Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto- oncogene (MYC) Deeter Neumann

Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

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Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC). Deeter Neumann. History of Burkitt Lymphoma. 1887 Sir Albert Cook Reports of mass in jaw area 1934 Smith and Elmes “round cell sarcomas” 1953 Capponi ovary lymphosarcoma in Cameroon children 1958 Dr. Burkitt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-

oncogene (MYC)

Deeter Neumann

Page 2: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

History of Burkitt Lymphoma

Denis Burkitt

1887 Sir Albert Cook

Reports of mass in jaw area

1934 Smith and Elmes

“round cell sarcomas”

1953 Capponi

ovary lymphosarcoma in Cameroon children

1958 Dr. Burkitt

Specific clinical syndrome

“Lymphoma belt”


Page 6: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

MYC Protein

MYC_N amino-terminal

HLH helix-loop-helix

MYC-LZ leucine zipper dimerization domainhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene/31092?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Homologene.Homologene_ResultsPanel.Homologene_RVDocSum

MYC_N HLH MYC-LZ454 amino acids


Page 8: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

MYC tagMYC is a small protein

Proteins lacking specific Antibodies (Ab)

Create recombinant protein

Identify the Protein using anti-MYC Abs


Page 9: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

MYC Phylogeny

mRNA sequences were used to create phylogram using clustalW

Pan troglodytes

Canis lupus familiaris

Homo sapien

Mus musculus

Danio rerio

Bos taurus

Rattus norvegicus

Drosophila melanogaster


Page 10: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

DNA Motifs7 DNA motifs found

Stimulating Protein 1 (Sp1)

Interest in Sp1

Protein found in humans

DNA-binding protein

Regulates “prosurvival proteins” and “prodeath proteins”


Page 11: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Human Protein Network



MM-1 (PFDN5) http://string.embl.de

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Mouse Protein Network



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Fly Protein Network


Page 14: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Fly and Mouse Models

Human protein

Fly protein

Mouse protein

Rat proteinhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/homologene/31092?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Homologene.Homologene_ResultsPanel.Homologene_RVDocSum

Page 15: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Modeling MYC in Fly

Investigated roles of drosophilaMyc (dMyc) and Mnt

Null dMyc- effect on organismal and cellular growth

Created dm4 null mutant and dm4dmnt1 flies

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dm4 vs. dm4dmnt1

Page 17: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

dMyc vs dMntdMnt major regulatory role at dMyc target genes

dMnt function limits cell growth

Loss of dMyc affects protein synthesis



Page 18: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Knock-in Mice


Allele knock-in

IgH 3’ enhancer upstream of Myc locus

Created heterozygote and homozygote


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WT vs. IgH-3’E-myc mouse


Lymph node


WT spleen IgH-3’E-myc spleen

Lymphoma in lung Lymphoma in kidney

IgH-3’E-myc spleen

Page 21: Burkitt lymphoma and myelocytomatosis proto-oncogene (MYC)

Future DirectionsUnderstand the cause of translocation

Gene therapy with MM-1 or Smad3 to supress tumorigenesis?

Microarrays to detect specific interactions of genes in both Burkitt patient and normal individual

Target other bHLH rescue proteins

Cell cycle progression in normal and Burkitt cells

Utilize rat as model organism!



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