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Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

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Page 1: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Business Rates 2017 / 2018


Page 2: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Foreword by the Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr David Molyneux

Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet.

We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan Borough employing 160,000 people.

The vast majority of these businesses are SMEs - with most employing fewer than nine employees.

We are proud to have so many successful, hard-working and entrepreneurial small businesses based here. As a council we are committed to supporting SMEs.

We provide dedicated business support through our Business Engagement Team.

From helping businesses with a contact in the council to providing links to expert advice, the Business Engagement Team is here to help.

As you will read in the testimonials in these pages, their support is highly valued.

At the council we also provide advice and assistance with hiring apprenticeships.

We feel businesses have an important part to play to improve our borough as part of The Deal.

One way they can do this is by investing in the skills of the future by hiring an apprentice. Businesses who have taken on an apprentice will testify it isn’t just the apprentice who benefits but the business too.

Finally, this year we will once again be hosting our annual Business Expo - one of the most popular business to business events in the North West with 1,000 delegates attending last year.

This is the perfect place to raise the profile of your business and create new contacts throughout the borough and beyond.

If you would like to attend or have a stall at the 2017 Business Expo on Friday 6th October visit www.wiganbusinessexpo.co.uk

For more on business support in Wigan Borough email: [email protected] call 01942 489190 or visit www.wiganworks.com

Councillor David Molyneux Deputy Leader of Wigan Council



00:21 00:31


Go to WWW.WIGANWORKS.COM for more information.

9,000 Wigan apprentices and counting.

WIGAN WORKS - Hire an Apprentice. 09:45

by an average of £200 per week for a completed apprenticeship.

Earn whilst you learn.by WIGANWORKS


WIGAN WORKS is brought to you by The Deal for business.by WIGAN COUNCIL

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e: [email protected] w: www.wiganworks.com t: 01942 489177

Page 3: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

An enjoyable holiday experience inspired a whole new business adventure for one Atherton family.

Angela and John Fairhurst were on a holiday in Gdansk in Poland when they first came across the ‘Escape Rooms’ experience.

They enjoyed it so much they were inspired to set-up their own version.

Now businesses and party-goers from across the North West are enjoying the unique experience right here in the borough!

The Atherton Escape Rooms opened just over a year ago in Victoria Mill, Atherton.

The experience sees teams locked in five specially-themed rooms, with names including Room 13, the Missing Child and The Asylum!

They have to complete the challenging task in an hour to get released.

The tasks rely heavily on teamwork and communication making the experience perfect for corporate team-building days as well as

birthday parties and celebrations.

From the outset the business received vital support from Wigan Council’s Business Engagement Team.

Janis Maleedy, from the business engagement team, spotted the potential in the business and put them in touch with Bob Dackiw, an expert growth adviser from the Greater Manchester Business Growth Hub.

Among Bob’s recommendations was the appointment of a full-time manager.

Angela fortunately had the solution in the family through daughter-in-law Hayley Forshaw.

Hayley said: “Bob gave us advice on where we were doing well and where we could improve.

“He helped us develop our digital presence and advised on how to promote the business.

“Most importantly he gave us confidence and self-belief in the business.

A unique experience in a converted mill setting has found the key to success

“The Business Engagement Team was a big support for us and I would recommend other businesses get in touch with them.”

Contact the Escape Rooms on 01942 873150 or visit www.athertonescaperooms.co.uk

Wigan Council’s Business Engagement Team provides dedicated advice and support for businesses in the borough.

Contact them on: [email protected] or 01942 489189.

There’s no escaping this great business

Atherton Escape Rooms“They gave us advice on where we were doing

well and where could improve.”Hayley Forshaw, Atherton Escape Rooms.

Pictured below Hayley Forshaw, Atherton Escape Rooms with Janis Maleedy, Wigan Council Business Engagement Team

Page 4: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Gee Tee’s is a company grounded in the local community. From its loyal customers to its long-term employees, Gee Tee’s is a business which cares about where it comes from.

“We are committed to supporting the local community and we truly are a family business” explains Managing Director Jonathan Twist from Gee Tee’s headquarters on Lamberhead Industrial Estate in Pemberton.

Gee Tee’s, which now has five stores across the North West as well as a rapidly expanding online presence at www.geetees.co.uk had humble beginnings almost 50 years ago.

Jonathan’s father George Twist, who still plays an active role, began selling toilet rolls on Atherton market in 1971.

Gee Tee’s stores now stock thousands of lines ranging from toiletries and household essentials to homeware, candles, giftware, furniture and greetings cards. However, it was only recently that a connection with Wigan

Council helped take the business on to a new level.

“I always used to think the council was someone you contacted when something had gone wrong,” explains Jonathan. “For example when your bin has not been collected, or you are reacting to something.

“But the support I have received from the council’s Business Engagement Team has been priceless.”

Jonathan has accessed support and advice on:

• help with apprenticeships, supported employment and work experience.

• accessed expert digital advice to improve the business’s online retail offer.

• encouraged to get involved with the Business Growth Hub and the GM Chamber of Commerce to access a wider network of support.

A family-owned retail business is enjoying a new and exciting chapter in its history thanks to a fruitful new link with the council.

Exciting times for Gee Tee’s• Gee Tee’s achieved a finalist spot

in the Wigan Business Awards as ‘Best Family Business’ for 2016.

• the business received a green growth advice audit on water, gas and electricity which will reduce bills significantly, and the business is applying for a grant from the Carbon Trust of up to £10,000 for SMEs.

• Attended the Wigan Business Expo which helped create new contacts.

“Contacting the Business Engagement Team has been like planting an acorn that has just kept growing,” said Jonathan.

“I actually regret not making contact with the team sooner. I now have so many exciting projects on and all of these will ultimately benefit the business.”

Wigan Council’s Business Engagement Team provides dedicated advice and support for businesses in the borough. Contact them on: [email protected] or 01942 489189 or visit www.wiganworks.com

“The support I have received from the council’s Business Engagement Team has been priceless.”

Jonathan Twist, Gee Tee’sGee Tee’s

Pictured below The team at Gee Tee’s

Page 5: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

For 15 years Mike Dinsdale worked as a building surveyor until a new hobby changed the direction of his professional life.

Yorkshire-born Mike was working on the building sites of commercial offices in the Manchester and Leeds areas three years ago when he bought himself a camera as a hobby.

Through a friend he was soon taking photographs of bands on the Manchester scene.

This led to him being asked to take photos of a refurbished bar in Liverpool and from there his career took an unexpected turn.

Mike said: “They really liked the photos so I must have done a good job and it got me thinking ‘why don’t I mix my hobby with what I do for a living?’”

While keeping his job as a surveyor, Mike began to take pictures of new offices, refurbishments and interiors, using his contacts to generate work.

Mike, 43, pictured below, soon took the plunge and set-up his own business, midi photography, specialising in architectural, interior and construction photography and has clients across the country.

He uses his skills and knowledge of construction and design, as well as being CAA licenced to fly drones to capture buildings in stunning detail and character with aerial photography, video, surveys and 3D mapping.

His images are used by clients to showcase their work to wider audiences and help them gain new contracts and business. Mike has no regrets about becoming his own boss.

He said: “It’s the most amazing thing I have ever done. I have found it an incredible experience so far.”

Mike has received crucial help from Gina Yates at Wigan Council’s Business Engagement Team.

Mike said: “From the very first meeting she was so helpful and really interested in the business.

“She put me in touch with various networks and from those contacts I have got work.”

Contact Mike at www.midi-photography.co.uk, on 07743 857 126 or email: [email protected]

Wigan Council’s Business Engagement Team provides dedicated advice and support for businesses in the borough. Contact them on: [email protected] or 01942 489189.

A hobby in photography turned into a cutting-edge new business for this Orrell-based entrepreneur.

Life in focus

Midi Photography“Why don’t I mix my hobby with what I

do for a living?”Mike Dinsdale, Midi Photography.

Page 6: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Momentum is building towards the eighth Wigan Business Expo – one of the most popular annual business to business events in the North West! The celebration of entrepreneurial spirit in Wigan takes place on Friday 6th October at Robin Park Sports and Tennis Centre.

More than 1,000 delegates are once again expected to attend and businesses interested in exhibiting are encouraged to book their stand early to avoid disappointment. The Expo is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business, network, create new contacts and leads, access expert advice and hear inspiring words from keynote speakers. Here is a sample of testimonials from local businesses on why they attend the Expo…

Peter Rimmer, from Fleet Dynamic Group, said: “Wigan Business Expo is the most prestigious events in the networking calendar. “During last year’s event we were fortunate to forge new relationships which has led to increased business as well as cost reductions in our supplier base by using local companies attending the event.”

Victoria Gregson, from CRE8 Marketing & Creative Agency, Leigh said: “As a local business, it’s important to us that we support events close by and the Expo was a great opportunity to meet new people, network and promote our marketing and creative services.”

Dave Taylor, from Inspiring healthy lifestyles, “Every year we meet new clients, reaffirm long-standing relationships and seek out new and exciting ways to innovate what we do and how we do it.”

Councillor David Molyneux, Wigan Council’s deputy leader, said all SMEs are welcome to attend and exhibit at the Expo. He said: “The Wigan Business Expo offers an invaluable opportunity for local businesses to promote themselves to new potential clients from across the borough and the wider region. “I hope that businesses who have not thought previously about exhibiting or attending make 2017 the year to do it.”

To book your stand at special early bird rates visit: www.wiganbusinessexpo.co.uk

Wigan Business Expo 2017 - the place to be!

October 6th

Find out more, book your stand,

or enquire about sponsorship today.

01942 489190 - [email protected]


Page 7: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Go to www.wigan.gov.uk/Whatarebusinessrates for information about:

• Business Rates in general;

• Rateable Values and how they are determined;

• The Multiplier;

• Transitional Arrangements for the revaluation;

• Unoccupied Property Rating; and

• Reliefs.

Visit www.wigan.gov.uk/businessrates for information about how to:

• Check your Rateable Value;

• Apply for Reliefs;

• Tell us about a change; or

• Ask us something.

Business Rates in 2017/2018 from 1 April 2017

The Valuation Office Agency, an agency of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, have completed the revaluation of rateable values for all business premises.

The new rateable value assigned to your business premises is shown at the front of your bill and you can check it in more detail at www.gov.uk/voa/revaluation

See the back of your bill for more information.

For information about Wigan Council’s income and spending go to www.wigan.gov.uk/incomeandspending

Business Rates – General Information

A healthier workforce really does make for a healthier business.

Help your workforce become healthier, happier and more productive

Mental health and wellbeing sessions

Increasing physical activity

Healthy eating

Alcohol reduction / management

Stop smoking support

FREE practical advice & support on a range of health topics:•

We can help you with:

*subject to eligibly criteria

FREE NHS Health Checks in the workplace*

Support towards gaining the Workplace Wellbeing Charter Accreditation

Contact Wigan Council on 01942 486789

W www.wigan.gov.uk@wigancounciliganCouncilOnline wigancouncil

Page 8: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

Information about you

Information that you provide to us for business rates is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act, unless it is information about a limited company. We will use this information to develop more customer focused services. We are under a duty to protect public funds and we

may disclose your personal data to other council departments, or third parties, for these or related purposes that we feel are in the best interests of the organisation. We may share your information with government departments and local authorities for the detection and prevention of fraud and crime.

Wigan Council has a legal obligation under the Data Protection Act to ensure personal data is collected and processed in a way which complies with the act. The business rates team will keep your information secure and confidential.

How your data may be used

Online: www.wigan.gov.uk/businessrates

Phone: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday


Business Rates 01942 489015 [email protected]

Benefit Fraud line 0800 854440 [email protected]

Valuation Office Agency 03000 501 501 www.voa.gov.uk

Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation 0207 831 3505 www.irrv.org.uk

Card payment line 01942 489006

Pay a council bill www.wigan.gov.uk/payit

How to contact usThe Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

Once you have signed the covenant you will be added to an online publication of national businesses who have also signed. You will also be able to add the Armed Forces Covenant logo to your website.

For more information contact: [email protected]


Our team can help you with:Welfare support for employeesSigning up to the free Defence Discount Servicethat sends advertisements out nationally and inclusion in the location based app for local businessesAccessing Right Job where you can advertise vacancies to Armed Forces leaversAdditional support when you employ reservistsAccessing training grants for ex-forcesMentoring and grants for self-employed veterans/spousesProviding publicity when you sign the covenant



Page 9: Business Rates - Wigan · Welcome to this year’s Business Rates information booklet. We are fortunate to have more than 8,000 great businesses in Wigan ... Hub. Among Bob’s recommendations

We can make the information in this booklet available in other formats and languages on request. Contact us at: Wigan Council, PO Box 100, Wigan, WN1 3DS. 01942 489015 [email protected] March 2017