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Greetings to all our Y’s families,

I thank all our members for participating in the day today activities and contributing towards projects which were executed by our club and by district. we distributed 85 blankets to unprivileged people sleeping in the streets of kalasipalayam and magestic areas. and we participated in district Christmas celebrations. Any organization, to succeed need full hearted support from the whole members, which I am requesting with humility. I am using this moment to salute the leaders of yesterday, whose hard work and dedication, nurtured Our YMC of Cantonment. May God bless us

Y’sm. Sumoj Mathew, President

From the Secretary's Desk

A very Happy New Year to all of you.

It gives me great pleasure to write that we are starting the New Year with a bang. Today is our beloved LRD Y'sm Baby P Thomas's official visit to our Club and he will be inducting one or two members to our Club. Our Club has celebrated Christmas on 17th December together with our monthly meeting. Besides the partying with cake and wine, we have done one major and two minor projects like distributing Blankets to the needy on the Streets (85), 20*12 feet mats for St Margret school and 10 Saris to destitute women at Jerome Home.

A Good number of our members participated in the Christmas and New Year Celebrations of our District 1. Our past LRD Y'sm PK Philip was honoured being HRM member by AP Y'smen Abbey Abraham and past RD Y'sm Jacob Varghese at the same occasion.

With pride we could say that this is our 4th Bimonthly Bulletin Spectrum with lots and lots of information is being released today. Credit goes to our hard working Bulletin editor Y'smt Mercy Mathew. So far we have done 5 major and 12 minor project worth ₹1,50231/-. We also have paid all the international dues.

I have been receiving great support from my Club members and hope and expect the same in the future too!!

Y’'s Per.Ponnamma Abraham

From Bulletin Editor

Here we are some of the lucky ones to see a new year in this planet. Never sure whether it is for better or worse. So stop wishing, start doing . Do it now as sometimes ,’ later ‘ becomes Never. If it is important to you , you will find a way. If not you will find an excuse. To encourage all our oldies , remember that beautiful young people are accidents of nature , but beautiful old people are work of art.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year Y’s mt Mercy Mathew

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Fascinating Information about the Human Brain

The human brain is the single most complex thing in the known universe. Even in this time of medical wonders, we still have not been able to uncover the full secrets of this incredible organ. However, we do know some things about the most important organ in the body, and here are some interesting ones you should definitely know about: 1. The belief that humans only use 10% of their brains is incorrect. Each part of the brain has a specific function and the average person uses all the various parts of the brain.

2. Have you ever had such a headache it felt like your brain is going to explode? That's not actually your brain hurting, because the brain has no pain receptors at all. Mother nature assumes you don't need it because it's never exposed (thankfully) and is usually protected by our thick skull.

3.You must think that your buttocks are the fattiest part of the body, but it is, in fact, the brain with the highest% of the body, about 60% of it is fat.

4. The brain has a texture similar to tofu, and enough liquid to fill a 2 liter (half a gallon) tank.

5. Thought creates 'pathways' that connect different parts of the brain. The more we repeat a thought, the more that pathway will become more central, wide and stable. That is why it is important not to think over and over about negative things, because they become permanent, and strong, pathways in your mind, and the chances are will force themselves on you more and more.

6. We think about 70,000 thoughts a day. A large part of these are 'automatic' thoughts that we repeat a lot, using our most 'established' thought pathways.

7. Most people dream about 4-7 dreams a night. 50% of those dreams are forgotten in the first minutes after waking. And the one we remember is usually one we were either just dreaming or a mix of all the dreams we had put together. No wonder they always seem so confusing.

8. Sleep is usually the time the brain uses to organize and put together the memories is accumulated throughout the day. And so, in many cases, before making big decisions it's better to 'sleep on it'.

9. The messages between the various brain cells (neurons) are passed in the form of weak electrical pulses. The brain creates 23 watts of electricity while awake, enough to light a lightbulb.

10. While we laugh, about 5 areas lit up in the brain simultaneously. So it's no laughing matter, laughing.

11. The reason tickling makes us laugh is that the brain becomes 'surprised' by this kind of touch, which is first interpreted as a threat. The uncontrollable laughter is actually a panic response by the body. That is why it's not possible to tickle ourselves.

12. The human brain has more 'wrinkles' and crevices than those of other animals. In this way, the brain gets more surface space while staying at around the same size, and it is part of the reason for our increased intelligence. 13. Brain cells (neurons) are not only found in the brain but exist everywhere in the body the brain needs to send orders to, and all of them are connected to the brain.

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14. Some archaeological findings think that our cranium has gotten smaller over the ages, but that doesn't mean our brain has become less powerful, only more efficient (see #12).

15. The brain alone uses 20% of all the oxygen we breathe and over 25% of the sugar we consume. Meaning, deep thoughts might cost the body resources just like sports can. Who said chess players are not athletes too? 16. The female and male sexual hormones cause a different brain to develop. Studies have found siginificant difference in the brain functions of male and female during social situations, decision making, pressure situations and more.

17. The brain isn't fully developed until the teen years are over. Multitasking, showing empathy and good decision making are some of the skills that develop a little later. This, we're sure you'll agree - explains A LOT.

18. The brain is constantly changing. Damage to one part of it may cause that part to change to a different location in the brain, especially if you are a baby or a child. Beyond that, every thought, experience or skill we encounter and learn changes the structure of our brain.

19. Memories aren't built in a linear progression. We only remember 'pictures' or moments, and we put together a story from them ourselves. That is why it's tricky to trust your memory, because you may have done some 'editing' without knowing it.

Incredible Facts About India

1. Tirupati Balaji Temple Has More Visitors Than Vatican City and Mecca consolidated...

2. Kumbh Mela Gathering Can Be Seen From Space...

3. India Has More Mosques Than Any Other Country (~300,000 mosques)...

4. First Ever University In The World Was In India... Takshila (at Gandhar) 700BC

5. 70% Of All The World’s Spices Is Exported From India...

6. Indian Railways Employs More Than 1.3 Million People. That’s More Than The Population Of Many Nations...

7. India Has The Largest English Speaking Population In The World...

8. ISRO Used Bullock Carts To Move Satellites Back In Days...

9. India Discovered traces of Water On The Moon...

10. In 2004, 200 Women Killed A Rapist On The Court Floor (Akku Yadav)...

11. Oscar Winning Hollywood Actor Ben Kingsley Is Indian Descent. Birth name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji...

12. Lonar Lake, A Saltwater Lake In Maharashtra, Was Created By A Meteor Hitting The Earth...

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13. No Doors For Houses And No Police Station In This Village At All. Shani Shingnapur village in Maharashtra...

14. India Is The Largest Producer Of Films In The World...

15. Magnetic Hill is a gravity hill located near Leh in Ladakh, India. 16. Viswanathan Anand Is The First Player In Chess History To Have Won The World Championship In Three Different Formats: Knockout, Tournament, And Match...

17. Until 1986, The Only Place Where Diamonds Had Been Officially Found Was In India...

18. Martial Arts Were First Created In India, And Later Spread To Asia By Buddhist Missionaries... 19. A Cursed River...Karmanasa River in India is considered to be a cursed river and it is believed that touching its water would ruin one’s plans 20. Highest Cricket Pitch In The World Chail in Himachal Pradesh is 2444 meters.

21. The First Granite Temple Of The World...The Brihadeswara Temple is situated in Tamil Nadu.

22. India Is One Of The Only Three Countries That Makes Supercomputers (The US And Japan Are The Other Two)...

23.Breathing The Air InMumbai, India, For Just One Day Is Equivalent To Smoking 100 Cigarettes...

24. India Gave The World Yoga, That Has Existed For More Than 5,000 Years...

25. May 26 Is Celebrated As The Science Day In Switzerland In Honour Of Former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Because On The Day, Kalam Visited The Country...

26. The World’s Biggest Family Lives In India. One Man, 39 Wives And 94 Children...

27. India Is The World’s Largest Importer Of Arms. But India Has Never Invaded Or Attacked A Country...

28. An Indian Man Claims He Hasn’t Eaten Or Drunk For 70 Years. After Many Tests, Doctors Still Don’t Know How It’s Possible...

29. India Was One Of The Richest Countries Till The Time Of British Rule In The Early 17th Century.


1 Japanese children clean their schools every day for a quarter of an hour with teachers, which led to the emergence of a Japanese generation who is modest and keen on cleanliness.

2 Japanese citizen who has a dog must carry bag and special bags to pick up dog droppings. Hygiene and their eagerness to address cleanliness is part of Japanese ethics. 3 - hygiene worker in Japan is called "health engineer" and can command salary of USD 5000 to 8000 per month, and a cleaner is subjected to written and oral tests!!

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4 Japan does not have any natural resources, and they are exposed to hundreds of earthquakes a year but do not prevent her from becoming the second largest economy in the world? -

5 - Hiroshima returned to what it was economically vibrant before the fall of the atomic bomb in just ten years?

6 - Japan prevents the use of mobile in trains, restaurants and indoor

7 - in Japan students from the first to sixth primary year must learn ethics in dealing with people - 8 - the Japanese even though one of the richest people in the world but they do not have servants. The parents are responsible for the house and children -

9 - there is no examination from the first to the third primary level; because the goal of education is to instil concepts and character building, not just examination and indoctrination. -

10 - the rate of delayed trains in Japan is about 7 seconds per year!! They appreciate the value of time, very punctual to minutes and seconds

11 children in schools brush their teeth (sterile) and clean their teeth after a meal at school; They maintain their health from an early age -

12 - students take half an hour to finish their meals to ensure right digestion When asked about this concern, they said: These students are the future of Japan.

Some One Liners to make you Smile...! Brilliant!

Q: Can February March? A: No. But April May!

Q: Did you hear about the painter who was hospitalized?A: Reports say it was due to too many strokes!

Q: Have you heard the joke about the butter?A: I better not tell you, it might spread!

Q: How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight?A: Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?

Q: Music Teacher: What's your favourite musical instrument? A: Kid: The lunch bell!

Q: What did the triangle say to the circle? A: You’re pointless!

Q: What do you call a ghosts mom and dad? A Transparents!

Q: What do you call a group of men waiting for a haircut? A: A Barbercue!

Q: What do you call a person that chops up cereal. A: A cereal killer!

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Q: What do you call a South American girl who is always in a hurry? A: Urgent Tina!

Q: What do you call two fat people having a chat? A: A heavy discussion!

Q: What kind of emotions do noses feel? A: Nostalgia!

Q: What kind of shorts do clouds wear? A: Thunderwear!

Q: What's easy to get into but hard to get out of? A: Trouble!Q: Where do boats go when they get sick? A: The dock!Q: Who cleans the bottom of the ocean? A: A Mer-Maid!

Q: Why can't a leopard hide? A: Because he's always spotted!

Q: Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? A: Because then it would be a foot!

Q: Why did the barber win the race? A: Because he took a short cut!

Q: Why did the boy tiptoe past the medicine cabine? A: He didn't want to wake the sleeping pills!

Q: Why did the tomato turn red? A: It saw the salad dressing!

Q: Why did the tree go to the dentist? A: To get a root canal!

Q: Why don't you see giraffes in elementary school? A: Because they're all in High School!

Q: Why was the math book sad? A: Because it had too many problems!

Petra Unearthed: A Citadel For The End Of Days

Could new discoveries in Petra, the lost city of rock, indicate the site of Israel's fortress in the end times? War rages in Iraq and Syria while terrorist armies threaten Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel and even Europe and the United States. The self-proclaimed Islamic State has their stated goal to bring Christian armies into a final conflict that they believe will bring the tribulation in Dadiq, Syria, a site not far from the ancient fortress of Petra.

It isn't hard to conclude that the events are accelerating now which herald the end of days, especially with the new archaeological discovery in Jordan that provides new mysteries to the ancient city of Petra, also known as Sela.

The ruins of Petra are found south of Amman and its strategic significance can be found in the origins of its name in both Greek and Hebrew, Petra and Sela the word for rock in both languages. Sela, as it is known in the Bible, was literally carved from stone and served as both a defensive position and trade hub for millennia. Believed to have been built by the Nabateans as their capital in 312 BCE, shortly after the time of

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Alexander the Great, it was rediscovered in 1812 and only today with satellite imagery have archaeologists been able to piece together some of the discoveries made on the ground.

Remarkable for being a city carved into the cliffs, the Bible describes in the books of Obediah and Jeremiah the stone cities carved from the mountain by the Nabateans, descendants of the Biblical Edom. Rome would later conquer Petra and garrison it, recognizing its value for trade as well as its natural qualities as a fortress.

Ancient peoples often situated fortresses on hilltops, and there are several such strong points near Petra, while trade centres occupied valleys where travel was easier. Petra is able to fulfill both roles, accessible to trade while its natural rock faces served as a choke point for invading armies of the ancient world and could defend against bombs and artillery of the modern world, even radiation, some experts surmise.

But if the city lies in ruins, why are recent discoveries significant? Biblical prophecy suggests a yet future role for this city in the period of time known as "The Tribulation". This 7-year period is when the Antichrist rules the world and eventually unleashes his wrath against Israel.

In Matthew 24:15-16 Jesus warns, "when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains."Prophetic passages like Micah 2:12 and Isaiah 63:1-6 describe the area of Petra in Jordan as one of the potential places where Jews will flee when the Antichrist begins persecution. It is this area that mysteriously remains free of the Antichrist reign.

"He will enter the glorious land of Israel, and many nations will fall, but Moab, Edom, and the best part of Ammon will escape," Daniel 11:41 says. Moab, Edom and Ammon are all in Jordan. In fact, Ammon which is now known as Amman, is the capital and most populous city of Jordan. It is unclear why Jordan would be spared from the rule of the Antichrist however WorldNet Daily might have some insights based on a tour they took their many years ago.

In 2000, WorldNet Daily travelled to Petra with the Amman-based Mossad intelligence agent Avi Rubin -- a former airborne commando in the Israel Defence Force. Rubin explained that Petra might be the ultimate defensive position in a regional war."It is an outstanding defensive position. Airborne assault would be most difficult. It is what I would call a natural defensive position. The Roman legions, the Crusaders, the Arabs and now the IDF, Iraq and the Jordanian army all recognized this," said Rubin.

"The most important defensive feature is called 'the Shiq,' which is about 2,000 meters long. [Today, the passage is marked by the 'Indiana Jones' souvenir shop.] It is a narrow passageway which leads into the city. It has very high, sheer walls which will protect the Israeli population as they enter the city from the west. The rocks of Petra can help protect from gunfire, bombing, artillery and perhaps even absorb some radiation."Rubin said that both the IDF and the Mossad had examined Petra from a strategic and military perspective.

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Amos 9:11-12 states that "'On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, And rebuild it as in the days of old; That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and all the Gentiles who are called by My name,' Says the Lord who does this thing."

In verses 13 and 14 of the Book of Amos, it goes on to instruct, "'Behold, the days are coming,' says the Lord," and "I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them." Could Petra, the remnant of Edom, be one such "waste city"?

These ruins, which to many people are known through the "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" movie have been studied since they were discovered by the Swiss in 1812 are now finally being understood in a new light thanks to the use of satellite imagery, drone photography and modern survey techniques. Archaeologists Sarah Parcak, a National Geographic fellow, and Christopher Tuttle, with the Council of American Overseas Research Centres, have recently located a unique platform structure using previously unavailable methods. The platform measures 184 by 161 feet but contains a second platform, built on top that includes columns and a staircase. Perhaps it is not a coincidence, that just now as global conflict accelerates, the city of Petra is receiving new attention.

What is clear however is that there are far more secrets and signs beneath the rock than we once believed.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

1. They are high in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including heart attacks.

2. They are a good source of vitamin C. While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation. It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essen¬tial to helping us cope with stress. It even appears to help protect our body against toxins that may be linked to cancer.

3. They contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health . Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight. Vitamin D plays an important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth, and it supports the thyroid gland.

4. Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body, including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper im¬mune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things.

5. Sweet potatoes are a good source of mag¬nesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function.

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6. They are a source of potassium, one of the important electrolytes that help regulate heartbeat and nerve signals. Like the other electrolytes, potassium performs many essential functions, some of which include relaxing muscle contractions, reducing swelling, and protecting and controlling the activity of the kidneys. 7. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain.

8. They are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids, which is the precursor to vitamin A in your body. Carotenoids help strengthen our eyesight and boost our immunity to disease, they are powerful antioxidants that help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging. Studies at Harvard University of more than 124,000 people showed a 32 percent reduction in risk of lung cancer in people who consumed a variety of carotenoid-rich foods as part of their regular diet.Another study of women who had completed treatment for early stage breast cancer conducted by researchers at Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) found that women with the highest blood concentrations of carotenoids had the least likelihood of cancer recurrence.

Calm a Fussy Baby by Massaging these Points on their Feet!

The advice below should not replace a paediatrician’s expert medical opinion.

From tummy pains to constipation, congestion, and the flu, cranky babies can suffer from a variety of ailments, and the only way they know how to express their pain is through crying. Of course, treatments and medications recommended by paediatricians are crucial to follow. However, soothing home remedies, such as the foot reflexology tips make a good addition to your baby's or grandchild's routine.

Using the tips below will help calm fussy babies. Each area corresponds to specific organs, muscles and body parts. Foot reflexology is known to have soothing, therapeutic effects, even among adults. All it entails is gently applying pressure to specific areas of the foot to help relieve discomfort brought on by congestion and blockage. In comparison to adults, babies are believed to be far more receptive to the different types of reflexology rubs, primarily because the ligaments and muscles in their feet have yet to fully develop.

The tips of the toes correspond to the head and the teeth. Massaging this area can be especially helpful when babies are teething. Gently apply pressure to your baby's toes to soothe the pain.

The centre of the toes corresponds to the baby's sinuses. Applying pressure to these points will help soothe a runny nose or congestion.

Just below the toes, on the balls of the feet, is the pressure area for the lungs, which can help soothe congestion in babies most likely caused by an infection or a cold. This pressure point makes for a perfect remedy alongside your paediatrician’s advice, because, if left untreated, it can lead to difficulties with breathing, eating, and sleeping.

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Just below the ball of the foot is the solar plexus point - a complex network of nerves located in the abdomen and behind the stomach. Gently applying pressure to this area can help soothe an upset tummy, spasms, tightness and breathing problems.

Located at the centre of the foot soles, massaging this area can help provide relief to obstructed bowels. Accompany it with a gentle tummy rub to get the bowels moving smoothly.

: The area located above the heel is associated with the lower abdomen. Pressure can also be applied here to relieve your baby's discomfort from constipation, stimulating the large intestine. This pressure point is especially great for babies who are a little gassy.

The heel corresponds to the pelvic region. Pressure may be applied here if you suspect that your baby's tummy and hips are bothering them. Be sure to rub lightly.

10 Tips For Reducing Computer Related Eye Strain!

With the ever-increasing use of computers in our daily lives, our eyes can suffer negative consequences. Studies have shown that eye strain and other symptoms occur in some 50-90% of people who use a computer for extended periods of time (such as those who work at a desk job).

Here are 10 tips for preventing eye strain while using a computer

1 Get an eye exam If you work on a computer or use it for a large part of your day, be sure to have a comprehensive eye exam. The USA’s National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health recommends that those who use a computer for many hours each week should have an eye exam once each year. When you go for your exam, tell your eye doctor how many hours you use your computer each week. Furthermore, you should measure how far away you sit from your computer screen and take the measurement with you to your appointment.

2. Be aware of lighting Sunlight can have an adverse effect on your eyes when using a computer, so close any blinds or drapes if there’s bright sunlight flooding into the space you sit in. You can also consider turning off any harsh lighting and using a floor lamp instead. Another idea is to use lower-intensity overhead bulbs or tubes to reduce brightness.

3. Keep glare to a minimum Glare on walls or finished surfaces, together with reflections on your computer screen, can also contribute to eye strain. If the latter is a problem, consider buying an anti-glare screen. A more drastic way of reducing glare is to paint walls in the space you use with dark-coloured, matte paint.

Covering Windows will also obviously help reduce glare. If you happen to wear glasses, consider investing in some anti-reflective lenses, which will minimize light reflections when compared to regular lenses.

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4. Upgrade your monitor If you’re still using an old monitor, think about upgrading to a modern flat-panel, liquid crystal display monitor, such as those found in laptops. LCD technology is easier on the eyes and usually comes with a built-in anti-reflective surface.

Go for a monitor with a diagonal screen size of 19 inches or over if you’re using a desktop computer.

5. Adjust your display settings Adjust your monitor’s brightness so it’s approximately as bright as the lighting in the space you use your computer in. Open a webpage with a white background to test your monitor’s brightness. If the white background looks like a light source, that means it’s too bright. If the white background seems dull and gray, that means it’s too dark. Also consider adjusting text sizes and the colour contrast. These settings can be adjusted from buttons on your monitor, in the Control Panel on a Windows computer, or in System Preferences on an Apple computer.

6. Be aware of how often you’re blinking Blinking is a process that helps to moisten eyes, preventing them from dryness and irritation. People tend to blink one-third less frequently when using a computer, and this reduction can lead to dry eye problems, further exacerbated by the dry air that is often present in office environments (if you use a computer for work). Ask your doctor about artificial tears to keep your eyes moist during the day.

7. Do eye exercises One of the causes of eye strain from using a computer is focusing fatigue. To reduce the risk of tiring your eyes out, look away from your screen at least once every 20 minutes. Look at a distant object, preferably 20 feet away or over, for at least 20 seconds. This exercise, known as the 20-20-20 rule to some doctors, relaxes the focusing muscle in your eyes and can assist greatly with minimizing focusing fatigue.

8. Take an hourly break If and when possible, take a five-minute mini-break following every hour you sit at your computer. During this time, get up and out of the seated position and move about. Stretch your arms, legs, back and neck to reduce tension and muscle fatigue.Ask your local gym or fitness club for a series of exercises you can do during your mini-breaks.

9. Change how you sit Sitting improperly when using your computer can also contribute to eye strain. Make sure you’re sitting at the correct height. Purchasing ergonomic furniture can also help you get your seating position right. Your eyes should be 20-24 inches from your screen, and the centre of your screen should be 10-15 degrees below eye level.

10. Consider purchasing computer-specific eye wear If you have eye glasses, get your eye doctor to modify your regular prescription to create customized computer glasses. This is especially handy if you wear bifocal or progressive lenses, because they are not optimal for use at the distance you’d normally sit from your computer screen.

Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels

1. Consume More Dairy Products The protein and fat in dairy products helps improve blood sugar levels, and if the products are low in fat, it has been shown that they can also decrease the chances for developing insulin resistance.

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2. Choose the Right Kind of Bread Avoid white flour based products at all costs! These simple carbohydrates are full of sugar that spike up your blood sugar. Instead, you should consume whole wheat or rye products that are high in fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates, which control blood glucose levels and keep you full longer. 3. Maximize the Magnesium Magnesium is a mineral known to help prevent the onset of Type II diabetes and should be consumed as much as possible. It is best to consume natural sources of magnesium such as spinach, fish, nuts, leafy greens and avocados. All of these foods have been proven to lower the risk of diabetes and can even aid in weight loss.

4. Cardamom is great! Cardamom is a member of the ginger family of spices and comes from Asia as well as South America. The spice is known to regulate Type II diabetes and can be sprinkled on coffee, tea, yogurt and even cereal. The spice is known to help decrease blood glucose levels by eighteen to thirty percent. 5. Buckwheatsoba Buckwheat is an excellent source of fibre that you may have never heard of. It also does wonders for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Buckwheat comes in the form of soba noodles, which are a delicious substitute for rice or pasta, as well as in a number of powders that can be added to baked goods or even on top of a slice of (whole wheat) bread. 6. Drink in Moderation Alcohol contains huge amounts of sugar, and anyone trying to watch out for their blood sugar should definitely moderate the amount of alcohol they consume. It is best to occasionally drink wine with dinner, and not after dinner when the same glass of wine could alter insulin levels in the blood.

7. Watch Fat Intake It is important to watch the amount of saturated fats entering the body because these can seriously increase the chances of contracting diabetes. Saturated fats are usually found in fried and junk foods as they are cooked in unhealthy oils.

8. Exercise Daily Getting in exercise each day is critical to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, even if it's a brisk walk in the park.

9. Laughing Yes, this really is one of the tips that will lower your chances of developing diabetes. It was found that those who laugh have lower blood sugar levels than those who don't laugh enough

10. Eat Grapefruit Grapefruit has been proven to aid in weight loss as it affects the glucose metabolism, keeping insulin levels steady. 11. Do Resistance Training Building muscle mass is important for burning more glucose out of your system. Training once to twice a week could significantly aid in preventing the occurrence of diabetes. 12. Drink Decaf, Not Regularcoffee Decaffeinated coffee slows down the rate at which the intestines absorb sugars and speeds up the absorption of sugar by the muscles.

13. Eat Smaller Meals It is best to have a small meal and then another small meal (or a second half of the regular sized meal) later on (at half hour intervals). It is also important to eat regularly so that insulin levels don't spike, but remain stable throughout the day.

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14. Get Enough Sleep Sleep deprivation can affect blood sugar and insulin levels so it is important to get enough sleep each night. It is also essential to stop snoring because according to some studies, those who snore are more likely to develop diabetes (because snoring is often tied to being overweight). 15. Learn Relaxation Listen to soothing music or read an interesting book, whatever you need to do to relax. Meditation and yoga can also help if they are done properly and on a regular basis.

How Well You Breathe, has an Effect on your Health

The average person generally takes a little over 17,000 breaths per day, and when done correctly, proper breathing has a number of benefits:

It provides sufficient oxygen to every cell in the body. In fact, without sufficient oxygen, the cells cannot metabolize food properly and so nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are often wasted.

It allows the body to rid of carbon dioxide. The brain also requires a rich supply of oxygen, which in turn improves concentration and general clarity of thought.

It improves stress management and the ability to handle complex situations more effectivly. Mindful breathing detoxifies and releases toxins, as well as tension and pain.

Conscious breathing elevates moods. It also improves the nervous system and strengthens the lungs.

Mindful breathing helps lower blood pressure and boosts energy levels, improving stamina.

Quality of blood is also improved as is the strengthening of the immune system and the heart.

Still, for most of us, our breathing has become habitually restricted in various ways, and we are not even aware of it. This, more often than not, lies in our posture. Slouching positions diminish our lung capacities causing our breaths to become shorter and more shallow, with breathing only derived from the upper chest. We therefore end up by using just a small fraction of our lung capacity. In contrast, when we are relaxed but don't slouch, the free and easy expansion and contraction of the lungs, diaphragm, ribcage and spine is enhanced during breathing, thereby increasing the volume of air that we inhale or exhale.

So, to help you reap in the benefits of conscious breathing, try these three breathing exercises, starting with the 'Deep, Full Breath', before progressing on to the other two when you feel comfortable enough to do so.

Deep, Full Breath When breathing deeply and fully, inhalation happens in three stages.

Sit down comfortably or lie down on the floor. Place your hands on your stomach to feel your breath expand. You may also place one hand on your belly and the other on your chest, doing so will allow you to feel your breath rise and fall. Breathe in, through the nose, slowly, inhaling as much as possible. Fill the diaphragm area. Keep breathing in slowly, filling the chest.

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Finally raise the clavicles to allow the as much air to enter as possible. This will ensure that the body gets an increased amount of oxygen, which it will use to burn up nutrients delivered to the body tissues. The brain will also benefit from the added oxygen and a general feeling of relaxation and well-being will be achieved.

Then, hold the breath for a few seconds, as this will allow the lungs to use up as much of the inhaled oxygen as possible. Exhale very slowly, emptying the lungs completely. This will expel the maximum amount of carbon dioxide. This will leave the lungs ready to take in extra oxygen during the next breath. Use this type of breathing several times a day to get used to breathing correctly, or at the first sign of anxiety or a panic attack.

Hissing breath This relaxing breathing technique has many benefits for the mind and body. It quietens the brain, while slowing and soothing the flow of breath. It also has positive effects on the body too, reducing heat in the head and alleviating diseases related to the breath and lungs such as asthma and tuberculosis. Just be careful not to tighten your throat.

Sit comfortably, with your spine erect. Place your right hand at the base of your neck. Start inhaling slowly through both nostrils, mouth closed. The incoming air should be felt at the upper palate of the mouth, which is enabled by partially closing the glottis (the opening between the vocal cords at the upper part of the windpipe). When done correctly, you will hear a hissing sound, produced at the back of the throat, which produces a sound similar to that of a scuba diver.

Exhale slowly, also through the nostrils, and continue to make a hissing sound at the throat, by once again, contracting the glottis. This completes one cycle, and you can repeat it up to ten times.

Alternate Nostril Breathing This breathing technique helps balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as well as the whole body. It is the perfect breathing exercise to counteract laziness and also aids in blood purification. Among its many benefits, alternate nostril breathing is good for nose blockages and sinuses.

Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position, spine erect. Exhale completely.

With your left hand, connect your index and thumb together, keeping the other three fingers extended. This finger technique is done to help keep the mind focused.

With your right hand, palm facing up, bend and draw in your index and middle finger, keeping your thumb, ring and little finger extended.

Close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Inhale slowly, steadily and deeply for as long as possible. Do not hold the breathe. Release your thumb and simultaneously close the left nostril using your ring finger, exhaling through the right nostril. Inhale once again through the right. At the top of your inhalation, close the right nostril, and repeat the process again on the left (exhaling then inhaling). Be sure to inhale and exhale from each nostril for the same duration. It is therefore recommended that you count your breaths – example: 4 seconds inhaling, 4 seconds exhaling. Repeat for 5 minutes.

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Things You Shouldn't Put In a Microwave!

Introduced in 1967, Microwaves became an essential appliance for every modern kitchen! They save us time and generally make life easier, but did you know that there are certain materials that shouldn't be placed in a Microwave? Most plastic will melt, emit toxic fumes and can pollute your food, while metallic objects become a kind of an antenna, producing electric arcs (sparks) which can lead to fires or worse. Takeout Containers: If you want to heat up that leftover Chinese food, make sure you remove the metal handle, or put the leftovers in a different container.

Eggs: while the egg heats up, the water content inside the egg turns to steam, and since it has no way to "escape", it'll end up exploding.

Lunch Bags: Microwaving paper (or plastic) bags is not a good idea - when you heat them up, they emit toxic fumes and can even catch on fire!

Styrofoam Containers: If you didn't know it by now, Styrofoam is a type of plastic. When you warm up plastic - it melts (into your food). Plastic can be toxic when consumed. Please don't microwave Styrofoam.

Sauce: Microwaving sauce with no lid? You're going to have some clean up to do…

Yogurt Containers: Yogurt containers are made of plastic. Fruits: Similarly to eggs - fruit contains water, and like in an egg - when it heats up, it turns to steam and since it can't escape - it'll explode Hot Peppers: These guys catch on fire Travel Mugs: Is your mug made of stainless steel? Metal and microwaves don't mix!

Aluminium Foil: Aluminium is a metal, metal microwaves aren't friends! (It can also start a fire)

Empty: Operating an empty microwave means that it doesn't focus the waves onto anything and it ends up microwaving itself. This can lead to anything from it not working anymore, to it exploding.

Plates with a Metallic Trim: Remember about metal?

Plastic Containers: If they don't have a "Microwave Safe" label - you don't want them in your microwave!

kidney transplants from any donor possible! Now, kidney transplants from any donor possible :- Gina Kolata, March 21, 2016, International New York Times . Desensitisation alters patients' immune systems to allow them to accept kidneys from incompatible donors.

In the anguishing wait for a new kidney, tens of thousands of patients on waiting lists may never find a match because their immune systems will reject almost any transplanted organ. Now, in a large national study that experts are calling revolutionary, researchers have found a way to get them the desperately needed procedure.

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In the new study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, doctors successfully altered patients’ immune systems to allow them to accept kidneys from incompatible donors. Significantly, more of those patients were still alive after 8 years than patients who had remained on waiting lists or received a kidney transplanted from a deceased donor.

The method, known as desensitisation, “has the potential to save many lives,” said Dr Jeffery Berns, a kidney specialist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine and the president of the National Kidney Foundation.

8 Things We've Always Wondered About Airplanes But Not Known Who To Ask!

1. Why do some planes leave a trail in the sky?

The trails that we see are called contrails and are made up of mostly crystallised water, in vapour form. It's a condensation that is formed when the hot and humid exhaust of an airplane enters cooler atmospheric temperatures. They generally vanish within minutes if the air is dry, but can very well grow as much as 300-400 metres in length if there's a high percentage of humidity in the air.

2. Why do planes need headlights?

Airplanes don't have headlights. It's a plane, not an Alto. It has a number of lights, different ones to be used in different circumstances.

Position or Navigation lights - Located on the wings. The right wing is green while the one on the left is red used to spot and understand the direction in which the plane is flying.

Taxi and Landing lights - Used to light up the runway while the plane is taxiing. Located near the nose of the landing gear, the lights are used to illuminate the runway right before the plane lands and are turned off when the plane reaches its gate. Extremely bright, a prolonged use of this one can cause serious retinal damage.

Anti-collision lights - Bright red light located on the top and the bottom of the plane to avoid a collision.

Strobe light - Bright white lights that blink rapidly, used for landing. These are also put on when the aircraft is passing through some really dense fog. In addition to these, there are other inspection lights, including the ice-detection lights used to spot ice formations in the clouds. Most lights are generally put off when the flight is cruising at a high altitude.

3. Why do flight attendants ask us to keep our windows shades up?

While this is true for most of the Indian flights, they actually only need us to keep the window shades up during landing and take off, the most critical times in aviation. They want us to be prepared for the worst in case anything goes wrong. More eyes looking out means an issue will be reported as soon as it's spotted because in times of an emergency every second counts. They also turn the lights in the cabin off so spotting a fire outside becomes easier. The cabin crew only have 90 seconds to evacuate every

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passenger, regardless of the size of the plane. Additionally, it also helps the ground staff to look inside the cabin. So, in one line, this is to make us aware and prepared for any situation.

4. Why do all airplanes have bad food?

Why is the food always so pathetic on a flight? No matter what you're travelling on, it is just as bad as the other. . At 30,00 feet in the air, the first thing that goes for a toss is our sense of taste. You can blame the quality of the food all you want, but it's really the experience. In a cabin that is pressurised at 8,000 ft, along with the air quality, our taste buds go numb. Like it does when we get a cold. Try out this experiment - take your favourite aloo ka parantha + nimbu ka achaar wrapped in an aluminium foil and a poly bag (just for safety), true desi style. See if it tastes the same as it did at home. Most probably not. But in defense of our taste buds, the food isn't of top quality either. When it's warmed up to room temperature or above, it starts deteriorating, making it dry and tough to eat. One can't really help this

5. Why do they ask us to switch off our electronic devices when people in business/first class use theirs?

It is because some devices might hamper the avionics equipment in the cockpit. Most of these devices work on radio waves, so if those waves match with the airplane equipment, it could alter the way they work. Having said that, chances of this happening in airplanes nowadays is negligible. This rule was put into practice years ago. Planes are a lot more advanced now. Some aircrafts even provide on-board Wi-Fi nowadays! So it's only a matter of time before this rule gets questioned by the authorities.

6. Why does the flight time to and from a destination vary from time to time?

So let's say the flight from Delhi to Mumbai takes about 2 hours 10 minutes, but the same flight from Mumbai to Delhi might take 2 hours 30 minutes. Why? It's not like it takes a different route on the way back. So this is because of something called headwind and tailwind. Due to strong headwinds going against the plane, it takes more time to reach a place. It's like swimming against the current, it'll require more effort and time. When you have the benefit of the tailwind, you are going with the current, making you reach your destination sooner than expected.

7. Why do some planes have their wings bent upwards? The wings are bent upwards to reduce drag, especially during take-off, landing, and turbulence. Reduction in drag makes the aircraft more fuel efficient. To put it simply, a bent wing (known as a winglet) makes the plane more aerodynamic.

8. Why is air distance measured in nautical miles instead of kilometres?

This one is a little obvious but interesting to know nonetheless. Flying is more or less similar to sailing in the ocean, there are no fixed routes. Therefore, you make your way around based on the latitude and the longitude. One nautical mile is one minute of the latitude, making calculating long distances simpler.


If you know how to eat right, food can actually help you lose weight. There are many myths surrounding topics of dieting and weight loss. And there are numerous unhealthy misconceptions about it. Of course, if you are looking for some magical foods and ways that can melt away excess body fat, you will be

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disappointed. In order to reduce weight, you need to make small, achievable changes to your lifestyle, increase your physical activity and eat smart. Here are a few guidelines you could follow...

POTATOES DON'T MAKE YOU FAT Getting rid of carb-rich foods is not the key to weight loss, say experts. Rather, carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy .So banning potatoes, rice, pasta etc will not make you magically slim. Of course, you can have potatoes but in a healthy way -following basic rules like not frying them, not using butter and full cream for your mash, etc, work. Also, make sure you always choose wholegrain foods. A HEALTHY MIX OF FOODS IS NECESSARY People feel that mixing and combining foods does not work. Experts however negate it. Most diets are naturally a healthy mix of carbs and proteins and the enzymes in our digestive system break it all down well. You should have different food groups in your plate to get a healthy mix of it all. When you are having orange juice, the vitamin C in it can help boost the iron absorption from legumes, lentils and beans that are fortified with plant-based iron.


Just having a fruit plate for breakfast is not ideal at all, say nutritionists. Post your all-night fast, your body needs fuel in the form of complex carbohydrates for breakfast, and just fruits cannot provide that. They are a great source of fibre and vitamins, and you could consume fruits with or before your breakfast of wholegrain cereals, multigrain muffins and breads. They can add to your breakfast but they cannot replace breakfast, say dieticians.


Gorging on super foods cannot help you to lose weight. There are no magical fruits or vegetables that can burn your fat and give you a slim body , if you do not undergo a strict exercise regime and a healthy balanced diet along with it. Nutritionists say that dietary fibre could help you feel full for longer and thereby reduce your hunger pangs, and help you stop overeating. Your daily diet should consist of foods like whole fruits (avoid juices), vegetables, wholegrain breads and cereals, and legumes that are low in fat but high in fibre.

AVOID BEVERAGES THAT ARE FATTENING Avoid drinking empty calories along with your food. You can sip on water during your meals, in moderation, to help with the digestion process. But having calorie-laden drinks like alcoholic beverages and aerated drinks can be fattening when consumed in excess.

DON'T AVOID DIETARY FATS Fats derived from fish and plant sources have health benefits and you should include them in your daily diet. However, saturated fats from animal sources are harmful. The key is to make sure that you do not eat more than you can burn -because if you consume more than your required quota of calories, it will add up as unwanted fat. It won't make a difference if those extra calories came from fats, carbs or proteins.

Experts say that if you are keen to lose weight, you should make sure that you do not eat more than you can burn. When you eat in moderation, have smaller portions, and exercise daily, you will never have to say no to the foods that you really love.

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Iran Opens Amusement Park For Kids To Practice Attacks On Israel

Children in Iran now have the opportunity to train for jihad in a new educational theme park that both indoctrinates them on the evils of Israel and the United States as well as letting them practice shooting at Western targets. The Middle East Media Research Institute, also known as MEMRI, has obtained an interview given to a media source close to the Iranian Republican Guard as it reported on the educational theme park called City of Games for Revolutionary Children Park. In Mashad, Iran's second largest city, the park was open free of charge for children between the ages of 8 and 13. The attraction ran for several weeks with the option to run for longer if interest was high. According to the interview, the park was in "high demand" and could be expanded soon.

The City of Games of Revolutionary Children Park consists of 12 stages of jihadist indoctrination. Hamid Sadeghi, the director of the institute hosting the park, described the mission as one that seeks "to convey to the children messages about fighting, the Holy Defence and current global issues, through games, amusements, and group activities."

The Holy Defence he mentions refers to the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s in which more than a half million soldiers were killed on either side. The Holy Defence, it should be noted, is also the conflict in which the Iranian religious and military leadership used young children to clear minefields by giving them plastic keys to Heaven and promising them paradise if they found and exploded a mine with their small bodies. Children begin learning the doctrinal differences between Shiite and Sunni Islam, namely the appointment of Imam Ali as the successor to Mohammed and his role as the first Caliph. The rest of the park's activities lean to a decidedly military nature with the children dressed in camouflage fatigues.

Crawling under child-sized barbed wire obstacles, learning to move and shoot with child-sized replica AK-47 rifles and launching plastic mortars, one could be excused for thinking that the children were shipping off to war soon. Here the children shoot bullets and mortars at effigies of the Israeli Prime Minister, the American flag and Israeli flags, the Saudi Royal Family and ISIS fighters. Using sandbags for cover and fighting to protect religious shrines, the children receive their violence with a hefty dose of Iranian propaganda that leaves no doubt who the great Satans are in the world.

One cannot help but think of the violence coming in ten or twenty years as these military-garbed children shoot and crawl under barbed wire, scale walls and duck around corners with replica rifles as the sound of machines blares in the background. In Mashad, the photos of the innocent looking Iranian children dressed for war are an ominous sign that the country is bent on continuing a generational campaign of hatred towards Israel and the West

Departure Instructions Note from Wife to Husband!

I am going to My Mom's Place for 6-7 days with kids These are the instructions and warning for you...

1 - No need to call your friends and cousins. Last time I got 4 large pizza bills beneath the sofa...

2 - Don't forget mobile on the soap holder in the bathroom like last time...Why would anyone need a mobile in the bathroom?

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3 - Keep your specs in the box... Last time around it was found in the refrigerator.

4 - Salary already paid to maid. No need to be extra generous.

5 - Don't disturb neighbors early in the morning asking if they have got newspaper or not? Our newspaper vendor is different from theirs. And our laundry person and milkman are also different.

6 - Your Underwear are on left side of wardrobe and on right side are kid's...Like last time, don't say I was uncomfortable at work...

7 - All reports have been checked and you are alright.No need to go to that lady doctor again and again.8 - My sister and Bhabhi's birthdays have gone last month which you already attended.No need to go to them at midnight and wish belated happy birthday.

9 - Have cut off WiFi for 10 days. So sleep early...10 - Stop smiling and being happy...as Mrs. Khanna, Mrs. Avasthi, Mrs. Kulkarni, Mrs. Trivedi, Mrs. Ansari, Mrs. Rastogi, Mrs. Chatteerjee... They all will be out of station in this period.

11 - Don't try to be over smart... I will be back anytime without informing you

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Conventional thought had us believing that fats coconut oil were unhealthy and contributed to heart disease - but in fact, the opposite is true. Studies have found that not only is coconut oil a heart-healthy food, it can keep your body running smoothly in a number of ways.

Before we look into the facts of coconut oil, were you aware that populations who consume a lot of coconut are among the healthiest in the world? While coconut may be perceived in the West as somewhat of an 'exotic' fruit, primarily consumed by health conscious people, in other parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for generations.

The Tokelauans, in the South Pacific, for instance, take over 60% of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, these people are in excellent health and exhibit no evidence of heart disease.This should be a good enough reason to include this superfood in your daily diet, but if you're still not convinced, these 10 health benefits of coconut oil will certainly change your mind.

1. Use coconut oil to reduce cholesterol levels Coconut oil contains a saturated fat called lauric acid - which has been shown to increase HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels. Coconut oil has also been shown to help restore normal thyroid function. When the thyroid does not function optimally it can contribute to higher levels of bad cholesterol.

2. Use it to boost your energy Coconut oil's unique form of saturated fats (MCTs) provides an excellent energy source for the body. Using coconut oil for energy can be used by practically anyone, from athletes, through people with a busy and unhealthy lifestyle who are constantly exhausted due to

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mental and physical stress, and even elderly people. For a surge of energy, two spoonfuls should be enough.

3. Use it to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi Lauric acid can kill harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. It can be applied directly to infected areas, where it forms a chemical layer that protects the infected body part from contaminants. As it contains antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, according to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil has been found to kill viruses that cause influenza, measles, ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, athlete's foot, thrush and more. It is also highly effective on bruises because it speeds up the healing process of damaged tissues.

4. Use it for better dental care and bone health An important component of teeth is calcium. Coconut oil has been shown to facilitate absorption of calcium by the body, strengthening the teeth. It has also been found to stop tooth decay. Besides calcium, coconut oil can also facilitates the absorption of magnesium. Both calcium and magnesium are necessary for the development of bones. It is therefore useful to women who are prone to osteoporosis after middle age.

5. Use it to control your appetite Coconut contains special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Its ability to reduce appetite may be related to the way the fatty acids in it are metabolized, as the ketone bodies produced have an appetite-reducing effect. In one study, varying amounts of MCTs were fed to six healthy men. The men eating the most MCTs ate 256 fewer calories per day. In another study, with 14 healthy men, it was discovered that those who ate the most MCTs at breakfast, ate significantly fewer calories at lunch. These studies were conducted on a small scale for a short period of time, and it was concluded that if this effect were to persist over the long term, it could have a dramatic influence on body weight.

6. Use it to reduce belly fat Studies have shown that coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs. This type of fat is the most dangerous type and is highly associated with many Western diseases. Waist circumference is easily measured and is a great marker for the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. In one study, 40 women with abdominal obesity added 30ml (1oz) of coconut oil per day to their diet. This led to a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference over a period of 12 weeks. Another study saw 20 obese males note a reduction in waist circumference of 1.1 inches after 4 weeks taking 30ml of coconut oil each day. These people made no other changes to their daily routines.

7. Use it to delay the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin

Coconuts contain oils which have an antioxidizing effect in the body, helping it prevent damage to various tissues that help protect the skin. It makes for an excellent massage oil, acting as an effective moisturizer for all skin types. Besides delaying the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, which normally accompany aging, coconut oil helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections.

8. Use it to lower your risk of heart disease In one study among 40 women, coconut oil was found to reduce LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL, primarily because it is loaded with

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polysaturated fats, which help raise HDL (good) cholesterol. In addition, it contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in actively preventing various heart problems and high blood pressure.

9. Coconut oil can be used to boost brain function in Alzheimer's patients

Studies show that the fatty acids in coconut oil can increase blood levels of ketone bodies, supplying energy to the brain cells of Alzheimer's patients and relieving various symptoms. It was discovered that in Alzheimer's patients, there appears to be a reduced ability to use glucose for energy in certain parts of the brain. Researchers have speculated that ketones can provide an alternative energy source for these damaged brain cells and therefore can reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's.

10. Use it to strengthen the immune system Coconut oil has been found to strengthen the immune system because it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Heartburn & Indigestion Meds Shown To Increase Stroke Risk

If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn and take proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to ease the symptoms of either, or both, you may be increasing your risk of having an ischemic stroke, according to research presented at a recent American Heart Association conference.

. The study’s lead researcher, Dr. Thomas Sehested, of the Danish Heart Foundation, said that these drugs have been associated with unhealthy vascular functions, including heart attacks, kidney disease and dementia. Dr. Sehested and his colleagues assessed the records to see if the adults’ strokes occurred while they were taking any of four commonly-prescribed PPIs, namely omeprazole (Prilosec), pantoprazole (Protonix), lansoprazole (Prevacid) and esomeprazole (Nexium).

Some 85% of all strokes are ischemic strokes. In other words, they occur when a blood clot blocks the artery that supplies the brain with blood, and the study found that patients who took PPIs were at a 21% higher risk of an ischemic stroke than those who did not. The study also established that those who took PPIs in the highest recorded doses were between 30% and 94% more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke.

If you happen to be a heartburn or indigestion sufferer, many medical professionals recommend that you make a few lifestyle changes rather than turning to PPIs for relief. These lifestyle changes include losing weight, quitting smoking, and cutting back on spicy or fatty foods. Adding organic produce to your diet is always a good idea too.

Six Stretch Exercises for Sciatica Relief!

Sciatica is an intense and searing pain, sometimes experienced as numbness or tingling, that can be felt around your lower back and shoots all the way down to your legs. This routine was developed at the University of Washington’s Physical Therapy Department, by Jennifer Howe. It’s especially designed to target herniated discs, bone degeneration and tight hip muscles, all of which cause sciatica. Even if you don’t know which of the three factors is causing your pain, try all the stretches and see which one helps.

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Tight hip muscles The following stretches will loosen the muscles in your hips. They might be pressing on your sciatic nerve, causing your pain.

Knee to opposite shoulder Lie on your back with your legs extended and your feet flexed. Raise your right leg and hold your hands behind your knee. Pull your right knee gently across your body until it reaches your left shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat once more. Switch to raise your left leg to your right shoulder. Hold this position twice.

The Figure-4 Stretch Lie on your back with your knees bent and place your feet flat on the bed. Cross your right ankle over your left knee forming a 4-shape, as seen in the photo below. Hold your hands behind your left knee and gently pull your legs towards your chest while pressing the right knee away from your chest. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat it another 3 times. Switch legs and repeat the exercise 4 times.

Stretches for bone degeneration Create spaces between your vertebrae with these moves. These will help prevent them from pinching your sciatic nerve.

Knees to chest Lie on your back and hug your knees to your chest, while allowing your lower back to curve. Hug your knees in this position for 30 seconds. If this stretch eases the pain in your legs, repeat this position another 3 times.

Posterior pelvic tilt Lie face up on your bed with your knees bent and your feet flat, and place your arms behind your head. Lower yourself until your entire lower back touches the bed, as you see in the photo. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Herniated disc These two press-up stretches can help create distance between the bulging discs in your spine. This relieves the pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Press-up Lie on your stomach and position your elbows directly under your shoulders, placing your forearms flat on the bed parallel to each other. Lift your chest and stretch your spine from the tailbone to the top of your neck, slightly arching your back. Hold this position for 30 seconds while breathing deeply. If the pain in your leg subsides, repeat this exercise two more times. If you don’t feel any relief, skip the press-up extension (the next and last exercise).

Press-up extension Once again, lie face down with your hands flat next to your shoulders. Press your palms into the bed while lifting your upper body, making sure to keep your hips and pelvis on the bed. Stretch your spine from your tailbone to your neck while slightly arching your back. If you feel pressure on your lower back, stop lifting your chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then slowly lower yourself back to the start position. Repeat this exercise 10 times, making a set. Do 3 sets of this exercise in total.

Here's The Reason Why Some People Feel The Cold or hot More Than Others!

Hot flashes and the extreme chills could be indicators of poor health

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According to various health reports, some of the factors that often go unnoticed but can be the reason behind hot flashes and chills are anemia, malnutrition, infection, weight issues (being both underweight and overweight poses various symptoms) and even silent thyroiditis.

Stressful situations such as fighting, excessive workloads and busy schedules could be one of the causes for your discomfort in normal temperatures.

According to theories, when people feel depressed or lonely, they are more likely to shiver.

There are a few ways to eradicate the cold or cease the excessive sweating. From clothes to eating habits, our bodies can be made to adapt to the temperature.

Certain foods in different seasons can help the internal balance of hot and cold. For instance, eating soups and carbohydrates can help stay warm during the winter months.

Similarly, green and leafy veggies with lightly portioned meals can benefit you during the hotter, summer months.

At the end, the trick to avoid extreme cold or heat is to train your mind. Visualizing and imagining warmer places is actually proven to release chemical endorphin that help in maintaining body heat.

10 Health Benefits of Eggs!

1. Eggs are great for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent mascular degeneraton due to the carotenoid content, specifically lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients are more readily available to our bodies from eggs than from other sources.

2. In another study, researchers found that people who eat eggs every day lower their risk of developing cataracts, also because of the lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs.

3. One egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

4. According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, there is no significant link between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, according to one study, regular consumption of eggs may help prevent blood clots, stroke, and heart attacks.

5. They are a good source of choline. One egg yolk has about 300 micrograms of choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps regulate the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

6. They contain the right kind of fat. One egg contains just 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 grams of that is saturated fat.

7. New research shows that, contrary to previous belief, moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative impact on cholesterol. In fact, recent studies have shown that regular consumption of two eggs per day does not affect a person's lipid profile and may, in fact, improve it. Research suggests that it is saturated fat that raises cholesterol rather than dietary cholesterol.

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8. Eggs are one of the only foods that contain naturally occurring vitamin D.

9. Eggs may prevent breast cancer. In one study, women who consumed at least 6 eggs per week lowered their risk of breast cancer by 44%. 10. Eggs promote healthy hair and nails because of their high sulphur content and wide array of vitamins and minerals. Many people find their hair growing faster after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing sulphur or B12.

The A To Z of Vitamin Deficiencies!

1. Hair loss and rashes When you frequently experience body rashes and hair loss, an indication as to why it occurs could be low zinc, as well as vitamins B7, A, D, E and K. Hair loss is especially indicative of an insufficient intake of zinc. Similarly when you lack iron, wounds will take longer to heal, skin will be drier, and rashes, red spots, and dark bruises may appear. While you can take vitamin supplements, iron and zinc can be consumed through diet. Try increasing the amount of dried fruit, whole grains and dairy products you eat. Button mushrooms, bananas, pumpkin seeds, avocados, raspberries and brewer’s yeast are especially helpful. It is also recommended that you eat fewer eggs, as they may interfere with your body’s ability to absorb vitamin B7.

2. Cracked mouth corners This unpleasant symptom is commonly associated with a vitamin B deficiency, specifically B12, B2, and B3, and may also indicate a lack of iron or zinc. Vitamin B can be found in seafood such as clams, oysters, salmon, and tuna. Eating more eggs also helps. If you are vegetarian increase your intake of lentils, peanuts, dried tomatoes, sesame, and chard. It’s also important to increase your intake of vitamin C, as this allows iron to be absorbed more easily. Try combining these foods with broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and red peppers.

3. Cheek, arm and thigh acne When red spots start to appear on your cheeks, arms and thighs, this could indicate that your body is lacking in essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D. The spots will appear small sacks with sebum. They can sometimes be painful to touch. To solve this issue, you need to reduce the amount of saturated and Trans fats you eat. Switch to healthier fats flax seeds, fish, almonds, dried fruit, and walnuts. You can also increase your vitamin A levels by eating more sweet potatoes, red peppers, and carrots.

4. Cramps and dull pain in your feet and legs This will start to happen when your body doesn’t have enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium. This can also be due to strenuous exercises, whereby your body loses water-soluble vitamins Vitamin B. Your vitamin B levels often drop when you sweat excessively. But, this doesn't mean that you need to live in the North Pole or stop exercising. Rather, increase your intake of nuts and fruit such as bananas, almonds, hazelnuts, cherries, apples and grapefruit. Vegetables pumpkin, spinach, broccoli and cabbage also help.

5. Burning, itching and numbness in your arms and legs

When you feel these symptoms it’s likely due to a lack of vitamins B6, B9 (folic acid) and B12. When you have insufficient amounts of these vitamins, your skin’s nerve endings are affected and it can also

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cause fatigue, anaemia, depression and hormonal imbalance. You can increase your intake of legumes, as well as more vegetables asparagus and spinach. You can also try to up your intake of seafood and eggs.

6 Cooking Methods That Are Probably Turning Your Food Toxic! No doubt eating healthy is important, but how you cook your food also matters. Certain ways of cooking can also damage the nutrients and proteins in the food thereby creating toxins in your food. To make things simpler, here's a list of the hazardous cooking methods that you should avoid.

1. Simmered Simmering meat for hours is not a very good idea, though for vegetables you can do as long as you don’t overcook them.

2. Lightly grilled The best way to grill your meat is on a medium range and not on high. This helps to reduce the formation of toxins caused by charring meat while still giving your meat that wonderful texture and flavour.

3. Slow cooking Slow cooking does bring out the flavour in food but it has few downsides as well. Long and slow cooking break downs the collagen. The best way to cook is to keep the food tightly covered and add lot of spices to it if you are planning to simmer something for long.

4. Barbecued Barbecuing the meat and vegetables does make them taste good, but has few issues as well. When the fats hit the coals, they form cancer and inflammation-causing agents. Also most barbecue sauces have hidden sugar and MSG too which can be carcinogenic when heated.

5. Deep-fried Deep-frying is one of the worst ways to cook your food, as it slathers your food in oxidized fats and glycated sugars. The high temperatures used during deep-frying make a number of toxic compounds that might increase the risk of cancer.

6. Microwaved Microwaved food is extremely dangerous to consume. According to a study, microwaves cause changes in HDL, LDL, and white blood cells. Microwave ovens also tend to generate high amounts of electromagnetic fields in your kitchen.

Aspartame ( artificial Sweetener) Has Been Linked to Various Cancers!

The World's Most Thorough Study on Aspartame

This study analyzed data from the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study for a period of 22 years. 77,218 women and 47,810 men were included in the analysis, giving a total of 2,278,396 person-years (the number of participants in the study times the amount of time each person spends in the study). The results of this new study showed that one 12-fl oz. can of diet soda a day leads to:

42% higher leukemia risk in men and women. 102% higher multiple myeloma risk in men only.

31% non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk in men only.

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The reason why only men showed an increase risk for multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma is unknown. Diet soda is the leading dietary source of aspartame in the US. Every year, Americans consume 5,250 tons of aspartame in total, and 4,500 tons of this is from diet sodas.

Previous Research on Animals study carried out in 2006 on 900 rats, over their entire lifespan, showed strikingly similar results; aspartame significantly increased the risk of male and female rats getting lymphomas and leukaemia. What is, perhaps, more worrying is the follow-up study, which looked into the effects of aspartame exposure on rats during their foetal stage. Increased leukaemia and lymphoma risks were found and, this time, female rats had an increase in breast cancer rates. There is now more reason than ever to avoid aspartame in our diets. For those of you who think going back to sugary sodas is a "healthier" alternative, this study had a surprising finding: men who consume one or more sugary sodas a day have a 66% increase in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (which is even worse than that for diet soda). Therefore, perhaps the best soda is no soda at all.

Examples of Aspartame-Laden Products

Nowadays, aspartame can be found in over 6,000 products, more frequently in diet and sugar-free foods. Below are some shocking examples:

Chewing gum , Laxatives, Yogurt, Coffee , Breath mints , Pasteurized milk , Over-the-counter drugs

The US Food and Drug Administration state that aspartame is safe for consumption, despite the fact that 85% of complaints reported through their agency are adverse reactions to aspartame (including 5 deaths).

Other well-documented side effects of aspartame are:

Headaches/migraines Dizziness Muscle spasms Nausea Heart palpitations Vertigo

Breathing difficulties Memory loss Joint pains Insomnia Depression Slurred speech

Anxiety or panic attacks

Due to these side effects, chronic ailments such as brain tumours, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and fibromyalgia can be aggravated further if you consume this artificial sweetener. Aspartame's components (aspartic acid, methanol, and phenylalanine) are to blame. The latter has been synthetically altered so that it is able to carry a methyl group, which gives aspartame its sweet taste. This phenylalanine methyl bond allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to break off easily and form methanol.

In fruits and vegetables, methanol is bound to a fibre called pectin and this allows it to pass safely though out digestive system. However, in aspartame's case, the methanol is not bound to anything that helps eliminate it from our body. Therefore, the methanol is converted by the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzyme into formaldehyde, which can wreak havoc on your body. All animals, apart from us human beings, have the natural ability to break down methanol into safe formic acid.

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Did You Know

When a person dies , they have seven minutes of brain activity left It is the mind playing back the person’s memories in a dream sequence .

Right ear is better at picking up words and speech while the left ear is better at picking up musicand other sounds

If you are having trouble feeling asleep , blink fast for a minute

Y’s men club of Bangalore Cantonment members attending Christmas and monthly meeting on 17th December 2016 at Hotel Sizzling Scheshwan,OMBR Layout.

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Y’s men Club of Bangalore Cantonment in association with Bangalore Malayalee friends charitable trust distributed blankets to people sleeping on streets.Trafic ACP Mr.Prakash Gouda inaugurated the event at Kalasipalayam and Mejestic areas.

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