where a firedetection system in accordance with BS 5839-1may be needed. For example:

    a. to compensate for some departure from theguidance elsewhere in this document;

    b. as part of the operating system for somefire protection systems, such as pressure

    differential systems or automatic door releases;c. where a fire could break out in an unoccupied

    part of the premises (e.g. a storage area orbasement that is not visited on a regular basis,or a part of the building that has been temporarilyvacated) and prejudice the means of escapefrom any occupied part(s) of the premises

    3. Where an atrium buildinaccordance with BS 558in the design, constructioCode of practice for thein buildings, then the relein that code for the instafire detection systems foselected should be follo

    Design and installation of

    1.32 It is essential that firewarning systems are properand maintained. Where a firinstalled, an installation and

    certificate should be providecertification schemes for fireand related services are an providing the fullest possiblea level of quality, reliability aparagraph 0.20).

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    2.1 The means of escape from a typicalone- or two-storey house are relatively simpleto provide.Few provisions are specified in thisdocument beyond ensuring that means areprovided for giving early warning in the event offire (see Section 1) and that suitable means areprovided for emergency egress from each storey.

    With increasing height more complex provisionsare needed because emergency egress through

    upper windows becomes increasingly hazardous.It is then necessary to protect the internal stairway.If there are floors more than 7.5m above groundlevel, the risk that the stairway will becomeimpassable before occupants of the upper partsof the house have escaped is appreciable, andan alternative route from those parts is called for.

    2.2 In providing fire protection of any kind inhouses it should be recognised that measures

    which significantly interfere with the day-to-dayconvenience of the occupants may be less reliablein the long term.

    2.3 This guidance is also applicable to the designand construction of houses which are consideredto be Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)providing there are no more than six residents.For HMOs with a greater number of residents,then additional precautions may be necessary. A

    house in multiple occupation is defined in section345 of the Housing Act 1985as a house which isoccupied by persons who do not form a singlehousehold. Guidance on the interpretation of thisdefinition is given in DOE Circular 12/93Housesin Multiple Occupation. Guidance to local housingauthorities on managing the stock in their area andWelsh Office Circular 55/93Houses in MultipleOccupation. Guidance on management strategies.

    Technical guidance for HMOs is given in DOECircular 12/92Houses in Multiple Occupation.Guidance to local housing authorities on standardsof fitness under section 352 of the Housing Act1985 and Welsh Office Circular 25/92LocalGovernment and Housing Act 1989. Houses inMultiple Occupation: standards of fitness.

    General provis

    Inner rooms2.4 A room whoseanother room is termrisk if a fire starts in thThis situation may arand sleeping gallerie

    Such an arrangementhe inner room is:

    a. a kitchen;b. a laundry or utilit

    c. a dressing room;

    d. a bathroom, wc,

    e. any other room oabove ground levparagraph 2.7, 2

    f. a sleeping galleryparagraph 2.9.

    Balconies and flat r

    2.5 A flat roof formescape should comply

    a. the roof should bfrom which esca

    b. the route across storey exit or ext

    c. the part of the roand its supportinany opening withshould provide 3(see Appendix A

    2.6 Where a balcofor escape purposes

    in which case it shouApproved Documentcollision and impact.

    Provisions for

    floors not mor

    Section 2: Dwellinghouses

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    2.8 Except for kitchens, all habitable rooms inthe ground storey should either:

    a. open directly onto a hall leading to theentrance or other suitable exit; or

    b. be provided with a window (or door) whichcomplies with paragraph 2.11.

    2.9 Where a sleeping gallery is provided:

    a. the gallery should be not more than 4.5mabove ground level;

    b. the distance between the foot of the accessstair to the gallery and the door to the roomcontaining the gallery should not exceed 3m;

    c. an alternative exit, or an emergency egresswindow which complies with paragraph 2.11,is needed if the distance from the head ofthe access stair to any point on the galleryexceeds 7.5m; and

    d. any cooking facilities within a room containinga gallery should either:

    i. be enclosed with fire-resistingconstruction; or

    ii. be remote from the stair to the gallery andpositioned such that they do not prejudicethe escape from the gallery.


    2.10 Because of the risk that a single stairwaymay be blocked by smoke from a fire in the

    basement or ground storey, if the basement storeycontains any habitable room, either provide:

    a. an external door or window suitable for egressfrom the basement (see paragraph 2.11); or

    b. a protected stairway leading from thebasement to a final exit.

    Emergency egress windows and external doors

    2.11 Any window provided for emergency egresspurposes and any external door provided for escapeshould comply with the following conditions.

    a. The window should have an unobstructedopenable area that is at least 0.33m andat least 450mm high and 450mm wide (theroute through the window may be at an angle

    b. The window or door shoescaping to reach a placfrom fire. This is a matteeach case, but in generagarden from which therethrough other buildings least as deep as the dweacceptable, see Diagram

    c. Where provided in a lofttwo-storey house, a dorwindow should be positwith Diagram 6.

    Additional provision

    with a floor more th

    ground level2.12 The provisions descr2.17 do not apply if the houinternal stairway which afformeans of escape and are adfrom each other.

    Diagram 2 Ground or exit into an

    See para 2.11(b)



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    a. The upper storeys (those above ground storey)should be served by a protected stairway whichshould either:

    i. extend to a final exit, see Diagram 3(a); or

    ii. give access to at least two escape routesat ground level, each delivering to finalexits and separated from each other byfire-resisting construction and self-closingfire doors, see Diagram 3(b).

    b. The top storey should be separated from thelower storeys by fire-resisting constructionand be provided with an alternative escaperoute leading to its own final exit.

    Note:Fire doors in dwellings may be fitted withrising butt hinges rather than spring or other formsof self-closing device (see Appendix E definitionof automatic self-closing device).

    Houses with more tabove ground level

    2.14 Where a houswith floors more than

    (typically a house of in addition to meetin2.13, an alternative eprovided from each sor more above groun

    Where the access tois via:

    a. the protected sta

    b. a landing within tenclosure to an athe same storey;

    c. the protected staground level sholower storeys or construction, see

    Diagram 3 Alternative arrangementsfor final exits

    Diagram 4 Fire swith

    over 4

    See para 2.13(a) and 2.18



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    Air circulation systems for heating, energyconservation or condensation control inhouses with a floor more than 4.5m aboveground level

    2.15 With these types of systems, the followingprecautions are needed to avoid the possibility ofthe system allowing smoke or fire to spread intoa protected stairway.

    a. Transfer grilles should not be fitted in any wall,door, floor or ceiling enclosing a protectedstairway.

    b. All ductwork passing through the enclosureto a protected stairway should be so fitted

    that all joints between the ductwork and theenclosure are fire-stopped.

    c. Where ductwork is used to convey air into aprotected stairway through the enclosure ofthe protected stairway, the return air from theprotected stairway should be ducted back tothe plant.

    d. Air and return air grilles or registers should be

    positioned at a height not exceeding 450mmabove floor level.

    e. A room thermostat for a ducted warm air heatingsystem should be mounted in the living room ata height between 1370mm and 1830mm, andits maximum setting should not exceed 27oC.

    f. Any system of mechanical ventilation whichrecirculates air should comply with therelevant recommendations in BS 5588-9

    Fire precautions in the design, constructionand use of buildings. Code of practice forventilation and air conditioning ductwork.

    Passenger lifts

    2.16 Where a passenger lift is provided in thehouse and it serves any floor more than 4.5mabove ground level, it should either be locatedin the enclosure to the protected stairway (see

    paragraph 2.13) or be contained in a fire-resistinglift shaft.

    Loft conversions

    2.17 In the case of an existo which a storey is to be adthe existing roof space into

    following provisions alternative to those in pa

    However, these alternative psuitable if:

    a. the new second storey earea; or

    b. the new second storey ithan two habitable room

    Enclosure of existing stair

    2.18 The stair in the ground be enclosed with walls and/are fire-resisting, and the en

    a. extend to a final exit, se

    b. give access to at least twground level, each delive

    separated from each othconstruction and self-cloDiagram 3(b).


    2.19 Every doorway withinexisting stair should be fittein the case of doors to habitbe fitted with a self-closing

    Note:Rising butt hinges areclosing devices (see Note to

    Any new door to a habitabledoor. Existing doors need oclosing devices. Existing glato have the glazing changed


    2.20 Any glazing (whetherthe enclosure to the existingdoors (whether or not they nbut excluding glazing to a babe fire-resisting and retainesystem and beads compatible(See also Appendix A, Table


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    Fire separation of n

    2.22 The new storethe rest of the house see paragraph 8.7. T

    measures should befire in the stairway froThis may be achievefire door set in fire-rethe top or the bottomon the layout of the n

    Emergency egress

    2.23 Windows provpurposes from baseprovide a means of sescape may dependWhile this is a departthat escape should bit is considered that,domestic residential loas an emergency meslope of the roof is n

    2.24 The room (or roeach have an openameets the relevant prto a roof terrace is al

    In a two-room loft cocan be accepted proown access to the stbetween the rooms mis possible to gain acpassing through the

    2.25 The window saccess for rescue byshould therefore be sto the point at whichfire service personnevehicle, although it sonly the fire service w

    Escape across the roo

    is acceptable provid(see paragraph 2.5 aThe effect of an extenfrom windows in othefrom a loft conversio

    Automatic smoke d

    Diagram 5 Alternatives for the fireseparation of the stair

    and new storey in house

    conversionSee paras 2.21 and 2.22


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    Diagram 6 Position of dormer window or rooflight suitable for emepuposes from a loft conversion of a two-storey dwelling

    See paras 2.11(c) and 2.24

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    3.1 The means of escape from a flat ormaisonette with a floor not more than 4.5m aboveground level are relatively simple to provide. Fewprovisions are specified in this document beyondensuring that means are provided for giving earlywarning in the event of fire (see Section 1) andthat suitable means are provided for emergencyegress from these storeys.

    With increasing height more complex provisionsare needed because emergency egress throughupper windows becomes increasingly hazardous,and in maisonettes internal stairs with a higherlevel of protection are needed.

    3.2 The guidance in this section deals with somecommon arrangements of flat and maisonettedesign. Other, less common, arrangements(for example flats entered above or belowaccommodation level, or flats containing galleries)are acceptable. Guidance on these is given inClauses 9 and 10 of BS 5588-1:1990 Fire precautionsin the design, construction and use of buildings.Code of practice for residential buildings.

    3.3 The provisions for means of escape forflats and maisonettes are based on theassumption that:

    a. the fire is generally in a dwelling;

    b. there is no reliance on external rescue(e.g. by a portable ladder);

    c. measures in Section 9 (B3) provide a highdegree of compartmentation and thereforea low probability of fire spread beyond thedwelling of origin, so that simultaneousevacuation of the building is unlikely to benecessary; and

    d. although fires may occur in the common parts

    of the building, the materials and constructionused there should prevent the fabric from beinginvolved beyond the immediate vicinity (althoughin some cases communal facilities exist whichrequire additional measures to be taken).

    3.4 There are two distinct components to

    Houses in Multiple

    3.5 This guidance

    and maisonettes whhouses in Multiple Obuilding is a house in on the nature of the physical form. See pavailable for houses

    Sheltered housing

    3.6 Whilst many o

    Approved Documentflats are applicable tnature of the occupaadditional fire protecwill depend on the foexample a group of sor two-storey flats, wneed not be treated or two-storey houses

    provisions are neededcan be found in Clau

    General provis

    Inner rooms

    3.7 A room whoseanother room is at risroom. The guidance on inner rooms in dwto flats and maisone


    3.8 Because of thmay be blocked by sbasement or groundSection 2, paragraphin dwellinghouses, aflats and maisonette

    Balconies and flat r

    3.9 The guidanceand 2.6 on balconies aapplies equally to flaaddition any balcony

    Section 3: Flats and maisonettes

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    Provisions for escape from flats and

    maisonettes where the floor is not

    more than 4.5m above ground level

    3.10 All rooms in the upper storey(s) shouldcomply with Section 2, paragraph 2.7 if the designof the dwelling and the common means of escapedoes not follow the guidance in paragraphs 3.11to 3.39. All rooms in the ground storey shouldcomply with paragraph 2.8.

    Additional provisions for flats and

    maisonettes with a floor more than

    4.5m above ground level

    Internal planning of flats

    3.11 Three acceptable approaches (all of whichshould observe the restrictions concerning innerrooms given in paragraph 3.7) when planning aflat which has a floor at more than 4.5m aboveground level are:

    a. to provide a protected entrance hall whichserves all habitable rooms, planned so thatthe travel distance from the entrance door tothe door to any habitable room is 9m or less(see Diagram 7); or

    b. to plan the flat so that the travel distancefrom the entrance door to any point in anyof the habitable rooms does not exceed 9mand the cooking facilities are remote from

    the entrance door and do not prejudice theescape route from any point in the flat(see Diagram 8); or

    c. to provide an alternative exit from the flat,complying with paragraph 3.12.

    Diagram 7 Flat where rooms have

    to an entra

    Diagram 8 Flat with redistance froto entrance

    See para 3.11(a)

    See para 3.11(b)


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    3.12 Where any flat has an alternative exit andthe habitable rooms do not have direct accessto the entrance hall (see Diagram 9):

    a. the bedrooms should be separated from theliving accommodation by fire-resistingconstruction and self-closing fire-door(s); and

    Diagram 9 Flat with an alternativeexit, but where all habitable

    rooms have no direct

    access to an entrance hall

    Diagram 10 Maiexits


    leveSee para 3.12 See para 3.14(a)


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    Internal planning of maisonettes

    3.13 A maisonette with an independent externalentrance at ground level is similar to a dwellinghouseand means of escape should be planned on the

    basis of paragraphs 2.13 or 2.14 depending onthe height of the top storey above ground level.

    3.14 Two acceptable approaches to planning amaisonette, which does not have its own externalentrance at ground level but has a floor at morethan 4.5m above ground level, are:

    a. to provide an alternative exit from eachhabitable room which is not on the entrancefloor of the maisonette, see Diagram 10; or

    b. to provide one alternative exit from each floor(other than the entrance floor), with a protectedlanding entered directly from all the habitablerooms on that floor, see Diagram 11.

    Alternative exits

    3.15 To be effective, an alteor maisonette should satisfy t

    a. be remote from the main

    dwelling; and

    b. lead to a final exit or com

    i. a door onto an accelobby or common ba

    ii. an internal private stacorridor, access lobbat another level; or

    iii. a door onto a commiv. a door onto an exter

    v. a door onto an escap

    Note:Any such access to astair should meet the appropwith means of escape in thebuilding (see paragraph 3.17

    Air circulation systems forconservation or condensaand maisonettes with a floabove ground level

    3.16 With these types of sprecautions are needed to athe system allowing smoke a protected entrance hall or

    a. Transfer grilles should no

    door, floor or ceiling encentrance hall of a dwellingand landing of a maison

    b. All ductwork passing thrto a protected entrance stairway and landing shothat all joints between thenclosure are fire-stopp

    c. Where ductwork is useda protected entrance haor protected stairway ana maisonette through thprotected hall or stairwathe protected hall or staducted back to the plan

    Diagram 11 Maisonette with protectedentrance hall and landing

    See para 3.14(b)


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    Means of escape in the common

    parts of flats and maisonettes

    3.17 The following paragraphs deal with meansof escape from the entrance doors of dwellingsto a final exit. They should be read in conjunctionwith the general provisions in Section 6.

    Note:Paragraphs 3.18 to 3.48 are not applicablewhere the top floor is not more than 4.5m aboveground level. However, attention is drawn to theprovisions in paragraph 3.6 regarding shelteredhousing, Section 6 regarding general provisions,Section 9 (B3) regarding the provision of compartmentwalls and protected shafts and Section 17 (B5)regarding the provision of access for the fire service.

    Number of escape routes

    3.18 Every dwelling should have access toalternative escape routes so that a personconfronted by the effects of an outbreak of firein another dwelling can turn away from it andmake a safe escape.

    However, a single esentrance door is acc

    a. the dwelling is sia single common

    I. every dwellincommon staicommon corr

    ii. the travel diston escape in observed; or

    b. alternatively the dend part of a com

    (or more) commothe nearest commlimitations in Tablonly (see Diagram

    Diagram 12 Flats or maisonettes served by one common stai

    See paras 3.18(a) and 3.23


  • 8/13/2019 Building Regulations 2000-Fire Safety


    Diagram 13 Flats or maisonettes served by more than one common

    Diagram 14 Common escape route in small single stair building

    See paras 3.18(b) and 3.23

    See para 3.19


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    Small single-stair buildings

    3.19 The provisions in paragraph 3.18 may bemodified and a single stair, protected in accordancewith Diagram 14, may be used provided that:

    a. the top floor of the building is no more than11m above ground level; and

    b. there are no more than three storeys abovethe ground level storey;

    c. the stair does not connect to a covered carpark, except if the car park is open-sided(see paragraph 12.4 for meaning of open-sided car park); and

    d. the stair does not serve ancillaryaccommodation unless:

    i. the storey containing the ancillaryaccommodation does not contain anydwellings; and

    ii. the ancillary accommodation is separatedfrom the stair by a protected lobby, orprotected corridor, which has not less

    than 0.4m permanent ventilation or isprotected from the ingress of smoke bya mechanical smoke control system.

    Flats and maisonettes with balcony ordeck access

    3.20 The provisions of paragraph 3.18 may alsobe modified in the case of flats and maisonetteswith balcony or deck approach. Guidance onthese forms of development is set out in clause13 of BS 5588: Fire precautions in the design,construction and use of buildings. Code ofpractice for residential buildings.

    Table 2 Limitations on distance oftravel in common areas of flatand maisonette buildings

    (see paragraph 3.21)Maximum distance of travel (m) from dwelling entrancedoor to common stair, or to door to lobby in corridor-access single-stair flats (Diagram 12a)

    Escape in one Escape in more thandirection only only one direction

    Common esca

    Planning of commo

    3.21 Escape routes

    comply with the limitTable 2. However thewhere some increasewill be reasonable.

    Escape routes shouldo not have to pass tto reach another. Howthrough a protected lto reach another.

    Protection of comm

    3.22 To reduce theaffecting the means dwellings, and commcommon corridors s

    The wall between eashould be a compart

    Ventilation of comm3.23 Despite the prApproved Documentsmoke will get into afrom a fire in a dwellindoor will be open wh

    There should therefoventilating the commdisperse smoke. (Th

    protection to the com

    a. In single-stair bucomplying with Dend portion of a stair, the commoventilated by an triggered by automin the space to bshould have a fre

    be fitted with a mDiagram 12 and

    b. In buildings with corridors should external face of tshould be opena

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    3.25 A dead end portion of a common corridorshould be separated from the rest of the corridorby a self-closing fire door with, if necessary, anyassociated fire-resisting screen (see Diagram 12aand Diagram 13c).

    Pressurisation of common escape routes

    3.26 Where the escape stairway and corridors/lobbies are protected by a smoke control systememploying pressure differentials, the design shouldcomply with BS 5588-4Fire precautions in thedesign, construction and use of buildings, Codeof practice for smoke control using pressuredifferentials. (In such cases the cross corridor

    fire doors and the openable and automaticallyopening vents may be omitted.)

    Ancillary accommo