By Bhavna Khemlani Visit www.bhavzparadise.com Text & Cover Copyright©Bhavna Khemlani (January ‘2012) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored or transmitted in any form without prior written permission .

By Bhavna - The Weight of Material and Maternal Affiliations

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Bhavna Khemlani

Visit www.bhavzparadise.com 

Text & Cover Copyright©Bhavna Khemlani (January ‘2012)

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored or transmitted in any form withoutprior written permission.

8/3/2019 By Bhavna - The Weight of Material and Maternal Affiliations

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The Weight of Material and Maternal Affiliations

Special relationships are developed and strengthened over the years;

 And those relationships reveal an obligation to fulfil when wisdom begins to knock during the tweens;

Oh what a shame, a shock, an ocean of tears brews like fresh coffee;

The aroma of unpleasant emotions desires to embrace the tide of positivity;

Hours of analyzing, wondering, weeping, twisting and turning;

The ray of hope from within crawls assuring that day would come where love, respect, and a big hug would


Every move, every thought, and every gesture seems deceiving from someone else’s perspective;

The battle to speak up or atleast share some distasteful sentiments to a near one were uneasy;

Every feeling seems cripple and a handicap;

Craving the desire of the kiss of sympathy, empathy, and aspiration became phony;

Determination, and the ambition to do it or make it right never faded;

Thus, the struggle to attain security from within first was the initial step.

 A new day brought about a new learning that the power and natural sensation of maternal affiliationseemed insensitive, competitive, selfish, and unfair;

The joy and contentment of holding the baby in one’s arms was blurry and forgotten;

The result of feeling complete as a woman did not ring a bell nor the gratitude toward the Supreme power

 was acknowledged;

But, the cultivation of a new battle was instigated without notice;

The innocent tween was struggling with mind games with the assertive adult;

It was like a black magic being done when many things simply backfired.

Over the years, knowledge and friends played an important role when wise decisions were to be made;

Little what the teen knew that she had to put her imaginary pig panties on and lost out on moments of 


No problem was considered a problem, but only an adult problem was a big problem;

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The ignorance towards the teen and a melodramatic act cannot be a competitive game for a teen, but for

the adult;

The helpless teen may not know what to do, but when a ray of hope was seen, she would speak up;

The few words spoken depicted only support, love and to be heard which felt lost behind a cloudy day.

The gravity of maternal relationship began to be seen as a disguise of guilt, harshness, and detachment;

Months passed, years passed, the youthful feeling was being attracted by measures and pressure of 


The ease of letting go and holding on to wrong things was so tempting because the craving for a better life

 was desired,

The maternal connection toward the child was not appreciated;

Then the wall of misery cracked and slowly fell apart;

The choice was made to find happiness from external measures rather than embracing the wrong things.

Learning how to deal with all sorts of teenage and young adult problems became a good experience;

The burden of dealing and through observance various attractions, temptations, and things had to be


The unheard or the choice of not to hear out became the best option and a gift given to the young one;

The surprise and teary eyes had no option but to accept the unwanted gift of coming to life;

Sticky conversations, abusing, and accusations had to be tackled properly before the invitation of 

depression took place;

Even after trying to cope, the youthful mind decided to give up her life and tried to cause self-destruction.

Self-destruction didn’t bring any change since the friend death did not want to visit;

 An angel in disguise paid a visit by offering self-realization, a remembrance of some great incidents with

family, and a gateway to new motives;

How happy the young adult was and started planning her life;

Career was very much in her check list, where earning respect, reputation, and welcoming love from other

sources became a helping hand to a better lifestyle;

Because situations started to get better, the maternal relationship was ignored and tried to show a goodbye

sign in various activities;

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The blossoming of new relationships triggered a new maternal conflict.

Because of self-created problems, the blame game started to show insecurity and jealousy;

Even being an adult then didn’t seem to help solve the problem since to parents a child is a child;

How can a child completely stop all maternal connections eventhough it was not doing any good;

Meditation and seeking spiritual connections was a perfect remedy;

Still the tide of unpleasant sentiments comes to crack down the pillar of positivity;

The modern way of thinking doesn’t do any good to solve problems which could have been dealt in a 

better way with other various modern thinking styles.

The claim of being traditional and singing tunes to cultural values seemed hypocritical;

The moment to forget traditional values and instantly riding to the tunes of western independence only 

shows one’s convenience to walk away from love, and responsibility;

Suddenly claiming cultural heritage again and tuning back to western values clearly showed how one can

truly be confused and simply act upon pragmatism;

Being part of Earthly pleasures is not easy and the density of material affiliation becomes an imperative

part of one’s life;

Feeling alone slowly kills the slight expectation one can have from maternal relationship also because if the

marital status is not being fulfilled in accordance to society and as planned by parents;

The bounce between maternal and material balance is no less than a viral fever.

Over the years, the achievements, praise, support, and love from people whom one would least expect 

from was given without any doubt;

Slowly trying to accept the fact that not everyone’s maternal relationship is normal or even a bed of roses;

However, the lucky ones receive a bundle of appraises, moral support, advice, a kiss on the cheek to show 

they matter;

The juggle between maternal and material relationship will be a long and awaited answer;

Till the last breath, the concerns over material possessions and security will be anyone’s concern because it 

is never easy to be happy with what you have knowing what you have may be distressful;

The weight of material and maternal affiliations still arises many questions, unwanted moments, and of 

course a salute to cherished occasions that anyone has undergone.