Vietnam War Era By Jerry Sanders

By Jerry Sanders. Small communist groups that were tiring to over take there countries government were aided by the Soviets. Kennedy created special

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  • By Jerry Sanders
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  • Small communist groups that were tiring to over take there countries government were aided by the Soviets. Kennedy created special forces to fight these rebels. The Green Berets
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  • Fidel Castro was a dictator of Cuba in 1959. the CIA had plan to take him down by taking the exiles out of Cuba training them and launching them against Cuba. The invasion was destroyed and the forces had to pull out after a few days
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  • When the US got involved in the War people speculated that the wars outcome was going to be similar to the Korean war. The war first started when the French wouldnt give up there empire and a North Vietnamese rebel named Ho Chi Minh fought the French.
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  • The US wanted South Vietnam to not become communist so they aided them. By sending advisors and then troops. When the conflict deepen in 1965 after the first major battle between the two Army's happened at The battle of La Drang on November 14 th 1965
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  • This Operation was when the united states air force started the largest bombing campaign by dropping more bombs than in world war two from 1965- 1968
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  • This was a strategy that the US implied. They would send out small groups or platoons and let them be ambushed that way they call in air support to kill the Vietcong or the NVA. The variety of air support used was, bombs, howitzers, and Napalm which burn intensely hot and burned ever thing. Agent orange was another, but it was a chemical to destroy the thick jungles and tall grass. So the enemy couldnt hide it also gave birth defects.
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  • Napalm Agent Orange Affects of Agent Orange Air Support Howitzers
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  • The US bombing runs and search and destroy missions were effective but the Vietcong and NVA were always replaced. And the supply lines did not halt either.
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  • Many people back home didnt support the war, but many others did support the war. The protesters were called doves and the supporters were called hawks. America had seem to be split on one side or the other.
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  • One reason protesters didn't like the war was the draft. It required all men to register once 18 and if pick, you had to drop ever thing and leave to the military. A lot of people didnt go as another form of protest.
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  • The Tet offensive was a series of attacks by the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) and Vietcong on South Vietnam Cities and military bases. In the end the Americans pushed them back but at a heavy cost.
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  • President Johnson realized the growing protest and wanted to take a step toward peace by halting the bombing of North Vietnam Cities in hope of peace exchange. Couple days later a sniper shot an killed Dr. Martin Lutheran King Jr.
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  • The election of 1968 ran between two candidates, Humphrey and Nixon. Nixon won the election but by just a little over 500,000 votes over Humphrey.
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  • Nixon started a new way for the draft instead of the collage students being excused they too were forced to go to war but Nixon started the slow of the draft promising an end to it.
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  • Nixon started the withdraw from Vietnam in June 1969. he wanted to get more south Vietnamese involved and less American involvement. But Nixon keep the secret of the bombing of Cambodia. The next year the U.S. invaded Cambodia to help with the anticommunist groups fight communism
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  • Protesters from Kent and Jackson state rose and on the campus of Kent state students burned a military building. The governor sent national guard troops to cover the rising situation. At noon protesters came at the troops and became violent and throw rocks.
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  • The troops fired tear gas and some chased protesters into alley and open fired know one knows why they fired. At Jackson state a couple of police officers killed students with their shotguns in a hall. They clamed that there was sniper fire and began shooting.
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  • During the time the NVA pushed into South Vietnam. With few troops left Nixon resumed the bombing of North Vietnamese cities. How ever it did not stop the push south. The NVA reached the outskirts of Saigon and Americans began to flee along with South Vietnamese. When the Americans left South Vietnam surrender.
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  • When the war ended roughly 58,000 American troops died, and 300,000 wounded. The veterans received no welcome home many Americans wanted to forget the war. America spent over $150 billion on the war.
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  • The relatives of the MIAs pushed for the North Vietnamese to give information about their love ones. North Vietnam allowed for Americans to look for them on the country side. But after the years went by hope of them being found alive faded.
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  • The Memorial is a granite structure that has the names of the fallen and those who did not return and served their country.
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  • Get some paper and answer the questions below 1. How did Vietnam war start 2. What did the protesters hate about the War 3. What did agent orange cause 4. Who was Ho Chi Minh 5. What was operation rolling thunder
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  • Write a paragraph on what side are you on of the War, for or against? And why.