Growth Business Ag creates bumper crop of opportunity The Time Is Right Location, low costs invite investment BUSINESS ® businessclimate.com/jefferson-county JEFFERSON COUNTY, ARKANSAS SPONSORED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY, AR | 2013

Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas

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Pine Bluff is the county seat of Jefferson County. The second-oldest settlement on the Arkansas River, Pine Bluff is a center of industry, commerce, recreation and health care for Southeast Arkansas. The region is a major agricultural center and also includes a diverse mix of industries including paper and packaging, electric transformers and chemicals. The region includes the Port of Pine Bluff as well as the University of Arkansas.

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Page 1: Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas

Growth BusinessAg creates bumper crop of opportunity

The Time Is RightLocation, low costs invite investment



JeffeRson CounTy, ARkAnsAs

sponsoRed By The eConomIC developmenT AllIAnCe foR JeffeRson CounTy, AR | 2013

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New Fire Station New Splash Park New Trails

Pine Bluff Wastewater Utility


In Progress

Pine Bluff’s Grider Field serves Southeast Arkansas with the only jet-capable, runway-equipped airport with an instrument landing system. The airport features a newly renovated terminal

building with food services, lobby, pilot lounge and flight planning areas. Avgas and Jet A fuels are available 24/7. Grider Field welcomes general aviation, corporate, military and charter flights.

Aircraft maintenance, avionics and flight training are available on the field.

Pine Bluff Municipal Airport – Grider Field www.pbaviation.com

The biological treatment lagoons at Boyd Point

Wastewater Treatment Facility span more than 500 acres.

It is one of the largest municipal wastewater treatment

facilities in the nation. This treatment facility has received

several national performance awards and special

recognitions. It has been in operation since the 1960s

and has undergone modifications for efficiency, enhanced

capacity and compliance with environmental requirements.

In these ponds, the natural interaction of sunlight, algae

microorganisms and oxygen makes wastewater clean

and safe for discharge into the Arkansas River.

… and more to come!Downtown Streetscape Investments

University Drive Streetscape Improvements

New Recreational Facilities

Sewer Extensions

Street and Drainage Improvements

City Hall 200 E. 8th Ave.

Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Telephone: 870.730.2000

Fax: 870.730.2174 [email protected]


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New Fire Station New Splash Park New Trails

Pine Bluff Wastewater Utility


In Progress

Pine Bluff’s Grider Field serves Southeast Arkansas with the only jet-capable, runway-equipped airport with an instrument landing system. The airport features a newly renovated terminal

building with food services, lobby, pilot lounge and flight planning areas. Avgas and Jet A fuels are available 24/7. Grider Field welcomes general aviation, corporate, military and charter flights.

Aircraft maintenance, avionics and flight training are available on the field.

Pine Bluff Municipal Airport – Grider Field www.pbaviation.com

The biological treatment lagoons at Boyd Point

Wastewater Treatment Facility span more than 500 acres.

It is one of the largest municipal wastewater treatment

facilities in the nation. This treatment facility has received

several national performance awards and special

recognitions. It has been in operation since the 1960s

and has undergone modifications for efficiency, enhanced

capacity and compliance with environmental requirements.

In these ponds, the natural interaction of sunlight, algae

microorganisms and oxygen makes wastewater clean

and safe for discharge into the Arkansas River.

… and more to come!Downtown Streetscape Investments

University Drive Streetscape Improvements

New Recreational Facilities

Sewer Extensions

Street and Drainage Improvements

City Hall 200 E. 8th Ave.

Pine Bluff, AR 71601 Telephone: 870.730.2000

Fax: 870.730.2174 [email protected]


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Area Attractions

511 Mallard Loop • I-530 Exit 43 • Pine Bluff, AR 71603

870.850.7488 • www.hispinebluff.com

New Cloud Nine Bedding • On the House® Hot Breakfast • Complimentary USA Today Monday-Friday

Complimentary 24-Hour Coffee and Tea • Complimentary High-Speed Internet • Free Local Calls and Voice Mail

Meeting Space for up to 80 People • 24-Hour Business Center • Indoor Pool and Fitness Center

On-site Guest Laundry • Coffee Maker, Hair Dryer, Iron and Ironing Board in Suites

32” Flatscreen TV with Cable/HBO • Microwave and Fridge in Every Room • Spacious Suites Available

The Pines Mall and Restaurants Nearby • Industrial Park • Arts and Sciences Center

International Friendship Garden • Harbor Oaks Golf Club • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

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WorkstyleThe Time Is Right 14Location, low costs invite investment

A strong Base 18Abundant natural resources and transportation connections support a vital manufacturing industry

new Area of discovery 24Life sciences find a winning formula in Jefferson County

plowing forward 30Strong ag sector creates a bumper crop of opportunity

Table of Contents Continued on Page 7





on The CoveR The Jefferson County Courthouse in pine Bluff is burnished by an autumn sunset Photo by michael conti

JeffeRson CounTy, AR

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Jefferson County, Arkansas Business DNA






lifestyleFind out what it’s like to live here and what makes the community such a special place to be.


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JeffeRson CounTy, AR2013 Edition, volumE 1

dirEctor of contEnt BiLL mcmeekin businEss projEct managEr emiLy mcmACkin

proofrEading managEr rAven petty

contEnt coordinator JeSSiCA wALker Boehm

staff WritEr kevin Litwin

contributing WritErs meLAnie kiLgore-hiLL, kAthie StAmpS, keLLy kAgAmAS tomkieS, gAry woLLenhAupt

sEnior graphic dEsignErs StACey ALLiS, LAurA gALLAgher, kriS Sexton, JAke ShoreS, vikki wiLLiAmS

graphic dEsignErs kArA LeiBy, eriCA LAmpLey, kACey pASSmore

sEnior photographErs JeFF AdkinS, BriAn mcCord

staff photographErs mArtin B. Cherry, miChAeL Conti

color imaging tEchnician ALiSon hunterintEgratEd mEdia managEr ZACh white

ad production managEr kAtie middendorF

ad traffic assistants kryStin Lemmon, pAtriCiA moiSAn

chairman greg thurmAn

prEsidEnt/publishEr BoB SChwArtZmAn

ExEcutivE vicE prEsidEnt rAy LAngen

sEnior v.p./salEs todd potter

sEnior v.p./opErations CASey heSter

sEnior v.p./cliEnt dEvElopmEnt JeFF heeFner

sEnior v.p./agribusinEss publishing kim hoLmBerg

v.p./businEss dEvElopmEnt CLAy perry

v.p./ExtErnal communications teree CArutherS

v.p./visual contEnt mArk ForeSter

v.p./contEnt opErations nAtAShA LorenS

v.p./travEl publishing SuSAn ChAppeLL

v.p./salEs rhondA grAhAm, herB hArper, JArek SwekoSky

controllEr ChriS dudLey

sEnior accountant LiSA owenS

accounts payablE coordinator mAriA mcFArLAnd

accounts rEcEivablE coordinator diAnA guZmAn

salEs support coordinator ChriStinA morgAn

salEs support projEct managEr SArA quint

it dirEctor dAnieL CAntreLL

WEb crEativE dirEctor ALLiSon dAviS

WEb contEnt managEr John hood

WEb dEsignEr ii riChArd StevenS

WEb dEvElopmEnt lEad yAmeL hALL

WEb dEvElopEr i neLS noSeworthy

photography dirEctor JeFFrey S. otto

crEativE sErvicEs dirEctor ChriStinA CArden

crEativE tEchnology analyst BeCCA Ary

audiEncE dEvElopmEnt dirEctor deAnnA neLSon

nEW mEdia assistant ALySSA diCiCCo

distribution dirEctor gAry Smith

ExEcutivE sEcrEtary kriSty dunCAn

human rEsourcEs managEr peggy BLAke

rEcEptionist LindA BiShop

Business Images Jefferson County, AR is published annually by Journal Communications inc. and is distributed through the economic development Alliance for Jefferson County, Ar. For advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact Journal Communications inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at [email protected].

foR moRe InfoRmATIon, ConTACT:economic development Alliance for Jefferson County, Ar510 main St. • pine Bluff, Ar 71601phone: (870) 535-0110 • Fax: (870) 535-1643 www.jeffersoncountyalliance.com

visit Business images Jefferson County, ar onlinE at businEssclimatE.com/jEffErson-county

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Insightoverview 9

Almanac 10

Technology 34

Transportation 38

health 42

education 46

livability 50

economic profile 55




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Jefferson County: A Rich history and a promising futureAgriculture, mAnufActuring, river, rAil help build A diverse And dynAmic economy

in 1818, a French trapper landed on the Arkansas river bank near the site of what became Jefferson County’s original courthouse.

Since then, growth of the county has been tied to the river, which provided early transportation and also signaled fertile soil that was key to livelihoods and economic prosperity for the next 150 years.

Jefferson County was established in 1829, and pine Bluff was incorporated in 1839. the railroad reached pine Bluff in 1873 and continues today as a major factor in the economy.

the pine Bluff Arsenal, built in 1941 on 15,000 acres just north of pine Bluff, is another important development, as is grider Field, the

municipal airport, constructed about that same time.

the Arkansas river was tamed in the late 1960s by a series of locks and dams, and river transportation again became key to growth (in 1969, pine Bluff’s lock was the first to open on the new 450-mile navigation system).

during the late 1960s, leaders also began developing two industrial parks – Jefferson industrial park and the harbor industrial district – and thousands of manufacturing jobs were created.

today, the manufacturing sector represents about one-fifth of Jefferson County employment, but agriculture is still a mainstay. other major employment sectors in the


Sorrells Ladd







White Hall

Pine Bluff






AR 88









Arkansas River


area are education and health services, government, and transportation and utilities.

in addition to the pine Bluff Arsenal, another federal installation of importance to the county’s economy is FdA’s internationally recognized national Center for toxicological research, which has played a vital role in protecting the nation’s public health since 1971.

For more information, contact:

economic development Alliance for Jefferson County, AR 510 main st. pine Bluff, AR 71601 (870) 535-0110 www.jeffersoncountyalliance.com

Jefferson County

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10 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y


ChuGGInG RIGhT AlonGengine 819 was known as the queen of Steam, and the historic locomotive is housed at the Arkansas railroad museum in pine Bluff. it weighs 736,000 pounds, measures 100 feet from front to back and required 15 quarts of oil just to run one mile of track.

Also at the museum are passenger cars, cabooses and baggage cars that have all been restored to their original condition as well as a collection of artifacts that were used back in the days of steam engines.

the Arkansas railroad museum is open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. monday-Saturday and admission is free. more information can be found at www.pinebluffcvb.org/things-to-do/museums.

CenTeR of ATTenTIonAnchoring the hospitality and conference industry in the Jefferson County region is the 90,000-square-foot pine Bluff Convention Center, the largest meeting facility in Southeast Arkansas.

the center has a state-of-the-art arena, auditorium/theater and banquet hall, and is connected to a 200-room hotel that features 500 complimentary parking spaces for attendees. the center, which is also home to the Arkansas entertainers hall of Fame, is located in downtown pine Bluff and can accommodate meetings, conventions, trade shows, seminars, concerts or other types of social or business events.

An in-house decorating service and technical team is also on staff to assist convention planners. For more information, go to www.pinebluffcvb.org/meetings-conventions.

spARklInG BusInessSissy’s Log Cabin is the largest independently owned jewelry store in Arkansas.

the flagship store in pine Bluff includes a 12,000-square-foot showroom filled with diamonds, jewelry, estate jewelry, fine gifts and antiques. All diamonds are laser in-scripted, with items ranging from brand new engagement rings to decades-old classic fine pieces. A number of gold watches are also on display as well as an assortment of wedding bands.

owner Sissy Jones began her business in a rented log cabin in 1970. Since then, the business has grown to include stores in pine Bluff, Little rock and Jonesboro. Additional information is at http://sissyslogcabin.com.

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sWeeT smell of suCCesstwo Jefferson County companies that share a common ownership are innovators in pine-related products.

planetwise products in pine Bluff makes and packages pelleted pine litter and bedding products for house pets and other animals, with all of its products made from natural pine. the company’s product line includes Feline Fresh, equine Fresh and Avian Fresh.

BBqr’s delight makes flavored wood pellets, smoke sticks and other barbeque supplies that provide more natural, salt-free, pure smoke flavor with less wood. only one-third cup of pellets is needed per barbeque, and the pellets have flavors such as sassafras, cherry, orange, mesquite, apple, pecan and black walnut.

more information on each company can be found at www.planetwiseproducts.com and www.bbqrsdelight.com.

speed meRChAnTsAbbott enterprises in pine Bluff is a worldwide distributor of speedometers, tachometers, odometers, traffic counters and other automotive-related equipment. it is also a one-stop source for the reconditioning and repairing of such equipment.

the company’s custom-built cables for speedometers and tachometers can fit any hot rod, muscle car or classic restoration, be they on models such as Chevrolet, Chrysler, dodge, Ford, gm or other manufacturers.

Abbott’s new speedometers are needed when installing an updated transmission equipped with a speed sensor into a vehicle, or if customers are changing the tire size or rear axle ratio in their vehicle. For more information, visit www.abbott-tach.com.

ouTspoken mARThA mITChellpine Bluff is the birthplace and later residence of the outspoken martha Beall mitchell, wife of former u.S. Attorney general John mitchell of the nixon administration.

her elegant two-story private home with many gables at 902 w. Fourth Ave. was built in 1887 and is on the national register of historic places. martha was born in the old house on Sept. 2, 1918, and eventually met and married John mitchell in 1957. martha mitchell died in 1976 at the age of 57 and is buried at Bellwood Cemetery in pine Bluff. more information is at www.atrol.com/martha.

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on BoARd WITh hIsToRythe fully restored former union Station train depot in downtown pine Bluff is now home to the pine Bluff/Jefferson County historical museum.

Listed on the national register of historic places, the building includes displays and collections of Civil war, world war i and world war ii artifacts along with examples of victorian furniture, clothing, quilts and antique dolls.

Several antique cotton farming implements and tools are on display as well as examples of machinery dating back as far as the late 19th century. the pine Bluff/Jefferson County historical museum is open monday-Saturday and admission is free. For more information, see www.pinebluffcvb.org/things-to-do/museums.

pReTTy As A pICTuRethe murals of downtown pine Bluff are a signature of Jefferson County, with 13 painted landscapes gracing the downtown district.

the murals detail more than 200 years of history in the region as interpreted by internationally known artists. murals such as Main Street 1888, The Old Fire Station, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, The Arkansas Flag and Grider Field capture and interpret the community’s heritage.

nine of the 13 murals are situated on or near main Street. Brochures of the sites are available at the pine Bluff Convention & visitors Bureau in the Convention Center, or visit www.pinebluffcvb.org/things-to-do/murals.

AnImATRonIC Johnny CAshthe Arkansas entertainers hall of Fame highlights the careers of Arkansas natives who have left their mark on the arts, music and entertainment industries.

At the entrance, an animatronic statue of Johnny Cash greets visitors, and inside other attractions include the works of best-selling author John grisham and musical instruments owned by Levon helm, Jimmy driftwood and Art porter.

Costumes on exhibit belong to country stars such as Charlie rich, Collin raye and tracy Lawrence, and there is memorabilia owned by television star Jerry van dyke and many other celebrities. the hall is located within the pine Bluff Convention Center and is open seven days a week. Admission is free. visit www.arkansasentertainershall offame.com.

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Business Climate

Right Where you Want to BeJefferson county’s location, low costs invite investment

Story by Kathie Stampsphotography by Michael Conti

With its location on the Arkansas River, skilled workforce, low cost of

living, incentives to stimulate job growth and investment, and a strong sense of community, Jefferson County has crafted a diverse and dynamic economy.

Assets that include the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and Southeast Arkansas College, a major military installation and a federal research campus, have helped stimulate new components of the economy, such as life sciences and technology, that join key industry segments in advanced manufacturing, agriculture and food production, health care and transportation.

GRoWTh And InCenTIvesAiding the region’s growth

and development is the Economic Development Alliance for Jefferson County, an umbrella organization that formed in 1994 to unify existing private, community and economic development efforts in Pine Bluff and Jefferson County. The alliance comprises two divisions: Pine Bluff Regional Chamber of Commerce, formed in 1911 for community development, and the Jefferson County Industrial Foundation, which focuses on economic development.

Several potential incentives are available to offset startup costs and stimulate investment in Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, and

they are over and above what is offered by the state, says Lou Ann Nisbett, president and CEO of the Economic Development Alliance. Of particular importance to industry is the availability of local incentive funds generated from a voter-approved 3/8-cent sales tax for economic development.

sTRonG InfRAsTRuCTuReJefferson County’s transportation

access points are a major component of attracting new industries and retaining existing businesses. They include the Port of Pine Bluff, Interstate 530 and four U.S. highways; Tier I rail carriers Union Pacific Railroad and BNSF; a local airport for corporate aircraft; and a

A major economic and workforce advantage in Jefferson County is the presence of the university of Arkansas at pine Bluff.

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Jefferson County

100,258MSA population

77,435Jefferson County population

37.4Median age

45,025MSA civilian labor force

21%Cost of living is 21% lower than the U.S. average

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16 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

40-minute drive time to Little Rock’s National Airport.

A recently begun sewer infrastructure project at I-530 and U.S. 63 South will open up new areas south of the interstate for commercial development, Nisbett says.

ComInG ToGeTheRMac Bellingrath, president of

B3 Properties Inc., is a native of Pine Bluff who appreciates the cohesiveness and inclusiveness of the business community.

“We ‘jump to’ when our local industry needs assistance,” he says. “Our banks, leading real estate people, leading automobile dealers, utilities and similar leading business executives stand ready to lend support to our existing industry, particularly as it relates to expediting matters in state and local government.”

The area includes a number of large manufacturing companies including Tyson Foods, Evergreen Packaging and Central Moloney Inc., and a strong mix of locally grown small businesses such as Trotter Ford, which is a multi-generational family business of automobile dealerships.

JeffeRson CounTy on The GRoWCompanies large and small

are investing in Jefferson County. Central Moloney, a full-line supplier of distribution transformers, continues to expand its manufacturing capabilities.

The Pines, Pine Bluff’s regional mall, has a new owner that is making upgrades and adding new retail tenants.

Bellingrath’s late father founded Automatic Vending of Arkansas in 1965 to bring snacks, fresh food and his brands of soft-drinks to manufacturers in Southeast Arkansas. The family’s long-time bottling franchise was sold in 1986. The younger Bellingrath sold AVA in 2011 to national vending company Canteen.

“B3 provides me a corporate business form as I move toward semi-retirement,” Bellingrath says.

In addition to supporting his community by serving on several boards of directors, Bellingrath enjoys Pine Bluff ’s quality of life.

“In our ‘small’ town, rush hour traffic means an extra minute or two getting home, if that much,” he says. “Our locally based banks mean that bureaucracy is a word that describes another town.”

the 785-acre Jefferson industrial park is within the pine Bluff city limits. tenants include American inks and Coatings, Aramark uniform Services, rolling Frito-Lay Sales, tyson Foods and upS.

Harbor IndustrIal dIstrICtthe 372-acre harbor

industrial district is on a slackwater harbor just off the mcClellan-kerr Arkansas river navigation System. the district was a project of the pine Bluff-Jefferson County port Authority, now an affiliate of the Economic development Alliance.

tHe bIoplexthe home base of the

emerging Bioplex is on 1,500 acres of land deeded to the economic development Alliance for Jefferson County. the concept of the Bioplex in northern Jefferson County brings industry, academia and government together to share technology and facilitate its transfer into manufacturing.

IndustrIal parks

the trotter Ford dealership in pine Bluff is one the many multi-generational family-owned business success stories in Jefferson County.

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Where the South BeginS

left: A Central moloney employee works with an electrical transformer. Right: transformers are ready to be shipped at Central moloney.

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A strong BaseAbundant natural resources and transportation connections support a robust manufacturing sector

Story by Gary Wollenhaupt • photography by Michael Conti

With a solid core of advanced capabilities, Jefferson County is

home to a diverse group of manufacturers including chemical, metals and paper producers.

The region’s proximity to the Arkansas River, major interstates and highways, and railroads makes it a natural location for manufacturers that ship or receive bulk products.

In addition, access to ground water also provides an abundant supply for industrial processes such as papermaking and chemicals. Also, manufacturers can take advantage of the nationally recognized Pine Bluff Wastewater Utility, which operates the largest

municipal aerated lagoon wastewater treatment plant in the country.

dIveRsIfIed mAnufACTuRInGOne of the region’s largest

employers is the Pine Bluff Arsenal, which has nearly 1,000 civilian and military employees who design, manufacture, and refurbish smoke, riot control and incendiary munitions for the U.S. military. The arsenal produced more than 800,000 smoke grenades in 2012 and also assembles M40 and M45 protection masks.

In 1988, chemical manufacturer T.W. Pelton & Co. began producing cleaners, degreasers, hand cleaners, metal cleaners, and odor

the pine Bluff Arsenal manufactures smoke, riot control and incendiary munitions.

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eliminators marketed under the Mule Head Brand name.

Owner Tom Pelton, a Pine Bluff native, says the company sells its products through more than 500 distributors in 30 states in the transportation, marine, industrial, janitorial and agricultural implement markets. His company benefits from the stable labor force and low turnover rates in Jefferson County.

“From our standpoint, the cost of labor is very competitive, and we don’t require a highly skilled labor force but yet we do have a level of skill that is required,” Pelton says. “Most of our employees have been with us for 15 years or more.”

poIsed foR GRoWThAlthough the economic

downturn has slowed the growth of Central Moloney Inc., the

from left: Stant Corp.’s shipping warehouse in pine Bluff; An employee shapes metal at Central moloney in pine Bluff; Central moloney is a major producer of electrical transformers.

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22 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

company is preparing for an increase in housing starts. Central Moloney makes transformers, switch gear and other products for electrical transmission that are often used in new housing subdivisions, and ships those products nationally and internationally, says Chris Hart, vice president of personnel and community relations and a life-long Pine Bluff resident.

“We are preparing ourselves for the future so when the housing market eventually returns to life we will be ready,” he says.

Strong Manufacturing is also dependent on the construction market with its line of equipment

for mixing and pumping lightweight insulating concrete and floor underlayments. It’s also a major presence in products for manhole rehabilitation, roofing systems and other specialty products.

With abundant local natural resources and the robust transportation network, paper and forest products have long been a staple of the Jefferson County economy. Paperboard manufacturer Evergreen Packaging, formerly International Paper, and Graphic Flexible Packaging, which has a bag plant and a paper mill, take advantage of the natural resources and skilled employee base.

“The infrastructure is in place here, and as the largest industrial employer, we have a lot of applications for production jobs,” says Craig Lichty, general manager-Arkansas operations for Evergreen Packaging.

Jefferson County also has inroads in automotive manufacturing. Since 1981 Stant USA Corp., which manufactures automotive fuel systems, fuel and radiator caps, and thermostats, has had a major operation in Pine Bluff. Luxembourg-based ArcelorMittal produces steel tire cord in Pine Bluff at its plant constructed in 1990.

from left: A worker paints smoke munitions at pine Bluff Arsenal; An employee assembles parts at Stant Corp., a manufacturer of automotive fuel systems, fuel and radiator caps, and thermostats that has had operations in pine Bluff since 1981.

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Best Western Plus Presidential Hotel & Suites3104 Market St.Pine Bluff, AR 71601-6811 (870) 535-6300(870) 534-2099 Fax

2809 Pines Mall Dr. Pine Bluff, AR 71601

(870) 535-5300(870) 535-1264 Fax


ReAdy To WoRkManufacturing has been a

mainstay of Jefferson County’s economy for decades, thanks to its centralized location and its skilled, dedicated employee pool, and the workforce and infrastructure are prepared to serve the needs of companies in a variety of industries.

“We are south Arkansas’ anchor when it comes to manufacturing,” Hart says.

Among its other diverse sectors, Hart says, “this is a ‘blue collar’ manufacturing town with its roots based in paper mills and transformers and other things. Our mindset is to roll up your sleeves and go to work.”

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new Area of discoverylife sciences have a promising future in Jefferson county

Story by Melanie Kilgore-Hillphotography by Michael Conti

life sciences are alive and well in Jefferson County, where government and private businesses are bringing state-of-the-art research

and development enterprise to Southeast Arkansas.

key GoveRnmenT AsseTsFor more than 40 years, the 1 million-square-foot

National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) has brought the nation’s best scientists and researchers to Jefferson County. As the only FDA Center located outside the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, the NCTR has played a critical role in the missions of FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services to promote and protect public health.

Regulatory science researchers, academia and other science research organizations and groups from around the world investigate, learn and train at the federal facility. NCTR is located on 500 acres of former Pine Bluff Arsenal land near the unincorporated community of Jefferson in northern Jefferson County.

Established in 1941, the Pine Bluff Arsenal is the only active Army installation in Arkansas. Today, the

Arsenal’s mission has expanded to make it unique among military installations, serving a critical need for the domestic production of illuminating, infrared, phosphorus and smoke ammunition.

The Arsenal also is a joint services center of expertise for chemical and biological defense equipment production, maintenance, testing, certification and training. It supports design agencies with development and engineering, prototype production, testing and demonstration of chemical and biological protective equipment.

BIoTeChs WelComeThe presence of major government entities also

allows for partnerships with life science startups like Vivione Biosciences, manufacturer of the new ultra high performance RAPID-B diagnostic system.

“The RAPID-B system is a rapid diagnostic platform that allows users to attain test results in a matter of hours versus days,” says Kevin Kuykendall, CEO of Vivione Biosciences.

The NCTR and Arsenal are located adjacent to The Bioplex, a life sciences park being developed by Jefferson County’s Economic Development Alliance.

the national Center for toxicological research has attracted top researchers and scientists to Jefferson County.

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office space available

ReTail space available

for information, please contact:

Erasmo “Mo” Dierich (870) 718-3903 cell

P.O. Box 20055 White Hall, AR 71612

40+ acres available at i-530

and Hwy. 270

12,000 sQ. fT. available

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Situated on approximately 1,500 acres in Jefferson County and adjacent to the national Center for toxicological research, the Bioplex enables industry, academia, federal government, and state and local government to work together in order to share technology, enhance educational offerings, discuss how biomedical sciences can improve lives in the united States, and more.

For additional information, visit www.jeffersoncountyalliance.com/bioplex.

tHe bIoplex

Located on 1,500 acres of unused Pine Bluff Arsenal land deeded by the Department of Defense, the project allows for collaboration among industry, academia, federal government, and state and local government researchers. Reasonably priced land leases and access to Arkansas’ leading research hospitals, scientists and facilities are expected to make The Bioplex a destination for life sciences in the Southeast.

Vivione got its start in 2006 through a cooperative research and development agreement with the NCTR. In 2012, the Little Rock-based biotech relocated to the Arsenal with assistance from The Alliance for Jefferson County, which helped the company negotiate a short-term lease and provided help through Jefferson County’s economic development sales tax incentives.

The company also benefited from the Arkansas Economic Development Commission and took advantage of Arkansas’ tax credit and incentives programs. In 2011, Jefferson County voters approved the economic development sales tax to help bring more companies like Vivione to Pine Bluff.

“Partnerships like the one between Pine Bluff Arsenal (PBA) and Vivione Biosciences not only benefit the Arsenal and the surrounding community, but the U.S. Army as well,” says Larry Wright, PBA’s civilian executive assistant.

“This is a pioneering effort for us. Between the Arsenal, county and state, everyone’s been very supportive,” Kuykendall says. “If you think of an arsenal and why it was built, there are world-class labs here that were sitting dormant. Jefferson County has the knowledge base, facilities and money to bring companies in, and local research alliances are doing a good job of introducing companies to each other and encouraging collaboration.”

A researcher isolates a sample for testing while using the rApid-B system at the national Center for toxicological research.

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Welcome to White Hall A Quality of Life Community

The city of White Hall is just a short drive south on Interstate 530 from the capital city of Little Rock. It is the fastest growing modern community in Jefferson County with a population of 5,526.

Since incorporation 48 years ago, the city has remained in a constant state of growth and development while offering what families care about – low crime rate, excellent education system, multiple places of worship and community spirit.

There are numerous dining and shopping opportunities located within the city. Modern shopwalks and buildings wonderfully maintained make them inviting to all customers. With new businesses come the benefits of a strong economy that allows the city to continue moving forward using tomorrow’s technology today while keeping a small-town atmosphere.

White Hall has a strong history with putting the community’s youth first. The city offers several active clubs and organizations to join and an array of athletic activities from little league and softball, which have produced champions, to Boy Scouts and church organizations.

The City Park is also a hub of activities throughout the year. With the ground being meticulously maintained, families have peace of mind while enjoying the park. Small children can be seen playing on the modern playground equipment year round. With multiple picnic tables and several pavilions, birthday parties and get-togethers happen often. Just behind the park, you will find our first-class baseball and softball facilities.

A multimillion dollar community center project is also underway with amenities chosen solely by the community.

White Hall School District has undergone extensive renovations recently and now boasts a professional grade football stadium complete with a Jumbotron. Youth also enjoy the benefits of the stadium with soccer, football and flag football leagues.

The public safety system is one of the best in the state. With its extremely low crime rate, families here go to sleep each night without having to worry about their safety and well-being. They have confidence in knowing that, when called upon, the public safety officials will be there quickly to offer whatever assistance is needed.

So whether you are a young family looking for a top-notch education system, a business looking to make your mark or someone just looking for peace of mind where they live, White Hall is the place. Come grow with us!


Noel Foster Mayor

City of White Hall • 101 Parkway Dr. • White Hall, AR 71602(870) 247-2399 • (870) 247-2229 Fax

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Welcome to White Hall A Quality of Life Community

The city of White Hall is just a short drive south on Interstate 530 from the capital city of Little Rock. It is the fastest growing modern community in Jefferson County with a population of 5,526.

Since incorporation 48 years ago, the city has remained in a constant state of growth and development while offering what families care about – low crime rate, excellent education system, multiple places of worship and community spirit.

There are numerous dining and shopping opportunities located within the city. Modern shopwalks and buildings wonderfully maintained make them inviting to all customers. With new businesses come the benefits of a strong economy that allows the city to continue moving forward using tomorrow’s technology today while keeping a small-town atmosphere.

White Hall has a strong history with putting the community’s youth first. The city offers several active clubs and organizations to join and an array of athletic activities from little league and softball, which have produced champions, to Boy Scouts and church organizations.

The City Park is also a hub of activities throughout the year. With the ground being meticulously maintained, families have peace of mind while enjoying the park. Small children can be seen playing on the modern playground equipment year round. With multiple picnic tables and several pavilions, birthday parties and get-togethers happen often. Just behind the park, you will find our first-class baseball and softball facilities.

A multimillion dollar community center project is also underway with amenities chosen solely by the community.

White Hall School District has undergone extensive renovations recently and now boasts a professional grade football stadium complete with a Jumbotron. Youth also enjoy the benefits of the stadium with soccer, football and flag football leagues.

The public safety system is one of the best in the state. With its extremely low crime rate, families here go to sleep each night without having to worry about their safety and well-being. They have confidence in knowing that, when called upon, the public safety officials will be there quickly to offer whatever assistance is needed.

So whether you are a young family looking for a top-notch education system, a business looking to make your mark or someone just looking for peace of mind where they live, White Hall is the place. Come grow with us!


Noel Foster Mayor

City of White Hall • 101 Parkway Dr. • White Hall, AR 71602(870) 247-2399 • (870) 247-2229 Fax

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Growth BusinessAgriculture creates bumper crop of opportunity in Jefferson county

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story by Kelly Kagamas tomkies • photography by michael Conti

In Jefferson County, agriculture consists of much more than crops and cattle.

The region is home to major food and crop processors, as well as to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Science, and companies and organizations whose impact is felt far beyond the region.

Statewide, agriculture is a $16 billion industry, according to the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture. That’s 10.8 percent of the state’s gross domestic product. The state

is the top rice producer in the country, and the second-largest producer of broiler chickens. Catfish, cotton and cottonseed are also leading products.

In Jefferson County, the major crops are wheat, rice, cotton and soybeans.

“Agriculture is a big player in this county,” says Dennis Bailey, agriculture agent and county staff chair with the Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service.

Bailey says that when it comes to row crops, producers are planting the crops that will bring the highest prices such

as corn, soybeans and wheat. “Agriculture creates a lot of jobs and commerce,” he says.

feedInG The WoRldAn example of how agriculture

creates jobs and commerce is Tyson Foods’ operations in Pine Bluff. Tyson Foods has three plants in the region, and its poultry-processing operation is the largest employer in the area, with more than 1,900 workers.

U.S. Sugar Co. Inc. started production in Pine Bluff in 2011, after renovating the former Rich Products Corp. doughnut factory

Irrigation Boom in a field of winter wheat in pine Bluff, Arkansas, Jefferson County.

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in Jefferson Industrial Park. U.S. Sugar is the only independent packager of granulated, brown and powdered sugar in the country. It packages sugar for well-known retailers Walmart, Kroger and Dollar General.

Another important agricultural facility in Jefferson County is Planters Cotton Oil Mill Inc., a member-based co-op in Pine Bluff that sells cottonseed, cottonseed oil and other products to its customers. Its member cotton gins that supply the raw cotton to the mill include gins in the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.

President and CEO John Fricke says that during ginning season

the plant processes loads from almost 200 trucks each day (unloading members’ trucks) and loads 75 to 80 trucks with the cottonseed products. The season begins at the end of September and runs through the end of November. “Even when we’re not in ginning season, we unload about 100 trucks and load 75 to 80 trucks,” Fricke says.

Planters Cotton Oil Mill employs an average of 80 to 90 people and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week for most of the year. “Then we shut down and repair everything for one month,” Fricke says.

The economic impact of the mill extends beyond its employees

and products. The company purchases motors, diesel fuel and other supplies from local suppliers, and the truck drivers that come to the mill also purchase fuel and supplies from area businesses.

suppoRTInG fIsheRIesThe University of Arkansas

at Pine Bluff ’s (UAPB) School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Science offers six degree programs in agriculture, and as of fall 2011, the school began offering a doctoral program in aquaculture/fisheries. This allowed UAPB to expand its research in issues facing the state’s $167 million aquaculture industry.

rice is one of the key crops in Jefferson County, with more than 69,000 acres in the area devoted to its growth.

ponds at the Aquaculture/Fisheries Center at the university of Arkansas at pine Bluff, a research leader in the field.






y o







m B




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Today, UAPB’s Aquaculture/Fisheries (AQFI) Center is conducting more than 40 research projects and is a recognized leader in aquaculture/fisheries teaching, research and extension programs. The center, which employs 47 people, includes 113 ponds for production and pond studies.

Dr. Carole Engle, the center’s director, says the AQFI center typically draws between 50 to 60 students from across the United States who add to the local economy. “The graduate students need housing, service and entertainment,” she says.

Additionally, the center offers workshops and field days that can attract hundreds of visitors to the

area. “Our field day begins at 8:30 in the morning and ends at noon,” Engle says. “Several hundred people from around the state come in the night before or stay the night. It all generates economic activity.”

Bailey of the Cooperative Extension Service says the newest innovations in agriculture are technology related. “Today I can take pictures of a problem with a crop in the field, send the pictures to a specialist and get the information the producer needs on the spot,” Bailey says. “In a couple of hours an airplane could be there spraying the crops.”

Another technology related innovation is a tractor guided by

GPS, a form of precision agriculture that saves producers money. Bailey says producers are taking grid samplings for their fields and can enter the information for each 2.5-acre section into a computer. The computer looks at what sections need more fertilizer, for example, and which sections need less. Instead of putting the same amount of fertilizer over the entire field, the producer puts just the right amount on each section, which saves money and can yield better results.

“We’re still farming the way we have for many years,” Bailey says. “We’re just not doing it on horseback anymore.”

agrICulture: by tHe nuMbers

$16 billionAgricultural impact in Arkansas

41,910number of jobs related to agriculture in Jefferson County

1,900number of employees at Tyson’s pine Bluff operation

729 acressize of the average farm in Jefferson County

113number of ponds used for production and research at the Aquaculture/fisheries Center at the university of Arkansas at pine Bluff

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seArK programs train workers for jobs of today

e ach year at least 325 companies in Southeast Arkansas send their workers

to Southeast Arkansas College (SEARK) in Pine Bluff for training.

SEARK College’s technology training efforts received a major boost with the construction of a 42,000-square-foot technology center at the campus in 2009.

Lyric Seymore, dean of technical studies, says the building represents the college’s understanding that facilities are as important as curricula in attracting both students and workers from area businesses who come to the college for training.

“It’s important for those just entering the workforce and those learning new skills necessitated by the changing needs of business and industry,” she says.

TeChnICAl pRoGRAmsTo prepare college students to

land jobs in the area’s burgeoning workforce, the Technical Studies Division at SEARK offers two dozen programs, as two-year associate degrees or one-year technical certificates, within four areas: business technology, computer technologies, engineering and industrial technology, and public safety.

Career paths include banking and finance, computer network technology, manufacturing technology, and emergency administration and management.

WoRkfoRCe developmenTTo strengthen the skills of their

workforce, area employers look to SEARK’s Workforce Development Center for employee training. They can choose credit or

noncredit courses, which are offered on campus, online or through customized programs at the employer’s site.

Continuing education units are available in computer fundamentals, fiber optics, Microsoft courses, programmable logic controllers and safety training. The Workforce Development Center is a certification testing center for MOS, PowerSafe and advanced WorkKeys testing.

pARTneRInG WITh BusInessesThe college is committed

to education and job training, according to SEARK President Dr. Stephen Hilterbran. “We want to help provide a larger and more skilled workforce for Pine Bluff and Southeast Arkansas,” he says.

Technical Assistance

Story by Kathie Stampsphotography by Michael Conti

Clockwise from top: dr. iry rice, an instructor in the technical Studies division at Southeast Arkansas College (SeArk), reviews application of a CnC machine and lathe with two students; the SeArk campus in pine Bluff; A student operates a grinder at SeArk.

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Enrollment: 4,541

president: dr. Stephen L. hilterbran

the campus comprises 12 buildings on 42 acres in pine Bluff, Ark.

pronounced “see-ark,” SeArk College was created in 1959 as Arkansas vocational-technical School. it became a community college in 1991 as pines technical College. the name was changed in 1996 to Southeast Arkansas technical College and in 1998 to the current Southeast Arkansas College.


seark InforMatIon

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The college is actively pursuing partnerships with business and industry to accomplish this goal.

“Within the region served by SEARK, there is a demand for higher-skilled employees to meet the challenges of emerging changes in technology within technical education,” Seymore says.

The Workforce Development Center also provides training for employees in banking, manufacturing, paper production, utilities and retail establishments. Through the state’s Existing Workers Training Program (EWTP), funds can be available for reimbursement up to 50 percent of a manufacturer’s training costs. “The business community needs to know that we are here to serve their training needs,” Seymore says.

Government, manufacturing, and professional and technical services are among industries most critical to the economy of the region. The college is committed to the enhancement of the programs that work with these business entities for both credit and noncredit training.

“SEARK has the experience and expertise to successfully provide training for the students, contractors, and business and industry,” Seymore says.

The college successfully coordinates partner relations in designing and implementing training programs for the business and industry sector of the community. Each program relies on input from program advisory committees. Changes made within any program offered on the campus must first be approved by the committee, Seymore says.

SEARK also maintains informal communication with adjunct business owners in the area. “This allows the college to keep abreast of new and upcoming technology, employer needs and expectations,” Seymore says.

dr. iry rice helps a student with his cutting as part of a course in the technical Studies division at SeArk in pine Bluff.

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port of pIne bluffEstablished: 1969, becoming the first port on the Arkansas River.

Handles: 200,000 to 300,000 tons of cargo each year.

Major products handled: Rice, corn, wheat, fertilizer, paper products and steel.

Origin: The port handles product from countries around the world including Brazil, Spain, Korea, Japan, Russia and South Africa.

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port, rail, highways move Jefferson county commerce

A major advantage for business in Jefferson County is its highly developed

transportation infrastructure, which includes major highways, rail service and port facilities.

In 1969, the Port of Pine Bluff became the first public port opened on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, and today its barges transport freight that can be loaded to and from trucks as well as Union Pacific rail cars.

“This port has an ideal setup for any industry looking to locate at a waterfront,” says Mike Murphy, port public terminal manager for operator Kinder Morgan. “In a good year, 300,000 tons of cargo are handled at this port. That’s an impressive number.”

Imports and exports at Pine Bluff include rice, corn, wheat, milo, soybeans, fertilizers,

aluminum, vermiculite, paper products, wood and steel. The 20-acre public terminal is on site with nearly 100,000 square feet of warehouse space and 44,000 square feet of bulk storage space, and cranes for loading and unloading goods.

“The Pine Bluff slackwater harbor has no current and we deal with cargo from all over the world, including from Spain, Korea, Japan, Russia, Brazil and the Netherlands,” Murphy says. “The port is a big economic contributor to central and southern Arkansas, and barge shipping saves companies money – especially in these days of high gas prices for trucks.”

The region is served by Class I carriers Union Pacific and BNSF, and UP maintains a major electronic switching yard in Pine Bluff that is one of the larger employers in the area.

The Right Connections

Story by Kevin Litwin • photography by Michael Conti

Steel wire rod is lifted out of a barge at the port of pine Bluff in Jefferson County.

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hIGhWAys And AIRWAysJefferson County also has a

good highway system, served by U.S. Highways 63, 65, 79, 270 and 425, and Arkansas State Highways 15, 31, 54, 190 and 365. Interstate 530 connects southeast Pine Bluff to Little Rock, where Interstates 30 and 40 can be reached in approximately 40 minutes.

For air travelers, Little Rock’s Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport Little Rock (LIT) is 45 minutes north of Pine Bluff via I-530 and is served by six carriers including United, American, Southwest, Delta, US Airways and Frontier. Pine Bluff ’s municipal airport is Grider Field, located four miles southwest of the city.

“This airport began in 1941 as Pine Bluff School of Aviation, with 10,000 pilots receiving their primary training as part of the World War II effort,” says Doug Hale, manager of Grider Field. “When the war ended, the airport was deeded to Pine Bluff and is now utilized for general aviation, private aircraft, business aircraft and military traffic.”

500 AvAIlABle ACResFifty planes and 10 hangars

occupy the local airport complex. Companies using Grider Field include Tyson Foods, Union Pacific, U.S. Steel and Walmart.

“We have 850 acres of which 350 are for the airport and 500 are agricultural, but the 500 have been recently zoned industrial because Pine Bluff leaders want to develop them into an industrial park,” Hale says. “Grider Field has made recent upgrades to its runway, taxiway and terminal building, and is equipped for aircraft to land by instrumentation in inclement weather. It’s an excellent airport that is a good friend to the business community.”

Clockwise from left: A member of the Arkansas wing Civil Air patrol refuels his plane at grider Field in pine Bluff; union pacific’s pine Bluff classification complex; u.S. highways 65 and 425 extend through Jefferson County.

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Jefferson regional medical center delivers top-level treatments, high-quality care

J efferson Regional Medical Center in Pine Bluff is the go-to health-care destination

for some 280,000 residents in 11 Southeast Arkansas counties. A not-for-profit, community-owned hospital, 471-bed JRMC employs more than 1,800 people and provides comprehensive primary and specialty care including cardiac and wellness services.

medICAl expeRTIsePresident and CEO Walter

Johnson says a strong medical staff is at the center of JRMC’s success.

“JRMC is fortunate to have physicians representing more than 30 different specialties right here in Jefferson County, from endocrinology to cardiovascular surgery,” Johnson says.

Many JRMC physicians have ties to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) academic health centers and the Area Health Education Center (AHEC), which operates a facility on JRMC’s campus. A JRMC-UAMS partnership, AHEC has graduated more than 200 students since its beginning in 1973, and JRMC contributes around $1.8 million to the program each year. Students receive training in everything from surgery to

A healthy Choice

Story by Melanie Kilgore-Hillphotography by Michael Conti


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left: the Jefferson regional medical Center wellness Center in pine Bluff includes the latest exercise equipment, fitness classes and a track. Above: JrmC, which includes 471 beds, serves some 280,000 residents from 11 Southeast Arkansas counties.

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nursing, osteopathic medicine, radiology, respiratory care and ultrasonography.

“As they complete their family practice residencies, many have chosen to stay and practice medicine in Southeast Arkansas,” Johnson says.

JRMC also operates its own School of Nursing, graduating nearly 1,000 registered nurses since 1981.

JRMC’s cardiology department is one of the busiest in the hospital, providing an expansive variety of diagnostic procedures and treatments including angiography, 64-slice CT, balloon and stent procedures, pacemaker and defibrillator implantation, and open-heart surgery.

Virtually any cardiac procedure with the exception of a heart transplant can be performed at JRMC. In 2011, the hospital was recognized by The Joint Commission as one of the nation’s top performers on key quality measures for heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia treatment.

JRmC In The CommunITyOff campus, JRMC provides a number

of programs and services that address specialty needs such as HealthCare Plus, an urgent care and occupational health facility; the JRMC Wound Center; the

South Central Center on Aging; and Outpatient Physical Therapy.

In addition, community wellness is a major focus at JRMC, prompting the hospital to build fitness centers in Pine Bluff and White Hall.

“The Wellness Centers are a significant part of JRMC’s commitment to building a healthier community,” says Rebecca Pittillo, marketing director at JRMC. “With two locations, extended hours, the finest equipment and a full schedule of classes, we’ve been able to make fitness fun, accessible and convenient.”

While JRMC is the center of the region’s health community, it also received national recognition for its technological advancements and commitment to patient education.

JRMC was one of the first hospitals in the United States to successfully demonstrate meaningful use of its Electronic Health Records system, which transfers all patient information to electronic files and improves the quality, safety and effectiveness of patient care. JRMC also recently introduced the new Jchart system, which allows patients to access a secure website and see their own medical records.

JrMC stats



11,7542011 Admissions

53,3932011 ER visits


A state-of-the-art wellness Center is one of the features of Jefferson regional medical Center.

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uApb connects business community to the campus experience

C arla Martin is quick to note the positive interaction between the Jefferson

County business community and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, which includes numerous area companies offering internships to UAPB students.

“Our students have opportunities to intern at small businesses and larger companies in the region such as Simmons First National Bank, Tyson Foods and Evergreen Packaging,” says Martin, dean of the School of Business & Management at UAPB. “Several of our students even work for corporate Walmart.”

Martin says the relationship that has been forged between the

university and business community is invaluable.

“The local businesses give our students work experience that will differentiate them when it’s time to get a job following graduation,” she says. “The community really supports UAPB, and we get a healthy mix of students who remain in Jefferson County to work following graduation.”

CenTeR of ReseARChMartin oversees UAPB’s School

of Business and Management, which offers a bachelor’s programs in accounting and business administration. The business administration curriculum allows students to concentrate in

marketing, management, finance, economics, or business technology education disciplines.

UAPB has another arm in the community with its Economic Research and Development Center business incubator that opened in 2006 in downtown Pine Bluff.

“We offer support services to f ledgling businesses that want to become viable companies,” Martin says. “If you need help writing a business plan or writing grants for funding – or if you need office space – contact the center. The university works closely with agencies to not only provide help to individuals from UAPB, but entrepreneurs from throughout Jefferson County.”

head of Class

Story by Kevin Litwin • photography by Michael Conti


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Caine-gilleland hall at the university of Arkansas at pine Bluff, one of Jefferson County’s key economic development assets.

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Clockwise from top left: A biology class at the university of Arkansas at pine Bluff; uApB has undergraduate enrollment of about 3,200 students; Caldwell hall Lecture hall includes the uApB Agricultural, mechanical & normal Alumni hall of Fame.

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Proud to support the Jefferson County


White Hall School District

1020 W. Holland Ave. White Hall, AR 71602 www.whitehallsd.org

The Economic Research and Development Center, open since 1986, also offers a variety of workshops and training programs.

Martin adds that the university has been expanding its academic offerings to prepare even more students for careers in a range of growing industries.

UAPB is a state leader in the field of regulatory science, offering both undergraduate and master’s degrees, she says. Its aquaculture/fisheries program spans from bachelor’s degrees to the Ph.D. level. Aquaculture/fisheries is currently a $167 million industry in Arkansas alone, and provides an annual economic impact of $1.2 billion in the Mississippi Delta region.

‘flAGshIp of The delTA’Situated on 318 acres, UAPB

offers 30 associate, undergraduate

and master’s programs and certificate programs, and develops workplace readiness through internships, co-ops and fellowships in the United States and abroad. The historically black university was founded in 1873, making it the second-oldest public university in Arkansas, and is nicknamed the “Flagship of the Delta.”

Today the university’s enrollment stands at about 3,200 undergraduates and 100 post-graduate students. Approximately 91 percent of the university’s students attend on a full-time basis, and UAPB houses more than 1,000 students on campus. In addition, the school has a strong athletics department and is part of the Southwestern Athletic Conference.

it’s safe to say that 2012 was a good year for the uApB golden Lions football team.

during the 2012 season, the team became the school’s most successful in its history after winning 10 games in one season. Also in 2012, the football team won its first outright Southwestern Athletic Conference championship title since 1966 after defeating the Jackson State university tigers. in addition, the golden Lions’ head coach, former washington redskins player monte Coleman, was named the SwAC Coach of the year.

For more information about the uApB golden Lions, visit www.uapblionsroar.com.

uapb football: golden lIons

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Jefferson county’s culture, recreation opportunities offer the good life – and plenty of it

T hanks to its wealth of cultural and entertainment attractions, low cost of living

and strong sense of community, Jefferson County offers a superior quality of life. Nature-based destinations, outdoor recreation, artsy activities and a host of sporting events offers a number of avenues to pursue happiness.

ARTs And CulTuReLocated in Pine Bluff, the Arts

& Science Center for Southeast Arkansas features three art galleries with rotating exhibits and a science gallery, which includes hands-on exhibits. The facility also features a 232-seat theater where performances such as Stuart Little and Hairspray have recently taken place.

Welcoming more than 40,000 visitors annually, the Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas also offers classes and camps for kids, as

well as events such as wine tastings, movie viewings and other functions. According to Dr. Lenore Shoults, the facility’s executive director, the goal of the center is “to be accessible to everyone.”

Situated nearby, the University Museum and Cultural Center at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is also a cultural cornerstone in the community. The museum is home to a collection of items that tell the history of the school and the area including yearbooks, catalogs, photographs, artifacts, letters and other materials.

Music fans can enjoy the Pine Bluff Symphony Orchestra, which comprises 65 members who play traditional and contemporary music. Led by Maestro Charles Jones Evans, the orchestra has been performing for 26 years, with local concerts typically taking place at the Pine Bluff Convention Center’s auditorium.

For theatrical performances, residents can head to The Community Theatre in downtown Pine Bluff, the oldest one-screen theater still in operation in the state. Across the street, the 1,500-seat Saenger Theatre is undergoing renovations thanks to the support of the Old Town Theatre Centre Inc., which is a nonprofit organization. Once fully restored, Saenger Theatre will showcase ballets, operas, concerts, plays and other live events.

ReCReATIonAl oppoRTunITIesThe Delta Rivers Nature Center

is a popular attraction in Pine Bluff’s Regional Park due to its ever-changing offerings. The facility is located on 130 acres and includes a 22,000-gallon aquarium with native fish, as well as live animal exhibits that feature snakes, turtles, frogs and alligators. Outside, visitors can traverse a variety of nature trails.

Go on, enjoy yourself

Story by Jessica Walker Boehmphotography by Michael Conti

Saracen Landing in downtown pine Bluff offers ready access to the 500-acre Lake Saracen.

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52 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

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B u s I n e s s C l I m A T e . C o m / J e f f e R s o n - C o u n T y 53 52 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

“We offer a free facility that is both recreational and educational,” says Eric Maynard, director of the Delta Rivers Nature Center. “There’s always something different, so it’s a place people can come to multiple times a year and still see new and different things.”

Pine Bluff has several prime fishing spots including the Arkansas River, which is where the annual Arkansas Big Bass Bonanza – an event with hourly fish-catching competitions – takes place each June. In 2012, the popular event along 300 miles of the river including Pine Bluff drew participants from 21 states and awarded $188,850 in prize money to anglers in five “pools.”

Lake Langhofer, where catfish, white bass, large crappie and other fish can be reeled in, is also a frequented fishing spot.

Sports enthusiasts enjoy University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff football and basketball, as well as local golf courses including the private Pine Bluff Country Club and public Harbor Oaks Golf Club and Jaycee Memorial Golf Course.

The 7,000-seat Hestand Stadium is home to the 73-year-old Southeast Arkansas District Livestock Show, Rodeo and Fair, and the Pine Bluff Regional Chamber of Commerce Farmers Appreciation Fish Fry, which marked its 60th event in November 2012.

Affordable housing can be found both in Pine Bluff and nearby White Hall (population 5,526), which has seen substantial commercial and residential growth during the past decade. Another growing community is Redfield (population 1,297), due in part to its proximity to the state capital in Little Rock.

Among its notable natives, pine Bluff has two hall of Fame professional football players. Willie roaf, who was inducted into the pro Football hall of Fame in Canton in 2012, played 13 seasons as an offensive tackle for the new orleans Saints and kansas City Chiefs. he is a graduate of pine Bluff high School. don hutson, considered the first standout wide receiver in football, was born in pine Bluff. he played 11 seasons for the green Bay packers and was enshrined in the hall of Fame in 1963.

pIne bluff’s faMous football stars

Clockwise from top left: Catfish and bass are part of the exhibits at the delta rivers nature Center in pine Bluff; the Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas; hiking trails are one of the features of the delta rivers nature Center; visitors can get a closeup look at science exhibits at the delta rivers nature Center.

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54 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

visit ouradvertisersApache Transportation & Warehouse Company

Bridges, Young, Matthews & Drake PLC www.bridgesplc.com

City of Pine Bluff www.cityofpinebluff.com

City of Redfield

City of White Hall www.whitehallarchamber.org

Dierich LLC

Evergreen Packaging www.evergreenpackaging.com

First United Methodist Church www.downtownforgood.com

Hampton Inn & Suites www.hispinebluff.com

Health Care Plus www.jrmc.org

Jefferson Regional Medical Center www.jrmc.org

Lunsford & Associates Realty Co. www.lunsfordandassociates.com

Pine Bluff Comfort Inn www.choicehotels.com

Pine Bluff Convention & Visitors Bureau www.pinebluffcvb.org

Pine Bluff National Bank www.pbnb.net

Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel

Pine Bluff School District www.pinebluffschools.k12.ar.us

Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Library www.pbjclibrary.org

Simmons First National Corporation www.simmonsfirst.com

Southeast Arkansas College www.seark.edu

St. Joseph Catholic School www.sjcpinebluff.com

The Economic Development Alliance of Jefferson County www.jeffersoncountyalliance.com

University of Arkansas Pine Bluff www.uapb.edu

White Hall School District www.whitehallsd.org

St. Joseph Catholic School Grades 5-12

Are you looking for a junior high/ high school experience with a safe environment?

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290,000 Sq. Ft. Modern Warehouse Space

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Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Public Library 200 E. 8th Ave. • Pine Bluff, AR 71601 (870) 534-4802 • www.pbjclibrary.org

Michael Sawyer, Director

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54 J e f f e R s o n C o u n T y

BusIness snApshoTpine Bluff is the county seat of Jefferson County. the second-oldest settlement on the Arkansas river, pine Bluff is a center of industry, commerce, recreation and health care for Southeast Arkansas. the region is a major agricultural center and also includes a diverse mix of industries including paper and packaging, electric transformers and chemicals. the region includes the port of pine Bluff as well as the university of Arkansas

eConomIC pRofIle

What’s online to learn more about the Jefferson county community and everything it has to offer, visit businessclimate.com/jefferson-county.

populATIon (2011)

Jefferson County: 76,246pine Bluff mSA: 100,258pine Bluff: 48,339Jefferson County Labor market Area (2013 estimate): 757,713households (Jefferson County): 28,048

lABoR foRCe

pine Bluff: 20,824Jefferson County: 35,050pine Bluff mSA: 44,350

InCome (2011)

County median household income: $37,682County per-Capita income: $19,080County per-Capita personal income (pCpi): $31,627

eduCATIonAl ATTAInmenT

College graduates: 18.1%high School degree: 81.6%

mAJoR employeRs

tyson Foods: 1,925

Jefferson regional medical Center: 1,800

u.S. Army - pine Bluff Arsenal (civilian and contract): 1,700

Arkansas department of Correction: 1,490

evergreen packaging inc.: 1,100

pine Bluff School district: 900

university of Arkansas at pine Bluff: 645union pacific railroad: 630Central moloney inc.: 540

national Center for toxicology research: 525

key IndusTRy seCToRs

(% of average sector employment)government: 22.4%manufacturing: 17.7%health Care and education: 17.7%trade, transportation & utilities: 17.4%Leisure & hospitality: 7%professional & Business Services: 5.7%Construction: 4.7%Finance & insurance: 4%other Services: 2.3%


hIGhWAys interstate 530 (u.S. highway 65 between pine Bluff and Little rock) connects with i-30 and i-40. other major highways include u.S. 63, 65, 79, 270 and 425, and Arkansas highways 54, 88, 104, 190 and 365

AIRpoRTs grider Fieldwww.cityofpinebluff.com/grider/main.htm

Bill and hillary Clinton national Airport-Little rockwww.fly-lit.com

RAIl union pacificwww.u-p.com

BnSFwww.bnsf.comSources: quickfacts.census.gov, www.bea.gov

Page 58: Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas

Ad Index 54 ApAcheTrAnsporTATion &WArehousecompAny

37 Bridges,young,mATTheWs &drAkepLc

2 ciTyofpineBLuff

17 ciTyofredfieLd

28 ciTyofWhiTehALL

26 dierichLLc

8 evergreenpAckAging

54 firsTuniTed meThodisTchurch

4 hAmpToninn&suiTes

55 heALThcArepLus

c4 JeffersonregionAL medicALcenTer

12 Lunsford&AssociATes reALTyco.

23 pineBLuffcomforTinn

44 pineBLuffconvenTion &visiTorsBureAu

c3 pineBLuffnATionALBAnk

56 pineBLuffsAnd&grAveL

12 pineBLuffschooLdisTricT

54 pineBLuff-Jefferson counTyLiBrAry

c2 simmonsfirsT nATionALcorporATion

44 souTheAsT ArkAnsAscoLLege

54 sT.JosephcAThoLicschooL

6 TheeconomicdeveLopmenT ALLiAnceof JeffersoncounTy

1 universiTyofArkAnsAs pineBLuff

49 WhiTehALLschooLdisTricT

Page 59: Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas
Page 60: Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas

Pine Bluff Sand & Gravel Company100 Years in Jefferson County

Founded in 1913 in Jefferson County, Ark., Pine

Bluff Sand and Gravel continues to lead in the

construction and marine industry. Pine Bluff

Sand and Gravel now operates in several states

in the central part of the country with land-based

operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas

and Louisiana.

P.O. Box 7008 Pine Bluff, AR 71611

(870) 534-7120

Page 62: Business Images Jefferson County, Arkansas