BWBPSManual - Budget Preparation

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  • 7/28/2019 BWBPSManual - Budget Preparation


    Business Warehouse

    Business Planning andSimulation System (BW-BPS)


    Budget Preparation



  • 7/28/2019 BWBPSManual - Budget Preparation


    Table of Contents

    Budget Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1

    Need Help? ................................................................................................................................................ 2

    Budget System Availability ............................................................................................................................ 3

    Information in the BW-BPS Application at the Start of Budget .................................................................... 4

    HR Master Data ......................................................................................................................................... 4

    Calculation of the Current Base and Control Totals ................................................................................. 4

    Funds Budgeted and Retracted to Funds Management ........................................................................... 6

    Accessing & Navigating BW-BPS ................................................................................................................... 8

    Turn off Pop-Up Blocker ........................................................................................................................... 8

    Budget Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 8

    Accessing BW-BPS System ........................................................................................................................ 9

    BW-BPS Report Navigation ..................................................................................................................... 10

    Navigating Budget Preparation ............................................................................................................... 11

    Exit BW-BPS ............................................................................................................................................. 12

    Restart BW-BPS Application .................................................................................................................... 12

    BW-BPS Layouts ...................................................................................................................................... 13

    Layout Buttons & Icons ....................................................................................................................... 13

    Layout Types ....................................................................................................................................... 14

    Exempt Layout ................................................................................................................................ 14

    Non-Exempt Layout ........................................................................................................................ 14

    Administrative Adjustments Layout................................................................................................ 15

    Other Personnel Cost (OPC) Layout ................................................................................................ 15

    Salary Distribution Layout ............................................................................................................... 16

    Funds Management (FM) Budget Layout ....................................................................................... 18

    Layout Information & Tips ...................................................................................................................... 19

    Exporting Layouts to Excel ...................................................................................................................... 20

    Common Errors ........................................................................................................................................... 21

    Budget Preparation ..................................................................................................................................... 22

    Step 1 HR Master Data Validation........................................................................................................ 22

    1 .1 View Layouts/Run Reports for HR Master Validation Data ........................................................ 22

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    1.2 Review HR Extraction Validation Report Prior to Budget Preparation ......................................... 23

    1.3 Validate Data During the Budget Preparation Process ................................................................. 23

    Warning Reports: ............................................................................................................................ 23

    Step 2 Pre-Budget Allocation Activities ............................................................................................... 24

    Pre-Budget Allocation Activities ......................................................................................................... 24

    Step 3 Enter Proposed Data ................................................................................................................. 25

    3.1 Exempt/Non-Exempt/Administrative Adjustments Layouts: Named Faculty/Staff Lines ............ 25

    Guidelines for Budgeting ................................................................................................................ 25

    Faculty, Continuing Lecturers, Administrative/Professional, Clerical and Service ..................... 25

    New Faculty and Administrative/Professional Staff ................................................................... 25

    New Clerical and Service Staff .................................................................................................... 25

    Adjunct, Associate, Affiliate, Visiting Scholar, Courtesy and Faculty with AdministrativeAppointments ............................................................................................................................. 25

    Emeritus and Non-Pay Appointments ........................................................................................ 25

    Post-Retirement Appointments .................................................................................................. 25

    Long Term Disability (LTD) .......................................................................................................... 25

    Administrative Adjustments (Recurring funding sources only) .................................................. 26

    Voluntary Early Partial Retirement (VEPR) ................................................................................. 27

    Pay Scales .................................................................................................................................... 27

    Shift Differentials ........................................................................................................................ 28

    Concurrent Appointments Appointments that cross two org units ........................................ 28

    Merged Concurrent Appointments Appointments previously across two org units that have

    been combined ........................................................................................................................... 28

    Named Professorship Supplements ............................................................................................ 28

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 29

    Enter Data for Budgeted Staff ..................................................................................................... 29

    Exempt/Non-Exempt Layout Tips ............................................................................................... 33

    3.2 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): Unfilled Faculty/Staff Lines ........................................................... 38

    Guidelines for Budgeting ................................................................................................................ 38

    Faculty, Continuing Lecturers, and Administrative/Professional ............................................... 38

    Clerical and Service ..................................................................................................................... 39

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 39

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    Budget All Vacancies: Enter Data for Exempt and Non-Exempt Positions ................................. 39

    3.3 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): Budgeting Lines by Total CUL ........................................................ 41

    Guidelines for Budgeting ................................................................................................................ 41

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 41

    Budget Graduate Staff ................................................................................................................ 41

    Budget Limited-Term Lecturer Appointments ............................................................................ 43

    3.4 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): All Other OPC Items ...................................................................... 44

    Guidelines for Budgeting ................................................................................................................ 44

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 44

    Entering An Amount for Wages .................................................................................................. 44

    OPC Layout Tips .......................................................................................................................... 45

    3.5 Funds Management (FM) Budget Layout: .................................................................................... 46

    Budgeting Amounts for S&E or Reserves ........................................................................................ 46

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 46

    Entering Budget Amounts for S&E Reserves .............................................................................. 46

    FM Layout Tips ............................................................................................................................ 47

    Budgeting Amounts for Fringe Benefits .......................................................................................... 47

    Data Entry/Instructions ................................................................................................................... 47

    Entering Budget Amounts for Fringe Benefits ............................................................................ 47

    Step 4 Verify Control Totals ( $ and %) ................................................................................................ 48

    Average Salary Increase Report .......................................................................................................... 48

    Proposed FM Budget Detail ............................................................................................................. 48

    Proposed FM Budget Summary ....................................................................................................... 49

    Running FM Budget Reports ............................................................................................................... 50

    Step 5 Review for Accuracy .................................................................................................................. 53

    Examples of Validation Reports Using Test Data ................................................................................ 54

    Proposed Cost Validation ................................................................................................................ 54

    Proposed CUL Validation ................................................................................................................ 54

    Step 6 Prepare Required Reports ......................................................................................................... 55

    Tips on Running Reports ..................................................................................................................... 56

    Create variants. ............................................................................................................................... 56

    Create PDF files of reports. ............................................................................................................. 57

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    Export reports to Excel. ................................................................................................................... 57

    Changing Hierarchies ...................................................................................................................... 59

    Changing Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 60

    Change a Fields Data Display ......................................................................................................... 61

    Changing Key Figures ...................................................................................................................... 61

    Adding/Removing Result Line ......................................................................................................... 62

    FM & HR Retraction .................................................................................................................................... 64

    Funds Management (FM) Module Retraction ........................................................................................ 64

    Base Budget Tracking Report Validation................................................................................................. 66

    HR Retraction .......................................................................................................................................... 67

    Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 69

    Appendix A: BP PURDUE HIERARCHY ...................................................................................................... 70

    Appendix B: Cross Reference for Employee Group/Commitment Item/Budget Group Code ................ 74

    Appendix C: Exclusion Reason Code Definitions ..................................................................................... 75

    Employee Subgroup Code Definitions ................................................................................................ 75

    Appendix D: Shift Differentials ................................................................................................................ 76

    Appendix E: Restricted Budget Commitments........................................................................................ 77

    Appendix F: HR Retractions Checks and Validation Requirements ........................................................ 81

    Appendix G: Budget Checklist ................................................................................................................. 83

    Appendix H: List of System Messages ..................................................................................................... 86

    Appendix I: Base Budget & Control Sheet Example ................................................................................ 88

    2013-2014 Budget Control Sheet Rollup ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

    Proposed FM Budget Detail Report ................................................................................................. 91

    Proposed FM Budget Summary Report ........................................................................................... 91

    Appendix J: Budget Recovery .................................................................................................................. 92

    Example of Budgeting a Merged Concurrent Appointment ............................................................... 94

    Appendix K: BW-BPS Terms .................................................................................................................... 95

    Appendix L: Report Description Listing ................................................................................................... 97

    Appendix M: Practice List for BW-BPS .................................................................................................. 102

  • 7/28/2019 BWBPSManual - Budget Preparation


    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Budget Overview 1

    Budget Overview

    These instructions are intended to assist users of the Business Warehouse Business Planning and

    Simulation (BW-BPS) system in understanding the overall budget process and the BW-BPS functionalityand capabilities. BW-BPS is the SAP system used in the Annual Budget Preparation Process. Specific

    information is provided in these instructions on how to:

    access the system enter proposed budget data generate reports

    In addition BPOV 100 - Budget Overview, an online course, provides key concepts to the budget

    preparation process.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Budget Overview 2

    Need Help?

    If you encounter problems with the BW-BPS, please follow the steps below and contact one of the

    individuals listed. This will greatly increase our ability to assist you in resolving your issue quickly and


    Before calling:

    Be prepared to communicate what you are trying to accomplish and what actually happened(what went wrong). It is beneficial to write down the steps followed and take screen shots of

    the specific actions taken at the time of the occurrence.

    Do not call OnePurdue Helpdesk directly unless you are experiencing a problem with OnePurdueportal or connectivity. If you can establish a connection, but cannot access the system via the

    selected funds center, then contact the Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning (B&FP). If technical

    assistance is needed, B&FP will contact the needed resources. This will allow B&FP to keep

    abreast of any problems with the system.

    Questions concerning data entry or system performance Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning

    Katie Stair 6-1056

    Zandra Barker 4-7135

    Questions concerning budget policies Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning

    Amy Copas 4-7141

    Cindy McAdams 4-7133

    Questions regarding monthly staff employment policies

    and contracts

    Payroll Appointment Service Center

    PASC Helpdesk ([email protected])

    Linda Tripp 4-6793 ([email protected])

    Questions regarding problems with OnePurdue portal or


    ITaP Customer Service Center

    4-6000 or 4-4000

    Questions concerning position classification, service

    credits, rate ranges, etc., for clerical, service,administrative and professional staff

    Employment and Compensation


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Budget System Availability 3

    Budget System Availability

    BW-BPS System Availability

    March 1 March 29, 2013 HR Master Data Validation (data as of 02/28/2013)

    April 1 April 30, 2013 HR Master Data Validation (data as of 03/31/2013)

    May 1, 2013 (am) System unavailable Final HR Data Extraction

    May 1 June 24, 2013 System available Budget Preparation (data as of 04/30/2013)

    1:00-2:00 a.m., daily System backup all users must be out of BWBPS

    OnePurdue portal down times BW-BPS will be unavailable during scheduled OnePurdue portaldown times.

    8:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m., daily Daily BW loads resulting in reduced system response times

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Information in the BW-BPS Application 4

    Information in the BW-BPS Application at the Start of Budget

    HR Master Data

    When HR master data is loaded into the BW-BPS system, only specific employee records are passed at

    the master cost center associated with the org unit. Those records include employees that have an

    employment status of active (3) or inactive (1) or the following employee groups:

    Administrative/Professional (A) Clerical (B) Clinical/Research/Non Tenure Track Faculty (C) Continuing Lecturer (D) Faculty (E) Fire/Police Biweekly Salary (H) Fire/Police Management (I) Management/Professional (L) Non-Exempt Professional (M) Operational Assistant (O) Police Non Exempt Hourly (Q) Fire/Police Administrative (R) Post Doc/Intern/Residence Hall Counselor (S) Service (U) Visiting Faculty/Emeritus Faculty (Y) Non-Pay for IUPUFW Only (N)

    The HR master data is loaded into BW-BPS with an effective date of the extraction. It takes a snapshot

    of the HR master data as of that effective date. For the 2013-2014 budget planning cycle the effective

    date for the final data load is April 30, 2013.

    Calculation of the Current Base and Control Totals

    At the start of the budget process a snap shot is taken of each college/major units recurring General

    Fund Base as it appears on their Base Budget Tracking Report. This information is then used to establish

    the current base for each budget line and staff group. These are the totals used in allocating inflationary

    increases and making base adjustments. The Control Sheet is used to summarize the current base

    budget, assign budget reductions, make base adjustments, allocate inflationary increases, make special

    allocations and track shifts of funds between budget entities.

    The 2012-2013 base budget for each area will be calculated as follows:

    2012-2013 Total Budget + (or-) Recurring Adjustments as of 3/31/2013

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Information in the BW-BPS Application 5

    The Control Sheets are distributed to each College/Major Unit (Colleges, Schools, or Vice Presidents/Vice

    Provosts Areas) at the beginning of the budget process. College/Major Units should then work through

    the steps of the budget process outlined in Budget Preparation (steps 16) of this document. When

    proposed information has been entered, areas can then review their control totals.

    Each area receiving a general fund allocation is required to prepare a completed budget equal to the

    areas control total. The control total (2013-2014Adjusted Budget) will be calculated as follows:

    2012-2013 Base Budget - Budget Reductions (if any) + New Allocations (inflationary increases on S&W and/or S&E, etc.)

    An example of the sheets and screens used in this process is included in this packet as Appendix I.

    Please also refer to your area for specific internal processes/procedures.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Information in the BW-BPS Application 6

    Funds Budgeted and Retracted to Funds Management

    For budget purposes, general and restricted funds are defined as follows:

    General funds: 21010000-21059999

    Restricted funds: All other funds

    The proposed budget should include anticipated expenditures by general and restricted funds and by

    major category of expense: salaries, wages, supplies, or other allowable commitment items (refer to

    Appendix E). The fund distribution for all expenditures should be budgeted as accurately as possible.

    All of the general fund budgets and some of the restricted fund budgets will be used to establish the

    Funds Management (FM) original budget records for the upcoming fiscal year through the FM retraction


    The following funds are retracted to FM at the end of the budget planning cycle:

    21010000-21059999 General Funds 22080000-22089999 Income Producing Continuing Education Admin 24010000-24039999 Auxiliary and Service Enterprises 24080000-24089999 Health and Recreation Services 31010000-31019999 Statewide Technology 32020000-32039999 Field Extension Agents and AG Initiative - CES 33060000-33089999 Animal Disease Diagnostic Control, State Appropriations, and AG

    Initiative - AES

    34010000-34010005 Federal Appropriations CES 34019000 Federal Appropriations Reserves CES 34510000-34510003 Federal Appropriations AES 34519000-34519003 Federal Appropriations Reserves AES

    The following guidelines should be followed in budgeting general and restricted funds:

    General Funds

    Do not budget income. Do not budget expenditures for fringe benefits or Facilities & Administration (F&A) as they

    are budgeted centrally. Do not budget graduate fee remissions as they are budgeted centrally in the Student Aid


    Budget fellowship supplements only if funded from the general fund budget.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Information in the BW-BPS Application 7

    Restricted Funds

    Do not budget income. Although not budgeted, sufficient income should be anticipated tocover budgeted expenses on funds 22020000-22029999 and 22030000-22039999.

    Budget fringe benefits if these expenses are direct charged to the budgeted account. Do not budget F&A expenses as they are budgeted centrally. Do not budget graduate fee remissions or fellowships as they are budgeted centrally in the

    Student Aid budget.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 8

    Accessing & Navigating BW-BPS

    Turn off Pop-Up Blocker

    To effectively use the BW-BPS application, the pop-up blocker must be turned off.

    Failing to NOT turn off the pop-up blocker may result in locking one or multiple funds

    centers in the budget preparation system.

    Turn Off Pop-Up Blocker

    Open Internet browser.

    Click Tools.

    Select Pop-up Blocker.

    Select Turn off Pop-up Blocker.

    Budget Overview

    The Business Warehouse Business Planning and Simulation (BW-BPS) system allows users to budget

    salary information by person, salary information in total CUL, or in a lump sum such as a wage line.

    Users can also budget supply & expense costs or reserve amounts.

    Some limitations of BW-BPS include the following:

    Employees cannot be added/deleted/moved by name. Promotion amounts by name cannot be added to the individuals proposed salary.

    Vacancies are not rolled up into a reserve account, such as a reserve for unfilled positions (RUP). The

    vacancy will appear in the account where it is budgeted.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 9

    All users will be assigned to a single role. Any user granted access to a BPS user role will

    have full access to University-wide data. There is no security defined by funds center.

    Users are expected to view and access only the data for which they have a business need.

    Accessing BW-BPS System

    Access Business Warehouse Business Planning and Simulation System

    Log in to OnePurdue Portal

    using Purdue career account

    login and password.

    Click Financial Systems.

    Select Business Process tab.

    Select Annual Budget.

    This folder contains:

    Reports folder Budget Preparation

    Note: The BW-BPS application

    always opens in the exempt


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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 10

    BW-BPS Report Navigation

    The Reports folder in the Detailed Navigation frame allows users to view all the reports available for

    budget preparation.

    Requires Systems Reportsreports generated from the BW-BPS application data that are required

    for submission with the final budget to Budget and Fiscal Planning

    Salary Planningreports showing proposed salary information for named and non-named

    salary items

    Funds Managementreports showing all proposed budget amounts, including supply &

    expense or reserve amounts

    Warning and Validationsreports indicating any errors with budget planning data or validation of

    the correct master data loaded from HR

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 11

    Navigating Budget Preparation

    Budget Preparation Navigation

    Click Budget Preparation.

    Enter funds center in SelectFunds Center variable entry

    box to view data.

    Click Enter.

    Only one user can be ineach Funds Center at a


    Avoid locking other usersby entering the funds

    center on the Salary

    Planning and FM Budgetlayouts upon opening

    the application.

    If another user is lockingthe funds center

    requested, contact them

    to exit the system. If

    locked data is still an

    issue, contact the Office

    of Budget and Fiscal


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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 12

    Note: Users will receive an error message the first time they log on to the application until they have

    successfully completed a save. This also applies to the FM layout where users must enter the selected

    funds center.

    Exit BW-BPS

    Click Exit.

    Note: Selecting the x icon

    on the browser window

    does not release the locks

    on funds centers accessed

    during the BW-BPS session.

    Restart BW-BPS Application

    Click x icon to close

    broser window.

    Click Budget Preparationlink to restart.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 13

    BW-BPS Layouts

    Layout Buttons & Icons

    A. Save Performs calculations, updates layout information, and saves the dataentered

    Saving may take some time to complete.

    B. Exit Closes the application and releases locks on all funds centers. Always close BW-BPS application using Exit. Always close the BW-BPS application before closing the

    OnePurdue Portal.

    C. Refresh Performs calculations of layouts and updates layout informationwithout savingdata entered

    Note: To minimize process time and loss of data, use Save rather than


    D. Delete selected lineE. Input helpF. Export to Excel

    Using Input Help Icon

    Click in a characteristic field

    (white field).

    Click Input Help icon.

    Click selection.


    Use Value Selection section to

    search for value.

    Enter values.

    Click Restrict.

    When restricting values using a

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 14

    description, the restrict

    function is case sensitive.

    Note: Wildcards may be used


    Layout Types

    Exempt Layout

    Used to enter or change salary increase amounts and specify whether employees should be included or

    excluded from salary analysis

    Note: Firefighters and Fort Wayne police officers included in employee group H are entered in the

    exempt layout due to salary calculations similar to exempt staff.

    Non-Exempt Layout

    Used to enter or change salary increase amounts and specify whether employees should be included or

    excluded in the salary analysis.

    Note: Hourly rates do not include shift amounts. They are included on a different layout.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 15

    Administrative Adjustments Layout

    Used to enter and/or change administrative adjustment annual amounts for eligible employees within

    your area. For retraction purposes, the system calculates the corresponding period rates.


    The budget preparer enters the proposed annual amounts. For consistency of data and to facilitate data entry, data for all exempt employees are populated

    in the layout and are available for data entry.

    Other Personnel Cost (OPC) Layout

    Used to record or change budgeted amounts for other personnel cost. This includes costs associated

    with personnel who are not budgeted by name in the other salary planning layouts.

    Use the OPC layout to capture budgeted annual salary, CUL and the salary distribution assignments for

    salary and wage expenditures.

    The following personnel costs are budgeted on the OPC Layout

    Vacancies (VAC) Graduate Staff (GRAD) Budget Recharges (BR) Limited-Term Lecturers (LL) Wages(OTH) Summer Session (OTH) Promotion Allocation Amounts (OTH) Merged Concurrent Appointments for Non-Primary Org Units (CA)

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 16

    Salary Distribution Layout

    Used to distribute all named employees in the selected funds center to their appropriate account


    This can be accomplished by distributing all employees to one or multiple funds, funds centers,and funded programs within a departmental area.

    This layout is for employees that are budgeted by name with proposed CUL greater than zero inthe exempt and non-exempt salary planning layouts only.

    This layout also displays the total cost for the employee. The total cost includes base annualsalary, administrative adjustment, and shift differential.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 18

    Funds Management (FM) Budget Layout

    Used to create or change the remaining items not budgeted in salary planning ( i.e., supply & expense,

    fringe benefits, or reserve amounts). These costs are budgeted by funds center at the fund,

    commitment item and funded program level.

    The proposed distributed CUL and the Amount PC are displayed for each unique fund, commitment item

    and funded program combination. Amount PC is the total amount for annual salary, administrative

    adjustment, shift differential costs and other personnel costs from the salary planning layouts. The user

    will not be able to change these personnel costs on the FM layout. To make a change to this data, a user

    needs to edit the data in one of the salary planning layouts (exempt, nonexempt, administrative

    adjustment, OPC layout, and Salary Distribution).

    Note: When changing from the salary planning layouts to the FM layout, funds center must be re-

    entered if not already completed at initial login.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 19

    Layout Information & Tips

    It is recommended that users complete the layouts in order beginning with the Exempt Layout,moving from left to right through the Salary Distribution Layout for Salary Planning.

    Fix errors as they are discovered. This will prevent additional errors and allow data to besuccessfully saved.

    Use the arrow key to move between cells across the layout. To enter data, simply navigate to the white cell and begin entering data. Save before moving to next layout or after multiple lines of data entry. Only one person can be in each funds center at a time. Be sure to coordinate which funds

    center each person is using to eliminate errors and locking issues.

    Be sure to enter the applicable funds center in the salary planning layouts and FM layout if youhave not entered the application and completed a successful save. This will eliminate error

    messages when saving for the first time. After entering the funds center in the FM layout, you

    can then return to the Salary Planning layout and the funds center will remain in the FM layout.

    For salary planning, the funds center is equivalent to the master cost center within the HRorganizational unit. All positions within an organizational unit inherit that master cost center.

    Prevent user locks by turning off the pop-up blocker, using the exit button to close theapplication, and close the application before exiting the portal.

    Review the header section of the layout (cells A1-C2) to ensure you are in the correct fundscenter and planning fiscal year.


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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Accessing & Navigating BP-BWS 20

    Exporting Layouts to Excel

    Click Export to Excel


    Click Review.

    Select Unprotect Sheet.

    Note: The exported data contains

    The layout values only (Formulas are not exported.) Hidden columns of the layout (This data is HR master data that does not fit on the original layout in BW-


    This file can be used to assist in creating increase or raise spreadsheets.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Common Errors 21

    Common Errors

    If two users access the same funds center and either user saves data, there is a potential for error

    messages to occur and data to be inconsistent. The potential error messages are as follows:

    Errors occurred when executing function ZP F002 (Delete Function for delta records/ZPM001(Delete Function for delta records.))

    Data in Infoprovider ZBPS_HR01 is locked by user XXXXXIf these errors occur, one user must exit the system without saving any data entered. This will then

    allow the other user to save without errors.

    To avoid locking other users, data enter the budgeting funds center in the salary planning layouts and

    FM budget layout upon opening the application.

    To properly exit the application and release the locks on all funds centers accessed during the session of

    the BW-BPS, select the exit button at the top of the application window.

    If for any reason a preparer locks a specific funds center or a lock on a funds center needs to be

    released, please exit the system and wait 15-20 minutes to the lock to automatically release. If the lock

    does not automatically release, please contact the Office of Budget & Fiscal Planning. Be prepared to

    provide the funds center to be released and the ID of the individual locking the funds center.

    Please note: The start button displayed after exiting the application does not work. To restart the

    application, use the browser close icon x in the top right corner of the window and select the budget

    preparation link again to restart the application.

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Budget Preparation 22

    Budget Preparation

    Step 1 HR Master Data Validation

    The layouts and reports are the budget work papers that are used during the budget preparation

    process. The Exempt & Non-ExemptLayout reports in the Warnings & Validations folder should be

    requested or downloaded prior to any input and will include only the current staff in the HR system.

    These reports and data provide a clean copy before any updates, documentation on all the data

    contained in the BW-BPS, and a record of what data was pulled in as HR master data.

    1 .1 View Layouts/Run Reports for HR Master Validation Data

    Prior to budget preparation, the data validation period allows users an opportunity to update and

    correct HR Master Data using the appropriate HR forms. Some corrections and items to validate

    include the following:


    All employees have an assigned: Budget Group Code (assigned by job, then budget group code is used to assign a

    commitment item for salary distribution)

    Shift Code (assigned by job) Budget Staff Rank (assigned by job) Gender (updated by employee only)

    2. For merged appointments within your colleges/major units, validate that the portions inprimary and non-primary departments are correct.

    3. If corrections need to be made to the above information, prepare the appropriate HR forms.If you have questions regarding how to correct a specific field, please contact the Payroll

    Appointment Service Center ([email protected]).

    The following reports can assist in collecting and validating this data:

    1. The Exempt Layout reportallows users to view all the Exempt employees HR master data ina viewable report similar to the layouts themselves. The report contains all the data fields

    that are extracted from HR. One drawback of this report is that when it is printed, the text

    is very small, even on legal paper. The Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning recommends that

    the report be exported into Excel and reviewed.

    2. The Non-Exempt Layout report provides the same type of data as the Exempt Layout reportand has the same drawbacks.

    The HR Extraction Validation report provides a high level view of the HR data. Free characteristics

    in the report can be selected, added and removed based on the type of data users wish to see. The

    advantage to this report is the ability to review the data at a higher level before viewing specific

    employees data. The Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning recommends this report for HR master

    data validation over the other reports described.

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    1.2 Review HR Extraction Validation Report Prior to Budget Preparation

    After the BW-BPS application is loaded with final HR data, print and validate data totals before

    making any changes.

    Count or headcount of employees, current annual salary, current administrative adjustments, and

    current CUL should all be reviewed. Free characteristic fields such as budget group code and gender

    should also be reviewed.

    If HR master data is incorrect after this final data load for budget preparation, contact the Office of

    Budget and Fiscal Planning. Guidance can then be provided to address the incorrect data.

    1.3 Validate Data During the Budget Preparation Process

    As information is keyed into the system, additional reports should be reviewed showing both

    current and proposed information. Reports listing warning messages indicating possible error

    conditions are also available. It is suggested that reports are run during milestones in the budget

    process and kept until the budget is finalized.

    Warning Reports:

    Warning reports should be run during milestones in the budget process, and before submitting any

    reports to the college/major unit or the Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning. (All warnings should be

    corrected except for Proposed or Current CUL is 1 or 0).

    Analysis/Exclusion Codes not Valid: Validates that Analysis Codes of 1 have an ExclusionCode of 0 and Analysis Codes of 2 have an Exclusion Code between 1 and 9

    Analysis/Exclusion Codes not Valid PDOC, INT, RES: Validates that all PDOC, INT, REShave an Analysis Code of 2 and an ExclusionCode of 7

    Negative Amounts in Salary Planning: Verifies that negative amounts do not exist in anybudgeted field in the Salary Planning layouts (Negative amounts are not allowed.)

    Prop & Cur CUL (0, 1, or GT 100): Verifies that Proposed and/or Current CUL is not zero orgreater than 100.00; also allows verification that a Proposed and/or Current CUL of 1.00 is

    correct for the individual of 1% Capacity Utilization Level.

    Prop Dist CUL not equal Prop CUL: Verifies that all Proposed CUL have been distributed Invalid Amounts in FM Budget: Verifies that negative amounts do not exist in the FM

    Budget Layout (Negative amounts are not allowed.)

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    Step 2 Pre-Budget Allocation Activities

    In order to speed up data entry, it is advisable to first complete some housekeeping tasks. There are a

    number of tasks that can be completed once the BW-BPS comes up for actual data entry but before

    allocations are distributed. These tasks are considered the pre-budget allocation activities.

    Pre-Budget Allocation Activities

    By entering or changing information in the system prior to receiving allocations, most of the work for

    budget will be complete except for entering raises/inflationary adjustments to employees, wages, S&E,

    and balancing to the control totals.

    Enter vacancies on the Other Personnel Costs (OPC) layout in BW-BPS. Enter Budget Recovery lines on the OPC layout per instructions in Appendix J. Enter Proposed Administrative Adjustments on the Administrative Adjustments layout as


    Adjust individuals whose salary or CUL has changed since the extraction of HR master data. Adjust CUL for individuals changing their CUL effective at the beginning of the fiscal year. Please

    be sure to only change the proposed CUL and not the current CUL.

    Review the Current Salary and CUL for staff on Voluntary Early Partial Retirement (VEPR).Individuals on VEPR should be budgeted at their average annual CUL and salary dollars

    regardless of the employees current salary and CUL.

    Change Incl SA field to indicate who will be excluded from the salary analysis, if known. Enter account funding distribution for all staff. Enter General Fund Budgets for S&E, Summer Session, Wages, Fellowship Supplements. Enter Restricted Fund Budgets for S&E, Summer Session, Fringe Benefits, and Wages. Enter Graduate Student Lines and Limited-Term Lecturer Lines (Budgeted as Total CUL) on the

    OPC layout for all fund types.

    Zero proposed CUL for employees that have terminated, submitted a signed letter ofresignation, or for Long Term Disability (LTD) situations.

    Verify status and accuracy of LTD employees.

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    Step 3 Enter Proposed Data

    3.1 Exempt/Non-Exempt/Administrative Adjustments Layouts: Named Faculty/Staff Lines

    Guidelines for Budgeting

    Faculty, Continuing Lecturers, Administrative/Professional, Clerical and Service

    Staff who are listed on the initial budget reports or extracted HR data and who are continuing should be

    budgeted by name.

    New Faculty and Administrative/Professional Staff

    New staff cannot be added by name in the salary planning layouts. Instead, they are to be budgeted as

    a vacancy on the OPC layout. Those new staff may be budgeted with a personnel number and name on

    the OPC layout if the name exists in HR master data. This data is not passed to the HR R/3 system.

    Appropriate HR forms are required to establish the employees record.

    New Clerical and Service StaffNew staff cannot be added by name in the salary planning layouts. Those new staff may be budgeted

    with a personnel number and name on the OPC layout if the name exists in HR master data. This data is

    not passed to the HR R/3 system. Appropriate HR forms are required to establish the employees

    record. Employees in their provisional period of employment (first 90 days) will only be eligible for a

    budget increase if they are not getting a provisional period increase. If they are getting a provisional

    period adjustment, they should be excluded from the budget analysis with an Incl SA value of2, and

    an Excl Reason value of7.

    Adjunct, Associate, Affiliate, Visiting Scholar, Courtesy and Faculty with Administrative Appointments

    These appointments are not budgeted in BW-BPS.

    Emeritus and Non-Pay Appointments

    Typically, appointments for emeritus faculty and all non-pay appointments are not budgeted in the BW-

    BPS system. If these appointments appear in the BW-BPS system, users will see a $0 annual salary and a

    .01 CUL. Please proceed with placing zeros in all fields of the employees record. Users will also need to

    place a 2 in the Incl SA field and an 8 in the Excl Reason field. Due to these actions, the employees

    record will appear on the HR Retraction Exception Listing.

    Post-Retirement Appointments

    These appointments are not budgeted in BW-BPS.

    Long Term Disability (LTD)

    Biweekly staff that have been approved for Long Term Disability (LTD) but are still on an approved leave

    of absence should be budgeted by name. Biweekly employees on LTD whose approved leaves have

    expired should have a PA Form processed terminating their employment with the expiration of

    approved leave status. These staff should not be budgeted. Monthly staff that have been approved for

    LTD should NOT be budgeted. If the HR extraction loads their current salary data, users need to treat

    them the same as a terminated employee in BW-BPS.

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    I.U. Faculty and Staff

    These are the only non-pay appointments to appear in the BW-BPS application. I.U. faculty and staff at

    the Fort Wayne campus who are extracted from HR will appear and may be continued by following the

    procedures for budgeting continuing employees. They will be extracted with a current salary of $0 and

    must be updated with current and proposed information. An appropriate Incl SA flag should beassigned to include or exclude each person in the analysis. These individuals will appear by name on all

    reports during the budget process.

    Administrative Adjustments (Recurring funding sources only)

    Faculty and staff who have been approved for an administrative adjustment will be budgeted at their

    base salary. All current administrative adjustments are loaded into the BW-BPS application during the

    HR extraction process. The approved administrative adjustment with a recurring funding source must

    be budgeted on the Administrative Adjustment layout entering the proposed amounts. The cost

    distribution of the administrative adjustment will follow the base pay and be assigned on the salary

    distribution layout. If the administrative adjustment is paid on non-recurring funds, the preparer should

    not data enter it on the Administrative Adjustment layout. Instead, the user must prepare a PA form to

    update that employees proposed salary and any changes to the administrative adjustment for the new

    fiscal year. Following is a table indicating when a HR PA form is required, based on the status of the

    Administrative Adjustment.

    Note: Enter the administrative adjustment annual rate, including cents, based on the period rate on

    Wage Type 1015. This will ensure the record is retracted during the HR Retraction explained in the FM

    & HR Retraction section.

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    Table 3.1 Does My Administrative Adjustment Need an HR PA Form?

    Admin Adj (AA)


    HR PA form required? What data retracts in HR Retraction program?

    AA continuing at same


    No Proposed salary, AA amount, and Prop CUL if

    current amounts match (base salary, CUL, & AA)

    AA continuing at new


    No Proposed salary, AA amount, and Prop CUL if

    current amounts match (base salary, CUL, & AA)

    Discontinue AA Yes No salary or CUL

    Start AA Yes Proposed salary and Proposed CUL

    AA with Non-Recurring

    funding source

    Yes No salary or CUL

    Voluntary Early Partial Retirement (VEPR)

    Approval for an individual to start in the VEPR program or to change a previously approved arrangement

    must come from the Provost or Treasurer. Because the arrangements can vary greatly, individuals

    should be budgeted at their average annual CUL. Salary dollars saved can then be reallocated to the

    appropriate budget category. To verify those individuals on VEPR, the ZHR_Leaves_Report should be

    run. A Personnel Action (PA) form will be needed for any individual whose percent of effort will be

    something other than the budgeted CUL on July 1.

    Pay Scales

    Pay scales for all hourly paid employee groups (clerical, service, student, etc.) are reviewed and

    approved annually. The budgeted hourly rate for each employee must fall within the range for the

    appropriate pay level.

    Exceptions to the pay scale must be approved by each campus Employment and Compensation Office.

    Pay scales are not reviewed in the BW-BPS application. A separate review process is performed by

    Human Resources after the budget is retracted (updated) into the HR R/3 system.

    Any employee whose hourly rate falls outside of the approved pay scale must have an approved

    exception form. That form can be found on the Human Resources webpage at listed under Employment and Compensation as Exemption to

    Nonexempt Pay Scales Request Form.
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    Shift Differentials

    Shift differentials are used to compensate employees whose regular work schedules are other than the

    normal daytime schedule. The differential is added automatically to the normal daytime hourly rate for

    all hours worked in the regular schedule. If shift differentials apply, refer to Appendix D for more

    detailed information.

    Concurrent Appointments Appointments that cross two org units

    It is the responsibility of the departments involved in sharing the concurrent appointment to

    communicate the proposed annual salaries, increases, and any changes in CUL for each of the

    concurrent appointments. BW-BPS will not audit for variations across 100% annual rates. Best practices

    would suggest that the majority of concurrent appointments should have equivalent 100% base pay.

    Merged Concurrent Appointments Appointments previously across two org units that have been


    Departments should work together to determine if more than one unit will report the CUL for

    appointments. If so, users should proceed with the following procedures:

    The Main Organizational Unit, or primary department, should budget the entire namedappointment but should distribute the portion of the CUL associated with the non-

    primary department on the 99010004 fund in the salary distribution layout. This CUL is

    excluded from the Proposed CUL Table 1A report in the Annual Budget Salary Planning

    reports folder.

    The Other Organizational Unit, or non-primary department, should budget a ConcurrentAppointment OPC item (CAXX) on the OPC layout, with the CUL distributed to the

    appropriate general or restricted fund. This CUL is included on the Proposed CUL Table

    1A report. For more detail on Budget Recovery refer to Appendix J, Letter F.

    Users may run ZHR_INTERDEPTFTE in HR R/3 to help identify merged concurrentappointments.

    Named Professorship Supplements

    Faculty who have been approved for a professorship supplements will be budgeted at their base salary.

    The professorship supplement is not affected during the budget preparation process. An ADPay form is

    required each fiscal year for the approved supplement. The professorship supplement may be budgeted

    as wages on an OPC item. For any questions regarding named professorships, users should contact the

    Payroll Appointment Service Center ([email protected]).

    AY/FY ConversionsIf an employee is converting between Academic Year and Fiscal Year appointments, the following

    procedures are recommended for data entry into the BW-BPS system to reflect the converted

    appointment. On the Exempt or Non-Exemptlayout, update the employees current annual salary to

    the converted annual salary to reflect the new term of appointment. A merit increase should then be

    determined based on that revised 100% annual salary. Please be aware that since the employees

    current annual salary is listed differently than in the HR system, the employee will be listed on the HR[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Retraction Exception Listing. A PA form will be required to update their new salary and term of

    appointment. The department will also need to prepare a salary statement for the employee.

    Data Entry/Instructions

    Enter Data for Budgeted Staff

    Click Exempt layout for monthly paid staff.


    Click Non- Exempt layout for bi-weekly staff.

    Note: When entering data for budgeted staff and all other budget items, all data entry fields available

    for entry are white.

    Exempt Layout (Monthly Paid Staff)


    100% Merit dollars 100% EMME dollars

    EMME (Extraordinary Merit, Market Competition and/or Equity) -- used for circumstances

    involving increases which have been approved outside the salary policy. Approval for these

    special increases must be granted by the Provost or Treasurer. The EMME amount will be

    included in the percentage and dollar amount that is calculated in the Total Increase field.

    100% SP EMME dollarsSP EMME (Strategic Purpose EMME) -- used for circumstances when the Executive Office of theProvost or Treasurer approves funding for salary increases in addition to the Merit and EMME

    salary policy. These funds are entered exactly like a 100% EMME allocation. The total SP EMME

    amount for a college or major unit must equal the specific amount allocated by the Provost or


    Note: The Total Increase % and $ represent the total increase including 100% merit, 100%

    EMME and 100% SP EMME increases.

    Proposed CUL Incl SA code (Include in Salary Analysis)indicates whether or not an individual will be included

    in the salary analysis submitted as part of the final budget material and controlled by the salary

    policy. The BW-BPS application requires that an Incl SA be entered for each individual.

    Only people with an Incl SAcode of 1 are included. If a person is not included in the analysis

    and has an Incl SAcode of 2, an Exclusion Reason must be assigned. If there is an invalid

    combination of the Incl SA code and Exclusion Reason code, a message indicating the error will

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    BW-BPS Manual 2013 Budget Preparation 30

    be received. Correct the error before moving on to your next action. If the error is not

    corrected, data will not be saved prior to exiting the system.

    All records loaded into BW-BPS have a default value of 1, or included in the salary analysis

    with the exception of PDOC, RES, and INT, which are defaulted to 2 or excluded from the

    salary analysis with an exclusion reason code of 7.

    Excl Reason codedefines why an individual is not included in the salary analysis submitted aspart of the final budget material and controlled by the salary policy. The values for the Exclusion

    Reason are 1-9. The definitions of the Exclusion Reasons are outlined in Appendix C.

    Additional fields to update if necessary:

    Current Base Annual Salary Current CUL

    The current CUL and current annual salary information for any individual employee canbe updated if necessary. These values will need to be updated for any of the staff

    groups if:

    A person receives a change in pay after the HR data is extracted and loaded into BW-BPSand before the effective date of the Proposed Budget Rate.

    There is a change in the term of the appointment, such as changes in CUL or employeesubgroup.

    The individual is terminating. Changing the current values will not affect HR master data in SAP in any way. However,

    the current information for the individual and the staff totals on the BW-BPS reports will


    Click Save before moving to

    next layout or after multiple

    lines of data entry.

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    Non-Exempt Layout (Hourly Paid Staff)

    Enter total proposed hourly rate.

    Note: This should include the total amount of increase for the individual. If a portion of the staff

    members increase includes an EMME or SP EMME increase, those amounts should be entered based on

    the 100% annual rate of the individual.

    EMME (Extraordinary Merit, Market Competition and/or Equity) -- used for circumstancesinvolving increases which have been approved outside the salary policy. Approval for these

    special increases must be granted by the Provost or Treasurer. The EMME amount will be

    included in the percentage and dollar amount that is calculated in the Total Increase field.

    SP EMME (Strategic Purpose EMME) -- used for circumstances when the Executive Office of theProvost or Treasurer approves funding for salary increases in addition to the Merit and EMME

    salary policy. These funds are entered exactly like a 100% EMME allocation. The total SP EMME

    amount for a college or major unit must equal the specific amount allocated by the Provost or


    Note: The Total Increase % and $ represent the total increase including 100% merit, 100%

    EMME and 100% SP EMME increases.

    When these amounts are entered, they are automatically deducted from the merit increase calculated

    from the current and proposed hourly rate. The current hourly rate, current CUL, or proposed CUL can

    also be updated where appropriate.

    Proposed CUL Incl SA code (Include in Salary Analysis)indicates whether or not an individual will be included

    in the salary analysis submitted as part of the final budget material and controlled by the salary

    policy. The BW-BPS application requires that an Incl SA be entered for each individual.

    Only people with an Incl SAcode of 1 are included. If a person is not included in the analysis

    and has an Incl SAcode of 2, an Exclusion Reason must be assigned. If there is an invalid

    combination of the Incl SA code and Exclusion Reason code, a message indicating the error will

    be received. Correct the error before moving on to your next action. If the error is not

    corrected, data will not be saved prior to exiting the system.

    All records loaded into BW-BPS have a default value of 1, or included in the salary analysiswith the exception of PDOC, RES, and INT, which are defaulted to 2 or excluded from the

    salary analysis with an exclusion reason code of 7.

    Excl Reason codedefines why an individual is not included in the salary analysis submitted aspart of the final budget material and controlled by the salary policy. The values for the Exclusion

    Reason are 1-9. The definitions of the Exclusion Reasons are outlined in Appendix C.

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    Additional fields to update if necessary:

    Current Base Annual Salary Current CUL

    The current CUL and current annual salary information for any individual employee canbe updated if necessary. These values will need to be updated for any of the staffgroups if:

    A person receives a change in pay after the HR data is extracted and loaded into BW-BPSand before the effective date of the Proposed Budget Rate.

    There is a change in the term of the appointment, such as changes in CUL or employeesubgroup.

    The individual is terminating.Changing the current values will not affect HR master data in SAP in any way. However, the current

    information for the individual and the staff totals on the BW-BPS reports will change.

    Click Save before moving to

    next layout or after multiple

    lines of data entry.

    Administrative Adjustment Layout

    Enter total annual administrative adjustment for proposed annual amounts.

    Administrative adjustment period rates for both current and proposed -- the amount that theemployee is paid per payroll period based on their employee subgroup or term of appointment.

    This amount automatically calculated based on administrative adjustment annual salary, the

    second administrative amount listed on the layout.

    Administrative adjustment annual salary -- the annual amount the employee will be paid.Note: The period rate for the employee is automatically calculated and listed as a blue field afterthe

    administrative adjustment is saved.

    Click Save before moving to

    next layout or after multiple

    lines of data entry.

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    Exempt/Non-Exempt Layout Tips

    Formulas maybe entered into a cell; however, only the result saves, NOT the formula. If a cell value is blank, the value is populated as zero. A user can copy and paste values into the white data entry cells from Excel. Users cannot paste data

    into blue shaded fields.

    Post Doc, Intern, Resident appointments are automatically loaded with an Incl SA code of2 and areason code of7. All of these appointments are excluded from the salary analysis. These values

    cannot be changed. The user will receive an error message if changes are attempted.

    Exemptand Non-Exempt by Supervisor layouts contain the same information on the Exempt orNon-Exempt layout. Employees are instead listed by the in-line supervisor.

    Review the header section of the layout (cells A1-C2) to ensure data is entered in the correct fundscenter.

    Remember: All increase amounts are based on an employees 100% annual salary.

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    Salary Distribution Layout

    Refer to payroll report ZHR_PAY_POSTING for current employees salary distribution by organizational

    unit for assistance.


    Refer to Salary Distribution report in Salary Planning report folderfor the previous years budget data

    for employee salary distribution.

    Allocate Salary Distribution

    Select Salary Distribution layout.

    Click Expand Tray Button .


    Fund Funds center Funded program

    Note: Select the fund, funds

    center and funded program for

    salary distribution that applies to

    the majority of the individuals in

    the budgeting funds center.

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    Click Distribute All Employees.

    Note: This distributes all

    employees to the selected fund,

    funds center, and fundedprogram for the total proposed

    CUL listed in both the exempt

    and non-exempt layouts. This

    function can be used more than

    once to create duplicate or

    multiple lines of distribution for

    all employees.

    View distribution in Results Pane.

    Scroll down to view salary distribution.

    Correct errors in proposed distributed CUL lines in the results pane.

    Make incorrect proposed distributed CUL zero. (These lines will be removed when the distribution is


    Click Save.

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    Modify Distributions

    Modify distributions for

    individuals who are funded in

    part or in whole by another fund,

    funds center, or funded


    Change existing proposed

    distributed CUL on the account

    distribution in results pane.

    Note: This amount could be zero,

    a portion of the proposed CUL or

    all of the proposed CUL.

    Redistribute the portion or all ofthe proposed distributed CUL


    Select the fund, funds center and

    funded program to be

    redistributed to the portion or

    total proposed CUL.

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    Enter the proposed distributed


    Click Distribute.

    Distribute a Specific Dollar Amount to a Different Fund/Funds Center/Funded Program Combination

    Calculate the corresponding Proposed CUL for the specific dollar amount.

    Example: An employee has an annual salary of $40,000 on general recurring source and $5,000 on a

    restricted fund and is 100.00 proposed CUL. The total amount of CUL to be distributed to the general

    fund source would be 88.89 ($40,000/$45,000), and 11.11 on the restricted funding source


    Repeat as necessary to properly allocate the proposed distributed CUL for the budgeted funds center.

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    Check Distribution

    Click Check Distribution.

    Correct errors.

    Refer to Common Errors

    Click Save.

    Note: Data is not saved until all

    errors are resolved. All unsaved

    data will be lost if the user exits

    prior to making corrections.

    3.2 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): Unfilled Faculty/Staff Lines

    Guidelines for Budgeting

    Faculty, Continuing Lecturers, and Administrative/Professional

    Any new positions, or positions that are anticipated to be unfilled as of the beginning of the fiscal year,

    should be budgeted as vacancies. This includes current vacancies, as well as positions which will

    become vacant due to retirements, terminations or resignations. If there is a termination or resignation

    of a named employee listed in the Exempt or Non-Exempt layout, enter a zero in their proposed CUL.

    This will eliminate the salary and CUL for distribution in BW-BPS. Be sure to complete a PA form to

    terminate the employee from the HR system.

    Positions authorized but held by the Provost should be budgeted as a vacancy.

    Do not budget faculty and staff on Voluntary Early Partial Retirement as vacancies (they should be

    budgeted by name).

    All vacancies will appear in the funds center in which they are budgeted during the budget preparation

    process. If a college or unit wants positions reflected in a central reserve, they must budget directly in

    the central reserve funds center. As an alternative, budgeting the vacancy in the department and

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    preparing an FMBB to transfer the positions funds to the reserve in the new fiscal year. Please refer to

    the college or major units budgeting procedures for the option that should be followed.

    Clerical and Service

    If a clerical or service staff member terminates, enter zero as the employees proposed CUL, then

    process a PA Form to terminate the employee. If the position is to continue, budget the position as avacancy on the OPC layout using the appropriate position number to help identify the vacancy on

    reports, if necessary.

    When budgeting a non-exempt vacancy, enter a proposed hourly rate and a non-exempt employee

    subgroup for each vacancy. This hourly rate then automatically calculates a proposed distributed

    annual salary based on the proposed CUL of the vacancy line.

    If a new position is being established, and Employment and Compensation has assigned the position

    number and title, budget the position as a vacancy.

    Data Entry/InstructionsBudget All Vacancies: Enter Data for Exempt and Non-Exempt Positions

    1. Click OPC layout.

    Select VAC XX item.

    (XX represents number 01-50.)

    Enter VAC XX item number in OPC number column of OPC layout.


    Select input help icon to assign the OPC item number.

    Repeat as necessary to distribute multiple vacancies.

    2. Select appropriate budget group code.

    Note: This code is used to derive the commitment item for that specific vacancy funding. For

    example, an Administrative/Professional position has a budget group code of 2007 which derives

    a commitment item of 506010. See Appendix B for more selections and derivations.

    3. Add employee number and name for reference only.

    Note: Entering data into this field may reduce system response time.

    This is an optional field.

    4. Select cell forjob number.
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    Select input help icon .

    Restrict possible job numbers to the correct vacancy item.

    Example: A job number of 1001 is for a secretary, while a job number of 1004 is for an account

    clerk. Both of these have the same budget group code of 2008 clerical. The job number wouldprovide a differentiation between the two clerical vacancies.

    For Clinical/Research faculty vacancies, please be sure to assign a job number so that they can

    be separated by Clinical and Research vacancies for use in Table 1B Supplement. If a job is not

    assigned, then the vacancies will not appear on the table and will not compare to other CUL

    analysis tables for validation.

    This is an optional field.

    5. Select employee subgroup.

    Note: This indicates the term of appointment for the vacancy. For example Z4 is a 12 month

    exempt employee. See Appendix C for more definitions of employee subgroup.

    Hourly rate is required if the employee subgroup selected is nonexempt. The proposeddistributed annual salary will be calculated by the system for line items with nonexempt

    employee subgroup.

    For line items where a nonexempt employee subgroup is specified, the system willcalculate the proposed distributed annual salary amount using the following calculation:

    (Prop Distrb CUL * (prop hourly rate * hours per year based on employeesubgroup))/100.

    The hourly rate if entered for other line items not indicating a nonexempt employeesubgroup will not be used by the system to calculate the proposed distributed annual


    This is an optional field.

    6. Enter position number.


    Click input help icon to add position number.

    This is an optional field.

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    7. Select:

    Fund Funds center Funded program

    Note: If not budgeting at the funded program level, enter NOT-RELEVANT. If left unassigned, it

    will default to NOT-RELEVANT during FM retraction. However, if not selected the value will

    remain unassigned in BW-BPS.

    8. Assign

    Proposed distributed CUL Proposed hourly rate for non-exempt vacancy Proposed distributed annual salary for exempt vacancy

    9. Click Save.

    3.3 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): Budgeting Lines by Total CUL

    Guidelines for Budgeting

    Budgeting lines by total CUL are specifically for Graduate Students and Limited Term Lecturers. These

    types of positions are budgeted on the OPC layout.

    Data Entry/Instructions

    Budget Graduate Staff

    1. Select GRADXX item.

    (XX represents number 01-25.)

    Select GRAD 01- GRAD 25 OPC items multiple times for different fund, funds center, and funded

    program combinations.

    Note: Do not budget Graduate Staff by name. The total salary amount and CUL of Graduate

    Staff should be budgeted as an OPC line.

    2. Select appropriate budget group code for graduate students.

    Note: This code is used to derive the commitment item. The budget code for graduate students

    is 2010, which derives commitment item 506080. See Appendix B for more selections and


    This is an optional field.

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    3. Do not use employee number and name as the OPC item represents multiple employees.

    4. Enter job number with a vacancy for future reference.

    Select cell forjob number.

    Select Input Help icon .

    Restrict the possible job number to the correct on for the type of graduate student. (This is not a

    required field.)

    Job # Description

    1656 Graduate Aide

    1657 Granduate Admin/Prof

    1658 Graduate Lecturer

    1659 Graduate Research Asst.

    1660 Graduate Teaching Asst.

    1661 Graduate Trainee

    Note: Input help is case sensitive. Wildcards can be used to restrict results.

    5. Select employee subgroup.

    Note: This indicates the term of appointment for the vacancy.

    Example: Z4 is a 12 month exempt employee. See Appendix C for more definitions of employee


    6. Select position number for reference.


    Click Input Help icon to select position number.

    This is not a required field.

    7. Select


    Funds center Funded program

    Note: If not budgeting at the funded program level, enter NOT-RELEVANT. If left unassigned, it

    will default to NOT-RELEVANT during FM retraction. However, if not selected the value will

    remain unassigned in BW-BPS.
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    8. Assign proposed distributed CUL and proposed distributed annual salary for the group of

    graduate student appointments.

    Budget Limited-Term Lecturer Appointments

    1. Select LLXX item.

    (XX represents number 01-25.)

    Select LL 01- LL 25 OPC items multiple times for different fund, funds center, and funded

    program combinations.

    Note: Do not budget limited-term lecturers by name, but include all limited-term lecturers on an

    OPC budget line.

    2. Select appropriate budget group code for limited-term lecturers.

    Note: This code is used to derive the commitment item. The budget code for graduate students

    is 2006, which derives commitment item 506040. See Appendix B for more selections and


    This is an optional field.

    3. Do not use employee number and name as the OPC item represents multiple employees.

    4. Enter job number with a vacancy for future reference.

    Select cell for job number.

    Select Input Help icon .

    Restrict the possible job number to 1665. (This is not a required field.)

    Note: Input help is case sensitive. Wildcards can be used to restrict results.

    5. Select employee subgroup.

    Note: This indicates the term of appointment for the vacancy.

    Example: Z4 is a 12 month exempt employee. See Appendix C for more definitions of employee


    6. Select position number for reference.


    Click Input Help icon to select position number.

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    This is not a required field.

    7. Select

    Fund Funds center Funded program

    Note: If not budgeting at the funded program level, enter NOT-RELEVANT. If left unassigned, it

    will default to NOT-RELEVANT during FM retraction. However, if not selected the value will

    remain unassigned in BW-BPS.

    8. Assign proposed distributed CUL and proposed distributed annual salary for the group of limited-

    term lecturer appointments.

    3.4 Other Personnel Costs (OPC): All Other OPC Items

    Guidelines for Budgeting

    Entering data for lines budgeted by total dollars can be done on the OPC layout for salary lines. Budget

    dollars can be entered on these layouts for wages, summer session, fellowship supplements, promotion

    allocations, etc. Refer below for specific instructions.

    Data Entry/Instructions

    Entering An Amount for Wages

    1. Select OPC layout.

    Select OTH xx OPC item.

    (XX represents number 01-50.)

    Select OTH 01- OTH50 OPC items multiple times for different fund, funds center, and funded

    program combinations.

    2. Select budget group code 2013.

    3. Select

    Fund Funds center Funded program

    Note: When data is saved, a warning message regarding this line or lines of data entry will be

    received. The warning message indicates that the CUL for this line is 0 or 1, since a CUL for these

    line or lines have not been entered. This warning message will now appear every time a save of

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    data is successfully performed. This warning message does not need to be corrected, and data

    will be saved.

    Budget Recovery

    See Appendix J for specific details on when to budget these OPC items.

    Fellowship SupplementsDepartments wishing to use general funds to supplement University fellowships may specifically budget

    these funds as a separate line item.

    To budget a line for fellowship supplements on the OPC layout, use the OTH 01 OTH 50 OPC item.

    Click Input Help icon to select the appropriate budget group code for fellowships to derive the

    correct commitment item.

    Reference Appendix B for the appropriate budget group code.

    Summer Session

    Departments may budget a line for summer session wages by also using the OTH 01 OTH 50 OPC item.

    Select a budget group code for summer session (2014) to derive the correct commitment item (505060).

    Note: The actual expense for summer session will not follow the summer session commitment item used

    for budget. The actual expense will fall on the appropriate employee groups commitment item.

    Promotion Allocation

    Colleges/major units that receive promotion dollars allocated on their control sheet need to budget the

    total amount like a wage line, but with the appropriate budget group code specific to the correct type of

    faculty appointment.

    To correctly derive the commitment item, refer to Appendix B.

    OPC Layout Tips

    Begin data entry on row 7. (Row six is not open for data entry even though it is colored white.) If a user uses all 20 lines of the data entry available, selecting Save will add additional lines of

    data entry.

    When entering an OPC item with no CUL, users will receive a warning message that indicates if aline item has a CUL of 0 or 1. The warning message is ok; no correction is needed as long as it is

    appropriate for the line item.

    For the characteristic (white) fields (OPC number, Budget Grp code, Employee, Job, Employeesubgroup, Position, Fund, Rec. funds center and Funded program), the key (numeric identifier)

    must be entered. The text (description of the field) will automatically populate after selecting

    save, refreshing, or moving to another tab.

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    For the characteristic fields, data can be entered manually or users can click the Input Help iconto select the appropriate value.

    When entering a funded program, enter as Not-Relevant and not Non-Relevant. Non-Relevantis an incorrect value.

    Users should also make sure to select the Not-Relevant funded program instead of leavingfunded program blank, which results in an unassigned (#) funded program. During reconciliation

    on the FM layout, entering Not-Relevant greatly assists in summarizing data.

    When adding a name associated with an OPC item, user should not try to add free text to theOPC layout. If this is attempted and the user saves their data, the OPC layout screen will

    completely blank out all data entered.

    To use input help for any characteristic field, position the cursor in input field.3.5 Funds Management (FM) Budget Layout:

    Budgeting Amounts for S&E or Reserves

    Data Entry/Instructions

    Entering Budget Amounts for S&E Reserves

    1. Select FM layout.

    Enter funds center, if no already populated.

    Note: The FM budget layout does not carry over or remember the funds center from salary

    planning layouts. The funds center may be at the project or sub-account level.

    When selecting to budget on a project level funds center (i.e., 4080001001), enter that funds

    center not the main high level funds center (i.e., 4080001000) to budget dollars.

    If salaries have been distributed to the project level funds center, those salaries will appear in

    summary on the FM Layout for that project funds center.

    2. In a blank line below summarized salary planning, select


    Commitment item Funded program

    3. Enter an amount in Amount-FM column.

    4. Click Save.

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    3. Enter an amount in Amount-FM column.

    4. Click Save.

    A practice list is available in Appendix M for the budget items listed in Steps 2 & 3 of the

    budget process for use during the HR Master Data Validation periods.

    Step 4 Verify Control Totals ($ and %)

    The budget should be reviewed to verify control totals once all proposed data has been entered for

    filled/unfilled positions, staff budgeted by total CUL, and other budget lines. The percent increases for

    each staff category can be determined by reviewing t