BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

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Page 1: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide


Employee Self-ServiceQuick Start Guide

Page 2: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

2Employee Self-Service Quick Start

Table of Contents

Overview Page 3

Personal Information Page 4

North American BenefitsPage 7

Absence and AttendancePage 16

Working Time Page 19

Page 3: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

3Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Overview

Please note: Depending on the country that an Employee resides in, they may not see all of the links.

What is Employee Self Service?Employee Self-Service (ESS) is Nortel’s web portal that enables employees to:

View and maintain personal information such as your home address and family information

Request an absence, view your vacation/leave calendar, or view your time account balances.

Report working time which is legislated and required in certain countries only.

For North American based employees, update Flex benefits selections as a result of a new hire, during annual enrollment or due to a life event.


Before using ESS, Adobe Acrobat 8 and ActiveX must be installed.

Confirm the version of Adobe Acrobat Reader by launching the application, clicking on "Help" and choosing "About Adobe Reader." Adobe Readerv8 will work with Employee Self-Service.

Confirm ActiveX by checking for the files by following this menu path, C:\Program Files\Common Files\SAP Shared In here you can look for the following files:

o OfficeControl.dll

o PlaceHolder.dll

o AdobeControl.dll

If your need is immediate, Download Adobe Acrobat Reader or SAP ActiveX for HRE at Paygo at http://paygo.ca.nortel.com/cgi-bin/softindex.htm.

Accessing ESS?

ESS can be accessed directly from Nortel’s home page under “Top Intranet Links” or from the link referenced on this page. When logging into ESS you will see tabs titled Employee Self-Service and My Inbox. Managers have one additional tab for Manager Self-Service functionality. You will be able to access all 3 main areas from this page.

Accessing ESS?

ESS can be accessed directly from Nortel’s home page under “Top Intranet Links” or from the link referenced on this page. When logging into ESS you will see tabs titled Employee Self-Service and My Inbox. Managers have one additional tab for Manager Self-Service functionality. You will be able to access all 3 main areas from this page.

Employee Support

Services@work website: provides a single information source (guidelines and process information) to help you conduct people-related transactions.

Technical Support: technical issues such as your browser crashing, errors, or missing information, you should contact your local IT Help Desk by submitting a ticket through IT Express or calling: ESN NT4-HELP Option 3, 4 (800-684-4357 or 514-667-6598)

Employee Support

Services@work website: provides a single information source (guidelines and process information) to help you conduct people-related transactions.

Technical Support: technical issues such as your browser crashing, errors, or missing information, you should contact your local IT Help Desk by submitting a ticket through IT Express or calling: ESN NT4-HELP Option 3, 4 (800-684-4357 or 514-667-6598)

Useful Information

ESS is found at https://selfservice.us.nortel.com

Licensing AgreementEach time you edit information in ESS you will be asked to agree to the terms of the License Agreement. If you accept the terms of the License Agreement, click on the “Confirm” button. If you do not accept this license agreement, you will not be able to process to the next screen.

The ESS tool is broken down into 4 main areas.

Diagram - 1.1

Diagram - 1.0

Page 4: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

4Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Personal InformationImportant Information

It is your responsibility to keep your Nortel personal data accurate at all times. This ensures that there are no lags or errors related to your personal data in payroll or HR processing. Using ESS, you can view and maintain your personal information but what information you can update varies by country.

When do I need to update my personal information?

You need to update your personal information in ESS under these circumstances:

1. New Hire/Rehire: On your first day as a hire or a rehire, it is important to view your personal data to ensure the information is accurate and there is no missing information.

2. Personal Status- Changing Event: In the event of a change to your personal life such as marriage, birth, divorce, death, or change in residence/phone number, you may need to update your personal information.

3. Internal Mobility: In the event of transfers and country reassignments within Nortel, you may need to update your personal information in ESS. Please note: If you are going on a long-term expatriation within Nortel must notify Global Mobility of your address change for processing. Long-term expatriation address changes can not be updated in ESS.

Update Your Personal Data

Click on “update your Personal Data” (See Diagram 1.2)

If you see that your Personal Data is incorrect, click on “Edit” (Diagram 1.3)

Make the required updates and click “Review”.

Review your changes and click “Save” to confirm.

To exit the screen, click on “Previous Step” or “Exit” and then click “Exit” again to return to the main menu of “Personal Information”.

Steps to view/update Personal Information:

Once in ESS, click on the “Personal Information” link in the main menu of the screen.

Although the personal data may change by country, the method of viewing and updating information in ESS is consistent. These are the main areas that can be updated under Personal information:

Update Your Addresses Change Family Members/Dependents Update Your Personal Data

Helpful Hints

All fields with a white box can be updated through ESS. All fields with a blue box must be updated by contacting HR Shared Service. See Diagram 1.4.

Helpful Hints

All fields with a white box can be updated through ESS. All fields with a blue box must be updated by contacting HR Shared Service. See Diagram 1.4.

Diagram - 1.2

Diagram - 1.4

Diagram - 1.3

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5Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Personal Information

Please note: Depending on your country, you may not see each of the links as shown below. For instance, changing Family Members / Dependents is not deployed for all countries.

Change Family Members/Dependents

If you would like to update the information on family members or dependents, on the “Personal Information” main menu page click “Change Family Members/Dependents” See Diagram 1.5.

Diagram - 1.8 Diagram - 1.6

Diagram - 1.5 Update information as required and then click “Review”.

Review the updates then click “Save”.

If you do not wish to update the information, click “Exit” and/or “Previous Step” and then “Exit” to return to the main page. See Diagram 1.8.

This next screen provides the capability of updating your spouse or dependent information. See Diagram 1.6.

Within this screen you can input your spouse or child’s first and last name, update their date of birth and their gender. See Diagram 1.7.

Diagram - 1.7

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6Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Personal Information

Update Your Addresses

This section will allow you to view or modify the permanent residence address, emergency address and/or a new mailing address. Follow the same updating process. (Remember: depending on your country, you may not see each of the links as shown below.)

Once you click on “Update Your Addresses” on the main page (Diagram 1.9), you can view your current permanent address.

Diagram – 2.1

Diagram – 1.9

Make the required updates and click Review. Please note: Fields with an “*” beside the name are required fields (see Diagram 2.1). If left empty, an error message will be received and you will not be able to update the address until you have entered the correct information into these fields.

Click “Edit” to update this information.

Diagram – 2.0

Review the updates and if correct, then click “Save”. If it is not correct, you can return to the prior screen by clicking on the “Previous step”.

If you do not wish to update the information, click “Exit” and/or “Previous Step” and then “Exit” to return to the main page.

Page 7: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

7Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits


All North American, non-union (excepting CAW and COEU) employees participate in the country-specific benefits programs which include medical, dental, vision, and hearing insurance as well as short-term and long-term disability benefits.

At Nortel, you will have the opportunity to update these benefits in the following situations:

New enrollment - Enroll in a benefit plan in one of the given situations: hire, rehire, acquisition, or relocation to another country. If you do not enroll during the pre-determined enrollment period, you will receive the default set of options.

Status change - Enroll or change benefits options because of work/life events (i.e. marriage, birth/adoption of child, divorce, death of spouse/dependent, leave of transfer, or country transfer). If you do not make any changes within the pre-determined window, you will retain your current benefit options for the year.

ESS offers a simplified online process to view your current plan, and during designated time frames, to update your Benefits. The online screen provides you with a running total of the costs associated with each selected benefit so you can see the total impact to payroll deductions while making changes to your benefits options.

For more information on the benefits, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits.

ESS offers a simplified online process to view your current plan, and during designated time frames, to update your Benefits. The online screen provides you with a running total of the costs associated with each selected benefit so you can see the total impact to payroll deductions while making changes to your benefits options.

For more information on the benefits, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits.

Please note: This module is required for North American Employees only. Annual enrollment - Nortel provides

you with a yearly window of approximately two weeks to change your benefits options for the coming year. Once you have submitted your final enrollment selections, benefit choices will be final and no changes may be made until you experience a qualified life event or enter the next annual enrollment period.

During this time, HR Shared Services will notify you about the availability of the annual enrollment through e-mail communication and marketing through the Nortel home page.

During the enrollment window, an employee can enter ESS and modify his or her current options as many times as they want to make changes during the annual enrollment period. When the period closes, the last options selected by the employee will become his or her benefits for the coming year.

The following section includes step by step instructions for:

New Enrollment - Canadian Example - US Example

Status Change - Canadian Example - US Example

Annual Enrollment - Canadian Example - US Example

The following section includes step by step instructions for:

New Enrollment - Canadian Example - US Example

Status Change - Canadian Example - US Example

Annual Enrollment - Canadian Example - US Example

Diagram 3.3

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8Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits

New Benefits Enrollment US Example Once in ESS, click on the “Benefits” link on the main screen or from the second navigation bar.

When you are a new employee, you will receive a link under the benefits section as seen on Diagram 3.4.

Click on the “Newly Eligible” link to open your Benefit options.

Once you have selected all your Benefits, click the “Review Enrollment” button. The system will return a summary of all the plans, the current cost per month, and whether you added or left unchanged a Benefit plan.

Diagram – 3.4

Selecting Benefits

As a new employee, you can select benefits which best suit your personal needs. For more information on the benefits available, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits.

Adding Benefits

The following provides a detailed description on how to select benefits for the first time. For demonstration purposes, we will enroll an employee in a dental plan and insurance plan. Click the button beside the option you wish to add to your plan. In this example, we selected Dental/Vision/Hearing. See Diagram 3.5.

To continue, you must click on the “Add Plan” button at the bottom of all the options.

Diagram – 3.7

You will be presented with all the various options Nortel offers concerning dental/vision/hearing. Select and click on your preferred option as in Diagram 3.7. Click on the “Add Plan to Selection” button to complete the addition of the plan. You may then continue down the list of benefits selecting and adding all your preferred benefit selections. Note: Some benefit selections require additional forms to be submitted and will be identified during enrollment. You will find all formson www.nortel.com/benefits.

Review the list and, if it is correct, click on the "Submit Final Selections" button. See Diagram 3.8. A PDF of your Benefit Confirmation Statement will be available immediately. The system returns with a note that your plan selections have been saved, These selections will be sent to HR Shared Services for processing. You can now return to the ESS menu by clicking “Go to Employee Self-Service homepage”.

Diagram 3.6

Diagram 3.5

Diagram 3.8

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9Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits

New Enrollment into Benefits Canadian Example Once in ESS, click on the “Benefits” link on the main screen or from the second navigation bar. When you are a new employee, you will receive a link under the benefits section as seen in Diagram 3.9. Click on the “Newly Eligible” link to open your Benefit options.

Diagram – 3. 9

Selecting Benefits

As a new employee, you can select benefits which best suit your personal needs. For more information on the benefits available, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits. Adding Benefits

The following provides a detailed description on how to select benefits for the first time. For demonstration purposes, we will enroll an employee in a medical plan.

To continue, you must click on the “Add Plan” button at the bottom of all the options.

Diagram – 4.0

You will be presented with all the various options Nortel offers concerning medical. Select and click on your preferred option as in Diagram 4.3.

At the top of the Benefit Selection screen, the system provides you with a running total of your costs and Benefit Credits. Section A indicates your pre-tax total and Section B indicates your post tax cost. See Diagram 4.0.

• Click the button beside the option you wish to add to your plan. In this example, we selected medical plan. See Diagram 4.1.

Note: The amounts shown under the employer costs will be added to your Benefits Credits when the employee cost is zero. For example, if you choose comprehensive medical the employee cost is zero but $1.90 will be added to your Benefit Credits. Click on the “Add Plan to Selection” button to complete the addition of the plan. You may then continue down the list of benefits selecting and adding all your preferred benefit selections. Note: Some benefit selections require additional forms to be submitted and will be identified during enrollment. You will find all forms on www.nortel.com/benefits. Once you have selected all your Benefits, click the “Review Enrollment” button. The system will return a summary of all the plans, the current cost per month, and whether you added or left unchanged a Benefit plan. Review the list and, if it is correct, click on the "Submit Final Selections" button. The system returns with note that your plan selections have been saved. A PDF of your Benefit Confirmation Statement will be available immediately. You can now return to the ESS menu by clicking “Go to Employee Self-Service homepage”.

Diagram – 4.2

Diagram – 4.1

Diagram – 4.3

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10Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits (Cont.)

Updating Your Benefits Data – Status Change USPlease review benefit plan information on the benefits website to understand your options at the time of your life event.

Contact HR Shared Services within 31 days of the event date.

Will need to provide the specific event type, date event occurred If your event will include the addition of a dependent, related dependent information including name, date of birth will be needed. It is preferred you have ESS access at this specific time but not necessary.

If your life event will include the addition of a dependent, HR Shared Services will enter dependent information.

Please note: HR Shared Services will open the life event to be completed within ESS by the employee. This must be completed within 31 days from the specific event date – not from the date it is opened or accessed.

Within each benefit, you will choose the plan and/or coverage level you would like to have. For Medical and Dental/Vision/Hearing, after you elect your plan and coverage level, you will next click “Select Dependents.” This will take you to a screen to elect which dependents will be covered by this plan. See Diagram 4.5.

Updating Status Change on ESS

Go to the Benefits section of ESS and click on the link for your specific Status Change. This will be found under “Adjustment Reasons – Enrollment.”

Click directly on the event name. If you click to the right of the event name, an on-line worksheet will be presented. This may be helpful if you wish to print a copy of your enrollment options.

You have an option to make an election for each specific benefit presented.

For each benefit, click the radio button to the left of the benefit name, then scroll down the screen until you see the button labeled “Edit Plan” or “Add Plan.” You will need to scroll down this list to see this button at the bottom of your list of benefit elections. See Diagram 4.4.

Diagram – 4.4

Diagram – 4.7

Diagram – 4.5

You will also be required to specifically identify the dependents you wish to cover. You must indicate the dependents you will cover by clicking the box next to their name so it is checked. See Diagram 4.6.

Please note: Only checked dependents will be added to this benefit coverage. Make sure you have clicked on your new dependent at this time.

Diagram – 4.6

Under the medical election, if you choose to cover a spouse, a question will be presented to request spousal access information (US only). Click on “Add Plan to Selection” to complete the election of this specific benefit. Please see Diagram 4.7.

Follow this selection process for all benefits listed.

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11Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits (Cont.)

If your life event will include the removal of a dependent, HR Shared Services will now need to remove your dependent to complete this event. This will be accomplished by calling HR Shared Services. If possible, it is preferred that the employee completes this event while on the phone with HR Shared Services. This will help ensure the information is captured properly and prevent the need for a follow-up phone call.

After submitting your elections, the next screen will present five options towards the top left section of the screen:

Go to Benefits homepage – will take you to benefits section of ESS.

Go to Benefits participation overview – a section of ESS that will show you your current coverage elections.

Go to ESS home page – will take you to the ESS main screen.

Print New Plan selections – will allow you to print a confirmation of your elections. This will also allow you to save this confirmation statement as a PDF file. Please note, this will be your only opportunity to print or save a confirmation statement.

Enrollment Survey – This survey is only active during annual enrollment. At other times, please disregard.

Diagram – 4.8

Review your list of benefits to see which benefits have been modified and which have been unchanged.

If you see an error, scroll down and choose the button, “Previous Step.”

If everything looks correct, scroll down and choose the button, “Submit.” Once you click “Submit,” your elections are final and no further edits can be made.

Diagram - 4.9

If you are not ready to finalize your elections, you may choose the button, “Exit.” You will then have the opportunity to re-elect all benefits the next time you access this event. Nothing will be saved.

Diagram – 5.0

Removing a Dependent on ESS Once you have made all your selections, scroll down the screen and click on the button entitled “Review Enrollment.”

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12Employee Self-Service Quick Start - North American Annual Benefits Enrollment (continued)

Updating Your Benefits Data - Annual Enrollment – US ExampleNortel provides you with a yearly window of approximately two weeks to change your benefits options for the coming year. During the Annual Enrollment period, employees will have access to the "Annual Enrollment selection" button on the main Benefits page. Click on this link to view/change personal benefits selections for the coming year.

Once you have submitted your final enrollment selections, benefit choices will be final and no changes may be made until you experience a qualified life event or enter the next annual enrollment period.

To Modify Your Benefits Plan

Once in ESS, click on the “Benefits” link on the main screen or from the second navigation bar.

When you are in an annual enrolment period, you will receive a link under the benefits section as seen in Diagram 5.1. Click on the “Annual enrolment ” link to open your Benefit options.

Diagram 5.1

Selecting Benefits

During annual enrollment, you can adjust any of your current benefits for the coming year. For more information on the benefits available, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits.

When you enter the system, your current enrollment selections are shown against each benefit. See Diagram 5.2.

Adding Benefits

The following provides a detailed description on how to adjust a benefit during annual enrollment. For demonstration purposes, we will adjust a person’s insurance plan.

Click on the button beside the benefit you would like to change.

Diagram - 5.2

Diagram 5.3

Click on ‘edit plan”, see Diagram 5.3.

In this example, the person’s wishes to increase their life insurance from 2 x their salary to 3x and adjust the fact that they have quit smoking.

Diagram – 5.4

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13Employee Self-Service Quick Start - North American Annual Benefits Enrollment (continued)Updating Your Benefits Data - Annual Enrollment – US Example cont’d

Diagram 5.6

The system returns with a note that your Benefit selections have been saved. These selections will be sent to HR Shared Services for processing.

You can now return to the Employee Self-Service menu by clicking on "Go to Employee Self-Service homepage".

The system will return a summary of all the plans, the current cost per month, and whether you added or changed a Benefit plan.

Review the list and, if it is correct, click on the "Submit Final Selections" button. See Diagram 5.7. The system returns with note that your plan selections have been saved. A PDF of your Benefit Confirmation Statement will be available immediately.

Diagram 5.7

When you have completed the change, click on “add plan to selection”. See Diagram 5.5.

Diagram - 5.5

Complete all of your changes and when you are done, click on “review enrollment”.

Please note: All employees who opt to enroll their Spouse or Domestic Partner in Nortel-sponsored medical benefits are required to complete the Spousal Attestation during each annual enrollment period. The Spousal Attestation is contained within the Select Dependents screen in the medical benefit option. See Diagram 5.6.

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14Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Annual Benefits Enrollment (continued)

Updating Your Benefits Data - Annual Enrollment – Canadian ExampleNortel provides you with a yearly window of approximately two weeks to change your benefits options for the coming year. During the Annual Enrollment period, employees will have access to the "Annual Enrollment selection" button on the main Benefits page.

Click on this link to view/change personal benefits selections for the coming year.

Once you have submitted your final enrollment selections, benefit choices will be final and no changes may be made until you experience a qualified life event or enter the next annual enrollment period.

To Modify Your Benefits Plan

Once in ESS, click on the “Benefits” link on the main screen or from the second navigation bar. When you are in an annual enrolment period, you will receive a link under the benefits section as seen in Diagram 5.8. Click on the “Annual enrolment ” link to open your Benefit options.

Diagram 5.8

Selecting Benefits

During annual enrollment, you can adjust any of your current benefits for the coming year. For more information on the benefits available, please refer to www.nortel.com/benefits.

Adding Benefits

The following provides a detailed description on how to adjust a benefit during annual enrollment. For demonstration purposes, we will adjust a person’s insurance plan.

Click on the button beside the benefit you will to change. See Diagram 6.0.

Diagram – 5.9

Diagram 6.1

Click on ‘edit plan”, see Diagram 6.1.

At the top of the Benefit Selection screen, the system provides you with a running total of your costs and Benefit Credits. Section A indicates your pre-tax total and Section B indicates your post tax cost.

A negative amount in section A indicates a credit to the employee that can then be directed to HCRA or taken as taxable pay.

When you enter the system, your current enrollment selections are shown against each benefit and your current flex benefits. See Diagram 5.9.

Diagram – 6.0

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15Employee Self-Service Quick Start – North American Benefits (Cont.)

Updating Your Benefits Data - Annual Enrollment – Canadian Example cont’d

Diagram 6.3

The system will return a summary of all the plans, the current cost per month, and whether you added or changed a Benefit plan.

Review the list and, if it is correct, click on the "Submit Final Selections" button. The system returns with note that our plan selections have been saved. A PDF of your Benefit Confirmation Statement will be available immediately. See Diagram 6.5.

You can then make all your other Benefit changes. When you have completed your selections, click on “Review Enrollment” See Diagram 6.4.

Diagram 6.4

When you have completed the change, click on “add plan to selection”. See Diagram 6.3.

Diagram 6.5

In this example, the person’s wishes to increase their life insurance from 1 x their salary to 4x and adjust the fact that they have quit smoking. See Diagram 6.2.

Diagram 6.2

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16Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Absence and Attendance


Traditionally, Nortel has used a variety of methods and tools to track absences such as vacation (holiday/annual leave), sick days, bereavement, jury duty, and other absences. With Employee Self-Service, Nortel is now standardizing on a method of recording, tracking, and approving casual absences. With Employee Self-Service, you will now view your time account balances and your team's calendar of absences online.

You will be required to submit an online request for an absence that must be approved by your Manager. You are accountable and responsible for ensuring that you request an absence using Employee Self-Service and that you have your Manager's approval. Tracking absences electronically and in one system allows Nortel to report its financial liability and ensures compliance with all country-specific and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) related legislation.

Key Time Management Concepts

In order to assist you in using Employee Self-Service for time management, it is important to explain how time is captured and reported in the system.

The system actually tracks your time in hours so you will be able to see your time account balances in hours using ESS. Each employee in Nortel is pre-assigned a work schedule that defines his or her pattern of work such as 5 days multiplied by 7.5 hours per day or 4 days multiplied by 10 hours per day.

There are many different work schedules in Nortel and it varies with country location, union rules, work function, and other criteria. Your Manager validates the work schedule for each employee to ensure that the correct schedule is applied. Using this work schedule and your current vacation (holiday/annual leave) entitlement, the system calculates your balance. Please note, the system does recognize and manage carry-forward vacation from year to year based on Nortel's country-specific policies concerning carry-forward vacation. Similarly, your vacation (holiday/annual leave) entitlement is per your country-specific, union or other applicable rules.

Absences at Nortel

Due to extensive regional differentiation concerning absences and absence policies, it is difficult to provide a generic definition for ‘absences' in Nortel today. Some absences recognized by Nortel can be tracked and requested using ESS whereas some absences (such as Short-Term Disability or an unpaid leave) require HR Shared Services involvement to process and handle.

Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with absence policies specific to their country/region. Regional policies and procedures can be found on Services@work.

Employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with absence policies specific to their country/region. Regional policies and procedures can be found on Services@work.

For employees located in France and Germany please continue to use current absence tracking tool.

It is recommended that when you have identified the need for an absence, you should enter ESS to determine if this type of absence is specified in the drop-down menu for your country. If the type of absence is available, you can process the absence request using ESS. If the absence is not available, you should contact your Manager or contact HR Shared Services for assistance in processing the absence.

If you have concerns about your schedule or vacation balance, please contact your Manager for review.

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17Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Absence and Attendance

Requesting An Absence

Requesting and receiving approval from your Manager for absences using ESS is now a global, standard practice in Nortel. Your Manager reviews the absence request in Manager Self-Service (MSS) and approves or rejects it. You can monitor the status of your absence request in ESS.

For any planned absence, you are responsible for requesting an absence and getting approval before the absence is taken.

In case of an absence like sickness, when an advance request may not be possible, you should request the absence retroactively as soon as you return to work to ensure the absence is properly recorded.

When requesting your absence in ESS, you make your request in days, and using your work schedule, the system automatically calculates the correct number of hours required. If the request is for a quota-based (accrual) absence like vacation (holiday/annual leave) then your quota balance in the appropriate time account will be adjusted automatically. If the request is for less than one day then enter the required number of hours in the “Duration” field. Please follow local policy regarding absences of less than one day.

ESS and MSS are the only tools for requesting, tracking, and managing absences.

Once in ESS, click on the “Request Absence or Leave” tab under the Quick Links section. Click on the “Request Absence or Leave” link to request an absence.

The first step is to select the type of absence you are requesting. Click on the “Type of Leave” drop down menu to view your options.

The available absence choices in this drop down menu are country specific. If you do not find the type of absence you are requesting in this menu then the absence requires HR Shared Services’ assistance to process. From the list provided, select the absence type you are requesting (see Diagram 6.7).

Specify the date you wish to start your absence as well as the end date. The system automatically assumes you are taking all the working days off in between the start and end date.

If the absence is for less than a day, you should use the same date for the start and end date and place the exact hours in the “Duration” field otherwise the hours will be calculated for you by the system.

For all absences requested using ESS, your Manager must approve the absence. The “Approver” field identifies the name of the approving manager. When sending this request to your Manager, you may wish to add some comments or details concerning the request.

Once you have filled in the request for absence information, you must click the “Review” button or the request will not be processed. When you click the “Review” button, the system will return a summary of your requested absence. Note: On the process flow at the top, the gold button has now moved to the “Review and Send” box indicating that you must now review the request for accuracy.

Diagram – 6.7

Diagram – 6.6

Diagram – 6.8

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18Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Absence and Attendance (Cont.)Requesting An Absence (Cont.) If the information is correct, you must click the “Send” button or the request will not be sent to your manager for approval. If it is not correct, you can cancel or return to the previous screen to correct the request.

Once you click “Send” the system processes the request and returns with this screen. Notice that the work flow is now showing a gold box over the “Completed” box which indicates the request has been processed. In addition, there is a comment stating the request has been sent.

After you have processed the absence request, the system allows you to process another absence request. Go back to the main menu for “Request an Absence or Leave” or go right back to the ESS Main Menu.

View My Time Account Balances

For quota-based leaves such as vacation, ESS has to track and store your current annual time balances. You can view this data at any time using ESS. To help you plan your absences, use the Team calendar to view the planned absences of the rest of your team.

To view Time Account Balances and Calendar, click on the ESS tab in the first navigation bar.

You must enter the “Absence and Attendance” screen to view your Time Account balances. You can enter the screen by clicking on this tab in the second navigation bar.

From this screen, click on the “Request Absence or Leave” link.

Checking Status of Absence Request Click on the ESS tab in the first navigation bar.

From this screen, you have two ways of accessing the “Request Absence or Leave” screen. You can either click on “Absence and Attendance” on the second navigation bar. Alternatively, you can click on the “Absence and Attendance” link in the Main Menu. Note: There is a direct link to the “Request Absence or Leave” screen in the Quick Links section. You can use this link when you become more familiar with navigating in ESS.

At any time, you can view the status of your absence request from this option.

Click on “Show Time Accounts” button to determine how much vacation time you have left or to view all time accounts. See Diagram 6.9.

By clicking on the “Show Overview of Leave” button, you can monitor the status of your absence requests.

Click on “Show Overview of Leave” to view a list of your absence requests and to view the status of each request. From this screen, you can see a summary of your requests and the current status. When your Manager approves a request then the status will change from “Sent” to “Approved”. If your Manager rejects the request, then the status will show “Rejected”. At any time, you can change or delete an existing absence request using the “Change” or “Delete” buttons. From the table above the buttons, select the absence you want to change or delete and then click the appropriate button at the bottom of the screen. See Diagram 7.0.

Diagram – 7.0

Diagram – 6.9

Page 19: BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE Employee Self-Service Quick Start Guide

19Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Working TimeThis is required training for Ireland and UK Employees. For employees located in Monkstown Union Employees, continue using the current process. For all other Nortel employees. This training is not required.


Working Time is the attendance time recorded by you in Employee Self-Service and approved by your manager. Employee Self-Service provides you with an online system to record and submit your Working Time for approval. Managers, using Manager Self-Service, can then approve or reject your submission but they cannot make adjustments.

Working time: The total amount of time spent working by the employee. It is a combination of recorded attendance and absence time. Working time is currently tracked in Employee Self-Service for the UK and Ireland.Employee Self-Service facilitates Nortel's compliance with the European Union's Working Time Directive requiring the recording and reporting of Working Time for applicable European countries.

Record: The act of saving Working Time in Employee Self-Service which is performed on a daily basis.

Submit: The act of sending recorded Working Time to a Manager for approval which is performed as required (usually weekly).

Entering Working Time

Using Employee Self-Service, you enter your Working Time. After you save and submit your time, your Manager will review your time entry and approve or reject it. If your Manager rejects it, you must change your time entry and resubmit it for approval. After approval, your hours are added to the HR Time Management module in SAP.

Key Assumptions

The Working Time process covers only specific groups within Nortel that require time tracking in accordance with country-specific legislation You record your daily Working Time in Employee Self-Service and submit it according to a predefined schedule created by the business You record your Working Time as the number of hours for each day (for example, 7.5 hours) Managers cannot change/update your attendance time but they can approve or reject the attendance hours If a Manager rejects submitted Working Time, the employee must resubmit the corrected time You book time against the relevant attendance types available in your country; currently these include: standard schedule, outside of standard, receiving training, and deliver training.

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20Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Working Time

Recording and Submitting Working Time To enter your working time, click on the “Record Working Time” quick link on the ESS main page. See Diagram 7.1.

The guide at the top of the screen will monitor your progress through the steps of updating your working time.

Each time you enter the page, the current three months of your calendar will be visible. You can record your Working Time in the area at the bottom in either a weekly view or daily view.

Enter the desired time period by using the calendar start and end dates or by clicking on the left and right arrows to scroll a week at a time. Note: The system indicates the planned hours based on your work schedule.

When entering working time, you must select the type of time first. You have several selections to choose from in the drop down menu. See Diagram 7.2.

Diagram 7.1

While it is preferred to request absences ahead of time using the “Absence Request” process, it is possible to choose an absence while recording your weekly hours. In either case, the Manager will be approving the time.

Select “Regular Daily Hours Work” from the drop down menu. You can now enter your hours worked per day. Normally, this would be the hours per your standard work schedule.

Once you have entered all your time for a particular category, you then select the next type of time you would like to enter if required. See Diagram 7.3.

Diagram 7.2

You must put your working time hours against one of the following options in the drop down menu:

Hours worked outside of standard Regular daily house workedTraining delivered or Training Received.

Diagram 7.3

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21Employee Self-Service Quick Start - Working Time

The screen now shows all your not released working time that you have recorded. You have the option of sending one, many or all of your time entries to you manager. Use the “Select All” button to highlight all time entries for submission. Alternatively, hold down the CTRL button and click on the box to the left of each row that you wish to highlight for submission.

When you select all, the submission boxes turn to yellow signaling that you have selected these entries for release. See Diagram 7.6. You then click on the “Review” button to confirm your selection.

Diagram 7.4

Once you enter all working time for the week, click on the “Review” button at the bottom of the screen. This is an important step as the information will not be saved if you do not click on this button.

After you click the “Review” button, the system will provide you with a summary of your working time for the time period you have entered. Record and save your time daily or weekly. The actual submission of this saved time for approval is based on your agreement with your Manager or per the rules of your business. If the entries are correct, you click the “Save” button (see Diagram 7.4). Alternatively, if there are errors, you can return to the previous step by clicking on the “Previous Step” button.

After clicking on the “Save” button, the system will return with the message that your data has been saved. You must still submit your recorded working time to your Manager for approval by clicking on “Release Working Times”. See Diagram 7.5.

Monitoring Working Time Approval Red - Rejected working time requests will show up in your calendar in red (these will need to be corrected and resubmitted.) Yellow - Time you recorded but not yet released for Manager approval Green - recorded more time on a particular day than was expected according to your work schedule.

Monitoring Working Time Approval Red - Rejected working time requests will show up in your calendar in red (these will need to be corrected and resubmitted.) Yellow - Time you recorded but not yet released for Manager approval Green - recorded more time on a particular day than was expected according to your work schedule.

Diagram 7.6

The system will provide you with the one last opportunity to validate your submission. If the submission is correct, then click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen to release your working time. You can correct an error to your time but you must choose chancel and go back to the “Record Working Time” to correct the mistake.

The system, returns with the message that you have released your working time to your one level above manager for approval. At this point, your working time will be sent electronically to your Manager’s inbox in MSS for review and approval. The Manager can approve or reject your working time so you should monitor the status of your submissions.

You can now go back and enter other working time, or back to the main Homepage for Working Time. Click on “Go to Homepage for Working time”.

Diagram 7.5