JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders Adventure Book By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1

By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

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Page 1: By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders Adventure Book

By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man


Page 2: By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Heroic Roleplaying: Stardust Crusaders is a fan creation based on the 1987- “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure” manga series written, illustrated, and created by Hirohiko Araki.

All images and names of characters, locations, and Adventures, unless expressly stated are TM and (c) Hirohiko Araki, Shonen Jump, Shueisha, and Subs. Used without permission.

All references to people, places, and things including titles, lyrics, and other media are the property of their respective copyright holders. Used without permission.

This game material references the Cortex Plus® game system, available from Margaret Weis Productions at www.margaretweis.com. Cortex® and Cortex Plus® and all associated logos and trademarks are solely owned by Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. and are used with permission. Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability of the purpose of this product.

Stands contributed by Deepo, elementsguy, Ozzy Crowley, and Anon.

Stand Creation Rules are a highly modified form of those found in JOJO’S BIZARRE TABLETOP. All rights reserved.

Special thanks to Zealot Vedas and all of /SSS/ and /WWW/. Stay fabulous, my friends.

Text by Lonesome Blues DM (aka TK Nyarlathotep) and Blue Man (aka J Frost).


Page 3: By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

ADVENTURE: STARDUST CRUSADERSPreparing for the Adventure…Pg. XXTerminology…Pg. XXStructure of the Adventure...Pg. XXTo Jo or Not to Jo?…Pg. XXIncorporating Music…Pg. XX

The Stardust Crusaders Sourcebook…Pg. XXSTAND PROUD: A Guide to Stands, Stand Users, and Standing Tall…Pg. XXStand Power Sets…Pg. XXRoundabout: The Joestar Family Line, The Speedwagon Foundation, and the

Ripple…Pg. XXAround the World: A Traveler’s Guide to the World’s Exotic Locales…Pg. XXFalling Off the Edge of the World: Dio and His Bloody Ambition…Pg. XXGoing Off the Rails: Shuffling Your Stardust Crusade…Pg. XXAdventure Milestones…Pg. XX

ACT ONE: The Man With the Star…Pg. XXScene Structure…Pg. XXHooks…Pg. XXDoom Pool…Pg. XXAction: A Man Possessed…Pg. XXTransition: Jailhouse Blues…Pg. XXAction: Get Out of Jail Free…Pg. XXAction: The Terrible Invader…Pg. XXAction: DIO’s Curse…Pg. XXTransition: The Evil Spirit’s Identity…Pg. XXTransition: The Thing on the PlaneAction: Insect Attack!Transition: Seek An Alternative Route

ACT TWO: The Stand Warriors…Pg. XXTransition: A Stay In a Nice Hotel…Pg. XXAction: The Devil…Pg. XXAction: Yellow Temperance…Pg. XXAction: Emperor and the Hanged Man…Pg. XXTransition: Research DIO’s Assassins…Pg. XXAction: Local Flavor…Pg. XXTransition: Enya’s Hospitality…Pg. XXAction: Justice…Pg. XXAction: "Geb" N’Dour…Pg. XXAction: “Khnum” Oingo and “Tohth” Boingo…Pg. XXAction: Anubis…Pg. XXAction: “Bastet” Mariah…Pg. XXTransition: Relax At An Inn…Pg. XXAction: D’Arby the Gambler…Pg. XX

ACT THREE: DIO’s World…Pg. XXTransition: Beautiful Cairo…Pg. X


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Action: Deadly Duo!…Pg. XXTransition: Find DIO’s Manor…Pg. XXAction: Pet Shop at the Gates of Hell…Pg XXTransition: The Mysteries of DIO’s Manor…Pg. XXAction: The Mist of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice…Pg. XXTransition: Learn the Secret of DIO’s Stand…Pg. XXAction: End of THE WORLD…Pg. XXAction: Save a Hero’s Life…Pg. XXTransition: The Long Journey Ends…Pg. XXAction: Destroy DIO’s Body…Pg. XX

HERO Rap SheetsJotaro Kujo…Pg. XXJoseph Joestar…Pg. XXMuhammad Avdol…Pg. XXNoriaki Kakyoin…Pg. XXJean Pierre Polnareff…Pg. XXHol Horse…Pg. XXIggy…Pg. XXN'Dour…Pg. XXBoingo…Pg. XX


Page 5: By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


Stand proud, warriors! This is a full-blown Adventure for the Cortex Plus Heroic Roleplaying system based on Part 3 of Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, titled Stardust Crusaders, with additional material referencing Pts. 2 (Battle Tendency), 5 (Aureo Vento/“Golden Wind”), and 6 (Stone Ocean). Future supplements will be based on Parts 1 and (Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency), the Apocrypha of Pt. 3 (The Genesis of the Universe, The 7th Stand User, and more) and Part 6 (Stone Ocean) and will feature further material from their respective sources.

In this Adventure, you’ll be playing as someone with phenomenal powers, be it the of the Ripple or Spin, mighty martial arts infused with the power of the sun or the golden rectangle, a Stand, a ghostlike entity that hovers behind you and can affect your opponent or the environment with a variety of bizarre effects, or even another power entirely (there’s vampires!)! When the course of your life is radically altered by the machinations of a vampiric madman named Dio Brando, you and a group of other likewise-affected warriors must race against Dio’s assassins to the city of Cairo, Egypt to put an end to DIO’s bloody ambition once and for all. Will you and your fellow Stardust Crusaders put an end to DIO, or will he fuse once and for all with the stolen body of his ancient arch-rival and bring an age of darkness to the world like none ever seen before?

Stardust Crusaders works best as an Adventure for 4 to 6 players (but more or less are welcome and even encouraged! Do what you want, Heaven’s Door hasn’t written “I will only run with 4 to 6 players.” in the margins of this Adventure), and can take an absurdly long amount of time to play or could be over in seconds if someone removes time with King Crimson or just advances the end of the universe in seconds with Made In Heaven. You could even be doomed to just replay the Adventure over and over again with Killer Queen. Point is, don’t play RPGs with bad guys.

You might get inspired by the Rap Sheets, scenes, and other elements to continue past the three Acts, and that’s cool too! Your story doesn’t end just because the book did. Heck, you might not even use all the scenes in this book, or you might add some after using them all, or whatever! The future Phantom Blood + Battle Tendency and Stone Ocean supplements will add even more fun stuff for you to use, so your campaign can run as long as Anubis’ life (which is a few thousand years, give or take).

Everything in this Adventure is meant for the Emcee’s eyes only, but they might throw you a bone and let you see some stuff before, during, or after in the Sourcebook section. Ask and ye shall (probably) receive. Also in order to play this, you WILL NEED EITHER a copy of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Basic Game or the Premium versions of either Annihilation or Civil War, or the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide which contains the rules for Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying a differently focused game with all the rules you’ll need. There may or may not be a forthcoming version of the Heroic Roleplaying rules, but that’s between you and Margaret Weis and is beyond the scope of this game.


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Like most adventures, Stardust Crusaders requires some prepwork before you inflict it on your helpless players. Here’s what you’ll need:

Read over the whole Adventure and become familiar with the three Acts and the way the scenes flow in each Act. Familiarize yourself with the sourcebook so you won’t be caught flat-footed if your players do something tricky (which they should, it’s JoJo’s after all). Print copies of the Sourcebook if you think your players will dig it!When your group meets up for the first session, each player should choose a hero from the Rap Sheets provided, make their own with help from the STAND PROUD chapter, or even convert a hero from another Cortex Heroic game line entirely and re-fluff them as a Stand User or with some other incredible power!Be sure you have enough dice (d4, d6, d8, d12, and d12), Style Point tokens (D’arby the Elder prefers poker chips!), and some kind of action order token for each player (maybe a Major Arcana tarot card). You can also include miniatures, maps, and anything like that. You may also benefit from taking note of each hero’s Affiliations and what Milestones they’ve chosen. Keep this list near you during the game.If your group has never played a game of Cortex Heroic Roleplaying, you should introduce your players to the basic rules and go over their Rap Sheets with them, or help them construct or convert their Rap Sheet. The rules of this are virtually unchanged from Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, so if you think it would help, hand out copies of a Cheat Sheet as well. I recommend both the Hero’s and Watcher’s Cheat Sheets from Nerd NYC, which can be found rather easily via Google or your search engine of choice. Obviously the terminology will be changed (see below), so make sure your players are privy to that too.

TERMINOLOGYTo better fit the mood and feel of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, I’ve modified some of the

terminology a little. Anything that’s unchanged means what it means per Heroic Roleplaying, but otherwise the differences are listed as follows:

* Adventure: Replaces Event. The overall journey your player characters go on, and the campaign you’re playing in.

* Emcee: Replaces Watcher. Your loving GM.* Pose: Replaces Push. Adding a d6 to your dice pool.* Rap Sheet: Replaces datafile. Basically the character sheet.* Style Points (SP): Replaces Plot Points (SP). The narrative currency of the game.* Emcee Character: Replaces Watcher Character. The NPCs, good, bad, or otherwise.


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STRUCTURE OF THE ADVENTUREStardust Crusaders is a 3-Act Adventure. Each Adventure should provide ample

opportunities for your players to be tricky, mess up enemies with their incredible powers, and show off their impeccable style. The Emcee should have equal opportunity to keep the action funky fresh with an exciting selection of bad guys and other Emcee characters.

—Act 1: The players should be introduced to the concept of Stands, learn of the mad ambition of DIO, and even fight a couple of enemies themselves before they leave for Cairo.

—Act 2: On the road to DIO’s hideout in Cairo, the heroes have found themselves pursued at every possible corner by DIO’s loyal assassins, other Stand Users who wish to kill the Stardust Crusaders (that’s the adventuring party) to prevent them from learning DIO’s secret and possibly even harming their master.

—Act 3: Having learned the lengths DIO is willing to go to to prevent the heroes from reaching him, the heroes finally arrive in Cairo. There they must find the location of DIO’s hidden base and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

TO JO…This Adventure, as-written, assumes you’re playing as the Stardust Crusaders provided

in the HERO Rap Sheets provided starting on Pg. XX. However, I understand if that might not be your players’ style. Maybe they don’t like the heroes of Part 3, they want to play as their own heroes, or they might even want to play as heroes and characters from a later (or even earlier!) part of the series.

For characters from the earlier parts of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, they will be covered in the later Pt. 1: Phantom Blood and Pt. 2: Battle Tendency sourcebooks. For characters to play from later parts, work with the player to extract the most important parts of the character and put them onto a Rap Sheet. For help, I suggest going to the character’s page at the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Wiki at http://jojo.wikia.com. Pay extra attention to the Stand Rankings and note what each means to help make a character mechanically.

Finally, if your players want to play as original heroes, or a mix of original and the provided Heroes, help them make a character sheet utilizing the next chapter, STAND PROUD: A Guide to Stands, Stand Users, and Standing Tall. If the group consists of all original heroes, I highly recommend including at least one party member related as friends, family, and/or by blood with the Joestar family line. It’ll make their conflict with Dio more personal, and give Dio a reason to be especially careful with the party on his tail.

…OR NOT TO JOIf you don’t want to use the pregenerated Rap Sheets but you do want to retain a little

authentic JoJo’s flavor, I recommend making up your party in a slightly specific way. In JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, there’s typically a fairly thematic way that the main characters’ party is set up, with the protagonist, usually a JoJo, a friendly rival, a straightforward ally, and a mentor. This dynamic typically gets mixed up for variety, but it’s tried and true more often than not.

In Part 3, the party makeup goes as follows:Protagonist/JoJo: Jotaro KujoFriendly Rival: Kakyoin Noriaki, IggyStraightforward Ally: Joseph Joestar, Jean-Pierre PolnareffMentor: Mohammed Avdol


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This party makeup typically works for most parts, so when composing your party, I recommend your group work together to build a dynamic similar to this one. Remember that just because the Protagonist is, well, the Protagonist, doesn’t mean he gets the spotlight. In the original Stardust Crusaders manga, Polnareff gets in as many victories and chapters as Jotaro and grows just as much as a character. Everyone gets to shine, whether they’re the JoJo or the Friendly Rival.

One last word of advice on this dynamic; Always name thematically. If someone wants to be a JoJo, make sure they’re a JoJo, even if they come up with a name that tows the line a little (Giorno Giovanna and Josuke Higashikata are excellent examples; look up some Japanese to see why “Higashikata” counts as a “Jo”.) They don’t necessarily have to be a Joestar, but a name like Joseph Jones, Joe Jonovan, or Georgette Jolson would fit a JoJo nicely. If someone wants to be the friendly rival, make a name that’s cool as ice, like Caesar Zeppeli or Okuyasu Nijimura. Over-the-top and ridiculous fits in just fine.

Also, you can never go wrong with a celebrity reference name. Actors, musicians, fashion designers, authors; Name your character after stuff you like! This goes so far that there’s even a character named Funny Valentine at one point. Don’t be afraid to ham it up.

Finally, there’s also the matter of converting datafiles from Marvel Heroic Roleplaying (remember, they’re Rap Sheets now!) into existing characters. This is perfectly fine and will even be discussed a little bit more in-depth in the STAND PROUD chapter. The long and short of it is, if you make a Stand User out of Wolverine, remember that the character themselves isn’t inherently made of metal, extremely adept at healing, and capable of producing claws; all those powers come from their Stand. Come up with a whacky name (probably music-based!), a cool Stand design, and the Stand User’s relationship with their power and you’ll be golden!


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INCORPORATING MUSICNow we’re in the thick of it. One of the most important things to the JoJo’s Bizarre

Adventure franchise, besides posing, using your wits, and being fabulous is the music. Even in the silent manga form, music plays an essential part in the story and setting, ranging from characters having obscure knowledge of Weird Al to human beings with names like “Robert E.O. Speedwagon”. After Part 3, nearly every Stand is named after a band, album, or song, and several humans before, during, and after Part 3 are named after band members.

To this end, I highly suggest incorporating music into your Stardust Crusaders campaign!This will add flavor to an encounter, make character more awesome, and generally add excitement and fun!

As far as rules go, I suggest doing this…Each character has 1 - 3 theme songs. The GM controls the soundboard/playlist/etc. and may play these themes whenever he feels it appropriate.These theme songs play during critical moments such as a 3 or 10 XP Milestone, a particularly awesome showing in a scene, or just a really good description.If your theme song plays during an Action Scene, the player has assumedly Stunted and does not need to pay the Style Point to gain the benefits of a Pose or Stunt on the first turn after the theme started. They just get a d8 or d10, depending on impressive description.

These rules don’t apply for Emcee Characters, whose themes usually play when they first appear and during their battle. If you’d like for it to apply, perhaps pick an exciting few generic battle themes, and play the Emcee Character’s main theme when you spend a d10 or higher out of the Doom Pool. The same rules as above apply, adding a d8 Pose or d10 Stunt to their dice pool for cool description and general evil-osity.

SIDEBAR: Super Sounds of the Stardust—In addition to all of the previous information, I’ve included 1 - 3 character

themes for each Emcee Character statted out, as well as on the Rap Sheets at the back of the book. These are the furthest thing from mandatory possible, and you can feel more than welcome to change themes, only use one or two, or even scrap the whole thing and ignore the music bit. It’s all in you and your players’ hands!


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STAND PROUD: A Guide to Stands, Stand Users, and Standing Tall

The Limits of Destiny: Rules of StandsNow it’s time to learn about your special abilities, your hero’s Stand. While the form,

function, and features of every Stand vary wildly from person to person (or rat to algae to corpse with an unstoppable flesh-eating mold thing), most of them are either bound by the rules or defined by their odd exception to them. So here we go!

Your Stand is like your guardian angel, sworn to protect you. The name comes from the fact that Stands “stand by” their user, sometimes using their powers without their owner’s direct order in order to protect the user and, as a result, themselves.An individual my only have ONE Stand, although the stand can evolve, such as a Stand that creates sound evolving into one that can create the effects of that sound, or a Stand that can create life becoming a Stand that can cancel the effects of any action. Just go with it.Stands can be inherited down a family line. Weirdly, this one is less common in the manga than you’d think.A Stand is a part of its user, so any damage taken is shared by both. Thus, if a stand breaks its arm, the user’s arm will also break. Some Stands, such as those with armor or increased durability, are immune to this effect (See Silver Chariot (Pg. XX)).Stands may only be seen by other Stand users, except for Stands bound to physical objects (Such as a Stand attached to a sword or a ship. See Anubis (Pg. XX) and Strength (Pg. XX).)Stands can only be directly damaged by other Stands. There’s not really a whole lot else to this one, but if you wanna have mooks or something be slightly dangerous, have them go for complications or Emotional or Mental stress.A Stand’s power is directly inverse-proportional to their range. The further away a Stand gets from its wielder, the less powerful it gets (or, in the case of some super short-range stands, it dissipates entirely and returns to the user). Long-range Stands and/or Stands with long-range abilities work far more simply, basically being powerful up to their maximum range or, y’know, just plain being projectiles. A bullet doesn’t hurt any less until it’s exceeded its maximum range, a fireball or a gemstone fired from a Stand probably doesn’t either.Stands are usually bound to their User’s body, but like with every other rule, there is always an exception. Iggy’s Stand, The Fool (See Pg. XX) is bound to sand and nearby dirt instead of himself, while Wheel of Fortune (See Pg. XX) is bound to a car.When a Stand User is killed, their Stand vanishes with them. Conversely, when a Stand is dealt a fatal blow, its user dies and the Stand vanishes. What constitutes a fatal blow varies from Stand to Stand (some have higher durability, after all), but generally if an injury happens to the Stand that would kill the User, chances are good both are dead.

Categorizing the Impossible: Stand Types/Stand Creation 101It’s worth noting that while every Stand is unique, Stands can often be filed under a

Stand Type. There’s a limited number of types that cover a wide range of abilities, and the typical Stand Types are as follows:

Close-Range Stands: Mama say knock you out. These Stands are typically devastating close combat fighters, such as Star Platinum (Pg. XX) and Silver Chariot (Pg. XX), or just have generally close-ranged attacks, such as Magician’s Red (Pg. XX) and Cream (Pg. XX). These guys will mess you up in a heartbeat, so keep your distance.


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Long-Range Stands: Long Range Stands are a little trickier. As the name implies, they mostly attack from long ranges, and unlike the typically exclusively-fighty Close-Range Stands, Long-Range Stands tend to have a variety of strange abilities, from object or person possession (See: The High Priestess, Pg. XX; The Lovers, Pg. XX) to tendrils (Hierophant Green, Pg. XX) or even remote damage (See: The Lovers again, Ebony Devil, Pg. XX). Long-Range Stands may seem more powerful, but they are generally unable to defend themselves once someone finally gets close enough to them, with advantage, to beat the snot out of them.Bounded Stands: Some Stands are bound to physical objects that can be seen by others, hiding their true form as special objects in the shape of the mundane. Their abilities vary wildly, but their ability to develop is often middling-to-lacking due to the fact that they often can only do certain predetermined things. Examples include Strength (Pg. XX), Thoth (Pg. XX), and Horus (Pg. XX).Ability Stands: These Stands are typically invisible to everyone, including other Stand users, but manifest as a supernatural ability the Stand user possesses bound to their own body. They typically are the toughest Stands in terms of durability because the Stand IS the ability, and is thus unlikely to be broken easily. The only real example of an Ability Stand in Stardust Crusaders is Khnum (Pg. XX), with others to be be covered in the Stone Ocean supplement.Automated Stands: These are nuts. Get this: Stands that work on their own. They typically have a simple objective without directly obeying any orders from their user, but some can be preset to follow orders following their activation. The user doesn’t have to be around for the Stand to work, and their range is often near-infinite just cuz they’re running on automatic. Furthermore, if they take any damage, the user typically does not because the Stand is a separate being altogether, such as the self-aware sword Anubis (Pg. XX) and the living wart-tumor-thing, The Empress (Pg. XX).There are also Stands known, respectively, as Combined Stands (which are Stands that are a mix of the above abilities, such as Weather Report) and Evolved Stands (Stands that have the inherent ability to evolve and become stronger, such as Whitesnake, pg. XX but to be covered in much more detail in the Stone Ocean Supplement.). These are beyond the scope of Stardust Crusaders and will not be covered in this book, but will take some focus in the Stone Ocean Supplement.Finally, there are stands who don’t fit under any of the previous categories but have categories and abilities all their own. These are called Special Stands. The only real Special Stand in Stardust Crusaders (to start with) is The World (Who has Universal Range, see Pg. XX), but by spending XP, your players can unlock a potential Special Stand ability for their character to use in Act Three: DIO’s World.

Now I Know My A-C-E’s: Stand StatisticsStands are governed by a set of Statistics that dictate what they can do. These are

Power (Sometimes called Destructive Power), Speed, Range, Durability (Sometimes called Staying), Precision, and Potential (Sometimes called Development Potential or Learning). Each of these defines a different aspect of the Stand’s abilities, and are ranked on a scale of A > B > C > D > E, with the only ranking lower than E being None, and the only thing higher than A being Infinite. Both None and Infinite are extremely rare, with only a handful of stands exhibiting either throughout the series.

The following rules are for starting new Stands and for adapting pre-existing ones BASED ONLY ON THEIR STATISTICS. Special abilities, circumstances, and other exceptions will be up to you, the Emcee, to decide on a case-by-case basis, but you will be able to look at the pre-made Stand power sets later in the book for inspiration. Note your Stand’s Statistics on your Rap Sheet as a baseline to keep these rules in mind.


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Finally, all Stands have the Conscious Activation Limit:Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown

STAND POWER SET. Recover POWER SET when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Mental trauma, shutdown STAND POWER SET until you recover that trauma.

Destructive Power: This is how hard your Stand can hit. It doesn’t just apply to a Stand’s brute force, however. It also applies to all their abilities put together.To portray Destructive Power mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, your Stand has no destructive power AT ALL. It cannot gain Weapon, Strength, and/or. Give it the following Limit:

Limit: No Power. A pool containing dice from STAND POWER SET cannot be used to inflict Physical stress.

At E or D, your Stand’s destructive power is Very Weak or Weak, meaning less to much less powerful than an average human. It can gain Weapon and/or any Blast or other destructive powers, but each starts at d6 and costs XP to gain. Furthermore, the cost to buy an attack ability at d6 is doubled if your Stand’s destructive rank is E.At C, your Stand’s destructive power is Average, at the same level as a normal human’s. This means it’s as good as, say, a knife or a bullet from a small pistol, but not much greater. It can gain Weapon, and/or any Blast or other destructive powers starting at d6 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At B, your Stand’s destructive power is Good, meaning above human average. This means it’s on the level of a grenade or other explosive, or a large-caliber bullet. It can gain Weapon, Strength, and/or any Blast or other destructive powers starting at d8 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At A, your Stand’s destructive power is Excellent. Think C4 or an elephant gun or a blade that can cut through tanks. It can gain Weapon, Strength, and/or any Blast or other destructive powers starting at d10 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At Infinite, your Stand’s destructive power is, well, Infinite. It can destroy anything. This basically means it’s like a neutron, nuclear, or atomic bomb - just really spectacularly destructive. It can gain Weapon, Strength, and/or any Blast or other destructive powers at d12, and does not need to spend XP to gain them. Additionally, it may gain the following SFX if appropriate to your Stand:

SFX: Infinite Power. Step up or double any attack power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.

Speed: This is how agile your stand is, how fast it can move, and how quickly it can perform its super-cool function. To portray Speed mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, when activated, your Stand cannot move. Period, end of story. Give it the following Limit:

Limit: Immobile. Earn 1 SP when your Stand’s inability to move becomes a complication for you.

At E or D, your Stand’s Speed is Very Weak or Weak. This means it’s as slow as a snail or a tortoise or something else really slow. It can gain Speed, Reflexes, and/or Flight in its power set, but each starts at d6 and costs XP to gain. Furthermore, the cost to buy a movement ability at d6 is doubled if your Stand’s Speed rank is E.


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At C, your Stand’s Speed is Average, and can move at the speed of a normal human. It can gain Speed, Reflexes, and/or Flight in its power set starting at d6 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At B, your Stand’s Speed is Good. It can run as fast as an olympic runner in peak physical condition, and possibly even faster. It can gain Speed, Reflexes, and/or Flight in its power set starting at d8 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At A, your Stand’s Speed is Excellent. It can move as fast as a jet (or fast as a shark if you wanna get all metalhead with it) and its speed is truly incredible. It can gain Speed, Reflexes, and/or Flight in its power set starting at d10 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At Infinite, your Stand’s speed is truly godlike, and can more than likely violate chronological restrictions and possibly even timeline causality. This thing is fast. It can gain Speed, Reflexes, and/or Flight in its power set at d12, and does not need to spend XP to gain them. Additionally, it may gain the following SFX if appropriate to your Stand:

SFX: Infinite Speed. Double a movement power for one reaction to an attack action. If that reaction fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die.

Range: Range tells you how far the stand can move spatially, how far from the user its powers can influence, and how far away it can physically appear. Range’s rules are slightly different from the other abilities.To portray Range mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, your Stand can only really manifest at you, ground freaking zero. This probably means it’s limited to touch-based attacks the user personally makes. Give your Stand the following Limit:

Limit: Zero Range. While facing an opponent you are unable to physically reach, change any STAND POWER SET power into a complication and gain 1 SP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

At E or D, your Stand’s Range is Weak or Very Weak. It can’t go much further than you, only able to extend 2 meters (or 7 feet) at Very Weak, or 10 meters (33 feet) at Weak. It can gain Stretching, Teleport, and/or Senses, but each starts at d6 and costs XP to gain. Furthermore, the cost to buy a movement ability at d6 is doubled if your Stand’s Range rank is E.At C, your Stand’s Range is Average, so 20 meters (66 feet). It can go reasonably far, at least far enough to spy on someone or something neat like that. It can gain Stretching, Teleport, and/or Senses, starting at d6 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At B, your Stand’s Range is Good, 50 meters (a little over 164 feet) in any direction! That’s a helluva range, but not quite the best ever. It can gain Stretching, Teleport, and/or Senses, starting at d8 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At A, your Stand has Great Range, able to travel up to 100 meters (a little over 328 feet). Holy crap! You could probably grab the tips of skyscrapers or something at that range. It can gain Stretching, Teleport, and/or Senses, starting at d10 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At Infinite, your Stand has just that: Infinite Range. It can go anywhere you can visualize (and possibly even places you can’t, but it can), almost like it’s got a life all its own. It can go all over, man. It can gain Stretching, Teleport, and/or Senses at d12, and does not need to


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spend XP to gain them. Additionally, it may gain the following SFX if appropriate to your Stand:

SFX: Infinite Range. Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.

Durability: This is how tough your stand is, how much endurance it has, and how well it can resist getting beat up. It can also measure how well it can stick to other objects, if that’s your Stand’s bag.To portray Durability mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, your Stand is absolutely the weakest of the weak, in terms of resisting damage. I don’t think it could even beat a pigeon. Give it the following Limit:

Limit: No Durability. Earn 1 SP to step up Physical Stress inflicted by physical attacks by +1.

At E or D, your Stand’s Durability is Very Weak or Weak. It can’t hold up to most solid punches. Poor thing’s just kinda puny. It can gain Durability, Stamina, and/or any Resistance power in its power set, but each starts at d6 and costs XP to gain. Furthermore, the cost to buy a resistance or staying ability at d6 is doubled if your Stand’s destructive rank is E.At C, your Stand’s Durability is Average, at the same level as a normal human. It can take a good solid punch from a tough opponent, but not a whole lot more. It can gain Durability, Stamina, and/or any in its power set starting at d6 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At B, your Stand’s Durability is Good. It could probably take a tank round with only minimal damage, if tanks could hurt Stands (Disclaimer: Your Stand is immune to tanks. You are not.). It can gain Durability, Stamina, and/or any Resistance power in its power set starting at d8 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At A, your Stand’s Durability is Excellent. Wow. Your Stand could probably take the tank round, then the tank dropped from a skyscraper, then the explosion of the tank. Jeeze. It can gain Durability, Stamina, and/or any Resistance power in its power set starting at d10 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At Infinite, nothing hurts your Stand. Not. A. Thing. The only thing keeping your stand from taking on every other Stand from here to Cairo is, well, the fact that you don’t have Infinite Durability. It can gain Durability, Stamina, and/or any Resistance power in its power set at d12, and does not need to spend XP to gain them. Additionally, it may gain the following SFX if appropriate to your Stand:

SFX: Infinite Durability. Spend 1 SP to ignore Physical Stress or Trauma unless dealt to the Stand User themselves.

Precision: Precision measures a Stand’s accuracy in terms of hitting things, as well as how well its abilities can influence or affect a specific target. A relatively simple ranking.To portray Precision mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, your Stand can’t hit the broadside of a barn (but it could potentially nuke a bunch of other barns that you were desperately hoping to avoid). Give it the following Limit:

Limit: No Precision. Change any STAND POWER SET power into a complication and gain 1 SP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

At E or D, your Stand’s Precision is Weak or Very Weak. It could potentially affect a range of things, but not very well and not very accurately. It can gain Reflexes, and/or Senses (or upgrade them if already gained by Range), and any other precision or control-based powers in its power set, but each starts at d6 and costs XP to gain. Furthermore, the cost to buy a resistance or staying ability at d6 is doubled if your Stand’s destructive rank is E.


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At C, your Stand’s Precision is Average. It has normal human eyesight, aiming, and so on, basic 20/20 vision stuff. It can gain Reflexes, and/or Senses (if not already gained by Range), and any other precision or control-based powers in its power set starting at d6 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At B, your Stand’s Precision is Good. It’s good stuff, able to pick a precise target or even a handful and hit them hard. It can gain Reflexes, and/or Senses (or upgrade them if already gained by Range), and any other precision or control-based powers in its power set starting at d8 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At A, your Stand’s Precision is Great. Really world-class and truly talented, you can target any part of any dozen people at once, or even different parts on a bunch of folks, or really anything you can put your mind to. It can gain Reflexes, and/or Senses (or upgrade them if already gained by Range), and any other precision or control-based powers in its power set starting at d10 (but no higher), and does not need to spend XP to gain them, only to improve them.At Infinite, nothing can resist your Stand and its incredible effects. This Stand could target the individual eyelashes of you, your entire extended family, and everyone they talked to today, and still have room to hit everyone on the nose on its way back. It can gain Reflexes, and/or Senses (or upgrade them if already gained by Range), and any other precision or control-based powers in its power set at d12, and does not need to spend XP to gain them. Additionally, it may gain the following SFX if appropriate to your Stand:

SFX: Infinite Precision. Shutdown your highest rated STAND POWER SET power to step up another STAND POWER SET power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Potential: Potential is unique among statistics for being less literal, less concrete. Instead of measuring a specific physical or mental trait, it measures the possible functionality of the Stand, how it can utilize it’s abilities and powers, and how it can advance and become smarter and more powerful. Mechanically, it works somewhat inverse of the other Statistics, with None being a peak state, but the most limited, and Infinite being the weakest, but least limited. To portray Potential mechanically, use the following rules:

At None, your Stand is at its most powerful, the greatest it will ever be. It could even be nearly omnipotent. It starts with 8d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d12, subtracting a die each time (8d8 —> 7d8 + d10 —> 6d8 + d12 —> 5d8 + d10 + d12, etc.). It begins with four SFX.At E, your Stand’s Potential is Very Weak. It has precious little room for mobility. It can do plenty, but it can’t learn much. It starts with 6d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (6d8 —> 5d8 + d10 —> 4d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with four SFX.At D, your Stand’s Potential is Weak. Not a lot of room for growth, but it hasn’t mastered itself yet either. It starts with 6d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (6d8 —> 5d8 + d10 —> 4d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with three SFX.At C, your Stand’s Potential is Average. It knows about as much about itself as any fully-grown adult, but it can always learn how to do more. It starts with 5d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (5d8 —> 4d8 + d10 —> 3d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with four SFX.At B, your Stand’s Potential is Good. Your Stand is pretty fresh, but has had to kick a few asses and take a few names. It’s got so much more it can do, however. It starts with 5d8 in


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Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (5d8 —> 4d8 + d10 —> 3d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with three SFX.At A, your Stand’s Potential is Very Good. Wow, this Stand can do whatever its master wills, it just needs to be able to do it based on ability and its master’s willing to teach it. It starts with 4d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (4d8 —> 3d8 + d10 —> 2d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with three SFX.At Infinite, I have two questions. One, is there anything your Stand CAN’T do? Two, how the hell did you manage to get this!? Either your Stand is brand, brand new, fresh out of the box as they say, or your Stand is somehow actually an infant. It starts with 4d8 in Power Traits. These can be can be combined one step at a time to a maximum of d10, subtracting a die each time (4d8 —> 3d8 + d10 —> 2d8 + 2d10, etc.) It begins with two SFX.

Building the Perfect Beast: Stand Creation 201Next up, actually creating and statting out a Stand. The rules above are great for

conversion, but what if your Stand doesn’t already exist? You’ll need to make it, of course so here’s how!

Your Stand’s Statistics have a Power Level and a matching Point Value. (Note: Many of the Stands in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and in this book itself do not match the power levels or point values - these are strictly for character and Stand creation use ONLY.)

The Power Level’s point value can be used to buy ranks in your Stand’s Statistics. The Emcee may assign your Stand a power level or you may be allowed to select one of your choice. As stated, with your Stand’s Power Level selected, you take the assigned amount of points and use them to buy ranks in your Stand’s Statistics as follows:

The ranks None and Infinite are specialty circumstances and cannot, by default, be selected at character creation. When all your ranks are assigned, use the Statistics rules on Pgs. XX - XX to determine how your Stand will be made.

SIDEBAR: But What if I WANNA Start With None and Infinite?What, None and Infinite? For a Starting Stand? That’s kind of odd. I mean, it can work,

sure, but it’s kind of odd, I mostly just included None and Infinite for use in converting Stands.

Low Power: 30 points Medium Power: 45 points

High Power: 60 points FABULOUS: 75 points

E: 1 point D: 3 points C: 6 points

B: 10 points A: 15 points


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I guess if it means that much to you, then a rank of None costs 0 Points, while a rank of Infinite costs 21 points. That seems suitably expensive to me. Don’t like it? That’s cool, you can have your own rules for None and Infinite at character creation! You can even contact and tell me about what you did if you want.

Hold the Phone, Slick. Where’s My Powers?That’s a mighty interesting question, and by “My” powers, I assume you mean the Stand

User’s powers. Well I’ll tell you - look at your favorite character’s Rap Sheet. Characters start with Affiliations, how good they work in a team, Distinctions, which are little phrases and things that describe them and their abilities, Specialties, which are areas of knowledge and expertise the Stand user personally has, and player Rap Sheets have Milestones, which are things the PC can do to game some XP. Those are all the things your character can do. Those are the User’s abilities, so just pick anything that makes sense.

Waitaminute, I Ain’t Done With You. What About Mechanics?Oh, you want some mechanics to go with that? Alright, fine, pushy. Jeeze. Figure out

your character’s age in three categories - 29 and Under, 30 - 55, and 56 and Over. Is your character young and small or old and frail? That’s a Distinction. Does your character wanna be a grown-up or find a way to age more gracefully (by any means necessary)? That’s a Milestone. Think stuff like that. Distinctions are what your character IS. Milestones are what your character wants (or doesn’t want) TO BE. As for Affiliations, just figure how your character works best - in a Team, with a Buddy, or Solo by themselves. Now for Specialties, characters 29 and Under get 2d8, which can be combined to d10 just like the Stand’s Potential. Characters 30 - 55 get 3d8, which can be combined to a maximum d10. Characters 56 and over get 4d8, which can be combined to a maximum d12. d8 is Expertise in a subject, they know a lot, d10 is Mastery, they’re probably a highly regarded expert on the subject, and d12 is Grandmastery, meaning they’re probably THE greatest in the world.

Bang, zoom, done. Now get off my back.

Stand Power SetsNow here’s some goodies for you: Stands and Stand Power Sets to help inspire,

motivate, and even shamelessly give you your own Stands and Stand Power Sets. These can be stapled to a character of your own, modified to fit a character, or even be used as the base for a similar Stand all your own. Sky’s the limit!

Make It Easy: Alternative Stand Power SetsDon’t like the more concrete powers? Then there’s an easier way to do power sets. After

spending points on your Statistics, as on Pg. XX, keep any given SFX or Limits from the from Now I Know My A-C-E’s (as well as the number of SFX from Potential), write out a short descriptor of what, specifically, your Stand can do, then make your Statistics themselves into your Power Set. That way, instead of specific powers, you list your Statistics. The statistics have the following dice:

D, E, and None: d4C: d6B: d8A: d10Infinite: d12


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This will require some tweaking from your Emcee, but what I would recommend is that you roll each stat, obviously, when it becomes relevant, adding up to two of the die types to your dice pool based on relevance.(So punching hard enough to break a stone wall would be Power + Durability, hitting a very specific part of an opponent would be Range + Precision, etc. etc.). When your character tries something new they’ve never done before, they can add Learning to their Dice Pool as well, regardless of whether or not there are already two dice in the pool. If their roll succeeds, they may add a new SFX based on the cool new move they just did.

And that’s that! Simple and clean, although not as good for specific powers. Still, if you want even less crunch and even closer to the “rules” of JJBA, that might do it for ya.

Turn the Lights Off :Turn the Lights Off creates an eery mist that can be used to inhabit the minds of

others. When inhabiting others, it takes their greatest fears and insecurities and gives them arms and teeth, and traps them in a pocket dimension from which they cannot escape. It manifests as an eery mist with a frightening eel-like creature that swims through it.

—Intangibility d10—Mind Blast d10—Telepathy d10—Enhanced Senses d8

—SFX: Bend the Nightmare . Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Turn the Lights Off powers to inflict Emotional stress.

—SFX: You Control It . Use two or more Turn the Lights Off powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.

—SFX: Taken for Turns . Step up or double your Turn the Lights Off powers for that Scene, or spend 1 SP to do both. Take second-highest rolling die of each subsequent action as Emotional Stress.

—SFX: Calm & Wild . Step up or double any Turn the Lights Off power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.

— Limit: No Power. A pool containing dice from Turn the Lights Off cannot be used to inflict Physical stress.

—Limit: Immobile. Earn 1 SP when your Stand’s inability to move from its fixed spot becomes a complication for you.

—Limit: No Durability. Earn 1 SP to step up Physical Stress inflicted by physical attacks by +1.

—Limit: Everybody Complicate It. Change any Turn the Lights Off power into a complication and gain 1 SP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown Turn the Lights Off . Recover Turn the Lights Off when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Mental trauma, shutdown Turn the Lights Off until you recover that trauma.


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The Future is MedievalThe Future is Medieval is an incredible mechanical humanoid with a highly futuristic

design, complete with visor with the glowing back and forth light thingy, and wielding a fearsome-looking laser blade. It can reduce the complexity of any physical object presented to it (swords to simple clubs, a pistol down to a flintlock, a laptop down to an older model, etc.) until it begins breaking down for various reasons, then further until it’s in its simplest form (i.e. swords —> Iron ore, a pistol —> a hunk of metal and some wood, a laptop —> gasoline and unrefined diamonds).

—Cyber Senses d6—Sword Blast d6—Enhanced Durability d8—Weapon d8—Superhuman Speed d10—Superhuman Reflexes d10—Supersonic Flight d10—Transmutation d10

—SFX: Heard it Break . When including Transmutation as part of an attack against armed or equipped targets, add d6 and step up effect die by +1.

—SFX: It Ends With Nothing . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting object reduction-based complication on a target.

—SFX: Howlaround Armor . Spend 1 SP to ignore Physical stress or Physical trauma unless caused by electric attacks.

—SFX: Coming Up for Air . Shutdown Enhanced Durability power to step up another The Future is Medieval power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

—Limit: Conditional. When struck with electric-based attacks, change any The Future is Medieval power into a complication and gain 1 SP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Weapon or Enhanced Durability powers and gain 1 SP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

—Limit: Limited Utility. Transmutation may NOT be used to inflict Physical stress or trauma.

—Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shutdown The Future is Medieval . Recover The Future is Medieval when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Mental trauma, shutdown The Future is Medieval until you recover that trauma.

The World’s AddressThe World’s Address is an expensive-looking, emerald-green pen that can teleport

an item anywhere written on the object - as long as the user clicks the pen afterwards. The catch is that it relies on specificity - it can go terribly wrong if you just write “Into Dio’s House”, but if you write “Into the bedroom of Dio Brando the vampire’s lair at 616 Khoshekh St.”, success is more guaranteed. Of course, one must know information that specific AND have the time to write it out.

—Teleport d10


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—SFX: Copernicus Was Wrong. When using Teleport in your dice pool, redirect Physical stress to Emotional stress at no cost.

—SFX: Hear This Song. Step up or double Teleport for one action, then step back to 2d at -1. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

—SFX: Leaves Me Depressed. Add a die to the doom pool equal to your current Emotional stress to add that Emotional stress die to a pool including a The World’s Address power.

—Limit: A Sadder Mess. Earn 1 PP when your lack of knowledge of a location becomes a complication for you.

—Limit: Not Already Guessed. When you have only a limited amount of time to write a message, change any The World’s Address power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Gear. Shutdown a The World’s Address power and gain 1 SP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

Double Dutch BusResembling a bizarre cross between man and bug, this diminutive stand is the strongest

stand in the entire world. It could outrun Made in Heaven, unfreeze The World, and outwit Ro-han Kishibe. It can heal things better than Crazy Diamond, break things better than Star Plat-inum, and mess up the plot better than Gold Experience Requiem. Except it can’t do any ofthose things, it’s pretty run of the mill. Unless, of course, you convince your opponent it CAN dothose things, then it can. But only to them, and anyone else convinced it can totally mess them up. If they have any reason to believe it’s weak, though, the walls come crumbling down…

—Superhuman Stamina d10—Mimic d6

—SFX: Movin’ Pretty Fast . Step up or double any Double Dutch Bus power for one action. If the action fails, add a die to the doom pool equal to the normal rating ofyour power die.

—SFX: Double Down. Add a die to the doom pool equal to your current Emotion-al stress to add that Emotional stress die to a pool including a Double Dutch Bus power.

—SFX: Off the Bus. Use your current Emotional stress die as your effect die, then step up your Emotional Stress by +1.

—SFX: Illusory Power. Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Double Dutch Bus powers to inflict Emotional stress.

—SFX: Gutsy Move. If a pool includes a Double Dutch Bus power, you mayreplace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.

—Limit: Missed My Train. On an attack that deals Emotional stress, change anyDouble Dutch Bus power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or re-

movethe complication to recover the power.

—Limit: I’ll Be Darn. Earn 1 PP to step up Emotional or Mental stress inflicted byopponents calling your bluffs by +1.

—Limit: Ain’t Got No Car. Count 1s and 2s on dice as opportunities when using a Double Dutch Bus power.

—Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shut-down Double Dutch Bus . Recover Double Dutch Bus when you recover that stress or


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wake up. If you take Emotional trauma, shutdown Double Dutch Bus until you recover thattrauma.

Crazy TrainCrazy Train looks like a strange mechanical mask that covers its user's face, sealing

it off from the elements. When in use, its edges unfurl into bubblegum pink fabric that fuses to-gether into a seamless protective suit, covering its user and anything they’re riding on. Crazy Train allows its user to enter the exotic, many-folded structures known as Calabi-Yau mani-folds. These esoteric figures have six dimensions, exist at every point in space, and are an im-portant component of modern string theory. Crazy Train has little power of its own, but en-tering these figures allows it to exploit their properties in many ways, like slowing the relative flow of time, folding space, or using their inherently destructive properties as an attack. Anything exposed to Calabi-Yau space suffers the simultaneous effects of extreme heat, cold, and radia-tion, but when employed, Crazy Train protects its user from these conditions.

—Godlike Speed d12—Superhuman Durability d10—Mimic d10

—SFX: Going Off the Rails . Use two or more Crazy Train powers in a single dice pool at -1 step for each additional power.

—SFX: That’s How It Goes. Add a die from the doom pool to one or more attack actions. Step up the doom pool die by +1 for each action; return it to the doom pool when you’re done.

—SFX: Versatile. Split Godlike Speed into two dice at –1 step, or three dice at –2 steps.

—Limit: Uncontrolled Forces. Change any Crazy Train power into a compli-cation and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Crazy Train power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

Diamond DogDiamond Dog resembles an emaciated guru, its skin a rough patchwork of expen-

sive-looking fox and mink furs and cheap cheetah-print cloth. Its head resembles a coyote's, and the patches of its fur are "buckled" together by diamond-encrusted silver spoons, embed-ded in the Stand's flesh and bent into uselessness. Diamond Dog knows the precise time, location, and manner of its user's most probable death. They have access to this knowledge, and can use it to evade nearly any attack. The Stand can also read its opponents' eyes and body language with superhuman skill, thanks to its A-rank Precision. Diamond Dog also has the ability to see subtitles. This includes subtitles of internal dialogue, effectively allowing it to read minds and predict its enemies' actions. This also lets its user understand any language.

—Psychic Reflexes d10—Psychic Senses d10—Mind Reading d8

—SFX: Future Legend . Spend 1 PP to add Psychic Reflexes (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction.


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—SFX: Big Brother . Add a D6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Diamond Dog to create assets.

—Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Diamond Dog power and gain 1 PP. Re-cover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

—Limit: Conscious Activation: While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shut-down Diamond Dog . Recover Diamond Dog when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Emotional trauma, shutdown Diamond Dog until you recover that trauma.

HysteriaHysteria is a mass of constantly contorting, black tentacles that can erupt from the

user's body at will. Hysteria 's tentacles are adorned with gold bangles with the user’s nick-name or initials etched all over them. Hysteria can be used to enter the minds of the user’s enemies. If Hysteria can successfully make contact with a creature's head, the user can ac-cess their mind to read, edit, erase, repeat, rewrite, scramble, splice, or steal their short term memory. They are left open to attacks while using Magical Mysteria , their consciousness becoming disconnected from their body while it is active. When using Magical Mysteria on an unconscious or consenting target, the user can access long term memory as well as short term memory. Given enough time, Hysteria can also access memories taken from inani-mate objects or electronics. This may or may not involve their destruction. Finally,

Hysteria 's high Speed and Precision allow it to perform multiple small tasks at a rapid pace. It can also perform rapid whips in the place of the standard ORA ORA ORA attack.

—Superhuman Reflexes d10—Superhuman Speed d10—Enhanced Durability d8—Enhanced Strength d8—Telepathy d8—Tentacles d6

—SFX: Magical Mysteria . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflicting memory-based complications on a target..

—SFX: Retro Active . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Hysteria to create memory-based assets.

—SFX: Healing. Add Telepathy to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another's Emotional stress or step back your own or another's Emotional trauma by -1.

—SFX: WRYYYYYY . Spend 1 PP to add Tentacles (or step up by +1 if al-ready in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction.

—Limit: Conditional. When using Telepathy on a conscious or unwilling oppo-nent, change any Hysteria power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shut-down Hysteria . Recover Hysteria when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Emotional trauma, shutdown Hysteria until you recover that trauma.

Soupy George


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Soupy George is a full can of soup with a string attached, that you wear on your head. The can is wholly unremarkable but, bizarrely, changes to whatever brand of canned soup is most popular in the country you’re in, seeming completely common except for the string strap looped through it. Anyone who wears the soup can on their head with the strap in place is sub-ject to the effect Soup On Your Head , which causes literally hundreds of eyes to manifest all over their body. Bizarrely, these eyes are extremely resistant to physical AND mental attacks, and give the user an incredible sense of sight - able to pick out even the smallest details of a situation with an almost zen-like sense of situational awareness. The eyes are invisible to non-stand users, the soup can is not, and it makes the user look frankly ridiculous.

—Psychic Resistance d10—Superhuman Durability d10—Superhuman Senses d10—Shapeshifting d8

—SFX: Who’s That Man? . Spend 1 PP to add Superhuman Senses (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction.

—SFX: Focus. If a pool includes a Soupy George power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.

—SFX: Regeneration. Spend 1 PP to recover your Physical stress and step back your Mental trauma by -1.

—Limit: Gear. Shutdown a Soupy George power and gain 1 PP. Take an ac-tion vs. the doom pool to recover.

Big Time OperatorBig Time Operator is the ultimate thief. It resembles a thin woman with extremely

long arms and a face consisting of one, big, suspicious-looking eye. Her chest is actually hinged, and pops open to produce a hanging closet of keys. The user instinctively knows which key they need, while non-users who aren’t told which key to grab are left metaphorically fum-bling in the dark. These keys can unlock anything, /anything/, and allow the user to steal one item from the space they opened before the surface closes again. The keys are one-use and regenerate after time. Items that can be unlocked are anything from doors to security cases to vaults to human bodies. Items that can be stolen are limited to one, but can be anything and come loose as if unsecured by anything - up to and including bundles of cash from a vault, a person from a prison cell (lifted by the stand as if weightless), and a human heart or lung from their body. The keys open a space in the “door” large enough for at least the user’s to fit through, with space for their whole body if the unlocked surface is large enough. After taking one item, the portal seals and Big Time Operator teleports you out, or you remain inside if you so choose. Perhaps most bizarrely, items vital for the thing being robbed to function contin-ue to function as if they're still attached unless the item is permanently destroyed - a human heart continues beating and the person keeps living, a clock continues to operate if its main gear is taken, a security camera keeps working if its internal power source is taken out, etc.

—Superhuman Senses d10—Superhuman Reflexes d10—Intangibility d8—Transmutation d8—Stretching d6—Teleport d6


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—SFX: Blacklisted . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when inflict-ing door, portal, and unlocking-based complications on a target.

—SFX: Boost. Shutdown your highest rated Big Time Operator power to step up another Big Time Operator power by +1. Recover power by activating an opportuni-ty or during a Transition Scene.

—SFX: Motivation . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Big Time Operator to create door, portal, and unlocking-based assets.

—SFX: Focus. If a pool includes a Big Time Operator power, you may re-place two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.

—Limit: One Small Error. Count 1s and 2s on dice as opportunities when using a Big Time Operator power.

—Limit: Limited Utility. Big Time Operator powers may not be used to inflict Physical stress, only Emotional and Mental stress as well as complications.

—Limit: Conscious Activation. While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shut-down Big Time Operator . Recover Big Time Operator when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Emotional trauma, shutdown Big Time Operator until you recover that trauma.

Dance CommanderDance Commander resembles an authoritative, pulp space opera take on a ship’s

captain, with blue skin and metal features around his body including a pair of silver sunglasses, a steel nose and mustache that seem to have been bolted on, shiny metal elbow pads, knee pads, and metal hands with shiny bolts on each finger joint from the knuckles down with the phrase “P A R TY!” spelled out over the heads of each bolt. (P for one finger, A for another, T for the third, etc.). Dance Commander’s user knows the fate of every person it looks on, but only if their fate is tragic, boring, or harmful to others. Dance Commander can manipulate the fate of such people, moving pieces into place in the exact way to make the most fun out-come - usually a party of some kind. However, this fun outcome is usually only a diversion - if the person accepts and has a good time, their fate is averted. If they refuse, they continue on their fate - but now it is even worse, with a grim outcome for a formerly-boring fate, a truly horri-ble one for someone suffering a tragic fate, and a catastrophic danger awaiting the victims of someone whose fate was to harm others. It is also very strong and can fire its fists as a weapon, but this is typically only used as a last resort due to its slow speed and its control powers being more powerful.

—Destiny Control d10—Mind Control d10—Enhanced Durability d8—Enhanced Strength d8—Weapon d8

—SFX: Let’s Get This Party Started Right . Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using Dance Commander to create partying and fun-related assets.

—SFX: Dance Commander, We Love You Add Destiny Control to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another's Emo-tional stress or step back your own or another's Emotional trauma by -1.


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—SFX: Radio Message From HQ . Spend 1 PP to add Destiny Control (or step up by +1 if already in your pool) and reroll all dice on a reaction.

—Limit: Too Slow. When making or reacting to a physical attack action change any Dance Commander power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Partied Out. Shutdown any Dance Commander power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

—Limit: Conscious Activation: While stressed out, asleep, or unconscious, shut-down Dance Commander . Recover Dance Commander when you recover that stress or wake up. If you take Emotional trauma, shutdown Dance Commander until you recover that trauma.


Page 26: By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man - img.fireden.net · By Lonesome Blues DM and Blue Man 1. JJBAHRP - Draft 0.0.8b - SANRAITO YERO OBADRAIBU!!!!! Edition JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


The JoestarsThis is the story of an incredible bloodline destined to save many lives - destined to save

the world. This is the story of heroism and heartbreak, or triumph and tribulation. This is a story that begins in the 19th century and continues to this very day. This is the story of the Joestar family line.

In 1868, a truly remarkable young man was born: Jonathan Joestar, son of George and Mary Joestar. While shopping in London, Mary and George purchase a stone mask and crash their carriage on the way home, killing the driver and Mary. George Joestar, however, is found and “saved” by a poor man named Dario Brando - really a vagabond who was intending to loot George Joestar’s body for his valuables. Fooled by the man, George Joestar formed a “friendship” with this man, and arranged for Dario’s son, Dio, to stay with the family in the event of his death.

When Dario died in 1880, murdered by his own son, Dio moved in with the Jouster family. He and Jonathan refused to get along, with Dio relentlessly bullying and beating Jonathan. This rivalry culminated in 1881 with a competition for the affections of Jonathan’s beloved friend, Erinna Pendleton, that ended with Jonathan finally beating Dio in an out-and-out brawl after he stole a kiss from the young lady. In retribution, Dio killed Jonathan’s pet dog, Danny. With no proof of Dio’s crimes, Jonathan and Dio had something of a cold war stalemate between the two of them.

Seven years later, in 1888, George Jouster falls sick. Jonathan discovers a letter from Dio’s father, implicating Dio in a plot to assassinate George Joestar for the family’s fortune. He also finds a poison which Dio used to kill his own father and was presently poisoning George Joestar with. Traveling to Ogre Street, where the poison was bought, he is accosted by a gang led by a man named Robert Edward O. Speedwagon, who detects the kindness and sense of purpose in Jonathan’s heart and agrees to help him find the poison dealer, and the proof of Dio’s crimes.

Buzzsaw Hat—Weapon d8

—SFX: Painful. Add d6 and step up effect die by +1 when using Buzzsaw Hat powers to inflict Physical stress.

—Limit: Gear. Shutdown a POWER SET power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool to recover.

After capturing the poison dealer, Wang Chan, and bringing him and the police back to Jouster Mansion with the proof they need to arrest Dio Brando. Dio kills George Jouster with a knife and puts on the mysterious stone mask, transforming him into a terrible creature after he is shot by the police. Dio slaughtered the police and battled with Jonathan, who took severe damage during the fight but managed to bury Dio under the burning rubble of his former home.

Some time later, Jonathan meets an eccentric man named William Anthonio Zeppeli, who has heard of Jonathan’s plight. He tells Jonathan that his enemy, Dio, had become a vampire, and teaches Jonathan the power of the Ripple, or “Hamon”, a powerful martial arts revolving around controlled breathing and harnessing the power of the sun. Jonathan learns this power and destroys his first vampire, Jack the Ripper, and together he and Zeppeli learn that Dio survived the mansion in the duel and fled to Windknights, where he intends to raise an abominable zombie army.


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After defeating many foes, mastering the Ripple, and losing friends and allies to the insidious Dio, Jonathan finally battles and destroys the body of Dio Brando. Thinking him dead, he leaves with Speedwagon and Erinna. Speed wagon destroys the cursed stone mask, and in 1889 Erinna and Jonathan are married, Erinna pregnant with Jonathan’s child. While on a cruise heading for America, however, the severed head of Dio Brando arrives, intending to steal Jonathan’s body for himself after perpetrating a zombie massacre of the entire cruise ship. Jonathan dies saving Erinna’s life, and Erinna saves the life of a baby on board the ship, floating to safety.

Erinna moved to America with her son and daughter, never remarrying. By 1910, Robert Speedwagon became extraordinarily wealthy after finding a large amount of oil, leading to the founding of the Speedwagon Foundation.

Years later, in 1938, Jonathan’s grandson, Joseph Joestar, started one of the greatest adventures of his life. The details of this adventure are much wider-spanning than even Jonathan’s, but suffice it to say Joseph defeated a truly grand evil the likes of which would scarcely be seen again for many years. The details of Jonathan AND Joseph Joestar’s Bizarre Adventures will be covered in more detail in JJBAHRP Origins: Pt. 1 and 2 Sourcebook.

The RippleIn brief, the Ripple is a martial art, also known as “Hamon” or “Sendo”, that allows the

wielder to use the energy of the sun’s rays through breathing and empowering their body with “ripples” of solar energy. While it is especially effective against the undead, it can also be used to empower non-living objects, which become more dangerous through the solar energy pump-ing through them, and can be implemented near flawlessly with the user’s own unique style. The power is extremely versatile and is able to be channeled through almost anything, from swords, to hammers, to a specially-made scarf or even spaghetti noodles and hair. However, the martial art can be either partially or fully inhibited by exhausting the opponent or cutting off their breath-ing. It was the Ripple that defeated Dio Brando the first time, as well as the terrifying Pillar Men, including Kars, the Ultimate Life Form.

The Ripple—Enhanced Stamina d8—Enhanced Strength d8—Stretching d6—Sun Influence d6

—SFX: Extra Effective. When including Sun Control as part of an attack against undead targets, add d6 and step up effect die by +1.

—SFX: Ripple Empowerment. Add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 when using The Ripple to create sun-empowered object-based assets.

—SFX: Overdrive. If a pool includes a The Ripple power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die +1 step larger.

—Limit: Breath-Based. When your ability to breathe is inhibited in any way, change any The Ripple power into a complication and gain 1 PP. Activate an opportunity or remove the complication to recover the power.

—Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any The Ripple power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.


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The Speedwagon FoundationThe Speedwagon Foundation is a philanthropic and scientific organization which, in

addition to its various human rights activities, develops numerous scientific advances and vehicles. It also contains the Supernatural Research Department, which studies things from vampires and other monsters to Stands and how they are created. They are sworn to provide the Jouster family and its descendants with anything they need.

Association with the Speedwagon Foundation and the Jouster Family can be an excellent source of Assets and Resources for player characters. If the PCs seem stuck, there’s also always a Speedwagon representative with critical information of some kind or another and access to a telephone.PCs with the Ripple can also have Stands, although having more than two Power Sets is uncommon, and having more than three is right out.In addition to the Ripple, there’s an alternate universe counterpart in Part 6 known as The Spin. The Spin’s differences from the Ripple are numerous and bizarre (appropriately enough), but it can largely be replicated using the Ripple Power Set above. However, the Spin can also develop into a Stand as its ultimate technique. Keep this in mind when developing a character with it. Furthermore, since the Spin is technically an alternate universe concept, it might seem hard to implement into canon, but if your players really want it, they can always have learned it from someone brought over via the clever use of Dastardly Actions Performed At A Premium (it’s dimension travel. D4C is dimension travel).

Name: Speedwagon Foundation Field AgentsAffiliations: Team 3d8Distinctions: Helpful As Can Be, Loyal To the Joestars, Cannon FodderSecurity Equipment: Durability d6, Weapon d8

SFX: Area Attack. Add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target.Limit: Mob Cohesion. Defeat affiliation dice (with D10 stress) to reduce mob. Each affiliation die is treated

as a separate target for Area Attack SFX.Specialties: Science Expert d8, Vehicle Expert d8

<==To Be Continued |\|
