by: Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

By : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

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Page 1: By : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

by: Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions

Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

Page 2: By : Pam Boyd Dramatic Conclusions Creating Drama-Free Workplaces

Managing People Doesn’t Have to Be This Way…

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A leader isa vendorof hope


Critical Point Many Leaders Forget

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If I don’t know how to win

I don’t have hope.

When I don’t have hope I don’t


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Understands what we want.

Appreciates what we do well.

Has a plan to help us.

We are more likely to listen to someone who…

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Working in the right triangle









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What Managers Usually Do When Employees Do Not Perform Well Roll their eyes


Avoid them

Run to HR

Punish passively

Hope they quit

Hope they come down with a serious disease that’s not infectious

Fanaticize about hiring a hit-man

Hope they win the lottery so they don’t have to work with people anymore

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The Number Two Fear of Adults

Fear of


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1. Know Fear Triggers2. Discuss Clear Boundaries and Expectations3. Follow-up with Tenacity!4. Have the Second Conversation during the First

Drama-Free Basics

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Step one: Know Fear


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Feelers Fear of conflict

Talkers Fear of disapproval

Doers Fear of being taken

advantage of

People Focused

Task Focused

Thinkers Fear of being wrong

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The biggest problem with communication is the

illusion that communication

has occurred!

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Opening Phrases to Use With

Different Personality Styles

Talkers: Use “Praise Sandwich”…without the “but”

Example: “You’re so good with people and you deserve more credit for that.”

Doers: “Here’s the issue and here’s what I need from you.”

Thinkers: “I’ve been thinking about how we can be more accurate and efficient.”

Feelers: “I need your help.”

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Don’t expect anyone to get excited about your agenda

until you are excited about theirs.


Key Point

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Step two: Discuss Clear Boundaries

and Expectations

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Drama-Free Accountability

1 10My Perception


How do we close this gap?

Bite-size pieces

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What Does Success Look Like to You?

The Critical Question I Forgot to Ask

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Loyal vs. Disloyal

OppositionWhat’s the difference?

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Magic phrases for tough talk

Can we talk about what just happened?

I owe you an apology. I should have been honest with you earlier.

Can we start over? What we are currently doing is not

working. Ask for a wish-list.

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Give me yourWish List

If you could change anything about my

performance, what would you change?

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Step three: Follow-up with


“If it breathes, it needs encouragement.” – Charlie Chaplain

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The lack of communication

is a form of abuse.

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𝐸÷𝑈𝐸=°𝑝𝐷Experience divided by

Unmet Expectations equals

Degree of potential Drama

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Step four: Have the Second

Conversation during the First

Take the fear and indigestion out of follow-up!

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The Power of Contingencies

• Expect the best but be prepared for the worst

• Get support for your back-up plan from HR or supervisor

• Communicate the next step with the associate so it won’t be difficult to follow-up

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The Contingency Plan

“If this doesn’t work, what’s our next step?”

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1. Know _____ __________.

2. Discuss Clear _________ ___ _____________.

3. Follow-up ____ ___________!

4. Have the Second Conversation ________ ____ _______.

Drama-Free Review

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quickly transforming the drain of drama to the pulse of peace at home and at work.

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