BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

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Page 1: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi



Page 2: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

Belysning af veje og byrum har traditionelt været projekteret efter krav til trafiksikkerhed og almen tryg færdsel om natten.

Moderne bybelysning skal derudover opfylde stadig større krav til energieffektivitet. En god belysning understøtter rum og arkitektur og skaber en smuk og tryg atmosfære. Om natten hænger udseendet, og dermed oplevelsen, af en gade eller et torv ubetinget sammen med belysningen af stedet.

Rambøll Lys tilstræber altid hensyntagen til såvel de funktionelle krav som det æstetiske udtryk ved at kombinere præcise krav til sikkerhed og energieffektivitet med en løsning, der er visuelt læsbar og hænger sammen med det fysiske rum.

Rambøll har stor erfaring i rådgivning inden for bybelysning, herunder masterplaner og komplet implementering af belysningsanlæg til veje og byrum.

Rambøll Lys søger til stadighed at forbedre sit lysdesign, såvel inden for udvikling af belysningsteknik som implementering af de bedste nye designs.

BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTINGIllumination of roads and urban spaces has traditionally been characterised by road safety and security measures. Modern urban lighting increasingly has to fulfil energy-efficiency requirements as well as serve to create and support appealing spatial and architectural ambiances. The appearance of a street or a plaza at night is unconditionally tied to the lighting of the space.

Our aim is always to consider both functional demands and aesthetic appearance by combining exact requirements for safety, security, and energy-efficiency with a solution that will be visually legible, interesting and in coherence with the physical space.

Rambøll Lighting has extensive experience in providing urban lighting consulting services including masterplan briefs as well as full implementation of lighting systems for roads and urban spaces.

The continuous technological development of luminaires and light sources holds enormous and exciting potential. Rambøll Lighting always keeps abreast of change in development of lighting technology and the implements designs that are of state-of-the-art.

Page 3: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

Inden for lysdesign oplever vi, at bæredygtighed dækker over såvel klimatiske, økonomiske som sociale parametre. Disse kan og bør hver især vægtes individuelt i relation til den enkelte opgaves værdisæt og behov. Samspillet imellem dagslys og kunstlys er essentielt i ethvert bæredygtigt projekt, da en korrekt udnyttelse af dagslyset har positiv betydning for både ressourceforbrug og driftsøkonomi samt for brugernes velvære.

Energirammen medtages som en forudsætning for projektet og definerer lyset som en del af indeklimaet specifikt efter opgaven.

Vi mener, at alle involverede parter har et fælles ansvar for projekterne. Vi rådgiver energi- og ressourcebevidst og sætter altid opgaven og brugeren i centrum. Vores fokus i enhver opgave er at skabe lys efter behov.

Lys efter behov

Vi støtter os til FNs definition af bæredygtighed fra

1987 og søger med vores opgaveløsninger, at støtte ”en

udvikling, som opfylder de nuværende generationers

behov uden at bringe de fremtidige generationers

muligheder for at opfylde deres behov i fare”

Sustainable lighting design encompasses climatic, economic and social parameters. These can and should each be weighed individually in relation to the project’s specific scope and set of values. We consider the interaction and relationship between daylight and artificial lighting to be essential to the sustainability of every project, since the correct use of daylight is proven to have a positive effect on energy consumption, running costs and the well-being of the end-users.

We believe that all of the involved parties share a responsibility for the project. Our consultancy is based on energy and resource-conscious choices. The project, the location and its users are central in our approach, and our aim is always to design lighting according to need.

Light according to need

We create resource-conscious design solutions, and we support the UN definition of sustainability from 1987 which states that: “Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”



Page 4: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


Da den midlertidige gang- og cykelbro fra Langeliniepromenaden til bydelen Østerbro på den anden side af jernbanesporene skulle fornys, udskrev Københavns Kommune en konkurrence, som Bystrup Arkitekter og Rambøll Lys vandt.

Rambøll Lys har stået for belysningskoncept, visualiseringer, beregninger, lysforsøg samt endelig implementering af belysningen til denne 7 meter brede gang- og cykelbro.

Langelinie foot and bicycle bridge. An elegant blade of light, transversing several railway lines and a road, connects one of Copenhagen’s main tourist areas with the bustling residential Østerbro district. Rambøll Lighting and Bystrup Architects won first prize in an architectural competion. Rambøll Lighting was responsible for concept, visuals, calculations, mock-ups and final implementation.

PHOTO: Torben Petersen © Rambøll Lys



About the project...

Page 5: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

STAVANGER CATHEDRAL AND SURROUNDINGS, STAVANGER, NORWAY2nd place in city.people.light award 2012

PHOTO:Rambøll Lys ©

International konkurrence I Stavanger Kommune for lysdesign på Norges ældste domkirke i Stavanger, Kongsgården og omkringliggende bypark. Rambøll Lys vandt i indbudte konkurrence med 9 hold på indsendt visuelt materiale, faglig kompetence samt præsenteret design- og arbejdsproces.Projektet fik i november 2012 tildelt en 2. plads i LUCI’s ”City, People, Light Award ”

Konceptet dyrker en nordisk tilgang til belysningen. Der er udarbejdet en blød, blændfri og varm belysning til kirken. Lyset understøtter kirken som byens hovedattraktion og inviterer til ophold af byens mange turister og lokalbefolkning.

Konceptet introducerer en bevidst variation i farvetemperatur og lysniveau for derved at skabe en stille dynamik om aftenen.

An international competition initiated by Stavanger City Council for the lighting design of the Norway’s oldest Church, the surrounding buildings and city park.

Rambøll Lighting won first prize in the competition from among eight other contestants. The competition was won on the visual presentation, the high technical and professional competence as well as the plan for the design and project process.

Based on the competition proposal, Rambøll lighting developed a concept for the illumination of the above-mentioned area.

The project was completed in december 2011.

In November 2012 the project was awarded 2 place in LUCI’s international “City, People, Light” competition.



About the project...

Page 6: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

GÖTAPLATSEN (TOWN SQUARE), GÖTEBORG, SWEDENWinner of Swedish lighting award 2011

Rambøll Lys har i samarbejde med Ramböll Sverige/Göteborg kontoret udarbejdet ny belysning for Götepladsen, et af Göteborgs største offentlige byrum. Projektets fokus har været at skabe en tryg og behagelig atmosfære på pladsen, således at folk i højere grad anvender den til både gennemgang og ophold i aftentimerne. Dernæst har det været intentionen at skabe en smuk og velafbalanceret lyssætning som på rette vis kan fremhæve både bygninger og plads.

Rambøll Lys har ydet rådgivning i forbindelse med registrering og analyse af de eksisterende lysforhold på pladsen. Udarbejdelse af forslag til ændringer, herunder komplet helhedsorienteret belysningskoncept, udarbejdelse af armaturspecifikationer og lysberegninger. Planlægning og gennemførelse af to prøvebelysninger i samarbejde med kommunen samt beskrivelse til udbudsmateriale.

Rambøll Lighting in collaboration with Rambøll Gothenburg developed a new lighting plan for Götaplatsen, one of the most prominent public spaces in the town of Gothenburg. The square is the cultural “heart“ of Gothenburg, and it is surrounded exclusively by buildings that house cultural activites: two museums, the concert hall, cinema and library.

The new lighting concept aims to fulfill two main goals. First, to improve general security at the square at night-time, so people feel safe and inspired to use the square as a popular pedestrian route, as well as an attractive gathering spot.

Besides, the lighting also contributes to the beautification of the square, by enhancing the beauty of the characteristic architectural and spatial features: facades, walls, monuments and trees.

Completed in autumn 2011.

Illustration: Rambøll Lys ©



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Page 7: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


PHOTO: Rambøll Lys ©

I sensommeren 2011 vandt Rambøll Lys udbuddet om at udarbejde en belysningsplan for Lunds historiske stadsmidte og Stadsparken. Opgaven tager udgangspunkt i fire, af kommunen udpegede, væsentlige parametre for belysningen af stadsmidtens offentlige rum.

Rambøll Lys har udført registrering og analyse af stadsmidtens eksisterende belysningsforhold. Derudover har Rambøll Lys planlagt og afholdt en belysningsworkshop for kommunen samt andre interessenter. Baseret på ovenstående aktiviteter udarbejdes der en samlet belysningsplan, der dels fremhæver belysningens eksisterende kvaliteter samtidig med at udpege fremadrettede tiltag. Projektet forventes fremlagt til politisk godkendelse i foråret 2012.

In the fall of 2011, Ramboll Lighting won the tender for developing a lighting strategy for Lund city center and central park, commissioned by the Municipality of Lund. The aim of the project was to formulate strategies for how lighting can be used to create a lively, beautiful and safe environment, which encourages people to use the city after dark.

The city’s northern location means that darkness occurs early at least 5 months of the year, culminating with only 6 hours of daylight in December.

Ramboll Lighting developed a lighting strategy pointing out 6 focus areas, as well as including guide-lines for general lighting of streets and public spaces.

About the project...Projektbeskrivelse


Page 8: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


Illustrationer: Rambøll Lys ©

Carlsberg Ejendomme har antaget Rambøll Lys som belysningsrådgiver i forbindelse med udviklingen af den nye bydel på Carlsbergs gamle fabriksområde i Valby. Grundlaget for projektet er Entasis Arkitekters prisbelønnede masterplan “Vores By”, der sigter mod at skabe en bæredygtig bydel, bl.a. baseret på middelalderbyens kvaliteter.

Rambøll Lys rådgiver Carlsberg i alle aspekter vedrørende belysningen i området. Hovedopgaven er en belysningsmasterplan baseret på Vogt Landscape Architects’ Landskabsmasterplan samt Lokalplan # 432. Rambøll Lys har derudover ydet rådgivning i forbindelse med projekteringen af tre pladser i området, hhv. “Bag Elefanterne” og “Bryggernes Plads” designet af Vogt, samt “Ottilia Jacobsens Plads” designet af SLA.

Carlsberg Properties has appointed Rambøll Lighting as their lighting consultant in all matters relating to the redevelopment of Carlsberg Breweries’ site in Valby/Copenhagen. Entasis Architects developed the general masterplan for the area. The award winning plan aims to create a sustainable city by reinterpreting principles and qualities of the medieval town.

Rambøll Lighting has developed a Lighting masterplan in cooperation with Carlsberg and Vogt Landscape Architects. The primary purpose is to ensure that the lighting of the area over time will be implemented in a coherent and legible manner, retaining the present qualities of the site while also considering future identity. Rambøll Lighting has furthermore acted as Carlsberg s lighting consultant in relation to the design of three plazas; “Bag Elefanterne” and “ Bryggernes Plads” designed by Vogt, and “Ottilia Jacobsens Plads” designed by SLA Landscape architects.



About the project...

Page 9: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


PHOTO: Rambøll Lys ©

International konkurrence i Stavanger Kommune for udarbejdelse af lysdesign masterplan til Sjøhusrekken og havnefronten.

Rambøll Lys vandt i indbudt konkurrence med 6 hold på indsendt visuelt materiale, faglig kompetence og præsenteret design- og arbejdsproces.

Projektet starter op i januar 2010.

Rambøll Lys har stået for udarbejdelse af belysnings-masterplan.

An international competition initiated by Stavanger City Council for the lighting design masterplan of the harbour front promenade.

Rambøll Lighting won first prize in competition with six other contestants. The competition was won on the visual presentation, the high technical and professional competence as well as the plan for the design and project process.







husejere / kommunale delprojekter

succeskriteriet af masterplanenkommunikation



About the project...

Page 10: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


Rambøll Lys har udarbejdet et belysningskoncept til effektbelysning af nordfacaden for Malmö Entre.

Rambøll Lys har udarbejdet et løsningsforslag til effektbelysning af nordfacaden for Malmö Entre.Forslaget er udarbejdet på baggrund af lystest på mock-up af Malmö Entre’s nordfacade. Belysningsforslaget blev godkendt som en løsning af TK Development samt FOJAB arkitekter ved fremvisning af mock-up. Løsningen er udført med LED, hvilket gør den til en af de største LED installationer i Skandinavien.

PHOTO: Rambøll Lys ©

Rambøll Lighting developed the effect lighting concept for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site.

The lighting concept tested on the mock-up was approved and subsequently implemented by TK Development and FOJAB Architects, making this one of the largest LED installations in Scandinavia.



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Et stort domicil for Lundbeck Medicinalfirma i København. Huset ligger som indgangsport til et større privat og lukket område, og facaden agerer som ansigt udadtil. Konferencer og direktion har til huse i denne bygning, som er tegnet af Jørn Langvad Arkitekter.

Rambøll Lys designede facadebelysningen med LED, som efterlader en grafisk repræsentation af bygningens form og struktur.

PHOTO: Christina Hauschildt © Rambøll Lys

The Copenhagen headquarters of Lundbeck Pharma Company. The building, designed by Jørn Langvad Architects, acts as a gate to a large, enclosed, private area.

Rambøll Lighting designed the facade lighting with LED leaving a graphic representation of the building’s form and structure.

Light pollution is kept at a minimum so the light from the facade does not affect the neighbouring residential area.



About the project...

Page 12: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


P-huset ligger i hjertet af København, hvor det er placeret midt mellem en stor hovedvej og et ældre større boligområde. Tanken er, at der over tid vil vokse planter op langs alle fire facader og skabe en stedsegrøn vertikal have i byen - deraf navnet. ”Det grønne P-hus”. Bevoksningen skaber et naturligt filter ud mod gaderummet.

P-huset er tegnet af Bystrup Arkitekter.

Rambøll Lys udarbejdede specifikationen for belysningen, herunder den grønne farve og lysets fordeling.

Lyset er blødt og imødekommende, spiller smukt op til den nordiske blå himmel og den grønne bevoksning, som vil kravle op langs P-husets sider.

The Green Car Park, situated within a residential area in the heart of Copenhagen, is designed so that over time vertical garden of climbing plants will cover it.

The green colour complements the blue Nordic sky and creates an atmosphere of calm and security, creating a green corner in the urban landscape.

PHOTO: Christina Hauschildt © Rambøll Lys



About the project...

Page 13: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


I forbindelse med etablering af et nyt bolig- og erhvervsområde ”Dockan” ved havnen i Malmö blev Rambøll Lys bedt om at udarbejde en komplet belysningsmasterplan for området.

Rambøll Lys har udarbejdet en komplet masterplan for belysningen. Masterplanen indeholder belysningsstrategier for alle områdets offentlige byrum, herunder veje, gader og pladser. Strategierne omhandler bl.a. anvisning af belysningsniveau, armaturplacering, lyspunktshøjder, lysfarver og armaturtyper.

In connection with the establishment of the new urban area ’Dockan’ in Malmö, Rambøll Lighting was appointed to draw up a comprehensive lighting masterplan for the area.

Functional, spatial and human aspects were taken into consideration in order to assure legible, coherent and operable lighting.

PHOTO: Rambøll Lys ©



About the project...

Page 14: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi


I forbindelse med etablering af det nye byområde Hyllievång, syd for Malmö, skulle der udarbejdes komplet belysningsmasterplan for området.

Rambøll Lys har i samarbejde med Malmö Kommune udarbejdet en komplet masterplan for hele byområdets belysning.

Masterplanen indeholder belysningsstrategier for områdets offentlige byrum, herunder veje, gader og pladser og parker. Strategierne omhandler bl.a. anvisning af belysningsniveau, lyspunktshøjde og lysfarve, armaturplacering og type.

In connection with the planning of the new town Hyllievång, south of Malmö City, Rambøll Lighting was appointed by Malmö Municipality to draw up a comprehensive lighting masterplan for the area.

Legibility, feature lighting and energy-efficiency were essential keywords. The masterplan contains strategies for all public urban spaces.

PHOTO: Rambøll Lys ©



About the project...

Page 15: BY- & LANDSKABSBELYSNING URBAN LIGHTING · for the facade of the “Malmö Entré” shopping centre on the background of a lighting test made on a façade mock-up on site. The lgi

Hos Rambøll Lys arbejder vi med at udnytte de muligheder lys giver for at påvirke menneskers oplevelser og velvære.

Vi kombinerer den nyeste internationale viden og tendenser inden for lys og brugen af lys med de andre former for rådgivning og projektering, som Rambøll tilbyder.

Rambøll Lys understøtter hele projektholdet og arbejder som bindeled mellem teknik og æstetik.

Med vores tværfaglige team af designere og ingeniører tilbyder Rambøll Lys en bred vifte af konsulentbistand — lige fra traditionel rådgivning, projektering og planlægning af belysningssystemer til sparring ved de utraditionelle og mere projektspecifikke opgaver.

Vi udvikler konstant vores erfaringer med beregning og analyse af både dagslys og kunstlys, visualiseringer, 3D-animeringer, lysmålinger, modelforsøg, lysstyringer, energiberegninger, prisoverslag og alle andre aspekter af lys.

RAMBØLL LYS RAMBØLL LIGHTINGNatural and artificial light shape our experience of space and architecture. Lighting design can enhance the aesthetics of a building or outdoor space and it opens the possibility for new experiences by day and night. The light setting can invite play or inspire peace, security or balance.

At Rambøll Lighting we combine the latest international knowledge of lighting design and technology with solid engineering practice. We are a team of highly qualified specialists, and we cover all aspects of any lighting project.

Our portfolio is very broad and it includes everything from city masterplans to lighting museums and commercial buildings. We undertake small and large projects for public and private sector clients. Our consultancy is impartial and always takes the wider perspective.

Rambøll LightingHannemanns allé 532300 Copenhagen S Denmarklightingdesign.ramboll.com

Contact: Allan JensenMail: [email protected]. +45 5161 5812