Renewable Resources The potential of renewable energy sources is enormous as they can in principle meet many times the world’s energy demand. Renewable energy sources such as biomass, wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources. A transition to renewables-based energy systems is looking increasingly likely as their costs decline while the price of oil and gas continue to fluctuate. In the past 30 years solar and wind power systems have experienced rapid sales growth, declining capital costs and costs of electricity generated, and have continued to improve their performance characteristics. In fact, fossil fuel and renewable energy prices, and social and environmental costs are heading in opposite directions and the economic and policy mechanisms needed to support the widespread dissemination and sustainable markets for renewable energy systems are rapidly evolving. It is becoming clear that future growth in the energy sector will be primarily in the new regime of renewable energy, and to some extent natural gas-based systems, not in conventional oil and coal sources. Because of these developments market opportunity now exists to both innovate and to take advantage of emerging markets to promote renewable energy technologies, with the additional assistance of governmental and popular sentiment. The development and use of renewable energy sources can enhance diversity in energy supply markets, contribute to securing long term sustainable energy supplies, help reduce local and global atmospheric emissions, and provide commercially attractive options to meet specific energy service needs, particularly in developing countries and rural areas helping to create new employment opportunities there. Geothermal energy Geothermal energy, the natural heat within the earth, arises from the ancient heat remaining in the Earth's core, from friction where continental plates slide beneath each other, and from the decay of radioactive elements that occur naturally in small amounts in all rocks. For thousands of years, people have benefited from hot springs and steam vents,

Business Environment

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Page 1: Business Environment

Renewable Resources

The potential of renewable energy sources is enormous as they can in principle meet many times the world’s energy demand. Renewable energy sources such as biomass, wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources. A transition to renewables-based energy systems is looking increasingly likely as their costs decline while the price of oil and gas continue to fluctuate. In the past 30 years solar and wind power systems have experienced rapid sales growth, declining capital costs and costs of electricity generated, and have continued to improve their performance characteristics. In fact, fossil fuel and renewable energy prices, and social and environmental costs are heading in opposite directions and the economic and policy mechanisms needed to support the widespread dissemination and sustainable markets for renewable energy systems are rapidly evolving. It is becoming clear that future growth in the energy sector will be primarily in the new regime of renewable energy, and to some extent natural gas-based systems, not in conventional oil and coal sources. Because of these developments market opportunity now exists to both innovate and to take advantage of emerging markets to promote renewable energy technologies, with the additional assistance of governmental and popular sentiment. The development and use of renewable energy sources can enhance diversity in energy supply markets, contribute to securing long term sustainable energy supplies, help reduce local and global atmospheric emissions, and provide commercially attractive options to meet specific energy service needs, particularly in developing countries and rural areas helping to create new employment opportunities there.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy, the natural heat within the earth, arises from the ancient heat remaining in the Earth's core, from friction where continental plates slide beneath each other, and from the decay of radioactive elements that occur naturally in small amounts in all rocks. For thousands of years, people have benefited from hot springs and steam vents, using them for bathing, cooking, and heating. During this century, technological advances have made it possible and economic to locate and drill into hydrothermal reservoirs, pipe the steam or hot water to the surface, and use the heat directly (for space heating, aquaculture, and industrial processes) or to convert the heat into electricity.

The amount of geothermal energy is enormous. Scientists estimate that just 1 percent of the heat contained in just the uppermost 10 kilometers of the earth’s crust is equivalent to 500 times the energy contained in all of the earth's oil and gas resources. Yet, despite the fact that this heat is present in practically inexhaustible quantities, it is unevenly distributed, seldom concentrated and often at depths too great to be exploited industrially and economically.

Geothermal energy has been produced commercially for 70 years for both electricity generation and direct use. Its use has increased rapidly during the last three decades and from 1975 – 1995 the growth rate for electricity generation worldwide has been about 9 percent per year and for direct use of geothermal energy it has been about 6 percent per year. In 1997 geothermal resources had been identified in over 80 countries and there were quantified records of geothermal utilization in at least 46 countries.

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What is the Kyoto Protocol?

In response to the threat of climate change, the UN passed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which was gradually ratified by 156 countries, and later infamously rejected by the world’s biggest polluters – the US and Australia. The Protocol sets the target of reducing emissions by an average of 5.2 percent below 1990 greenhouse gas levels by the year 2012. Emissions trading, the main mechanism for achieving this target, was pushed by the US in response to heavy corporate lobbying.

Under the Kyoto Protocol the “polluters” are countries that have agreed to targets for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions below their country-specific target in a pre-defined timeframe. These countries are the largest polluters, the “developed” countries. The polluters are then given a number of “emissions permits”. The volume is equivalent to their 1990 levels of emissions plus/minus their reduction commitment. These permits are measured in units of carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases. One ton of carbon dioxide equals one permit. The credits are licenses to pollute up to the limits set by the commitment to reach the average reduction of 5.2 percent agreed in Kyoto. The countries then allocate the permits to the most polluting industries, most commonly for free. In this system the polluter is rewarded.

There are several ways in which the industries can then use the permits:

1. If the polluter does not use its entire allowance, it can either save the remaining permits for the next time period (bank them), or sell then to another polluter on the market.

2. If the polluter uses up its allowance in the allotted time period, but pollutes more, it must buy permits from another polluter that has not used up its full allowance.

3. The polluter can invest in pollution reduction schemes in other countries or regions and in this way “produce” extra credits that can then be sold, banked, or used to make up the deficit in its original allowance.

Credit-earning projects that take place in a country with no reduction target (mostly in the “developing” world) come under the controversial rubric of the “Clean Development Mechanism” (CDM). Projects which take place in countries with reduction targets come under Joint Implementation (JI).

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EMS 14000 ISO

ISO 14000, which was initially released in 1996 and updated in 2004, is a global series of environmental management systems (EMS) standards. As a continuation of the standardization process that was initiated with the ISO 9000 series, the ISO 14000 series of international standards have been developed so that organizations may incorporate environmental aspects into operations and product standards.

It is a set of voluntary environmental management standards, guides and technical reports, which specifically focuses on corporate environmental management systems, operating practices, products, and services.

The ISO standards in general aim to facilitate international trade and commerce. Companies can implement any or all of the ISO 14000 series standards. They do not prescribe environmental performance targets, but provide organizations with the tools to assess and control the impact of their activities, products or services on the environment.

The ISO 14000 series addresses the following aspects of environmental management: Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Environmental Auditing & Related Investigations (EA&RI) Environmental Labels and Declarations (EL) Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Terms and Definitions (T&D)

The ISO 14000 standards and documents are being developed with the following key principles in mind:

To result in better environmental management To encompass environmental management systems and the environmental aspects of

products To be applicable in all countries To promote the broader interests of the public as well as users of these standards To be cost-effective, non-prescriptive and flexible so they are able to meet the

differing needs of organizations of any type or size, worldwide As part of their flexibility, to be suitable for internal and/or external verification To be scientifically based Above all, to be practical, useful and usable

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What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation means making an effort to reduce the consumption of natural energy sources like electricity, water and so on.

So why is energy conservation important?

We depend on energy for almost everything in our lives. We wish to make our lives comfortable, productive and enjoyable. Hence even if the outside temperature rises a little, we immediately switch on the air conditioner to keep our house cool. This is again using up of energy. Unfortunately, what we do not realize is that we have starting taking things for granted and we have started wasting energy unnecessarily. Most of us forget that energy is available in abundance but it is limited and hence to maintain the quality of life, it is important that we use our energy resources wisely.

If we do not conserve energy, the energy will exhaust and we will have nothing to use. Also, energy conservation is also important when it comes to climate change. Currently, erratic climates and climatic changes are the greatest threats that we are facing today. Hence it is important to conserve energy.

Ways to conserve energy

There are many ways to conserve energy. It depends on the kind of choices we make to help us save our environment and also help our future generations. There are many things that will use less energy and by using such things you will conserve energy in a sensible way. Instead of normal tube lights, you can choose energy efficient bulbs. Energy efficient bulbs require less energy to perform the same function that normal tube lights do.

Turning off all electronic devices when not in use is also a good way of conserving energy. Replacing or repairing leaky faucets help in saving lot of water.

Use air conditioner only when required. Instead, you can keep the doors and vents closed to keep your room. Also, you can save lot of energy by switching off the lights and using natural lighting during day time.

Embracing an energy efficient lifestyle today will help you get a better life tomorrow. So let us slow down the demand for energy and give a better future for our coming generation.

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Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for collecting, storing, and using rainwater for landscape irrigation and other uses. The rainwater is collected from various hard surfaces such as roof tops and/or other types of manmade above ground hard surfaces. This ancient practice is currently growing in popularity throughout our communities due to interest in reducing the consumption of potable water and the inherent qualities of rainwater.

Rainwater Harvesting Advantages Makes use of a natural resource and reduces flooding, storm water runoff, erosion, and

contamination of surface water with pesticides, sediment, metals, and fertilizers Reduces the need for imported water Excellent source of water for landscape irrigation, with no chemicals such as fluoride and

chlorine, and no dissolved salts and minerals from the soil Home systems can be relatively simple to install and operate May reduce your water bill Promotes both water and energy conservation No filtration system required for landscape irrigation

Rainwater Harvesting Disadvantages Limited and uncertain local rainfall Can be costly to install - rainwater storage and delivery systems can cost between $200 to

$2,000+ depending on the size and sophistication of the system The payback period varies depending on the size of storage and complexity of the system Can take considerable amount of time to "pay for itself" Requires some technical skills to install and provide regular maintenance If not installed correctly, may attract mosquitoes Certain roof types may seep chemicals,

pesticides, and other pollutants into the water that can harm the plants Rainwater collected during the first rain season is generally not needed by plants until the dry

season. Once catchment is full, cannot take advantage of future rains

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What is organic farming?

Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient time. It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes (bio fertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco-friendly pollution free environment.

Need of organic farming

With the increase in population our compulsion would be not only to stabilize agricultural production but to increase it further in sustainable manner. The scientists have realized that the ‘Green Revolution’ with high input use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with diminishing return of falling dividends. Thus, a natural balance needs to be maintained at all cost for existence of life and property. The obvious choice for that would be more relevant in the present era, when these agrochemicals which are produced from fossil fuel and are not renewable and are diminishing in availability. It may also cost heavily on our foreign exchange in future.

The key characteristics of organic farming include

Protecting the long term fertility of soils by maintaining organic matter levels, encouraging soil biological activity, and careful mechanical intervention

Providing crop nutrients indirectly using relatively insoluble nutrient sources which are made available to the plant by the action of soil micro-organisms

Nitrogen self-sufficiency through the use of legumes and biological nitrogen fixation, as well as effective recycling of organic materials including crop residues and livestock manures

Weed, disease and pest control relying primarily on crop rotations, natural predators, diversity, organic manuring, resistant varieties and limited (preferably minimal) thermal, biological and chemical intervention

The extensive management of livestock, paying full regard to their evolutionary adaptations, behavioural needs and animal welfare issues with respect to nutrition, housing, health, breeding and rearing

Careful attention to the impact of the farming system on the wider environment and the conservation of wildlife and natural habitats

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E-waste Management

It is estimated that 75% of electronic items are stored due to uncertainty of how to manage it. These electronic junks lie unattended in houses, offices, warehouses etc. and normally mixed with household wastes, which are finally disposed of at landfills. This necessitates implementable management measures.

In industries management of e-waste should begin at the point of generation. This can be done by waste minimization techniques and by sustainable product design. Waste minimization in industries involves adopting:

inventory management, production-process modification, volume reduction, recovery and reuse.

1. Responsibilities of  the Government:1. Government should set up regulatory agencies in each district, which will be coordinating

and consolidating the regulatory functions of the various government authorities regarding hazardous substances.

2. Government should be responsible for providing an adequate system of laws, controls and administrative procedures for hazardous waste management (Third World Network. 1991).Existing laws concerning e-waste disposal be reviewed and revamped under this law,

3. Government must encourage research into the development and standard of hazardous waste management, environmental monitoring and the regulation of hazardous waste-disposal

Responsibility and Role of industries:

1. Generators of wastes should take responsibility to determine the output characteristics of wastes and if hazardous, should provide management options.

2. All personnel involved in handling e-waste in industries including those at the policy, management, control and operational levels, should be properly qualified and trained. Companies can adopt their own policies while handling e-wastes. 

3. Companies can and should adopt waste minimization techniques, which will make a significant reduction in the quantity of e-waste generated and thereby lessening the impact on the environment.

Responsibilities of the Citizen

1. Waste prevention is perhaps more preferred to any other waste management option including recycling. Donating electronics for reuse extends the lives of valuable products

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and keeps them out of the waste management system for a longer time. But care should be taken while donating such items i.e. the items should be in working condition.

2. Reuse, in addition to being an environmentally preferable alternative, also benefits society. By donating used electronics, schools, non-profit organizations, and lower-income families can afford to use equipment that they otherwise could not afford.

3. E-wastes should never be disposed with garbage and other household wastes. This should be segregated at the site and sold or donated to various organizations.

Q . Treatment of Medical Waste

The primary methods of treatment and disposal of medical waste are:

Incineration Autoclaves Mechanical/Chemical Disinfection Microwave Irradiation

For all of these treatment types, the treated waste can generally be disposed with general waste in a landfill, or in some cases discharged into the sewer system. In the past, treatment of medical waste was primarily performed on-site at hospitals in dedicated medical waste facilities. Over time, the expense and regulation of these facilities have prompted organizations to hire private companies to collect, treat, and dispose of medical waste, and the percentage of medical organizations who perform their own treatment and disposal is expected to drop.


According to the EPA, 90% of medical waste is incinerated. Incineration is the controlled burning of the medical waste in a dedicated medical waste incinerator. Among industry folks, these units are often referred to as hospital/medical/infection waste incinerators (HMIWIs).


Autoclaves are closed chambers that apply both heat and pressure, and sometimes steam, over a period of time to sterilize medical equipment. Autoclaves have been used for nearly a century to sterilize medical instruments for re-use. Autoclaves are used to destroy all microorganisms that may be present in medical waste before disposal in a traditional landfill. The autoclave lowers the pressure within the chamber, which shortens the amount of time required to generate steam.

Mechanical/Chemical Disinfection

Chemical disinfection, primarily through the use of chlorine products, is another method to treat medical waste. The use of chlorine bleach for cleaning and disinfecting is well known and this method has been in use for many years. The mechanical/chemical disinfection process provides control and consistency to the disinfection process. The EPA identifies chemical disinfection as the most appropriate method to treat liquid medical waste.


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The use of microwaves to disinfect medical waste has only recently been introduced in the United States. Microwave treatment units can be either on-site installations or mobile treatment vehicles. In this type of disinfection process, the waste is first shredded. The shredded waste is then mixed with water and subjected to microwaves. The microwaves internally heat the waste, rather than applying heat externally, as in an autoclave. The heat generated in this method provides even heating over all portions of the waste, and the high-temperature steam that is generated effectively neutralizes all biologicals. The shredding operation reduces the volume of the waste by up to 80%, and the treated waste can be disposed of in a landfill


Another method used to sterilize medical equipment or waste is irradiation, generally through exposure of the waste to a cobalt source. The gamma radiation generated by the cobalt source inactivates all microbes that may be present in the waste. Dedicated sites are required for this form of treatment, as opposed to the mobile versions available for other non-incineration methods.