Business Start-Ups

Business Start-Ups. Starting a business is no easy endeavour…. If you : Create a solid plan Stay organised Evaluate your business proposal realistically

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Page 1: Business Start-Ups. Starting a business is no easy endeavour…. If you : Create a solid plan Stay organised Evaluate your business proposal realistically

Business Start-Ups

Page 2: Business Start-Ups. Starting a business is no easy endeavour…. If you : Create a solid plan Stay organised Evaluate your business proposal realistically

Starting a business is no easy endeavour….

If you :•Create a solid plan•Stay organised•Evaluate your business proposal realisticallyYour chances of success are considerably improved…

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6 characteristics of a successful start-up….

1. Planning2. Is it a viable idea?3. Quality product or service4. Resources 5. Correct legal structure6. Do you have the traits of

an entrepreneur?

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•Craft a solid business plan•You need this document to proceed•It will be your blue print for : •Determining the

viability of your idea• Your operating plan• Your financial plan


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Determining the viability of your idea

You have a great idea for anew business venture…….Now ask yourself two questions:

1. Is there a gap in the market?

2. Am I the right person to fill that gap?

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Marketing and Customers

Are you clear about whatlevel of sales to expect from the venture?Do you have research to support your sales target?Have you discussed saleslevels with potential customers?

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The CompetitionWho or what is your competition? How much of the market do they own already?What is your competitive advantage – is it your pricing, niche product or service?

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Business Plan

•Document your research findings and ideas in a

business plan•It will :

•Summarise your ideas•Enable you to present

your ideas to others•Assist you in managing your business once you

start trading

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Business Plan

Broad layout of business plan:•Strategy and goals, mission statement•Resources•SWOT analysis•Finances and Funding•Marketing•Legal and compliance

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Vision, Goals and Motivation

Do you have a clear idea

of what you personally

want to achieve in business?

Do you have clear goals and objectives to help you achieve your vision?

Do you have the motivation to achieve your vision?

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Business Model

• Identify how you will supply the business product or service• Identify the critical

success factors to enable your venture to turn opportunity into profit•What is your business


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SWOT analysis

Document the

• Strengths

• Weaknesses,

• Opportunities,

• Threats

of your venture.

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ResourcesBe realistic about what you can and can’t do

List the resources you will need for the business

Carry out checks on availability of resources and finance

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Funding•Do you have enough working capital?•While sweat equity will make your business more successful, you will most likely need real capital to get it started•Ideally for the first eighteen months you will need to be able to cover both your living and business expenses

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Start Up Costs• Prepare a start up costs

spreadsheet detailing your initial cash requirements and on- going costs•How long will it take for

you to generate a positive cash flow?

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Team and Skills•Are you the right kind of person to run your own business?•Do you have the right team of people?•Do you have the necessary skills on your team – such as financial, marketing, technical and management skills?

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Alliances and collaboration

•Form alliances

•Set up relationships with suppliers, distributors and professional advisers

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Legal structure

• Choosing your trading vehicle is an important matter

• Sole proprietor, partnership, company or trust ?

• Each type of entity has different

legal and tax considerations and certain advantages and disadvantages

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Depending on which entity you trade via, different tax frameworks will be applicable

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Do you know about and understand the statutory regulations affecting your business idea?Determine whether any licences or permits are required for your business and how to obtain them

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Financial Management

•A successful entrepreneur needs to be good with money

• (S)he needs to be realistic about cash flow and keep a clear head when making decisions affecting the business

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Business and financial controls

• Successful businesses use accurate bookkeeping and accounting systems, including payroll and regular management accounts• Tracking and managing

sales and income are essential 

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Traits of an entrepreneur

•Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and run their

own business•Should you have decided to

take the leap, you will require some specific characteristics and skills to ensure success

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Management effectiveness

Ask yourself the following questions:•To what extent will your experience in solving problems and making decisions help in running your business?•Do you consider yourself a creative thinker?•Can you identify and develop business opportunities?•Do you ask for and value advice from people with useful experience?

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SME Incentives

•A variety of incentives are made available to

SMME’s by the Department of Trade and

Industry•Investigate these

incentives , document them in your business


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Summary:Before setting out on your new venture:

• Clarify your focus• Document your research and findings in a short, sharp concise

business plan• Keep an “ideas” notebook• Ensure you have the right passion, skills and resources

• Know where you want to be and how you are going to get there• Obtain assistance from

professional advisers• Consistently move forward

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Presented by:

Name of presenter:Position in firm:

Firm name:

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