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By Shaquil Osmani GetUpGetMoving How to complete this quiz This slideshow will take you through a series of 10 questions, these questions will test your

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CorrectThe Body Mass Index (BMI) is a tool that can be used to tell how healthy a person's weight is. You can use the BMI to find out if you're a healthy weight for your height. If your BMI is less than 18.4, you're underweight for your height. If your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, you're an ideal weight for your height. If your BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you're over the ideal weight for your height. If your BMI is between 30 and 39.9, you're obese. If your BMI is over 40, you're very obese.


Try Againhint: begins with bodyWhich one of the following is an essential component of a healthy diet?(a) Pasta(d) Bread(c) Water(b) Fish

What does BMI stand for?(a) Body Mass Index(d) B008 Mean Index(c) Baghdad Missile Instructions(b) Body Mean Index

What is the recommended calorie daily intake for men and women?(c) 2500 men1950 women(d) 2550 men1940 women(b) 3000 men2000 women(a) 2000 men1000 women

What is the most important meal of the day?

(a) Lunch(d) Dinner(c) Breakfast(b) Snacking

Which one of the four doesnt affect how many calories you burn during Zumba(a) Duration(d) Intensity(c) Confidence(b) Weight

What food group is efficient for a healthy balanced diet(a) Fats(c) Protein (d) All Of Them(b) carbohydrates

How much fat is in medium fries(a) 390(c) 380(d) 385(b) 400

Who invented BMI(a) Steve Jobs(c) Adolphe Quetelet(d) Gregor Miller(b) Isaac Newton

How much sleep does the average teenager need8.5 hours10 hours9.5 hours9 hours

What is a calorieA unit of sugarA unit of massA unit a tempertaureA unit of energy
