Athletics Carnival Jeans for Genes Day NAIDOC Activities Dear Parents, Community and students, The last fortnight has been an evenul fortnight for the children. It started with the Athlecs carnival where we witnessed some fabulous athlec ability. The war cries were smulang and showed great sportsmanship. Thank you to all the parents who aended the day. A huge congratulaon to Burke house for winning. It had been quite a few years since a win for Burke. End of last week, the school parcipated in some NAIDOC acvies and Jeans for Genes day. Not even the wind and the dust could stop our children. We would like to thank Danielle Tuite and her team for inving us to a BBQ to help raise money for such a great cause. Then this week we started the week with our upcycling art sessions. Thank you to Pamela Denise for aending our school and working so closely with our children in making recycled paper, baskets and a plasc bole chandelier. School opinion survey – Closes 24 th August This is your opportunity to rate the school and help us improve our services to you. Please take this opportunity to be honest and share your experiences, whether they be good, bad or indifferent. Here is our chance to improve! If you do not have a form please see Peggy or I. Big 6 in Language Both Nic and I were very fortunate to meet and hear Professor Deslea Konza explain the im- portance of the big 6 in literacy. The big 6 relates to Oral language, Phonological awareness, Phonecs, Vocabulary, Fluency Comprehension. As a school, I would like to start a focus on ORAL LANGUAGE”. Please see the language secon in the newsleer for some ideas on what you can do to support your child at home. HELP with transport - We are seeking parents support for next Wednesday and Friday to help us get into Cunna- mulla. If there are, any parents who are available please let me know. Respecul Relaonships This week saw the school implement the departments respecul relaonship program. Our focus was on how to be a good friend. During these sessions, staff demonstrate scenarios of what a good friend is not and what a good friend is. The children are acve parcipants with drawing and wring what they felt a good friend is. This program will connue to be implemented over the remainder of the year. Goodbye Mr Johnstone, we wish you all the best in your temporary role at as a guidance officer in Goondiwindi. Welcome Ms Deslie who is filling in unl we can find a suitable applicant. Have a fabulous fortnight. Thanks Trish Billboard Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe Be a Learner Issue 12 10 AUGUST 2018 Bulloo

Bulloo Billboard - Thargomindah State School · STARLIGHT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3rd DECEMBER AWARDS NIGHT 30th November Yr6 GRADUATION NIGHT 7th DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE Respectful Relationships

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Page 1: Bulloo Billboard - Thargomindah State School · STARLIGHT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3rd DECEMBER AWARDS NIGHT 30th November Yr6 GRADUATION NIGHT 7th DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE Respectful Relationships

Athletics Carnival

Jeans for Genes Day

NAIDOC Activities

Dear Parents, Community and students,

The last fortnight has been an eventful fortnight for the children. It started with the Athletics carnival where we

witnessed some fabulous athletic ability. The war cries were stimulating and showed great sportsmanship. Thank

you to all the parents who attended the day. A huge congratulation to Burke house for winning. It had been quite

a few years since a win for Burke.

End of last week, the school participated in some NAIDOC activities and Jeans for Genes day. Not even the wind

and the dust could stop our children. We would like to thank Danielle Tuite and her team for inviting us to a BBQ

to help raise money for such a great cause.

Then this week we started the week with our upcycling art sessions. Thank you to Pamela Denise for attending our

school and working so closely with our children in making recycled paper, baskets and a plastic bottle chandelier.

School opinion survey – Closes 24th August – This is your opportunity to rate the school and help us improve our

services to you. Please take this opportunity to be honest and share your experiences, whether they be good, bad

or indifferent. Here is our chance to improve! If you do not have a form please see Peggy or I.

Big 6 in Language – Both Nic and I were very fortunate to meet and hear Professor Deslea Konza explain the im-

portance of the big 6 in literacy. The big 6 relates to

Oral language,

Phonological awareness,





As a school, I would like to start a focus on “ORAL LANGUAGE”. Please see the language section in the newsletter

for some ideas on what you can do to support your child at home.

HELP with transport - We are seeking parents support for next Wednesday and Friday to help us get into Cunna-

mulla. If there are, any parents who are available please let me know.

Respectful Relationships – This week saw the school implement the department’s respectful relationship program.

Our focus was on how to be a good friend. During these sessions, staff demonstrate scenarios of what a good

friend is not and what a good friend is. The children are active participants with drawing and writing what they felt

a good friend is. This program will continue to be implemented over the remainder of the year.

Goodbye Mr Johnstone, we wish you all the best in your temporary role at as a guidance officer in Goondiwindi.

Welcome Ms Deslie who is filling in until we can find a suitable applicant.

Have a fabulous fortnight.




Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe Be a Learner

Issue 12 10 AUGUST 2018


Page 2: Bulloo Billboard - Thargomindah State School · STARLIGHT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3rd DECEMBER AWARDS NIGHT 30th November Yr6 GRADUATION NIGHT 7th DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE Respectful Relationships

Week 3 &4 K-2 News

Athletics carnival- on Friday the 27th of July Thargomindah had their athletics day. It was

beautiful weather and the children showed their team spirit by dressing in their house

colours and cheering in their fellow teammates. It was great to see such team spirit, con-

gratulations to all who participated! You should be very proud of your effort and achieve-


NAIDOC celebrations 2018

P-2 played fly with the 3-6 class as part of their celebrations. The children also painted eggs using our dot painting skills,

they did some indigenous dance and explored the indigenous culture through the arts. Thank you to Miss Kitsa for the won-

derful art experiences and Miss Tracey for the dance


In maths K-2 have been learning about shapes and loca-

tion. We have been busy creating shapes, identifying

their features and their use on our everyday world. The

children have been working in groups to explore these

concepts and have had the opportunity to take their learn-

ing outdoors! Kindy and Prep had the important role of

designing and creating a course for everyone to practise

their directional language and gross motor skills. They showed the year 1 and 2 students how to use the course and even

showed off some of the language we are learning to use!

Exploring language in literacy

Kindy, prep and year 1 students have been exploring language and

literacy through play the past fortnight and have been loving it! We

have been on sight word hunts outside, we have become speech

sound detectives and have created our own characters to go into a

story we have been reading!

Flying arts

K-2 engaged with the special artist who came out to our school to show us how to use

recycled materials to make new things! We made recycled paper, baskets from old

magazines, pinwheels out recycled plastic bottles. We learnt how to reuse and recycle

through art.

Congratulations to Matilda, Madeline, Jesse and Samantha for achieving the first level of

10 nights of reading! Congratulations to Madeline and Samantha for achieving 15

nights of reading and reaching level two of the reading challenge!

For more information on this new reading check your child’s reading folder, there is a note introducing our new reading rewards!

K-2 Classroom

SUCCESS CRITERIA – You will be successful when you

Speak respectfully to teachers and fellow students

Use a calm voice

Use positive body language

Even if you are too upset to speak, let the person know that you need time before discussing the issue.

Thargomindah State School Phone: (07) 4655 3231

PO Box 303 Fax: (07) 4655 3102

Thargomindah, 4492 Email: [email protected]

QLD, Australia

Talk respectfully – Use Positive






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nts a




sible, R


ul, Sa

fe Learn


Page 3: Bulloo Billboard - Thargomindah State School · STARLIGHT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3rd DECEMBER AWARDS NIGHT 30th November Yr6 GRADUATION NIGHT 7th DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE Respectful Relationships

Focus Oral language

In their first 12 months, babies develop many of the foundations that underpin speech

and language development. In addition, they keep developing language skills at an

amazing rate in the first three years of life. However, it doesn’t stop there, children

who are exposed to rich oral language within their home life will have a bank of 30 mil-

lion more words ways.


*Find an interesting book, turn off the TV and read to your children.

*Ask them open ended questions as you read or when you finish reading.

*Video tape a part of the reading and questioning and share with the School. We want

to reward your efforts in supporting us.

NUMERACY Our focus for the next few weeks will be telling time. Can I encourage all parents to assist your child in being able to tell the time. Here is an idea of what you can do.

Tell time. Telling time is math too. Make a game out of figuring out how long it will take to get somewhere in the family car. Ask questions such as, “What time should we leave to get to church at 10 if it takes us 15 minutes to get there? What time should we get up? Have breakfast?”



Richard Malone Award




10th AUGUST 2018

Madeline Batson — Academic Achievement

10th AUGUST 2018

Jack Pike — Respecting others

This week has been very relaxed. I have been completing all send ins on time with great reports back. On Tuesday I bought in my dog, Puss Puss for "bring your pet to GoTo" for 20mins. Everyone was very shocked to see how my dog is so ugly that its cute. Jacinta Byrne

In the Past few weeks I have been working on assessments for my certificate II in business studies. I have also learnt about Newtons laws of motion in science. In English I have almost completed the unit about Romeo & Juliet. I have been busy getting send ins submitted on time and starting assessments . Holly Hortin

Lately I’ve been reading Ned Kelly the Black Snake, and I am half way through the book for English and for science we have been learning about the solar and lunar eclipse. Maths we recently had an assessment and we had to calculate the unit price to sell food and also I have been going over to the primary school for extra maths lesson to get ahead faster. History we’ve been learning about Rome and technologies we’ve been learn how to type faster and also learn stuff about the computer. Bonnie Stewart

Here at the high school we (or at least I) have had a pretty good week, with not much work. Our class has been focusing on four main pieces of work: an experiment relating to wind turbines for science, a worm farm for agriculture, an assess-

ment task for maths and seven photos for art. Well, when you say it like that it does sound like quite a bit . While these tasks were complex and quite lengthy to complete they were nearly all fun- making a worm farm, making a wind tur-

bine out of paper and taking some photo’s aren’t that bad. Last week was different- 6 rather than 4 things to do. and none of them were fun. Friday last week was “Jeans for Genes” day; we (the high schoolers) all brought in a gold coin donation and wore jeans. To add to the relaxation of the week, I’m going to enjoy my weekend. Hope you enjoy yours. Henry Collins

Page 4: Bulloo Billboard - Thargomindah State School · STARLIGHT SWIMMING CARNIVAL 3rd DECEMBER AWARDS NIGHT 30th November Yr6 GRADUATION NIGHT 7th DECEMBER CHRISTMAS TREE Respectful Relationships

Date Claimers 2018







17th-19th AUGUST


20th-24th AUGUST








17th-21st SEPTEMBER


22nd-23rd SEPTEMBER



28th-30th SEPTEMBER












30th November




Respectful Relationships

Excellence in Education, for Everyone, Every Day

A friend is a companion for life, we

make them feel special, loved and safe

and in return, we feel loved, happy

and safe. A friend is someone who is

always there and someone who will al-

ways care. Making a friend feel happy

and supported gives you that warm

fuzzy feeling. Words are a very power-

ful tool, use them wisely, don’t be a


On Monday and Tuesday Pamela from Flying Arts department came out

and showed us how to upcycle from recycled products. We made our

own paper, we weaved our own basket out of recycled magazines and

made our own cards out of the paper we made. We also have a chan-

delier made from recycled bottles. We would like to thank Pamela for

such an enjoyable time.

We would like to say thank you to Mr Johnstone for teaching at

Thargomindah State School and wish him all the best in his Guidance

Officer role in Goondiwindi.

Congratulations to all athletes who broke athletic records!!!

Anna— 10yrs Shot put Old record Tamie Ferguson 5.87m (1993) New record 7.47m

Dean—9yrs Shot put Old record Baily Edwards 6.36m (2008) New record 6.38m

- 9yrs Discus Old record Craig Warner 12.87m (2016) New record 13.25m

Flynn—10yrs High jump Old record Reef Burey

1.10m (2012) New record 1.13m

Rebecca—9yrs Shot put Old record Amity Warner

5.22m (2013) New record 5.51m

Hayden—8yrs Shot put Old Jaymie Crawford

Record Breakers Athletics