By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

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Page 1: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

Alysha Bilharz
K i didnt change much, but did you just copy and paste? Cuz it sounds like you did! lol
Alysha Bilharz
hey mija???
Alysha Bilharz
lol hey so i cant find the site of the upper left corner pic on # 7
Mija Cotton
_Marked as resolved_
Mija Cotton
Page 2: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

History of Churros

★ The name ‘churro came from the “Churro Sheep of Spain”- a name of a breed of sheep

★ Fried bread was a popular choice, which later became fried bread sprinkled with sugar.

★ Shepherds’ fried bread became star shaped, which allowed it to be fully cooked yet still soft on the inside,

★ To this day, some areas of Spain regularly serve their churros sprinkled with sugar.

Page 3: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

Churros Con Chocolate★ While coffee is an essential part of the

Spanish way of life, the best companion for churros has to be Spanish hot chocolate, often described as liquid gold.

★ In Spain hot chocolate is taken very seriously, unlike us.

Page 4: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

It is very rare that Spaniards would invite someone into their home. Instead, they would invite them to go out for churros con chocolate.

churros con chocolate?


Churros con Chocolate vs. Coffee

Page 5: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

Ingredients For Churros!

1 cup water

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 eggs, beaten

Vegetable oil, for frying

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon, optional

1 tablespoon cornstarch

2 cups milk

4 ounces dark chocolate, chopped

1/4 cup sugar

Churros: Chocolate for Dipping:

Page 6: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

● Combine cup of water with the butter or margarine and the salt in a saucepan and bring to boil

● Stir in flour and reduce heat to low

● Stir vigorously until mixture forms ball(about a minute)

● Remove from heat

● Continue to stir while gradually beating eggs into the dough

● Start making chocolate for dunking

● Dissolve cornstarch into 1 cup milk and reserve

● In a separate bowl combine chocolate with the 1 cup of milk in saucepan

● Stir constantly throughout the rest of directions

● Melt chocolate, whisk sugar and dissolved cornstarch into the chocolate

● Whisk until chocolate thickens(about 5 minutes)

● Remove from heat and whisk until smooth then reserve in a warm place

● Heat 2 inches oil in a high sided pot until it reaches 360 degrees

● (Optional)Mix sugar with the cinnamon on a plate, Reserve

● Meanwhile spoon churro dough into pastry bag fitted with a large tip

● Squeeze 4-inch strip of dough into hot oil.

● Repeat frying(3-4 strips at once)

● Fry the churros flipping once, until golden brown(about 2 minutes per side)

● Put cooked churros on a plate with paper towels to drain

● When churros are cool enough to handle, roll in cinnamon-sugar(or just plain sugar)

● Serve and enjoy by dipping the warm churros into the warm chocolate!

Cooking Directions:

Page 7: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

Presentation will Continue on Monday ;)

Page 8: By: Morgan Kellogg, Alysha Bilharz, & Mija Cotton

Citing Our Sources...

text sources:pages 2-3http://www.guide2granada.com/living-in-spain/eating-a-drinking/churros-con-chocolate Pages 5-6http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/anne-burrell/churros-con-chocolate-recipe/index.html

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https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&docid=isY4mQgpghk5bM&tbnid=YxjCxxrO-BNCAM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.head-fi.org%2Ft%2F161903%2Fchurro-versus-pretzel&ei=DnJEUtL-B-Wq2QWy6oBw&bvm=bv.53217764,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGiAYXgJTkDiUeFQ8pLj_Oi1toL7Q&ust=1380303 733595865


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