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TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview


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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

Contents7BOverview .................................................................................................................................. 3

Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................................... 3Checklist Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Quick Reference - TRAQS vs. TEAM......................................................................................... 5

Review ED Report Changes .......................................................................................................................... 5Review RP Report Changes ........................................................................................................................... 6Review ER Report Changes............................................................................................................................ 6

Overview of TEAM Data Maintenance Pages ........................................................................ 7

ED20 (Demo) Record ........................................................................................................................................ 7ED25 (Demo Adj) Record ................................................................................................................................ 9ED40 (Contr & Pos) Record ...........................................................................................................................10ED45 (Contr & Pos Adj) Record ...................................................................................................................12ED90 (Term) Record........................................................................................................................................14RP20 (Regular Payroll) Record ....................................................................................................................16RP25 (Payroll Adj) Record ............................................................................................................................18ER20 (Employment after Retirement) Record .......................................................................................19ER25 (Add Adj) Record .................................................................................................................................21ER27 (Edit Adj) Records .................................................................................................................................22

Overview of TEAM Extract Data Pages ................................................................................. 25

Extract Employee Demographic (ED20) Records ...............................................................................25Extract Contract and Position (ED40) Records ......................................................................................26Extract Employment after Retirement (ER20) Records ......................................................................28Extract Regular Payroll (RP20) Records ...................................................................................................29

Overview of TEAM Create Submission Pages ...................................................................... 31

Create Employee Data (ED) Submission File .........................................................................................31Create Regular Payroll (RP) Submission File .........................................................................................32Create Employment of Retirees (ER) Submission File ........................................................................32

TEAM Purge Data ................................................................................................................... 35

TEAM TRS Adjustment Days ................................................................................................. 37

TEAM Reports ........................................................................................................................ 39

HRS8900 - Employee Data (ED) ..................................................................................................................39HRS8905 - Regular Payroll (RP) ..................................................................................................................41HRS8910 - Employment after Retirement (ER) .....................................................................................43

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

7BoverviewThe Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), recently, took on a task referred to as the TRS Enterprise Application Modernization (TEAM) Program to implement a new Reporting Entity Portal, which will replace the current TRAQS system. As a result, several changes were made to the TRS reporting pages in the TxEIS system. TxEIS is committed to helping each local education agency (LEA) understand the changes that were made to our software in order to compliment the new TEAM reporting requirements. This TxEIS informational guide provides a TRAQS and TEAM comparison, and introduces the new TEAM functionality.

For more specific information about TEAM Program reporting, important dates, training, and file record layouts refer to the following TRS website:



� This guide assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the TxEIS Business systems and have reviewed the TxEIS Business Overview guide.

� For more detailed information about individual fields, please see Help in TxEIS Human Resources.

� This guide is based on TxEIS 2.0.0005.

Checklist Overview

The following information is covered in this guide:

� Quick Reference of TRAQS and TEAM changes.

� Overview of TEAM data maintenance pages.

� Overview of TEAM extract pages.

� Overview of TEAM create submission files pages.

� Overview of TEAM Purge Data (Will be available in a later release).

� Overview of TEAM TRS Adjustment Days (Will be available in a later release).

� Overview of TEAM Reports.

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

QuiCk referenCe - trAQs vs. teAMReview ED Report Changes

The TEAM Employee Data (ED) Report replaces the TRAQS Member Data (MD) Report. The TEAM ED Report includes the ED20, ED25, ED40, ED45, and ED90 records. The most significant change is the requirement to collect and report employee demographic data for all employees. Previously, the TRAQS MD Report only required demographic data for TRS-eligible members. Additionally, the employee address information is included in the ED20 record, which eliminates the need for the MD30 (Address) and MD31 (Supplemental Address) records.

The below information was provided by TRS:

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

Review RP Report Changes

The TEAM Regular Payroll (RP) Report replaces the TRAQS RP Report. The TEAM RP Report includes the RP20 (Payroll Detail) and the RP25 (Payroll Adjustment) records for all employees regardless of their TRS-eligibility membership status. Since, the TEAM RP20 (Payroll Detail) record includes payroll details and performance pay payroll detail, the need for the TRAQS RP10 (Payroll Detail) and the RP11 (Performance Pay Payroll Detail) records was eliminated. The TEAM RP25 (Payroll Adjustment) record will replace the TRAQS RP15 (Payroll Adjustment) and RP16 (Performance Pay Payroll Adjustment) records.

The below information was provided by TRS:

Review ER Report Changes

The TEAM Employment After Retirement (ER) Report replaces the TRAQS Employment After Retirement (ER) Report. The TEAM ER Report includes the ER20 (Employment After Retirement Detail), ER25 (Employment After Retirement (Add)), and ER27 (Employment After Retirement (Edit)) records, which replaces the TRAQS ER10 record.

The below information was provided by TRS:

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overview of teAM DAtA MAintenAnCe PAgesThe Employee Data (ED) Report includes new and adjusted employee demographic, contract and position, and employee termination records. ED records must be submitted for all employees regardless of TRS-eligibility membership status.

The following information provides an overview of the new TEAM data maintenance pages. If a TEAM page replaces a TRAQS page, review the TRAQS/TEAM Comparison section for field changes.

ED20 (Demo) Record

The ED20 (Demo) tab is used to report an employee’s demographic information. An ED20 record must be submitted for all new employees including employees who were previously terminated and rehired. This does not apply to retirees. The ED20 record is submitted to TRS at the beginning of a new school year and each month for new employees.

Note : If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 (Demo Adj) record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The ED20 tab replaces the MD20 tab, and the following changes were made to the tab:

Note : The same changes were also made to the ED25 tab.

� The Year, Month, and US Citizen fields were removed.

� The Address and Contact Info fields were added.

� The Move Employee to new TRS Month Yr link was removed.

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data (ED)> ED20 (Demo)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Enter the employee’s demographic, address, and contact information.

5. Click Save.

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ED25 (Demo Adj) Record

The ED25 (Demo Adj) tab is used to report adjustments to an employees previously submitted ED20 (Demo) record.

Note : If an ED20 record has been submitted and corrections are required, submit an ED25 record the following month. Do not send both an ED20 and an ED25 record for the same employee in the same month.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The ED25 tab replaces the MD25 tab with the same field changes as the ED20 tab.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data(ED) > ED25 (Demographic Adjustment)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

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2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under New Demo Information, complete the necessary fields. Only enter corrections to the previously submitted data.

5. Under Original Demo Information, enter the employee’s original demographic information.

6. Under New Address, complete the necessary fields.


z If any field under New Address is updated, you must complete all New Address fields.

z If you need to delete data in a field, complete the field by typing X’s for the maximum number of characters allowed in that specific field.

7. Under New Contact Info, complete the necessary fields. Only enter corrections to the previously submitted data.

8. Click Save.

ED40 (Contr & Pos) Record

The ED40 Contract and Position tab is used to report an employee’s new employment and position records. This record reports contract and position information on each employee before the start of employment and before the submittal of regular payroll contributions for the first time. The report submittal differs for July, August, and September, as shown below:

� The July record type 40 reports all employees who have a contract or work agreement beginning in July. It lists the amount of their July salary that belongs to the new year. The salary listed represents payment number one for the new year. If no salary is to be moved to the new year, there is no salary to report; therefore, the salary positions for July must be all zeros.

� The August record type 40 reports all employees who have a contract or work agreement beginning in August. It lists the amount of their August salary, if any, that belongs to the new year. The salary listed represents payment number one for the new year. If no salary is to be moved to the new year, there is no salary to report; therefore, the salary positions for August must be all zeros.

� The July and August record type 40 may contain a combination of July and August contracts and work agreements. These two months affect the employee’s annual

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

statement because they are notice to TRS of money that needs to be moved to the new year. Therefore, these records must be submitted before TRS begins year-end processing. The employee annual statements are generated as a part of year-end processing.

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� The September record type 40 reports all employee’s who have standard (September through August) contracts or work agreements. There is no salary field for September because that money is automatically in the new year. Report the remainder of the employees in September.

Multiple ED40 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple jobs. If the various jobs fall within the same position code, then only one record should be submitted per position code. In that scenario, the ED40 records should include the employee’s primary position information.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The ED40 tab replaces the MD40 tab with the following changes:

Note : The same changes were made on the ED45 tab.

� The Year and Month fields were removed.

� Under Position, the following fields were added:

z TRS Membership Eligibility

z ERS Retiree Health Elig FTE Hrs

z Employment Type

� Under Contract:

z The following fields were added:

ß Employment Start Date

ß RE Pays Social Security

ß Non-Standard Work Week

z The following fields were removed:

ß Yr-Round Teacher

ß Non-Std Contract

ß TRS Gross July

ß TRS Gross Aug

ß Pct Days Empld

ß Nbr Days Empld Member pays FICA

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Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data(MD) > ED40 (Contr and Pos)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Position, make the necessary changes.

5. Under Contract, make the necessary changes.

6. Click Save.

ED45 (Contr & Pos Adj) Record

The ED45 (Contr & Pos Adj) tab is used to adjust a previously submitted ED40 record.

Note :  All Original fields must be completed and at least one New field.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The ED45 tab replaces the MD45 tab with the same field changes as the ED40 tab.

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Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data(ED) > ED45 (Contr and Pos Adj)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under New Position, make the necessary changes.

5. Under Original Position, make the necessary changes.

6. Under Adjustment, in the Reason Code field, select the reason for the adjustment.

7. Under New Contract, make the necessary changes.

8. Under Original Contract, make the necessary changes.

9. Click Save.

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ED90 (Term) Record

The ED90 (Term) tab is used to report an employee who no longer has a contract or work agreement with the LEA. The tab is necessary to process refunds and other retirements.

The ED90 record is submitted to TRS in the same month that the final transaction for the employee is reported on the Regular Payroll Report. For employees in TRS-eligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary and deposits, or previously reported salary and deposit adjustments. For employees in TRS-ineligible positions, the final transaction may be the final salary, or a previously reported salary adjustment.

The ED90 record and the final transaction reported through the Regular Payroll Report must be submitted before TRS can process a refund, death claim, or retirement for a member. If the final transaction month was incorrectly reported on the ED90, you must submit a new ED90 to replace the original reported month.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The ED90 tab replaces the MD90 tab with the following changes: � Under Termination, the No Further Contract field was removed.

� Under Final Pay, the Number Days Paid field was removed and the Annualize Eligible TRS Compensation field was renamed to Annualized Salary.

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Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data(ED) > ED90 (Term)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Termination, enter the date and reason for the employee’s termination.

5. Under Final Pay, enter the employee’s final pay data.

6. Click Save.

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RP20 (Regular Payroll) Record

The RP20 (Payroll) tab is used to report TRS-eligible and non-TRS-eligible employees’ compensation and contribution information. Multiple RP20 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple jobs (one RP20 for each TRS position code). If the various jobs fall within the same position code, only one RP20 record should be submitted per TRS position code.

Per TRS, when reporting employees in non-TRS-eligible positions, the only compensation data to be reported is the total gross compensation, no contribution data should be reported. The only exception is that employees in non-eligible positions may purchase Special Service through payroll deduction. Therefore, service credit purchase deduction may be reported for these employees. In addition, the hours worked/scheduled and days worked data must be reported for ALL employees.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: New tab.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Regular Payroll (RP) > RP20 (Payroll)

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1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Job Info, enter the necessary data.

5. Under Monthly Amount, enter the necessary data.

6. Under Service Credit, enter the necessary data.

7. Click Save.

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RP25 (Payroll Adj) Record

The RP25 (Payroll Adj) tab is used to report adjustments to an employee’s previously reported compensation and contribution information. RP25 Payroll Adjustment records can be used to correct an incorrectly submitted RP20, or to add a detail record omitted from a previous report. This is a net difference transaction.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: New tab.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Regular Payroll (RP) > RP25 (Payroll Adj)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Job Info, enter the necessary data.

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5. Under Monthly Amount, enter the necessary data.

6. Under Service Credit, enter the necessary data.

7. Under Adj Report Period, enter the necessary data.

8. Click Save.

ER20 (Employment after Retirement) Record

The Employment after Retirement (ER20) tab is used to report employment information for retirees, regardless of retirement date or retirement type.

Per TRS, if a retiree has multiple jobs, only one ER20 record should be submitted for each retiree. The Hours Worked, Days Worked, and Total Gross Compensation fields should be cumulative, regardless of how many positions the retiree works for the LEA.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM ER20 tab replaces the TRAQS ER10 tab with the following changes:

� Under Employment:

z The TRS Position field was renamed to TRS Position Code field.

z The Employment Type field was renamed to Retiree Employment Type field.

z The Zero Days Reason field was added.

z The Actual Hours Worked field was added.

z The Days Worked field was added.

z The Paid Through Third Party Entity field was added.

z The Disability Retiree field was removed.

z The Service Days field was removed.

z The Contract Begin and End Date fields were added.

� The Work Units section was removed along with the following fields:

z Code

z Worked

z Required

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� The Amount section was added with the following fields:

z Total Gross

z Pay Pension Surcharge

z TRS-Care Surcharge

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employment after Retirement (ER) > ER20 (Employment of Retirees)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Employment, enter the necessary data.

5. Under Amount, enter the necessary data.

6. Click Save.

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ER25 (Add Adj) Record

The Add Adj (ER25) tab is used to report an adjustment that adds a record to a previously reported Employment after Retirement report.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: New tab.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employment after Retirement (ER) > ER25 (Add Adj)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under Employment, enter the necessary data.

5. Under Amount, enter the necessary data.

6. Under Adjusted Report, enter the necessary data.

7. Click Save.

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ER27 (Edit Adj) Records

The Edit Adj (ER27) tab is used to report an adjustment (i.e., edit or deletion of a record) to a previously reported record on an Employment after Retirement report.

The ER27 is used to edit a previously submitted and TRS-accepted ER20 or ER25 record. If one or more of the following fields is adjusted, a net difference transaction must be reported:

� Actual Hours Worked � Days Worked � Total Gross Pay � Pension Surcharge � TRS-Care Surcharge

Additionally, the ER27 is used to delete a previously submitted and TRS-accepted ER20 or ER25 record. When deleting a record that was previously reported in error, all of the following data must net to zero:

� Actual Hours Worked � Days Worked � Total Gross Pay � Pension Surcharge � TRS-Care Surcharge

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Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employment after Retirement (ER) > ER27 (Edit Adj)

1. In the TRS Month field, select a TRS month for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

2. In the TRS Year field, type the calendar year in the YYYY format for which you want to retrieve data. This is a required field.

3. Add or retrieve an employee.

4. Under New Employment, enter the necessary changes.

5. Under Original Employment, enter the necessary changes.

6. Under Amount, enter the necessary changes.

7. Under Adjusted Report, enter the necessary changes.

8. Click Save.

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TxEIS Human Resources - TRAQS vs. TEAM Overview

overview of teAM extrACt DAtA PAgesThe TEAM Extract pages allow you to easily populate data records by extracting existing data from Maintenance pages to TEAM Utility pages.

Extract Employee Demographic (ED20) Records

The Extract Employee Demographic (ED20) utility is used to extract employee demographic information (employee number, name, address, date of birth, gender, and contact information) for all employees from the Maintenance > Staff Demo > Demographic Information tab to the Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data (ED) > ED20 (Demo) tab.

An ED20 record must be submitted for all new employees including employees who were previously terminated and rehired. This does not apply to retirees. The ED20 record is submitted to TRS at the beginning of a new school year and each month for new employees. The ED25 record is used to change previously submitted employee demographic information.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM Extract Employee Demographic (ED20) page replaces the TRAQS Extract Demographic Data/Address (MD20/MD30/MD31) page with no field changes.

Human Resources > TEAM Submission > Extract Data > Employee Demographic (ED20)

1. Select the desired Extract Option.

2. In the Frequency field, select the payroll frequencies (e.g., 4 (biweekly), 5 (semimonthly), or 6 (monthly)) to be extracted for the report.

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3. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

Note: If the month and year of this extract match the month and year in the TRS Begin Date field, and the TRS Eligible Flag is equal to 1, the employee record is extracted.

4. Select First Time Report ED20 if this is the first time the LEA is submitting an ED20 report to extract all employees.

5. Click Execute. If there are no errors, a message is displayed indicating that the process was successful. If any errors are encountered during the export process, the Extract Employee Demographic Data to ED20 Error report is displayed.

Extract Contract and Position (ED40) Records

The Extract Member Contract and Position utility is used to extract contract and position information for all employees prior to the start of employment and prior to the submittal of regular payroll contributions for the first time. The data is extracted from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab to the Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employee Data (ED) > ED40 (Contr & Pos) tab.

Multiple ED40 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple TRS position codes. If the various jobs fall within the same position code, then only one record can be submitted per position code. In that scenario, the ED40 records should include the employee’s primary position information.

The ED40 record should be submitted as follows:

� In July for employees who have contracts or work agreements that begin in July.

� In August for employees who have contracts or work agreements that begin in August.

� In September for employees who have standard (September through August) contracts or work agreements.

� During the year when new employees are added to payroll. An ED20 should also be sent in the same month.  

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TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM Extract Contract and Position (ED40) page replaces the TRAQS Extract Contract and Position (MD40) page with the following field additions:

� From Contract Begin Date � To Contract Begin Date

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Extract Data > Contract and Position (ED40)

1. Select the desired Extract Option.

2. In the Frequency field, select the payroll frequencies (e.g., 4 (biweekly), 5 (semimonthly), or 6 (monthly)) to be extracted for the report.

3. In the Report Date MM-YYYY field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

4. In the From Contract Begin Date field, type the from contract begin date in the MMDDYYYY format.

5. In the To Contract Begin Date field, type the to contract begin date in the MMDDYYYY format.

6. Select First Time Report ED40 if this is the first time an ED40 report is being extracted for the LEA.

7. Click Execute. If there are no errors, a message is displayed indicating that the process was successful. If any errors are encountered during the export process, the Extract Contract and Position Data to ED40 Error report is displayed.

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Extract Employment after Retirement (ER20) Records

The Extract Employment after Retirement (ER20) utility is used to extract employment data of retirees regardless of the retirement date or type. The data is extracted from the Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab to the Utilities > TEAM Submission > Data Maintenance > Employment after Retirement (ER20) tab.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: New page.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Extract Data > Employment after Retirement (ER20)

1. Select the desired Extract Option.

2. In the Frequency field, select the payroll frequencies to be extracted for the report.

3. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

4. Select First Time Report ED40 if this is the first time an ED40 report is being extracted for the LEA.

5. In the Maximum Days Worked field, type the actual number of days worked in the reporting period month.

6. In the Maximum Hours Worked field, type the actual number of hours worked in the reporting period month.

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7. Click Execute. If any errors are encountered during the export process, the Extract Retiree Employment Data to ER20 Error report is displayed. If there are no errors, a message is displayed indicating that the process was successful.

Extract Regular Payroll (RP20) Records

The Extract Regular Payroll utility is used to extract employee compensation and contribution information for the selected reporting period.  

Multiple RP20 records should be submitted for an employee with multiple TRS position codes (one RP20 for each TRS position code). If the various jobs fall within the same position code, only one RP20 record should be submitted per position code.

Per TRS, when reporting employees in non-TRS-eligible positions, the only compensation data to be reported is the total gross compensation, no contribution data should be reported. The only exception is that employees in non-eligible positions may purchase Special Service through payroll deduction. Therefore, service credit purchase deduction may be reported for these employees. In addition, the hours worked/scheduled and days worked data must be reported for ALL employees.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: New page.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Extract Data > Regular Payroll (RP20)

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1. Select the desired Extract Option.

2. In the Frequency field, select the payroll frequencies to be extracted for the report.

3. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

4. In the Maximum Days Worked field, type the actual number of days worked in the reporting period month.

5. In the Maximum Hours Worked field, type the actual number of hours worked in the reporting period month.

6. In the Default Zero Days Reason field, select the appropriate reason.

7. In the Finance Transaction Date (MM-DD-YYYY) field, type the type the finance posting date.

8. Select the desired Post Option.

9. Select the desired Accounting Period.

10. Under Child Nutrition, click + Add to add a row. Enter data in the necessary fields.

11. Click Execute. If any errors are encountered during the export process, the Extract Regular Payroll RP20 Error report is displayed. If there are no errors, a message is displayed indicating that the process was successful.

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overview of teAM CreAte subMission PAgesThe Team Create Submission pages are used to create TEAM submission files, to be submitted to TRS, for each required reporting area.

Create Employee Data (ED) Submission File

The Employee Data (ED) page is used to create a submission file containing basic employee enrollment information. The file is submitted at the beginning of a new school year and each month for new employees. Additionally, the submission files can be electronically submitted to the TRS website.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM Create Submission Employee Data (ED) page replaces the TRAQS Create Submission Member Data (MD) page with no field changes.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Create Submission > Employee Data

1. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

2. Click Execute to create the file. Save the file in the desired location.

The Signature Data, Summary of Employee Data (ED) Report is displayed. The summary contains the total number of records submitted for the report month and year.

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Create Regular Payroll (RP) Submission File

The Regular Payroll (RP) page is used to provide a payroll contribution detail report for each employee on a monthly basis. It is submitted after the last payroll of the month. The submission files can be electronically submitted to the TRS website.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM Create Submission Regular Payroll (RP) page replaces the TRAQS Create Submission Regular Payroll (RP) page. The Frequency fields were removed.

Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Create Submission > Regular Payroll

1. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

2. Click Execute. Save the file in the desired location.

The Signature Data, Summary of Regular Payroll (RP) Report is displayed. The summary contains the total number of records submitted for the report month and year.

Create Employment of Retirees (ER) Submission File

The Employment of Retired Members page is used to report employment information for retirees, regardless of retirement date or retirement type. A record is submitted once a month for retired members. The submission files can be electronically submitted to the TRS website.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: The TEAM Create Submission Employment of Retired Members (ER) page replaces the TRAQS Create Submission Employment of Retired Members (ER) page with no field changes.

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Human Resources > Utilities > TEAM Submission > Create Submission > Employment of Retired Members

1. In the Report Date (MM-YYYY) field, type the reporting month and year for the report.

2. Click Execute. Save the file in the desired location.

The Signature Data, Summary of Employment of Retired Members (ER) Report is displayed. The summary contains the total number of records submitted for the report month and year.

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teAM Purge DAtAThe TEAM Purge Data menu will be available in a later release.

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teAM trs ADjustMent DAys The TEAM TRS Adjustment Day menu will be available in a later release.

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teAM rePortsThe following TEAM Reports are used to verify the employee, payroll, and employment after retirement records to be sent to TRS.

HRS8900 - Employee Data (ED)

The Employee Data (ED) report is used to verify the employee data records to be submitted to TRS. You can use the report to review the employee data for accuracy and to verify that corrections were entered correctly. The report can be printed as often as required before actually creating the TRS employee data submission file.

The TEAM - HRS8900 report replaces the TRAQS - HRS9800 report. The report includes the ED20, ED25, ED40, ED45, and ED90 records.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: All parameters remain the same.

TEAM > Reports > TEAM Reports > Employee Data (ED)

1. Enter the necessary parameter data.

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2. Click Run Preview. The reports are displayed in separate windows.

ED20 Record Report

ED25 Record Report

ED40 Record Report

ED45 Record Report

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ED90 Record Report

HRS8905 - Regular Payroll (RP)

The Regular Payroll (RP) report is used to verify the regular payroll records to be submitted to TRS. You can use the report to review the regular payroll data for accuracy and to verify that corrections were entered correctly. The report can be printed as often as required before actually creating the TRS regular payroll submission file.

The TEAM - HRS8905 report replaces the TRAQS - HRS9820, HRS9825, HRS9840, and HRS9845 reports. The report includes the RP20 and RP25 records.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: All parameters remain the same.

TEAM > Reports > TEAM Reports > Regular Payroll (RP)

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1. Enter the necessary parameter data.

2. Click Run Preview. The reports are displayed in separate windows.

RP20 Record Report

RP25 Record Report

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HRS8910 - Employment after Retirement (ER)

The Employment after Retirement (ER) report is used to verify the retired members’ employment records to be submitted to TRS. You can use the report to review the retired members’ employment data for accuracy and to verify that corrections were entered correctly. The report can be printed as often as required before actually creating the TRS retired member employment data submission file.

The TEAM - HRS8910 report replaces the TRAQS - HRS9860 report. The report includes the ER20, ER25, and ER27 records.

TRAQS/TEAM Comparison: All parameters remain the same.

TEAM > Reports > TEAM Reports > Employment after Retirement (ER)

1. Enter the necessary parameter data.

2. Click Run Preview. The reports are displayed in separate windows.

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ER20 Record Report

ER25 Record Report

ER27 Record Report

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