1 COM 451 501 Integrated Strategic Communication Anti-Bullying Campaign Sara AlMadani 200818976

Bullying In The UAE

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COM 451 501

Integrated Strategic Communication

Anti-Bullying Campaign

Sara AlMadani 200818976

Page 2: Bullying In The UAE



Table of Contents  


A Review of the Literature .................................................................... 3

Definning bullying .................................................................................. 4

Types of bullying .................................................................................... 6

Causes of bullying .................................................................................. 7

Bullying in the UAE ............................................................................... 8

Bolt Down On Bullying .......................................................................... 9

Ministry Of Education ......................................................................... 10

Targeted Publics ................................................................................... 11

Bibliography ......................................................................................... 13


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A Review of the Literature  

Researchers have shown that bullying has been around for a long time, but no one really thought

of it as a serious issue. Until an increasing percentage of young people started to hurt themselves

to the point of taking their lives away, just to escape the reality that they cannot control. As these

percentages grow every year more researches are targeted towards this subject, as a result of

investing time in researching this topic people are more aware of the potential consequences that

comes with bullying. Since bullying have crossed the line of common/ playful teasing into a

lifestyle that the bully exercise in a daily routine. Researchers have come up with different views

of bullying and as the research deeper into the issue of bullying the more areas and perspective to

bullying they have. Addressing those seven points will hopefully cover the different aspects of

bullying. This literature review is focusing on those seven aspects of bullying.

1. Importance of bullying.

2. Types of bullying.

3. Causes of bullying.

4. Bullying in the UAE.

5. Bolt Down on Bullying.

6. Ministry Of Education.

7. Targeted publics.

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Defining bullying

Starting off not many people are familiar with the definition of bullying, which makes

them unaware if it was exercised on them. “Bullying is a negative and often aggressive or

manipulative act or series of acts by one or more people against another person or people usually

over a period of time. It is abusive and is based on imbalanced power.” (Sullivan, Cleary, &

Sullivan, 2004) (pg 3). In a book by Sullivan, Cleary, and Sullivan (2004) they mentioned that in

the past twenty years researchers started to take massive interest in bullying where they came up

with those basic tenets about bullying. The first basic tenet is that bullying is unpredictable and

can strike at any moments. Second tenet, it happens in all types of schools / workplaces. Third

tenet there is no restriction on a specific age, gender, race, class. Fourth tenet, the impact of

bullying has a lifelong effect on the person.

As years pass by, the forms of bullying develops. Today we have three forms of bullying

the physical and the non-physical and the damage to property. The physical form of bullying is

the most obvious and seen form of bullying and it is basically when someone is being physically

hurt, through physical contact like being hit, punched, spat at, etc. The non- physical form is the

hardest forms of bullying to notice as there is no physical contact at all therefore it is hard to spot

when is it happening. In the non-physical there are two other forms that fall under. The Verbal

and the non-verbal. The verbal is mainly the oral or spoken words that include abusive phone

calls, teasing, racist and cruel remarks, etc. The non-verbal form can either be direct and indirect.

The direct nonverbal form includes making mean faces and gestures. This form is not usually

regarded as a form of bullying as it is harmless, but it may be used to make a person feel

intimidated or remind them that they (the bully) is always around. The indirect nonverbal form of

bullying includes ignoring the person which will make the person feels excluded or isolated, and

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make other people dislike them by spreading rumors. The last form of bullying is the damage to

property. This form is considered to be the hurtful of them all as it may include destruction of

personal property that might be dear to the victim. Like ripping clothes, damaging books, taking

property (stealing).

To many people bullying seems to be a one on one relationship, but as a matter of fact it

is a three person triangle which includes the victim, the bully and the bystanders. The bystanders

may not seem like an important element in the bullying situation. But they are considered as

involved as the victims and bullies and can help in easing the situation and maybe as well cure

the bullying issue for good. Sullivan, Cleary, and Sullivan (2004) have created a useful model

which is called the downward spirals of bullying and it basically illistates how bullying works

and what each of the victims, bullies and bystanders usually think and act by.

If this buylling phenomena keeps on growing there will be a huge threat to the future

generation as bullying had a prelong consequences that affects the victims and may lead to

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extreme measures like self injuries or even susicde. “According to the World Health

Organization, somewhere in the world, someone commits suicide every 1 minute and 40 seconds

and there are 1 million deaths from suicide every year” (Boguski, 2010). Professor Nock

explains the important differences between suicidal and non-suicidal thoughts and behaviors in

his 2010 article in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (Nock, 2010). He explained that

self injurious thoughts and behaviors divide into two groups the suicidal thoughts (intent to die)

and the non-suicidal thoughts (no intent to die). The suicidal thought has the suicide ideation,

suicide plan and suicide attempt under it. And the suicide threat or gesture, thoughts of self

injury and self injury falls under the non-suicidal thoughts. This categorization has helped

classify people position when bullying are exercised on them.

Types of bullying

When a person mentions the word bullying people automaticlly associate it with schools

and students. That is a huge misconsumption people tend to have, as bullying is not only

excersied in schools and at students, it maybe that schools is situated comfortably at the top

when it comes to bullying practices. But there are other types of bullying that are occuring. There

are five visible bullying types currently.

1. School bullying.

2. Workplace bullying.

3. Cyber bullying.

4. Gay bullying.

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School bullying is the most known and common type of bullying which most of the

people are knowlegdable of. Bullying not only happen by student to student, but also happens by

teachers and the school system. Most of the time when the phrase “bullying” is heard the first

thing that comes to a person’s mind is a bunch of kids or teenage students ganging up against

another one. One thing we have not heard of a lot is bullying in the workplace. This kind of

bullying usually happens when grown, mature employees in one of the high ranked companies or

organizations; get bullied by their bosses or another colleague.

Although this issue of bullying in the workplace is still not known, companies have

already planned an anti-bullying and anti harassment policies. Most companies make it clear as

one of their code of conduct that bullying and harassment should not take place in the workplace

under no circumstances like ABCB (Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank). There are three other types

that falls under workplace bullying which is bullying in academia, nursing and teaching.

Another type of bullying is cyber bullying with all the technological progress, bullying is only

bound to fall into technology and make use of it. And it is usually done by any form of

technology mobile phone, internet, etc. Last type of bullying is gay bullying which is basically

when the bullies make hurtful comments about someone with questionable sexual orientation.

Causes of bullying

The causes of bullying may be clear and some may be underlying. Ego plays an

important role the bullies character. It was believed that people with low self esteem would be

more apt to being a bully, as they think that it okay to put people down to make themselves feel

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better. Or on the other hand they would have a high self esteem that they would think that it is

okay to treat people in a bad way because they are superior. Another clear cause is that some

people would like to be in control therefore they would use bullying as a form to force others

into their demands. Approval is also considered a cause of bullying as the bullies would seek

their approval by abusing them, and ofcourse it would be an approval out of fear.

One of the underlying cause for bullying starts at the bullies home, where the bully is

usually neglected and lack adult supervision or maybe bullied at home where they are missing

parental care and love. In addtion some of the bullies do not suffer the consequences of their

actions therefore they are not aware of the damages they might cause to someone.

Bullying in the UAE

Like any other country, the UAE also has its share of bullying that is being covered and

neglected by society. Although this has caused a lot of problems in the past, people still find it

difficult to face the fact that this is an actual issue that has been going on for generations. One of

the reasons that bullying in the UAE exists could be because of the different nationalities living

in the country. Where students or teenagers in the particular reason find the need to be defensive

and racist. It’s thought that 70 per cent of bullying cases go unreported, but whether it’s a big or

a small problem is irrelevant.’ (Samineh Shaheem, 2011).

The society is in denial of this issue, since there are no accurate statistics about the

percentages of students that are being bullied, or that are even harmed psychologically or

mentally because of bullying. In a recent article Samineh Shaheem, a woman who is in the

process of stopping bullying that is happening in the UAE said that: “There are currently no

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formal statistics for severe cases of bullying in the UAE. According to a 2008 survey by the

UK’s NHS, 44 per cent of young people admitted they’d been bullied at school.” (Samineh

Shaheem, 2011). This only reflects the idea or the point that the society, government, parents,

and schools should be more aware of this issue.

“24 percent of the students are too scared to go to school” (Samineh Shaheem, 2011).

This only shows how this percentage could increase when the society is living in denial about

such an issue.

The UAE is a Muslim country, not mentioning its rich culture that has been going on for

decades. One of the aspects that the Emaratis or Muslims believe in and have been following for

decades is “respect”. Respect is one of the most important features that Emaratis stick to and

believe in, which contradicts with what is happening in the UAE regarding the bullying issue.

Sadly, this issue is not only happening within schools and students; it has now moved on to

workplaces and between elder people.

Bolt Down On Bullying

“Bolt Down On Bullying” is a campaign that has been going on in the UAE to support

the “National Anti-Bullying Day” which is held annually in November. This campaign has been

started and found by Samineh Shaheem, a psychology professor. Samineh mentioned in one of

the interviews with the radio Dubai Eye that bullying is still new in the UAE and it hasn’t

reached it’s extreme level yet. She also added that it is still in a condition that it could be

controlled if people the society start acknowledging this issue as a real one and being aware of it.

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The purpose behind this campaign is awareness. People must hear of it in order to know

that there is a problem, which will result sooner or later in them realizing that this needs to be


Each letter from the word “Bolt” states one aspect that is involved in this campaign. B:

Be a friend, O: Offer support, L: Learn to respond, and T: Tell someone. This word has been

chosen to show what the campaign is really aiming at and what it wants people to do at the end

of the day.

This campaign also involves a month of seminars & counseling services for parents,

health care professionals, teachers, and any other people that are concerned about this issue

spreading in the community. The Campaign has been known in the society mostly because of

social network. It has a twitter and Facebook account, which helps to reach the society since

social network has lately boomed in the UAE.

Ministry Of Education

Ministry of education is the targeted organization that should be aware of this issue. The

ministry has not done any kind of research or campaigns to aware parents, schools, or students

about his serious issue. One of the things that should at least be considered by the ministry is a

paper that should be signed from all schools that discusses an anti-bullying environment in the

school. This will help in students speaking up if they have had a bullying experience in any way.

“AlNahda School” is one of the schools that deal with the anti-bullying policy. “The

policy deals with "all kinds of bullying, physical, verbal

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In an article, Major Rashed Khalaf al Dhaheri, the criminal affairs manager at the Abu

Dhabi community police station said that the bullying issue is a problem that should be discussed

or resolved between schools, parents, and the police.

There were no search results found about any sort of campaigns or awareness from the

ministry of education in the UAE. The ministry should start researching and finding out statistics

and facts about bullying in the UAE since this issue is increasing in the region. People might not

notice this issue because most of them refer to bullying as physical pain or scratches, while

bullying could actually cause a huge harm psychologically and mentally. In addition to that,

bullying could also be the reason behind kids or teenagers not having their own personality.

Sometimes teenagers do everything it takes to fit in one of the societies or even schools in

particular. Even if it means for them to not stand for anything they believe in.

Targeted Publics

The publics that should be targeted for this awareness campaign are not just in one field.

The first targeted publics are the parents. Parents should be aware of what is happening in their

kids’ lives when they are in school. Whether they are bullied, mistreated, or unhappy. Kids don’t

usually open up to parents about such issues. Parents should have meetings with the teachers,

which is the second targeted public. Teachers should be fully aware that when they turn their

back, it is one of the most common things for one student to bully another, or for students to

gang up on someone. Teachers should have the awareness and the way to deal with such

students. Bullies usually tend to be proud of what they do, and stubborn about stop harming

others whether it was by the usage of words or actions. Teachers should also involve the students

in topics about bullying in general like things that happen when a person bullies another, what

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does bullying cause, and the serious outcome of it. This sometimes causes a big help in students

leaning and being less stubborn about their bullying. This is where the third targeted public

proves its place, which is the school. A school should have courses or trainers that would teach

teachers or instructors how to deal with bullies in class. Another beneficial thing is that schools

also should have a special teacher that works as a psychiatrist in the school. In case one of the

students had problems whether it was the bully, or the student being bullied. They could both

benefit from speaking to the psychiatrists. Last but not least in the school’s list is to make it an

essential for all students and parents to understand the non-bullying policy that is taking place on

campus. A paper that is distributed to the parents and students to know what the consequences of

their actions might be.

Ministry of education is also considered as a public although it is an organization. Since

the ministry has no background, statistics, or facts about bullying; this only reflects how even the

ministry is not aware about this problem or issue that is increasing in the society

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Abu Dhabi Commerical Bank . (2010). http://www.adcb.com/Images/Code_of_Conduct_tcm20-

18970.pdf. Retrieved June 07, 2011, from ADCB.com:


Boguski, M. (2010, April 21). Why do people hurt themselves? bullying and new research.

Retrieved March 20, 2011, from Celebrity dignosis:



Browne, A. (2008, July 21). workplace bullies the target of new laws. Retrieved March 20, 2011,

from suite 101: http://www.suite101.com/content/fighting-back-against-workplace-


Cheever, J. (2010). Common Causes of bullying. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from Life 123:


Cheever, J. (2010). why do people bully? Retrieved March 20, 2011, from life 123:


Clack, D. (2011, January 25). Bullying in Abu Dhabi. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from Time out:


Huneidi, S. a. (2010, November 29). Campaign to help bullying victims. Retrieved March 20,

2011, from The national: http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news/education/campaign-


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Nock, M. K. (2010, April 4). Self Injury. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology , pp. Vol. 6:


Sullivan, k., Cleary, M., & Sullivan, G. (2004). Bullying in Secondary schools. London: Paul

Chapman Publishing.

Wikipedia. (2011, March 30). Bullying. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from Wikipedia:


Worksheet library. (2010). how to handle the classroom bully. Retrieved March 20, 2011, from

worksheet library: http://www.worksheetlibrary.com/teachingtips/thebully.html


The social networks sites for the campgian:

• http://dubaieye1038.com/9119/bolt-down-on-bullying/

• http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bolt-Down-On-Bullying/165363520155024

• http://twitter.com/smrhuneidi/status/9263699676106752